The best masks for the eyelids in the arsenal of any woman. Tightening masks from wrinkles around the eyes and eyelids: Ready and home

Mask for the age - a simple and affordable way to always look young and beautiful. Cosmetics and advertisers sellers are not tired to offer a variety of creams and masks at prices, sometimes inaccessible to many people. However, it is possible to care for the skin around the eyes alone, applying the masks for the eyelid at home.

Before proceeding with procedures, make sure that medications are not required to get rid of the problem. With allergies, it is also better not to experiment with masks, you must first consult with a dermatologist.

Homemade masks for the eyelids - a pleasant procedure for each woman. Ingredients and efforts are spent at least, all components are always in the kitchen and in the first-aid kit, and the effect will make envy everyone around.

Mineral water - the most affordable

The most effective and affordable mask for the age at home is mineral water. Mineralka wash will help not only clean the face. If we cautiously slapping your fingertips with the fingertips to the bottom and upper eyelids, you can increase the turgor of the skin, smooth out the minor wrinkles, refresh the look. If you do a procedure 2 times a day, the result will be noticeable very soon.

Ice against bags under the eyes

A beautiful remedy against the sagging and bags under the eyes is rubbing the area around the eye with cosmetic ice. Frozen herbal decoction will help bring itself in order. Freeze the chamomile, mint, sage. Plants possess tonic and anti-inflammatory effects. After washing, attach a couple of ice cubes to the skin for 2 minutes.


ancient tool for skin care of both the face and a century. Cold milk products quickly clean the bruises and swelling from the face. For compresses, milk, cottage cheese, cream and a new sour cream are suitable.

  • Apply a little means on the skin for 2 minutes.

After wipe with a paper napkin. Milk proteins and acids quickly replenish the shortage of nutrients, saturated with vitamins, restore blood circulation, remove excess fluid, help strengthen and pull the tender skin of the eyelid.

Egg white

Popular among women and. They are tone, tighten and refresh the skin.

  • The whipped into a strong foam 1 crude protein is connected from 2 tbsp. l. Flour (can use oatmeal) and liquid honey is added - no more than 1 tsp.

It is necessary that the mixture be homogeneous. It is applied to the clean skin of the face, both on both the under and on the upper eyelid. These areas must be pre-lubricated with moisturizing cream. It is convenient to first apply a mask to the lower eyelids, and then cover up the top cotton discs with a mixture applied to them. The validity period is 15 minutes, while you need to relax as much as possible. After the mixture, washed with cool water and the daily cream is applied. The procedure can be repeated every day, better in the evening.

Food gelatin

Absolutely effective tool quickly pull the eyelids - a mask from ordinary food gelatin. It is inexpensive, and the effect after it is stunning.

Gelatin is poured with hot water (not boiling water) or milk, cool to normal temperature.

The resulting gel is applied forever, keep on the face at least 15 minutes, wash the cool water or remove the remains with a damp cloth. Apply weekly.

Attention to plants

Vegetables can not only get our body, but also help appearance. It has long been known for a moisturizing mask of chilled cucumber. Fresh juice will quickly put in order tone of the skin, give shine, minor wrinkles will disappear. For the same purpose, fresh carrots and cabbage leaves are used.

Potato Mask

Excellent alternative remedy for expensive creams - pulling the skin around the eyes. Folk remedies with potatoes feed the skin, making it with elastic and smooth, dark circles disappear under the eyes.

For tired skin, you can also apply raw slices of potatoes.

However, the best effect brings a simple mask:

  • 1 Middle Potato Totato Toronts on the grater, add some vegetable oil

to impose on the area around the eyes and wash off in 20 minutes.
Also in grated crude potatoes, flour and dairy products can be added in the same proportions. Apply a thick layer and hold 20 minutes. After the procedure, the skin will look much younger.

Great eyelid masks from yeast wrinkles

You can use both dry and pressed yeast.

  • Warm water to dissolve to the consistency of sour cream, is enough 1 tbsp. l. The humidized effect will give lemon juice - only a few drops. Olive oil will soften the area around the eyes.

Such a mask is useful to apply women aged.

Tightening mask for the eyelids

  • mix 10 ml of vitamin E (oil solution) and 20 ml of olive oil.

This mixture daily drive the pads into the skin around the eyes, first clearing it. Out of oil remove the napkin. Apply the tool is better in the morning, as the basis of the fat components.

Aloe juice

perfectly moisturizes the skin around the eyes, removes dryness, capable of pulling and filling the eyelids with vital power. Every day, before going to bed, it is necessary to lubricate the upper and lower eyelids with fresh juice, while not to get into the eyes. To improve biological properties, it is recommended for several days to hold the cut leaves in the refrigerator.

Pharmacy chamomile

Another plant capable of getting rid of wrinkles and destroy traces of irritation, redness and fatigue. Small fabric bags with grass omit in boiling water, cover, let it brew for 10 minutes and put on eyelids for 15-20 minutes. You can use conventional pharmacy bags.

Often, inappropriate or tightening parties give out a person the next day to avoid such exposures and always look fresh, attractive and have a rested look need to be in service with several recipe for effective tightening masks for the eyelids.

How is the tightening mask for the eyelids

Masks against wrinkles, made and properly spent at home are not inferior in quality salon, and significantly save money. The most popular and affordable is the smoothing and tightening mask using various vitamins and oils.

To create it, it will be necessary:

  • 55 ml of unrefined olive oil of the first cold spin - it is the most useful for delicate and sensitive skin;
  • 15 ml of soluble vitamin E, which is easy to purchase in a pharmacy, it costs it cheaply, and the benefit for the face will bring huge.

All products need to be thoroughly mixed and stored in a dark glass bottle at room temperature. It turns out homemade cosmetic oil enriched with vitamins and useful substances.

For use, you need to wash it in the evening and remove all the cosmetic products from your face, put the night cream, and the skin of the eyelid is gently impregnated with oil.

Remissions need to be removed with a dry napkin, it will allow you to remove an excessive load from the skin at night and helps her recover and relax.

Effective eyelid mask at home with the effect of rejuvenation

Purchased anti-aging means give a fast, but not a long effect, and do not always help smooth the deepest wrinkles. Natural masks made at home - the best means not only for raising and against the accusation of the authorities, the elimination of wrinkles, but also the overall face lift. They are natural, do not harm and are made of easily accessible products.

Mask from Parsley

To make a mask, you need to thoroughly chop stems and leaves of parsley, and mix them with creamy oil.

These components need to be taken as a blender for 3 minutes before receiving a homogeneous consistency. Store this tool is needed in the refrigerator on the bottom shelf, getting like that. It is necessary to use a similar mask in a certain way - after washing, you have a little means on massage lines first on the bottom, then spend slightly on the upper eyelids. Finish the procedure must be used by ice cube made from the decoction of medicinal herbs. After the expiration of 10 minutes you need to remove the remains of all the means with a wet or dry napkin.

Women who experienced this mask on themselves leave positive feedback, and recommend it as a means that is not inferior to most salon procedures.

Yolk-based mask

A quick effect possessed and made a mask of yolk and cottage cheese, which are mixed in equal amounts and are applied for a few minutes. If you add a small amount of honey and starch (in the absence of allergic reactions to this component, otherwise it must be replaced with aloe juice), it will turn out not only the nutrient mask and Fresh, but also a means of swelling.

How to act placental face masks and for eyelids

Ready placental masks are the best assistants in emergency cases, they are sold in the form of a mask - films that are applied to the face, and on the passage of certain time is removed. Or in the form of a napkin with the presence of slotes for eyes, nose and mouth, which is impregnated with active substances. Such products produce the brands of Pai and Tiande, distinguished by good quality and giving a rather long effect.

Such means prevent aging, make a light suspender of the contours of the face, remove small wrinkles and create a rejuvenation effect for several years.

Useful components

The composition of placental masks includes the most useful for skin active components:

  • Hyaluronic acid;
  • Collagen;
  • Vitamins;
  • Cosmetic and biologically active additives;
  • Extracts of medicinal plants and extracts from sea algae, which are famous not only to the rejuvenating effect, but also contribute to the restoration of the skin and activate the production of their own beneficial substances.

Such tools are divided into age categories - for some of them go with the presence of moisturizing and nutrition, more active ingredients involving the smoothing of small wrinkles and goose paws, and for the third - are the express agent to eliminate several years from the face. You need to use these masks only with the correspondence to your age.

Neglecting such a rule will lead to a deterioration in the state of the skin, and may cause serious allergic reactions.

How to apply masks

Proper use of this tool helps to improve skin tone, align the color and remove swelling and swelling under the eyes. The most useful and active component of the mask is an extract from a sheep placenta, it satures tired skin not only by enzymes and vitamins, but also contributes to the narrowing of advanced pores, eliminating pigment spots, with which it is difficult to fight, restores skin and local immunity.

The big plus of these masks is the absence of hormonal components. Saturation and rejuvenation occurs due to the attraction of reserves of the skin, while its power is improved, and it is saturated with necessary oxygen.

The second most important component of placental masks is collagen, because with age a person is experiencing its lack, and the skin does not have time to produce a sufficient amount of this substance. At the same time, there is a gradual fading of the skin, and the person is aging. Together with collagen, hyaluronic acid, the tandem of these active ingredients also has a tandem of these active components allows you to impregnate the skin and add it the youth, freshness and inner radiance.

In some funds, additional components are added, the properties of which are described below.

Shark oil

The components mined from the liver shark contribute to the elimination of certain skin infections, they are like natural antibiotics, and also increase immunity and affect the fungi appeared. This component is prescribed to people in which problem skin is present, and the body resists chemical antibiotics.


Laminarium, Spirulina are a folding of useful vitamins and minerals. In invaluable benefit, they bring not only for problem, but also fading skin. Having in its composition iodine, they satisfy them the top layer of the skin, activating the metabolism and contributing to rejuvenation. The presence of amino acids tones and moisturizes the face, eliminating deep wrinkles.


This is the most expensive component, it enters the premium cosmetic products, and is a mixture of gold molecules and a cosmetic gel with biologically active additives. The use of such a product is gaining popularity, and its benefits consists in the possibility of delivering the most nutritious and necessary components in the deep layers of sebum. This means also has the property to accumulate, and act at the continuation of a certain time, moisturizing and feeding the face.

Mask from the authorities (video)

The use of such masks gives a long effect, and allows you to achieve the most natural humidification and rejuvenation, adding a natural radiance and improving local immunity.

No matter how sad, but sooner or later, every woman, looking in the mirror, notes that the skin around the eyes is not so fresh and attractive as in his youth. Blooming the colors, the elasticity disappeared, the thinned, so far, while there are still noticeable meshes of wrinkles ... If you leave the wrong change that is not much easier, with each day, sad changes will become more and more noticeable. But a modern woman has a lot of money to slow down the course of time. One of these means is a pull-up mask from wrinkles around the eyes and eyelids at home.

Causes of skin sorcement

Who blame for the fact that the eyelids lost the tone and treacherously crawled down, leaving the earthly attraction? First of all, the years have lived. They are:

  • "Steal" by the skin of collagen and elastin, which mature organism can no longer produce in the necessary quantities;
  • deprive the epidermis of hyaluronic acid, and together with her and the feeling of pleasant "fullness" and elasticity;
  • accelerate the processes of accumulation of free radicals damaging healthy cells.
With age, the skin loses the ability to produce the substance necessary for elasticity

However, there is nothing to join the ruthless time if you yourself actively help him paint your face with:

  • hard diets and scanty vitamins and useful diet minerals;
  • non-compliance with sleep and recreation;
  • bad habits;
  • inability to relax to resist stress;
  • love for tanning - both natural and obtained under ultraviolet lamps of a solarium;
  • too generous use of decorative cosmetics.

Return the face of fresh look, tighten the limp eyelids and smooth out the wrinkles are designed by the elevating procedure. In difficult cases, it is performed by a surgical or hardware method, in lungs - with the help of masks with a specially selected composition.

The role of cosmetic masks in care for centuries

Cosmetic masks have a long list of beneficial properties. Depending on the composition, they:

  • cleaned
  • moisturize
  • feed
  • smoothed
  • get rid of deaths,
  • improve color
  • remove irritation
  • pull up.

However, there are some minuses.

Table: Pros and Cons Masks for the skin around the eyes

With regular use, there is a pronounced effect.They act superficially, not penetrating deep layers of epidermis, and therefore powerless when solving serious problems with skin and pronounced speech. Starting from a certain age (40, 45, 50 years old, depending on the characteristics of the body), the masks can only serve as auxiliary facilities in the face care.
Do not require significant cash investments. Even those sold by a fairly impressive price pharmacy masks will cost cheaper than salon procedures.
Easy to use.
There are different types depending on the skin needs.

How to make the right choice of masks from wrinkles around the eyes

The cosmetic mask must match the type of leather, age and the problem that you want to solve. Mask Selection Rules:

  • Do not use the tool for centuries, for them is not intended. No matter how expensive and effective is your face lifting cream, it is impossible to apply it on the skin around the eye. Here it is too thin and gentle, so instead of the suspender you will rather get an edema.
  • Choose the masks of your age category. The means intended for young skin will not have actions on mature, while the eyelids of the young young lady can give an unpredictable reaction to the Anti Age mask with its active ingredients.
  • Although the skin of the eyelid, by definition, should be dry (here actually do not have sebaceous glands), in rare cases - due to the hormonal failure or excessive activity located on the foreheads of the silent ducts - it begins to seem fat and sticky. Women who collided with such a problem makes sense to abandon dense creamy tools and try light gel masks for the eyelids.

If a woman has any skin diseases, as well as problems associated with eyelashes and eyebrows, you can choose a mask only after consulting a doctor.

Tightening eye masks around the eyes and eyelids: purchased and recipes at home

Masks for the skin around the eyes can be purchased at the pharmacy or cosmetic store. But do not forget to regularly induce the eyelids refreshing and toning. Double-sell each other, they will bring double benefits.

Pharmacy and shopping

Today, any self-respecting cosmetics manufacturer has several funds intended for skin care.

Meso-System Tightening Mask for Skin Around Eye

The mask for the skin around the eyes from the Spanish Ninelle promises not only to pull the skin of the eyelid, but also to erase wrinkles from them, smooth out the swelling, run rejuvenating processes, ensure intensive nutrition and moisturizing. As the manufacturer declares, the action of the mask is comparable to the injection introduction under the skin of the active substances! And if the latter is in doubt, the composition of the healing agents will definitely deserve attention:

  • green coffee
  • vitamin E
  • mulberry extract for combating free radicals,
  • grapefruit for color leveling and improving the age of the age,
  • niacinamide returning tone skin.

Everything is applied to the fabric foundation, which remains only to impose on clean skin around the eyes and eyelids, and after 15 minutes to remove and make a light massage. Flush the tool is not needed. The cost of the mask is about 110 rubles.

Meso-System has many masks designed to tighten the skin of the eyelid

Active Lifting Mask Masque Lift Paupieres from Kosmoteros

The French brand Kosmoteros managed to become famous both in his homeland and in the Russian market with his love for natural compositions and consistently high quality products. This time he submitted to the court of his client a mask of instant action, which should cheer up and refresh the skin after the first application and refresh her skin, to save it from eats and bleak slightly. The mask contains a whole collection of useful extracts:

  • relief from vascular stars Chestnut,
  • moisturizing cucumber
  • accelerating the regeneration of aloe cells,
  • ginseng skin filling
  • eliminating lip loaves,
  • vitamin E
  • hyalurone acid
  • hyasealon component derived from marine mollusks.

With regular use (one sachet once a week, 2 months in a row) mask stabilizes the water content in the intercellular space of the skin, stimulates the metabolic processes, narrows the vessels. Apply a mask for 20-30 minutes, after which, without flushing, handle the skin with a rejuvenating cream, preferably the same company. The cost of Sasha is 114 rubles.

Kosmoteros products differ in natural composition

Thin, neat, having antered anatomical shape of the South Korean ARGAN company's patches are made to deeply moisten and dive the skin of the eyelids, stimulate the process of updating the cells, to deal with anti-aging free radicals and align the complexion. Active masks are:

  • marine collagen in combination with honey and beeteric milk,
  • living extracts of marine algae, ginseng, aloe, ginko biloba and portulaka,
  • thermal water,
  • vitamins
  • hyaluronic acid.

Patches are applied to clean dry skin under the eyes, leave for 20-40 minutes, and then remove the used base by allowing remnants of the mixture to absorb. To achieve the best effect, the mask is recommended to use first 10 days in a row, and after once a week to maintain the result achieved. The cost of packaging containing a pair of patches is 120 rubles.

South Korea has long established itself as a trustworthy provider of cosmetics

The transparent yellowish gel mass with a thin smell and a pleasant texture easily falls on the skin, toning, moisturizing and strengthening it. Additionally, the manufacturer promised the effect of smoothing small wrinkles, removing dark circles under the eyes and return to the skin of natural even tone. A little about the composition:

  • green coffee begets,
  • laminaria and fusa from the high-mountain lakes of Canada contribute to cell regeneration and increase the elasticity of the epidermis,
  • guarana has a drainage effect
  • glycerin holds moisture,
  • peptide Chronoline fights aging.

The mask is applied to clean skin around the eyes and eyelids, withstand 10-15 minutes and washed off with warm water. A jar with a volume of 100 mm costs about 900 rubles. Means manufactured in Russia.

Russian manufacturer also has something to offer women

And again the Spaniards - this time in the person of Dermatime - did not pump up, putting a mask with a cream texture and a rich composition on the cosmetic market. By its design, the rejuvenation and the suspendedness of the age should provide:

  • vitamin E
  • biopeptides,
  • glycine,
  • oils of germ wheat and sunflower seeds,
  • extracts of column rose, mountain arnica, bug, cypress, licorice and rosemary.

The mask lifting effect is manifested after the first use, but to secure the manufacturer advises to repeat the procedure regularly, twice a week causing a remedy for cleaned skin around the eyes and leaving it for 12-15 minutes. Washed off the mask with ordinary water. Costs about 2300 rubles.

Lifting mask for the contour around the eyes has an instant effect

The Israeli brand often indulges its purchasing products with a variety of skin care products, a large part of which make up masks, serum and emulsions for the age. In the bottle of 30 ml, Holy Land craftsmen managed to seal:

  • extracts of ginko biloba, pomegranate, green tea, camellia and virgin gamamemis;
  • chamomile oil;
  • castor oil;
  • tocopherol;
  • linoleic acid and many other no less healing components.

The remedy is in high demand, despite the impressive price of 3000-3300 rubles. According to the manufacturer's promises, the mask provides deep nutrition, alignment and clarification of the skin, removes the eath, speeds up the restoration of the tissues and even reduces the scars. The tool is applied to the region, hold a quarter of an hour and wash off warm water. Recommended frequency of use - from 2 to 4 times a week.

Israeli cosmetics are considered one of the best in the world.

Tightening masks at home for the age and area around the eyes

No matter how much Pottite showcases of pharmacies and cosmetic stores with ready-made cosmetic masks for any case, reasonable beauties never give up the gifts of nature protecting the skin from premature aging.

Vitamin Loda

You can call the ice wip the real mask only with stretch. Although, on the other hand, the moisture remaining on the centuries will still be absorbed by supplying the skin with healing substances, and low temperatures will work as mini-cryosauna, amplifying pulling effect. So do not neglect this simple agent.

You will need:

  • still mineral water;
  • milk, juice of vegetables and fruits, firmly brewed green tea.


  1. Connect the water with the liquid-chosen - milk, juice or tea - in the proportion of 2: 1.
  2. Boil the molds and freeze.
  3. Every morning it is easy, without pressure, wipe the eyelids and the skin around the eye with an ice cube. If milk is involved in the recipe, after a while you need to wash it with ordinary water, if the juice or tea is to leave them dry on the skin.

Ice burtrite in the morning, tones the skin, prevents the brass

The power of herbal

Parsley is considered one of the most useful herbs. She moisturizes young skin, refreshing mature, eliminates age spots and darkening.

You will need:

  • several twigs of parsley;
  • 1 tsp. fatty sour cream;
  • 1 Aevit capsule.


  1. Finely squeeze the parsley with a knife or scroll it into a blender. You can additionally flush the chopped grass to the knife to handle so that the juice stood.
  2. Mix the mass with sour cream.
  3. Cut the aeuita capsule with manicure scissors and add its contents to the mixture.
  4. Put the sour cream with parsley and butter onto cotton wheels, cover your eyes and lie 20 minutes.
  5. Clear warm water.

Instead of aevit, you can take a drop-other of any cosmetic oil: peach, jojoba, wheat germs.

Ripe banana

The flesh of the banana works well on the skin of the eyelid at any age, but especially this fruit is recommended for women after 40 years, as an effective means of strengthening and providing vitamins.

You will need:

  • ΒΌ ripe banana;
  • 0.5 h. L. fatty cosmetic oil (avocado, grape seeds, sea buckthorn).


  1. Grind the banana for a fork in liquid cleaner.
  2. Mix with butter.
  3. Put the resulting mixture into two cotton disks and cover with them closed eyes.
  4. Pass 20-30 minutes.
  5. Clear warm water.

Video: bread, aloe and grapes - three recipes for elastic skin

Exotic mango

You will need:

  • 1 slice mango;
  • 1 apple slice;
  • 1 tsp. flower honey;
  • 1 drop of essential oil of neuro or sandalwood.


  1. The flesh of mango and apple shred in mashed potatoes and mix.
  2. Add to a mixture of honey and a drop of essential oil.
  3. Apply fruit mass on the skin around the eyes.
  4. Look a quarter of an hour.
  5. Clear warm water.

Do not apply a fruit puree with essential oil on the eyelids - the last component for many causes irritation.

Cabbage juice and oil

The help of this mask should be resorted by courses for 10 days no more than 1 time in 2-3 months. Excess fatty oil can badly affect the skin of the eyelid, so you should handle it with caution.

You will need:

  • 1-2 art. l. sauerkraut;
  • a little olive or other oily oil;
  • a piece of gauze.


Two Potato Ipostasis

Non-primable, but a useful vegetable divides with parsley first place in a number of natural means to strengthen the skin of the eyelids. And so all thanks to the starch, which in its pure form can eraine, but hitting the skin in the potato mashed potatoes, acts on it extremely beneficial.

You will need:

  • 1/2 small potatoes;
  • 1/2 h. L. sour cream;
  • 1/2 h. L. Oily oil on your choice.


  1. Potato wash and, without removing the peel, dare.
  2. Easy it in a puree, adding sour cream and oil.
  3. Apply a mask on the skin around the eyes.
  4. After 20-30 minutes, you will smell warm water.
  5. Since because of the starch, the skin can be slightly tightened, treat it with moisturizing cream or a drop of cosmetic oil.

No less good potatoes will serve you in the raw form. The express version of the mask looks like this: Sutitate the potato on the grater, put the resulting mass onto cotton wheels and cover your eyes. After 10-15 minutes, you will smell warm water and lubricate the eyelids with cream.

Video: Linen mask with honey

Contraindications and side effects

It seems to many that serious trouble can not deliver a bad mask - in the worst case it does not work. But it is not. Healing tightening mixtures for the eyelids are not recommended to use:

  • girls up to 25-30 years old (we are primarily about pharmacy masks) - At this age, the skin must work itself, without relying on the external sources of collagen and hyaluronic acid, the maximum that you are shown, this is cucumber and parsley;
  • women recently moved plastic surgery - such interference requires any impact on the skin to coordinate with a specialist;
  • everyone who has wounds, scratches or irritation in the field of age.

Masks for the skin around the eyes should not leave longer the recommended time so as not to cause the edema. And each unexigible composition is better to apply first on a small area of \u200b\u200bthe skin on the back of the wrist or a bending of the elbow, where the skin is the thinnest and tender, and check whether the allergy will not show.

Any woman, regardless of age, always want to look young and beautiful. But sooner or later, the human body is subjected to age-related changes, which first of all affect the skin of the face and century - the first wrinkles, pigmentation and other unpleasant phenomena appear, causing negative emotions from women. In order to improve the condition of the skin around the eyes, you can use the services of a beautician or seek help from folk remedies that may be no less effective than any cosmetic products from well-known manufacturers. One of the best ways to pull the skin of the eyelid and make it more elastic, and also get rid of the so-called "goose paws" - small wrinkles that are localized around the eyes are homemade masks made on the basis of natural components.

Why do we need masks for the age

As is known, the most gentle and sensitive on the face is the skin around the eyes - it first responds to any negative factors, as well as more susceptible to age-related changes than other areas of skin. This is explained by the fact that the skin in this area is quite thin and almost deprived of fatty layers and sebaceous glands that could provide protection from external influences. It is for this reason that the skin needs special care, which consists in regular moisture and nutrition of the cells of the epidermis, and begin to take care of their face you need from young age, and not when the first wrinkles are designated. For these purposes, the masks for the eyelids are perfectly suitable, which are easy to make at home.

Terms of use of masks

In order for home procedures as efficient as possible, and most importantly are safe, you need to follow a few simple rules:

  • Care for centuries can be carried out only with the help of funds that are specifically designed for these purposes - it is impossible to use conventional face masks, as they can have a negative effect on the skin around the eye.
  • Before proceeding with the procedure, it should be verified in the absence of allergies on the components of the healing composition. To do this, you need a little cosmetic mass to apply on the skin and wait some time. In the absence of side effects (redness, itching or severe burning), the tool can be used for its intended purpose.
  • Before applying the mask, it is necessary to clear the eyelids (and eyelashes) from makeup. Cosmetic formulations should not be applied to dirty skin, otherwise there is a risk of getting inflammation. After removal of cosmetics, it is necessary to wash with water with a cleansing gel. Then it is advisable to make a steam bath on medicinal herbs.
  • It is best to carry out similar procedures before bedtime (approximately one and a half hours). Applying a cosmetic composition, you need to try not to hurt the eyelashes, otherwise the mask particles can get on the mucous eye and cause irritation.
  • In some cases, cosmetics prepared on a specific recipe are sufficiently liquid, in this case, they are not recommended directly on their skin. It is better to moisten in the finished mixture cotton disks or gauze tampons and put them forever. The thick masks are "driven" into the skin pads of the fingers - thus improving blood circulation and the active substances are faster in the cells of the epidermis.
  • The time of domestic masks is about a quarter of an hour. During the procedure you need to lie in a convenient position - the muscles of the face must be completely relaxed.
  • Remove the mask from the eye using cotton or gauze tampons, moistened in warm water, milk or herbal decoction. After that, any suitable cream is neatly applied to the skin.
  • In most cases, cosmetic procedures are carried out at least twice a week.

Mask of potatoes and cream

Such a homemade means moisturizes and nourishes gentle skin around the eyes, and also removes the swelling of the eyelid.

  • 1 potato (boiled);
  • 50 ml of cream;
  • chopping black tea;
  • 50 ml of boiling water.
  • Potatoes cool, clean from the peel and smash in the puree.
  • Welding pour boiling water and give a little broke.
  • Add cream and tea spoon in the cauldron.
  • The finished composition is distributed on the skin around the eyes and cover with wet tampons from gauze.
  • After the last time, the mixture remove and rinse the face with a chamomile decoction.

Mask with cucumber and almond oil

Such a career is effectively fighting with signs of aging, and also moisturizes the skin of the eyelids and eliminates swelling.

  • 1 Fresh cucumber;
  • 1 egg protein (raw);
  • 1 spoon (tea) almond oil;
  • vitamin E (10 drops);

Preparation and use:

  • Cucumber cleanse from the peel and grate finely.
  • The resulting cleaner is mixed with protein, oil and liquid vitamin.
  • The prepared composition is distributed on the skin, without rubbing, and leave for a quarter of an hour.
  • Remove the cucumber mask in the usual way.

Parsley mask and oily sour cream

The homemade remedy, cooked according to this recipe, perfectly pulls up the skin of the eyelid and has a whitening effect.

  • Several twigs of fresh parsley;
  • 50 g sour cream (home).

Preparation and use:

  • The greens will be confused by a pestle in a ceramic pile.
  • The resulting cleaner is mixed with sour cream and drive around the eyes.
  • After the last time, the mixture was removed with cotton swabs, moistened in breast.

Mask with cottage cheese and honey

This remedy nourishes and moisturizes the skin of the eyelid, making it more elastic and tightened. Face before the procedure is recommended to break slightly.

  • 100 g of cottage cheese (better home);
  • 30 g of honey;
  • teas spoon oil from olive.

Preparation and use:

  • Cottage cheese and honey to warm up and thoroughly beat the wedge.
  • To add the mixture to add oil.
  • The finished composition of slapping movements to the skin on the skin and the area around the eyes, and after the last time was washed away.

White Bean Mask and Linen Oil

Such a home product smoothes wrinkles and tightens the skin noticeably.

  • 100 g of boiled beans;
  • 50 ml of oil from the flax seed.

Preparation and use:

  • Ready beans cool, pour oil and smash in mashed potatoes.
  • The composition gently distribute around the eyes and cover with gauze swabs, moistened in warm milk.
  • After the prescribed time, the mask washed off.

Strawberry and Yogurt Mask

Such a combination of products does not only cause appetite, but also perfectly moisturizes dry skin, and also effectively smoothes wrinkles.

  • 3-4 berries of strawberries (fresh);
  • 100 g of white yogurt.

Preparation and use:

  • Berries to smoke in Cashitz and mix with yogurt.
  • Finished mask apply to the skin around the eye by massaging movements and leave minutes by 20.
  • Remove the composition with the help of gauze tampons moistened in warm brew.

Eyelid mask based on butter and medicinal herbs

Such a home product can be used daily (better before bed). With regular use, the skin around the eyes is noticeably smoothed, becomes more elastic and tightened. The composition can be stored in the refrigerator up to 5 days.

  • 20 g of lime color;
  • 20 g chamomile pharmacy;
  • 100 ml of steep boiling water;
  • several drops of castor oil;
  • 50 g of butter.

Preparation and use:

  • Mix herbs and pour them with boiling water.
  • After the decoction is imagining, strain it.
  • Add caster and two tablespoons of herbal beam into the butter.
  • All components are thoroughly confused to a creamy consistency, then lubricate the prepared composition of the eyelids, give it to absorb, and remove the remains with the help of cotton disks.

Apricot mask and sour cream

Such a "dessert" is successfully fighting against vitaminosis, moisturizes the skin and smoothes wrinkles. If the skin of the eyelid is very dry, a little of any vegetable oil can be added into the mixture.

  • 2-3 ripe apricots;
  • 20 g fatty sour cream.

Preparation and use:

  • Apricots along with the skin chopped in a puree with the help of a blender.
  • Next, the resulting cleaner is mixed with sour cream to a homogeneous state.
  • Then the aromatic mass to distribute around the eyes, and after the last time was washed off.

Banana and butter mask

The homemade means cooked on this recipe successfully copes with wrinkles, nourishes the skin and saturates its moisture. The mixture is not subject to storage.

  • 1 ripe banana (small);
  • 30 g of butter oil (better home).

Preparation and use:

  • Banana cleaned and smash for a fork to the state of the puree.
  • Creamy oil to melt and mix with a banana cleaner.
  • The finished composition is imposed on the skin around the eyes and slightly knock down the pads of the fingers.
  • After 25 minutes, the mask is removed with a cotton swab, and the face is rinsed with warm water.

When choosing a suitable recipe, not only the individual features of the skin should be taken into account, but also the time of year, since fresh fruits and vegetables are better used in summer, and dried and frozen herbs - in winter. It is important to understand that the effect of such procedures can not be noticeable immediately, but only after time.

Quite often the skin of the eyelids is an indicator of the age of a woman. To look younger, it is very important to keep track of the condition of the dermis in this area.

For the care of the epithelium, many weak floor representatives apply effective home recipes.

Properly chosen tightening mask for the eyelid at home allows you to achieve excellent results.

To make a mask for an eyelid from wrinkle at home, you need good results, you need to establish the causes of age-related skin changes. Cosmetologists allocate a number of provoking factors:

All listed factors provoke an increased edema of the eyelids, the appearance of dark circles, the loss of the elasticity of the dermis. To cope with such problems, use effective home remedies.

Operating principle

The area around the eyes is different from the rest of the epithelium. In this zone, the skin is very thin and sensitive. This is due to the lack of subcutaneous fat in this area.

Due to this feature, the impact of any adverse factors leads to the occurrence of swelling, red spots, dark circles, loss of elasticity.

If such phenomena are constantly present, the woman will not be able to avoid the formation of wrinkles in the area of \u200b\u200bthe eyes for 25 years.

Effective home remedies help the emergence of such problems. Thanks to their application, it will be possible to normalize the metabolism.

In addition, masks provide such results:

Do not think that the use of such funds should be started only after 50 years. This approach will not give notable results. About the suspendedness of the eyelid, you need to think about 20 years.

It is such girls that fits a collagen mask and means for amplifying skin nutrition in the eye area. They are well affected by the strength of the dermis and are responsible for regulating biochemical processes.

With comprehensive care of the eyelids, they will maintain their elasticity, which will make them immune to the influence of external factors. Due to this, the need to use rejuvenating masks will arise much later.

The skin in the eye area is considered the most tender and sensitive. It is she who first responds to age-related changes and the impact of external factors.

To cope with the problems of dermis and not aggravate its condition, it is very important to choose the properly ingredients for the preparation of useful masks.

The most effective components include the following:

These products are considered the main ingredients of masks for a sensitive dermis. They are used in pure form or combine each other.

There are also ingredients that can be included in the mask in a small amount.. They can be used as auxiliary components:

  • egg white;
  • olive oil.

Apply data components in pure form strictly prohibited. The protein will lead to the tightening of an dehydrated dermal, honey can provoke allergies, and olive oil will create difficulties with the application of cosmetics.

In addition, there are components, the use of which in the composition of masks can cause damage and the appearance of adverse reactions in the form of wrinkles, swelling, allergies.

This group includes such components:

  • cosmetic oils;
  • citrus fruit;
  • essential oils;
  • particles of grains and bones.

In the form of an exception to the tool, you can enter 1-3 drops of lemon juice. However, this can be done only in the absence of allergic reactions to citrus fruits.

The choice of ingredients for making masks should be treated extremely responsible. Thanks to the proper composition, the funds will be able to give the skin freshness by making it younger and more beautiful.

To make a mask for elasticity of the age of good results, you need to adhere to a number of rules:

If, after using the tool, the desired results were not achieved, the composition of the mask should be revised and thoroughly adhere to all recommendations for its application.

Effective recipes

To achieve good results, it is very important to correctly pick up the composition of the rejuvenating mask. At the same time, it is necessary to take into account the features of their skin and clearly follow the recommendations of cosmetologists.

With vegetable oils

A mask based on various types of vegetable oils will be an excellent means for age-related skin - olive, linen, etc. are perfect.

They need to mix and add liquid vitamin E.

Apply a ready-made product, using cotton swab for this purpose.

To achieve maximum effect, the tool is used before bedtime.

With honey

A nutritious mask with honey and olive oil is perfect for the eyelid..

To do this, you need to mix these ingredients. It must be done so that in the end, get a slightly liquid consistency.

To remove the mass you should use strong green tea.

Mask from honey, squirrel and flour

With carrots

To make this agent, you will need carrot juice.

It is necessary to add 1-2 spoons of almond oil, after which it is to put the resulting composition in a dark cool place for 2 hours.

As a result, it will be possible to obtain an efficient rejuvenating agent for the age.

To achieve tangible results, the composition is applied daily within 1 month.

With banana

Mask from a banana for an eyelid from wrinkles is perfect for women after 40 years. To do this, take a ripe fruit without dark spots.

It must be chopped to the state of the Cashitz, after which add olive oil and liquid vitamin E.

Finished composition apply to the skin for half an hour. At the end, it is necessary to soften with the help of a moisturizing cream.

With cabbage

First you need to push the juice from the white cabbage, then put a little honey, beer yeast and almond oil.

When applied, it is important to avoid stretching the skin.

The mixture must be taken alive in the eyelids, performing pattering movements.

This agent is perfectly coping with not only with wrinkles, but also with a swelling under the eyes.

With yolk

The best mask for the gentle and sensitive skin of the eyelids is prepared from the yolk. In this product there are lecithin. This is a unique substance that provides the restoration of the dermis and prevents the formation of wrinkles.

For the manufacture of the product you need to take 1 yolk, add 10 g of liquid honey and a bit of vitamin E. The resulting composition to treat the problem areas of the dermis and leave it for half an hour.

You can also use another recipe by making a mask from cottage cheese.. For this, 1 yolk need to take 30 milk products.

To get a useful product, you need to take 1 egg yolk, add carrot puree and 10 g starch.

Thanks to the use of such a composition, you can increase the skin tone, cope with pigmentation and smooth wrinkles.

Immediately after applying, the Derma can darken slightly.

Do not worry, because this carrot action will disappear in a few hours.

With Romashka

To make a useful product, you need to take chamomile decoction in equal parts, Caster and butter.

The finished composition is to apply on the necessary places and leave for 40 minutes. At this time it is very important to lie calmly. Then the remedy must be removed with a wet cloth.

With oatmeal

To get a miraculous remedy, you need to take a couple of big spoons of oatmeal, pour boiling water and add whipped egg whipped in a mass. All components mix well.

Finished composition apply forever. After complete drying, wash the remedy with warm water. Protein can be replaced by sour cream - it will help to achieve a pronounced moisturizing effect.

With gelatin

To get this product, you will need 1 tablespoon gelatin.

It is mixed with warm milk in a 1: 2 ratio, after which the mixture swelling is waiting.

Then the finished mass should be put in the refrigerator. After cooling, it will acquire a thick consistency.

The finished composition should be applied to the skin around the eyes. After a quarter of an hour you can wash cool water.

With sour cream and parsley

For its manufacture, you need to take a few twigs of fresh parsley and grind carefully. To 1 small spoon of greenery add sour cream in the ratio of 1: 2.

Ready composition to process the eyelids. After half an hour you can wash. Due to this, it will be possible to pull the skin of the lower eyelids and cope with dark stains under the eyes.

With potatoes

A eyelid mask from potatoes has high efficiency.

For its manufacture, it is enough to grind a piece of vegetable with a grater, wrap the resulting cleaner tightly rolled gauze and attach to a problem zone.

After 20 minutes, the skin will become more fresh and shining.

With cucumber

This is the easiest tool that has high efficiency.. To use it, it is enough to take a cool cucumber, cut 2 thick slice and applied to the eye area.

After 10-15 minutes you can see a wonderful result. The skin will become more fresh, and the glance - rested.

This tool has a pronounced tightening effect and helps to cope with dark circles.

Mask for an eyelid from turmeric and soda allows you to rejuvenate the skin, cope with dark circles and swelling.

To get a useful product, you need to mix half a tablespoon of turmeric and 1 large spoonful of soda, add a few drops of lemon juice.

As a result, the consistency of Cashitz should be obtained. Holders of sensitive skin, instead of lemon juice, take tonic or water.

You need to apply a ready mask for 15 minutes, after which it was washed with cool water and lubricate the skin with a moisturizing cream.

Properly cooked tightening mask allows you to smooth out eyelids, cope with dark circles and increase the elasticity of the dermis.

To achieve good results, it is very important to clearly adhere to the recipe and the rules for applying a cosmetic composition.