The jacket painted during washing what to do. People's methods for restoring white things. Alternative way - make a stylish thing

One thing that faded when washing the thing is able to spoil all the rest of the underwear, leaving unsightly divorces on the fabric. The situation is unpleasant and offensive, but should not panic. There are many ways to restore painted things that we will tell in this article. But first let's figure it out how to avoid a similar situation.

Relevision prevention

Things will not only become clean, but also save their colors, texture if you comply with simple rules of care:

Sort clothing correctly

Before the start of washing, distribute the wardrobe objects: white things in one direction, color - to another. Multicolored clothes are also desirable to divide into separate groups, for example, red and rose underwear, black and blue.

Note: Always wash white and colored products separately. This also applies to old, long-fledged things.

It is advisable to distribute things and by type of material - on natural and synthetic.

Separately erase new things

The acquired garder items are erased separately, but best to do it manually. So you will learn whether the tissue is subject to mol.

Observe the temperature mode

In hot water, the loss of color saturation is more likely, flushing the pigment from the material fibers.

Information about the care of the thing can be found on the label. It indicates whether the machine washing is allowed at what temperature and annealing.

Separate things erase manually

For example, clothing with inserts from another fabric and different from the main color. It is better to wash on hands in warm water.

Do not postpone the salvation of polinted clothes

After got things from the machine, carefully inspect them. The polished product should be immediately saved, without waiting for it to dry.

Emergency help painted things

Having hanging wet underwear, you found that clothes were painted. Without waiting for her drying, immediately, proceed to action. Distribute things in colors and post again in the typewriter, using a little more powder than with the usual washing. If the underwear is white, then pour the bleach in the machine compartment, and for color - take the stain remover.

Before making a spoiled product in a typewriter, you can graze a divorce soap. In such a state, the thing should be ruined at least 3 hours.

Another option is to prepare a hot water basin, pour a small amount of cleaning fluid, which usually wash the dishes. Soak the product in this solution for 2 hours, then wrap.

If these measures did not help, it means that it is time to use household chemicals or folk methods.

Industrial means for restoring painted products

Household chemical manufacturers offer various means to save randomly colored things. The effect of their use will be much stronger in recently appeared spots. The solar divorces are more difficult to remove, since the coloring pigment is firmly entrusted to the fiber material.

A spoiled white thing can be wrapped with a bleach. The most common are "ACE", "Sodasan", "Bos". A solvent is suitable for removing an unnecessary color, labeled with the "White" icon. If the type of fabric allows, boil underwear with a conventional whiteness.

Note: Means suitable for colored fabrics have the "Color" mark.

People's methods for restoring white things

Very often, simple sweater means give a striking result, while they are less aggressive affect the material, its structure. The choice of substance and the method of removing unnecessary color depends on the type of fabric.

Natural fabrics

Use one of the following methods:

  1. Prepare a pelvis with 6 l warm water, pour 1 cup of ammonia alcohol there. Leave polishing clothes in a solution for half an hour. Rinse in cool water and wash in the car.
  2. To achieve whiteness, place the painted thing in a deep container, fill with water. Put on the fire and let leave at least 1 hour. At the end of the processing, we rinse the clothes in cold water, in which add 2 tbsp. l. soda.
  3. Soak the spoiled product in a solution from hydrogen peroxide. 3 liters of water takes 50 ml of peroxide.
  4. The following substances are whitening effect: citric acid, salt, starch. Mix the components taken in the same quantity. To the resulting mixture, pour some water, should turn out to be Cashier. This paste is treated with colored divorces. After 30 minutes, carefully remove the remnants of the cleaning agent and wash the product.
  5. Many manganese granules throw into the water. Be sure to make sure of their full disappearance. Must get a weak, light pink solution. Soak it in it for 20 minutes, after which they rinse and wrap.

Synthetic fabrics

They do not expose to high temperatures, as well as chlorine-containing means. For whitening products from synthetics, use such ways:

  1. Two tablets of ordinary aspirin Estroll into powder, add 1/2 cup of water, stir. The resulting solution to handle the stain and leave for 20 minutes. Rinse the thing and wash in the typewriter.
  2. Prepare bleaching solution: Take 5 tbsp. l. ammonic alcohol, 2 tbsp. l. hydrogen peroxide and 2 tbsp. l. grazing household soap. All components dissolve in 10 liters of warm water. Painted things Soam in this solution, after 30 minutes we rinse the underwear several times.

Silk, wool, delicate fabrics

For their whitening, the following options are acceptable:

  1. Mix in a separate tank washing powder, hydrogen peroxide and ammonia alcohol, 1 tbsp. l. Each. Add 4 tbsp to them. l. Salt. The resulting mixture is dissolved in 5 liters of water. The painted thing is supervised in the cooked solution. After 2 hours, carefully rinse.
  2. Put the thing in the Nastya mustard. How to cook it: 1 tbsp. l. Dry mustard powder Fill 1 l hot water. After 3 o'clock the infusion will be ready.
  3. Slit lemon juice in warm water or spread citric acid powder in it. Lower things into the solution for half an hour, then post as usual.

Folk ways to restore colored products

Natural fabrics

The following tips will help get rid of unnecessary color:

  1. Put the resulting product once again in the typewriter. But at the same time set the temperature of the water at 60 ° C and use more than always, the amount of powder.
  2. Delete colored divorces will help the digestion method. First, soak the damaged underwear in the solution from the ammonia (1st art. L. Funds on 10 liters of water). After 20 minutes, move the container on the stove, where after the liquid boils, continue to cook for another 10 minutes. Rinse the product in cool water.

The colored blouse "by chance" was in washing with white linen, black sock "Heritated" on a bright T-shirt. What if one of the things during the washing was polished and left stains on other products? It turns out that there are many ways to correct the situation if it has changed the thing when washing.

What colors most often can be polished?

Not all tissues are linted. Usually, the "extra" paint gives bright colored cotton fabrics, sometimes wool. He strongly outlines paint from new denim things, especially when washing in hot water. Red, dark green, orange, blue brown - Any saturated shade can become a source of trouble and paint the thing of another color during washing.

If there is color or contrast finishes, frills, a bow on a skirt or a blouse should first examine the inscriptions and badges on the label, and then wash such a product.

The "catastrophe" happened! What to do?

The favorite thing after washing looks disgusting, all in some divorces or stains of incomprehensible color. And it is impossible to wear in this form, and threw it sorry. The first thing to be done is to re-out a thing with a bleach or powder.

The second one worth thinking is to use the services of dry cleaning. On appropriate equipment using the necessary reagents, this problem can be neutralized.

If it is too lazy to look for a dry cleaning or a thing worth extra costs, a list of funds proven by hostesses is quite suitable. Quite simple, available in every home, the substances will help to fix this incident.

The following components can be made to this list:

  • salt;
  • hydrogen peroxide;
  • stainstresses for colored and white fabrics;
  • ammonia;
  • bleach and powders;
  • lemon acid;
  • laundry soap;
  • chloric
  • manganese.

Method using hydrogen peroxide

Immediately after finding unauthorized coloring, put more wet spoiled things in a pelvis or pan. Pour water, put on the stove and add peroxide. On 4-5 liters of water takes 20 grams of peroxide solution. Heat and boil about half an hour. Paint with spots will go into the water, the thing will be restored. This method can be used for white and for colored products. If the laundry was laid unevenly, then the peroxide will eliminate this trouble.

The ammonia alcohol acts similarly in smaller quantities (1 complete tablespoon). The underwear is heated to a boil, we are wrinkled in warm water and dried.

How to restore white starch products?

Spain, white or light products, sprinkled, sometimes repeatedly cut into hot water or boil with powder. If this measure only lightened stains and divorces, you need to act as follows:

  • take 1 tbsp. unrigneous economic soap, citric acid, starch, large salt;
  • add some water;
  • mix everything in a small capacity to the state of the casher;
  • apply to the opposite side of the product in the place where the stain turned out during the washing;
  • withstand about semissions;
  • pretty rinse and dry.

It is important to act while the paint did not have time to strengthen the fabric fibers.

Experimental methods

  1. If the thing after contacting the alien dye completely lost sight and there is nothing to lose, you can try "Babushkin" a recipe with the use of manganese. A pair of crystalline is dissolved in water, a washing powder is added, a damaged thing is laid. After a while - rinse and drying.
  2. Another controversial method is to mix the powders, bleaching and stains of different manufacturers at the same time and soak in this "miraculous potion" beloved clothes. For the result, no one is responsible for the effect. If the thing in this hellish mixture is dissolved, then nothing will have to throw away.

How to get the original piece of clothes from a spoiled thing?

Anyone received from the stain stained, you can decorate. There is a huge number of ways to get exclusive clothes from seemingly damaged during the washing things.

  1. Is there several stains on a blouse? Run them amount! Art paints are taken for fabric or ordinary watercolor and sponge are applied in any order to the surface of the beloved thing. It is preliminar than that the paint does not printed on the second surface, it is necessary to pave a layer of dense oil or cardboard, which is removed before ironing. To dry a few hours, then across the extra cloth to try to try the iron to consolidate. In the future, this masterpiece can be washed in warm water (up to 40 degrees) in the usual way.
  2. Again the paints, a sponge and any stencil. The resulting painting on the tissue will not have an arbitrary, but a completely defined floral or other ornament and drawing.
  3. Any drawing on the fabric can be made with simple felt-faucers. The method of consolidation is the same - ironing.
  4. Do not want to paint? No problem! Simple threads for sewing or you can embroider several arbitrary multi-colored lines in places of spots.
  5. Applications from non-iron ribbons, sewn rhinestones and flowers, sequins and beads will not only save the painted thing, but also make an unusual detail of the wardrobe.
  6. Cotton products can be radically changed color, boiling it in aniline dye. The woolen thing can decrease greatly, and acrylic - on the contrary, it stretches.
  7. It is important to remember that the methods of artistic painting are not suitable for all knitwear. Here you can fine with embroidery or appliqués. And the most faithful means is to wash light, dark and colored products separately.

Each woman is, above all, the hostess, which should be able to keep the house clean and order. On the shoulders of the woman, almost all household goods lie: cleaning, cooking, washing. In all these cases, the hostess should get a qualitative result.

What? In cooking - delicious food, in cleaning - perfect purity, in washing - clean, fresh things. As a rule, cooking and cleaning are not such labor-intensive processes as washing (manual or automatic, not so important). After all, both in another way the main thing is not to spoil things.

In the process of washing, you need to be very neat, so you can stumble upon problems such as a molting of things, resizing, deterioration in the quality of the material. The most common problem when washing the owners - polished things.

Many wondered how to wash and whiten the polinted thing?

Women, frightening this problem, often run into a dry cleaning, hoping that their things will be saved there, but there are no guarantees that the thing will return to the previous state. Some without much effort immediately get rid of things.

But if this blouse is for you, a skirt or anything represents some value, then you should not despair, you can solve this problem and at home, if you follow the following rules.

In order to continue the risk of a collision with such a problem, it is better to prevent it. It is easier to prevent than the case for a long time and eliminate.

Never erase colored things with white.

If you still fear mongles of things, you can leave things in the saline solution for several hours.

If white underwear polished, you need to soak it in cold water with a large amount of cleaning powder. You can extract a white T-shirt or a shirt at home with the help of a bleach.

To do this, you need to take a deep container, pour water and add a generous portion of the whitening agent, then soak the polinating thing for at least six hours. Next, it needs to rinse very well. Thus, you can get rid of bright divorces and spots.

If the typewriter in white clothes accidentally got colored things, the following manipulations will save the situation:

  • observe clothes again;
  • pull out all colored underwear from the washing machine;
  • place the injured white underwear in the machine;
  • put white things together with a washing powder and whitening means at the highest temperature.

If, after such a procedure, the spots or divorces will not disappear, it will be necessary to use the following way.

Half a glass of cooking salt mixed with a dining room of the household soap (pre-harbing) and a tablespoon of citric acid. Consistency funds must resemble sour cream. Then the resulting mass put on underwear from the wrong side.

Make it best in the evening to leave the underwear at night. It will be necessary to put all the things on the morning and put the rinsing mode without pressing. As you know, after such a washing, things will acquire their original whiteness.

How to find out if it is a thing to polish or not?

When buying any thing or linen is almost always attached a piece of material that is in a pocket or from the wrong side. Many believe that this is an ordinary wature if the thing suddenly grows, but it is far from that.

This piece of matter helps us learn how to react thing to the washing process. If suddenly such a flaps of the fabric you have not found, you can check the washing powder on a small plot of the thing itself.

The most famous and efficient ways of washing the wing of things at home

  1. If you immediately after washing, you noticed that your favorite white shirt or blouse pulled the shade of another thing, put it immediately in cool water several times. After such actions, it must return its original color.
  2. The best method of getting rid of the stains is stains and bleach. It is good that at the moment their choice is very wide and diverse. For white things it is necessary to choose the WHITE marking, for color - Color. It is best to choose oxygen bleaching, they will be able to whiten your things better than chlorine-containing. They are also safer and sparing for fabric.
  3. If the incident happened to the white thing, then you can easily wash it out, departing for 20-30 minutes in whiteness. Then again, thoroughly stretch the underwear several times. This whitening method is still highly efficient since a long time.
  4. Save the affected thing you can help all the well-known pharmacy remedy for hydrogen peroxide. It is necessary to paint sweat things in a solution from peroxide and cleaning powder for several hours. Later, it's a pity again to stretch and rinse the clothes several times.
  5. From denim material, it is possible to eliminate stains using conventional soda. To do this, apply Cashitz from Soda to the stains, and then after a couple of minutes it's good enough of things and rinse.
  6. If you have tried many ways, but you failed to eliminate stains from clothes, try to repaint a thing in a darker shade. To do this, use special paints for tissues or a well-known means - blue.
  7. One of the most popular ways to whiten the fabric requires only two ingredients: a solution of mangartage and chips of the economic soap. All this needs to be well mixed, then the underwear should be lowered into the resulting mixture, then pour boiling water. Later, after the underwear will come together, you need to thoroughly need to sleep.
  8. In order to whiten the kitchen towels and other textiles, there is a good recipe from the remedies that have houses at each mistress. For preparation, we need the following components: a little dry bleach, 3 tablespoons of sunflower oil, washing powder. All ingredients are well mixed in five liters of hot water, we put our dirty things there for several hours and wait for the result. After the procedure, things need to rinse.
  9. You can not use the same way of salvation from molting of things several times, as the thing can completely spoil, and then you will not help even painting the fabric.
  10. Return to life White things can be the most common table vinegar if you are writhing underwear before washing for a few minutes.
  11. In addition to vinegar, a mustard powder is used from the subwoys. Fall asleep their underwear, then pour boiling water and leave for several hours

At the moment, the Chemical Industry produces a huge range of household chemicals. Such means can be used to solve the described problem.

The one who worries the problem how to wash the polinted thing should choose a good tool that can help solve this problem.

Bleaches are divided into two main groups: oxygen-containing and chlorine-containing. Chlorine-containing substances are not as safe as oxygen-containing.

Often with their long-term use, linen flies, and no restoration methods can save the thing. The basis includes sodium hypochlorite, which adversely affects the structure of the tissue. In order to avoid unwanted consequences, it is recommended to use safer and gentle fabrics.

Oxygen-containing means have high efficiency, so when choosing household chemicals, the composition should be very carefully examined.

Experiment with colored cloth, applying such means, it is not worth it, otherwise your thing is finally and irrevocably spoiled.

Regardless of what chemical means you choose, you need to take into account the material of the product and the composition of the chemical means that you will use.

This is a very thin process, so it is necessary to approach the problem responsibly and gently to avoid all sorts of negative consequences.

In order to avoid a collision with the problem of this kind, it is best to use those tools for washing, which are indicated on the label of clothing or linen, preferably with the least harmful substances.

In order to avoid harm to their own health, it is necessary to use detergents that include high-quality, proven substances. In this case, you not only restore the polished tissue, but also warn unwanted consequences for your own health.

Mother two children. We have been holding a household for more than 7 years - this is my main job. I love to experiment, constantly try various means, methods, techniques that can make our life easier, modern, saturated. I love my family.

It is not always possible to keep track of everything in the apartment. It also happens that a jacket with things hit the machine, which lines. And they find it after the end of washing when the favorite sweater and skirt were painted in another color.

It is possible to restore the color if the red melting sweater with light things was accidentally folded. If clothes painted, do not delay it for later. Pigment is even worse in the material, and it will be difficult to remove it.

It is necessary to save spoiled clothes at once, every hostess should know how to do it, because this problem happens often.

How to check the leaning in molt?

In order not to have a question, what to do so that things do not paint, you need to be able to test clothes on the leaning towards the molting. It is easier to prevent the problem than to eliminate.

If color clothes are very bright, it does not mean anything. This clothing may not polish, but check does not hurt.

Simple ways of determining the product is painted or not:

  1. A new sweater at the first wash wet in hot water (if you can expose to high temperatures) and squeeze.
  2. Clothing items check on a mucking mucking. In the pelvis pour water and add a washing powder, leave for 10 minutes, then peel water. On the water painted in another color will be visible to the dress or not.
  3. Colored thing is treated with a wet white rag or napkin. If the paint is smelted, the napkin is painted.
  4. Look at the inside of the fabric sample. For high-quality and expensive things, manufacturers do not regret a piece of such material so that it can be checked to check the product or not. Cut the loskutok, and experience.
  5. Soak the sample in the ammonia alcohol for 10 minutes, then compare with clothing. If the product is brighter than the test sample, then lines.

Such a test should be carried out every time when you buy a new product to know with what things you can wash or put them separately from all the clothes.


If the thing is painted in a typewriter, it will be possible to fix by resorting to the help of professional funds.

First, try to remove the paint by folk methods, but if the products are polished and it was late noticed, it is possible to restore the color only by chemical reagents.


Painted things when washing, what to do? If the clothes have acquired a different color, it will be restored using the antinem agent. The newest formula of this composition allows you to remove only other people's dyes.

Products that are repainted can be restored, while the original color does not affect the original elements, the texture of the fabric does not change.

Antineus perfectly copes with his own direct responsibility, but has an unpleasant smell.

Some consumers left a negative feedback on this chemistry, and it consists in the fact that the stain remover often eats basic colors. Therefore, before applying any substance, it must be checked on an invisible piece of fabric.

What if you painted things after washing? First, you will need to remove bold stains with another stain remover, then check for color resistance.After that, use the tool so that white clothing has become such.

If things are painted, wash them manually. So you can control the whole process and achieve a more optimal result.

Look at what washing point is indicated on the label.

Dissolve antinea bag in 7 liters of water. Put in the capacitance of the underwear to which the color is required to be returned. Close the pelvis suitable on the size of the lid and leave for a few hours at rest until the liquid is completely cooled.

Sometimes mixed with a wooden shovel or hands, putting rubber gloves.

Complete the washing process. For washing, take the washing powder. The stressed underwear rinse several times in clean water and dry.

You can treat antiline several times, just be careful not to disturb the material structure.


The painful white thing leads in order using bleach. Such means are able to return to the former cleanliness and radiance of both sweater and blouses.

With this unbearable task, whiteness can cope, vanish and any white bleaching compositions.

The main thing is not to overdo the amount of powder or gel. No need to pour it more, the color will not return if the tool itself is ineffective, how much does not use it.

How to wash the white thing with the Vanish Oxi Action:

  1. White underwear is first cleaned from spots using stains.
  2. Pour water in the pelvis (2 l), pour out the entire Vanish Oxi Action bag.
  3. Wait 3 hours, if not managed, wait another 6 hours. Then sweat the contaminated areas.
  4. Rinse the blouse in a large amount of water.

In the same way, whiteness acts, but it is better to use oxygen-containing bleach, and not chlorine.

They are more effective and do not affect the structure of the material. In addition, in contrast to the whiteness of Vanish Oxi Action, it smells pleasant.


How to whiten a white blouse that squeezed or became painted in a bright color?

If she did not return her shade using the Vanish Oxi Action, try the Pigeon Paracle bleach. It is also oxygen, and they can handle any painful things.

Thanks to the strengthened operation of the oxygen, Pigeon ParaCle blends great.

If things painted when washing should not be upset ahead of time. In this situation, you need to use all possible ways to get the color.

It is cheaper than buy a new product. In addition, most of the products are dismissed using cheap Vanish Oxi Action and Pigeon Paraclle.

If the thing painted when washing, resort to the use of the last tool for this technology:

  1. Place the painted things in the drum.
  2. Pour powder into the dispenser and the Pigeon Paraclle bleach at the rate of 10 g per 30 liters.
  3. Run the usual washing mode, rinsing and set the desired temperature mode.
  4. Rinse with air conditioning for linen, dry.

After such a procedure, the thing will acquire a snow-white look. It is not difficult to restore the color, the main thing is to act according to the instructions of the selected tool.

Folk Methods

If, when washing, the thing was painted, and in the store weekend or to go far, returned whiteness by people.

There are several means working no less efficiently than professional chemistry.

Hydrogen peroxide

If the thing painted, use peroxide. They used them even in those days when there was no such large amount of industrial chemistry.

Hydrogen peroxide is very effective and quickly returns whiteness skirts, blouses, t-shirts and pants.

How to whiten the things that painted:

  1. Divide into 6 liters of warm water 1 tbsp. l. hydrogen peroxide.
  2. Mix the solution well and soak clothes in it for 40-60 minutes.
  3. Fold the blouse with a washing powder, rinse well from balances.

Since the peroxide folk remedy, it is not always possible to cope with painted products.

Bed linen should not be mashed in this solution. It is too voluminous and a lot of hydrogen peroxide will be required, since the water volume is also not small.

For sheets, duvettes and other large products, it is better to buy an industrial tool that can be loaded into the machine.

For a better effect in the prepared solution, a calcined soda is added, at the rate of 6-7 st. l. on 7 liters of water.


For painted linen, a solution consists of 1 tbsp. l. Starch, salts, citric acid and chips of the household soap. That is, all components take an equal amount, the starch can be slightly more if the linen is painted, which needs to be given a little stiffness.

This composition is mixed with water so that it turns out Cashier. It is applied on the painted areas, they are waiting for 12 hours and then the thing is rinsed.

How to fix the color?

What to do if clothes are painted?

Such things over time are losing color, they become dull and not as attractive as they were during the first wear. If it lines, use special compositions to secure the shade.

After such processing, things do not stain another underwear for a long time. Color is saved.

So that the fabric does not paint, use the following color preservation methods:

  1. In the pelvis pour 10 l of cold water and 1 cup of vinegar. Lower things that face, in a capacity of 15 minutes (only individually). Then rinse in a clean code a couple of times, and hang on the clothesline to weave the smell.
  2. If a wool sweater is linked to fasten the color with the help of ammonia alcohol. On 10 liters of water it will be needed 1 tbsp. l. Pre-products should be wrapped with powder and rinse, and then rinse in this solution. Finish the procedure follows the washing in acetic fluid.
  3. Cotton things are soaked in solid salt and food soda. Each ingredient will be needed by ¼ cup. Machine products for 2 hours, then rinsed in running water.

So that clothes never linted erase it separately in powder for manual washing. Add the ammonia, vinegar or table salt during rinsing.

Such things are not desirable to handle in a washing machine, even with the addition of folk remedies, there is a risk that the product is pollinist.

In order not to get into such situations, you need to follow the recommendations specified on the label, and take into account the features of the tissues.

Useful tips:

  1. Linening things can not be erased at high temperatures. Such products are placed only in cold water. Its temperature should be less than 30 degrees, and better and icy.
  2. Also before washing, do not forget to sort the underwear, and check the piles before loading into the washing machine, especially if there are small babes in the house, loving a little to a bar.
  3. If you did not know that the thing lins, do not hurry to throw out and do not be scared, just like not postpone on then. Create spoiled clothing in order immediately, the paint is quickly eaten and then it is difficult to remove it.
  4. Always carry out experiments with a cloth. Do not erase new clothes without experiment lines the material or not.

If you missed something, I forgot to check or accidentally put the product with other things, immediately use any folk remedies at hand.

Save the polished clothes, which unexpectedly appeared spots of another color, you can. If this does not work independently, it is always possible to contact dry cleaning.

Often, when washing colored things, you can observe such a picture: the underwear of a bright saturated color, as a result of molting, painted and spoiled other things. Everyone may encounter such an unpleasant situation, but not everyone knows that the painted clothes can be returned to the primordial appearance. You should not hurry to throw out your favorite spoiled thing, you need to save it urgently.

To begin with, it is necessary to sort things about the color scheme to prevent additional molting. Then try to wash them separately. It is important to make the washing temperature to make about 60 degrees, unless of course the recommendations for washing things do not speak about the opposite. Usually in this way you can withdraw minor painted stains from clothing. But if it did not help, do not despair, the most important thing, immediately act, not leaving everything for later. After things are dry, it is much more difficult to wash the painted areas of clothing, as the paint quickly absorbs into the fibers of the fabric and stains them in another color.

On store shelves you can find a large selection of funds for randomly colored when washing things. Also, there are various stains, which can be applied directly to the painted part of the clothing directly and wrapping in an automatic washing machine. If there are no necessary tools at hand, folk remedies will come to the rescue, such as salt, ammonia, lemon juice and others. In addition, the means for restoring painted things can be done at home.

Blind of painted white linen will help. For the best effect, you can first soak in the bleach, and then boil and wrapping. With minor painted stains on white lingerie can handle the economic soap. To do this, hold things in the water, then drain the water and abundantly clean the clothes with economic soap. Leave in such a form for half an hour and wrapping in the usual way.

Ways to eliminate painted areas from clothing:

  1. Boil the painted clothing in hydrogen peroxide solution, on 4 liters of water to take 2 tablespoons of the means.
  2. Apply a large salt to the painted spot, clumsy in a small amount of water, and leave for half an hour, and then wash the usual way.
  3. Take advantage of the ammonic alcohol, in the water ratio: 3-4 liters one tablespoon of the ammonia, boil things in this solution.
  4. Wash things with special means to restore color or with stained fiftesers.
  5. Make a remedy at home. 20 grams of a large salt, concentrated lemon juice, starch and crushed household soaps to a homogeneous mass are mixed. This means apply to the painted part of the clothes from the wrong side and leave for 12 hours, then remove the remnants of the means and wash the washing machine.
  6. Boil painted white clothes with a bleach or wrapping in a washing machine with the addition of bleach.
  7. Contact dry cleaning.

What you need to know

In order to continue to prevent such errors in painting non-ferrous and white things, the following rules must be followed:

  • Wash color things separately from white.
  • For color items, it is also desirable to observe the flower gamut.
  • Sort clothing by fabric structure and composition.
  • A new bright thing before washing the first washing in the soap solution and wash separately.
  • To secure the color or reversal of the original saturated form, on 3 liters of water, it is necessary to squeeze the juice of half of fresh lemon and withstand things in this solution for about 20 minutes.
  • Do not exceed the washing temperature of more than 40 degrees.

It should be remembered that color bright clothes are better not to boil, but use special means to restore painted things or resort to the home analogue of such a means. It is necessary to be attentive to bright details of the clothing, which can also paint other things, follow the recommendations for the care of such things.

If expensive and delicate thing is spoiled, do not experiment and expose such clothes with different chemicals. In such cases, it is better to resort to the help of dry cleaning specialists.