Short toasts for the anniversary. Happy birthday sms for a man. For a birthday


An interesting, albeit short, toast, expressing your attitude and sincere wishes regarding the hero of the occasion, can become a real decoration of any holiday. The main thing here is to be a little more original than all the other guests.

Experience shows that there are not many people in the world who try to say something interesting. As a rule, guests are limited to rather boring and banal congratulatory words, and even more so toasts. They think it doesn't matter. Perhaps to some extent this is true, but a beautiful toast will always be perceived as something special. And if you want to be the center of attention at the upcoming celebration, then those short birthday toasts that we have collected in this section are guaranteed to come in handy.

Our site has made sure that on the occasion of each individual celebration in your arsenal there are a couple of people that can please the hero of the holiday and all his guests. Feel free to feel like the soul of the company and shine with eloquence today!

Let's drink to joy! Let this be the only thing that comes into our lives without an invitation!

I wish you a lot of money, a lot of love and a lot of time to enjoy it!

Let's drink to ELK! To want, to be able, to get richer, to fuck, - for the moose!

How good it is when everything is good! And my toast to that. Let everything be just wonderful, unusual, awesome, magnificent and incomparable!

Believe in dreams! They come true.

For health in the body, for success in business, for warmth in bed and without rigmarole.

Entries 1 - 20 from 97

What does a woman need to be happy? Only a loving person nearby and home comfort. So let's drink to that. May you always have peace and contentment in your heart. May your family and friends surround you with attention and care. I wish you to be truly happy!

I wish you today, dear birthday girl, that the biggest problem in your life is the choice between a weekend in Bali and a vacation in Bora Bora. Happy birthday!

They say that a woman is a mystery. And then there are women - a real cipher. A little misunderstand - and you will not be healthy. It's hard to figure it out. But interesting. So let's drink to the birthday girl with whom you will never get bored!

Let the man be yours like a cactus: so that he does not require much care, he protects you with his thorns and gives you flowers. And you to be like a tulip: beautiful, modest and desirable.

They say that women have no rules, but only a mood. I want to raise this glass to our birthday girl, so that her rule is to always have a good mood!

How nice it is to attend the birthday of such a person! But there is one problem - I don't know what to wish you! After all, you already have everything you want on such days! Then I wish that everything dear and beloved is always there and does not leave, otherwise let what is missing appear in the near future!

Expensive, __________ ! On this day, we all see you so smiling, unusually attractive and sophisticated, like a fresh April rose. So let's drink to the fact that the years are not reflected on your face, but are reflected in your soul with wisdom, intelligence and spiritual happiness! For you!

Comrades, attention
I want to raise a glass
For a beautiful woman
And for her fate!

So that she was lucky, and most importantly,
Happy to be
Happy birthday beautiful
A glass to the bottom for you!

One padishah presented his beloved with an unusual gift - a huge muddy stone of a strange shape. The girl was not happy with such an offering and ordered to throw a stone into the river. Let's drink to the fact that you have the patience and strength to turn your diamond into a diamond!

For a beautiful woman I drink,
For her happiness, for love and for the years,
I want to wish you joy, smiles,
And always be so beautiful!

I wish you brightness and lightness in everything,
I wish troubles not to know and sing,
I wish you always be the first
And never fade!

I raise a glass for my birthday
And I drink to the health of a beautiful woman,
I wish happiness, joy, good,
And make your dream come true!

Let there be more light, bright colors,
Let the problems pass by, by the side,
I wish you a fabulous life
Throw away your sadness!

What does a woman want? Now a false statement has appeared on this subject, they say, they are all mercantile, and apart from money they do not need anything. In fact, they need to feel loved. Only and everything. Birthday girl, I wish you never lack this. Shine with happiness!

I want to raise this glass to our birthday girl! Let her never scold herself for the mistakes of the past, because she just wanted to be happy. So let all her failures, in the end, lead her to happiness!

As you know, the age of a woman is divided into two segments: the time when birthdays bring joy, and the time when an increase in age by another year brings sadness and sadness! So in connection with this, I want to wish that the second segment of your age comes as late as possible! For you, stay the same young beauty that we used to see you!

I want to raise this glass to our birthday girl! Empty all the problems that she has, she does not take to heart, because it is then that she will be able to feel the real freedom and ease in life!

I raise a glass to you
For your wisdom, beauty,
I wish you female happiness
And I want to make my dream come true!

Let everything be excellent
I drink today, for your years,
Such a beautiful woman
Stay like this always!

Sometimes you have moments of sadness in your life. This is normal and happens to everyone. But the most important thing on such days is to have such a dear person next to us who will not let us live with this sadness forever. I wish that someone who will always be a reliable shoulder in any situation will always be with you. For you, birthday girl!

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Women are the source of beauty and charm. And before their birthday, they look doubly beautiful. After all, they are overwhelmed with excitement, fuss, expectation of surprises and attention. On such a day, especially if it is an anniversary of 50-55, 60-65 or 70-75 years, everyone wants, in addition to a gift, to pick up warm congratulations, express their admiration.

A great way to convey respect, sympathy and admiration are pre-prepared original birthday toasts for a woman. After all, sincere speech fills a woman's heart with happiness and joy at any age. No matter how old she is today - 45, 50, 55 or even 75, she will always be happy with beautiful wishes.

To this beautiful woman, on her birthday, I want to wish a lot. But I’ll drink to the correct behavior of the letter “D” in her life: so that money is in abundance, fools are far away, friends are wonderfully sincere, deeds are brought to achievements, longevity, kindness and a lot of love wildly.
They say women are like chocolate sweets: you never know what filling will come across. I want to raise this glass to our birthday girl and drink to her unique filling! The way she will be a surprise for everyone, and for her only - the sweetest and most desirable!
I wish you today, dear birthday girl, that the biggest problem in your life is the choice between a weekend in Bali and a holiday in Bora Bora. Happy birthday!
For most women, birthday not only leaves a smile on her face, but also brings sadness, because a woman becomes a year older. But let's still remember how methodically pearls are created by nature.

And what brandy is valued the most? So let's drink to you shining like the most beautiful pearl, slaying everyone on the spot, like aged cognac, and at the same time remain as unsurpassed as now!

They say women don't have rules, there is only mood. What a mood - such rules! I want to raise this glass to our birthday girl so that her rule is to always have a good mood!
Finding the right words for a happy birthday and suitable toasts for a woman's anniversary is a whole art. I want to say a lot, but only so that the congratulations do not drag on and do not cause boredom on the faces of the guests. They should be short but meaningful. Difficult task? Not at all, if you use ready-made toasts, thoroughly selected for anniversaries 50-55 years old.

They reflect all those aspects that most of all excite lovely ladies. Everyone will be delighted with your eloquence and will remember it for a long time!

In the Caucasus, it is considered that the life of a woman can be divided into seven stages: baby, girl, girl, beautiful woman, blossoming woman, stunning woman and goddess. Looking at our hero of the day, any Caucasian sage would say that she is a goddess not by age, but by definition!

So let our birthday girl always be a goddess in the eyes of men!

One young man really wanted to get married. The family was looking for a candidate for a long time, and finally, the relatives picked up the best woman, as it seemed to them, for him. But the young man said that he would ask only one question about this woman: how old is she?

Relatives replied that they asked her, but the lady replied that she had forgotten how old she was. “Clearly,” the newly-made groom replied, “this woman is over forty, because all women over forty somehow suddenly forget their age!”

And the sage answered him: “A wise woman forgets her age because a real man does not need to know it, the main thing is not how old she is, but how old she feels!” So let's drink to our hero of the day, forever young at heart!

According to legend, God said:“Whatever you take from people, you will lose. But everything that you give to people will return to you a hundredfold.”

So let's drink to the generosity of our hero of the day, with which she always treats her friends!

If (name) were a soldier,
She led the regiments behind her
If (name) were an astronaut,
Quickly flew to Mars and back

If (name) were a climber,
Then Everest would conquer quickly
Only now (name) is not a soldier at all,
And he can't hold a gun

And not explored space gave
Somehow rockets without (name) flew
I put an end to mountaineering
In figs, the giant Everest surrendered to her ???

Maybe some evil foe insidious
He will even declare that (name) is mediocre ...
But it is clear to everyone that this is not so,
So the last fool can think!

(name) smart, witty, beautiful
(name) works amazingly for all of us
For this I intend to drink to the bottom,
There are many heroes, but (name) is one!

"Happy Birthday. We wish you happiness, family well-being, health ... ”A standard, banal congratulation at 20-25 and 50-55 years old, which instead of joy evokes sadness. It is written on all postcards, pronounced at every holiday. Can't there be more to say?

Even if you don't have a talent for making flashy toasts, that's no reason to forego originality. Our anniversary poems, long and short wishes, selected in accordance with the age and personality characteristics of the heroes of the occasion, will surely please everyone without exception.

Beautiful, interesting, sometimes funny and funny, they will tell in a fascinating way about her charm, kindness, attractiveness. They will tell about what an attentive, caring and sensitive person, an extraordinary mother, neighbor, colleague. It will be a pleasure for a woman to listen to these congratulations on a wonderful day.

You are celebrating your anniversary
And you look eighteen!
I can't help but admire
your blooming beauty.

Fate brings you towards
Gods most beautiful nectar -
Drink of eternal youth
Immortality is a precious gift.

And I'm warmed by hope -
Adversity will pass by,
And again I'm over eighteen
I'll drink in twenty years!

A woman is not just a person. This is a mother who gave birth to a child in agony. This is the wife who left her home, following her husband. This is a true friend that will come to the rescue at any moment. This is the support and support of the whole family, as well as its main decoration. Being a woman is not easy.

For you! For a real woman who makes this world beautiful and full of meaning!

I wish you inspiration in your work,
In the family circle - warmth and kindness.
Among friends - love and respect
And in life - a dream come true!

Today is your birthday
And how many knocked - no matter.
You be young all the time
After all, life is given to us only once!

We won't worry about it
What years add years to us,
After all, the main thing is to be able to live them like that,
So that there is no place for adversity.

We wish you a life full to the brim,
So that bad weather does not frown on the soul,
In short, without further ado -
Great human happiness!

Who says you're 50 today
He doesn't know anything about you.
You are only twice 25,
And that changes a lot!

After all, 25 is the beginning of everything,
The beginning of life's paths.
And there's a lot to be done
To the one who saved his youth.

The enthusiasm of the soul argues over the years,
Sadness is not allowed on the threshold.
The second youth comes
To the one who saved the first.

We wish you creative victories in life,
Let any business argue with the song,
What has not come true for 5 decades,
Let it be fulfilled in the remaining 100!

Anniversaries want to receive only pleasant toasts on their holiday. But even more they want everything said to them to be cheerful. And it is not true that every day a woman becomes more serious and stricter. At 50, just like at 20, she is not averse to joking, and at 55, and at 75, she does not lose her sense of humor.

She will like not only beautiful phrases, but also cool congratulations. Funny poems or short comic toasts in prose are always one hundred percent excellent mood for the guests, the laughter of the birthday girl and a joyful holiday. Everyone present at the name day will be grateful to you for a fresh stream of positive.

One woman was once asked what she works for.
- I am a soloist! The lady replied proudly.
- Yes? And where do you sing?
- I do not sing, but salt - cabbage, cucumbers, tomatoes!
... I propose to drink for our birthday girl, who is not just an excellent soloist, but an excellent hostess!

Let there be an ocean of happiness
universe of luck
And grief is less than a glass,
And hide it away!

They say that at forty-five
Baba is a berry again.
But I will say, at fifty
Baba is a real treasure!
Knows how to build a husband
Prepare a delicious dinner
Children will give sensible advice,
The house in her hands is like new.
May your family take care of you
And respect all friends.

We can congratulate
But only with birth,
The tongue does not turn - happy anniversary!
Anniversaries should be banned for beautiful people,
And even more so forget their age!

Science has long recognized this fact:
As geniuses, beautiful women are few!
They are all here in Russia, and the reason is
We, modest Russian men!

An anniversary for the fair sex is a bit of a sad celebration. It brings not only happy and funny moments. With this day, experiences come that they are already over 50,55,60,75,80 years old. They are so afraid of getting old. Although in fact, ladies are beautiful at any age.

And you can easily prove this with properly selected toasts for women. They will convince you that the birthday girl looks great, fresh, young and incredibly attractive. After all, beauty has no age limits.

And if you add cool congratulations with light jokes as a variety, then in a couple of minutes the beauties will completely forget about sadness and sadness.

For those who do not consider themselves to be lovers of talking a lot, but consider it their duty to congratulate the birthday girl on her birthday at 50-55 years old, many short toasts have been written for women.

They are simple, easy to remember, but not devoid of deep meaning. Short congratulations will help to show signs of attention, respect, prove that the hero of the day is dear to you and at the same time will not create a feeling of embarrassment from a long long speech.

Let's drink to those who love laughter!

So that everyone will always be!

My toast is short - let's drink to our men!

Something the guests got bored, we raise glasses, isn't it time?

My toast for good people: there are so few of us left!

So that our children have rich parents!

For cognac, barbecue, music and pleasant conversations!

Let's drink to the big women who make the perfect shade on a hot day!

To enjoy every day and never succumb to the sin of despondency!

So that the streams of our joys cannot be dissolved in the ocean of worries!

Let's drink for the slow savoring of fleeting life!

For our wealth and for our health!

Let's raise our glasses so that our friends go to restaurants, and our enemies go on crutches!

Sluggish and gloomy, we sit downcast. To revive joy, you need to roll a glass!

Sadness in the soul, stagnation in the brain, maybe we'll drink a second?

For those gods and saints who protect us!

Better to be healthy and rich than sick and poor!

Goodbye mind! See you tomorrow!

Let's raise our glasses , let's move them at once, long live the muse, let insanity perish!

To live life not in vain, you need to drink a stopper!

Everything that we can create with our hands is bad, let's drink to our children!

Let's drink for a kiss, invented by a man, in order to somehow close the woman's mouth!

Thirst is a small disease that must be cured.

Children are the beautiful flowers of life. so let's give each girl a wonderful flower!

Let's drink to men who can lie down for others and stand up for themselves.

I want to wish you a lot of money, an ocean of love and a lot of time to enjoy it all!

See you soon... under the table!

Man is born with a cry and dies with a groan. Let's drink for our life to pass with
with fur.

During feasts it is very important to know the measure. After all, you risk drinking less. So let's pour one more
for the fastest approach to a given measure!

I wish everyone as much sadness as there are drops left in the glass!

To have something to wear and in front of whom to take off!

I wish the hero of the day that at the age of 100 he will be sent to prison for rape!

For those who are not with us, but speak well of us!

For beautiful, cute, attractive, smart, kind - for us men!

God gave one day for a drink. Nobody knows this day. And not to miss, we will drink

I wish you an ocean of good luck and a cottage by the ocean.

I propose to drink for lovely ladies and other mythical characters ...

For a woman who can awaken the best qualities in a man!

Drunkenness - fight! Shall we get drunk before the fight?

And how can some people drink vodka every other day? I can't get used to it every day...

For your desires to be afraid of your possibilities!

Let's drink for him - for success, and for her - for good luck!

I offer you a drink for me. You don't care anymore, but I'm glad.

The recumbent will never fall. The one who runs can fall. I propose to drink for the runners.

I want to drink for the fact that from today the price of wine and vodka containers will rise!

Let's drink to those who drink themselves, but do not give to people. For the valiant workers of the State Traffic Inspectorate!

Crossing the stream, the girl lifts her skirt to her knees. So let's raise our glasses to the women who cross
oceans and seas.

Women are like flowers! But you can appreciate the true beauty of flowers only when they
will bloom. For promiscuous women!

The set of wishes is always the same: more health and the same amount of money!

I drink for you to be attacked by a lot of money, and there is no way you could fight it off!

I want to drink to mistresses and wives, or rather to the fact that they never stop!

Let's raise our cups to our stuffed pockets!

I drink to the ladies, because "I won't give" is an ugly word.

For horses, for ladies, and for those who climb them!

» Happy birthday toast to a woman

Happy birthday toast to a woman

This beautiful woman on her birthday would like to wish a lot. But I’ll drink to the correct behavior of the letter “D” in her life: so that money is in abundance, fools are far away, friends are wonderfully sincere, in business - achievements. And also longevity, kindness and wildly a lot of love!

I wish you today, dear birthday girl, that the biggest problem in your life is the choice between a weekend in Bali and a vacation in Bora Bora. Happy birthday!

Women are like books: there are smart ones, there are beautiful ones, there are sexy ones, there are household ones, there are needlewomen, there are mystery women, there are business ones, there are domestic ones. I want to drink to a library woman who combines all qualities harmoniously.
(Accompanied by a demonstration of books on various topics and handing them to the birthday girl)

They say that a woman is a mystery. And then there are women - a real cipher. A little misunderstand - and you will not be healthy. It's hard to figure it out. But interesting. So let's drink to the birthday girl with whom you will never get bored!

The zest is good in a cupcake, mystery is needed for a crossword puzzle, let scouts keep secrets, and for a real woman, the most important thing is to be just wonderful! My toast: let the undoubted merits of our dear birthday girl be noticed and appreciated by everyone always and everywhere!

For most women, a birthday not only leaves a smile on their face, but also brings sadness, because a woman becomes a year older. But let's still remember how methodically pearls are created by nature. And what brandy is valued the most? So let's drink to you shining like the most beautiful pearl, slaying everyone on the spot, like aged cognac, and at the same time remain as unsurpassed as now!

They say that women are like chocolates: you never know what filling will come across. I want to raise this glass to our birthday girl and drink to her unique filling! The way she will be a surprise for everyone, and for her only - the sweetest and most desirable!

Let's raise our glasses to the beautiful birthday girl! Let luck smile at her all next year, fortune accompanies everything, luck will become a good friend, and the blue bird will take it under its wing! May a lucky star shine above her head, pointing the way to the fulfillment of her cherished desires!

What does a woman need to be happy? Only a loving person nearby and home comfort. So let's drink to that. May you always have peace and contentment in your heart. May your family and friends surround you with attention and care. I wish you to be truly happy!

Tradition says that God once decided to bestow special gifts on women from different countries. He gave the Indian woman diligence, the French woman gave sophistication and piquancy, the African woman - burning passion, the German woman - scrupulousness and thrift, and the American - business acumen. But a surprise happened: his bag was torn, and all the remaining gifts fell on the residents of our city. Now you know where our (name) has so many talents. So let's drink to them!

Happy birthday toast to a woman

There is a proverb among the people: a man is a head, but a woman is a neck. Wherever the neck turns the head, there the head looks. So let's drink to the fact that ________ has a wise and obedient head, so that it is easier for a woman!

They say a woman's strength lies in her weakness. But it's like saying "health lies in disease, and wisdom lies in stupidity." So let the birthday girl be strong as only women are strong, and weakness will remain the lot of those who are not friends with logic.

For many women, a birthday means not only a holiday, but also a slight sadness, but you know where diamonds come from? What fine wine turns out after years of exposure? How does experience prevail over youth? I wish you to shine like a diamond, to be beautiful like a flying wine, and although you gain experience, but still be as young as at eighteen!

On this solemn day, I want to raise a glass to the unique woman responsible for this celebration! Our holiday is your charming date. On this beautiful day, we want to wish you good health, love, mutual understanding in your family, prosperity, and much, much strength to you. So that your cherished desires come true, and the one who is dear and loved is with you.

Let this drunk glass
In the soul it will spill with sweet honey.
Dear, we drink only for you!
Blossom and smell, I will be brief.
I wish on my birthday
Be young and not grow old.
Always the same to be beautiful
And have no regrets!
Be cute, bright and spectacular,
Fight men all on the spot.
So that any passer-by in you,
I only recognized the queen!

Always bloom like a Garden of Eden, and swim in the ocean of happiness, may life be generous to you, like waterfalls to rivers. Let there be light in your soul, and joy flourishes in life, and true love - let the union with your beloved warm you forever! And raising my glass, everything that I said (said) I send - for consideration to heaven, and may they bestow you!

I wish the kids and my husband to please, so that life does not deprive you! So that every day is radiant and delights with new discoveries. So that you can afford your whims and so that your life is like in chocolate! Live long - in happiness, joy, in love!

Many girls in childhood dreamed of being like their favorite fairy-tale heroines. And I want to dip our birthday girl into the maelstrom of childhood memories. Let's wish her to be as beautiful as Rapunzel, kind as Cinderella, sympathetic as Snow White, smart as Vasilisa the Wise, friendly as the Little Mermaid and most importantly - to be happier than any character!

You are beautiful like a rose! You are fragile like a mimosa! Graceful as a lily! Graceful as a chrysanthemum! So let's drink to this wonderful bouquet! So that every year a beautiful flower appears in it, as wonderful as our birthday girl!

You carry within you all the splendor of the world: you shine like stars in the blue sky and sparkle with the joy of the first snow. You are bright like a spring flower, fresh like a summer berry and flawless like a water surface on a calm, windless day. You are harmonious. You're beautiful! May each new day fill you with new colors of natural beauty!

Funny congratulations on the anniversary of a woman by age

Funny congratulations on the anniversary of a woman by age

Women's congratulations on the anniversary, 18, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 55, 60, 65, 70 years in verse and prose, funny, beautiful, sincere.

Congratulations to the girl on her 18th birthday

Here you are eighteen,
Need to stir up the party
Break away on your birthday
And drink champagne.
I wish you today
Cool birthday to celebrate.
Everything is possible, I know it:
Drink, walk and dance!
You can kiss a guy
And then forget about it.
throw alcohol,
And call all exes.
Everything is allowed. But whatever you want
Don't always exercise.
Now you're a big girl
Don't give a damn!

Congratulations and toasts on the anniversary of a woman

I sincerely congratulate you on your anniversary and wish you to get tired of male attention, suffer, not knowing where to spend so much money, get upset only because of bad weather, cry only with laughter, feel sad only over touching films and every day delight us with your beautiful smile.

You're a woman! And you are always beautiful
Goddess of dreams, queen of beauty.
After all, nature did not create in vain
Exciting gentle features.
Accept congratulations on your anniversary.
Be happy and forever young.
Love and endless luck
Let your house not be bypassed.

On the bright holiday of the Birthday,
And also on the anniversary
Accept our congratulations
Pour a glass of champagne!
Let grief burst with bubbles
And disappear into nowhere
Let there be a sea of ​​\u200b\u200bcongratulations
Love - for many years.

Happy anniversary our lady
We congratulate you.
So much beauty and charm
You always exude.
We wish you lady
So much happiness so that the neighbors
They were just talking about you...
And they always gave flowers
All. 'Cause you're so cool
The lady is beautiful!

Anniversaries are a special holiday.
We hasten to wish you
Sweet life, bright colors,
From love to soar, flutter.
Catch a goldfish
Be perky, young.
Greet each day with a smile
Live in harmony with yourself.

What do you wish for your anniversary?
Of course, happiness and good luck!
Do not be discouraged and be bold -
That is the main task in life!
Let there be more sun in your life
And in days of anxiety and adversity
In a huge heart, let there be
Love and happiness corner.

What to wish you, such
On a special day - your anniversary?
You are a golden man.
And in the world there is no lighter than you!
Be beautiful. Such as it is.
May wisdom multiply over the years
Your merits cannot be counted,
We will rate you with flowers:
Like a rose, always young
Like an orchid - unique
Like a forget-me-not - you are wonderful,
So, like a carnation, it is multifaceted!
Let the men stack
Lie in your way
Let the vacation - only in the Bahamas,
Let the house be a full bowl!

Today our birthday girl is like the sun,
It gets warm around her.
Always pleases us with kindness and tact,
Always attentive to people's needs.
I want to thank you for everything
For your friendship, understanding, love.
For the fact that you took me down all year
And she helped with problem solving.
Let there be only joy in your life
Let every moment be bright.
And on your table are flowers and sweetness
As a symbol of friendship and love!

Today we will not count the candles,
After all, beauty knows no age.
And we want to wish this evening
You will always remain so beautiful.
May happiness be with you all your life,
Let love share a century with you,
Let every decision bring only good luck,
And the closest person will be next to you.
We do not want there to be no sorrows,
They are part of life, after all.
We wish that during life blows
They could stand with dignity, with honor.
Today we will not count the candles,
Flowers in bouquets, numbers in passports.
We wish you a million smiles tonight
Be wise, kind, joyful always!

You have an anniversary today, you are beautiful, slim and cheerful today! We wish you to always remain so that you catch admiring glances, not only men, but also envious girlfriends. Be like nature itself - in spring, like tender foliage; in summer - ardent, passionate, enchanting; like autumn - generous, kind, caring, well, and from winter, take stamina, strength of mind and peace!

For a birthday

Funny birthday toast

I wish your life to be luxurious - it would have luxurious well-being, luxurious mood and luxurious prospects. Happy birthday!

Beautiful birthday toast

It's time for the annual holiday to remind you of what a good person you are, to list all the good qualities, and to wish you the very best for the future. But! Any good person himself knows about his qualities and what he strives for, so let's not waste time and start celebrating!

original birthday toast

Artificial intelligence is a wonderful thing. Today I told my robot that it's my birthday. He looked at me and issued a pearl "You need to update the owner." For "Artificial Intelligence" and our birthday boy!

Delicate toast for a woman's birthday

Woman ... How much affection, understanding, kindness in this word! Each of you is unique, inimitable and mysterious. Congratulating you (name) today, I want to wish you to always be desired, loved, tender, enjoy success and attention. And I also wish to remain always beautiful, kind and infinitely happy! Always be a woman!

The best birthday toast for a man

Listen to this parable:
“Once a student asked his teacher: “What would you say if I fell?” The teacher replied, "Get up." Then the student said, “What if I fell again?” The teacher answered again: “Get up!” Then the student asked in surprise: “And how many times do you need to fall and rise?” Then the teacher looked at him and said, “Fall and get up as long as you are alive! After all, if you could not get up, you would not be alive!
Darling, I want to drink for you, for the fact that you are always ready to help, you know how to find a way out of any difficult situation, for the fact that I have you!

Short birthday toast

Let's drink to the fact that we live better and better, no matter how disgusting it is to others!

cute birthday toast to girlfriend

In order for a person to see himself, he needs to look in the mirror, and in order to see himself from the inside, he needs to look into the eyes of a true friend! And such eyes, I found with you, my dear friend, and it is for them that I want to drink, let them be just as honest and beautiful, and always tell me the truth about myself!

Cool toast for a friend's birthday

Two friends meet. One says:
- Lend me a thousand.
- I can only give five hundred. No more. The remaining five hundred
I will have to.
Let's drink for real friends and that we have such
there were more.

Funny birthday toast

It is better to be full than hungry, it is better to live in peace than in anger, it is better to be needed than free - let's drink to that!

Funny caucasian birthday toast

One horseman had a favorite donkey. The dzhigit loved his donkey so much that a miracle happened - every night the donkey began to turn into a beautiful girl. So let's drink to the wild fantasy that made the horseman see such a metamorphosis!

Happy birthday toast

Let's drink to those on board. Who is overboard, he will get drunk!

Wise birthday toast

While cleaning the room, the servant found a ruble and gave it to the owner.
"Since you're so honest, keep it to yourself," he said.
A few days later the owner lost the golden pencil and asked the servant if he had found it in the room.
- I found it, - he answered, - but he kept it for his honesty.
Let's drink to the fact that we lose less and find more.

birthday toast in your own words

They say that once upon a time people did not grow old, but at the same time, they never changed and could not fully understand what happiness is, what love is, what friendship is. And one day they were given the choice to know all this, but in return time became powerful over them, they were scared, but they decided to take a chance and did not lose! Indeed, without time, we would not have known true love, true friendship and true happiness! So let's drink on your birthday, for the time that you lived, and for all the good that it gave you!

Toast in prose for a birthday

Birthday is a wonderful holiday. All the best on this day is just for you. Do not be sad that the years fly by unnoticed, you need to rejoice in the experience and wisdom gained. With all my heart I wish to see only the best in life, more positive, less sad things, a sea of ​​\u200b\u200bjoy, mountains of money, more fun moments and a huge supply of health. Raise a glass to you!

Nice birthday toast

Dear hero of the occasion! As is our custom, I will not name the number of years you have turned today. But, as Bernard Shaw said: "Women can be endured in society, starting from the age of thirty, since from that time they begin to improve." So let's drink to your cultivation and to your wild success in society!

Cool short birthday toast

Let another year go
He was full of luck and happiness!
We will drink for you, and here
All bad weather will pass by!
Let's raise our glasses to the birthday boy, to whom we wish sincere happiness and fulfillment of desires.

Birthday toast for a girl

If you look at the night sky and look closely at the stars, you can conclude that they are all, like people, just as different. When a person is born, a new star appears in the heavenly space. The star of a healthy person shines brightly, if a person is sick, his star dims. When we go to the “other world”, our stars fall from the sky. Today I drink to the fact that your star, dear birthday girl, always shines very brightly and never falls.

Mom's birthday toast

Mom's birthday is a holy day for me. I am a mom, I wish you a beautiful and rich life. And let your life be accompanied by a guiding star. Like a wild fire, let my love for you warm you. I wish you all the best, and also find peace of mind for you. Happy Birthday Mom!

Husband's birthday toast

I want to wish a happy birthday to my beloved and dear husband! I want only luck to wait for you in life behind every turn of fate, so that your work always brings you pleasure and a lot of money, your health does not fail. And of course, I want to wish you the love that I promise to always give you, which will warm you in cold and difficult times. Thank you for having me. For you!

Birthday toast to wife

My wife's birthday is today! Therefore, I am full of inspiration. All the flowers are dear to you, all the joyful and happy moments. You are beautiful today, as always, for many years. Your sparkling eyes and smiles are not enough for me now. I drink for your birthday, dear, at this moment and hour!

Happy birthday toast

On your bright birthday
Wine for health let it flow like a river!
Desires of any fulfillment
Let fate scatter with a generous hand!
For joy, health, luck, love,
For a life without problems and for your happiness
Fill the glasses to the very brim
And let's drink to the bottom! And let's drink again!

birthday toast

I wish you to harvest a generous harvest: health, good luck and love.
And to have everything in abundance. And only one was missing:
time to think about where it all comes from.

New happy birthday toasts

Let's raise our glasses and drink for your life to be as long as the river that disappears over the horizon, so that your house is always comfortable, and friends and loved ones are always there. Happy birthday and more happiness in your river!

I wish you such work and earnings so that you can afford any rest, such health that you are immune to all diseases, such happiness that will not be afraid of adversity, and such love with which you will not be afraid of loneliness. Happy birthday!

I look at you, and a smile is born on my lips, because today all the good things from the moment we met are especially vividly remembered. I want to wish you many more similar and incomparable moments of good health of a strong family and a big bag of money. Happy Birthday!

Happy birthday, congratulations
I raise my glass
For your wonderful years
So that happiness is always in them!
So that success accompanies everywhere,
So that bad things don't happen to you
To be full of joy
To be close to true friends!

They say that a birthday is not a very happy holiday. This is partly true, because we are all human and we are getting old, but it is sad. But we live one life, so it is worth appreciating every moment of it. Moreover, the holiday of our birth is a special day when all the attention of relatives, friends, and others is riveted to our own person. Birthday boy, I want to wish you to be able to enjoy every moment you live, because life is so short!

On your birthday, you always feel like royalty. You can afford to do whatever you want, so to speak what the soul asks for. Birthday boy, I wish you always had a sense of celebration in your heart. This does not mean at all that you need to walk and have fun non-stop. I mean that you always have a great mood. Happy for you!

They say that only children love the birthday holiday, because remember how in childhood we blew out the candles in the cake and ran to open gifts. In adult life, of course, everything is different, you often think not about growing up, but about getting old. But I wish you, birthday man, to perceive life as an optimist, then your birthday will not inspire sadness, but will be an extra reason to feel like an important person that everyone is talking about!

Today, many different congratulations and wishes were made for you, so I just want to raise a glass and drink for this bright and joyful day - your birthday, which gave us such a wonderful person like you!

Birthday is the favorite holiday of children. After all, only these little sparks of creation are looking forward to the day when they become a year older. For adults, it's completely different. For them, this day is another reason to have fun with their friends. May your life, birthday boy, have more reasons for fun!

So let's drink to you now
Let's take a drink from the bliss of the cups!
To be next to you in life -
Here is the most fabulous gift!

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