The best wife for a man. Fashion Tips - women's online magazine

Being a good wife is not easy, even if you have an almost perfect husband. To be a good wife, you must be able to communicate effectively, keep the romance alive, and be your husband's best friend while still being a person. If you want to know how to achieve this, just follow the steps below.


Communicate Effectively

    Express your feelings and needs effectively. Your husband can't read minds. If you want something, just ask. If something is wrong, tell him about it. Don't hint and beat around the bush, nothing will ever happen. If you want to express your feelings, say it in a positive tone and listen to what your husband has to say instead of bombarding him with accusations. Here are some ways to do it:

    • Send "I-messages". Instead of blaming your husband for not meeting your needs, focus the conversation on yourself. For example, tell him, "I feel like you're ignoring me when you don't come home at 6:30 every night."
    • Listen to what he says. When your husband says something to you, repeat it so that he knows that you understand him. For example: "I heard you talk about financial problems and that's why you work late."
    • Don't judge. Let him finish what he is talking about before answering. Suggest a solution when he finishes his speech. For example, say, "I'm willing to live more economically if it helps us spend more time together."
  1. Choose your battles. Some issues are worth fighting for, and some are not. If you constantly find fault with your husband over trifles that are not so important, then he will not listen to you in solving more important problems.

    • Criticism can destroy relationships. If the dishes in your house are always washed and intact, you should not nag your husband about how to “correctly” load the dishwasher. Let him do things his way. Don't sweat the little things.
    • Try not to criticize your husband in an unconstructive way. Act calmly and rationally, as strong emotions can easily turn a discussion into an argument. If you criticize everything he does, soon he will stop listening to you altogether.
    • You should praise your husband for what he is doing right much more than arguing about what he is doing wrong. So he will be more willing to listen to you and feel happier around you.
  2. Be understanding when discussing the issue with your husband. Fight right. Don't let anger get the better of you or you risk saying something you'll later regret. Even in those moments when you disagree with your husband, respect his opinion and his point of view. A good wife must realize that on some issues you may not agree at all with each other. There are no couples who have exactly the same concepts and opinions. This means that both of you will need to learn how to deal with when your opinions differ on the same issue.

    Talk to your husband, not about him. Never say anything bad about your husband to friends or relatives before you have spoken to him in person. Talking about your husband behind his back is a betrayal. When you get married, you should be committed to your partner first and not to your family or social group.

    • Complaining to friends or relatives about your husband will not only not solve your problem, but will also make them look at your relationship in a negative light.
    • Your friends and family think they know what's best for you, but they don't understand your relationship as well as you do and may accidentally give you bad advice.

    Humble yourself

    1. Build realistic expectations. Nobody is perfect. Unfulfilled dreams annoy everyone. Set achievable goals if your expectations are really high or unrealistic. For example, it would be foolish to wait for the manifestation of passionate love after every dinner at home. If you want to spend more time together, then be prepared for the fact that the desire will come true at a certain cost.

      • Remember that perfect relationships do not exist. It's just unrealistic to live your whole life with your husband and be happy 100% of the time.
      • You must also have realistic financial expectations. Perhaps in five or ten years you and your husband will not achieve the planned financial well-being. This is fine. Appreciate what you have instead of expecting more.
    2. Don't try to change your husband. Accept it as it is and show that you are never going to change it for yourself. He can do a lot for you if you give him the opportunity to be himself. He is growing as a person just like you. Love him for who he is and he will love you the same way in return.

      • Face the fact that you and your husband are different personalities. He won't always see the world the way you do, and that's a good thing. If you are with a person who is not like you, your relationship will be multifaceted.
      • There is a difference between asking him to do housework more often or forcing him to go for walks if he doesn't like the outdoors. You can ask him to be better at something specific, but you can't force him to like everything you like.
    3. Accept change. Together you will experience crisis moments, from the loss of a job to the death of a parent. You may experience financial difficulties or suddenly become rich and not know what to do about it. Your marriage can survive any change if you are willing to maintain dialogue and remain flexible. Here are a few things to keep in mind as you learn to embrace change:

      • Remember, no matter what happens, you and your husband should be one team, and not opponents on opposite barricades. Experiencing change together will make it easier for you to deal with it.
      • Accept changes in your personal life. While you may still be in love with each other, don't be discouraged if your husband doesn't want to make love every night or kiss you twenty times a day like when you were newlyweds. You can still keep love strong without striving to keep it exactly the same as it was before marriage.
      • Accept your outer changes. Despite the fact that you continue to work hard on your figure and eat healthy food, you must admit that at 50 you will no longer look as slim as at 25, and that's okay.
    4. Recognize that relationships change with children. With the advent of children, your relationship with your husband will undoubtedly change and begin to develop in a new direction. This does not mean that life will change for the worse, but it does mean that you will have to devote much more of your free time to children, and not to each other. Realize that this will change your relationship and work to develop it in new directions.

      • To overcome this transition, try to spend time with your children together rather than taking turns.
      • Find new interesting hobbies that the whole family can participate in. This will help you and your husband raise children.
      • Strengthen your relationship by acting as a united front with your husband. You must agree on how to educate and discipline your children so that there are no “good cop” and “bad cop” roles in the family, and you do not oppose each other when the time comes to control the children.
    5. Accept your mutual mistakes. If you want to be listened to as a wife, learn to accept your husband's mistakes and sincerely respect his apologies (as long as you manage to find a compromise). If you hold a grudge against your husband for a long time, you will not be able to appreciate his good qualities. It's better to accept his apology and talk about how he doesn't want to upset you again and move forward rather than piling up resentment.

      • Admit your own mistakes too. Don't get hung up on trying to be the perfect wife, or you'll have a hard time admitting you're wrong.
      • Admitting you're wrong will make it easier for you to grow as a couple.

      Be a Good Companion

      1. Satisfy your husband's needs without compromising your interests. If he wants more sex, think about it. If he wants to spend more time with friends or pursue hobbies, don't be possessive. He will become happier and will be grateful to you for your understanding. You must support his wants and needs, or at least some of them, without doing anything to make you uncomfortable.

        • If he wants more sex, think about it or wonder why you don't have that desire.
        • If he misses spending time with his friends, let him have a boy party and arrange a girl party for yourself.
        • Give him time for personal hobbies. He will grow as a person by pursuing some of his passions, and this will benefit your relationship.
      2. Be your husband's best friend. Work on developing true intimacy and unconditional acceptance. Demonstrate the ability to be vulnerable and be confident that your relationship can withstand conflict. Enjoy your shared story and laugh at your own jokes. Share interesting articles with him or just sit with him in friendly silence. Even your silence can mean a lot when a marriage is based on true friendship.

        • Although you must maintain other important friendships in your life, filling it with love and laughter, you must dedicate the end of the day to your husband.
        • Strive to be the person your husband has more fun with than his best friend or favorite uncle. You should become for him the most important person with whom he wants to be both in joy and in sorrow.
      3. Create shared dreams. Never forget about shared dreams. Whether it's a dream to go to warmer climes or a trip abroad for your 20th birthday, remember your dreams, talk about them, and take steps on your part to make them come true. If your dreams don't match, and one of the two of you dreams of something that the other doesn't want, a chasm will arise between you, and you will move separately towards your own goals.

        • In addition to joint desires, it is useful to have your own dreams, but they should not be opposite to the dreams of your husband.
        • Even if your shared dreams are lofty, you should still talk about them to keep the aspiration going.
      4. Don't forget your individuality. Maintain a fun and interesting lifestyle. If your husband leaves you tomorrow, will you still have friends with whom you will see at least once a month, will you have hobby clubs or sports? If not, then your husband will always fill that void and feel inadequate. When you fulfill yourself as a person, you can bring so much more to your relationship. You will become the best companion in life if you can share your own interests, experience, knowledge.

        • If your husband thinks that he is the only good thing that happens in your life, then he simply must feel trapped.
        • Continue to pursue hobbies or hobbies that were important to you before marriage. Although you won't be able to keep up with all or even most of your previous tasks, you must make time for those hobbies that used to be really important to you.
      5. Deal with stress together. Men and women deal with stress all day and every day. Do your best to help each other deal with the stress of everyday life. Knowing how to handle a stressful situation will take the strain off your marriage. If one of you suffers from chronic stress, and the other does not understand why this is happening, then you will start to have problems.

        • Help your husband deal with stress. Talk to your husband about problems and treat him with respect when he has a hard day, instead of making him feel even worse, or angry at his tiredness or withdrawn behavior.
        • When you are stressed, your husband needs to know about your feelings. So he can help you around the house and survive troubles.

      Make time for romance

      Don't forget sex in your life. You may think that sex should be spontaneous, but if you don't have a schedule, you will start to neglect intimacy. Without frequent intimate relationships and the love of a partner, a person can become irritable, grumpy and, ultimately, suffer from a lack of reciprocity or even become angry. Remember that lovemaking provides a sense of closeness and physical release that is vital for both of you.

    6. Kiss passionately. After a while, you will start to just smack on the lips instead of long French kisses. Try to share a six-second kiss with your husband at least once a day or every morning and evening, even if you do not have more time for privacy. You do not want to let your husband know that your kiss is no different from the one you kiss your children with! Passion should always be present in your kiss.

    • Remember that it is better to discuss the problem than to avoid the conversation. You still got married and promised each other to always be together for a reason.
    • A woman who is satisfied with herself is the best wife. Remember, "if mom is unhappy, everyone around is unhappy too"
    • Seek advice if your marriage is in danger. Divorce is a torment for both spouses and their children. Fight for your marriage, treat each other with understanding and try to fulfill the wishes of your spouse.
    • Do not force it. Don't push for something your partner doesn't want to do. This is unproductive and potentially damaging to the relationship.
    • Many wives define their role in the family through the prism of religious beliefs. However, in a marriage in which spouses have different religious views, the concept of a good wife can also differ. An overly conservative concept of the ideal wife can hinder her individual development. Honor the faith, but don't forget your own needs.
    • Couples in successful marriages are healthier, wealthier, and happier than people who remain single or divorce. Studies show that such couples are less prone to heart disease, cancer and strokes. They also experience more pleasure in sex and experience less depression or domestic violence.
    • If you're having marital problems, talk to professionals rather than close friends or relatives, as your conflict will eventually be resolved and they'll get a bad impression of your husband. They may also give insincere advice.
    • Remember that you and your husband are a team, so when you help him achieve something, it is also your success, and vice versa. Help your husband in his work, and he will begin to reciprocate even more.
    • If you are dissatisfied with sexual intercourse, you always have the right to say so and be understood.
    • Pray to the Lord to be part of the Covenant he brought. That is why it is so important to share faith.
anna base

“People meet, people fall in love, get married ...” - these lines of a famous song have become a leitmotif for a whole generation of women. Even today, modern girls set as their primary goal acquaintance with a young man, relationships and subsequent marriage. Everyone has dreams of a loving, understanding and caring partner, but how many people think in advance about how to become happy in marriage? After all, it’s not for nothing that folk wisdom says: “To get married does not attack, but no matter how married you are not to be lost.”

Often, the well-being of married life depends on the behavior of a woman in a family. And being a good wife is work. But if you follow the rules and advice given by psychologists, family coaches and sexologists, then becoming a good wife is not so difficult. The answers of professionals to the most popular questions of girls regarding the well-being of marriage are highlighted below.

How to be the perfect wife

The number of books on the topic "How to become an ideal wife" is approaching several hundred, and such discussions on women's forums cannot be counted at all. But what could be easier - just come up and address this question to your own husband? After all, a woman is more concerned about how to become the best wife for her partner, and not for someone indefinite.

Here is the first tip:

Most likely, no special requests will be found in the information received from the spouse. A loving man appreciates the natural behavior of his partner. But along with this, the qualities of a woman as a hostess, mistress and mother of his children will definitely be mentioned. From this, other questions arise.

How to become a good wife and mistress

The fact that a young girl must definitely become a good wife and mistress in her husband's house was also said by Domostroy. But over the centuries, this requirement has not changed much. It is difficult to find a man who wanted his life partner to not know how to run a household or cook poorly. Yes, today the wife, as a rule, is working, and can be loaded no less than her husband. But after all, technological progress has stepped far forward, and modern girls have at their disposal devices designed to alleviate all the hardships of the household.

So the second tip is:

Being a good wife and mistress also means treating wisely. This question becomes very sensitive if the main breadwinner in marriage is the husband.

This advice is all the more useful if you and your spouse are newlyweds and are just starting to live together.

How to be a good wife and mother

Being a good wife and mother means finding a compromise between a child and a spouse. With the advent of the first-born, problems begin. The main reason is the complete concentration of a woman on her child. Postpartum recovery, a change in attitude, new responsibilities, a change in the daily routine, worries and chores absorb the attention of a young mother entirely. But the spouse, no matter how sensitive he may be, by nature does not perceive the child in the way a woman does. This is where resentment for the lack of attention from the second half appears. Men tend to suppress this in themselves, but hidden jealousy can only aggravate the situation.

If a trusting relationship has not been formed in the family, and the spouses do not share problems with each other, then the outcome of the situation can be deplorable, especially if at this time a third party intervenes in the brewing conflict.

This is where the fourth tip comes in:

A good wife knows how much time to devote to the baby so that her beloved spouse does not feel left out.

How to Be a Good Wife and Lover

To be an ideal wife for a husband means to become a good lover. Women who have been married to a partner for more than one year tend to forget about this. Intimate life is gradually fading away, and with it feelings are dulled. Marriage becomes just living together under the same roof. It is good if the spouses have common children, interests and plans. And if not? Family life in this case threatens to end in divorce.

Therefore, the fifth tip is relevant for today's brides: properly evaluate the similarity of your temperaments with your partner.

Sex for a man is not just the embodiment of obligatory physical needs, but also an important part of the emotional side of life. Intimate intimacy, its quantity and quality, the wife's attitude to sex - all this affects the happiness of a spouse in marriage.

Intimate conversations, caresses, the embodiment of each other's fantasies - this is the key to the continuation of love. Depriving a man of intimacy, the only thing a woman will get is a constantly unsatisfied and irritable partner who can easily find what she wants outside the home.

To become a good lover for a husband means to strive to diversify your intimate life as much as possible.

Everyday caress outside of bed is also important. Touch your spouse, say nice words to him, hug him. Pleasant signs of attention make you close and dear people for each other.

How to be better than your ex wife

How to become better than a spouse's ex-wife is a question that worries women whose partner already had broken previous unions behind them. The correct thing in this case is to find out the reason why the marriage with the ex-wife failed.

It is lucky if a man shares information with you on his own and in advance. But if he prefers to keep it to himself, do not try to put too much pressure on him, most likely, his unwillingness is due to unpleasant memories or psychological trauma experienced.

It is not worth guessing about the reasons for the breakup of relations, as a rule, this is a non-compliance with the rules outlined above. Therefore, it is easy to become better than the first wife, because if a man decides to remarry after an already existing negative experience, then he has found qualities in his current wife that the previous one lacked.

Questions “Am I better than her?” make a man seriously think about this topic. This man is already your spouse, there is no point in forcing him to remember the past.

Surrounding her husband with care, attention and love, being sincere with him, accepting him as he is - the right choice for a woman when her husband's marriage is not the first. Becoming the best wife for her own husband is within the power of a girl who is not afraid of regular work on herself and relationships.

December 28, 2013, 11:42 am

Natalya Kaptsova

Reading time: 6 minutes


How to be the perfect wife? First you need to figure out what a good wife she is. Maybe this is an excellent hostess, a faithful and reverent girlfriend, or a sex bomb in a dressing gown? Or maybe all together. No, the main thing is that a good wife should be a wise woman. But wisdom does not come by itself. It must be earned with tears and suffered through experience.

To simplify this task, the site site provides a few working tips to help you become a wise wife.

  1. Have patience
    Family is not fun. The relationship is full of contradictions, conflicts, domestic and financial difficulties. No need to feed yourself with the illusion that life will be vanilla-romantic. And the time between walks under the moon and breakfast in bed will take only tenderness and warmth. No, there will be quarrels, because all normal people quarrel. Unless, of course, they are not deprived of self-esteem and personal ideas about life. Spouses collide with their opinions, interests and an explosion is obtained.
  2. Talk about your wishes
    A man is not a telepath, he cannot read thoughts. And, unfortunately, he also does not have intuition, unlike girls. Therefore, husbands simply cannot guess about women's thoughts and desires. You shouldn't be offended by it.

    You need to speak directly, but gently about your intention. Of course, “Honey, I want a new fur coat” in a direct context does not need to be pronounced. But the phrase “I want to communicate more, let's spend this weekend together” sounds quite competent.
  3. hug more often
    The warmth of tactile communication means much more than words. Touches give warmth, soothe, give a sense of security. In addition, a rare man can express his thoughts beautifully. And hugs can easily express love, and mutual.
  4. spend more time together
    It doesn't matter what you do - watch a movie, read books, walk in the park or, in the end, have sex. To be closer, you need to communicate more.
  5. Do not keep resentment and negativity in memory
    There are many negative things in marriage. Do not spoil your life together with memories of quarrels and omissions. Read also:

    Let only warm and positive moments remain in your memory.
  6. A wise wife does not compare her husband to other men.
    After all, no one is perfect. Each person has his own shortcomings, and perhaps other people's and unnoticed weaknesses are much worse than those that your spouse is endowed with.
  7. A good wife does not humiliate her husband
    What's more, it's public. A man is a leader by nature, and a woman is his friend, assistant and strong rear. It is humiliating for the stronger sex to endure criticism from one's own wife. It undermines a man's self-esteem and destroys his personality. Read also:
  8. A smart wife does not reproach her husband, i.e., does not “nag” him
    He can earn little, drive badly, not help around the house and not like your girlfriends. But if you “cut” it, then it definitely will not change. Therefore, the best way out is to forgive him for his little shortcomings.
  9. A good wife does not impose her opinion
    Because the man is the head of the family. Making a decision is his family duty. And being henpecked is a shame. A wise wife will unobtrusively lead her husband to the decision that she needs.

    For example, she does not want to change the car, but wants to go on vacation. The wife will reveal all the positive aspects of the rest and its vital necessity, including for the spouse. “After all, you worked so hard, you just need a rest. And we will change the car next summer. Neighbors say she's in good shape."
  10. A wise wife is not jealous of her husband, does not arrange surveillance and does not humiliate herself to tantrums.
    In family life, it happens that the spouse walks to the left. But creepy scenes of jealousy will not fix this difficult problem. Perhaps it would be better to compete with your rival or change your attitude towards your husband.

A wise wife should:

A woman is the keeper of the hearth, and she needs to understand what exactly the happiness of the family and the success of this union depend on her wisdom. Remember this, ladies!

Let's try to understand this difficult issue. Among the beautiful half of humanity there are very different and colorful specimens. A woman is unique by nature. But while the girl is in search, so to speak, on the warpath, she plays the role of an independent female. But when there is someone with whom she wants to build her life, the roles change accordingly. Being a unique woman is one thing, but how to be a better wife?

A good wife is stereotypically an understanding friend, unique, like a modern combine, a mistress in the kitchen, a passionate and tender lover in bed. Everyone has known this for a long time. A wife is simply a unique woman in the minds of a thousand inhabitants. But we should not forget that the wife is not a robot. Everyone, including women, has either blues or fatigue. This is where the problems begin. The man thought that he had the best wife, but it turns out that he does not.

I should probably start by saying that a woman shouldn't try too hard at the beginning of a relationship. There is no need to be overly helpful or falsely perfect, even if your man needs to know that you are a person with your own flaws that he should love. And for this, he just like that (for such is the nature of a woman) will return two or three times more.

The third important rule is a smile. Yes, trite, but how discouraging a man. It's not about you hammering your grievances into the depths of your soul. The truth is that you should set the tone for the relationship. When everything is good, then life is easy, but how to be the best wife when not everything is crystal clear on the horizon? And you smile! After all, your beloved is with you, and if you calmly and wisely discuss everything, then the troubles will go away. After all, how nice it will be for that husband who will smile from the threshold, and not mumble about the fact that he again did not take out the trash or forgot to buy something there.

From this emerges the next rule, wife. You must become a good organizer, but such that it is not very noticeable, or your man will very quickly become an unfortunate henpecked. But you want a strong shoulder. Yes, it will be so, but you need to have the talent of an organizer. After all, whatever one may say, but in everyday life a woman is faster and more agile, and she also likes it more. You do not need to expect that a man will buy if you are doing laundry in the house. He simply does not know that the powder is over, and does not try to disrupt the entire cleanliness event. Therefore, you must constantly remind him of what is important to you. And in no case not in the tone of the commander in chief. How to be the best wife, you now know. It's easy to learn, the main thing is to want it!

It is known that the truth speaks through the mouth of a child, perhaps that is why our children are often asked provocative questions. When asked what the best wife is, a 9-year-old boy gave the following answer: “It is necessary that the wife love the same as you. For example, you love hockey or football, and she makes sure that there are always chips in the house and something to dip in. Let's discuss whether chips are enough for family happiness and how to become a better wife for a husband. After all, one little girl of six years old, when asked if she should get married, said that girls don’t need it, but boys definitely do, it’s necessary that someone always cleans up after them.

Marriage and divorce

In the life of almost every person, and women, there comes a moment of truth. He understands that there is another person nearby with whom he wants and can share both joy, and grief, and the hardships of life. Can give birth and raise common children, fall asleep and wake up together, work and rest together, go through life together. To make it work, people get married and start building a family life. However, after some time, the family may fall apart. The reason for this is the sea.

A young family breaks up due to psychological incompatibility, mutual resentment, misunderstanding and inability to manage the household, earn money, and prioritize. With the growth of family experience, the reasons for divorces can be drunkenness, betrayal, lack of common interests, problems in intimate life, religion. Jealousy, finances, difficult relationships with parents and so on also matter.

Obviously, a castle called a family must be built together, but every “builder” should try. How to become the best wife for a husband in order to avoid reproaches, nervous breakdowns, disappointments and parting?

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7 rules of psychologists for the best wives

It is likely that there are no uniform strict rules of behavior and building family life. But, psychologists, analyzing the life of happy and unhappy families, have developed some advice. Their performance will help a woman solve the problem of how to become a better wife for her husband. The most important thing is to overcome misunderstanding, which is most often caused by the psychology of men and women. And it is a woman who, due to her natural features - flexibility, wisdom, endurance, can do this. Let's discuss different life situations that are caused by a discrepancy in the psychology and physiology of husband and wife.

  1. Always be sincerely in love with your husband. There are many ways to love and show your love, try to improve mutual love relationships.
  2. Spend a lot of time with your husband. The wife will have to think over the interests of her husband and highlight common ones from them, this will bring her closer to her husband, he will feel not only love, but also respect for himself, his significance.
  3. A man is not property. A wife does not need to demand continuous attention and communication from her husband. Everyone has the right to be alone, to have personal space and interests, their friends. This applies to both spouses, who should have their own world, friends and affections.
  4. Give yourself enough attention. It is necessary to monitor your appearance, changing your image from time to time. Take care of your health, because it is a healthy wife that is the key to the well-being of the family.
  5. Don't try to change your husband. It is very difficult to re-educate an adult mature person with life experience and worldview. It is much easier for a wife to reconsider her views and learn to make compromise decisions, forgive minor flaws or even ignore them. Remember that any peace, even "thin", is better than a quarrel.
  6. Choose clear language. Most men do not like and do not understand omissions. An accurate and direct presentation of thoughts, requests and advice will have a much greater result than hints and unsaid phrases from the wife.
  7. Solve all problems with your husband. Team relationships always improve the climate within the family, increase respect and interest in each other. Naturally, minor troubles and some major ones can be resolved by the wife on their own, but there must be tasks that must be dealt with together, even involving children.

Video tips

Being the best wife and managing the life of the family is a great art. In order for family life to be not only mediocrely prosperous, but happy, joyful and successful, one must work hard and with inspiration every day. The main result of the work of the best wife will, of course, be a happy man. This man is better at home than in a sports bar, but he knows where this bar is and sometimes goes there. He likes to go on vacation to the sea, but he wants to have a dacha so he can spend weekends with his family in nature. He works hard but always looks good and feels healthy. So, advice from the personal experience of the best wives:

  1. His business is none of your business. Don't interfere in your husband's affairs unless he asks for it. Do not manage his affairs, avoid a lot of advice.
  2. A wife's praise must have a reason. Praise your husband for success in his work, for the quality of his homework, emphasize how well he does "male" construction and repair work that is difficult for you to do. Never praise just like that and do not do his job for him.
  3. Compliments are power! Compliment your husband about his appearance and taste, even if you have complaints about them. Subtly, implicitly, fix whatever you don't like. Discuss your wardrobe and hairstyle from time to time, because in the tips and comments you will hear what he wants to see his wife.
  4. There should be gratitude. Thank your husband regularly for all household chores and concerns, for showing attention to you and children and, especially, to your relatives.
  5. Jealousy is limited. Be jealous of your husband from time to time, emphasizing your love and your interest in him as a man. But do not be jealous constantly and desperately, otherwise he will "suffocate" and strive for freedom and independence. Jealousy is a seasoning for love, not the main dish. A very strong jealousy of a wife can kill love, happiness and family.
  6. Avoid scandals. Do not reproach your husband for the fact that youth passes and old age sets in, he is not to blame for this, and he himself is also sitting in this boat.
  7. Forget "ex". Do not discuss “your ex” with your husband, leave your past in the past, do not provoke outbreaks of jealousy. Do not ask your husband about him, do not stimulate memories and comparisons. No one knows in whose favor this competition will be.
  8. Food must be delicious. Learn to cook tasty and varied, beautifully set the table, including for everyday breakfasts and dinners. Involve your husband in cooking, especially festive. This food will seem very tasty to him, joint successful cooking will increase his self-esteem. Maybe he will get involved, and will often become a pleasure himself for the whole family. Always praise him for his culinary achievements.
  9. The wife creates family foundations. Create family traditions, a stable routine, festive rituals, Sunday meals with your husband's relatives, come up with a variety of joint leisure activities. It strengthens family relationships.
  10. Loyalty to friends and relatives. Do not criticize friends, especially relatives, hobbies and addictions of the husband and his entourage. Try to make friends with your husband's acquaintances, show respect for them, with the exception of those who have bad habits going off scale - you should try to part with such.
  11. Trust but check. Trust your husband, but sometimes quietly check and control his personal life. Personal freedom is important, but family and children are sacred.
  12. The wife is the same mistress. Be a good and resourceful lover. Feel free to talk about your erotic dreams and fantasies, provoke your man to renew sexual relations. Don't set a strict schedule for intimacy. Nothing harms love like routine. Don't forget to flirt with your husband. In case of sexual problems, show tact and delicacy. Try to unobtrusively find out that this is the result of a cooling in a relationship, severe overwork, age-related changes, or the onset of a disease.
  13. Holiday to be! Arrange surprises and surprises and provoke him to respond. Actively welcome signs of attention. Men, like children, love holidays and gifts. But observe the measure in everything, life cannot be an endless holiday.
  14. Don't forget your image. Try to always look stylish and beautiful. A blurred figure in a faded robe and worn slippers cannot be a symbol of a good wife.
  15. Most importantly, timely. Another important characteristic of a good wife is that she always has everything on time, and food for fishing, and an ironed shirt to go to visit, and a friendly word for all family members, and order in the apartment. Not only is she not late, but she does not run ahead of the locomotive either. This is great art.

Man and woman - the psychology of relationships

The man is a sprinter and the woman is a stayer

The female body more easily tolerates the load and evenly distributes forces, while men need rest to recover, as nature arranges. No need to be surprised when your husband lies on the couch or a trip to the country. He was really tired more than his wife. Doctors noted that resistance to physical activity in women decreases by 2% every 10 years, and in men by 10%, that is, a healthy 60-year-old woman easily tolerates 90% of the load of a twenty-year-old girl, and men retain only 60% of their opportunities.

Clash of temperaments

It always seems to an active wife that her husband does not want to do anything. However, many men simply cannot jump up at the first call and rush somewhere. They are gradual people. Each event, request or assignment they need to think about and get used to it, and then proceed to the task. Husbands should be given this inertial time. And wives in this situation need to be patient and “not throw their breasts at the embrasure”, doing everything on their own. In such situations, it is correct to set the task in advance.

Nobody wants to be an errand boy

A clear division of daily and weekly concerns between husband and wife greatly simplifies life. At the same time, it must be remembered that major worries - buying food for a week or vacuuming everything with sofas and carpets, and, moreover, repairs, large and small, are easier for men than rubbing a collection of souvenirs with a soft cloth or sorting out bed linen. Obviously, when any person, and a husband is no exception, is busy with business, there is no need to give advice, make comments and criticize, this causes natural irritation. But gratitude is never superfluous. Spontaneous demands and requests of the wife, especially expressed in a commanding tone, such as “Run for bread”, “Throw away the trash”, which are often accompanied by the words “How long can you wait”, etc. often outraged and offended. Failure to comply with these requests is not laziness, it’s just that no one wants to be a “TV remote control”.

Does your husband need a big salary?

The most common complaint from wives is the lack of money due to the small income of the spouse. There are many reasons for low income.

  • There are men, in England they are called "lazy bone", who are always satisfied with their standard of living and the standard of living of their family. This is the most difficult case, such husbands are almost impossible to budge.
  • Another option is men who need a “locomotive”, since they do not have enough energy of their own. A combination of hints from the wife that someone less capable has achieved more, inspiring statements about how talented my husband is, light reproaches will help the husband not only earn more, but also make a breakthrough in his career. Such manipulation is ideal for “women-bitches”, who know better than others that there is nothing more useful in life than a man who feels guilty.
  • Often men find it difficult to understand others. The silence of the wife and her hopes "he will guess" rarely come true, most husbands believe that if she is silent, then everything is fine. Such men should be motivated to earn more, for example, by buying a new car or a prestigious one. Keeping her husband in good shape, the wife must definitely create in him the feeling that he himself decided so and will do so. In this case, everything will work out.

The man is no longer a teenager

All requests and demands of the wife, expressed in the tone of the order, cause an automatic refusal. In this case, the man is not lazy. He does not even hear the words, but only the intonation and understands that he is not only not appreciated, but maybe not loved. Persistence in requests should be reasonable. Call for patience, make requests politely, briefly and specifically, and be sure to thank when they are fulfilled.

Let's go back to the beginning of our article. Most of all in children's statements of comments about food. In a short essay by Alyosha from grade 3 about how he will be a dad, in addition to his future specialty - an astronaut and the number of children - 2 boys, there is a remark: “The wife will cook my favorite food”, and little Ira (5 years old) about her happy family she said this: “Mom always shares her food with dad, but she doesn’t ask him for anything.” These naive statements confirm the folk wisdom about the male heart and the way to it through the male stomach. Keep this in mind when thinking about how to become a better wife for your husband!

Psychology of relationships

And finally, not only a woman should think how the best wife for her husband, but also a man needs to make an effort to create a strong and happy family. For example, according to the version of the boy Misha, 8 years old, his wife should always be told that she is beautiful, even if in the morning it often seems that she was bitten by bees.