Calendar-thematic planning in the preparatory group on the topic: "The Day of the Elderly". Project for the Day of the Elderly "Dear People"

Administration of the city district of Saransk

Department of Social Policy

Department of Education

Municipal preschool educational institution

"Kindergarten No. 32 combined type"

Project in the preparatory group

« Seniors day

Prepared by:

Kiryushina Yu.V.

Saransk 2016

Project passport

Objective of the project: the formation of spirituality, moral - patriotic feelings in preschool children in relation to the older generation.

Project objectives:


Expand children's understanding of the family, strengthen ties between generations.


Development of creativity.


Continue to foster a respectful attitude towards others (towards family and friends, the elderly); improving the skills of the culture of behavior. To cultivate the desire to please elders with their good deeds;

Project participants: children of the preparatory group, educators, music director, parents, grandparents of children.

Project type: creative.

Project implementation period: 2 weeks.

Relevance. The lack of close contact of children with the older generation of the family leads to the loss of family traditions, the idea of ​​the continuity of generations is torn. Therefore, today it is becoming urgent to search for ways and means of value attitudes towards representatives of the older generation, increasing their activity in matters of education.

Annotation. October 1 is the International Day of Older Persons. This decision was made by the UN General Assembly in 1990, in the Russian Federation this day began to be celebrated since 1992.

Estimated distribution of roles in the project team:

Educator: organizes educational situations, joint productive activities, counseling for parents.

Musical director: selects and learns the movements of dances, songs and round dances.
Children: participate in educational and play activities.
Parents: grandparents consolidate the knowledge gained by children in practice.

Educational area.

Types of children's activities

Social and communicative development

Thematic classes on the Convention on the Rights of the Child.
"Rights and responsibilities in the family."
Compilation of the "Family Tree".

Play activity

Role-playing game "House", "Family"; "Salon of clothes for home", etc.
Dramatization games based on the works: "Turnip", "Little Red Riding Hood", "Ryaba Chicken".

Speech development

Creative storytelling of children on the themes "A day off in my family", "My loved ones", "Our journey", "The world of family hobbies", "How I help at home", stories based on the pictures "My family".
Creation of albums "My family" (drawings, photographs).

Proverbs and sayings about the family.
Reading fairy tales "Wild Swans", "Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka".
Odoevsky "Town in a Snuffbox", L. Tolstoy "Stories for Little Children".
"My grandmother" S. Kaputikyan, "My grandfather" R. Gamzatov, "Grandmother's hands" L. Kvitko, "Grandmother - care", "Our - grandfather" E. Blaginin. "Family" M. Burakaev, "Grandfathers" R. Miftakhov, "Hands of my grandfather" R. Baybulatov, "My grandmother" F. Mazhitov. F. Gubaidullin's “Roots” (translated by V. Uvarov), “Don't get old, grandma”, “From the history of the surname” by F. Gubaidullin. (translated by A. Petrov and L. Kerchina).

Cognitive development.

"My family".

"What grows in the garden of grandparents."


"A flower for grandmother" as a gift.

Artistic - aesthetic.

Drawing "My family", "Portrait of grandparents."

Hearing "Tell me a story" lyrics. J. Galperin, muses. Y. Moiseeva. singing: "Grandma" lyrics. M. Ivensen, music. N. Demina, "Young grandmother" music by A. Evdotyeva

1. Organizational stage of the project.

Definition of the topic, formulation of goals and objectives.

Selection of methodological and fictional literature, work with parents on the compilation of albums, selection of a musical repertoire, script development, attributes to plot - role and games - dramatizations.

Stage 2 - implementation of the project for the Day of the Elderly.

Stage 3 - presentation.

Celebration of the Day of the Elderly Person.

Assessment of project results.

    Children know and call the names and patronymics of their grandparents.

    Show interest in their family history and traditions.

    Show respect for the elderly, help them.

    They understand that grandparents are the parents of mom and dad, great-grandmothers and great-grandfathers are the parents of grandparents.


In conclusion, I would like to note that all the tasks have been successfully solved, children, parents, grandparents took an active part in the implementation of the project. The result has been achieved.

(Annex 1)

Lesson "My family".

Target: to clarify and generalize the knowledge of children about the family, about who the relatives are; to form an idea of ​​the composition of the family, using the family tree, to improve the ability to compose a short story about your family, naming the names and patronymics of relatives; to give an idea of ​​the protection of the rights of the child by family members and the state; develop coherent speech, cognitive interests; foster love and respect for your family members.

Vocabulary work: happy friendly family, care, show respect, respect.

Materials and equipment... Children's works "Family Tree", a symbol of "the right to know your parents and the right to take care of them."

Preliminary work... drawing "My grandfather and grandmother", reading poetry and stories about the family. Joint work of children and parents to compile a family tree. Learning with children poems, proverbs and sayings of the peoples of Russia about the family.

The course of the lesson.

If the daughter is not stubborn

If dad is not angry,

If grandma is for mom

Does not look sullenly,

If kind words

We hear from the very morning

So dad, grandfather,

Mom, grandma and me-

A very friendly family!

V-l. What does this poem talk about? (About family)

What do you think is a family? (A family is people who love each other, take care of each other, help, regret, sympathize, treat each other with respect.)

The family unites relatives: parents and children, grandmothers, grandfathers, brothers and sisters. These are our relatives, relatives, relatives.

There are many guys in our group. Everyone has their own family. Do you think families are all the same? What is the difference? (Families are all different - they are big, small. People from different families differ in surnames, first names, they live in different houses, in different apartments.)

Tell us about your family, about the pedigree (stories of children according to the "Family Tree")

The family is the most important, the most precious thing that a person has, therefore at all times the people made up proverbs and sayings about the family.

    Everyone is big in his family.

    Every bird loves its nest.

    The whole family is together, and the soul is in place.

    The bird rejoices in the spring, and the baby is the mother.

Phys. a minute. Finger gymnastics "My family".

This finger is a grandfather.

This finger is a grandmother.

This finger is a daddy.

This finger is mommy.

This finger is me.

That's my whole family.

Educator. Why do people say: there is no happiness without a family?

How do your loved ones take care of you?

How do you feel about this?

How do family members care for each other?

All family members are obliged to take care of their child, to protect and protect from troubles, because he is still small and cannot learn everything on his own. Every child has the right to know his or her parents and the right to be cared for and loved by them. The right to live in a family with one's parents is a very important right.

Who do you think should take care of a child left without a family for various reasons? (The state, an orphanage, an orphanage, a new family should take care of him.)

Our state takes care of a child who is left without parents. For orphans, orphanages and orphanages are open, where children are fed, clothed, treated, and given knowledge. But this concern is not enough for children's happiness. Such children are deprived of parental love, motherly warmth, and fatherly protection. Therefore, take care of your parents, take care of them so that they are always by your side.

Guessing riddles.

She emits light

From a smile - a dimple ...

There is no one more dear

Than dear ... (mommy).

Whole farm: quinoa

Yes, the crested Ryabushka,

But scrambled eggs always

We will be fed ... (grandmother).

Presented with trinkets -

Seven nesting dolls and a beaver ...

But more expensive than all toys

For me, my ... (sister).

There are seven letters "I" in this word

Guess - ka, friend! (A family).

Mother with daughter

Mother with daughter

Yes, grandmother and granddaughter.

And only three. (Grandmother, daughter and granddaughter)

Guess who is this?

Pager, pipe, tie, hat.

I look forward to hearing from you, friends.

Well done! Of course, …. (dad).

Moistens in warm milk

He's a piece of bread

Walks with a wand in his hand

Our beloved ... (grandfather).

I must confess to you:

I have a friend

But a hundred times more reliable

My protector, elder ... (brother).

Bottom line. What did we talk about today in class?

What very important right did we meet today?

How should you take care of your close relatives?

(Appendix 2)

(Appendix 3)

Concert script for the Day of the Elderly

Purpose: to form spiritual and moral values;

Contribute to the creation of friendly family relationships;

Develop interpersonal skills between children and adults;

Foster respect and love for grandparents.

Host 1. Hello, dear guests! On October 1, the whole country celebrates the Day of the Elderly. People of the older generation now have their well-deserved holiday, and we are very happy about that.

Lead 2.

Who said old age is not a joy?

No! These are stupid words!

And let fatigue visit

Let the head turn gray

Lead 1.

And the soul, as in youth, is passionate,

And a clever thought works.

Our life on earth is so beautiful

Smile to your children and grandchildren!

Lead 2.

The rest is earned by honest labor,

But in labor you are still day after day,

There is no end to your good worries,

Even age and that do not care!

Lead 1.

We came to congratulate you today

And we want to tell you from the bottom of our hearts:

There are many things you can fix in life

So let it be for you - twenty-five!

Lead 2.

Happy holiday, dear guests! And accept on this day a modest gift - our small concert!

Dance "Colorful autumn»

1st child.

The educators said

What is in this hall today

There will be many kind eyes

And they did not deceive us.

2nd child.

So warm to you and me together,

So we want to say

Without embellishment, without any flattery -

We are glad to celebrate your holiday.

3rd child.

We wish everyone from the bottom of our hearts

So that you are healthy

For grandchildren to love you

They came to visit more often.

Song about grandma

4 Child

A cloud flew across the sky

Everything was getting fat and getting fat.

And then to our delight

Burst loudly at the seams.

"Ba-ba-bah!" - hit the THUNDER,

And the rain poured out in a bucket.

Dance "Guilty Cloud"

5 Child


If the rain is pouring

I take my umbrella with me

Very bright and large,


Whoever meets

Very surprised.

The people all around are saying:

"That's a miracle! The umbrella is coming!"

It's even a little offensive

That you can't see me at all.

M. Sidorova

Dance with umbrellas

7 Child

What should grandmother do

To prolong her life,

Maybe do push-ups

Or twist the hoop?

8 Child

Push-ups are very difficult

The soldier may turn sour,

But the hoop is secure

Strengthens the myocardium!

Our grandmothers, relatives,

We wish you now:

Stay young,

We will dance everything for you!

Dance "Ding-ding D / garden"

9 Child

We are finishing our concert

We, guests, wish you

Live a hundred years and not grieve,

Make friends with the bright sun

10 Child


Live for many years!

And now we will open to you

We are one secret ...


To live in joy for you

You need to love your grandchildren!

I wish everyone in the hall

So that they give you ten pensions!

So that gifts are given to you,

To be idolized

To make life more wonderful

So that you go through life with a song!

Our children did not come empty-handed, they want to present you with hand-made crafts.

State budgetary educational institution

the city of Moscow "School No. 2120",

Kindergarten number 1

Conversation with the children of the preparatory group

on the topic:

International Day of Older Persons

Prepared by:

educator of group number 8 "Zvezdochka"

Zhitnikova L.A.





Expand the knowledge of children about concepts such as "old age", "elderly person";

Learn to explain the meaning of proverbs, reason, argue your pointvision ;

To acquaint children with the tradition of celebrating the Day of the Elderly.


Develop social feelings (emotions): sympathy, empathy for loved ones, conscious benevolent relationships; mental activity,culture of speech : express your thoughts clearly and competently;

Promote the development of coherent speech in children.


To educate moral foundations,culture of communication , friendly relationship , the desire to support the elderly, take care of them;

To cultivate love for grandmother and her daily work,to help in business, to be able to bring joy with their actions;

To teach to understand that an old person requires a caring attitude towards himself.


October 1 - International Day of Older Persons is a relatively new holiday. It emerged at the end of the 20th century. First, the Day of Older Persons began to be celebrated in the Scandinavian countries of Europe, then in America, and since the end of the 80s all over the world. Finally, the International Day of Older Persons was proclaimed by the UN General Assembly in 1990, and in the Russian Federation in 1992. And now every year, in the golden autumn season, we honor those whom we respect and love.

(Calm, melodic music sounds, and the children listen to the poem).

Elderly people

Young at heart

How many have seen

You are ways, dear.

Dearly loved

And the children were raised

And they lived in hope:

Less worries!

Elderly people

Mother Russia

Didn't spoil you

Easy fate.

May God give you peace

To over the river

The sun was shining

The dome is blue.

Elderly people

You are like this in everything:

You give your soul

Experience and love

To dear home

To the young world

And all that heart

Remembers again.

Elderly people

Let the years be old

Will be your support

Children will understand everything.

And bow low to you

From relatives and friends,

And from all the Fatherland

For invaluable work!

The Day of the Elderly is a special holiday for Russians. Since childhood, we have been absorbing folk traditions and wisdom, the foundations of culture and native speech from people of the older generation. From grandmother's tales, from grandfather's stories, our first love for our native land and its inhabitants is born. We will never forget what was done by the hands of the older generation. They built factories and plants, fought at the front, worked conscientiously in peacetime, raised us, their children and grandchildren.

Time does not stand still. The rhythm of our life is ever faster, more and more with the years of excitement, urgent matters ... But taking care of our old people, elderly people is something that must not be forgotten for a minute. To support, to equip life, to provide real help - this is one of the most important tasks of today. But this is only a small part of our unpaid debt to the older generation. Big things are made up of little things. To give way on the bus, to help cross the road, to express simple human attention - and wrinkles near the eyes are smoothed out, the look becomes brighter, and warmer on the heart of an elderly person. They also help us when we grow up. In their kind and strong hearts we draw support and understanding, patience and love, energy and inspiration. Many thanks to them for that!

Educator: proverbs are folk wisdom. Listen carefully and tell me what they mean?(children's answers).

1) "Do not laugh at the old, and you yourself will be old."

2) "Yun - s toys , and old - with pillows ».

3) "Where is the grandfather, but the grandmother - there is a pancake."

Finger gymnastics "My family".

I have a big family:

Mom Nina, baba Raya,

Call Pope Alexander

He's just a grandma - a son-in-law!

Well, I'm a granddaughter to granny.

And also the dog Zhuchka

He lives with us,

The baboon is guarding the house!

Who is the boss in a big family?

Well, of course, Baba Raya -

There can be no doubt:

He will prompt and help everyone,

She has great talent

Tie a beautiful bow

Mom and Dad make peace

And set the table nicely,

Caress, kiss,

Tell a story at night!

(I invite the children to tell about their grandparents).

Game - a riddle "Say a word".

Who washes, cooks, sews,

Tired at work

Waking up so early? -

Only caring. (Mother)

Who will teach you how to hammer in a nail

Will give the car to steer

And he will tell you how to be brave

Strong, agile and skillful?

You guys all know -

This is our favorite. (dad)

Who does not get tired of love,

He bakes pies for us,

Delicious pancakes?

This is ours. (Granny)

Who worked all his life

Surrounded by care

Grandchildren, grandmother, children,

Respected ordinary people?

Our ageless. (grandfather)

Retired for many years

Grandma - the sun, grandfather - a verse,

A lot of health for both of them!

We wish you happiness for another two centuries,

Happy Elderly. (human!)

Grandpa and Grandma

Were young

And when you got old -

Become. (elderly)

With my grandmother alone

We will dance and sing

We will arrange a holiday for all friends -

Let's lay the table with pies!

When will we meet the guests with her?

On holiday. (old people)

Take care of old people

For cheerful spring branches

The roots are more than relatives ...

Take care of old people

From insults, cold weather, fire.

Behind them -

The rumble of attacks

Years of hard work

And battles ...

But with old age -

Break step

And the rhythm of breathing is uneven.

But with old age -

The forces are not the same.

Unlived days

Small stock ...

Take care of old people

Without which you would not exist!

L. Tatyanicheva. 1963

Elderly person's day in kindergarten. Senior preparatory group

Entertainment script for preschoolers with the participation of grandmothers "Super grandmother"

Description. This development will be useful for kindergarten teachers. The script is intended for older preschool children. Joint holidays will help make grandmothers active participants in the educational process in a preschool institution.
Purpose of the event: Fostering love and respect for the elderly (grandparents)
Preparatory work:
Natural material is needed, colored cardboard, colored paper, scissors, glue, napkins;
vegetables and fruits for sandwiches, loaf;
dishes (trays, plates, knives, cutting boards)
peas and beans
certificates and souvenirs for participants

Suggest to parents to arrange a holiday for their mothers and fathers on October 1, to surround them with attention and care on this day, to organize the "Super-grandmother" competition.
Talk with parents about the event in advance, invite your child to prepare a short story about your grandmother (be able to introduce your grandmother), a creative act (sing, dance, tell a poem, etc.)
3. Make invitation cards for the holiday together with the children. Instruct children to hand over invitations to their grandparents.
4. To teach the children songs and poems for the holiday, to tell about the holiday "Day of the Elderly", to offer to congratulate and please your grandparents on this day, to make them happy.

Holiday progress

Host: There is a special date in the autumn calendar when the heart is overflowing with a feeling of deep gratitude, when you want to say words of gratitude, to be especially sensitive and attentive to people. On this day, we honor our grandparents. What should you call this holiday?
Look at the faces of the grandparents in the hall! How much light, joy, energy, kindness they have! Therefore, let's call this day a day of mutual sensitivity, attention and tact, a day of kind smiles and bright thoughts.
Today is a day so unique
You want to say special words:
So that you are young, active,
And never got sick.
To your joy home,
To live without troubles in him until old age and not grieve
To raise their grandchildren,
To learn the best of them.
Do not grow old, do not be sad, do not get bored,
To celebrate this holiday every year!

Host: I propose to perform together a familiar and beloved song by everyone
"Grandmother next to grandfather"
1. A holiday, a holiday in our kindergarten.
And it happens only once a year!
We will dance for you, we will sing a song,
How friendly we live with grandmother and grandfather!
Chorus: Grandma next to grandpa
Clap their hands loudly.
They all love their grandchildren,
Well, their grandchildren - too!
2. We were waiting, we were waiting for you to visit us.
We are very, very glad to have guests.
Dressed up, made tea,
The table is set - meet grandparents!
Grandmother next to grandfather
Clap their hands loudly.
They all love their grandchildren,
Well, their grandchildren - too!
Host: The guys have prepared their congratulations.

Grandma has magic hands,
Or maybe just skillful ones?
Decide matters every day
And the pancakes are delicious!
Seagull and fragrant jam,
They are always waiting for us at my grandmother's house!
May happiness be great, radiant -
She will always be with her grandmother!

Host: Today, in honor of the holiday, we are announcing the SUPERBABUSHKA 2013 competition.
Today they will fight for the title "Super-grandmother": (The host calls her grandmother, grandson or granddaughter escorts her to the tables)
And, like any competition, our competition must be judged. We represent our distinguished jury.

Now the children will tell a little about our participants, and the jury will evaluate the ability of the contestants to stay on stage. (Grandchildren and granddaughters take turns to introduce their grandmothers)
The second COMPETITION is called "CINDERELLA"
In the competition, you need to show not only the ability to do everything quickly, but also the ability to analyze, synthesize, compare. Simply put, whoever separates beans from peas faster is the winner. And their grandchildren and granddaughters will help our participants.

Host: While the jury is summing up the results, the guys will perform the song "My beloved grandmother" for you

Host: Well, well, our children can sing well, it's time to check if our grandmothers can sing.
The third COMPETITION is called "OY, LULY - LULY". Every super grandmother should be able to sing ditties. Participants are invited to take their seats.

Host: We continue our competition program. It's no secret that our grandmothers know how to cook well, and they are always happy to pamper their grandchildren with various “goodies”.
(Grandmothers take turns presenting their dish).
Host: Grandmothers will rest, and their grandchildren will read poems for them.
1 who's in the kitchen with a ladle
It always stands at the stove,
Who darn our clothes
Who's buzzing with a vacuum cleaner?

Who in the world tastes better than everyone
He always bakes pies
Even dads who are more important
And who is honored in the family?

Who will sing us a song for the night
To make us fall asleep sweetly?
Who is the kindest and most wonderful?
Well, of course - grannies!

2. Our grandmother has happy years -
grandma went on a well-deserved rest.
No need to go to work now,
it's time to rest, watch your health!

But she cleans the apartment.
Pat, cook, then wash.
When everything in the house sparkles, glitters,

How much attention grandchildren require!
Granny knows no boredom until nightfall
When he puts everyone down, he will calm down,
then the grandma looks after the health!

Parents of grandchildren come home from work,
and their grandmother takes care of them.
Some kind of tired grandmother looks,
but like retired, sitting at home.

3. It would seem - a simple word GRANDMA!
But how special it sounds!
It contains a ray of sun and a mountain of pancakes,
In it, the fairy tale of childhood gently murmurs!
It contains sensitive attention and tenderness,
Smiles, light, warmth of beloved hands!
Years go by, but still, as before,
You, GRANDMA, are my most faithful friend!
Thank you for your patience and care!
Health to you, my dear!
For long and joyful years
I wish you great HAPPINESS!

Host: We all know that grandmothers are needlewomen.
We called the fifth competition “MARYA ARTIST”.
Our grandmothers have a task to make a craft from natural material, and their beloved grandchildren will help them.
Music sounds, grandmothers together with grandchildren make handicrafts from natural materials.
Host: So we come to the final competition of our program. We have no doubt that all our grandmothers are creative people. And what a surprise they have prepared for us together with their granddaughters and grandchildren - we will now see.
CREATIVE COMPETITION (Grandmothers and grandchildren perform a prepared musical number).
Host: While the jury is summing up the results, I invite the children to play.

Host: Is the jury ready to announce the results of the competition?
The word of the jury.
(the participants are awarded commemorative certificates with the inscriptions: Mrs. Riddle, Mrs. Smile, Mrs. Charm, Mrs. Grace, Mrs. Artisan, Mrs. Super - Grandma 2013.

Host: Summing up, I would like to express my deep gratitude to all the participants for taking our comic competition so seriously, and to wish you all good health, longevity, good mood and all the best.

Lyudmila Chistova
Project in the middle group "Day of the Elderly"

Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution

"Kindergarten number 42"

Project for intermediate children preschool age

Prepared: Chistova L.V

Old man it's not old at all,

This means he lived, gained wisdom.

It just might be so ... a little tired,

After all, he always led the youth forward.

From the bottom of his heart he shared his experience, knowledge,

He helped us with advice, by his example.

So take from us "thanks" with recognition,

For your unselfish labor for the good of the country!

This day celebrates, not only Russia.

In that day we praise everyone, elderly we are people

And we wish you only a happy old age!

Be healthy, full of new ideas!

Type of the project: socially creative

Performers: Educators middle groups, parents; children.

Children's age: 4-5 years old

Duration project activities: short-term, from 09/26/2016 to 10/10/2016


This is a kind and bright holiday, on which we surround our parents and grandparents with special attention. This holiday is very important today, because it allows you to draw attention to numerous problems old people existing in modern society. We must be mindful of needs old people, as well as the problem of demographic aging of society as a whole. According to world statistics, our society is inevitably aging. So, in 2002, ten human accounted for one sixty years old, and by 2050 this ratio will be already one in five. It is expected that a third of the world's population by 2150 will be over sixty years of age.

It is very important to celebrate in kindergarten, because this holiday is an additional opportunity to educate children in love and respect for the older generation. Since in kindergarten, the beginning of everything beautiful is laid, including love and respect for the older generation. Since childhood human absorbs from the older generation folk traditions and wisdom, the foundations of culture and native speech. We will never forget what was done by the hands of the older generation.

The international community celebrates October 1. This day- a tribute to people who devoted most of their lives to serving their Motherland, a holiday for those who worked for the good of the future

Purpose - To instill in pupils such important personal qualities as politeness, respect for the older generation, love for their family, we support the creative activity of children. Formation of respectful attitude towards elderly people.


Raising love, respect, sympathy, empathy for loved ones (grandmothers, grandfathers, aunts, uncles, etc.);

Development of communication skills, related speech, the ability to analyze, establish family ties, creative abilities;

Acquaintance with the history of the emergence of the holiday, deepening knowledge about their pedigree, orientation in space (right left).

Expected Result:

We assume that the implementation of this the project will lead to positive dynamics of the following indicators:

Children will receive information about the holiday »

Learn to show care, tolerance, mercy, kindness, responsiveness and respect for older people

Stages of implementation the project:

Preparatory stage:

Development of the project

Working with methodological material, literature on this topic

The main stage is practical:

Joint activities with children, parents.

Implemented activities.

Thematic classes

history of the holiday « Seniors day»

"My friendly family"(painting "A family", stories about the family)

"Granny (granddad)- my best friend "- IZO d-t.

"Old age must be respected",

"The best helper for grandparents",

"Our dear grandmother and grandfather",

"Their work is worthy of respect",

"Grandfather's portrait",

"Grandmother's hands",

"Gifts for grandparents",

“Our dear grandfather and grandmother,

"Mom's mom"

Situational conversations:

How did we rest together?

How do you help loved ones? (The game "Good bad")

Games - travel: "To the village to my grandmother"

Viewing filmstrips and cartoons:

Gingerbread man

Like grandma's goat

Most precious

Ryaba chicken

My grandmother had forty grandchildren - A. Barto.


Grandma Blizzard

Grandfather Mazai and the hares - N. Nekrasov.

Meet your grandmother - A. Kurlyandsky.

Santa Claus and summer

Birthday grandma

Reading fiction literature:

Reading fairy tales "We need to love grandfathers, how we can live without grandmothers" L. Zimina and "Grandmother's hands" from the book. "On a visit to the holiday".

"Magic word" V. Oseeva.

"Grandpa" T. Side.

"Grandmother's hands" Lev Kvitko;

"Granny" Agniya Barto)

"Grandma's robe" Mikhail Sadovsky

"Granddad" E. Duke

"My granny" Olga Chusovitina

"Together with grandmother" Natalia Maidanik

"My grandpa" A. Churbanova

"My grandmother" Natalia Maidanik)

"My grandmother" R. Rozhdestvensky

"I love my grandmother very much!" Tamara Marshalova

Minutes of poetry.

Reading poetry about grandparents


"Praise your grandmother, grandfather"

"Say the opposite"

"Name it affectionately"

Pedagogical play situations:

"Grandmothers (grandfathers) assistants "

"Granny (granddad) got sick "

Plot - role-playing game "A family".

N / a "What did our grandparents play"

Making souvenirs - gifts.

Working with parents:

Collection of photographs, material on the topic.

Drawing competition “My beloved grandmother. Granddad".

Photo exhibition "My friendly family", "My family traditions".

"Grandma's Chest"

Final event: Holiday "Native people"


Davydova O.I., Mayer A.A., Bogoslavets L.G.

Family projects... Toolkit. - M .: TC Sphere, 2012 .-- 128p. (Journal library "Office of the preschool educational institution").

Project method in preschool activities institutions: A guide for leaders and practitioners of preschool educational institutions / Ed. -comp .: L. S. Kiselyova, T. A. Danilina, T. S. Lagoda, M. B. Zuikova. - 2nd ed., Rev. And add. - M .: ARKTI, 2004 .-- 96 p. (Development and education of a preschooler).

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Today in our kindergarten there was a holiday dedicated to the Day of the Elderly. Every year our pupils prepare meals for their grandparents.

Day of the Elderly is celebrated on October 1. An elderly person's day is a kind and bright holiday, on which we surround with special attention.

Grandma - the sun, grandfather - verse, A lot of health for you two, We wish you happiness for another two centuries, Happy young man's day! Last.

Day of the Elderly Person in RUSSIA. Who among us does not remember our childhood, beloved grandmother or grandfather and their care for us to the younger generation?

Diversified constructive interaction of the preschool educational institution with the family is an important area of ​​activity, as well as a condition for the development of the social and pedagogical system of the kindergarten. The interaction of parenting adults has a positive impact on physical, mental and social health. The main goal of the dialogue between the preschool educational institution and the family is to create a single space family - kindergarten, in which the participants of the pedagogical process (children, parents, educators) will be comfortable, interesting, safe, useful, and prosperous.

Over the centuries, the traditions of raising young children have been preserved and passed on from generation to generation. But the development of industrial society entailed significant changes in the culture of family education, the acquisition of a new experience of “delegating authority to kindergarten” was enough for parents to lose many valuable traditions of national education. The age of grandmothers and grandfathers includes a generation brought up in kindergarten, poorly remembering traditions (and sometimes not understanding the meaning of this word). The pedagogical staff of our kindergarten thought about how to revive the traditions of parental pedagogy without abandoning the achievements of public preschool education. The Native People project is one of the steps to bring together the two institutions for raising families and kindergartens, and to involve representatives of different generations in the education of preschoolers.

The project participants are children of the preparatory group, grandmothers, grandfathers, educators and kindergarten specialists.

Week "Native People" is held in kindergarten on the eve of the day of the elderly.

Project goal: Involving the life experience of grandparents in the educational process of the open educational space "kindergarten-family"

1 day. Monday.

At the request of the teacher, children bring family photos and photo albums to the kindergarten, look at the photos, tell friends about their loved ones and relatives: what are their names, what they do, what hobbies they have, how they like to spend their free time. The teacher asks the children who is the oldest in their family? (Grandmothers and grandfathers). The teacher tells the children that there is a holiday “Day of the Elderly”. Questions for children: who can we call elderly people? Why? How should you behave with older people? Etc.

In the second half of the day, the “Children's Craftsman” works in the group; children prepare gifts for grandmothers and grandfathers.

2nd day. Tuesday.

The kindergarten organizes the exhibition "Grandma's Chest". Toys and objects made by the hands of grandparents.

Children prepare invitation cards for their grandparents for the holiday with their own hands. "And without grandparents - what kind of family is this?"

3rd day. Wednesday.

Day of the game: “What did our grandmothers play?” (In advance, the children are given the task to find out what games their grandparents played. The teacher prepares a card index of games from the collected material) The child is given the opportunity to introduce his comrades to the rules of the game and organize. (In case of difficulty, a teacher comes to the rescue)

The list of proposed games: ("corners", "rounders", "blind man's buffs", "deaf telephones", "paints", "forged chains", etc.)

In the second half of the day, the “Children's Craftsman” works in the group.

4th day. Thursday.

The teacher reminds the children that there is only one day left before the festive meeting with grandparents, it is necessary to decorate the hall. Children express their proposals for the design of the hall. One of the design moments can be a stand of portraits painted by kids “My beloved ones, my relatives”.

Day 5. Friday.

There is a holiday in kindergarten

“And what kind of family is this without grandparents?”

The song "Parents' House" is played. Guests take their places in the decorated hall.

The presenter greets grandparents with verses:

The game "Seven-flower light" is held (guests sort the flower by petals, on each of which there are written questions)

1. - Do you express a desire to help your children in raising their grandchildren?

- Are there frictions between generations?

- Do you sometimes say to your children: “You yourself still need nannies, but have taken up the task of raising a child”?

- or: "They have no pity for the child, and not that to educate him!"

- What do you think, what can be the consequences of such phrases.

- What, in your opinion, should be shown wisdom in relations with adult children (mother-in-law and son-in-law; mother-in-law and daughter-in-law).

- What is the meaning subtly captured by the proverb "Children to the crown, and grandchildren to the end"

- Do you spoil your grandchildren?

How do you respond to requests and questions from your grandchildren?

- Do you act as “advocates” for a child if he is guilty of something?

- How do you introduce your grandchildren to the world around you?

- Do you give “history” education to your grandchildren? (i.e. do you tell them the story of your family, show them family heirlooms; tell stories, introduce proverbs, sayings, songs, poems, toys).

- What is the art of being a grandfather?

- What household chores do you do with your grandchildren?

After the conversation, children are invited to the hall. Children run into the hall with a snake to the cheerful music.

Song "Family"

They say that women hold the ground. These words are directly related to our grandmothers. Grandmothers are worthy of respect and gratitude for their selfless work and love for us.

Children read poetry.

Two grandmothers on a bench
Sat on a hillock
Grandmothers told:
"We have only fives."

Congratulations to each other.
They shook hands with each other.
Although they passed the exam
Not grandmothers, but grandchildren.

Goes to school for a meeting
Grandma cooks broth
To her for this every month
The postman carries money.

If grandma said:
Do not touch, do not dare
You have to listen because
Our house rests on her.

The grandmother is the keeper of the family hearth, and the grandfather is the support of a large family. An adult man, wise by life experience, will always find the right answer to any question, teach his grandchildren about men's affairs. It is always fun and interesting to spend time with your grandfather.

Children recite poetry

My dear grandpa
We are all proud of you!
And I will tell you a secret:
There is no better grandfather in the world!
I will try
To be equal to him in everything.

Children perform the song "Grandmother next to grandfather"

The game "Know the grandson" (Children stand in a circle, one of the guests is invited to the center of the circle, blindfolded he has to find his grandson or granddaughter)

Competition "Grandmother next to grandfather"

Several pairs of contestants are invited. Participants introduce themselves by name and patronymic and say who invited them to the holiday. (it is necessary to prepare the emblems with the names of the participants in advance).

Kindergarten specialists can be invited to the jury.

1. Competition "Emblem of our family" (you can draw the emblem at home)

Grandma, grandfather and grandchildren present the emblem and talk about their family.

2. Competition "Folk wisdom"

Teams of participants take turns presenting proverbs and sayings about parenting.

3. Competition "Archery"

Grandfathers and grandchildren go out to hunt. The target is an ordinary bucket, and the onion is an ordinary onion. Bucket - set the target at a distance of 5 meters, 10 bulbs for each team. The team with the most onions in the bucket wins.

4. Contest "Solve the puzzle"

Each team is offered 5 puzzles. The team that solved a large number of puzzles wins.

5. Contest "Let's Cook Soup"

Grandfather and grandchildren bring vegetables one by one, lying on the table on one side of the hall to grandmother, who at the table on the other side of the hall must quickly peel and cut them.

6. Competition "Secret"

(The teacher and the music director record on an audio cassette the children's stories about their family, about their grandparents) The grandchildren keep a secret and do not tell adults about it. Contestants must guess who the story is about, in other words, get to know themselves and their family.

All participants in the competition are awarded prizes and gifts. Children give gifts to their grandparents.

The holiday ends with a tea party.