Coconut oil in cosmetics is good or bad. Coconut oil. With rice flour

Many experts sing diamines with coconut oil, others believe that this popular product is not as good for eating, as previously thought.

But with confidence it can be said that coconut oil is one of the most effective natural skin care products.

From the article you will learn everything about the use of coconut oil for the face. Let's talk about the benefit and harm of coconut oil, how to use it for the face.

Coconut oil for face: benefit and harm

Coconut oil consists mainly of saturated fats, which restore the natural barrier of the skin and absorb moisture.

Laurin, whimping and caprileted acids, which are also included in the coconut oil, help to fight any bacteria.

Vitamin E in oil not only retains the skin smooth, but also helps to prevent premature aging and wrinkles of the skin due to antioxidants.

Coconut oil deeply cleans the skin, softening it and opening the pores. It penetrates deep into the skin, where it dissolves hardened oil and skin fat.

Then it displays these substances to the surface where they can be easily flushed. It helps prevent the formation of wrinkles.

Coconut oil can make your skin elastic, moistened and shining.

Coconut oil prevents wrinkles by helping collagen.

Collagen plays an important role in preventing, since it provides support for the upper skin layers. But when he starts to collapse, your skin can prick and cry.

Fat molecules in coconut oil can penetrate into deeper skin layers, attract protein molecules (Collagen building blocks) and help restore damaged collagen and normalize its production.

When do not use coconut oil

If your pores are quickly clogged, and acne are a curse, avoid coconut oil, which is considered one of the most comedoyed oils. It can clog pores.

Coconut oil is antibacterial, which is useful for acne, but with long use it may worsen the condition of the skin.

Allergic to coconut oil is also possible. It can cause rash.

Coconut oil for face: how to use

Morning Cleansing Ritual:

  • Wash your hands to remove dust, dirt or bacteria.
  • Wash your face with warm water and a soft detergent.
  • Reline on the skin cool water to close and tighten the pores.
  • Flush the skin dry with a soft clean towel.
  • Mind some coconut oil from the bank with index and middle fingers.
  • Gently scroll coconut oil all over the face, neck and chest.
  • Wait a few minutes while it is absorbed into your skin.
  • Apply makeup.

Due to the wonderful moisturizing properties, coconut oil gives the skin even tone and can even reduce the pores.

Here are some more ways to use coconut oil for the face.

Perfect moisturizer cream

Our skin naturally produces skin fat. It lubricates skin and hair and prevents fungal and bacterial infections.

However, the production process can be broken. The use of coconut oil as a humidifier can help the skin restore this natural chemical barrier.

Coconut oil also exfoliates the upper layer of dead skin cells, making your skin softer.

It contains a large amount of vitamin E needed to restore the skin and prevent premature aging.

After cleansing the skin, use coconut oil as a moisturizing cream, massaging their face, neck and neckline.

Shaving gel

Read the composition of your shaving cream: alcohols, chemicals and dyes. It is unlikely that your skin like it.

There is a healthier option. Coconut oil provides a smooth and slippery texture that the razor and leather likes.

You will need:

  • 1/4 cup of coconut oil;
  • 1/4 cup of aloe vera;
  • 4-6 Essential Oil Droplets (Eucalyptus, Lavender, Mint Pepper or Lemon)

First, be sure to melt coconut oil, and then combine it with the aloe vera gel and essential oil according to your choice. Mix thoroughly and store in a sealed container.

Makeup remover

According to dermatologists, coconut oil is an effective way to remove makeup after a long day. Even the waterproof mascara will not stand before him.

The oil contains vitamins and minerals that stimulate eyelash growth!

To use makeup removal oil, just stick it in the palm of heat to warm and die, then start massaging the skin of the face, slowly dissolving the dirt. Rinse with warm water.

If the makeup is not completely flushed, repeat.

Eye cream

Coconut oil is perfect for a sensitive area around the eyes. It protects against damage, prevents wrinkles.

Gently apply some coconut oil around the eyes before bedtime.

Coconut scrub

If you suffer from dry or dull skin, use the coconut scrub.

Add salt or sugar to a spoonful of coconut oil. You will have a scrub for body and face.

Coconut oil for teeth whitening

Mix six tablespoons of coconut oil with the same amount of food soda and add about 20 drops of essential oil according to your choice.

Mix all this together, store in a bank, apply on your teeth and watch how.

Coconut Eyebrow Oil

If you want to grow piping eyebrows, smear them with oil before bedtime. It nourishes the skin and stimulates hair growth.

Lotion after tanning

I do not advise you to use coconut oil as a sunscreen, since it has a relatively low SPF 3 or 4.

It is best used as a lotion after a tan to moisturize and calm the tanned skin.

If you suffer from sunburn, apply some coconut oil on the affected areas to reduce inflammation and pain.

Gel for lip.

Cracks on the lips can be a source of concern, discomfort and embarrassment. You can apply a chemical gel, but then toxins can enter the intestine.

Some types of gels are edible, but you still do not want to have these chemicals. Coconut oil is an ideal alternative in such cases. It acts quickly and even if you swallow it, it will only benefit you.

Now you know more about the use of coconut oil for the face. And I hope you will use it. Share your recipes and secrets.

Coconut oil is a unique product that has found widespread use in several spheres immediately: cooking, home cosmetology and traditional medicine. The tool has many properties beneficial for the body, due to which it is appreciated from ancient times. Of course, before using any product, you need to familiarize yourself with the nuances of its use, and most importantly - with contraindications. If this is not done, then even the most useful agent can harm health. What is the coconut oil and how to use it correctly?

Coconut oil is extracted from the pulp of the eponymous fetus. Interestingly, the share of bold in nuts sometimes reaches 65%. Receive the means as follows: remove the flesh from the fetus, dried it and pressed.

Oil is refined and unrefined (depending on the method of its production). The method of cold pressing is obtained by a crude product (most often used for reception inside and cooking), hot - emulsion without smell and taste (applied in cosmetology). The fact is that the refined oil is hypoallergenic, is long stored and has no contraindications. The crude tool, on the contrary, may contain substances that can cause a negative skin reaction, hair or nails.

Interestingly, the refined coconut oil is capable of maintaining its beneficial properties even if it is periodically exposed to heating. That is why the product is so appreciated in home care.

Coconut oil is basic, it can be used as the main ingredient during the independent manufacture of cosmetic products. In addition, the tool can be applied in pure form.

Composition of the product

Coconut oil consists of the following ingredients:

  • Laurinic acid (more than 51%). Interestingly, when admitting, this substance becomes monolaurine. The latter is actively struggling with bacteria, fungi and viruses. In the external use of Laurin Acid contributes to the rapid healing of any damage to the epidermis: wounds, cuts, etc.
  • Miristinic acid (up to 21%). The component stabilizes the work of the immune system.
  • Palmitic acid (approximately 10%).
  • Oleic acid (about 5%). The substance helps to reduce the concentration of cholesterol in the blood, as well as improve the protective function of the skin. In addition, oleic acid contributes to the acceleration of the process of fat burning and normalization of the water balance in the cells of the epidermis.
  • Caprilic acid (approximately 4%). It is an antifungal agent, contributes to the restoration of acid-alkaline balance in tissues and saturates oxygen cells.
  • Capric acid (slightly more than 4%). It has a powerful antibacterial effect and significantly strengthens the immunity.
  • Stearinic acid (4%).
  • Linoleic and linolenic acid (less than 1%). These indispensable substances contribute to the normalization of the entire body.
  • Capronic acid (less than 0.5%).
  • Vitamins E, A, C, K, RR, N and Group V.
  • Macro- and trace elements: calcium, phosphorus, magnesium and others.

The energy value of coconut oil is 899 calories per 100 grams of the product. Of these, the fats account for 99.9%.

Beneficial features

Coconut oil has many useful properties. When admitting, it has the following impact on the body:

  • Prevents early aging and memory, hearing and coordination.
  • It is the prevention of heart disease and vessels. Coconut oil contains saturated fats, in connection with which it is not considered not the most useful product for the cardiovascular system. However, this is a delusion. The fact is that the Laurinic acid contained in the product is struggling with high pressure and high cholesterol content in the blood.
  • Prevents the occurrence of atherosclerosis.
  • Promotes weight loss. Coconut oil with moderate consumption normalizes the hormonal background, the failures in which are one of the main causes of excess weight and cellulite.
  • Fights pancreatitis. Coconut oil is easily absorbed by the body and quickly hydrolyzed. But it is necessary to know that about a quarter of people suffering from this disease, the product causes vomiting and provokes diarrhea.
  • Improves the operation of the gastrointestinal tract. Coconut oil accelerates metabolism, contributes to the elimination of fungi and bacteria, and also allows the body better to absorb vitamins, minerals and amino acids.
  • Stabilizes the work of the immune system. Coconut oil, falling into the body, actively struggles with bacteria, viruses and fungi. Due to this, the use of the product prevents the development of certain diseases: herpes, influenza, thrush, pneumonia, etc.
  • Restores the normal functioning of the liver. In addition, triglycerides and fatty acids contained in coconut oil prevent diseases of this vital organ.
  • Prevents the occurrence of the pathologies of the gallbladder and kidneys. The product also helps to dissolve stones.
  • Fights with diabetes. Coconut oil normalizes blood sugar levels and enhances insulin production. In addition, the product contributes to the removal of glucose from the body, which warns the occurrence of diabetes.
  • It is the prevention of osteoporosis. Coconut oil contributes to the effective absorption of calcium and magnesium by the body.
  • Reduces the manifestation of varicose symptoms.
  • Fights with sore throat (enough add 1 tsp. Product in tea).
  • He treats the thrush (for this, cotton swab is soaked in coconut oil and keep 1.5-2 hours).
  • It is a preventive tool from caries. Coconut oil helps the body to absorb calcium.
  • Improves lactation. Several tablespoons of coconut oil per day will increase not only the amount of milk, but also the content in it useful for the child components.

With external use, the product has the following impact:

  • Heals the wounds. The coconut oil applied to the amazed plot forms the thinnest layer that protects the damaged place from the aggressive environmental impact: dust, wind, etc.
  • Makes hair soft and shiny, and also accelerates their growth. Coconut oil struggles with dandruff, lies and nits (for this it is necessary to regularly make a massage with the use of the product). In addition, this tool contributes to deep recovery and nutrition of damaged curls.
  • Intensively moisturizes and nourishes the skin. Suitable for both the face and body. Interestingly, coconut oil can be used for any type of epidermis. The product struggles with peeling and dryness, warns the formation of wrinkles and sodes of the skin.
  • It is an additional means when combating skin diseases: dermatitis, eczema, psoriasis, etc.
  • Positively affects the gentle skin of the child. You can use coconut oil for children whose age is more than 2 months.
  • Removes stress. Head massage with coconut butter contributes to relaxation after a heavy working day.

Use of oil for women during pregnancy and lactation

Coconut oil actively use women during pregnancy and lactation. The fact is that the product does not have any contraindications associated with such a delicate position of representatives of the fine sex. This makes a coconut agent versatile for pregnant and nursing women: with the help of oil, they care for the skin, face and body, fight stretch marks and even with scars left after operations (for example, cesarean section).

During the rigging of the child, it is enough to use the product 2 times a week. If the skin is prone to dryness, you can use the tool every morning after washing. During the lactation period, use oil at your discretion. For example, you can lubricate the agent breast to avoid drying the skin on it.

Product application for children

Regardless of the method of use (inside or outside), the coconut oil has the following effect on the health of the child:

  • Strengthens immunity. This is especially important in early childhood, since the protective systems of the body of the child have not yet risen, and various items, on the surface of which there are microbes and bacteria, are already in contact with the baby.
  • Eliminates the causes of vomiting. Nausea is one of the most common child problems. Lubricate the wrists and the forearm of the kid with coconut oil, it will greatly facilitate the state.
  • Reduces pain in teething. Wipe the coconut with a coconut baby and his toys.
  • Helps to obtain all the necessary organisms of the substance. Thanks to coconut oil in the kid's diet, the cells better assimilate the useful components of food. In addition, the product itself contains many active substances that have positively affecting mental development, growth, skin health and baby's hair.

Video: Coconut oil benefits

Features of the choice and storage of the product

To choose high-quality coconut oil, pay attention to the following criteria:

  • Place acquisition. Try not to buy a product on the Internet, because so you will not be able to evaluate the smell, taste and color of oil.
  • Degree of cleaning. Despite the fact that for outdoor use it is recommended to use a refined product (cheaper, it does not smell, etc.), if possible, give preference to the crude tool. The oil obtained by the cold spin method contains the maximum amount of vitamins, minerals and other beneficial substances.
  • Color and smell. The unrefined product has a pleasant smell of coconut. Fragrance unobtrusive, barely catchy. The refined means there is no smell. It is also worth noting that the oil should have white color in solid form, and in a liquid - a little yellowish or transparent. If the tool has a dark beige tint, then it is poor quality.
  • Consistency. The product has a property to melt at a temperature of 25 ° C. Check this criterion easily: apply a little hardened agent on the skin of the hands. After a few seconds, high-quality oil will start melting.
  • Fitness to food. A good manufacturer will always indicate on the package, for what purpose the product is intended. The fact is that the cosmetic can contain various impurities that are unsuitable for eating.

Coconut oil should be stored in a refrigeration chamber. Tools are recommended to keep in factory packaging. If you decide to pour oil, then make sure that the cover of the new capacity was hermetic. The fact is that the product is fluttered faster upon contact with oxygen.

A product intended for use inwards can be used for six months from the date of manufacture. The means for outdoor use must be spent in the year.

Oil can be stored outside the refrigerator, but the air temperature should not exceed 18 o C.

What coconut oil differs from palm

Both coconut and palm oil are used in such areas as cooking and cosmetology. However, these products do not have the same origin. Funds are mined from fruits of different types of tropical trees: oilseed and coconut. The main differences are as follows:

  • Coconut oil in liquid state transparent or pale yellow, and in solid - white. The product from oilseed palm has red.
  • Palm oil becomes liquid at 45 o C, and coconut - at 25 o C.
  • The product from oilseed palm is used in the production of cocoa oil substitutes, and from coconut - for the manufacture of cocoa oil surrogate (lain).
  • Palm oil is rich in palmitic and oleic acid, coconut - Laurinova.

Contraindications for use and possible consequences

The only contraindication of both the outer and the internal use of coconut oil is allergic to the product. In the absence of the latter, the remedy can be used at least in minimal dosages. The exception is the exacerbation of such diseases such as pancreatitis and cholecystitis. In these cases, the use of coconut oil inside should temporarily refrain.

To use the tropical product, the most secure and efficient as possible, follow the following precautions:

Coconut oil can harm the body only in case of abuse or disregard by individual intolerance. The negative consequences of such experiments can be:

  • With internal use: disorders of digestion (diarrhea, etc.), an increase in the number of fat deposits, deterioration of well-being in general (weakness, nausea, etc.).
  • With outdoor use: small rash, acne and black dots, excessive increase in the activity of the sebaceous glands (fat shine on the skin).

How to apply coconut oil

As mentioned earlier, coconut oil applies mainly in two spheres:

  • home cosmetology;
  • ethnoscience.

In home cosmetology

Natural coconut oil is used for home care, leather and nails. The product is part of weight loss products: scrubics, wraps and masks. Interestingly, coconut oil is used even for teeth whitening. In addition, the tool may be the main ingredient of most massage mixtures.

For hair

Coconut oil has a positive effect on curl health: strengthens, nourishes, eliminates dandruff and stimulates growth. Interestingly, the remedy will suit both dry and fatty hair type. Coconut oil in order to care for the hair, most often used as part of home masks:

Hair care products should be used twice a month. Breaks can not be done. Wash off the product using shampoo.

Coconut hair oil can be used in its pure form. To do this, apply a melted (on a water bath or in hand) a product on curls. After half an hour, wash the mask.

For skin

Coconut oil satures epidermis oxygen cells, moisturizes and contributes to the acceleration of the tissue regeneration process. The product is used to care for skin not only on the body, but also on the face, around the eyes and even on the lips. There are many recipes for home cosmetics based on coconut oil to improve the quality of the epidermis:

  • Facial scrub. Mix 2 tbsp. Coconut butter and half an hour of a large sea salt. Massage with the resulting facial skin for 2-3 minutes. Use the product once a week.
  • Mask for the face. Mix on a tablespoon of natural honey and low-fat sour cream with a teaspoon of coconut oil. Apply the composition on the face. Mask exposure time is one third. Use the recipe twice a month. The tool is struggling with excessive dry skin of the face. For bold type of epidermis, the product is not recommended.
  • Lip balm. Mix a small piece of beeswax from 1 tbsp. Coconut butter, 1 tsp. Oil Shi, 1 tsp Cocoa oils and two drops of lavender and roses esters. Melt the wax to the semi-liquid consistency and mix it with the rest of the components. Pour the resulting product in a jar or in a tube from under hygienic lipstick. Lubricate your lips to the frozen tool as needed.
  • Serum for the skin around the eyes. 50 ml of coconut oil mix from 1 tsp. Vitamin E (for sale in capsules). Finished means Apply to the area around the eyes before bedtime, carefully distributing the product on the surface of the skin with the pads of the fingers. In the morning remove the residues of the serum with a paper napkin. The tool smoothes small wrinkles and prevents the emergence of new ones. Recommended to use the recipe once a week.
  • Mitigating hand. Take 1 tbsp. Coconut and glycerol oil and mix 1 tsp. Oil chamomile. Add to the mixture of 5 drops of lemon ethers and orange. The means can be used twice a day.
  • Upgrading body scrub. Mix on a tablespoon of sugar sand, ground coffee, coconut butter. The product is not suitable for overly sensitive and dry skin. Use the scrub is recommended 1 time per week.
  • Mitigating body lotion. Mix 1 tbsp. Shea, coconut, cocoa and jojoba and 2 drops of cypress esters, orange, grapefruit and fenhel. In addition to pronounced skin softening, the result of the use of such a lotion will also be a decrease in cellulite manifestations. Use the means is recommended every time after taking the bath.
  • Brightening mask. Mix 2 tbsp. Coconut oil with 1 drop of lemon ester. The resulting agent rub into the formation of pigment spots daily before bedtime. The effect will be noticeable in a few weeks.

For nails

Coconut pulp oil contributes to:

  • restoration of damaged nails;
  • deep moistening of the skin of the fingers;
  • accelerate nail growth;
  • healing microcracks and wound;
  • eliminate fungus.

The most effective homemade cosmetic products for nails based on this product are:

  • Antifungal (antimicotic) cream. Mix 2 tsp. Fenugressive paste and 150 ml of coconut oil. The resulting mass warming up using a water bath. A ready-made cooled means put on the amazed nails several times a day. Use the cream until the symptoms of the fungus completely disappear.
  • Nail mask. Connect 1 tbsp. Natural liquid honey from 1 tbsp. Coconut product and 4 drops of rosemary ether. First, melt the oil with a water bath, and then add the remaining components to it. Ready tool. Lubricate hands, cuticle and nails. Put polyethylene gloves. After a quarter of an hour, wash the remnants of the means. Use the mask is recommended 1 time per week. The product strengthens the nail plate and softens the cuticle.
  • Nourishing cream for hands and nails. Connect 1 tbsp. Coconut butter, 1 tsp. Chamomile oil, 1 tbsp. Glycerin and 5 drops of orange and lemon esters. Finished remedy rub into the skin of hands and nails twice a week.

Video: Use of coconut oil for hair, face and body

For weight loss

Coconut oil improves the penetration of active substances from the compositions of means for slimming in cells. Thanks to this property, the product is often an ingredient of recipes for cosmetic compositions, helping to get rid of excess fat faster. There are three most effective means to combat fatty deposits, which include coconut oil:

  • Mask. Mix 20 ml of oily cream, 2 tsp. Ground cinnamon, 15 ml of melted coconut oil and 60 g cocoa powder. Tools Apply to the problem areas with a thick layer and keep 20 minutes, the film does not need to be overwhelmed. The frequency of using the mask is 1 time in 5 days. Course - 15 procedures. The break should last at least a month.
  • Wrap. Connect 100 g of liquid honey with 60 ml of coconut oil. Makeup Lubricate the amazed areas and wrap their food film. After an hour, wash the remedy. Use the composition twice a week. Course - 20 sessions. Recreation period - 1.5 months.
  • Scrub. Mix 4 tbsp. cane sugar, 1.5 tbsp. Rice flour, 20 ml of coconut pulp oil and 2-3 drops of grapefruit ether. Use the product once a week on an ongoing basis.

For massage mixes

Coconut oil is basic, so it can serve as the main component for most massage mixtures. The product additionally nourishes and softens the skin. Oil base funds are popular when performing a jam, manual and spoonful massage. You can use the product as an independent means (for one procedure you will need 2-5 tbsp.), So with the addition of ether (any, but not more than five for one composition).

For teeth whitening

To prepare whitening paste, you will need half a cup of coconut oil and 2 tbsp. ordinary soda. To the composition you can add a few drops of mint or lemon ether. The soda is effectively struggling with the beset, and the coconut oil prevents the appearance of carious cavities and periodontosis. In addition, it covers the dark sections of enamel. Use such a paste 1-2 times a week.

In folk medicine

The product from the pulp of coconut is used as an additional therapeutic agent when dealing with some diseases.

For the treatment of diseases

Coconut pulp oil is used to treat the following diseases:

  • Rubble. The product is rubbed into the skin nostrils to remove inflammation and redness.
  • Constipation. To get rid of intestinal obstruction coconut oil take inside. Eat 10 grams of the product and immediately drink several glasses of simple water. In severe conditions, it is recommended to do it 2 times a day.
  • Acne, dermatitis, eczema and other skin diseases. Butter lubricates amazed places and leave for a quarter of an hour. After the prescribed time, the tool is washed off, and the skin is given to dry by natural through. Put the procedure 2-3 times a week.
  • Atherosclerosis. Use 1 tsp. Coconut oils in salads or pure form for the prevention of the disease and as an additional treatment.
  • Obesity. One teaspoon of coconut oil, used on an empty stomach, will promote:
    • acceleration of metabolism;
    • cleansing the body from slags and toxins;
    • stimulating the splitting process of body fat deposits.
  • Thrush. There are several ways to use coconut oil for the treatment of this disease:
    • Eating inside. One teaspoon per day will be enough. The product removes inflammation and struggles with bacteria provoking the disease.
    • Lubrication of amazed plots. The oil will eliminate itching and other unpleasant symptoms. You can apply twice a day.
  • Hemorrhoids. There are several ways to treat the disease with this product:
    • From the softened coconut oil form small candles and remove them into the freezer for frozen. The resulting devices are used twice a day: introduced into the rectal channel.
    • Lubricate the product damaged skin sections 3-4 times a day. The protective film, which forms a tool, protects the rink from hitting bacteria, dust and other contaminants. In addition, the oil contributes to the rapid upgrade and healing of the skin.
  • Alzheimer's disease (dementia). The coconut oil contains substances that are an alternative source of energy for the human brain. The product is added to dishes or is used in pure form daily. In this case, you can exceed the norm and eat 2 tablespoons of oil per day.
  • Varicose. The product will help during the first phases of the development of the disease. Every day they make a light massage using oil in places of accumulation of vascular stars.
  • Diabetes. The product takes 2 tsp. in a day.
  • Anemia. Coconut oil contains copper in its composition, contributing to the effective absorption of the iron. Insufficient amount in the blood of the latter is the main reason for the emergence of anemia.
  • Cough. Add a teaspoon of oil into hot tea and drink. Similar "medicine" take several times a day.

For thyroid gland

A sufficient amount of fats in the diet has a positive effect on a hormonal background and, as a result, at the work of the thyroid gland. For stable functioning, the latter should be used by a teaspoon of coconut oil daily.

With allergies

Coconut oil can reduce the manifestation of allergy symptoms. When using a product inside, a person becomes less susceptible to annoying factors and better transfers the sources of problems: pollen, coat wool, etc. Oil is also recommended to lubricate the nostrils to facilitate the already beginning allergies.

With burns

The areas affected by burns lubricate coconut butter twice a day. The product has a powerful regenerating effect, due to which promotes rapid healing.

With an unpleasant smell of mouth

When an unpleasant smell appears from the mouth, a rinse with liquid coconut oil is twice a day. The procedure should last at least five minutes. The tool is struggling with bacteria, which are the main cause of smell in the oral cavity.

With headache

In the event of a headache, coconut oil is lubricated, leave a third, and then clean your teeth. It is recommended to do it immediately after waking up. Such a procedure is not only effectively struggling with the headache, but also contributes to the strengthening of the ad.


Coconut oil - a means of plant origin, obtained by pressing the dried pulp of coconut. Olter refusal is actively used not only in the food industry and soap, but also in cosmetology purposes. Let's try to find out what the benefits of coconut oil for the skin are, and what leaving funds can be prepared on its basis.

Composition and use of coconut oil

The beneficial properties of coconut oil are due to the presence in its composition of a whole complex of nutrients. In particular, the oil squeezing from these nuts contains:

  • Vitamins E, A, C have a rejuvenating and nutritional action.
  • Saturated fatty acids (Miristinic, Cryl, Palmitic, Laurinovaya) stimulate the production of collagen, protect against microbes.
  • Phytosterine beta-sitosterol struggles with irritation and peeling, relieves inflammation, protects against UV radiation.
  • Omega-9 fats increase elasticity, prevents moisture loss and early aging.
  • Linoleic acid - levels color and rejuvenates.
  • Calcium, iron and phosphorus provide nutrition and timely cell renewal.

So, what is useful coconut oil for the skin? According to the results of the studies, this product:

  • contributes to the healing of scratches, small wound;
  • helps to get rid of dry skin, prevents its cracking and peeling;
  • relieves irritation;
  • tits the skin and satisfies its need for nutritional connections;
  • accelerates the regeneration of the epidermis;
  • prevents the appearance of stretch marks;
  • prevents the development of cellulite;
  • whitening the skin, eliminates unwanted pigmentation;
  • softens noness;
  • minimizes the risk of sebum cancer;
  • destroys malicious microflora;
  • prevents the development and dissemination of inflammatory processes;
  • eliminates failures in the work of the sweat glands.

Proved the benefits of coconut oil for fading skin exposed to accelerated aging. Cosmetics prepared on its basis possess rejuvenating properties, returned to skin cover elasticity, elasticity, fresh and healthy appearance, smoothed small wrinkles.

Useful compounds present in oil from coconuts provide protection for sensitive skin from ultraviolet radiation.

With regular use of this substance, the risk of solar burns is significantly reduced. This allows the use of coconut oil instead of a tan.

Rules for choosing a quality product

There are a number of rules that can be used when choosing a coconut oil. In particular, phytotherapists recommend:

  • buy a product in pharmacies or specialized stores;
  • give preference to the means made by famous, well-proven firms;
  • choose unrefined types of product obtained by cold pressing;
  • remember that the quality product has a pronounced walnut smell, dense consistency and a small muddy precipitate.

When buying coconut oil for the skin of the head, face or body, it is important to pay attention to the attention to which the product was stored until the acquisition. Capacities with a means must be in a place protected from sunlight. Houses oil refusaging should be stored under similar conditions.

Using coconut oil in cosmetology

Coconut oil is a magnificent base for creams, emulsions, masks and skin balms. Using the recipes below, you can prepare effective funds at home.

Masks for face

Tools for body

Coconut oil harm

Unfortunately, in some cases, coconut oil brings not only benefit, but also harm. Special caution when using this, it is necessary to show people prone to the development of allergic reactions to nuts. Before using it in cosmetology purposes, it is advisable to spend a test: apply the product on the skin behind the ear or on the wrist and wait 50-60 minutes. When signs of allergies, it is necessary to remove the remedy from the skin, take an antihistamine drug and seek help to the doctor.

Coconut oil has a unique effect on the human body as a whole. It is actively used to care for skin, hair, and also used for the treatment of certain skin and intestinal diseases.

The valuable product from the dried pulp of the coconut fetus by cold pressed is mined. This method of producing oil guarantees the preservation of all nutrients and beneficial substances, including:

  • vitamins (A, B, C);
  • antioxidants;
  • antifungal agents;
  • natural antiseptics;
  • fat-soluble polycycles (arachidon, oleic, laurynovaya, caprile, palmitic, capapov);
  • natural humidifier (hyaluronic acid).

Each component is able to "run" in the upper layers of the skin of certain processes. So vitamin F (arachidonic acid), contained in the coconut pulp oil, has an action on the skin comparable to the effect from hormonal preparations, only without a threat to health. In other words, it is possible to use squeezing to eliminate deep wrinkles. Cosmetology specialists conduct an analogy between hormonal cosmetics and coconut oil in terms of utility and efficiency.

This product is recommended to use to care for any skin type, including children. Soft action can benefit even very dry skin, saturate and help keep the moisture you need. Older leather also needs those vitamins and substances that are contained in the coconut oil, which is rejuvenating (regenerative) and nutritional effect.

With the help of cosmetics based on coconut oil, it will be possible to quickly get rid of the acne rash even in the launched forms. You can independently prepare milk for washing, ideally suitable for fatty, problematic, prone to skin rashes. It is possible to apply it for washing the entire body (when rashed on the back, shoulders, neck).

Due to the high content of saturated fats, the coconut walnut is capable of heating the cracks on the heels, moisturize the skin of the elbows, knees. With the help of the funds prepared according to a certain recipe, you can also get rid of the energized particles of the epidermis, the procedure is extremely delicate, but very effective. To perform peeling, it is not necessary to visit the beauty salons. Especially since coconut oil has a low cost, so it will allow you to care for yourself without a lot of spending.

Coconut squeezing is very economical. Oil can be warm up repeatedly, while it does not lose the beneficial substances and properties. It is allowed to store it for several years at room temperature or in the refrigerator.

Ideally, it is necessary to prepare a coconut-based hair washing detergent. It is easy to do so, since the product is an excellent foaming agent, therefore is actively used in soap. According to the reviews of the homemade soap with coconut oil on the head above the shop analogues!

Coconut oil: Application in cosmetology

Hair care

Although coconut oil looks fat, it is simply washed off with hair simply, no additional funds are required. An excellent solution in the care of weakened, sequential, dull curls will be the applix of coconut oil masks in its pure form. A small amount of preheated product is applied to the tips, withstand a few minutes, then flushed with a large amount of water. Regular procedures be changed to unrecognizable hair, making them shiny, elastic, moistened.

Coconut oil for children

Care for gentle skin of the baby requires from the applied cosmetic means extremely delicate action. The squeeze of coconut pulp is just like this. The skin of the crumbs can be delivered from the tubers, irritation, dietene rams. But it is necessary to make special compositions, since in its pure form coconut oil on the skin it is categorically impossible! Especially closely to the dosage must be taken if the caring cosmetics is preparing for children under 7 years old.

The use of coconut oil for leather, against skin diseases

With this wonderful product, you can heal (not confused with cure) wounds from the eczema dry. In general, any cuts, scratches and other damage to the skin can be treated with coconut pressing. The oil has a powerful regenerating property, due to which the rapid recovery of skin cells occurs. The high degree of moisturizing, which ensures the use of coconut oil eliminates the "moldiness" of the skin helps to accelerate heal.

Unusual application

Coconut oil is absolutely hypoallergenically. This means that it is possible to apply funds with its addition to very sensitive skin. But the application in its pure form can cause harm, be sure to prepare the mixtures (cream or mask). For example, oils can serve as the basis:

  • linen;
  • wheat sprouts;
  • grape bones;
  • peach;
  • olive;

Women during pregnancy and lactation use coconut oil is external not harmful, but it is worth avoiding the chest area (nipples and halo), since the baby can get the remaining oil during feeding.

Sometimes people with violation of digestive processes prescribe oil use inside, but in no case should not make a decision on the reception of coconut oil on their own. This must be recommended by the doctor, the development of a formulation is required taking into account the individual characteristics of the patient's body and its disease.

An important factor for the usefulness of the product is the quality of its manufacture and naturalness. It should be attentive, purchasing coconut oil and pay attention to the composition. Although the shelf life is practically not limited, it is better to buy it fresh. It is also important, oil refined or unrefined. For cosmetic purposes recommended refined coconut oil.

One of the natural and harmless skin care products is coconut oil. It suits people with any type of epidermis and especially for skin sensitive to all synthetic substances. Application in cosmetology for the face of coconut oil is huge. Masks, creams, tonic make out of it.

Harmless homemade cosmetics with coconut oil does not cause skin irritation. It does not have artificial flavors, dyes and other substances, negatively affecting the skin of the face.

The benefits of coconut oil

A positive result from the use of coconut oil in cosmetology is achieved due to the content of substances in it as:

  • laurinic acid - has antibacterial properties;
  • - eliminates mimic wrinkles, and also protects the skin of the face from the negative effects from the outside;
  • triglycerides - promotes cell regeneration and recovery of epidermis;
  • thiamine - protects against the negative effects of ultraviolet, frost, wind, and also has anti-aging effect;
  • vitamin B6 - has an anti-inflammatory effect;
  • folic acid - protects the skin and activates metabolic processes;
  • vitamin PP - improves the complexion;
  • ascorbic acid - powerful antioxidant, rejuvenates the skin;
  • tocopherol - slows down the processes of aging and moisturizes;
  • olein, palmitic, stearin and other fatty acids - nourish, moisturize and soften the skin of the face.

With regular use, coconut oil contributes to the preservation of health, youth and beauty of the skin. This product is recommended for eliminating dryness and tight skin, increasing its elasticity and elasticity. Coconut oil is used as a sunscreen in summer and for protection from cold and wind during the cold season.

In addition, unrefined coconut oil in cosmetology is used to combat pigment stains. The tool levels the skin color, and also applies to restore the normal activity of the sebaceous glands.

The product is prohibited in individual intolerance. To make sure in the absence of contraindications, it is necessary to apply a little means on the wrist and wait 20-30 minutes. If an allergic reaction has not appeared, then the oil is safe for you and can be used for the face.

Application in home cosmetology

Coconut oil is the first helper, if the skin has become dry, peeling, cooked, and also when wrinkles and signs of wilting. To prevent problems, it can be used to all who have no individual intolerance.

We offer several recipe for masks with coconut oil for the face. Share your results from the use of funds in the comments.

With rice flour

For cooking you will need:

  • coconut oil - 1 tsp;
  • rice flour - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • green tea - 1 tbsp. l.

All ingredients must be mixed to homogeneity. Green tea may need a little more - you need to bring the mass to the consistency of thick sour cream. If you do not have rice flour, you can grind ordinary rice in a coffee grinder.

The mask is applied to clean skin for 20 minutes. It is necessary to wash it with warm water without soap. Use the tool is not more often 1-2 times a week. Suitable for any skin of the face.

For century


  • coconut oil - 50 ml;
  • vitamin E - 10 ml.

For the preparation of the mask, liquid vitamin E is used. The mixture is used 2-3 hours before sleep. It is necessary for 10-15 minutes. The procedure is repeated twice a week.

With milk

For cooking you need:

  • coconut oil - 1 tsp;
  • wheat bread - 10 g;
  • milk - 2 tbsp. l.

Milk slightly warm. Bread to twist in half milk and add oil. Then, pour the remaining part of the milk and mix everything thoroughly until uniformity.

The mask is applied to the clean skin of the face with soft circular motions. Hold 20 minutes, flush with warm water.

The recipe is suitable for sensitive skin.

Scrub with coffee

For cooking take:

  • coconut oil - 1 tsp;
  • coffee thickness - 1 tbsp. l.

The ingredients are thoroughly mixed to a homogeneous state. The mask-scrub is applied on the face of circular motions for 10 minutes. Washed off alternately warm and cold water. Scrub can be used 1-2 times a week.

With rosemary

Fund components:

  • coconut oil - 1 tsp;
  • rosemary oil - 4 drops.

Butter mix and warm in a water bath. The mask rubs into the skin for 15-20 minutes and washed off with warm water.

With honey

Ingredients for cooking:

  • liquid honey - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • sour cream - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • coconut oil - 1 tsp.

All components are mixed until uniformity. The mask is applied to the face for 20 minutes. Wash can be warm water or herbic decoction. Regularity of the procedure - no more than two times a week.

The mask is suitable for all skin types.

With the constant use of coconut oil in home cosmetology for the face, you will notice that the skin has become an elastic, velvety, the complexion has improved, and small wrinkles disappeared.

Try using the masks twice a week for a month and share the results. We will also be appreciated if you write a proven recipe for coconut oil in the comments.