Cool style. Actual colors and possible prints. Video Classic Clothing Style for Women

What is good classic, so it is its timeless position in relation to other styles. New trends in the fashion world come, circle heads of heads, and soon leave, freeing the place to the next trends and trends. Whether the business is a classic style of clothing - as opposed to his fellow, he strengthened so firmly on the Fashion-Olympus that no new currents can shake him.


It is difficult to say, the classic style of clothing was originated by the code, since it exists like the framework of the time and geographic paradigm. However, it can be said that, largely on its formation was influenced by the Fashion of the UK, starting in the XVIIV. Puritan style with its rigor and minimalism laid the foundations of a modern classic style. The appearance of the movement of feminists also had its impact on the formation of the canons of fashionable classics, because initially classic costumes were exclusively man. ClassicSiaga and Coco Chanel are made in the formation of postulates ClassicSiaga and Coco Chanel. The role of the latter is especially great: Mademoiselle Coco managed to become a queen of female classics, and not a single fashion designer could challenge this title.

Despite the fact that the foundations of the classical fashion are monolithic and unshakable, like granite, over time, some details are still changed. Fashion trends and new trends are breeding and in the kingdom of classics, without giving it to hear and outrage.

Classic style clothing: what is it built on?

The classic style was a long way during which it managed to become truly exemplary (by the way, the word "classic" comes from the Latin "Classicus, which is just translated as" exemplary "). It is based on the following principles:

  • elegance;
  • harmony;
  • proportionality;
  • restraint;
  • self-esteem;
  • the absence of ultrammode parts, silhouettes, color solutions;
  • functionality;
  • knowing of limits;
  • rigor;
  • femininity.

Classic style is often mixed with business. These two directions really have common features, but these are not identical concepts. Business style simply inherited the features of the classic, as it is associated with the success, educational, impeccable manner and similar taste. Proof of this is immortal images in which the world remember Coco Chanel, Audrey Hepburn, Grace Kelly, Jacqueline Kennedy, Margaret Thatcher.

Distinctive features

Classic style in clothing is characterized by a harmonious combination of simplicity and incredible femininity. The virtuoso clock, the use of good, high-quality and expensive materials makes it possible to emphasize the merits of each woman.

The abundance of rushes, huge bows, screaming colors, defiantly high heels, deep neckline, mini skirts - all this is unacceptable in the classics.

Main components

  • Dress - Fundament of classic style in women's clothing. It can be the most different - it all depends on the appointment, the figures of its owner and goals that the dress is designed to serve. The optimal option is a knee-length dress or a little lower. It is desirable that the color was restrained - black, blue, white, any of pastel shades. Only unobtrusive and unshakful patterns are allowed from prints - a cell, a thin strip, a small peas, "chicken foot", "Christmas tree". As for the length, it dictates the time of day and the purpose of the dress. So, for the first half of the day, the midi dress will fit, whereas for the evening secular rout - the Maxi length model (unlike the day version, the evening dress made in the classic vein, even cuts and decollete).
  • Suit with pants or skirt. Here the ball rules is simplicity. Like the lower part of the costume, and the jacket must be made sufficiently minimalist, have a strict style and sit perfectly on the figure. Pay attention to the material - the best for the classic suit will be suitable tweed, thin wool, jersey, in the summer version - flax.
  • Blouse. It can be moderately strict, to the measure of feminine, both tight and spacious (in this case, the blouse must be made of lung materials like chiffon or silk). Blouse color should be restrained and non-crumbling.
  • Footwear. It can have a heel, but it should not be too high - up to 6-7 cm. Shoes, neat boots or ankle boots, do not sin with an abundance of a catchy decor - this is what is useful to form an image in a classic style.
  • Accessories. They should not be much. It is desirable that the decorations are unscrewed, modest and not cheap. Pearl thread, thin watch, elegant strap, silk scarf - all this can decorate its owner, dressing a la in classic.

Celebrity Dressing in Classic Style

Celibriti is often samples for imitation - on the red tracks, during press conferences and interviews they look at all hundred. But in everyday life, it is often possible to relax, preferring comfortable jeans, stopped sneakers and spacious training sweatshirts. And only some of them even in everyday life "hold the brand", putting on the classic style. These include Angelina Jolie, Victoria Beckham, Jennifer Lopez, Jessica Alba, Eva Longoria and others.

The choice is yours

If you have not yet decided on your style, the classic can become an excellent option. She is good because it harmoniously fits almost into any situation, emphasizing the virtues of the woman, her feeling of taste and impeccable style.

The classic style of clothing for girls is relevant and modern. For the first time, this direction was spoken for a long time. A lot of time passed, fashion trends arose and disappeared, but the classic remained.

Previously, the pants were worn only by men.

Famous truth - fashion is always changing. Styles, color, length, fabric - also change. But there is one direction that remains permanent more than three centuries - classic.

The style is characterized by a combination of strict and elegant things. Translated from the Latin language "Classicus" is read as "first-class, higher category."

The fashion designers say that the history of the classic style is very ancient.

Old, strict england. There, in the middle of the XVII, a classic style originated. I reached the information that at first it was a male costume, elegant and concise.

Then, with the emergence of the feminist movement in the XVIII century, the female fashion binds the lines and features of men's clothing. There are many disputes and disagreements between stylists and fashion designers.

And only the Great and Talented Coco Chanel managed to reconcile and show the world unusual things: beautiful, comfortable and elegant. Thanks to the woman still worn black dress, jackets, trouser costumes and direct skirts.

What is the success and durability of the classics? Of course, in harmony and rigor of lines. This image is restrained, but not arrogant and not bored.

It feels the constancy and traditions that we lack in a changeable world. The classic style is always appropriate, suitable for people with different types of pieces of figure.

The girl in a classic suit looks worthily and elegant.

Conservatism, rigor and quality

In classic clothing must be cozy.

For each age, the classic offers a set of models with such features:

  • quality;
  • simplicity cut;
  • definition;
  • rigor;
  • lack of bright details;
  • elegance;
  • elegance;
  • the integrity of the image.

Stylists believe if the girl chose a classic style, she is obliged to fit him always. This means that it is impossible to wear a business suit in the office, and in the theater or cinema to go in sportswear. Strict and discreet appearance is constant for each person, and it is desirable to stick to every day.

Elegant, nonsense clothing is not suitable for everyone.

If the girl is unnecessarily emotional, unrestrained, then in classic things it will be uncomfortable.

The classic is characterized by constancy and conservatism. And the new one rarely appears. Three centuries The main signs of the direction are practically not changed, sometimes some elements and parts are added.

Often the fashion designers talk about the classics as a natural style.

Wardrobe for every day

What is included in the classic style?

For girls, classic style of clothing is diverse:

  1. Blouse;
  2. Dress;
  3. Jacket;
  4. Vest;
  5. Blazer.

There are rules that are advised to comply with when wearing these things:

  1. Blouses - Women's wardrobe blouses look like men's shirts. They have a long sleeve, rack collar and lack of rocks, bows and frill;
  2. Pants - straight cut, sometimes the models are slightly ejected the book. Feature - arrows and pockets;
  3. Dress - semi-grained silhouette, with a small neckline and black sleeves. The wardrobe of the stylish girl consists of several types of dresses: a narrow cut, a dress-case and dresses of a-silhouette. In each she will look confident in his appearance;
  4. Skirt - Classic image offers straight and narrowed skirts. The length varies slightly above the knee or slightly below it;
  5. The vest - appeared in the XIX century, today is represented by the models of Bolero, Spencer, Bloison and Cardigan. Worn with skirts and pants, shirt and turtleneck;
  6. The jacket is a single-breasted, straight cut, with a collar. The length is allowed to the waist, the middle of the hips or lower.

These things are harmoniously selected and combined with each other, help look fashionable and stylish!

Classic - for confident

Available to use accessories.

The classic image is not suitable for everyone. It is proved that people belonging to the classic psychotice feel comfortable in the clothes of this direction.

They are confident, restrained and calm. Love look fashionable. I appreciate comfortable and practical things.

Today, classic style is perceived as a kind of sample moderation and tranquility, which choose the girls conservative, serious and purposeful. These are political figures, managers, employees, bosses and scientists.

After all, the proverb "Meet the clothes, and follow the mind" - still on a hearing! And it is important how we look at the first meeting. This affects further success and career.

The classic direction requires the corresponding attributes:

  • modest decorations;
  • branded wrist watch;
  • leather shoes;
  • clean clothes;
  • modern hairstyle;

If the girl chooses this style, it is worth sticking to him constantly.

Then she will be attractive and feminine!

Modern office style

Several allowable colors.

For the first time, information about the uniform for the office appeared at the beginning of the 20th century. Until that time, women were perceived as workers at home - they gave birth and raised children, removed and washed, prepared dinners and worked in the garden.

But the society developed, the rights of weak half also changed, the circle of interests and needs expanded. Over time, it became another and female wardrobe.

Currently, girls work in responsible and senior posts. These are director of firms and enterprises, university rectors, scientists and politicians, owners of their own business.

And to look confident and stylish, you need to dress correctly.

Doubt the choice? Put the straight pants, a monophonic shirt and a straight vest - the view will correspond to the office atmosphere. In order not to look sad and boring, pick up the appropriate accessories - bag, decorations, shoes.

  • the black;
  • olive;
  • beige;
  • purple;
  • grey;
  • lactic;
  • dark cherry.

Office outfits sew from different fabrics.

It is thin wool, natural silk, flax, satin, tightness, gabardine and chiffon.

Business style involves suitable clothing and true shoes. It is allowed to wear shoes on a low heel and on a flat wedge. Heel height - 5-6 centimeters.

The other components of the image of a business woman are important:

  • bags - it is desirable to purchase a bag of genuine leather. In size, an office bag is small, square or rectangular, without fasteners and pockets. Often buy a black leather folder to work;
  • jewelry - This style does not accept extra elements and a lot of decorations. Recommend minimum jewelry and business accessories. Beads, brooches, clips and earrings - monotonous and inappropriate colors. And scarves, ties, prostine and scarves - discreet tones;
  • hairstyle - For the classic style, short haircut and brightly colored hair is not desirable. Hairstyle - neat, and the color of the hair is natural. If the hair is long, make the tail or bump. Makeup is not bright and calm.

The classic changed at all times. Color, fabric texture, length also changed. But the style itself is preserved.

And clothes in this style does not go out of fashion, remains popular and in demand. And girls who prefer the classics are successful and prosperous!

From this video you will learn how to make a classic image correctly.

In contact with

Most often, classic style in clothing is associated with a calm, timeless elegance. There is no place at all, nor for exaggerated shine, nor for frank excesses. Women who prefer classic style are characterized by simplicity and sophistication in trifles. If you briefly, the classic is on a thin face between modest conservativeness and expressive drama, the purpose of which is a vivid impression.

Characteristic of classic style

As already mentioned, in the classic style of clothing is especially valued easy and minimalism. Mandatory requirement for such outfits: elegance that is emitting from the crowd.

The secret of a successful onion in the classic style lies in a special attention to the details and the ability to create an individual image from individual components of very high quality.

Women choosing this style are distinguished by special love for design and decor. They are well versed in fashion and always very skillfully dilute their wardrobe with the most modern trends. Very often, in the first place in life, such ladies put their careers. This type of type is characteristic of a businesswoman occupying high positions, and possessing short-term organizational abilities (after all, for such women, it is especially important to look great not only in working days, but even on the weekend). Fans of classic style know a sense in high-quality tailored, dear clothes and adore her to buy.

Classic style wardrobe

The classic style in clothes are subordinate to the career, so all outfits, including, differ in special elements with notes of luxury. Even in the free time, the girls choosing a classic style look very elegant and at any time can be sent to an important meeting. The most important thing for them is high quality, Therefore, fakes of well-known brands are the strictest taboo (regardless of dependence, whether outerwear or underwear). The same rule concerns accessories and cosmetics. Inalienable classic style ladies attributes are impeccable haircut, well-groomed hands with perfect manicure, beautiful makeup and modern jewelry.

In the closet of classic style fans, it is possible to detect: elegant white blouses, women's suits, simple stalls skirts, evening dresses, cashmere sweaters and coats, as well as many accessories: belts, scarves, bags and shoes.

Reading these descriptions may seem to adhere to such a style can only afford very rich women. Of course, a classic wardrobe requires significant financial costs, but, first of all, we are talking about a well-thought-out approach to shopping and the ability to properly combine individual elements of clothing.

Since the possibility of carrying dresses from eminent designers has units, not so wealthy ladies who wish to dress in a classic style, have to very carefully plan their purchases. They never buy another blouse on the sale, and very scrupulously dig to a specific thing, such as a dress or coat. But it is safe to say with confidence that it is thanks to the classic style that women always look very elegant.

The real icons of the classic style rightly consider Audrey Hepburn, Jane Fonda and Jacqueline Kennedy Obscis. Other famous personalities preferring classic: Katie Holmes, Ashley Olsen, Brooke Shields, Victoria Beckham, Lauren Conrad, Angelina Jolie, Kate Midleton, Michelle Obama, Dian Kruger, Marion Cotyar.

Classic style in clothes: for whom?

If you prefer classic style, then you are more conservative in comparison with modern fashionistas. In your wardrobe accurately prevails Neutral color gamma (Namely black, gray, dark blue and beige shades), but all stamps are distinguished by clear, straight lines. Another characteristic feature: you probably like tops, jackets, and dresses with an underlined waist.

Fans of classic style prefer simple, timeless, business outfits. They often adhere to the trends obliging the appropriate accessories to each separate alongside (handbag and tone). Such women never chase in fashion and do not even pay attention to strange, chanced trends.

Young girls who adore classic style often hear in their address "accusations" that such clothes give a more mature view that does not always combine with their young age. In fact, these concerns are groundless - a classic to everyone.

Classic style - the basis of a chic fashion. It is characterized by minimalism, accuracy and elegance. At the same time, the women of this style are rarely experimenting and therefore, sometimes risks look too predictable and even boring.

So that this does not happen, you should not be afraid to leave the comfort zone: choose basic things not only neutral, but also more expressive shades. Rate your type of appearance and pick up the palette that will be the best way to emphasize your natural beauty.

Classic colors (gray, black, dark blue and beige shades) are often diluted with bright accents of red, yellow, pink, green and blue.

Improve the classic outfit can be using interesting details, emphasizing the individuality of your image. Such accents can, for example, become a scarf of a stunning color, trend clutch with spikes or fashionable sandals with a lot of straps. Another option: Combine basic things classic and some other style. You can learn the ideas of fashionable experiments in many well-known Fashion bloggers.

Classic clothing style for women: approximate wardrobe

In the classic wardrobe, old and new things are surprising. Here, the main role is played not labels of eminent brands, but styles and cut. Of course, without a few expensive things in the closet, it's just not to do, but the basic value of the classic wardrobe is that all the ego elements are perfectly lying on their hostess. This classic is always in fashion, therefore, if the thing is distinguished by excellent quality, it can serve for years (which is also a certain advantage). In the exemplary classic wardrobe will definitely find:

  • little black dress (and preferably not one);
  • little white dress;
  • classic tweed jacket in Chanel style;
  • knitted blazer (dark blue / black / beige / dirty white);
  • beige Trench from camel wool;
  • classic boats (black / nude / gray / red);
  • classic ballet shoes (black / nude / red / pink);
  • a pair of jeans on the figure;
  • pair of white jeans;
  • pair of straight trousers;
  • couple of narrowed trousers;
  • black skirt-pencil;
  • shirt in fine cell;
  • white dress shirt;
  • striped shirt;
  • simple white T-shirt;
  • cashmere Pullover;
  • cashmere Cardigan;
  • a pair of sunglasses in a turtle frame;
  • a leopard printer (bag / coat / shoes);
  • high-quality silk scarf (which can be knitted by a variety of ways);
  • things with classic patterns (strip / Scotland / goose paw / small cell);
  • pearl.

Classic clothing style for girls: 9 Must Have Things

If you narrow the previous list to several, the most popular items, among the obligatory things will be:

  • small black dress. In combination with the corresponding accessories, it can be worn to work, to the city or on an evening date;
  • boats. An uncomplicated classic without unnecessary decorations is the perfect shoes for both a friendly meeting and for a banquet business;
  • white T-shirt. This simple, but very indispensable thing looks great not only with jeans and comfortable cardigan, but also with a jacket and a pencil skirt;
  • black or dark blue jacket. Another thing that looks great both in an elegant version with straight trousers or a pencil skirt and in combination with jeans;
  • pencil skirt. The most demanded by women's style, worn to work and business meetings;
  • cashmere sweater. In a pair with jeans, it is an ideal bow for shopping, walking in the park or gatherings in a cafe;
  • jeans. Simple classic jeans can be used in a variety of stylization and images for various events (except, of course, official meetings);
  • white shirt. This is another timeless thing with a lot of ways to use: you can wear it with elegant trousers and skirts, and with jeans or skirts;
  • trench. Black, beige or dark blue raincoat goes almost to everything, therefore it is worth getting at least one such triple.

Classic style clothing: Buddles

Recently, a minimalistic trend and the classic style of clothing is enjoyed with great demand just fully meets all its requirements. A lot of elements belonging to the classic style (small black dress, a white shirt, a simple cardigan) are the basis of a wide variety of interesting images. Due to this, even with such a compact wardrobe, you can always come up with new feminine bows.

The classic style is not only elegant and elegant, it is at the same time very simple and comfortable. The three presented sets for office, walks and access to the world as it is impossible to confirm this truth better.

Outfit for work

Wearing a white cotton t-shirt, black trousers and a dark fitted jacket Equally well suited for office everyday life, and for Vakenda walks. Fullness complement classic black ballet shoes and a long, thin necklace. Knitted jacket makes this bow ideal for daily use.

Outfit for urban walks

The second set, ideal for everyday socks, consists of Dark blue jeans, white shirt with elongated back and dark blue short. As in the first case, the image is complemented ballet and pendant on a long chain.

Outfit for gorgeous access to light

The last set is a great variation of how to dress for solemn events. Beautiful black dress in combination with a short beige jacket - The perfect duet for any secular Rout. So that the image looks really perfectly, it must be supplemented. nude boats and clutch in tone. The final touch can be elegant bracelet with original clasp.

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But there are things out of time, and, created once, do not cease to be fashionable for many decades. So the classic style in the interior, originated in the XVIII century, remains in demand today.

Style history

The classic style appeared in Europe in the middle of the XVIII century. In those days, I already fed up and replaced him, change was required. Under an indelible impression of ancient culture and, architect named Robert Adam, developed interiors, not inferior to the sophistication of Rococo.
The new style is based on the ideas of rationalism: the clarity of volumetric forms, conciseness, monumentality, the regularity of the planning and the absence of unnecessary elements.

The classic interior style has reached his heyday during the reign of Louis XIV in France. A worthy example of this is great with its representativeness, the parade of interiors and a bright decor in combination with a clear geometric layout and an derived composition.

Classic in the interior

The classic style in the interior is considered a sign of a good taste and respectability.
These interiors are characterized by harmony. The rooms are drawn up with a truly royal scale, but in compliance with all the rules and rules in characteristic classicism.

Materials and finishing

In the classic interior, special attention is paid to finishing materials. Nothing cheap and artificial, all only exclusive and natural!
If it is a floor covering, then artistic parquet of venerable wood. If the tile, then marble or executed by Italian masters with the observance of traditional technologies.

The ceiling is painted, use the modeling, friezes, thereby creating real artwork. Very often in the front rooms you can see semi-column, columns resembling the Architecture of the Renaissance and Palace Interiors.

The walls are covered with decorative plaster, cloth or wallpaper having a natural base. In classical interiors there is nothing screaming, bright. Colors are calm, harmonious, most often beige, dairy, brown and olive shades in combination with gilding. For style, the feeling of harmony and chic is important.

Style furniture

Not in the last place is correctly selected furniture. Only natural wood, no fiberboard and MDF. Elegant and massive furniture items are manufactured on the best factories using valuable and rare wood species. An excellent choice will be antique furniture.
Classic smooth forms without unnecessary curls - tribute style. Often furniture inlaid by semi-precious stones, decorated with carvings. Natural silk, velvet, cotton of noble colors are used for upholstery.


So that the entire interior "played", the literal accents are competent. In the classic interior, do not do without massive crystal or forged chandeliers, original sconces made by artist masters. And to create an extra comfort, bottom light is added.
Table lamps and lamps are set up so that you can comfortably get a job in a chair with a book or a tea table.

Accessories and decor

In many homes, it is preferred to install a fireplace. What can be cozy than burning lights in a cold evening and a warm conversation with a glass of good wine or a cup of tea?
But any interior will not be completed without cute "baubles". For the "classics", you should choose accessories, based on their artistic or historical value.

Products from porcelain, bronze and silver candlesticks, sculptures, mirrors in gilded and antique frames - everything is harmoniously combined and complements the classic interior.
Pictures and antique products are appropriate on the walls.
Silk or woolen carpet on the floor will give warmth to the whole room.

Classic style in the interior, with all its respectability, high costs and clear consequences of traditions are comfortable and not cut off from life as a glossy picture. He does not become obsolete and as vintage wine, it becomes only more expensive over the years!

Classic style in the interior - Photo

Classic style never comes out of fashion. He is the beginning of all fashion trends, the foundation of all styles. Elegant, discreet, convenient and practical, classic style in clothes emphasizes the mind in man, businesslikeness, good taste, striving for excellence, self-confidence, authority, ambition, organizational abilities, discipline, reliability and responsibility. People with such features of the classics are most suitable. Such people are usually professionals in their business achieve a lot. A man dressed in classic style clothes is perceived by respectable, solid and successful. Well maintenance, quality, goodness is also the motto of classics.

Who is suitable classic style

The classic style is suitable for very many, but still not everyone goes perfectly. As a rule, he is to the face of women with a symmetrical, oval face with proportional harmonious features and not very expressive eyes. Their figure is proportional, with straight, or semi-simplicate lines. Such a figure combines both femininity, and some angularity, blessing, or similar to the boyish. The waist is not expressed, either slightly visible. Hips and shoulders are straight, flat - flat. Most often, growth is medium. If you learned in this description yourself, the recommendations given in this article are for you.

General characteristic of classic style

The main features of the classic style: restraint; moderation; minimalism, concise; elegance; rigor, clarity of lines; Quality, quality treatment; clothing well sitting on the figure; seams, perfectly holding clothes; Stamps, which are always in fashion, and new fashion trends are not allowed, except for some details in moderate.



Lines of classic style are direct, clear, strict, defined, simple, ordinary. Also shown are also valid.


Silhouettes are simple and free, straight, with straight shoulders (even if without boobies). If the figure is not straight, then the clothes can be fitted, or with a slight designation of the waist. But one is undoubtedly - the silhouettes of classical style always have elegance and slimness of models.


Details of the classic style clothing, which correspond to its characteristics are straight lines of collars, lapels, pockets, elongated clasp, sharp lapels, jackets without obtasses. On skirts and dresses - a minimum of extachules and folds on the waist (if it is not expressed), if the waist is expressed - rudeness of folds. Skirt length - between the knee and ankle. Skirts, as a rule, are straight, with a smell, cut, slightly trapezoid, or a narrowed book, as well as pleacited. Pants are straight, with arrows, with cuffs. The shoulder lines should be perfectly developed, straight and neat. The belt is allowed any width, except extremes. The main thing in the details is to observe direct and clear forms and moderation. But remember that some fashion trends are allowed, that is, the length can be slightly varied depending on the fashion, or the modular proportions are used, the nuances of cutting and parts.


These include all the fabrics are discreet, elegant and well-holding a straight clear silhouette shape: smooth, smooth; neutral, monotonous; lungs, thin; dense shape; natural; from silk matte to medium-shiny.

Examples fabrics: soap cotton; linen; Wool that keeps the shape (gabardine, sarza, tweed); a mixture of dense silk (raw) and flax; a mixture of dense, non-falling, natural and artificial tissues; Noble fabrics (cashmere).

Classic style prints

A classic style is most suitable for monotonous fabrics, without patterns. But if the pattern is present, it must be designed in the style of straight lines and be restrained. So, classic style patterns: monotonous fabrics, without pattern; geometric fine pattern with straight lines (cell, thin strip); Cage: Glenchek, "Chicken foot", English Cage, Pita, Scotland; Poseful pattern; abstract geometric pattern; Small and medium calf, peas. Allowed: New textures and color shades of the pattern.


The classic style is replete with neutral, muted, discreet colors, which can be called noble and elegant. The brightness, distrut and screaming shades are excluded. The most common colors: gray; dark blue; white; dark brown; Camel wool color; beige.

Hairstyles in classic style

Classic include: smooth, smooth hairstyles; straight lines of long or short hair; Simple hairstyle from long or half-hearted hair, cleaned with face (beam). Fashion tones are allowed, but in accordance with the principles of naturalness and restraint; * Exceptions exemplary and spraying.

Classic Makeup

Makeup should be discreet, delicate, natural, with natural flower gamut; moderate, strict; Carefully, qualitatively, exquisitely completed, emphasizing majority and status. Admissible trendy shades, but in muted execution. The colors of the shadows are neutral: gray, brown, beige, oath tones, bluish-gray, anthracitte. Lipstick - natural shades: caramel, beige, watermelon pulp, muffled red, soft pink, terracotta, transparent lip gloss.


The classic style allows applications in the image of no more than 2 decorations, or noticeable accessories. Characteristic for classical style Accessories must be modest and felighted: decorations: pearls, print-print, simple ring with corporal cavalon; natural, wooden, bodily color; Bag "Case", dear briefcase, envelope bag and other direct forms. Shoes: Classic boats on a stable heel, elegant shoes, heel - straight, wineglass or anted, stud, female elegant "male" shoes with lacing, classic shoes; matte tights, stockings; hats, gloves; high-quality cervices; Products made of genuine leather; expensive hours; precious stones in solitary form; restrained small gold jewelry; Exquisite elegant accessories. Fashion decorations and additions are allowed: a fashionable handbag or heel, a finish of buttons, etc., but you can not wear a lot of jewelry, hanging earrings, big stones and brooches, etc. - The principle is used: the less decorations, the better.

Classic Clothing: Examples

The most common and iconic classic style clothing is a costume - English with a skirt, or pants, a double costume. Stamps of classics are also a dress-coat, a skirt in a fold, a narrow English skirt with a length of a little above the knees, a straight skirt, a direct skirt with a smell, or with a cut, or pleated. It includes English pants - straight, slightly curved, or with otulyuted folds, can with cuffs. Jackets, jackets of different styles - fitted, straight, embossed, long, short, edged in cant, into a cage, strip, etc. - The attributes of the classic style are also common. Suitable strict shirts, shirts with tie (can be with a jab), golf. Perfectly fit classic coat, or raincoat. From hats - hats, especially with fields, Cashmere hats, Kep, "Tablets", berets - that is, hats are clear, strict, laconic, with straight lines, clear rounded shapes, moderate sizes, without cordlessness. In the evening toilet, the hat can be with wide fields, with a veil, a bow, but moderate.