Master class "Games for dating". Entertaining material in literacy learning lessons (from experience) game moments for exploring the first sounds

Where to begin?
You can read and need all signs and names on the street and at home. Well, cubes with pictures - the best invention of humanity in our child education with you. Pictures can be with fabulous heroes, animals, or toys, depending on the interests of the baby. I am easy and unexpected for parents learned to read on cardboard cubes with wonderful fabulous pictures at 4 years old. My child in 4 of the cubes built, not paying attention to the letters and pictures, and it was suddenly the names of all of our friends, who first dictated with interest, remembered and later wrote himself with printed letters. Yes, and before that, he was passionately collected "documents": tickets, receipts and different scraps of printed products.
Did you go to teach a child to read? Seriously? Then create a medium and condition for this. A special cozy book corner or a house can help, where the baby can be retired with the book. And once the children were enough to see the reading senior ...

The main thing to remember that the world is perceived by children, as well as adults, in different ways. And if on the hearing and visually information from an adult is pretty, then the kinestics will remain with ... Coloring. There is an opinion that most of our children are kinestics - And these are those that everyone perceive through sensations, feelings and movement, early begin to crawl and walk, everyone strive to explore to the touch. Prefer active games where you can run and jump. Poorly concentrated and can be inattentive. Often something is tearing in your hands, seek to touch the interlocutor, they love to hug and kiss. There are capricious on clothing: barbed, ourselves, tough, etc. They have a well-developed motor memory. To, for example, remember some information, the child should write it himself. Therefore, diverse children's activity. Not to paint where it is possible to make an application from anything, or felt-factor points to be tested; Do not circle where it is possible to grind toothpick, not only cut, but also to tear and pr. pp.
We bring a briefly algorithm of actions: they were gladed - they were heard, repeated the shape (wire, plasticine, ropes, body) - they found the same, were collapsed - decorated, made friends!
The letter must be remembered. The game should be interesting. Someone is able to not remember the letter, if himself drove nails into the woods, on which "g" is drawn?

1 . We will need an alphabet with painting pictures -my lovely - There are many pictures:

Alphabets are unusually creative. I make a brief overview and give links by which the alphabet can be downloaded.
What the pictures are more, the better. I love to draw, and one of the most successful students was "taped letters": tapes from the cash register with drawings were glued to the letter. And it was quite obvious to what letters words in the language are more. Next to the studied "tailedati" was suspended and the letters were repeated in class, along with the list of words. Before usually I had to pull out of the children by the word for each letter and a lot of training. And all the letters on the clothespins were coming to the clothes hanger. Similar option with English letters on velcro:

Good letter I.B. Blue "my favorite letter"
"Sounds and letters" - speech therapy pattern
Alphabet - Coloring
Collection of alphabet-coloring
Very beautiful pictures for each letter
Links to a variety of alphabet

2. Faster and stronger make friends with new letters help reception "revival" Letters, - letters are depicted with eyes, in the form of animal figures, etc. Then absolutely logical for the child sounds the phrase "Get acquainted with the letter":

Live alphabet for classes in the group are beginning to do from the first days. Everyone makes his letter, then the letters of the names of their parents, etc. Here the first sound begins in the word, for example, a sparrow and the letter turns with the help of additional parts in the sparrow.
Good start with a short fairy tale about the letter: for example, about the letter "K".
And you can imagine both residents of the fabulous town of Skorechee in the form of funny sounds, about which in the book G.N. Gradsova "Journey to the country of sounds" Tell a short fairy tale with words for a certain letter
In the "Magic Alphabet" - (audio file in the group ) Collected songs and poems about letters in a fairy tale about the gnomes.

3. Fard the shape of letters.
This part of classes is obligatory for children who know the world through the movement. , and such major and words of the teacher and pictures of them . Everything needs to touch, run, depict the body .
letter "K"

P, like an ax; With, as a month ...

Poems about the letters are better to immediately teach such that help remember the look of the letter, give a hint. My children, gathering, for example, the letters "s": and the poor thing is the letter of alas with a stick ... here the alphabet with verses, tasks and place for writing the letter. The same as in the coloring designated by me as a concise option above.

3. Letters printed on the entire sheet for all sorts of manipulations: Cut the finger, paint, crack various materials, cut, decorate, add, come up with something similar, etc.- contour letters

Here, "e" we would, for example, painted fir cheese and "C" sprinkled with salt or sugar. Children of the fourth year Eisney adore these techniques!

4. Exercises for fixing the studied letter.



MBOU "OOSS number 6"

Report on the topic

"Game moments in reading lessons in the first grade"

Prepared Vasilyeva L. I.

g. Stary Oskol

The formation of the personality of the child of the seven-year-old occurs in the framework of the gaming activity. Children can not not play. And it is natural that the game, the game situation is integral from the lesson in the class of seventels. Properly selected and well-organized game contributes to the comprehensive development of the child, promotes its health, helps the production of useful skills and qualities.

"However, it is necessary to remember, - warns the outstanding teacher and scientist Sh.A. Amonashvili, - that the game is not a universal form or method, for the game can not always carry the joy of seven-year children, she can bother them, and serious and even very difficult learning work to take them no less than the game. The unsuccessful game can damage the lesson, to carry children from the topic. Therefore, by planning the game in the lesson, you need to carefully think about it in advance:

  1. what skills and skills will be formed during its implementation,
  1. at what stage of the lesson, it is the most appropriate,
  2. should she last the whole lesson,
  3. what is the necessary illustrated material,
  4. what will be the procedure for carrying out tasks, summing up, assessing the activities of children in the game.

In the reading lessons, separate game moments are used to beat training situations. You can also hold the whole lesson as one game or fairy tale.

As an illustrated material in the didactic game, you can use positive and negative heroes of fairy tales: Pinocchio, Crocodile, Cheburashka, Chippolino, Snowman, Santa Claus, Snow Maiden, Fire - Bird, Carlson, Barmalei, etc.

To develop the ability to hear sounds in words, select words with certain sounds, divide words to syllables, determine the number of syllables can be carried out by the following games - Exercises:

  1. The game "Who is attentive?"
  1. By subject pictures on the board, children find the same sound in words.
  2. Read the name of the fabulous character using the first letters of the names of items.
  3. Remember words with sounds, for example [b, b '], which will meet in a fairy tale.
  1. The game "The sound lost"
  2. "Who more" game
  1. Come up with words in which the sound [A] would be at the beginning, in the middle, at the end of the word.
  2. Name names, animal nicknames in which the sound [a] would be at the beginning, in the middle, in the end of the word.
  3. Remember the words about winter with sound [A], without sound [A].
  4. List months of the year in which there is a sound [a].
  5. Pick up the words: with one sound [a], with two [a], with three [A]
  1. The game "Compound a fairy tale"
  2. The game "Who will live in the house?"

On the board layout house - Teremka. Insects (beasts, birds) will live in it. In the apartment number 1 there will be residents, in the title of which only one syllable, in Apartment number 2 - two syllables, in Apartment number 3 - three syllables.

  1. Flower shop.

The teacher prepares in advance the postcards with the image of flowers, the names of which consist of two, three, four syllables. In children, numerical cards are "money" with two, three, four circles. The baby "buys" the flower, in the title of which so many syllables as the circles on his card, proves that he chose a postcard correctly.

  1. Contract the word, determined the number of syllables.

Aircraft has been prepared, he will go to ... (flight).

  1. Knock yes knock, find a word, cute friend.

If I knock on the table once, give the name of the flower consisting of one syllable, two times - from two syllables, three times - from three syllables, etc.

If I knock the hammer once, name the flowers, where the emphasis falls on the first syllable, twice - on the second syllable, etc.

  1. We build a pyramid.

On the blackboard, the teacher places a sheet of paper with a pyramid pattern. At the base of the pyramid, five squares, in the second four, then three, two, one ... ends with the pyramid with triangles.

On the set canvas, a set of subject pictures containing in the title from two to five sounds. The questioned student begins to build a pyramid from the ground, chooses the longest word (picture name), inserts a picture in the pocket of the lower pyramid. Next, the picture is selected, the name of which of four sounds is invested in a pocket on the second tier of the pyramid, etc. The game ends when all the pictures are correctly distributed by pockets.

  1. Decorate the Christmas tree.

On the board - drawing of the tree, on the table - drawings with the image of Christmas tree toys. Toys should be placed on the tree in this order: first those in the title of which there is sound [s], then - sound [s], then the sound [sh], etc.

  1. Guess yourself .

In the desks in children, there is one circle on the left, on the right - two. Subject pictures are distributed. Children should divide the names of the pictures on the syllables, put the emphasis, determine what syllable (first or second) drops, put the picture, respectively, under one or two circles.

  1. Who will make more words.

Mergers are recorded on the board, individual letters are approximately in this order.


With y on n

Nor s

I scattered these syllables and letters of fox, and the traces of their tail was offended. From scattered syllables and letters, it is necessary to make as many words as possible. Who will do it, he wins.

  1. Gaming plot "Forest School"

The visual material is made of cardboard and colored paper, attached to the blackboard in any sequence required for the lesson. On the windows of the forest school and mushrooms that grow close to the school, there are devices that allow you to mount letters, numbers, pictures.

Some tasks:

  1. What letters live on the first floor?
  2. What sounds do they indicate?
  3. What are the tenant residents?
  4. Name the tenants of the second floor. What sounds do they mean, what are their similarities?
  5. What letters grow on the mushrooms to the left of the house?
  6. Why are these mushrooms grow under a blue cloud?
  7. Show, in which basket you will collect these mushrooms (children show the support scheme of the syllable - merging).
  8. Why mushrooms and e hid under the green Christmas tree? Show a basket for these mushrooms.
  1. "Solid - soft"

If the word solid sound, Tom's friends get up, if soft - Tima (on the board, portraits of Tom and Tim).

Very great help in the work is provided by the book "Entertaining ABC studies." For a better memorization of the letter I spend the game: "The bag with a secret", "semi-computer", "put the letters correctly", "the letter hid", "confusion", "the word crumbled", "the transformation of words is a magic chain", "Lestenka", " Come up with words in which the syllableSA First or last "," Find the word in the Word "," Skatcher "and D.R.

Gradually, children remember all the letters, remember their sound values, fix the primary information about the language.

Led - sound analysis. This type of work is very important. It was used on all structural components of the lesson: when repetition, studying a new, consolidation. When repetition, before familiarizing with new sounds [T], [T '] and, accordingly, letters that are denoted, children were given a task to read the words in the corner of Murzilki and relate them to the schemes:

Sun Sanki Kuya.

Son sock suk

Nosezo carriage

Sani Kosi Son.

Students found to the words shown in the following schemes, then read those that were not given schemes (nose, sledge, braids); Subsequently, they made up the necessary schemes from cards. Thus, the analysis was combined with reading, reading with analysis.

In the "Alphabet" there are interesting readings - reading mergers, "loss", reading words of different structures. This is the most difficult section of learning. And it is especially important to carry out a variety of work, so that children, much read, do not get tired and did not lose interest in reading. Learning playing. Here are some games:

  1. Game "Live letters"

First, live letters are used (children are executed by children), then the table is used.

  1. I use allowance"Watch stitching",

where the large dial is depicted, on which all vowels are indicated in a circle. In the middle of the dial pocket for inserting consonants and arrow. The teacher inserts the consonant letter studied and, translating the arrow from one vowel to the other, reads with children a syllables - mergers.

  1. Syllables - mergers help us read"Captains".

Sea waves are drawn on a sheet of paper. Planned cards with vowels - "Pier". The student appointed by the captain, "floats", placing the consonant, reads the syllables and gives the beep: ka, ka, ki, ko and d.r. The rest control the captain. If "beep" is given incorrectly, all once clap your hands.

  1. The game "Help Carlson will land".

Very love children to guess rebuses. The rebuses are harvested on the signs, drawing and writing on the board. At first, the rebuses guess individual disciples, then the entire class is connected to this.

For the development of sufficient reading skill, it is necessary at each lesson a neglence. Reading textbooks in the textbook is combined with the games "Who?", "Who?", Find the scheme, etc. Favorite children's heroes are involved in games: Murzilka, Dunno, Carlson, Tubik and others.

Development of pronunciation when reading, improving the articulation apparatus of children contributes to reading spells.

Speech development work helps verbal drawing. In the "ABC" tasks for verbal drawing are given in special frameworks. Word brings to class or nonsense in a basket, or a hedgehog on the needles. On the blackboard printed the name of the picture. Near the artist Tubik. And here we help him "draw." To do this, we read the words, the name of the story and the "Figure" - develop speech through the compilation of the story - paintings using word data.

Receptions that the teacher can use with a lot of six-year graders in training a lot of six-year-graders. It is necessary to choose the most necessary on a specific lesson, to provide a lesson with good clarity, create in the classroom the situation of benevolence and mutual understanding. All this will be a good stimulus for the teacher and students.

Children are internally ready for the game, merry and entertainment. , Therefore, to spend the forces to persuade them to go for a holiday, do not have to take care that children on the holiday feel comfortable and safely needed. The best way for this is to prepare the premises in advance and from the first minutes of dating to involve children in a friendly festive atmosphere.

If among those who are invited to the house of children, there are unfamiliar guys, children who rarely see or are of little away, it's standing unobtrusively, preferably in a game form, help them liberate, remove the pressure and introduce them to each other. To do this, we advise you to include in your entertainment program. games for familiarity of children at the festive table.

In our selection of about 20 such games, games for kids and older children are presented here, games with the names of small guests and those who simply help them know each other closer, rally and activate the overall festive mood - choose suitable for your specific situation .

1. Games at the table for acquaintance for kids:

Toddlers up to 5 years for a holiday usually come along with their parents, in games they are calmer and more interesting when mom or dad is near. By drawing up a program, it is worth remembering this, and in all entertainment it is more active to engage in adults present at the children's festival. No exception and packaging games, and the more interested and emotionally participate in them by parents - the faster the children are mastered with a new environment, get acquainted and are included in the festive fun.

Game for acquaintance "Attention! Seeking a friend!"

This game is directed not only to acquaintance and the establishment of contact between children, but also contributes to the development of speech and attention.

At least five people should participate in the game, so, with a shortage of small players, involve adults. He starts presenter: he declares that he died with a friend and begins to describe someone from those present by the kids. For example: "My friend has a name begins on the letter" C ". After the kindergarten he goes to "art" and his sister will be born soon. " So the presenter describes a mandated child until someone from the children who are present will gues it.

If there are too small children in the game (three to four years) or children, poorly familiar with each other, it is quite appropriate in the process of describing the external signs of "wanted" - the color of the eyes and hair, clothes elements. This information will facilitate the recognition, and therefore will make the game process especially productive and interesting.

Presentation of guests "went on the roof of the sparrow"

Playing at the table "Little experts".

This mini-quiz can be carried out even with the most young children, only the books need to pick up the "relevant repertoire". The essence of the game is simple: the lead aloud reads the recognizable line from some literary work, and children must listen and guess which book is riddled. We play older guys on the principle "who guess, he raises that hand," it is better to make a guessing of the name in any order.

"Sunny smiles to the one who ..."

This game will also help children get acquainted closer and can become a transitional point between drinking and moving games.

Take care of the image of the Sun in advance: it can be a soft toy or drawing on Watman. "Sunny" is attached to one of the walls of the room. Along the opposite wall building the kids that we want to put pressure on each other.

We explain the rules: the lead calls some sign with the same promiscuity "the sunshine smiles to the one who ...". And, if the child believes that the sign is referred to him, it runs to the opposite wall and touches the sun.

It is best to start with general signs, for example, to say: "Sunny smiles to the one who is in the dress today." Of course, some part of the girls will head to stroke the sun. Then - something for boys ("... who are in shorts"). Then something in common to most of the children present: someone has a cat / dog. Be sure to use the emotional component: who loves mom, helps her grandmother, listens to Pope.

Add and comic signs, so that the kids finally relaxed and could laugh at themselves: who today cleaned his teeth jam, watering the orange tree, etc. Inattentive kids can be puzzled by different phantas: to make a riddle to everyone, to portray a mouse or frog, sing a veil from the favorite song.

So, with the help of unifying topics, you can create a light and fun atmosphere and awaken interest in children to each other.

"Come on, say hello!"

(for download - click files)

2. Games at the table and games for familiarity for children older than 5 years:

Seat children in a circle and explain the rules of the game. Tell them that you suggest a little to sneak up: show on your hand, but tell me that it is "forehead." The child sitting on the right of you should show on the forehead, but call it another part of the body, for example, the heel. The meaning of such a cheerful deception is to confuse toddler a little. And one who will betray and show not the part of the body, which is named (heel), and the one on which (forehead) is shown, drops out of the game and build for the next, so after one (one is built on the right, another left) two teams are created For the next command game.

Slovka to the end of the cake "Visiting a fairy tale."

At each children's holiday should be a game associated with fairy tales. For intellectual filling of such entertainment, you can build the game "Visiting a fairy tale" on the principle of quiz. Its first round may be the question: list the fairy tales, the main characters of which birds became.

The second task can be remembered as much magic items as possible (tablecloth-self-bare, samoteres wallet, seven-flow flowers). Offer children to write them on a piece of paper, after 4 - 5 minutes, check the task. Who else is more and the point.

The third round is more comprehensive: offer children to remember all the "magic words" and spells (for example, a magic spell of hottabach "Fuck-Tibidoch!" Or "Mutabor!" From the Eastern fairy tale about curious Pasha).

This game can be carried out, for example, before removal of the cake, to propose to remember the spell from the fairy tale "Ali-Baba and 40 Robbers" (after closing the door to the room), and when the children call the SIM-sim spell, open! ", Ask for them to scream maybe this door will open. Behind the door let someone from adults with a cake.

Entertainment at the table "Fabulous confusion".

And it is advisable to apply this entertainment after moving games: sit down the children around yourself and offer them to listen to a fairy tale. But! If suddenly you will be mistaken, ask for children to slam your hands. The fairy tale can be any, as a fantasy tells, for example, such a content: "I planted the grandfather carrot. Not? And what, potatoes? No again? Aaaa, repka! Growing a little-gravel rose. Wrong? Large-Prehem! He became his grandfather to dig potatoes ... oh, remembered! Pink! Pulls, pulls, and pulled out ... and! Could not pull out! Called grandfather friends. Not? Red hat? Lifting crane? Is the grandmother? Right, grandmother! They began to pull the trouser together. Oh, repka! Tent-pulled, and even stretched ... oh, no! Could not pull out! They called aliens. Again incorrectly?! And, probably, granddaughter! Tent-pulled, and tearned the trouser tail. Did not tear off? Not a trouser? Pink! They called the ball ... and, bug! Tent-pulled, and even stretched out ... no again? Well, well, good, can't pull out. Cat cat Matroskin. Wrong? Murzika? For sure! Cat, a simple cat! Tent-pulled, can't pull out.

Call a cat kitten's own. Not? Well, such a small, pretty ... no?! Is there a mouse? Right? The mouse for the cat, a cat, for a bug, bug for granddaughter, granddaughter for the grandmother, grandmother for the grandfather, Dedka for a repkah ... Bili-beat eggs and not broke! Oh, not the Egg! Tent-pull, and even stretched out the repka! And I was there, my honey beer drank, the ears flowed ... not on the ears, but on the mustache? Right! And the mouth did not fall! Although, most likely, the porridge boiled out of the repka! That's the fairy tale, and who listened - Tomato! Ugh you, cucumber! Not? And, I understood! WELL DONE!"

Arranging children's holiday, do not forget aboutgames for acquaintance - they help properly build the dynamics of the holiday and rally all the guests.

And also remember that the success of any children's event depends not only, but rather, not so much from its clear organization and invested funds, but from the mood of adults, from their sincere desire to give the children joy from their sincere desire. Love for children and caring attitude towards small guests will be prompted how to get out of the hard position, what games to choose, and in what sequence to spend!

Goals: to introduce children with sound [k], [k,]; work on new sound and letter;

Educational :. To improve the phonderatic hearing; . Replenish, clarify and activate vocabulary; . Differentiate vowels and consonant sounds; . Form reading skill; . Call words with sounds to and to *. Independently draw up a diagram of a single word, analyze it; . Correlate sound with a symbol (letters); . Find a letter in texts; . Read open and closed syllables with this letter; . Print the letter according to the notebook.

Developing :. Stimulate the mental activity of children. Develop the ability to formulate their speech when analyzing the words scheme; . Call a positive emotional response, the desire to take part in conducting experiments. . To form the phonetic side of speech, the development of sound analysis and synthesis. . . Educational :. Educate the ability to work in the team and in pairs; . bring up a sense of mutual assistance; . bring up restrained, experience joy from success, grieve from failure

Materials: toy - frog, casket, set of pictures for individual work of children; A set for sound analysis of the word - chips, cards; Soundhouse; chips - praise; Notebooks in a cage with samples; Simple pencil.

Travel course 1. Organizational moment. "The morning came morning, the sun will soon rise and warm everything with its rays. But it has not yet woken up and everything is cold enough. And let's make our sunshine. Each of you will be a sunny ray. (Children stand in the circle connecting hands in the center) Teacher: - Feel the warmth of each other's hands, though, are we already warmed up a little? Now smile all and tell me gentle - with good in the morning.

2. Home Teacher: - Children Today we will get acquainted with new sound and letter. And what we will find out with now.

Surprise moment "Detected on the touch, which lies in the box" Teacher: - What is it? Children: - Frog Teacher: - How does she shout? Children: - Kwa Teacher: - What is the first sound you hear in the word - kVA? -Tract pictures in which there is sound. To and put on the card. - Check each other, whether your neighbor took the picture correctly. (Work in pairs) - Let's define the sound to a vowel or consonant?

The vowels stretch to the songs with a call can cry and scream can in the crib of a child's taper but do not want to whistle and grumble

Kids sporate the sound to

The consonants agree to grinder to buzz, whistling even snort and hiss, but I do not want to sing a teacher: -Now, what is the sound of K? Children: - Teacher's cough: So what is the sound? Children: - Consult. Teacher: - What are the consonant sounds? Children: - Soft and hard. Task 2. Game "Find Sound" Teacher: Let's find in the picture words with sound [K]. (The speech therapist shows the story picture of the "Cat in Boots" fairy tales, and students call words in which there is sound [to]: castle, cat, bag, chamomile, clouds). Children call words. Task 3. Allocation and study of sound [k,]. Drawing up a scheme model of the word marquis. Teacher: And now, guys tell me how the cat presented to the king of his owner? Pupils. Marquis. Teacher: Make a sound model of the word marquis. How many sounds in the word? Fizminutka "Grasshopes" 3. Meeting with the letter to the teacher: -n, what is like a letter to? (Showing letters) Children: - on the well, tick, afternoon from the letter J. Teacher: - And you can also remember the poem

On the straight wand, the teacher to the right of the village: --Dell to find the letter K in the alphabet. Is there a big letter to from small? Children: - No Teacher: - And now find the letter K in our group. And now we set the letter to the sound house.

Same moment: asking for a letter to in the house Teacher: - Personal miss me in the house. Children: - Do not miss until you hurt a long song Children read open syllables with the letter to the teacher: - And now miss? Children: - No Sing with us Short Song Children read closed syllables with the letter to ka, ka, ka, ka. Open sounds AK, OK, CK letter in the soundhouse.

We look at the eye exercises closely, I am easy to stroit the eyelids, we will look at the left, sit down to the left and quietly sit. 3. Hereby classes. Teacher: Children that you have learned about.

Children: - We met the sound to and the letter K. learned that the sound to - consonant. We learned to print the letter in the notebook in the cage.

View the contents of the document
"Acquaintance with sound to and letter to"

Objectives: introduce children with sound [k], [k,]; work on new sound and letter;



    To improve the phonderatic hearing;

    Replenish, clarify and activate vocabulary;

    Differentiate vowels and consonant sounds;

    Form reading skill;

    Call words with sounds to and to *

    Independently draw up a diagram of a single word, analyze it;

    Correlate sound with a symbol (letters);

    Print the letter according to the notebook.


    Stimulate the mental activity of children

    Develop the ability to formulate their speech when analyzing the words scheme;

    call a positive emotional response, the desire to take part in conducting experiments.

    to form the phonetic side of speech, the development of sound analysis and synthesis.

  • Educational:

    Educate the ability to work in the team and in pairs;

    bring up a sense of mutual assistance;

    bring up restrained, experience joy from success, grieve from failure


Toy - frog, casket, set of pictures for individual work of children; A set for sound analysis of the word - chips, cards; Soundhouse; chips - praise; Notebooks in a cage with samples; Simple pencil.

Structure occupation

1. Organizational moment.

The morning came again, the sun will soon rise and warm it all with its rays. But it has not yet woken up and everything is cold enough.

And let's make our sunshine.

Each of you will be a sunny ray. (Children get into circle connecting hands in the center)

Teacher: - Feel the warmth of each other's hands, however, we have warmed a little bit?

Now smile all and tell me gentle - with good in the morning.

2. Home Part

Teacher: - Children today we will get acquainted with a new sound and letter.

And what we will find out with now.

Surprise moment

"Determine the touch, which lies in the box"

Teacher: - What is it?

Children: - Frog

Teacher: - How does she shout?

Children: - Kwa

Teacher: What is the first sound you hear in the word - kVA?

Take pictures in which there is sound. To and put on the card.

Check each other, whether your neighbor has headed correctly.

(Work in pairs)

Let's define the sound to vowel or consonant?

To do this, read the poem

Vowels stretch to the song call

Can cry and scream

Maybe in the crunch of a baby boy

But do not want to whistle and grumble

Kids sporate the sound to

Let's read the poem about the consonants

The consonants agree to the rustle

Buzz, whistling

Even snort and hiss

But I do not want to sing

Teacher: -n, what is the sound of K?

Children: - on cough

Teacher: So what is the sound?

Children: - Consult.

Teacher: - What are the consonant sounds?

Children: - Soft and hard.

Task 2. Game "Find Sound"

Teacher: Let's find in the picture words with sound [K]. (The speech therapist shows the story picture of the "Cat in Boots" fairy tales, and students call words in which there is sound [to]: castle, cat, bag, chamomile, clouds).

Children call words.

Task 3. Allocation and study of sound [k,]. Drawing up a scheme model of the word marquis.

Teacher: And now, guys tell me how the cat presented to the king of his owner?

Pupils. Marquis.

Teacher: Make a sound model of the word marquis. How many sounds in the word?

Fizminutka "Grasshopes"

3. Familiarity with the letter to

Teacher: -n, what looks like a letter to?

(Showing letters)

Children: - On the well, tick, afternoon from the letter J.

Teacher: - And you can also remember the poem

On a straight wand, on the right of the tick

Teacher: --Dell to find the letter K in the alphabet.

Is there a big letter to from small?

Children: - No

Teacher: - Now find the letter K in our group.

And now we set the letter to the sound house.

Same moment:

Asking the letter to the house

Teacher: - vowels miss me in a house

Children: - Do not miss until you hurt a long song

Children read open syllables with the letter to

Teacher: - And now miss?

Children: -No

Sing with us Short song

Children read closed syllables with the letter to

Ka, ko, ka, ki.

Open sounds


Letter in the sound house.

Teacher: - And now print the letter to and to the notebook

Exercises for the eye

We look closely, far

I stroke the eyelids we are easy

To the right, to the left will look

And quietly sit.

3. Hereby classes.

Teacher: Children that you have learned about.

Children: "We met with the sound to and the letter K. learned that the sound to - consonant. We learned to print the letter in the notebook in the cage.

Svetlana hasheva
Games in graduation

Games in graduation

Presentation of pedagogical experience "Guide to Gaming Activities"

Having Svetlana Nikolaevna

Teaching children of diploma, of course, obeys general laws, but is largely determined by the individuality of trainees (or students). And the teacher and parents are very important not to overload the "enlightenment stick". Otherwise, instead of the desired development, it is possible to obtain a completely reverse result: stable dislike for learning of any kind and disgust to the book, as a source of trouble. If we also do to learn something kids, then you can do it only in understandable and favorite forms - through the game and fairy tale.

It is the game that ensures the timely and full development of the preschooler. The child will grow up the game, ceases to be satisfied with it as the main occupation if he has mastered it with complex, deployed forms. Those children who have no gaming activities are usually not tested by the need for the transition of leading activities.

Unfortunately, in recent years, there has been a negative trend of the gradual care of the game of kindergarten. The game is displaced by educational activities. The early workload of children in kindergarten is leading to the fact that they are still before and earlier become small schoolchildren. It is welcomed by parents. But precisely because of this, the specificity of the preschool phase of the development of children, which turn into a reduced copy of adults is violated.

The main value of the game as the leading activities of children of preschool age is determined by the fact that:

First, the game forms the mental neoplasms of the child, the main of which is imagination;

Secondly, the identity of the child is developing and, most importantly, such quality is formed as arbitrary;

Thirdly, new activities are born - labor and training.

Known, and therefore seem clear expressions: figurative speech, figurative perception, figurative thinking. Fashionable teaching is not opening today. His forms have been working for centuries. In relation to senior preschoolers and younger schoolchildren - a figurative presentation of the material is generally the only way to study for them, as it consists of the age characteristics of their thinking. There are images external - those that pedagogics traditionally binds with "clarity", and there are images internal, which do not require (at least at the time of its presentation) of the auditorium, but still in demand by the child. These are fairy-tale images.

Tales relatively recently became the object of attention of scientists. First of the writers (XVIII century, and then - mythologists and folklorists (XIX century). And by the middle of the twentieth century, psychologists began to study them. And here it turned out that the action of fabulous texts was sent not so much on conscious perception, but for a subconscious assist. Children are because It is useful and important to tell the fairy tales that they carry powerful psychotherapeutic potential in themselves. Their appointment is to "feed the soul."

The child, as a rule, does not just listen to a fairy tale. He lives her. Such accommodation fairy tales may be associated with a return to the fabulous plot at the level of active child activity - drawing, modeling, games, theatrical action. This activity always carries a creative character for the child and serves to certainify his impressions resulting from a tale. Games according to famous fabulous plots are widely used in talentherapy and in the practice of role-playing organizers. Baby 5-6 years, due to their mental features, can fantasize the topic of fairy tales and play it "based on", but not ready to laugh at the fairy tale. The fairy tale for them is serious. For them, this is a complete, full reality.

In my classes, I usually use various "afflicting" fairy tales, which I heard somewhere, read (I jolly served to me a fabulous story Mikhail Rascatova "Missing letter"). And also it helps a lot of didactic games, such as games with letters, playing balls, various rebuses, riddles. I will give an example of some of them:

1. Games with letters.

Manual letters

Letters can be laid on the table, on the floor, on earth from ropes, matches, sticks, cones, pebbles, macaronin; "Draw a handful of sand or cereals, pouring a thin flowing of a paper toiletch. Such "man-made" letters can be inventing the relevant names: "Stone", "Forest", "Pasta", etc. Along the way, you can compose stories, who needed to use such signs.

Letter Labyrinth

Playing choose a leading. The driving laying on the floor letter from long thick ropes. This is a labyrinth. The remaining players at the signal are trying to pass the labyrinth and do not slip with the rope. The game becomes even more interesting if the labyrinth needs to go with closed eyes and guess which letter is posted. Wins the one who will not slip back from the rope and correctly calls the letter.

Dorisuy letter

The leading draws part of the letter and asks the rest, what letter he conceived. He who guesses, draws the letter. You can play on this game on paper on the board, on the asphalt, on the sand.

Lettering on the back(I love this game since childhood)

Play together. One player turns his back to the other, and that fingers "draws" the letter sign that needs to be guess on his back. If the letter is right, the players change roles.

In the same game you can play a group. Two are chosen. One turns his back to the rest of the playing. Another calls "scribes": manits someone from the group to someone who he charges to draw on the back of the first leading letter.

Letters upside down

Driving puts in front of a letter playing upside down. It is necessary to guess what is the letter. The game can be complicated if there will be several simultaneously the letters. And the most difficult level - when you need to read the word posted upside down.

Find the letter to the touch

Selects "Zhmurka", which shook eyes. In front of it lay out stencil letters made from cardboard. Among these letters, he should find the letter to the touch, which will call the leading.

The game has several degrees of complexity and various options.

You need to start with two letters, increasing their quantity.

House for sound

The teacher calls one-stroke words (poppy, mouth, crane, cheese, etc.). Children must recognize a vowel sound and raise the card with the letter denoting this sound.

The game acquires a "plenty" character, if two-four-four teams are formed from children who have mastered the rules. If any of the team members makes a mistake, he leaves from the game. You should also consider the time during which the playing picks up the letter from the set of cards. He who peers is also eliminated. The team wins, which during the time "Time" lost the smallest number of players.

2. Games with a ball

Come up with an offer

Objectives: Children learn to synthesize words in the proposal by selecting them in meaning. Development of speed of reaction, attention, creative imagination.

Children get up in a circle. The first participant throws a ball to a neighbor and says any word of the future sentence. Further, each child adds over the meaning of one word into this general offer. So you can come up with a whole story.

Boarding word

Walking throws the ball to the first child and says any syllable, the child, returning the ball, must come up with a word that begins with this syllable, and to name the remaining part of the invented word (Mo Tor). Next, the leading plays with each child.

Find a couple

Driving throws the ball to each (in turn) to the player and says any word, a child, returning the ball to the ball, says the word consonant with this (stick - rolling).

Games with prize chips They are widely known and use them, probably, all teachers, such as "name the word from this sound", the game chain "Find the last sound in the word and come up with him the word" etc.

Games and exercises that we can use in class is a great set. It is important to find among them those that are suitable for your children based on their characteristics of character, interests and opportunities.

For children of my group favorite games have become playing such games like

"Live Sounds" (every child represents one or another sound, standing in a row - they voiced the word,

"Conquest the peak along with the letter ..."(For the game it will take a drawing of the vertices of the mountains on which there are syllables (for example, PA, PA, PA, LA, LA). Children must come up with words that begin with the specified syllables and move in accordance with invented words (for example: Stick - pretend to be moving with a stick in hand, etc.).

"Spread the letter in the right order"

The game is aimed at training as the ability to distinguish with letters and auditory memory. All children are divided into two teams that are built on the start line. The lead calls a number of two or three vocal sounds, for example (O, (A, (E). Players (one of each command) on the signal run to the conditional place where the "bank" of cards with letters are located, choose the right and postpone The sequence named. The one who fulfilled the task faster and without errors, earns his team point.

The game can be complicated in different ways:

Driving calls any word, and players lay out the word;

Children deal with embossed letters and work with closed eyes. True, with closed eyes, playing will not be able to run, then every new pair first occupies a position at the table, where the sets of letters are decomposed, and starts working on the sound signal.

My children love to guess riddles about the letters, words. Solving funny rebuses.

All these games can be played both in class and free time be it kindergarten, street or house.

Thanks to the games and fairy tales, my children can:

To divide the words of any syllable structure in the indoor plan, to make a word from syllables;

Conduct analysis of words from 5-6 sounds;

Find a certain sound in the word, call the "neighbor" of this sound;

Differentiate vowels from consonant sounds, consonant sounds of hardness-softness;

Own a schematic analysis of the word;

Children of the 1st group are improving the reading skill, children of the 2nd group independently, meaningfully and confidently read by syllables

We continue to work on all listed.

And our goal now remains to improve the skill:

Determine the number and sequence of words in the proposal, allocate prepositions, unions and pronouns as independent words;

Make proposals, change the number of words in the proposal towards increasing and decreasing;

Own a sufficient lexic reserve;

Have sufficient development of phonderatic hearing and phonderatic perception, visual and auditory perception, attention;

Send the development of various forms of cognitive activity: logical and associative thinking, imagination, memory, motivation for learning;

Thanks for attention!