What benefits are provided by pensioners for public transport. Travel benefits to pensioners

The state seeks to support retirees. For this category of citizens, a list of benefits is provided. However, the crisis forced the power of the capital to think about savings.

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Because of this, the deprivation of pensioners benefits for the right of travel in the metro in Moscow in 2019. The action saved more than 4 billion rubles.

However, the state has not forgotten about citizens. Pensioners received a subsidy in the form of an increase in pension.

Initial information

Before dealing with the question of free drives in the metropolitan metro, it is worth finding out what benefits are provided to pensioners.

The cost of the ticket

The deprivation of benefits forced pensioners to buy tickets on the metro at a cost, relevant to ordinary citizens. From January 1, 2019, another increase in the cost of the passage occurred.

It increased by about 7.5%. The price of a metro ticket to Moscow depends on the number of trips that the citizen acquires at the same time. If he wants to buy:

Additionally, there are tickets that allow you to purchase trips in Moscow on all types of public public transport.

The cost of the travel depends on its validity period and ranges from 210 to 18,200 rubles. The number of trips is not limited.

What transport benefits are provided additionally

When the benefits were canceled, a special subsidy was assigned. It is paid in the form of pensions. Its size is 400 rubles.

In practice, retirees will have to pay only for the passage of the subway. Today, the regional carrier is working in the suburbs.

It allows pensioners to move on some types of public transport for free. Veterans of labor and military service will be able to move without making board and on trainers.

Today, the following types of transport benefits are available to pensioners:

  • free movement on suburban transport, including by train;
  • providing a discount of 100% if the pensioner goes to Moscow to visit medical institutions;
  • free use of municipal transport, such as the bus.

If the situation is not included in the category of the above, the pensioner will have to independently pay the fare. Privileges do not apply to private route carriers and taxi services.

All categories of citizens should be made for their services, including pensioners who previously worked in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, deputies and disabled.

The consequences of the abolition of public services

Thanks to the reduction of the number of benefits, the Moscow authorities managed to save a large amount of cash.

They were aimed at financing other social companies for the elderly. However, pensioners say that the cancellation of the right of free travel on the metro is very unprofitable.

The authorities of the capital are trying to compensate for the fare due to an increase in the size of the pension and the provision of Moscow surcharge.

Having moved to the capital to a permanent place of residence, the pensioner will be able to count on an additional increase in retirement.

Cancellation of benefits for free trips to the metro greatly hit the pocket of Moscow retirees. Compensation provided by the authorities is not enough for trouble-free movement along the capital.

However, the decision made it possible to significantly reduce the expenses of the region. The authorities saved more than 4 billion rubles, which were aimed to implement other pensioners programs.

The growing crisis in the Russian Federation is most of all beats through unprotected segments of the population, including by pensioners. However, pension legislation establishes some benefits to these persons.

The budget of the Russian Federation provides for significant amounts to compensate for retirees of the cost of travel in municipal transport.

It is worth noting that these compensation payments determined by regional authorities. That is why in some cities, the people of retirement age go to the mountain transport for free, and in others it is only partially compensated for the fare.

In this article we will talk about what preferences for travel in municipal transport are provided to various categories of pensioners in the current year.

Who laid discounts

We list which of pensioners may have privileges for the use of mountain transport:

It is noteworthy that any pensioner has the right to refuse a preferential passage. In case of refusal From this germ, it can take advantage of the right to receive compensatory surcharge to pension calculations.

Types of transport

The magnitude of compensation for travel in the mountainsport depends on the place of residence of the pensioner and is regulated by the regional authorities.

Discounts on travel to the elderly people act in the following types of transport:

  • public mountain transport;
  • air communication (the magnitude of the benefits is regulated by the carrier);
  • electric train;
  • suburban trains.

Types of state-owned and the rules for its receipt

In addition to retirees, worked in the Ministry of Internal Affairs and held in military service, Provided once a year paid by the state transport for travel to the place of treatment and back. In addition, when dismissing from military service, the state pays military retirees to the place of permanent residence and, if necessary, a railway container for transporting personal property weighing up to 20 tons.

Among other things, 50% of the seasonal discount on the fare on water and railway transport is relied. Also, the persons of the retirement age, living in the plague and equivalent to the territories, have the opportunity once every two years to go to the sanatorium and hospital. In addition, they are serviced out of turn at the ticket offices of all types.

To get this benefit, you need write a statement to the local department of PF, as well as provide a passport and documentation confirming the right to provide social assistance.

Wherein military pensioners It is necessary to contact the Military Office in which they receive a pension.

Regional programs

In addition to federals, regional preferences are also existing for travel in the mountain transport for pensioners.

Consider some regional programs.

Moscow and the area

In the capital and region, all the persons of the retirement age, regardless of the category, enjoy the right of free passage in any form of the mountain transport (including metro), except for commercial. To obtain this benefit, elderly people need to be a resident of the capital or region, as well as get the ECC (single) Muscovite. This card can be issued in the organs of social protection.

It must be provided next documentation:

You can clarify the list of required documents by referring to the operator of the hotline Rusz of the capital or region.

St. Petersburg

In St. Petersburg, pensioners are given the opportunity to buy tickets for travel at a discount.

According to the Social Code of St. Petersburg, this preference is provided for all types of mountain transport, with the exception of commercial. If the pensioner is the hero of Russia or the Soviet Union, the rear employee, or veteran of the Second World War, a resident of a blockade Leningrad, who lives in the northern capital, then it has the right to buy travel tickets at a discount on suburban trains from May to December.

Preferential tickets can be purchased after presenting a passport and a pensioner certificate. Detailed information about these social support programs can provide local compartments of social protection.

Other regions

IN Lipetsk Pensioners may arrange a transport card that provides the ability to use the relief at a preferential tariff - 4 rubles. 35 kopecks You can get it in special centers upon presentation of a pensioner certificate.

Since July 2016 in Volgograd Some changes were made regarding privileges for the passage for the citizens of the retirement age in municipal transport. According to them, the preferential passage in the mountain transport is relying to the following persons:

IN Novgorod Citizens of retirement age (not beneficiaries) quarterly pay compensation for travel in the amount of 600 rubles. In addition, labor veterans every month receive 508 rubles. For payment of travel in municipal transport. Also, depending on the group, persons with disabilities are accrued a certain amount to pay for travel in the mountain transport.

Transport costs are very expensive. This is especially hard for pensioners, since their material state leaves much to be desired. In this regard, it is important to know which types of transport and in what amount are the benefits of pensioners, as well as the entire procedure for designing these benefits.

Preferential conditions for travel in trainers for pensioners of the Russian Federation are established by the state, as well as individually in certain regions of the country. Many cities and subjects have their own features and nuances, here are some examples:

  1. St. Petersburg. The authorities of the Leningrad Region adopted the law, which establishes a clear period when retirees can travel for free in electricals. This period lasts from April 27 to October 31, and this is beneficial during frequent trips to giving.
  2. Sverdlovsk. From April 2017, all pensioners can use electricians in half the price. This benefit will not act all year round, but only in the period from April 1 to October 31.
  3. Kaluga region. There is a similar scheme similar to the Sverdlovsk scheme, but the period is slightly less: it begins on April 1, and ends on October 15.
  4. Moscow. Since June 2016, a law has been approved that cancels the free right to use by electricians who are sent to Moscow for residents of the Moscow region. This is due to the fact that many working pensioners use electricals, which means they need less benefits less. Instead, officials approved the social card system. This card makes it possible to get a free ticket at the checkout station and in ticket vehicles. This system, according to officials, should reduce the costs of that part of the retirement age people who do not need help, which means to send money to more necessary spheres.

There are cases when the card issued does not work. Do not worry, as it can be easily replaced. In addition, in case there are no cash desk, no machine gun at the station, you can make a ticket simply in the train.

IN Moscow region Other persons designing a social card is not necessary:

  1. Vote participants.
  2. Disabled people related to the first and second group.
  3. Persons who survived the blockade of Leningrad.
  4. Concluded concentration camps.
  5. Honorary blood donors.

It should be remembered that if the use of electricians is necessary for frequent treatments related to treatment, retirees may issue a cash payment to compensation for these expenses. Payout can be up to 6000 rubles.
Video about how inhabitants of Tyumen gathered signatures to returned unlimited preferential passage:

Considering the fact that the subjects of the federation can set their additional conditions for the preferential passage, according to the Law of the Russian Federation, pensioners have the right to 50% discount on travel to this country.

It should be remembered that the former military and employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs are retired, except for the main, have their own special benefits for the use of Russian Railways services. They have the right:

  • Once a year, do not pay for train tickets to the place of treatment and back.
  • The possibility of extraordinary service in the railway ticket office.

There are so-called "northern benefits". This is a kind of social assistance for pensioners who live in the extreme northern regions of the country. On the right for the "Northern Benefits" there is a free passage of trains 1 time within 2 years. This is designed for the right of pensioners to improve and relax.

In most cities of Russia, there is no benefit for travel by bus in the city. This is due to the fact that such transportation is provided by private companies, and local authorities do not put forward the relevant requirements. Earlier in some regions of the country, there was a rule that the driver should carry up to 5 people in privileges, that is, if the bus included 6 pensioner, he had to pay. Today, such a system is practically not found, instead in individual cities of the country exist their conditions for minibuses:

  1. Magnitogorsk. By order of urban power, all pensioners having a residence permit in the city have the rights to 30 free travel to urban transport, regardless of his species. If the pensioner goes more, then for the following trips, he pays only 50 percent.
  2. St. Petersburg. There are no benefits for all pensioners to travel in a minibus, however, such a right can receive individual groups, such as blockade participants during the Great Patriotic War.
  3. Chelyabinsk. Through the Pension Fund, you can get special cards that give the right to free travel in any form of public transport in the city.
  4. Moscow. The right to use any public transport in the city has only certain groups of pensioners: Warm veterans, labor heroes, persons who have gained injuries during man-made accidents.

How and where to make a privilege for travel?

It should be remembered that the preferential passage does not mean free travel. Public funds pay for it. That is why it is necessary to contact special services with the list of documents to obtain the right to preferential passage. Today there are three main options:

  1. Management of social protection.
  2. Center "My Documents", if anyone is in your city.
  3. In some regions, documents can be submitted electronically through the site of municipal services, such as the Kirov region.

The list of documents is pretty simple:

  1. Passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation.
  2. Personally written statement.
  3. Register in the electronic basis of people with benefits.

Separately, describe the receipt of a social card for residents of the Moscow region. For this, it is necessary to submit the following documents to the Multifunction Center (MFC):

  1. Passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation.
  2. Document on the status of a pensioner.
  3. Pension Document on Social Insurance.
  4. Photo 3 on 4.

For pensioners of power departments, it is also necessary to submit an income certificate. The social card is given if the income is not higher than two subsistence minima (a little more than 20 thousand rubles).

Making a social card takes up to 45 days.

A small roller about the main nuances of decoration of benefits for pensioners:

In the Leningrad region, individual flights of long-distance buses can provide travel benefits. Often these routes are associated with summer cottages.

Pensioners should be remembered that:

  1. Very often they do not know and parts of the benefits for which they have the right. This applies not only to travel. In order to realize all its rights, it is necessary to contact the social protection authorities, which should provide a detailed advice on benefit opportunities. There, it is also necessary to submit several documents and the right to preferential passage is ready.
  2. A feature of the system benefits for passages for pensioners in the Russian Federation is that often in individual regions of the country exist their nuances that should be clarified. For example, in Chelyabinsk, pensioners have 30 free trips on a minibus, and in Moscow such benefits is not provided; In St. Petersburg, the summer electric trains are free for all pensioners, and in Sverdlovsk the state pays half of the cost.
  3. Despite regional peculiarities, there are general obligatory rules for everyone, for example, at least 50% of the train discount (in some regions, in general for free), use by public transport (frequently except minibuses).
  4. The most difficult region for the realization of the right to preferential passage, especially by train, is the Moscow region, since it is necessary to additionally comply with the social card.

Thus, Russian pensioners are eligible for public transport benefits. Part of this system is what remained from the Soviet system of social assistance, that is why part of the deputies and officials consider it ineffective and require its reform. Constant changes are connected with these, both national and local, which contribute to the rules for obtaining benefits to travel for pensioners.

howpensionerreceive compensation for travel to the place of recreation and back

The Government of the Russian Federation is actively developing a policy of providing various types of benefits to certain categories of citizens. This article will be devoted to one of such categories, namely the provision of retirees benefits. Upon reaching citizens of the Russian Federation of the retirement age, which is currently 55 years old for women and 60 years for men, the social support of the state is available in the form of a variety of benefits. One of these types of assistance is free sanatorium-resort treatment. The provision of such a type of treatment is possible 1 time during the calendar year with the personal appeal of the pensioner in the relevant social service.

In addition to pensioners, people who have a group of disability, veterans of the Great Patriotic War, as well as other hostilities, citizens who have survived the blockade of Leningrad, orphans have been possessed. Moreover, at the same time one citizen can be both a pensioner and disabled. According to the law and pensioner, and the disabled people have the right to take advantage of the right to spa treatment, but in this case You can realize your right only 1 time or as a pensioner or as a disabled. Plus, in such a situation, the fact that you can independently choose what status you will receive a ticket. In addition, there is such a category of citizens who exercise their professional activities with the so-called preferential experience. It may be work in harmful or dangerous working conditions, or work in the Ministry of Emergency Situations, or in the law enforcement. Such people are eligible for early retirement, that is, before performing 55 and 60 years for women and men, respectively (about the types of pensions in Russia and the order of their purpose, read in the relevant section). But this does not cancel the rights to receive free sanatorium-resort treatment. It may be implemented by this category of citizens as well as pensioners in old age - 1 time per year.

It was already told in more detail about how to get a ticket to the sanatorium for free. Now let's deal with the question of how to get to the location of the sanatorium itself, in which you received a ticket. And here our state is trying to help each pensioner to help each pensioner, who has used the right to sanatorium-resort treatment. The Government of the Russian Federation by Resolution dated 04/01/2005 No. 176, a special range of rules are established, according to which you will be compensated for the cost of a travel to a sanatorium, as well as on the way back. That is, not only the treatment itself in the sanatorium can be obtained free of charge, but also the road to and back will be paid from budgetary funds.

Who is compensation for travel

So, let's deal with who you can take advantage of the right to reimburse the funds spent on the road to the rest. In addition to old-age pensioners, the rules talk about the following categories of pensioners:

The rules, and, accordingly, the provision of compensation for travel, applies to old-age pensioners who do not carry out official labor activities and live in the regions of the Far North, as well as local areas of equitable status;

Compensation is also provided to pensioners living in the areas of the Far North, which are included in the special list;

Disabled, participants and veterans of the Great Patriotic War, as well as other hostilities;

Military personnel who held military service in military units Starting from June 22, 1941 to September 3, 1945 at least six months, as well as servicemen who received the Order or the USSR medal during the passage of the service;

Pensioners who have a reward in the form of a sign of the "resident of the Blocade Leningrad";

Citizens who, in the period of the Seconders, worked at special facilities of anti-air defense, on the construction of defensive structures and the like objects;

Family members of the deceased disabled hosts, as well as participants in the Second World War. Family members of the dead workers of Hospital Leningrad during the blockade. And family members of those who died in the years of the Went of the Went of the Self-Protection SpecialGruses;

Disabled and disabled since childhood.

Compensation itself can be made in one of two options, or in a combined form. The first option is to provide a pensioner of travel documents giving the right of free travel on transport, which will deliver it (pensioner) to the place of passage of sanatorium treatment. The second option is the actual reimbursement of funds spent on the road, but within the framework of the limits established by the rules. We will analyze restrictions on the return of funds:

If you get to a sanatorium on railway transport (train), then the amount you can reimburse must not exceed the cost of the ticket in a second-class car;

If you can reach water vehicles to the destination, then the compensation amount will not exceed the cost of the ticket in the third category cabin for river vessels of all lines;

When using the maritime transport, you pay the ticket purchased in the cabin 4 or 5 groups of maritime regular lines;

Aerial transportation is available for you only in the form of economy class;

Motor transport can be used in the form of a general type bus, or a buse with soft folding seats.

In any case, the amount of compensation may not exceed the cost of tickets to the specified coupe categories, cabins, etc. But what to do if, when you drive to the location of the sanatorium, did you use several types of transport? In this case, the above combined option is applied. That is, one type of transport you can make compensation, and on the other to get a travel document.

Payment of compensation

Payment of compensation for travel is carried out 1 time in 2 years at once. Moreover, this biennium is always calculated in the calendar order, starting from January 1st of that year, in which the pensioner received a ticket to pass the sanatorium-resort treatment and carried out travel to the place of recreation and back at his own expense. But not earlier entry into force of the resolution of the Russian Federation and the rules for the implementation of compensation of the passage taken on January 1, 2005. It is important to remember that if you travel, for example, in 2013, the deadline for submitting documents for compensation is December 31, 2014. Do not forget about the biennium. If you did not have time to apply on this issue in time, the payment of compensation is not made.

Documents required for compensation for travel

When submitting documents for compensation, you need to personally come to the territorial body of the FIU at your place of residence. Next, get a special form in the prescribed form to write a statement with the right to pay compensation. Or you can contact a specialized multifunctional center engaged in the provision of municipal and public services. At the same time, it is necessary to have documents confirming your upcoming stay in the sanatorium, a holiday home or a hurdle (it will be enough to present a voucher).

The following will follow the consideration of your appeal all the same territorial authority of the FIU, and the positive decision on the provision of the compensation requested by you will be made in the event that special coupons (or directions) are available on the availability of the travel organization. The FIU independently concludes an agreement with a transport organization, which in turn assumes responsibility for your delivery to the sanatorium and returning you home.

For the transport organization, the presence of this coupon guarantees that the cost of the passage will be reimbursed from the local authority of the FPER. If the specified coupon is available, then you should give you it no later than 10 days from the moment of your appeal.

If you appeal with a statement about the material compensation of the tools spent on passage, then the application will need to attach travel documents that are issued by transport organizations in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation. The term of consideration of your appeal should also not exceed 10 days. Payment of compensation will be made in the manner according to which you receive a monthly pension.

What to do if they refused to compensate

If the territorial body of the FIU will be decided to refuse to accrue you compensation or payment of a travel ticket, then at 10 times the deadline they are obliged to notify you. Next, you can make a complaint if you do not agree with this decision, and send the complaint to the superior authorities. If the complaint is not approved, then the following instance is the main branch of the FIU. Moreover, it is important when drawing up a complaint to specify, on the basis of what paragraphs of the rules of the regulation of the Russian Federation on providing compensation, you actually require it. Attach the refusal document, and in the complaint, specify what you want.

Free travel for pensioners is the topic that interests many citizens. The fact is that in Russia in some regions, people who have reached retirement age are entitled to public transport without payment services. Previously, this benefit was provided to everyone who received but today the situation has changed somewhat. Now citizens only under certain circumstances have the right to free passage. Is it laid by the elderly people in the Moscow region? If so, how many times can you use this benefit? All this will be told further.

By region

Is there always a free passage for pensioners? As practice shows, the decision to grant benefits to people who have reached the retirement age remains for a specific region. This means that the issue is considered at the regional level.

In other words, there are somewhere benefits and free travel, somewhere there are no. Recognize more accurate information is recommended in the administration of a local settlement.

It is also worth paying attention to the fact that the right of a pensioner for free passage, if it takes place, is used in relation to specific types of transport. Some means of movement under no circumstances to use transportation services without one or another payment. All these factors must be considered. So what can I say about the Moscow region? Can they enjoy free travel in a particular transport?

Is there a right

First of all, it is necessary to understand whether the free passage and the region is laid in principle. Maybe in this area, citizens of the retirement age have no benefits?

Fortunately, it is not. In general, to use the services of free movement on public transport citizens can. But only under certain conditions. As practice shows, now in the Moscow region there are very many pensioners who go to certain means of movement of publicity for free. But in what situations they are the benefits? And when will you have to pay anyway?


The fact is that the free passage for pensioners is not laid in all cases. Modern citizens who have reached retirement age cannot simply implement their right. They simply have no. Only certain categories of persons in Moscow and the region are able to use public transport services for free.

Who exactly attacked such benefits? Today it is:

  • veterans of the Warm;
  • heroes of the USSR or the Russian Federation;
  • tar workers;
  • residents of a blockade Leningrad;
  • victims of fascists;
  • relatives of labor heroes;
  • people who participated in the elimination of a disaster of technogenic type;
  • affected by man-made accidents;
  • disabled;
  • disabled children.

Accordingly, not every citizen has a studied benefit. But such rules are valid exclusively in Moscow and the Moscow region. It must be remembered.

Statement of Rights

Special attention should be paid to this moment as a statement about the rights to free travel for pensioners of a particular category. The main problem is that it will not be easy to use benefits. They need to declare. But how is it done?

Everything is quite easy and simple. When paying, a citizen provides an identity and certificate certificate that indicate these or other benefits. If there is a pension certificate, you can use it. In any case, if during the use of public transport, do not declare the presence of benefits, they can not be used.


Sometimes free travel to the Pensioners of the Moscow region and other regions of the country can be replaced. Citizens who do not wish to use the proposed benefit have the right to receive monetary compensation. Or rather, the premiums to the pension.

To do this, it is best to contact the city administration and clarify how to inform the FIU that the right of free travel wants to replace. Fortunately, such a situation is a huge rarity. That is why it is not worth sharpen on this issue.

Changes in the laws

But everything is not so simple. Now in Russia in all regions, issues related to the provision of such benefits as free travel for pensioners are revised. Citizens who went to a well-deserved rest and live in the Moscow region or the capital, in 2015 they touched upon some innovations. What is it about?

The fact is that due to the adopted regional law, free travel in transport remained, but cannot claim him now:

  • military pensioners;
  • people without preferential status.

All others have retained the right to free use by public transport. This change was developed and accepted in order to save funds of the state budget.

What are the rights to beneficiaries

And what specific features offer free travel in transport? Pensioners will serve in public facilities of movement in the following principles:

  1. To transport people of retirement age free, if they use commuter services or electric trains.
  2. With no payment to deliver citizens to the place of treatment by public transport.
  3. Veterans in Moscow have the right to use municipal urban transport without making payment for the service. For example, you can safely ride the bus.

There are no more significant benefits and opportunities. And this fact should take into account every citizen. Otherwise, he will think that it cannot be beneficial to public transport in Moscow and the Moscow Region.

What does not work

It has already been said that not all vehicles offer the indicated capabilities. In some situations there are exceptions. When do not receive the right to use the Pensioners of the Moscow Region with vehicles? Free travel, as already mentioned, is offered only to certain categories of citizens. It is not found in the remaining pensioners in this region.

But the beneficiaries, too, under certain circumstances, must pay for the use of transportation services. Namely:

  • if they use "minibuses";
  • when using a taxi service.

All other transport offers benefits on the rules previously specified. "Private traders" provide free travel at their discretion. But neither in Moscow, nor in other cities such trends are visible.


What conclusions can be made of the foregoing? Free travel for pensioners in Russia, in particular in Moscow and the region, is. But it is not all. At the moment, the authorities are trying to cancel this benefit for most citizens.

It is necessary to declare about their rights, otherwise it will not be possible to implement one or another "bonus" from the state. Without identification and certificate certificates, the belonging to one or another category of beneficiaries will have to use public means of movement on the general reasons. Such norms operate in all regions of the country, not only in the Moscow region.