Makeup for small eyes in stages. Makeup technique. Makeup Rules for Little Eye

When looking at any person, attention is primarily focused on the eyes. And women so want to be irresistible! And each trying to emphasize the existing advantages - The elegance of the cut or the brightness of the color of their eyes. Someone is just lucky - Nature gave beautiful big eyes. But what about those who got small and therefore inexpressive eyes? In this case, you just need to get basic knowledge from experienced makeup artists and experiment in front of the mirror - competent makeup creates wonders!

How to make makeup for small eyes - instructions with step-by-step photo

To make a makeup to prepare

Starting a makeup for small eyes to enlarge them visually, it should be specially paid to eyebrows. The lower the eyebrows are located and what they are wider, the less eyes seem. Therefore, it is necessary to carefully correct the eyebrow line, leaving a natural unintentional strip, carefully watching the fine, non-psychic line. You can slightly lengthen your eyebrows with a pencil - this will give an additional effect of "open" eyes. The eye eyebrows professionals are recommended to do darker hair colors, but not more than one tone.

We must not forget that the skin around the eyes should be well-groomed. For this, it is necessary to feed it daily by its special cream for the age, periodically make compresses and masks, thereby getting rid of swelling and dark circles.

Cleaning the skin around the eyes, it is necessary to apply the basis that will ensure uniform and resistant makeup. Corrective remedy, rustic under eyebrows and eyes, will help hide small skin defects - it you should take a little lighter than the used tonal agent. After that, you can apply the powder - ideal if it is crumbly, in the tone of the skin.

Algorithm for applying cosmetics in make-up makeup for small eyes

Wide black arrows, finishing small eyes, will look evil, and the eyes will seem even less than it really is.

Makeup types for small eyes

It is clear that general advice on makeup technique can be significantly expanded if we speak items. For example, makeup for small eyes on every daysignificantly different from evening makeup. And for each eye color there are preferred colors of shadows, carcasses, a pencil.

Not at all like. Its features are y and eyes with hanging centuries. In addition, age also matters - makeup for small eyes for women of Balzakovsky age - for 45 - it will look at all as for a 20-year-old girl. A makeup for a round face and small eyes is straightened from makeup for an extended face and small eyes.

Casual Makeup for Little Eye

In order for the owner of small eyes to feel confident in everyday make-up preferably use light shadowsBy applying them towards the eyelash growth line. When using a liner or pencil does not prevent take care that their color harmonize with the color of the eyes, and the arrow is better to draw only at the outer corner of the eye.

For brown eyes, green and lilac shades are well suited for green - the best brown and purple colors are best. Little blue eyes also become brighter with brown shades. Can add a little flickering shadows Light shade under eyebrows. Makeup must be completed by applying a carcass.

Evening Makeup for Little Eye

Evening makeup involves the use of bright tones. Naturally, you need to pick up shades so that they are harmonized with the color of hair and skin.

Upper eyelids need covered with light matte shadows Then, on the sub-space, apply white shadows with a golden tint, and add bronze color in an eye corner.

Growing the shadows towards the temple This is visually lengthening the eye.. A thin arrow drawn dashed from the middle of the upper eyelids, stretch, slightly extending the eye contour. In the lower eyelid to use a white pencil. Apply mascara.

Photocollection makeup types for small eyes You can see in this video:

A selection of videos with various types of makeup for small eyes

Makeup for small brown eyes

This makeup is suitable for every day. If you apply the shadow of a little brighter - the evening will turn out.

Makeup for the authorized century and deeply planted eyes

A common problem of the authorized century and deeply planted eyes is completely eliminated. It is only necessary to make a little exercise in the application of the shadows.

Makeup for Asian Eye

Asian eye cut is found quite often. Slightly cosmetics - and Eastern beauty becomes irresistible.

Makeup for small green eyes

Makeup is called "Swallow". Significantly enhances the brightness of the color of the iris.

Makeup "Mettalka SMUK"

Very bright makeup - on an amateur. Eyes become very expressive.

Makeup "Smokey Ice" for small eyes

An impressive effect visually changing eye cut.

All tips set out in the article are just advisory. After all, the appearance of each woman is strictly individual. Trying a generally accepted technique on yourself, it is necessary to experiment in front of the mirror and find your own "highlight", which will help you feel the queen.

With the current makeup capabilities, even small eyes are not a problem. Good cosmetics, the right technique makeup eyes and desire, can visually expand your eyes and make the look greatly expressive.

Not all the stars that shine on the red carpet, since birth has those data, with which they appear before the crowd of the audience, since all this is only a commendable result of their expensive make-up artists.

A very vivid example of narrow and inexpressive from nature, and sometimes some even swollen-lying-clicks are the eyes of Rene Zelweger.

At the same time, unlike flat breasts, the problem of small eyes is not solved with the help of plastics, the stars have to be conclusing with their makeup.

The worst thing is that you can do with my little eyes - it is even more to reduce them, for this, by placing them in a niche of dark shadows and thick eyeliner.

All existing myths relating to the powerfulness of these funds are greatly exaggerated - they are only suitable for emphasizing the beauty of the eyes, which have a more significant size and shape. For this reason, in a conversation relating to the makeup of small eyes, we will advise you to completely exclude from lists of styles used and technician, for example.

The haze, tightening eyes with dark matte or pearl shadows, small eyes will absorb completely, and in the event that the eyes are also bright, then there is a risk of creating a frightened impression of emptiness, but not expressiveness.

The pledge of the same success in the make-up of small eyes is a very filigree work of the correct contour pencil, as well as light shadows. Shadows for small eyes choose better pearl, however, not with a strong glitter. With an excessive zeal, they don't even worse than the darkest shiny, the narrow slits of the eyes, making them even less noticeable by their dazzling radiance.

Step-by-step photos

A simple and easy day option.

Successful examples of evening makeup for small eyes.

And one more day makeup with an arrow:

Apply to all the top eyelids any light shade, an eyebrow zone, as well as an internal angle of the eye to emphasize white. After we take a somewhat darker shade from the same gamut, while applying it on an external contour and well-ridden into the outer side.

Heavy black eyeliner is taboo.

At the same time, the best thing for the purpose of the designation of the contour in small eyes is some color pencil, well, if black, then always as thin as possible. Little eyes are in no way those who endure the dramatic black arrows of A la Sophie Lauren in the fifties. A dark color that lies in the upper eyelid with a wide line, creates, as a result, the illusion of gravity and visually presses on the eyes, even more by their narrowing.

Professional cunning makeup masters who want to visually increase their eyes their own clients - this is a white or bodily color of a pencil, which is applied by inner age. It is best to apply a pencil drawing after completing the eye makeup in order for both mascara and shadows, then the imprint on it. Just spend a little on the inner age directly along the line of the growth of the lower eyelashes with such a light pencil (the best matte - it will be natural), and the abis of your eye will be visually expanded.

No fairy tales with beautiful "feline eye" should not push you on the change of your light pencil to the darker, which, as a rule, is drawn a deep view directly by inner age. Such makeup will not suit you.

Depending on the specific shape of your eyes, it is still allowed for this to draw a new circuit. In the event that you have very narrow eyes, then you can slightly raise them with a pencil. For this purpose, start drawing the arrow almost in the middle of the upper eyelid, a little calling the growth line of eyelashes, and then moving to an external corner, while not making the usual sharp "arrow" to the side, but taking it to no, ending the linen from the corner, spending on the roots of eyelashes.

If your eyes are not narrow, but more small round, then on the contrary, you will need, which will make the eyes of almond-shaped, visually expanding them. Just as in the case described above, you begin to draw a thin arrow of black, dark gray or brown, sticking to the opposite technique - we start almost at the eyelashes, and then we take it above, a bit of the line in the natural contour of the eye.

Before the final stroke - a little bit. Very carefully apply mascara to the lower eyelashes - it distracts attention from the natural contour of the eye, visually expanding it vertically.

Good video lesson "Makeup for small eyes" from beauty blogger makeupkaty

And no less good master class from Naffy9999

Perhaps there is no woman who does not experience difficulties when applying makeup for small eyes. Many at the same time are very upset, complaining of their imaginary lack. And completely in vain! Today we will tell you how to make makeup for small eyes in such a way that they are transformed. Read and experiment!

Choose the shadows right

The main load in any make-up carry, of course, shadows. And make up for small eyes - no exception. You definitely do not lose, give preference to all bright shades: white, caramel, sandy, pink. Blue eyes are most suitable shades of brown, and Karim is purple tone. In no case do not choose the shadows, the same with your eye or chosen under the clothes! Eyes in this case merge with a common background, an accent will disappear. It is impossible to pick up pearl tones (exception - place under eyebrows) and all too bright shades, it is also forbidden to bother with a contour by eyeliner, since in all this magnificence will not be visible to your own eyes.

Throw all black pencils and buy a little bright! Only so you get rid of the temptation to come again on the same rake. So the option in the Spirit of "Smoky Eyes" is definitely not yours! Do not forget about elementary care, because swelling and circles under your eyes will not decorate you at all! You can get rid of them by making compresses from ordinary tea, better than green. You can use raw potatoes wrapped in gauze in grasp. Use the camouflage, selected to your skin with maximum accuracy.

Choose mascara

Remember one simple rule: never paint your eyes with ink without pronunciation. Why? Yes, because of your eyelashes made in several layers will inevitably close their eyes and make them even less! This is a typical mistake of many women. But raised, beautiful eyelashes are quite another thing! Choose a mascara with an extension effect and avoid overwhelming. Try to try each hairs, for in your eyes all the flaws are too noticeable. Kraft and upper, and bottom eyelashes, as you will provide the effect of "open eyes". Colors: Gray, Brown, Black. Forget about color shades (for example, green and blue), as they are not only tasteless, but in your case reduce their eyes.

Application technique

The most important rule is to start always from an external corner, while the owner of the eyes of ordinary sizes come on the contrary. The arc is carried out in the outer side. The shadow is better to bring not full length, but only before the pupil. To achieve the maximum effect, you will need to use three shades of one color scheme. What color needs, we wrote above, now about the main thing. Apply the brightest shade from the eyebrows itself to the fold of the rolling age. Observe the contour. Dark color to put on a movable eyelid, and the darker is the darker to the corner of the eye. Good rush borders with a cotton wand. Draw both the contour using a light pencil (for example, brown), be sure to emphasize your eyebrows. As for the carcass, then, as already mentioned, choose classic shades. Use hinges for eyelashes and do not overdo it with the number of layers.

Correct eyebrows

They must be certainly well-groomed and not too thick. Vigiden in thread, again, do not fit, so leave your choice on something average. Make sure the eyebrows did not converge at the bridges. Is this a problem for you? Remove extra hairs with a tweezers. If your eyebrows are still wide, the pencil will look pretty rude and, moreover, distract attention from the eyes. Alternatively, instead of a pencil, a special gel can be used, which is not only colorless, but also color. Brown will suit brown shutters and red, gray-olive - blondes. Carefully seize the eyebrows with a brush, apply gel.

We choose lipstick

"I have little eyes," you say. " - And what have lipstick? " Do not hurry with conclusions! After all, the arts of Make Up says that, highlighting the eyes or lips, we are involuntarily forced to pay attention to them. And if we preferred bright red lipstick? Exactly. Eyes immediately "lost". Consequently, the brighter of the lipstick, the expressively the eyes become.

Tone for face

In order for the eyes to be expressive, try to use the tonal means. Of course, this is not an option, if the skin from nature is dark, but in this case, buy a lighter to one tone. Tonal cream can be taken a little darker than powder, but lighter than your skin.

These are the basics of makeup for small eyes. You can combine the color solutions at your own discretion, not forgetting about the general rules. Take advantage of our advice and be beautiful!

Makeup for small eyes Photo:

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Not everyone is lucky to be born with big puppet eyes similar to a saucer. If you have little eyes, and even karie - they will seem even less. Do not immediately despair! Makeup for small brown eyes can save your position! There are many methods for applying cosmetics that allow you to visually increase even the smallest eyes. Do not you believe photos and videos? Try yourself!

Of course, you will have to go for some concessions - to refuse to use too dark and too light tones in make-up, forget about the black pencil and liner, but you should not despair - there are many other excellent techniques who will make your eyes shine will help visually enlarge your eyes and create an unforgettable effect.

How to apply?

Certifying the problem of small eye will help the competent mackery, especially the same make-up of the eye, but do not forget about the general rules of Maik Apa Family, these are also very important moments. In the video tutorial at the bottom of the article you will be able to familiarize yourself with the stages of creating such Maik APA.

The foundation

Of course, according to tradition, we begin with the foundation, regardless of the size and color of the eyes. Of course, you can console yourself, the fact that dark circles under the eyes visually will increase them, but this is not the effect that we need. Therefore, the first thing, it is necessary to put a corrector to the area under the eyes, and also do not forget about small pimples and problem areas. The lightest shade of the corrector than the shade of the tone cream will help us create a visual effect of glasses, and is already very little to make your eyes anymore. The tone base should be approaching the color of your skin, blush is not too bright, just to emphasize the sculpture of the face.


Well! When will we move to the makeup of the eye? The eyebrow is here and? Very even moreover. Very thick eyebrows, which are now in fashion, visually reduce the eyes. From low-planned eyebrows, too, the increasing effect will not achieve, they only lose sight. You need to lift the eyebrow line, removing from below extra hairs. This will increase the space between eyebrows and the eye - therefore, the eyes will become a little more. The main thing is not to make eyebrows, it has long come out of fashion.


Well, finally and to the shadows got. If you have little brown eyes - light shades will become your salvation. But at the beginning, it was also said that this is the enemy number one to increase the eyes? Not certainly in that way. It is impossible to use only bright shades, they will look tired and crying, it is also worth avoided very bright and warm shades. You can choose a light purple, beige, peach, light pink, sandy shades of shadows. Very help to reveal the eyes of pearl shadows. Special attention should be paid to the shooters. Slide your eyes with medium-brown pencil, carefully rub it. There is a small secret - to visually increase small eyes - tun the lower eyelid, behind the line of eyelash growth, a white pencil (in the photo above you can see what it looks like, the line of the Asian girl tumbling the line in the lower eyelid by a white pencil). Under the growth line of eyelashes, apply your usual pencil. Also on the lower eyelid it is recommended to apply the shadow on the shade darker than those that in the upper eyelid.

You can use mascara of any color, everything is suitable for Karim, although the black mascara will be somewhat driving a look. But, there is a way out of this situation. If you have small eyes, but long and thick eyelashes - twist them with tweezers, it will visually make your eyes anymore. If nature has been delivered to you nature - also not trouble. Boldly go to the cosmetics store and buy overhead long and thick eyelashes. Overcooked view - an excellent effect while increasing.


The focus on the lips can distract from your eyes, so - boldly use bright and saturated colors of lipstick, especially for Karim's eyes such a lipstick is suitable, as it is impossible by the way. If you perform a full-fledged makeup to enlarge your eyes - choose lipstick of muted tones, light lip gloss with shimmer.

Example Makeup

  1. Prepare your face: apply the corrector, the tonal base, powder and blush.
  2. Slightly swimming eyelids. Apply the database. Choose two shades of shadows - light and slightly darker and bright.
  3. White pencil. Skin the line behind the eyelashes in the lower eyelid.
  4. Take a brown pencil and spend a small arrow in the upper eyelid. It should not go beyond the exterior angle of the eye. In the lower eyelid, swipe the line under the eyelashes until the middle of the century, is about the middle of the pupil, if you look straight. Mildly grow in line.
  5. In the light of the shadows to highlight the area under the eyebrows, the inner corners of the eye - from above and slightly below. Dark shade impose on a moving eyelid and on the outer angle of the eye. Slide the middle of the mobile eyelid by a bright shade of shadows to get a shimmer point. Carefully grow in colors.
  6. Tinse the eyelashes and tighten them with tweezers for curling.
  7. It remains only to make lips - and makeup to increase small brown eyes ready!


See a detailed video tutorial to enlarge small brown eyes!

Who of women with small eyes has not experienced difficulties in applying makeup? But in vain! Small eyes can completely transform if you follow our advice.

How to choose the shadow

Shadows are the main component of any Make-APA. In this case, you will do correctly, preferring light shadows. This is white, caramel, beige, pink. For blue eyes, brown shades are best suitable, Karim is purple. Never stop on the colors identical to the color of your eyes or on those that fit the clothes. In this embodiment, the eyes are alive with a common background, the focus will disappear. It is impossible to choose pearl (except, under the eyebrows) and all bright tones. It is also impossible to dust the contour of the eye, as they will lose in the stroke.

Forget black pencils, bow to several light. That is how you avoid the main mistake. Remember: the "smoky" eye is not suitable for you. To get rid of swelling and circles under the eyes, extend compresses from green tea, grated raw potatoes wrapped in gauze. Use the most suitable to your skin masking.

Selection of carcasses

Mandatory rule for you should be a preliminary environment of eyelashes. Otherwise, the eyelashes will cover the eyes several times, making them even less. Make a choice in favor of a carcass with an extension effect, but with not very large volume. Try to cry around each hairs - otherwise the slightest flaws will be visible in your eyes. The effect of open-eye eye you will achieve, tinting and upper, and lower eyelashes. Your colors: black, gray, brown. Forget about other colors: blue, green will reduce eyes.

The main thing is to start painting always from the outer corner of the eye, unlike the owners of ordinary eyes coming on the contrary. The line is engaged in the outer side. Shadows need to be crushed as long as long, but only to pupil. In order to achieve maximum success, you need to use three tones of one color.

Apply the brightest shade from the eyebrows to the fold of the moving century. Thorish the contour thoroughly. Apply a darker tone to the moving eyelid, and the most dark - on the corner of the eye. A cotton wand in a pretty rush border. Using a light pencil (for example, brown), draw contour. Understand the eyebrows. Choose classic carcass colors. Use hinges for eyelashes. And do not cease with the number of layers.

Eyebrow correction

They should not be very thick, but well-groomed. Do not pull them into a string - you will not work. Select an intermediate option. The main thing is that the eyebrows did not converge at the bridges - with the help of a tweezer, remove extra hairs. In the event that your eyebrows are still quite wide, the pencil will distract attention from the eyes and look too rude. There is a gel agent intended for such purposes. It is color. For brown, ruverass and reds will be good brown, olive gray - for blondes. The eyebrows gently seize the brush and apply gel.

We select lipstick correctly

The choice of lipstick also depends on the size of the eyes. After all, the laws of makeup remind: Highlighting eyes or lips, we want to draw attention to them. If we dwell on bright red lipstick, the eyes will "lose". Therefore, your eyes will be expressive than the lipstick's lipstick.

Tone for face

To make your eyes as expressive as possible, choose the tone as late as possible. Of course, this option is not suitable if your skin is sculpted. But in this case, buy the powder for one tone lighter. Tonal cream can be chosen just darker than powder, but lighter skin.