Which fur is warmer table. Secrets of choosing fur coats. The warmest fur coats from which fur

Natural fur coat will certainly be a great addition to any girl's winter wardrobe. But since you always want such an expensive thing to last as long as possible, you need to pay attention not only to the quality of tailoring, but also to the type of fur.

3 types of fur: features, characteristics and benefits

Today, the assortment of fur is very wide and varied, but, like in any other industry, there are leaders among it. And if you believe the statistics, this season mink, polar fox and mouton coats are in the lead. But what kind of fur is better? Let's take a look at everything in order.

- Mink

A mink coat at all times symbolized success and prosperity. Regardless of the season and trend, classic-style mink coats remain relevant and always in demand. Due to the fact that animals spend a lot of time both on land and in water, mink fur is very resistant to moisture. This, in turn, gives guarantees that the fur coat will not be damaged in the rain, and also allows you to extend the life of the fur product up to several decades. Usually, high-quality mink products with proper care can last up to 10, and sometimes up to 20 years.

- Arctic fox

If the mink is classified as a classic, then the long-haired and luxurious arctic fox is, rather, the current trend of this season. The luxurious fur of this animal not only mesmerizes with its beauty and softness, but also perfectly retains heat, warming its owner even in the most severe frosts. In addition, the fur retains its softness and elasticity despite the weather. Usually two types of arctic fox are distinguished: blue and white. And if the first, most often, can be found in a dyed form, then the second is considered rare enough to stain it. Of course, fluffy and cozy fox fur coats are also quite practical and durable, but less durable than mink products.

- Mouton

The warmest fur on this list. For those who are not in the know, muton is a sheepskin treated with a special solution. The special nap, characteristic of the muton, allows the fur coats to provide and maintain the optimum temperature in any weather: from strong minus to sunny or rainy plus. In addition, mouton coats have a relatively low price, as well as average durability.

To all of the above, we can add that mink is still considered the most expensive, and mouton, respectively, is the cheapest. Which one is better? It's up to you to decide!

The article was prepared with the help of Vitaly Fursov

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Animal skins became the very first clothing for humans. The price for a fur outfit has always been high. In ancient times, it could cost a person his life, and in the civilized world, in order to afford a natural fur coat, you need to have a decent amount of money.

Nevertheless, the fur coat was and remains the dream of any woman. It is not only warm and comfortable in winter in our harsh climate. This is a sign of a woman's wealth, taste, and status. Many women have been saving up for this wardrobe item for several years. Therefore, it is important for them to understand which fur coat is the warmest and at the same time will last for several seasons.

With regard to fur products, the main requirements are for their wear and thermal characteristics.

Thermal characteristics of fur

The ability of a fur coat to warm its owner depends on the length, density of the fur and the elasticity of the hair. Heat-shielding properties largely depend on the amount of air bubbles inside the hairs and between them, the friability of the flesh. Often the flesh is stretched, trying to reduce the weight of the fur coat. In this case, the gaps between the hairs increase, the air gap decreases, and the thermal properties of the product decrease. According to the heat-shielding properties, animal skins are divided as follows:

  • The coldest skins are gopher, rabbit, ermine, goat.
  • Mink, chinchilla, beaver, arctic fox have average thermal characteristics.
  • The warmest fur is from fox, sable, wolf and muton.

The thermal qualities of the fur largely depend on the thickness of the hair and down. The density of the underfill is easy to check by blowing on the fur. The hair should be long and shiny. The longer the hair, the warmer the product. In fox, raccoon, wolverine, arctic fox, the hair length reaches 40 mm, in muskrat and sable - 25-40 mm, in mink - about 25 mm.

The Arctic fox is able to withstand frost down to -60 degrees thanks to its long hair. Therefore, fox fur coats are able to warm their owner even in very frosty winter. This fur is prized for its softness and beauty. Blue fox fur coats look especially luxurious and expensive.

It is important to consider for what purpose you are purchasing a fur coat. If you plan to spend most of your time outdoors in humid air, then you should pay attention to the fur products of animals that live in the water: otter, nutria, beaver.

Sable, arctic fox and fox skins are considered the softest.

As an indicator of your own prestige, you can choose a chinchilla or ermine fur coat. But you need to remember that such products are often sewn on a lining without insulation. In frost there is a risk of freezing.

Sheared fur also cannot boast of its heat-shielding properties. Models made of solid fur provide better warmth in cold weather than analogs made from individual skins. The warmest fur coats are considered to be from reindeer, muton, fox and sable.

Interestingly, the fur of the males is much warmer than that of the females. True, it is rather difficult to verify this in practice.

Choosing who is warmer?

  1. Mink and muton. A mink coat has become an indicator of the status of its owner. She looks rich and is very expensive. But the thermal properties of the muton are much higher than the mink. Mouton is a specially treated sheepskin. A product made from it tends to maintain an optimal temperature. Previously, the muton was not held in high esteem due to its unattractive appearance. Nowadays, mouton coats look no worse than mink coats, thanks to painting and special processing. Modern technologies make it possible to make models from a muton of different textures, shades and styles. Mouton is distinguished by its durability, high thermal characteristics, resistance to dampness and easy maintenance.
  2. Mink and beaver. The fur of both animals is beautiful, durable and practical. But the beaver undoubtedly wins in terms of keeping warm.
  3. Fox. Fox fur coats are rightfully considered the warmest because of their long thick hair. Plus, they're bright. And models made of silver fox, whose black and silver fur is soft and beautiful, are classified as elite outerwear.

Fur coat wear

The cost of fur products does not allow most women to change them every season. Therefore, it is important that the chosen fur coat is practical and serves its mistress as long as possible, while maintaining an attractive appearance.

Weariness is one of the properties of fur. It depends on several factors:

  • the durability of the hair;
  • bond strength of skin tissue and hair;
  • wear resistance of leather fabric;
  • staining;
  • dressing;
  • storage conditions.

The wear of otter fur is considered to be 100%. This is 20 seasons - the largest figure. The wear of other types of fur is calculated in relation to this figure. Based on the wear data, you can roughly calculate how many seasons a fur coat will last. Fur manufacturers provide the following data:

The wearability of a fur product is largely determined not only by the natural properties of the skin, but also by the skill of the manufacturer and the method of processing. This indicator will be higher if the product has "winter" fur. It has a higher density and thicker down. In animals, during the molting period, the strength of the connection between the flesh and the hair decreases; therefore, such skins are of low quality.

Fur dyeing reduces wear indicators by 10-20%, and a haircut, on the contrary, increases it by 20-40%. Therefore, long-haired fur is sometimes trimmed to prevent breakage and felting. But sheared fur of ermine, rabbit, gopher warms worse.

How to choose a fur coat for years to come?

There are signs of the quality of a fur product that you need to look out for when buying.

  1. Kind of animal. When purchasing an inexpensive rabbit or hare coat, be prepared that it will last no more than 3 seasons with very good handling. It will quickly lose its original appearance. For this reason, hats, fur coats, vests for babies are made from the skin of a rabbit, squirrel, hare. Children grow up quickly, they do not need the product to remain wearable for several years. But at the same time, such things are distinguished by good thermal qualities and low cost.
  2. Treatment. The fur of a quality fur coat is thick, without bald spots, shiny, elastic. The flesh is white. It should not rattle when shaken. It is worth noting how the lining is sewn. If it is not sewn on tightly, this indicates that the manufacturer is calm about the quality of the product and allows the buyer to evaluate the dressing of the skin from the inside.
  3. Sewing. Sewn "loose" and whole fur coats are allowed. It all depends on what kind of fur the product is made of. If the animal has a thick flesh (beaver, raccoon, nutria), then they usually sew "in dissolution". In this case, the fur coat will fit better on the figure and will not look like a case. And if the flesh is thin (mink), then a fur coat, sewn "in dissolution", can slim fat ladies. In any case, tailoring depends on the style, length and even color of the product. Pay attention to the quality of the seams. The fewer there are, the more durable the product.
  4. Fur dyeing. Fur dyeing can be done for different purposes. Often the manufacturer uses it to hide defects. For this, dark shades are usually used. But there is fur that needs to be dyed, since in its original version it does not look very attractive. For example, nutria. Dyeing and toning of fur is now performed with high-tech dyes that do not affect the quality of the product. Therefore, if you really want to buy a fur coat made of purple fox fur, then you should not be afraid. To check if the colored fur will not stain when worn, you need to wrap a few hairs with a handkerchief and rub it a little. If there are no traces of paint on the scarf, then you don't have to worry about the quality of the staining.
  5. Dressing. To check the quality of the dressing, you need to crumple any part of the fur product. It should immediately return to its original shape. To check the quality of the fur, stroke it against the grain. The underpants should be clearly visible, thick, and the hair should be elastic. The fur should not separate from the skin, leaving the hair in the hand.

Some dexterous manufacturers manage to replace expensive fur with cheaper ones. So, instead of a sable, they can sell a marten, instead of a nutria - a beaver and even a rabbit - instead of a mink. Mink and rabbit fur differ in hardness. The awn of the rabbit is much softer than that of the mink.
When choosing a fur coat, you need to proceed from the possibilities of your own wealth and the goals of the purchase. If you need it in order to emphasize your solidity, then you can purchase a lightweight model made of mink, arctic fox. But if you plan to spend a lot of time in the cold, then you should think about purchasing a fur coat from a muton, a fox, a wolf. When buying an inexpensive rabbit, gopher or hare fur coat, you need to be prepared for the fact that it will not be worn for long. But this option is suitable for those who like to regularly change their wardrobe. If you do not have the opportunity to often buy such expensive things, it may be worth considering purchasing a more expensive, but high-quality model. Therefore, before making such an expensive purchase, you need to carefully weigh everything, think it over and choose the appropriate option in terms of means and application.

Think about the fact that this is primarily an outerwear, and not a fashion accessory. This is especially worth worrying about women from places with cold, harsh, Russian winter. Let's figure out which is the warmest fur coat: a review of popular models will help with this.

Experts have long ago begun to conditionally and superficially divide natural furs into three groups: warm furs, medium heat preservation and cool furs.

How to choose?

When we pay a lot of money for a product, we want it to justify its price. Therefore, the choice of fur clothing must be approached carefully, wisely. Which fur coats are the warmest and most durable, which fur coat will last you the longest? Let's figure it out.

If you are planning to buy yourself a fur coat, then you should first assess the climate of your region. If it is not cold, and winter is tolerated here without a sharp frost, then clothes made of marmot, gopher and ermine, goat or rabbit fur will be a godsend for you. The skins of these animals are among the coldest furs.

It's hotter in mink or chinchilla furs. They occupy a middle ground. And the warmest fur coats are those made from fur of animals that live in places with a harsh climate - reindeer and bear - they will save you in any cold. But clothes made from such material are extremely difficult to find. Mouton, mink and sable will warm you a little less. By the way, the skins of males warm you much more, although they are cheaper.

Every girl wants her purchase not only to warm and decorate her, but to keep her attractiveness for a longer time. Therefore, it is worth answering the question, which fur coats are the warmest and most durable? Again, you need to look at the climatic conditions of your city. If the season is wet here, then the product made of fox, muton and arctic fox will quickly lose their original appearance. To get around this, you should choose a fur coat made of waterproof skins - beaver, wolverine, otter and even a fur seal.

When shopping for clothes, it's worth considering the weight as well. A comfortable and sound coat should be neither too heavy nor too light. The fact is that many manufacturers, in pursuit of economy, can cheat and stretch the skins. From this, the products lose their thermal qualities and are worn much less than they should.

Here are some expert tips to help you when replenishing your wardrobe:

  1. Stop on the fur you really want. Do not approach this spontaneously, study all the characteristics of the materials offered to you. Weigh all the pros and cons;
  2. Look for insulation. This is also important. Woolen fabric is considered the best insulation. It should be remembered that then the fur coat will weigh more;
  3. Solid fur coats are of better quality. Unscrupulous manufacturers like to sew clothes from scraps, fur pieces, which has a bad effect on its properties.


Mink or muton, beaver or mink, sable or arctic fox, or maybe other fur? What is the warmest and most practical fur coat?

You will have to spend money on the purchase of a magnificent mink product, this material is considered the most expensive. And for a reason, the mink really warms up well and is worn for a long time. She will emphasize your material income and beautify any woman. Mouton is considered worse fur, although it has almost the same characteristics, only a little warmer. It is worth noting one more advantage of the muton: specially processed sheepskin can adjust to the ambient temperature, it will never be too hot or too cold in it. If you have a question of choice: mink or muton, it is good to cock all the pros and cons, the weather conditions of your area. Previously, many refused this material, justifying their choice by its unattractiveness, but now this cannot be said. Nowadays, muton is processed and colored in a completely different way.

But what if you choose between a beaver and a mink? These materials look equally attractive, so we look at the characteristics again. Both are very weather resistant and comfortable, but the beaver is much warmer than its dear friend. It is impossible to freeze in it, which cannot be said about the mink.

Sable and arctic fox look equally luxurious, but the former is slightly more expensive. But the arctic fox is more suitable for residents of cold regions.

What about other skins? The fox not only looks dazzling and unusual on any woman, but also qualitatively protects from frost. This cunning animal offers you a huge selection of different shades of fur: from bright red to silvery black, shiny and pleasant to the touch.

If you need the warmest fur coat from which fur in the table of fur products you would not choose it, the main thing is that it is cozy and comfortable in it.

The coming cold season is whispering: “the fur coat of your dreams is tired of waiting for you”! You fall asleep and wake up with the thought of a fur coat, freeze in front of the windows of fur salons, or watch every woman in furs with your eyes, mentally wondering how they will look at you ... So, it's time to immediately go in search of a dream fur coat, armed with our advice. Where it is better to buy a fur coat, how to determine how high-quality fur is - we will tell you in this article.

A beautiful fur coat not only gives a feeling of warmth and comfort, it allows you to look chic and makes you even more beautiful. Since natural fur itself is not cheap, products made from it require significant material costs. Therefore, the choice of a natural fur coat must be approached responsibly.

How to choose a fur coat

To choose a fur coat, first decide what you need it for. You need a chic mink coat for “going out” or you need warm outerwear, for example, from a high-quality muton. Those who are primarily interested in the image are less concerned with the issues of heat preservation and its service life. More often in such cases, the decisive factor is a well-known fashionable name on the label and an impressive figure on the price tag. Those who, apart from a fur coat in winter, are not warmed by anything, pay attention to its functional qualities.

If for you a fur coat is a chic outfit for walking in cool weather or in order to show yourself in all its glory, then you do not have to limit yourself in your choice, not the warmest mink will suit you, and even less warm, but more decorative ermine and marmot, as well as any shorn fur. It is considered, by definition, colder than uncut.

A fur coat, which is designed to warm, protect from snow and wind, should be made of fox or muton. They are considered the warmest. If this is not “your” fur, then pay attention to the sable, arctic fox, beaver, chinchilla, nutria or mink. The types of fur are listed in descending order of properties, that is, for example, a beaver coat will warm you better in frost than a mink coat.

The service life of a fur product depends on the type of fur. The most wear-resistant is the fur of the beaver and river otter. You can wear fur coats from this fur up to 20 winter seasons. Sable will delight you for about 12 seasons, mink - 10, raccoon a little less - 9, arctic fox and marten up to 7 seasons, astrakhan fur and sheepskin - 6, fox and nutria about 5, sheared rabbit - about 4 seasons. The hare's fur is considered the most fragile and non-wearing - a fur coat made of it will only be worn for one season.

Of course, in addition to the properties of the fur itself, the wear resistance is also influenced by the quality of the dressing and production of the fur coat, as well as the methods of caring for the fur and the rules for wearing it. In any case, weigh your financial capabilities. If there are not enough of them, then it is better to choose a high quality beaver than a mink, but doubtful.

The most practical fur coats and fur products

Products with adjustable cuffs, wide silhouette, three-quarters length are worn longer. Slit loops with fur trim and a zip fastener, on the contrary, will very quickly put your coat out of action.

To avoid the temptation to put a cell phone, a bunch of keys and a loaf of bread in your pocket at the same time, it is more practical to have only an inner pocket on your fur coat.

The best material for a fur coat belt is fur, as suede and leather belts quickly damage hair.

Where and for how much is it better to buy a fur coat and furs

A fur coat bought on the market is definitely cheaper than its “friend” from a store - a salon or a boutique. But the market is always a lottery, and therefore a new thing later can not only upset with its quality, but also cause a skin disease, for example, allergies. In addition, if you make a purchase in the market, as well as at an exit sale or abroad, then, in case of any problems with the quality of the fur coat, you will not be able to make a claim to the seller.

Therefore, in order not to buy a pig in a poke, go to a fur salon or a store that has proven itself for more than a year - such companies care about their reputation, and therefore the quality of their products. In addition, there you will be given a warranty card for a period of one year.

Pay attention to the markings on the product. Sewn by well-known firms, it must also have special "identification marks", in addition to the tag on the back of the lining.

The price of a fur product usually depends on the quality of tailoring, brand, style, quantity and quality of whole animal skins. The more pieces of skins from which a fur coat is sewn, the cheaper it is, as a rule. Manufacturers can so cleverly stick the pieces of fur onto the fabric backing that no one suspects anything. A whole skin is considered to be 15 by 15 centimeters in size. If the area of ​​such a cut is less, then the cost of a fur coat should be 20-30% cheaper than the cost of a product made of whole skins. Buy a fur coat that fits your budget.

What is the best fur to buy

The most luxurious and most expensive sable, lynx and marten fur coat. The most valuable among the varieties of sable is the Barguzin sable. Its fur of amazing beauty is dark chocolate color with gray hair and blue down. The most fashionable houses and world famous fur designers prefer and love to work with the Russian sable. Sable is practically the only fur that is used in its natural form, that is, it is never dyed or cut, it is so self-sufficient and magnificent.

But even with this fur there are mistakes. Sometimes an inexperienced lover of fur things is offered products made from Canadian sable, in fact, there is no such animal, but under its guise they sell a Canadian marten. It began when in America, thanks to Hollywood divas, the demand for expensive furs sharply increased and the marten began to be passed off as a sable. Of course, the marten's fur is also very beautiful, but it does not compare with our Russian sable. A very prestigious fur coat is a chinchilla coat. But sometimes it happens that expensive fur coats are not always the best fur coats. Poor workmanship, low quality fur can ruin sable furs, turning them into a cheap and ugly fur coat. One of the important parameters by which the quality of fur is determined is its softness and silkiness.

How to check the quality of fur to buy a quality fur coat

Lay out the fur coat on the counter and carefully examine - the fur should be thick, shiny, with a thick undercoat, without bald spots. If you find external defects even with a superficial examination, it is better to forget about this fur coat.

To check the quality of the fur, feel it: squeeze the fur in the palm of your hand and then unclench it - it should quickly straighten, take its original form. Fur villi should not stick together. Also, if you run your hand over them against the growth of the fur, they should not break. The fur should not remain in your hands if you pinch the fur coat a little.

By the way, you can tell by touch a rabbit or a groundhog from a mink, for which they are sometimes given out: the rabbit is too soft, and the guard hair of the mink is hard; marmots have hair of different lengths, while mink has the same hair and does not prick.

If the fur is dyed, then run a light (maybe even slightly damp) cloth over it. If the cloth is dyed, it means that the fur is dyed poorly, in violation of technology.

Feel free to sniff your fur coat. A pungent and unpleasant smell suggests that the skins were made in an artisanal way.

Finally, weigh the fur coat with your arm outstretched. If the fur coat is very light, don't be in a hurry to rejoice. In order to save fur, furriers often stretch the skins: the thickness of the skin decreases, and the distance between the hairs increases, as a result, the fur coat becomes cold.

After you have made sure that the fur of the fur coat is processed with high quality, check the quality of the dressing of the skins and the seams. To do this, you need to look under the hem of the fur coat. If the lining is not sewn to the hem, then the manufacturer has nothing to hide from the customer. If the hem is sewn up tightly, it is worth considering. Ask the seller to gently rip it up.

To determine the quality of the dressing of the skins, you need to feel the flesh - this is their reverse side. It should be soft and supple. If the flesh crunches and rustles when compressed, it means that the fur is dry. In unpainted skins, the reverse side is white. The yellow color of the flesh indicates that the fur is old. You don't carry such a fur coat for a long time.

Pay attention to the seams, they must be sewn finely and neatly. Feel them. If they cannot be felt at all, then glue was used instead of threads, and in a few days your fur coat will simply fall apart.

If you have a preference for a reputable manufacturer, check all labels and labels as there are many fakes. Large manufacturers tend to report on how to distinguish their products from counterfeits on their website.

How to distinguish fur from fake

Often, cheaper fur is given out for more expensive fur, for example, in the past, marten fur was given out for expensive sable fur. A chinchilla fur coat should consist of separate pieces, the size of which is no larger than a man's palm. If you notice that the pieces are much larger, then they are trying to sell you a chinchilla rabbit. Here are some more tips on how to distinguish the fur that you are offered to buy from a fake.

Beaver fur and nutria fur

Beaver fur is often faked with nutria fur. To distinguish the fur of a borb - pay attention to the underfields - in a borb it is thick. The second thing you should pay attention to is the awn - in the beaver it is longer.

Mink, rabbit, marmot fur

Mink fur is worn for a very long time. For mink fur, they often give out rabbits that will last a couple of seasons, or marmots that last a little longer. A fake is detected by touch. The bristle of the mink is hard, and that of the rabbit is very soft. Marmot fur is heterogeneous along the length of the hair. The mink fur is perfectly flat and does not prick.

Silver fox and fox fur

The silver fox can be replaced by a fox dog. Pay attention to the hair: the silver fox hair has three colors: at the tip it is black, in the middle it is white, at the base it is gray, unlike fox fur - fox hair is two-colored.

Should you buy dyed fur coats?

Here one should distinguish for what the fur was dyed. If in order to hide defects in fur and its dressing (for this, as a rule, dark colors are used), then this is unacceptable. But there are other purposes of coloring. For example, for wild nutria, dyeing the fur is mandatory, because natural color is not very attractive.

In addition, fur fashion dictates an expansion of the color range of furs and very often toning of fur or its dyeing in one or more colors is used. Considering the high level of modern technologies and the high quality of dyes, such coloration does not significantly affect the quality of fur.
Therefore, if you like a bright red mink or purple fox fur coat, feel free to buy and do not deny yourself anything.

Rules for caring for a fur coat and other fur products

At the end of the winter season, the fur product is put away for storage, but first it must be dry-cleaned and dried. The best option is storage in specialized fur refrigerators, where the required temperature and humidity are observed. At home, it should be stored in a closed cabinet in a special case and at a distance of at least 1 m from heating appliances. Remember to ventilate the product periodically and update the moth repellent. It is impossible to sprinkle products with mothballs.

When drying a wet fur coat, it is shaken and then laid out on a horizontal surface and dried at room temperature, away from heating appliances. Carefully comb the dried fur in the direction of the pile.

Hang the product on a hanger of your size and with wide brim. It is not allowed to store products made of dyed fur next to unpainted ones.

In the harsh Russian winter, fur coats are the best clothing option. Before the revolution, they were exclusively the privilege of the wealthy class. The peasants wore coarse sheepskin coats made of sheared sheepskin, more like modern sheepskin coats. Only a collar could be fur in them, doubling the cost of the product. Now, thanks to the artificial cultivation of a fur-bearing animal, every person with financial capabilities can have their own fur coat. She will not only reliably protect from the cold, but also increase the status of a woman. Male models are practically not used now. We will give advice on choosing a fur coat, the best material for this garment, and also tell you about the main criteria for determining a fake.

The main varieties of fur for a fur coat

Now, even furs, which were not used for sewing fur coats half a century ago, have been erected in the "fur" category. It can be a goat, beaver, lynx or even skin from some cow breeds. The main species are still fox, arctic fox, sable, marten, ermine. But mink is considered the standard of luxury. This is an American animal, which is spreading more and more throughout the country, changing its range. The mink leads a semi-aquatic lifestyle, often catches fish and spends time in the water, occasionally going out onto land. Therefore, its fur is not wetted, has a good directionality, and after drying it completely restores its shape. We will look at how to distinguish a high-quality mink coat, as well as the main varieties of this material.

Advantages and disadvantages of different types of fur

Let's take a closer look at each option for material for fur coats:
  • Mink. It is a very warm material, the best fur that does not get wet. Its shape is not lost even if you sit in the car for a long time. The only drawback is the really high price for the original product, as well as the need for constant maintenance to maintain the appearance.
  • Mouton. In fact, this is not fur, but the sheared skin of a sheep of a special breed. Among the shortcomings, it is worth noting the rather large mass of the product, as well as the stiffness of the pile. It is, rather, a sheepskin coat with fur outside than a fur coat. Modern manufacturers have learned to give it the necessary softness. Therefore, such products look quite elegant.
  • Nutria. Light, shiny, but rather rough looking fur. It is difficult to call nutria a fur-bearing animal. It has a good spine orientation, so it is very easy for craftsmen to work with skins. The only drawback is the weight, and the advantage is the cost. In 90% of cases, its even color is made artificially using paint. Before choosing, you need to sniff - poor-quality dressing often leaves the natural smell of the animal.
  • NShen It is a very warm and thick fur obtained from the arctic fox species. It just has a flawless appearance, but it needs to be maintained. Withstands even the most severe frosts, but practically does not tolerate direct mechanical contact. It is not recommended to ride in such a fur coat in the car or carry a bag over your shoulder. Only dry cleaning will help to fix bruises.
  • Rabbit. This is a nice and soft option that can be styled to match any expensive fur. Its only drawback is its too thin awn, which is simply frayed over the years. Therefore, the rabbit has a lifespan, as strange as it may sound. To make it "last" longer, you need to buy a shorn model. Also, it is impossible for any product to rub against it in the closet. It also attracts moths like a magnet and gets very wet despite the treatment.
  • Fox. This is one of the most luxurious furs. It is practically devoid of drawbacks, but requires complex maintenance in the presence of long pile. Another of its advantages is that a huge number of variations of the natural color were bred in captivity, so you can buy an unusual fur coat that was made without painting.
  • Astrakhan. The pros say this fur doesn't keep warm well. Usually such fur coats are used up to -15 degrees. Their undoubted advantage is their tremendous wear resistance. Often, products are inherited, and the skins are altered to fit a fashionable style.

Pile processing

At the moment, there are two main varieties according to this criterion, namely:
  • Shorn option. The main pile is trimmed so that it reaches the same length as the underfur. It is often called "fur velvet". The length of the hairs is short, and the entire surface is very soft to the touch.

This procedure has two purposes - to standardize fur from different animals, and also to give a sophisticated familiar look. It is used to create slipcoats, mantles, and the famous Channel style. It does not wrinkle, does not change the direction of the pile, so it always looks perfect.

True, such a choice is not suitable for harsh winters. This is a good product for everyday wear, for example, for auto ladies leaving the car to the nearest office in winter.

  • A plucked version. This does not mean that the structure will look tattered. On the contrary, this is how the source material is refined. The master's hairs of substandard color or length are removed by hand with tweezers, as a result of which a long-pile fabric of the highest quality remains. It is the best choice for severe blizzards and severe frosts. It is used to create any style.

Style overview

We will tell you which mink coat to choose, and for what purposes:
  • Short coat. This is the best option for business women who are constantly getting out of the car. The main advantage is that there is no need to take off the item - it will not wrinkle even if you sit casually in a chair.
  • Fur coat The length of this cut can be different - from the middle of the thigh to the heels. A distinctive feature is the absence of a hood and the presence of a belt. Such a fur coat will best emphasize the figure.
  • Channel. This style was invented by the famous Coco Chanel, but it remains popular to this day. This is a straight, mid-thigh fur coat with a stand-up collar.
  • Trapezium. This is the most successful option for those who want to hide the flaws in their figure. It is notable for the fact that the dignity of the figure, on the contrary, will be emphasized.
  • A-shaped cut. It just resembles that letter. The main advantage is the ability to wear with a hood or belt, as well as without them. Each option will look interesting in its own way.
According to the sewing method, a transverse and longitudinal arrangement of skins is distinguished. Outwardly, these models are very different. The first option is expressive, for fashionable things, and the second is a time-tested classic.

So what kind of fur coat to choose?

Naturally, mink is the preferred option. The main protection against counterfeiting will be contacting a trusted store. A purchase from your hands or from an unknown retailer can lead to a fake, which only an expert can recognize.

It is also necessary to understand that these products are often inherited, they can be redrawn by the craftsmen by changing the style. But this requires proper care and appropriate storage conditions.