SUMMARY OF CLASS ON THE FAMP "Geometric Figures" Plan-Abstract Classes in mathematics (average group) on the topic. An abstract of open classes on the FMP for children in the middle group "Five Keys of Takes and Work Methods

Lyudmila Borisov

Plan- abstract Open Famp(medium group)

Subject: "Geometric figures. Account up to 5.".

Educators: Borisova L. A., Ugryumova E. S.

GBOU School1929g. Moscow, d \\ o2.

Integration of educational regions: "Cognitive development" (formation of elementary mathematical representations, "Socio-communicative development", "Physical development".

Types of childhood activities: Game, Communicative, Cognitive - Research, Movement, Music.

purpose: Formation of elementary mathematical representations.


Exercise in distinction geometric figures(Square, Triangle, Rectangle, Circle) ;

Develop in children free communication and all components of oral speech in various types of childhood activities;

Develop the motor activity of children, strengthen the physical and mental health of children;

To form the moral position of children in relation to the surrounding peace: kindness, mutual assistance, responsiveness, respect and honesty.

Planned results: has an elementary idea of geometric Figures, about the composition of the number 5; kept in memory when performing mathematical actions the necessary condition and concentrate valid for 15-20 minutes; Interest participates in rolling games.

Materials and equipment: Teremok, tangle of thread, masks of the heroes fairy tales, cards with numbers from 1 to 5, accounting sticks, 4 hoops of different colors, cards with geometric figures.

Move direct educational activities.

1. Organizational moment:


Stand children - wider circle

You are my friend and you are my friend

Together by hand we take

And smile and smile

Educator1: Guys, we will go to a fabulous journey today. Want to? (children's responses)

And I have a magic tangle. For the glomerus, we will go straight to the fairy tale. (suitable for theatrical shirma)

Educator: Guys, you love fairy tales (children's responses).

Educator: Let's remember the Russian folk fairy tale "Teremok".

2. The main part.

Educator1: It is in the field of teremok-teremok. It is not low, not high (I draw the attention of children to the house). Mouse is running by Mouse - Nomushka (the child in the mouse mask, saw the teremok, stopped and asks:

"Mouse": "Terem teremok! Who lives in the terme? ".


Educator1: Help the mouse-norushka?

Exercise 1: The educator calls 5 children, gives them a card with numbers from 1 to 5 in the dispersion.

Educator 2.: I play in mathematics, I turn into the numbers.

Stand the numbers together in row: one two three four five!

Children are rearranged by the face to other children, the teacher clarifies who the number has become

Children with numbers turn into a column for each other, and "Mouse" Who is responsible for the first, third, fifth, fourth. The tutor with the rest of the children controls the answers.

Educator1: Well done, coped with the task, so the doors of the magic teremk are open for the mouse. The mouse entered the teremok and began to live in it.

- Guys, look, rushed to the teremku frog - a cuckoo, stopped and asks:

Child in a frog mask: "Terem teremok! Who lives in the terme? "


Educator1: Help the frog-cuckoo?

Task2 game "Find your house"

Educator1: Lived - were in their houses geometric figures. What are their names? Circle, square, triangle and rectangle (shows and folds in hoops cards with geometric figures). Then distributes to all children one geometric Figure.


In mathematics playing

You in figures turn!

Once, two, three, in the houses of the run! (children- figures run into your hoop). Tasks are performed on music 2-3 times, at the end of the game to collect figures.

Educator2.: Well done guys, coped with this task, so the magic teremk doors are open for a frog. He entered the frog in teremok and they began to live together.


(Children's responses : Bunny-shooter)

Came running to the terre bunny-wagon stopped and asks: Baby bunny

Educator2.: "Teremok will open his door only to someone who fulfills my task."

Educator1: Let's help a wigwear bunny? (Children sit at the tables)

Task3. Before each child set accounting sticks.

Educator2.: "You need to lay out of them geometric figures: Triangle, Square, (complication)rectangle".

Educator1: Well done guys, all of you did the right thing therefore the doors of the magic teremk are open for a bunny-shooter. The bunny -pobiker entered the teremok and began to live threesome. Look, I ran to the sister-sister timer, stopped and asks: Baby in mask lisuki: "Terem teremok! Who lives in the terme? "

Educator2.: "Teremok will open his door only to someone who fulfills my task."

Educator1: Let's help a sister chantech (children's responses)

Task 4. Educator2.: It's time to relax a little ... Repeat after me. (Fizkultminutka)

Time - climb, pull out

Two - turn to each other

Three - 3 cotton hands,

Four-customs wider,

Five -Potopali a little

And sat down carefully.

Educator1: Guys, and who else came running to our teremku?

Answers children: Wolf - gray barrel

Came running to the loss of the top - the gray barrel stopped and asks: Baby in mask wolf: "Terem teremok! Who lives in the terme? "

Educator2.: "Teremok will open his door only to someone who fulfills my task."

Task 5. "Think and answer"

Educator2 offers children to think and say what everyone has two each of them (two ear, eyes, two hands, legs, two knees, two palms, etc.)Then asks what only one (one nose, mouth, belly) Children call items that are five (five fingers, five buttons, etc.)

Educator1: The door of the teremka and opened for the wolf. Steel beasts to live together. Yes.

3. Final part.

Educator1: That ended our journey, it's time to return home, get everything for me: "We will go for the glomerus, right in group Popel»

Guys did you like our journey?

And what animals did you help?

What task you especially liked?

(children's responses)

Educator1: Children, you quickly and correctly completed all tasks and now you can relax.


1. Kolesnikova E. V. - Mathematics for children 4-5 years. Methodical manual for working notebook. - M.: TC Sphere, page 51.

2. Novikova V. P. - Mathematics in kindergarten. Scenarios classes with children 4-5 years. GEF. - M.: Mosaica_Sintez, 2016.-80c.

3. Internetressurs

Laktionova Olga Gennadievna, Educator, Mazhdureschensk

Integration of OO: "Cognitive development" (the formation of elementary mathematical ideas, educational and research activities, "physical development", "Socially communicative development".


Exercise in the ability to distinguish familiar geometric shapes: a circle, square, triangle. Develop the ability to compare items in color, shape. Improve the ability to determine the spatial direction from the subject: on the left, right. Learn to count within 5, answer the question how much?

Demonstration Material: Pictures with balls

Distribution material: geometric shapes

The introductory part.

Educator: Children, look at who came to visit us today?
Mouse: Hello guys. Did you find out me? I am a mouse-norushka from the fairy tale "Teremok". Listen to what story today happened to me.
I came running to the teremku, stopped and I ask: "Terem-teremok! Who lives in Terema? " And the magic voice of the Teremka responds: "Teremok will open his door only to someone who fulfill all my tasks." Will you help me complete the tasks that magic teremok gave?

Educator: "Children We will help the mouse to get into teremok? Here you have the first task "

Main part.

Task "Find Differences".

Educator: "I have two pictures. What is shown in the picture? "

Child's answer: "Balls"

The educator asks: "The balls in the same picture or different?

Child response: different

Educator: They are different, then they differ.

The educator asks: "Are they all the same color?

The answer of the child: "No"

Educator: "So they differ in color"

The educator asks: "All balls of one form?

The answer of the child: "No"

Educator: "So they differ in the form"

Educator: "Guys, I figured out that the balls differ in color and form. And let's consider the balls and learn how much they are "

The educator asks in children: "How many blue balls in the picture? Child's answer 5.

The educator asks: "How many red balls in the picture?

Child's answer 5.

The tutor offers on the upper strip of the card to lay so many red circles as red balls in the picture.

And lay so many blue circles on the lower strip as blue balls in the picture. Checking the task of children

The educator asks: "What are more circles of red or blue?"

Child's answer: "Equally, because blue 5 and red 5"

Educator: "Well done coped with the task"

Educator "The following task" Show a geometric shape "

Educator: "You have geometric shapes on your table in a plate. Now I will call a geometric shape, and you will raise it and show me. "

Educator: "Circle, Square, Triangle, Square, Circle, Triangle"


Stand up, you need to relax,

Our fingers shake.

Close, handles, up,

Stir, fingers, -

So stir up ears

Serious bunnies.

We swear quietly on the socks,

As foxes roam the logo.

The wolf is around the circle,

And we will turn heads.

Now we sit quieter, quieter -

Let's sweat, as if in mink minks.

Educator: "And the last task is the mathematical dictation. I call the figure you put them in a row"

Educator: "Put yellow square, to the left of it a green triangle, to the right of the square of the blue circle"

Educator: "Under the green triangle put a yellow circle, under the yellow square red square, under the blue circle of a green triangle"

Educator:Guys, you correctly coped with all the tasks, so the magic teremk doors are open to Mouse-Nomushki. Let's say goodbye to the mouse, she must be rushing into her fairy tale.
Mouse: Thanks guys. You helped me a lot. Bye.

Final part.

Educator: Who comes to visit us today?

Child's answer "Mouse"

Educator:What story happened to her?

The answer of the child "She could not get into teremok"

Educator:What tasks did we perform?

The answer of the child "showed geometric shapes, the balls were compared.

On the left and on the right laid out the figures "

Educator: « Did you like help the mouse-norushka? "

Child response "yes"

Abstract of organized educational activities
with middle preschool children
on the topic:
"Number and figure 5. Ice cream for the Snake Gorynych"
Devyatkina Elena Alexandrovna,
Educator I qualifying category,
MDOU Kindergarten №20
Sorokina Marina Aleksandrovna,
Physical education instructor I qualifying category,
MDOU Kindergarten №20
Yaroslavl, 2015
Educational regions: cognitive development, physical development.
Objective: Continue to form children's ideas about the number of objects.
Introduce children with a number and number 5;
Exercise in the score of items within 1-4;
Continue to learn to designate the number of items in the number;
Consolidate knowledge of geometric shapes;
Exercise in the ability to classify objects on the basis;
Develop attention, thinking;
Develop imagination, fantasy;
Bring up self-confidence, its own, activity, initiative, independence;
Maintain and develop the need for a variety of independent motor activity;
Enrich the motor experience of children at the expense of overall and sports exercises.
Planned results:
Children are familiar with numbers and numbers 1-5;
Children can determine the number of items within 1 -5 and denote the number of digits;
Children distinguish and call geometric shapes (circle, square, triangle);
Children are able to classify items on a decisive basis (color, form, quantity);
Children own the main types of movements and execute teams.
Preliminary work:
Acquaintance with numbers and numbers 1-4; familiarity with geometric shapes;
View the cartoon "Snake Gorynych and Dobrynya Nikitich".
Equipment and materials:
Gymnastic balls in the number of children, element of the modular designer (ice cream machine), a set of plane geometric shapes for decorating "Machinery", gymnastic bench, arcs for subjects (3), massage mats (5) and bumps (5), numbers 1- 4 on sheets of A2 paper sheets, figures 1-5 on sheets of A4 paper sheets, flat hoops (ice cream plates), audio recording of rhythmic musical compositions, cartoon frames for demonstrating children, image of ice cream in the form of balls.
Travel course:
The introductory part.
Children and educators enter the hall to the music, go in a circle, performing various types of walking.
Educator: We go to the fishing line, go,
Jump around the bumps
And in the forest magic volume ...
Oh, guys, we should not go to this forest! In the magical forest lives one fabulous hero. He is very big, just huge. We have one head with you, and this character has three! If he becomes angry, then there may be fire.
They guessed, about whom I say?
Children: Yes! This is a snake Gorynych!
Educator: Want to see him? (The educator demonstrates a frame from the cartoon "Dobrynya Nikitich and Snake Gorynych" on the screen).

Educator: What do you think guys, from the snake Gorynych today is a good or bad mood?
Children: bad. He is angry, angry.
Educator: Snake Gorynych is going to fly into our kindergarten and merge crafts and drawings of our guys. What do we do?
Children: contact the Baba Yaga, call for the help of heroes and others.
Educator: And what if we do the snake of Mountains a nice gift, and he will become good and will not break anything? What can we give a snake? (options for children)
Let's give him something tasty, sweet. He will immediately clarify. And in order for the snakes Gorynych not to lay fire, let our gift be cold. Do you know anything so tasty, sweet and cold?
Children: ice cream!
Educator: Let's make ice cream yourself. Let it be in the form of balls. That's. (Picture appears on the screen) you tried it?

Educator: Imagine, in our kindergarten there is a wonderful car - a machine for making a magical ice cream! This is what we need! Here, look, the car is big, colorful. On the front panel various color and button form. Why car the button?
Children: To turn on!
Educator: Indeed. But how do we understand what button to click? (options for children). I heard that Marina Aleksandrovna has instructions. Let's ask her to help us.
Physical education instructor: Hello guys! Machine is not so easy. Do you succeed?
Children: Yes. We are deft, strong, smart, attentive.
Instructor: Here you are instruction.
Main part.
First stage:
Educator: (reads) To pour milk, press the big red square (the child performs).
To add sugar, press a small green triangle (the child performs)
To turn on the mixer, press a small yellow circle (the child performs, the signal sounds: the machine turns on)
Educator: While the car works, let's look at it better.
Instructor: To make everyone visible, let's stand on color labels.
How many large triangles on the car? (One)
Instructor: Slap your hands as many times as on the car of large triangles. (Children perform 2-3rd exercise)
Educator: How many squares on the car? (Two)
Instructor: Let's turn the legs as many times as squares. (Children perform with a score. 2-3 repeat)
Educator: How many red circles on the car? (Three)
Instructor: Sit as many times how many red circles. (Children perform with a score. 2-3 repeat)
Educator: How many yellow figures on the car? (Four)
Instructor: Let's jump on two legs as many times as yellow figures. (Children perform jumps, alternating with walking on the spot)
Educator: How many green squares on the car? (No one!)
Educator: Ice cream is already ready?
Physical education instructor: No. Our car, in my opinion, broke. But it does not matter! I know an excellent recipe, how to finish our ice cream. Guys, snakes Gorynych big or small? Let the ice cream be huge for him. Agree?
Children: Yes!
Instructor: You need to get magic balls from the car. (Tries to raise the car) Oh, I'm alone hard ... Boys, help me, please. (Children and instructor together raise the "car", the balls are rolled on the floor)
Educator: Take yourself one ball.
Complex scraper with "Figures" balls for the show.
Instructor: Well done! You worked well. Ice cream balls turned out smooth, strong.
Educator: Let's distribute them on the plates.
(Plates are marked with numbers 1-4. Children lay the balls in the amount corresponding to the figure. The remaining balls are folded on an empty plate) Educator: Let's check whether everything is correct. Who will check? (The child checks the plates with numbers 1,2,3,4. Suitable for the next plate without a digit) Educator: What is it? Where is the number here? How to find out how many balls should be here?
Children: Need to count
Educator: Let's count the balls. (I consider choir to 4)
Educator: What's next?
Children: Five!
Educator: Of course, five! (Surprising) We can now count to 5!
How many fingers do you have on your hand? (I consider choir)
Children: Five!
Educator: In order for us to not forget how many ice cream balls in the biggest plate, you need to write. Here it is what, figure 5!
Naked, pretty,
This figure is the most excellent!
This is a focussing five.
You follow it in vigorous.
Litters once and two -
Wrap a digit 2.
Who can turn so much
Who can dance
Who can ride like that!
Well, of course, figure 5.
Educator: Guys, you are so smart! You prepared ice cream for the snake Gorynych and met the number 5. Let's send our ice cream to the snake of Mountain, and play themselves.
Physical Instructor: No, wait. I see that you are very smart. Are you sports?
Children: Yes!
Physical education instructor: Now and check on my cheerful track. Go to orange chie.
Educator: Marina Aleksandrovna, it's not difficult for us. We already know the numbers, they will help us not to get off the way.
Guys, what figure do you see?
Children: 1.
Educator: How many benches are before us?
Children: one.
Educator: That's right. One bench will lead us to figure 1.
Physical education instructor: This is not just a bench, it is a bridge. He is narrow. We need to go through this bridge carefully for each other on the socks.
(Children perform an exercise.)
Educator: What figure is now in front of us?
Children: 2.
Educator: What items here are two?
Children: Two round bumps.
Physical education instructor: True. Go through the bumps. Be careful not hurry.
(children perform an exercise)
Physical Instructor: We are well done! But here's another test. What about us?
Children: Gate.
Educator: How many of them?
Children: 3. Large, smaller and small.
Educator: I wonder why they are 3?
Children: Because at the end of the way, the number is waiting for us 3. The consipient: what are you attentive!
Physical education instructor: Now you need to go through every gate, do not drop. The one who performs such a task will be a clever, healthy.
Educator: Our guys will try, right?
Children: Yes!
(Children perform an exercise)
Instructor: What will we do now?
Children: jump!
Educator: How many hoops are here?
Children: 4.
Educator: Of course. Four hoops will lead us to digit 4.
(Children perform jumps on two legs)
Educator: Guys, what figure awaits us after 4?
Children: 5.
Instructor: Let's count the islands. (Children consider choir, one child shows)
Instructor: Be careful, you need to step on each of the five islets.
(Children pass through island)
Physical education instructor: We go along the path, we repeat the numbers, we consider them together, we carry out all the tasks.
(Children under the music pass all five steps 2-3 times)
Instructor: Let's now bring order and play. (Children help remove equipment in place)
Educator: When the music will sound, you will perform various movements. As soon as the music stops, I will show you a picture on which several items are depicted. You must quickly count these items and run up to the house of the corresponding digit.
Moving game "Find the house numbers"
Educator: You played so well! Let's now stand up in a circle around the number 5. You guesse why I invited you to figure 5?
Children: We met her today.
Educator: True. Let's look at the figure 5. It has a direct back, a semicircle and a hat from above. Did you remember?
Children: Yes.
Educator: We got acquainted with the figure 5, when I was preparing ice cream for the snake Gorynych. While we played, ice cream was already delivered to the magic forest. I think Snake Gorynych has already enjoyed them. Let's see?
Children: Yes.
The educator demonstrates a shot from a cartoon on the screen (Snake Gorynych smiles)
Educator: Guys, Snake Gorynych continues to be angry with us?
Children: No, he is not angry. He is pleased. He smiles.
Educator: You are great, pleased with the gift. Snake Gorynych will never want to spoil the crafts of our guys. He is now kind.
Did you like our lesson?
Children: Yes.
Educator: What did you like most?
Children: Play, count balls.
Educator: You played wonderful today, met the number 5, they trained to consider items and even prepared a sweet gift for the snake Gorynych.

Marina Tsapkin
An abstract classes "Geometric shapes. Account before 5. digit 5 \u200b\u200b"

Implementation of the content of the program in educational regions: "Cognitive development", "physical development", "socio-communicative", "speech development", "artistic and aesthetic".

Types of childhood activities: Game, Communicative, Cognitive-Research, Speech.

Goal: Exercise in finding geometrical figures in subjects in account up to 5; develop speed, dexterity, attention; fold drawing from geometric figures.

Target facilities pre-school education: has an elementary idea of geometric Figures, about the composition of the number 5; keeps in memory when performing mathematical actions The necessary condition and focuses in the course of 15-20 minutes; Interest participates in rolling games.

Materials and equipment: pictures with objects triangular, round, square shape; Cards S. numbers from 1 to 5; Flangegraph with the image of the hives in the amount of 5 pcs.

In the woods were tiredly wandered by a bear.

All day he worked, he lost his silenk.

He considered the hives, yes, I got down with bills,

Back to return is completely reluctant.

Tired of the bear, went to bed,

Educator: Do you guys help a bear to count your hives? (child response)

The educator leads children to flannelifuphu and proposes to count the hives.

Children think, at the same time, the teacher is attached to each hood figures 1.,2,3,4,5.

The teacher distributes cards to each child with numbers from 1 to 5. Each time shows figures from 1 to 4The child calls the number that he has shown and the following follows.

The educator distributes cards, which depicts a different number of items from 1 to 5 and cards with numbers. Children will have to connect the right number of items with the necessary numbers.


Once-climb, pull up

Two-bend, rake,

Three-in hands, three cotton,

Head three nodes.

For four-hands wider

Five to wave,

Six on one leg jump,

Seven -Sust again.

Educator: Guys, we helped to calculate the bear hives. Tell me, please, and what the geometric shape is similar to the hives? (response children-square)

And what else geometric shapes you know? (triangle, circle)

Call me the subjects of us surrounding, similar to geometric figures(children call).

Conduct the game "Pattern"

Children count the right amount figures and make up the pattern.

for example: From 3 triangles you can make a Christmas tree, out of 4 circles - flower, etc.

Reflection: What did we do today?

What did you know interesting?

What did you like best?

Publications on the topic:

SUMMARY OF CURRENT ON MATHEMATICS "NIGHT 4, account up to 4. Geometric shapes" Types of children: Game, communicative, educational and research objectives: [b] To introduce the number 4; learn to count.

Hello. I want to offer you the game in which the children of our group are playing. This game is a step in the development of conscious.

Elementary mathematical representations "Geometric shapes" elementary-mathematical representations One of the most basic types.

Curving in mathematics "Geometric shapes" Purpose: Recall and consolidate the material passed in the older group. Tasks: 1. Integ children with science geometry; 2. To understand whether all children are.

The purpose of the lesson: 1. Secure the knowledge of geometric figures 2. Continue to develop the ability to relate geometric shapes with the form of objects.

SUMMARY Claim "Geometric Shapes" Abstract Classes in the 2nd Junior Group Theme: "Geometric Shapes" Purpose: Formation of elementary mathematical presentation in children.

The abstract classes on the FMP "Account within 4. Geometric shapes" Children 4-5 years old (average group) Objectives: Expand the presentations of children about the preparation of wild animals by winter, exercise children in a quantitative account to 4, continue to learn count.

Purpose: Training in the order of the account before 5. To be able to distinguish and call geometric shapes.

Integration of educational areas: "Cognition" (FMP,) "Artistic Creativity" (Drawing), "Music", "Physical Culture", "Communication", "Socialization".

Equipment and materials : Soft toy (any), 5 furniture items (any), cards with the image of five stools with animals sitting on them, a wonderful bag with geometric shapes, tambourine (or music, 5 wrap, cards with quantitative berries (or numbers), envelope with paper geometric shapes (circle, triangle, square, rectangle, oval), magnetic board, ½ album sheet, paint, tassels, cups with water for each child.

Structure occupation :

1. Tigreno comes (any soft toy) with a box with furniture objects. Greeting speech. He needs to help calculate. The educator puts 5 furniture items and asks questions:

Sofa, what do we have in account? First.

Big, what a chair is worth? Second.

What is the chair? Third.

And a small chair, how does the account cost? Fourth.

The table, what about the account? Fifth.

Children repeat the sequence account in chorus and individually: the first, second, third, fourth, fifth.

Educator: - Well done guys, answered the questions correctly, coped with the task. Tigrenok tells you thanks for the help.

2 . Educator: Guys, you have a card on the table, please look.

Count how many stools are drawn? - five.

And who sits on these stools? - Animals.

Almir, look who sits on the first stool?

Misha, and who sits on the fourth stool?

Alexy, and who sits on the third stool?

Artem, and who sits on the second stool?

Vika, and who sits on the fifth stool?

Educator: Tigrenok tells you thank you, all my friends learned.

3 . Educator: Tigrennok also brought a wonderful bag for you, there are geometric shapes there, only he do not know what they are called. Now the guys will play a little.

The game "Wonderful Pouch".

In the bag lie different geometrically figures. Children in turn lowow their hand into the bag, determine to the touch figure, call it and take out. The rest of the children check whether the figure is correctly called.

Educator: - Well done guys and with geometric shapes helped the Tigrenka to figure out, now he will know how they are correctly called.

4. Fizminutka.

Children perform jumps under the bow of the tambourine and consider how many times they jumped (up to 5 jumps). The game is repeated 3-4 times.

5. Game with numbers.

In the hands of children's cards with quantitative berries, on the floor 5 wrap, in the wrap of the card with numbers. Under the sound of a tambourine or to the music, children run, jump, and after the signal (tambourine, music) should stand in hoops with the corresponding digit. Children cover their eyes, the teacher changes the numbers in places in hoops. The game is repeated 3 times.

6 . Educator: Tigrenka in the box still has a surprise for you - Envelope with riddles (about geometric shapes). After each unchallenged riddle, the tutor pulls the shape and hangs onto the board. Listen to the first riddle:

No corners I have,

And looks like a saucer

On the plate and on the lid

On the ring on the wheel

Who am I so, friends? A circle

Look at the figure

And in the album to draw

Three corners, three sides

Timmer connect

It turned out not a square

And beautiful ... Triangle

I figure - at least where

Very even always

All angles in me are equal

And four sides.

Cube - my favorite brother

Because I ... Square

Four corners like Square I have.

But only a square, I do not dare

And yet, it looks like a square, by the way,

Two long sides and two shorter . Rectangle

He is like an egg, or on your face

This is such a circle

Very strange appearance:

The circle was fisted

It turned out suddenly ... Oval

Educator: Well done guys, all the riddles solved!

7. Artistic creativity.

Educator: Guys, now we will pour. We will paint geometric shapes. First, draw the contour of the figure and then paint.

Circle - green. Triangle - blue. Square - red.

Educator: What beautiful and neat geometric shapes did you get? Children answer chorus and individually.

8. Outcome:

You liked the lesson, and what did you like the most?

All guys are great! Well coped with the task. And the Tigrenka also helped. Tigering is very grateful to you and is very pleased that he is now able to count to 5, knows what the geometric shapes are called.

comprehensive class
second Junior Middle Group

development of pupils)
№5 "Cherry"

Educator: Abdunceithova Natalia Viktorovna

x. Ryabichev

Topic: Acquaintance with the geometric figure "Oval". Account up to 5, ratio of numbers with the number of objects. The game "Family of Geometric Figures". Filter game "Family". Drawing "Gloves".

Purpose: to systematize the presentation of children about geometric figures and find them in the surrounding space. Develop logical thinking.

- introduce children with oval and its properties;
- consolidate the ability to recognize the studied geometric shapes;
- secure the score within 5;
- develop the ability to relate a number with quantity;
- to form graphic skills carefully and confidently circle a hand brush while holding a pencil near the hand and without taking it away from paper;
- to educate a good attitude towards others;
- To cause children the joy for the fact that they have a family.

Preliminary work: didactic games "What does it look like?", "What form?", "Geometric lotto".

Material: Circle, square, triangle models, oval. Image of cucumber, tomato, eggplant, repka, carrots. Set of numbers, paper drawing, wax crayons, fabulous house.

Travel course.

Educator: Guys, now I will tell you one story.
- There was a friendly family of geometric shapes: a triangle, a square and a circle. They sat the triangle, square and circle at home and drank tea. (Children of the senior group with the image of geometric shapes are sitting at the table, on which there is a tea tableware, a vase with cookies, a cloth-folded triangle.)
Educator: What are the saucer look like?
Responses of children.
Educator: What does the cookie resemble?
Responses of children.
Educator: How is the napkin folded?
Responses of children.
Educator: Guys, Guess the riddles?
1st Reb: No corners I have,
And looks like a saucer
On the ring on the wheel
Who am I such friends?
Responses of children.
Educator: What else looks like a circle? Show me your mugs.

2nd Reb: He has long been familiar with me,
Each corner in it is straight.
All four sides of the same length.
I am glad to imagine him
And the name is the square.
Educator: Guys, do you have a square on the plates? Show it. Well done.
3rd Reb: Three angle, three sides,
Can be different to length.
If you knock on the corners,
Then soon jump yourself.
Educator: Guys, about whom is this mystery?
Responses of children.
A knock is heard, a child enters the oval.
Geom. FIG: Who are you? Which of us looks like?
Educator: The circle has a friend of oval,
He served a friend to his friend.
Oval: because the circle is my brother,
And not a triangle and not square.
Educator: Guys, another relative appeared in the family of geometric figures. This is an oval. And who is it like?
Responses of children.
Educator: Well done, that's how many items found, and now show me our figure oval.
Fastening with children Name "oval".
Educator: Children, and what is different from the circle?
Responses of children.
If children find it difficult to answer them to what oval is wider than the circle.
Geom. FIG: And let's play hide and seek?
All figures go to the screen.
Educator: But the oval turned out to be such a pamper, ran to the garden and hid. Guys, let's help the family of geometric figures to find it. (I exhibit an image of carrots, cucumber, zucchini, eggplant, turnips on the board). Children, as you think (you think), where the oval could hide.
Answers children with evidence.
Educator: And then all the figures hid: and a triangle, and a square, and a circle. Help find them. Where did the figures hide?
Responses of children.
Educator: Guys, and let's say again, what grows in the garden?
Responses of children.
Educator: How many vegetables?
Responses of children.
Educator: Yes, a whole family.
And now let's play with your fingers.
"This finger - grandfather,
This finger is a grandmother,
This finger - daddy,
This finger - mommy,

This finger is me.
That's my whole family. "
The game is carried out 2-3 times.
Educator: Guys, do you know how to count? Let's consider how many fingers we have.
Children consider.
Educator: Well done, all fingers counted, none did not forget. Tell me please, do you know the numbers. I will show you cards with the image of the numbers, and you show me so many fingers, which digit on the card.
Showing cards with a picture of numbers from 1 to 5.
Educator: Well done guys, know how to count well. And now listen to the poem.
"On my glove's hand,
My fingers play hide and seek.
In every small corner
Finchor as if in the teremchka!
How many corners will be, so much teremkov. "
Educator: Let's draw with you for our handles gloves. Look, I will remind you again, how best to draw a glove. I put my hand to the sheet and I explain that I will supply my palm with a pencil - my finger-finger, without stopping, so that the pencil sucks all the time.
Children draw on easels under a short music.
After drawing, geometric shapes appear.
Educator: Guys, who I told you today?
Responses of children.
Educator: They really liked that you know them well. They treat you cookies to tea, and you look again, which figure is reminded every cookie

second Junior Middle Group

development of pupils)
№5 "Cherry"

Educator: Zavonkova Lyudmila Nikolaevna

x. Ryabichev

Module: "Our toys"

Purpose: upbringing a humane attitude to toys.
- improve the level of accumulated practical skills;
- encourage children to use various ways to achieve a goal;
- encourage children to activity, independence;
- form a comprehensive perception of objects and actions with them, develop visual-shaped perception, speech communication;
- Learn to express your emotional attitude to toys, through facial expressions, game, visual activity.

Training methods: conversations, reading artwork, work, game, solving problem situations.

The leading activity: cognitive development, acquaintance with the outside world, musical development, speech development.

The main directions of the educational process:
Acquaintance with the outside world.
Musical development.
Speech development.

The module includes the following classes:
Toys that live in our group.
What games can you play in the group?
Musical toys.
Drawing "Matryushki-Crumb"
Applique "Different toys in which we love to play"
Dolls visiting the guys.
Birthday dolls Alyonushki.
Teremok for Matryushka.
Let's help your favorite toys.
Visiting Aibolita.
Dramatic poems A. Barto "Toys".
Entertainment "Favorite toys".
The plot of the module.
Noticing a careless attitude to toys, I propose to learn as much as possible about toys, who makes toys? What material? What a hard work is it. If there were no toys, it would be bored and at home, and in kindergarten. I propose a problem situation "Why is there sometimes sad dolls? Held a number of classes on how to relate to
toys, how to play with them: Dolls come to visit children, celebrate the birthday of toys, etc.
The module ends with the entertainment "Favorite toys".

Topic of classes: "Let's help your favorite toys"

Purpose: Learning to assist toys that have fallen into trouble.

- develop visual-effective and visual-shaped thinking;
- to stimulate the search for new ways to solve practical problems using various items;
- to support the aspirations of children to actively enter into speech communication, to speak out;
- develop an emotional response to the favorite literary work through a plot-display game;
- bring up a careful attitude to toys and ability to evaluate their emotional state.

Training methods: Conversation, reading poems, games with toys, solving problem situations, listening to music, musical movements.

Activities: Cognitive development, acquaintance with the outside world, musical development, speech development, reading fiction, finger games.

Equipment: Toy Tear (in the box), doll (in a wonderful bag), ball, pelvis with water, napkin, easels with unfinished patterns.

Travel course.

For music, children enter the group forming a circle.
Educator: Hello, guys! I, Ladushka-tale!
What do you all woke up early? Have you smiled at each other? Loved with everyone? And now let's say hello to our handles.
Hold your finger game.
Children clap your hands on the word "Hello."
Hello Sun Golden, (Hands overhead, Sticks Start)
Hello blue sky, (hands above head, palms up)
Hello light breeze, (swaying with hands above his head)
Hello small oak, (hands in front of the breast, one hand just above another)
Hello morning, (right hand aside, palm up)
Hello day, (left hand aside, palm up)
We love not too lazy. (cotton in your hands)

Educator: Let's say hello to our guests.
Children greets.
Educator: A postman came to us in the morning and brought the parcel. See which beautiful box. Let's see what in it? Oh, yes this is a teddy bear.

Ladushka-tavern with children reproduces poem:
Dropped a bear on the floor,
Sloped upside down the paw.
All the same, it will not bother -
Because he is good.
Educator: Why is the paw cut off? How to help Mishke?
Responses of children.
The teacher draws attention to the emotional state of the bears.
Educator: Let's grass with a paw.
The teacher sews the paw.
Educator: Watch the Teddy Bear was caught. Let's draw like a Mishka mood changed.
Children draw a sad and cheerful bear.
Fizkulimnutka is carried out.
"Bear in more often lived
His head cool
Like this
His head was twisted.
And then they danced
Above the paws raised,
Like this
Above the paws raised. "

Educator: Guys, and in the parcel there is something else. Watch this doll Tanya, she cries.
Ladushka-tales together with children reads a poem.
"Our Tanya cries loudly:
Dropped a ball into the river.
- quieter, Tanya is not crying,
Does not drown in the river ball. "
The teacher draws the attention of children to the ball, which floats in the pelvis with water.
Educator: How do we take the ball to get the ball?
Responses of children.
Educator: Find items that will help you get the ball.
Children get the ball.
Educator: What did you get the ball from the water?
Children: wet.
Educator: What should I do to be dry?
Children pick up a napkin on the color of the ball, wipe the ball and give a doll tan.
The educator draws the attention of the children to the fact that Tanya was delighted and the tears were disappeared.
The teacher offers to play with a doll and a ball. The game is done to the music.
"You rolish, a funny ball quickly, quickly by hand.
Who has a funny ball, right now with dancing us. "

Educator: Children, do you like toys?
Responses of children.

Educator: You love all toys and treat them carefully. And now choose yourself a toy and dance with her.
Music sounds, children dance with toys.
Educator: How fun we danced with our toys. And now toys will rest, and we will go for a walk.

MDOU - D / C Overview
(intellectual priority direction
development of pupils)
№5 "Cherry"

Educator: Shershneva Irina Mikhailovna

x. Ryabichev

Topic: "Trees and their meanings in a person's life"

- to learn children to answer asked questions, develop a coherent speech, cognitive activity;
- to learn to establish causal relationships, the ability to use models in independent activities;
- expand the knowledge of children about trees using fiction;
- to educate love for nature, take care of her and guarding it.

Preliminary work: conversations, reading artwork, observations, walks, viewing albums and illustrations about trees, memorizing poems, proverbs and sayings.

Equipment: illustrations of trees, exhibition of wood products, drawings, easels, sheets of paper, paint, audio recording.

Travel course.

Educator: You will try together for hands
Once upon a friend becomes.
Children under music are included in the group.
Educator: Guys, look at how many guests we have. Let's greet them.
Children greets.
Educator: Listen to the riddle.
One leg, and a lot of hands. What is it? (wood)
Educator: That's right, this tree. But what trees we will talk about, riddles will help us.
1. Do not worry about the weather
In sundress white walks
And in one of the warm days
May sergels give her. (Birch)
2. flies to visit her
A flock of scarlet bullfight.
According to the branches they will sink
Red berries peck. (Rowan)
3. I will always find it in the forest,
Go to walk and meet.
Worth a barbed like a Yozh,
In winter in a summer dress. (spruce)
Educator: Well done guys, guess the riddles. And now let's play with our magic drum and find out what kind of trees you know.

1. Birch of white sundress put on.
Kudri started, braids braided.
What is good, like a maiden - soul!

2. New Year's Day!
Snow frosty, barrel.
Tanned lights on the fluffy tree.

3. Red berry gave me ripper.
Thought that sweet,
And she is like Hina.
Whether this berry just did not dose,
I wanted to joke on the rowaka tricky.

4. Delivered along the lawn
Carefree, easy stink.
Like a girl - teenagers
White birrors.
Hands took up and here
Split dance.

5. Rides Squirrel - Chaljunca,
Rivet from fir bark barks.
Eat proteins seeds
And winter is not terrible!

6. On her shoulders - the braids are long,
Brews bold, sobular,
Sarafan with wide kayimu,
Halfs with colored fringe,
Golden leaves,
Painted with aluminum brushes.

7. There are no more colors in Bor
And in the forest to spread, the leaves of Clain will collect
In lush bouquets.

8. Glue on branches
This is oak, kids.
Smooth stomach - Future Dubok.

Educator: Well done guys, well told poems about trees. You can take your places. Tell me please, what are the trees?
Responses of children. (deciduous and coniferous).
- What trees are coniferous? (spruce, pine, thuja)
- And to deciduous trees? (Birch, Rowan, Kleon, Oak, Elm, ash, apple tree, etc.)
Educator: Why do you need trees on earth? What benefits do they bring?

Responses of children.
Educator: Guys, please look at the paintings. What is shown here?
Responses of children. (man saw trees)
Educator: Why saw trees, what made of them?
Responses of children.
Educator: Pay attention to the mini-museum that is here. This is all made of wood. But next to another picture. It is planted young trees. What are the trees so far?
Responses of children.
The teacher holds a fizminut with children.
"Hands raised and shocked -
These are trees in the forest.
Elbows bent, brushes shook,
The wind knives the dew.
Wings are mahut, this is a bird to us fly,
As they sit down, we will also show
Hands folded back. "

Educator: And now come up with a short story about your favorite tree according to the scheme.
The teacher lay out the diagram on the magnetic board.
At the request, children make up a story.

Guys, what proverbs do you know about trees?
1. Better Shoulder Staff than Golden Sword.
2. The tree is rooted, and a person is friends.
3. The tree is valued by fruits, and a person in cases.

Imagine that you are artists, please donate your favorite tree. Each of you draws one tree and the forest will turn out.
Children draw trees, music sounds.
Educator: Guys, how do you think winter trees are dreaming and what?
Responses of children.

After graduation, the teacher offers guests and children to sing the winter song.
Outcome: Children, what you remember most in the classroom.
Responses of children.
The educator thanks children and gives small gifts.

application classes
with drawing elements
2 younger groups
MDOU - D / C Overview
(intellectual priority direction
development of pupils)
№5 "Cherry"

Educator: Andryushina Larisa Vladimirovna

x. Ryabichev

Subject: "Barrock on the window"

Tasks: Teach children to create an expressive image of a kolobka in the applique technique: stick the finished shape and draw parts with markers. Show window design options - draw curtains, stick on shutters decorative elements. Develop a feeling of color, shape, composition.

Preliminary work: reading the Russian folk fairy tale "Kolobok", conversation according to its content. Kolobka Description (verbal portrait): Round, ruddy, fun. Consider illustration on which a bun is on the window. Survey of the ball and circle. Preparation of the windows with the staves (for each child): The educator folds paper stripes or long rectangles twice in half, bends the edges to the middle, smoothing the bends, makes curly cuts.

Material for class: windows of different colors and size with stavents and silhouettes of yellow-colored swabs with a diameter of 5-10 cm (all paper forms by the number of children), paper stripes and other forms for decorative appliqués: markers or color pencils, adhesive pencil, cylints, napkins Paper. A book with beautiful illustrations to the Russian folk fairy tale "Kolobok".

Travel course.

The educator reads the children a poem of V. Shipunova "Barrock on the window".

"Grandmother grandfather persuaded bake bake
Grandfather Travel Sewn, he frowned.
Grandma agreed: the stream was shed,
According to SUYSKAM REDUCLE, Ambaru was dying,
Namolol Melnik Malechenko.
Tied a handkerchief from the slab cotton,
It was noticed on sour cream, yes on oil baked.

All our bun is good - and Rumyan he, and fit.
He decided to cool a little bit
And rushed to the window
It became boring a ball -
So jumped on the track! "

The tutor shows the children a window with the waters and closes the sash. Then sticks the bun, reopens and closes the stavenks.
Children rejoice that the bun also appears, it disappears.
The teacher offers each child to choose the window with the staves, "plant" on him a kolobka, draw a bun with a lichkoye and decorate the window to be fun and he missed.
The teacher explains some windows decoration techniques:
- Draw on the staves the pattern of strips, circles, etc.;
- we glue the pattern of strips, triangles, circles;
- draw beautiful curtains with wovers;
- glue paper curtains;
- Draw on the window flower, a cat or that we want.

The educator offers children Fisminet "Kolobok".
"I am a kobokok, a bun -
On the barn
Scraper scraper
On sour cream disturb
On the window booze "

Having considered and evaluating the finished work, the game-dramatization of "Kolobok"

developing learning classes
with elements of TRIZ.
in older - preparatory group
MDOU - D / C Overview
(intellectual priority direction
development of pupils)
№5 "Cherry"

Educator: Serzhhanova Elena Mikhailovna

x. Ryabichev
2010 year

Topic: "Insects"
Objective: to develop cognitive abilities of children. To summarize the presentation of children about the diversity of insects, clarify the ideas about the benefits of insects. Develop the emotionality of speech, intelligence, fantasy in the process of gudding mysteries and solving creative tasks. To form a teaching to listen to other children when discussing a problem situation. Educating the desire takes care of nature.
Material for class: pictures with image of insects, colors, split pictures "ants", twigs, sticks for an anthill, toy spider, string.

Structure occupation

Didactic game "Collect a picture of parts"
Children collect a "ant" picture from individual parts.
Let's lay down your work in our magical "Methotron" and see which ant us turned out.
Close your eyes. Remember something very cheerful and whine out loud!
(The educator gets from a toy antzymeron).
The Murai says that the road to his forest house passes through the river, lawn, swamp. Let's go on the road! And the ant suffered in turn.
Under the merry music, children walk along the path to the river.
Educator: And here is the river. But the ant can not swim as we. How to send it to another shore?
Children answer: put on a leaf, on a skip, twig, etc.

We quickly went down to the river
Leaned and washed.
That's how nicely freshed.
And now they swam together
Went ashore cool
Take an ant home!

Educator: And here is the lawn, there are beautiful flowers on it. And what smell!
Feel it. Guess who can you see here?
Children guess the riddles, the educator puts pictures.

Moved from the flower all 4 petals,
I wanted to disrupt him, he felt and flew away. (butterfly)

The name took the blacksmith, color - at the cucumber,
Wings - cloudberries, legs - flew. (grasshopper)

What a girl: in a thin belt,
Huge eyes, flies - shocking. (dragonfly)

Black Karapuz does not pull the cargo. (ant)

Rogue garden, honey background. (bumblebee)

Rides a little girl, not the mouth, but a trap.
They will be trapped and mosquito and fly. (frog)

Educator: Who is superfluous? Why?
Children: Frog is superfluous, and the rest of the insects.
Educator: On Earth, the Great Many Insects (one million five hundred thousand species). On the trouser they have transverse strips, as if notches. That's where the name "insects" - from the word "noise". Insects have three parts of the body and 6 legs. Insects are incluses, they eat everything: greens, small insects insects are quite small and large. Some flies, others crawl or jump, alone live for several years, others - one day. Sometimes people compare with insects. Guess, about which person you can say: hardworking, like
Children: bee.
Educator: Annoyable, like ..
Children: fly.

Fizminutka "Ladybug"
Ladybug in the sky
Bring us black, white bread,
Only not burned.
There will be the sun - a web.
There will be a rain - I sit.

Didactic game "Guess who did not become"
Children cover their eyes, and the teacher removes any picture. Children opening their eyes, must guess which picture is not.
Educator: The weather spoiled, clouded cloud. I went rain. (Children knock with fingers). All insects are disappeared. Who did not?

Children: not the butterflies, dragonflies, grasshopper, ant.
Educator: While we played, our ant disappeared. Help him! He confused into the web. Ant got into spay network. How to free it and not hurt?
Responses of children.
Educator: Let's scum politely ask.
Children ask spider.
Spider: Rail to my web, wind it, then I will let the ant let the ant.

Finger gymnastics.
Children unwind the tangles in which sticks are inserted. Give the floppers spider and he frees the ant.
Educator: Let's go further. And here and swamp. Our ant is small, light, it easily swamps overwhelms, and how do we move?
Children decide to jump over the swamp on the bodies.

Game "on bumps through a swamp"
There are no roads on the swamp
We are on the bumps - Icho yes.

Mosquito game
Children are divided into 2 groups: some mosquitoes, others - walking children. Mosquitoes run beyond the guys who are hiding in the houses.
Educator: Here we are from the swamp and got out. How do we have an anthill found? Here is a bug, let's ask him.
Children: bug beetle, do you know where you are an ant?
Beetle: I know and cut you out. Only, first explain to me exactly what the beetle and the tractor are similar.
Responses of children.
Beetle: But the house is an anthill, but someone broke it.
Children find scattered twigs.
Educator: Who did it? Let's build a new house for ant and his friends.
Children fold sticks and build a house.

Educator: And I want to play with you to play the ball, I will throw it to you, and you tell you that you liked it in this lesson.

Andale Mono Andale Mono Andale Mono Andale Mono 15

Latest section materials:

The Golgi complex is a stack of disk-shaped membrane bags (tanks), slightly extended closer to the edges, and associated with them ...

Chapter I. Description of the Nobility-Irtenyev Elderly Living in the family, Germans Charles Ivanovich Mauer. Nicholya Hirtienev (boy, on behalf of ...

The Golgi apparatus is an important organella that is present in almost every perhaps the only cells in which this complex is missing, ...

NOD on FMP (mathematics) in the middle group

Subject: "Account to 5. Repetition."


    Consolidate knowledge in account up to 5; clarify the knowledge of children about geometric figures; teach equation of groups of objects by quantity;

    Develop attention, memory, speech, logical thinking;

    Rail a friendly relationship, respect for each other, the desire to come to the rescue.

Education area: "Cognitive development", "Speech Development" and "Social and Communicative Development".

1. Distribution material: geometric shapes, countable sticks.
2. Visual material: geometric shapes, pictures with a picture of numbers from 1 to 5, pictures with the image of geometric shapes, carrots and cucumbers.

Node's move.

    Org. moment.

Become side, in a circle,

Say "Hello!" each other.

We love neither laziness:

All " Hello! "I. "Good day! ";

If everyone smile -

Morning good will begin.


Educator: We have guests today. Let's smile and say hello to them.

    Main part.

Educator:Today we will travel to a fairy tale. Guess what?

Round and ruddy

Runs along the path.

Those who meet

He sings a song.

Children:In the fairy tale "Kolobok". (An image of a kolobka appears on the screen).

Educator:Lived - there were an old man with an old woman. This is somehow the old man asks: "The baked me, an old woman, a bun."

"What is the bake? No flour! " - answered the old woman. "And you are lit in the barn, sowing on Soussts - perhaps and find flour." The old woman did it: kneading the dough, rolled the bang, baked him and put it on the window to cool.

Educator: And the kolobok was curious. He wanted to know what was behind the window. He jumped off the window sill and rolled along the path. Rod rolls, and towards him hare jumps. I saw a kolobka and says: "Kolobok, Kolobok, I eat you!" He answers a kolobok: "Don't eat me, I'll sleep a song." And the hare him in response: "I have no time to listen to your songs. Better help me to build a house. "

Educator: Let's help the ball? Let's sit at the tables.

Educator.You have geometric shapes on your tables, let's stand on the hare's house.

Educator: What geometric shapes lie on your tables?

Children: Oval, Triangle, Rectangle, Circle and Square.

Educator: How many corners have a triangle? And side? (Children's responses)

How many corners have a rectangle? And side? (Children's responses)

What kind of figure is also 4 angle and 4 sides? (Children's responses)

And what figures do not have angles? (Children's responses)

Build a house for a hare, every child is your home.

Educator: "I liked the house that you built," says hare. So be, I will let you go bangs.

Suddenly to meet the wolf - the teeth click. I saw a kolobka and says: "Kolobok, Kolobok, I eat you!" And the kolobok says: "Do not eat me, I'll sleep a song." The wolf answers: "Yes, I know your songs about the grandmother and grandfather. Here you will cope with my task, I will let go, but no, swallowing.

You need to lay out geometric shapes from county sticks.

Educator: Look, is everything geometric figures you get? (Children's responses)

Educator: That's right, you do not have all geometric shapes. The circle and oval will not be able to do, because they do not have corners.

Children lay geometric figures from county sticks.

Educator: And with this task coped. Let's let go of a wolf kolobka. He rolled next.

The forces at the kolobka gained, he rolled down.

Suddenly the Bear meets him: "Kolobok, Kolobok, I'll eat you!" Kolobok says: "Do not eat me, Misha, I'll sleep with you." The bear replies: "No, better tell me the verse about the numbers and pick up to 5, then I will let go."

Educator: Guys, help the ball? (Yes) Let's tell those with verse about the numbers, and then we will consider together with you.

"Merry Account"
Samuel Marshak

Here is one (Ile Unit),
Very thin like a needker

But this is two numbers.
Adjust what:
Wounds down the seam
The tail is made up for her.

And for a twos - look -
Performs a number three.
Troika - the third of the icons -
Consists of two hooks.

For three go four,
Acute elbow outpiring.

And then went to dance.

On paper number five.

{!LANG-a71865b7a73741333721dbc11f6fbbd3!} Educator.{!LANG-2a6ffcb5a64cbe588d59e90b0bdc62e4!}























The introductory part.

Main part.