Medals to parents for raising children. The procedure for obtaining the Order of Parental Glory

Order of "Parental Glory" appeared among the awards of the Russian Federation in May 2008, it was proposed to revive the order of the Soviet era "Maternal Glory", but in a different form and statute, respectively, renaming it "Parental Glory". Awarded to Russian citizens, parents, mother and father, for merits in raising children and strengthening the institution of the family in Russian society.

Statute of the Order: One of the fundamental factors that are the basis for the award is the presence of at least four children in the family. And at the time of receipt, the fourth child must reach the age of three. At the same time, the healthy lifestyle and social responsibility of parents, their concern for the physical health, education, spiritual and moral development of children are necessarily taken into account. Among the awardees are also parents whose children have died, gone missing, received various wounds or injuries while in the military or civilian service. An indispensable condition for receiving an order for adoptive parents is the period of maintenance and upbringing of the adopted children. This period must be at least five years.

In 2010, the statute of the order was slightly changed. The changes affected the number of children in the family. Since 2010, the order can only be awarded to parents or adoptive parents who have at least seven children. The rest of the clauses of the statute were practically not changed.

At the same time, one of the parents receives a one-time cash incentive. The amount of this incentive in the period from 2008 to January 2013 was fifty thousand rubles. Currently, this amount has been increased to one hundred thousand rubles.

Features: Despite a fairly large number of families suitable for the status of possible awarded Order of "Parental Glory", getting it is quite problematic. The complexity of the issue lies in the fact that when contacting the social protection department with a request to consider the possibility of awarding a family with this order, it is necessary to collect a sufficiently large package of documents. This package should include characteristics in relation to the awarded family from co-workers of family members, from neighbors, teachers. When considering the issue, the success of the children of the family in their studies, work, creativity, sports will be taken into account. Such information will serve as an undoubted plus in the matter of a possible reward, but this does not mean at all that it will happen. The fact is that the number of people awarded is strictly limited. There is a kind of order for the regions. Every year the regions submit lists of families recommended for the award, and there should be no more than two such families from each region. Potential holders of the order are approved at the level of governors and, only after that, they go for final approval to the administration of the President of the Russian Federation. The plans for the awards include a figure of 100 families awarded throughout the year. Naturally, this figure requires clarification.

Appearance of the Order of "Parental Glory" and the rules for wearing it

The basis of the sign Order of "Parental Glory" is a wreath of laurel branches covered with green enamel, on which all the other details of the award are located. The first on the wreath is a silver gilded cross, made equal-pointed, expanding at the ends. The cross has a light blue color, and in its center there is a round, red medallion. The medallion bears the image of the State Emblem of the Russian Federation. In the corners between the ends of the cross, there are rays of golden color, which serve as the basis for the medallion. In general, the order in its heraldic basis is very similar to the insignia of the Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Princess Olga, established in 1914.

The badge of the order is made of silver with gilding, in several versions. The first option is a 70 mm “sign in a case”; the second option is a male sign and a female one, 40 mm in size, each; the third is a miniature copy of the order badge (13 mm), intended for everyday wear.

The first option does not involve wearing the order badge on clothing. Such a sign is kept in the home of the recipient in a special case. In this case, a metal plate in the form of a golden ribbon with an inscription on it is installed under the sign "Parental Glory".

The male insignia of the order includes a pentagonal shoe covered with a white ribbon with blue stripes. The block connects with the order sign through a metal ring and an eyelet at the top of the order. The female version of the Order badge assumes the absence of a shoe. Instead, a white ribbon with blue horizontal stripes is passed through the connecting ring. A miniature copy of the badge is made of metal with enamel and is used for everyday wear on clothes.

The badge of the order has a ribbon for wearing on the strap. The color of the ribbon is white with two narrow blue stripes. Wearing the insignia of the order is determined on the left side of the chest, below the insignia of special distinction and after the Order of Honor. In the case of wearing a non-uniform type of clothing, a ribbon of this order, made in the form of a rosette, or a miniature copy of the badge of this order, is used.

The first awards were made in January 2009. The awards were presented to several couples with many children from various regions of Russia. Moreover, among the awardees there were representatives of various religious confessions, which subsequently caused certain misunderstandings related to the form and symbolism of the order's sign. The main reason for these misunderstandings and misunderstandings was the cross depicted on the order. There were even proposals from the Muslim side to change the appearance of the order and give it a supra-confessional and supranational status.

The award was introduced by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 13.05.2008 N 775 and replaced the order of maternal glory. The main feature of the insignia is that it is awarded to both mother and father. There is no analogue of such an award.

The case, which is presented to the awarded parent, contains the insignia of the order, male and female insignia and miniature copies that can be pinned onto everyday clothes. The order itself should be worn on the left side of the chest.

The badge is made of silver and gilded. It is made in the form of a straight, equilateral cross. The ends are widened and folded at the sides. The order is covered with light blue paint on the front side. In the center of the award there is a round medallion painted with red enamel and in the center has a gilded figure of the coat of arms of the Russian Federation.

A certificate is issued for the Order of Parental Glory, in which its recipients are indicated. Since the award is personalized, you must provide a certificate to confirm ownership. If you lose the document, you must contact the social security authorities of the region.

Medal for the Order of Parental Glory

The legislator introduces an additional medal to the order. It is issued if there are at least 4 children in the family, the last of whom is 3 years old.

It is made of silver, covered with gilding and made in the form of a circle with a diameter of 32 mm. On the front side of the award there is a sign "Parental Glory", on the back - the inscription "For the upbringing of children", and under it - a number.

The medal is also made for both father and mother. Delivered in a case with identification documents.

But, despite the fact that this insignia also belongs to the state and the President of the Russian Federation is engaged in its delivery, no payments are made upon receipt. The federal legislator has not established any benefits either; however, regional authorities have the right to introduce preferences for persons who have received a medal.

Who can receive the Order of Parental Glory?

Families are eligible to receive the award:

  • married in the registry office (or a parent from an incomplete family);
  • having 7 or more children;
  • in which 7 children are 3 years old, and the rest of the children are alive;
  • carrying out education in accordance with the requirements of the laws of the Russian Federation.

For reference! Only citizens of the Russian Federation can apply for the award; other persons are not entitled to it. A prerequisite is that all family members reside in Russia. It is not uncommon for one of the children or parents to leave for permanent residence in another state. In this case, the award will be refused.

At the same time, a number of requirements are put forward, according to which the family:

  • leads a healthy lifestyle;
  • provides a decent level of education and upbringing;
  • ensures the harmonious development of the personality of children, etc.

Important! The total number of children should also include those who died or disappeared while defending the Fatherland, performing military or civic duty. But this fact must be confirmed by the relevant documents that are provided when submitting an application to social protection.

As for the adoptive parents, they have the right to apply for the award only if they have adequately participated in the upbringing of children for at least 5 years.

Another requirement is that neither parents nor children should break the law and be held accountable. We are talking about both an administrative violation and a criminal offense. In practice, the regional authorities check potential candidates rather thoroughly and even if, for example, the criminal record has been removed, the award still cannot be presented.

Benefits and payments for the order of parental glory

In accordance with which the order was established, one of the parents who were awarded is paid 100,000 rubles.

How are funds dispensed?

  • after the decree of the President of the Russian Federation on awarding the order was published, the authorized executive body of the subject must notify the married couple about this and tell about the procedure for receiving payment;
  • one of the parents (for example, a mother with many children) submits an application in which he indicates his full name, passport details and account number for transferring money.

In order for payments to be made on time, the authorized body transmits the list of awarded to the Ministry of Labor, for the latter to form an application for the allocation of funds.

No other benefits that are provided to recipients of the order are not provided for by federal law. However, in the regions, regulations may contain provisions stating that the holders of this award are potential labor veterans or recipients of a pension supplement.

For example, the city of Moscow has introduced its own distinctive sign "Parental Glory of the City of Moscow". Upon delivery, a payment is made in the amount of 125,000 rubles. and a family that is considered to have many children is subject to all the benefits provided for by the regulatory enactments of the subject.

How to get the Order of Parental Glory?

Applicants for the award must contact the social welfare authorities if their position meets the criteria outlined above. The algorithm is as follows:

  • the family collects all the necessary documents proving their situation and the presence of children and is sent to social protection to submit an application;
  • authorized persons examine the papers and, if necessary, request additional characteristics from the place of work, study, etc.;
  • all possible candidates are formed into a general list and submitted for approval to the head of the region;
  • then the list is sent to the plenipotentiary of the President of the Russian Federation in a particular district;
  • after receiving approval, either a submission addressed to the President is formed (if the head of the subject is endowed with such powers), or the list is sent to the Ministry of Labor;
  • the decision on awarding can be made only by the presidents of the Russian Federation and clothed in the form of a Decree.

For reference! The order is awarded once in a lifetime and cannot be replaced. It must be kept by the recipient.

The procedure for compiling lists of recipients is rather complicated and requires applicants to submit a large number of documents. It is necessary to convince authorized persons that the family really takes an active life position, leads a healthy lifestyle, takes part in various events and competitions. For this purpose, various characteristics, certificates, letters of thanks are requested.

There is an unspoken "order" for the order. From the region, as a rule, 2 candidates are presented, who must meet all the requirements stated by the legislator. That is, a family should not only have 7 children, but also provide them with a decent level of upbringing and education.

As a rule, the presentation of the award is timed to coincide with some significant event, for example, in 2017 it was done on 31.05 - in honor of the International Children's Day. It is awarded either by the President of the Russian Federation or by persons replacing him. If a parent cannot arrive at the designated place, he can receive the Order of Parental Glory in the region of residence.

Thus, the Order of Parental Glory belongs to state awards and is awarded to families with at least 7 children, and the last of them must be 3 years old at the time of the award. Together with the order, the family receives a payment of 100,000 rubles. The decision to award the insignia is made by the President of the Russian Federation and takes the form of a decree.

The Order of Parental Glory is still a fairly new award recently introduced in Russia, which allows you to receive certain benefits, as well as a lump sum payment. This order in the Russian Federation, classified as a top-level award, was established by the Decree of the Russian President in 2008.

The institution of the Order of Parental Glory was called upon to revive the previously abolished Order of Maternal Glory. Unlike the latter, a new Parental Glory award awarded at once to both parents with many children meeting certain, normatively established conditions.

This order is considered a very honorable award and is awarded annually to only two families from each Russian region. Nevertheless, the main reason why large families are trying to pass the difficult "competitive" selection and receive the Order of Parental Glory is, as a rule, the benefits provided by the state together with the award.

So, simultaneously with the issuance of the named order, parents who have been awarded an honorary award are immediately awarded the title of labor veteran. In addition, holders of the Order of Parental Glory are entitled to a one-time financial payment. Until 2013, the amount of the payment was 50,000 rubles, and since January 2013 it has been doubled by the Decree of the Russian President - up to 100,000 rubles.

In addition to the indicated amount of money, regional authorities may establish additional financial payments, as well as increases to the pension of parents with many children.

It is worth mentioning the tough selection of applicants for the award of the Order of Parental Glory, not to mention the final approval of the candidates. Firstly, a person applying for an honorary award, along with a decent cash payment, must meet certain conditions, which will be discussed below.

Secondly, even those parents who meet all the specified requirements and, at first glance, have the right to count on being awarded the Order of Parental Glory, may not receive it in reality. This is due to the strict annual selection of only two families from each constituent entity of the Russian Federation. Accordingly, not all families with children who are candidates and who have submitted an application to the social security authorities can be honored to become the owners of the honorary award.

Conditions for receiving the order

As already mentioned, applicants for the high award must meet a fairly decent number of conditions in order to apply for the award of the Order of Parental Glory.

Before submitting an appropriate request to the competent authorities for obtaining a parental order, you need to make sure whether the large family claiming the award and all associated benefits and financial payments fully complies with the conditions and parameters specified in the regulatory legal acts.

The main regulatory requirements of the state for applicant families are as follows:

  1. A large family applying for the Honorary Order of Parental Glory must have at least seven children. Initially, in 2008, when the President of the Russian Federation established the corresponding order, it was envisaged that this honorary award would be awarded to parents or adoptive parents raising four children or more. However, in 2010, the named conditions for awarding the order were changed towards stricter requirements for applicants, since there are too many families with four children in the Russian Federation. According to the rewarding rules introduced in 2010, the Order of Parental Glory is awarded to parents, adoptive parents with seven and a large number of children. When counting children in large families wishing to receive a high reward, both born and adopted children are taken into account.

    According to the normative rules, only living children are taken into account when calculating the number of children in a family. However, on an exceptional basis, children who died while on military duty are counted;

  2. A large family awarded the honor of possessing the Order of Parental Glory must be complete when the husband and wife have registered family relations and are living at the time of drawing up the relevant application and awarding in a legal marriage;
  3. At the time of the presentation of the order, the youngest child in a large family must be at least three years old;
  4. Members of a large family, including all children included in the count, must be Russian citizens. Foreign citizens do not have the right to be holders of the high award of Parental Glory, as well as stateless persons.

A family that meets all of these requirements must apply to the local social protection authority with an application for the award of the award.

The application must include a request from applicants to consider their candidacy for the award of an honorary parental order. Social security employees have the right to impose additional requirements for the collection of documentation that allows you to reduce the number of applicants. For example, they may require candidates to submit characteristics from work, from neighbors of the family, teachers of children, or documentation confirming that sanitary conditions in the place of residence of children meet all standards.

An additional advantage of candidates can be presented awards from children or parents of a large family, issued to them at the regional level for success in their studies, some field of science, in sports or creative endeavors.

The submission and registration of the relevant application to the social security authorities does not give the family guarantees to receive the Order of Parental Glory. As already mentioned, only 2 families in the region can become the owners of the award during the year, who are selected by the regional authorities from all the candidates who have applied. The final approval of candidacies is carried out personally by the Russian President.

The State Order of Parental Glory is classified as one of the highest awards. It was founded by decree of the President of Russia in 2008, as the successor of the Order of Maternal Glory, which has gone down in history. But, unlike their predecessor, both parents receive the Order of Parental Glory, who together are engaged in the upbringing of young citizens of a great country.

Order appearance

The badge of the Order of Parental Glory is placed in a case. Below you will see a thin metal plate, similar to a developing ribbon, with the inscription "Parental Glory" on it.

The badge of the order is made of metal (silver plus gilding). This is a cross with equal ends, with slightly narrowed in the central part, but widening at the edges, with rounded corners.

The front side has a pale blue enamel. In the middle of the cross there is a medallion in the form of a circle, painted with red enamel, which is bordered by a gilded border.

In the center of the medallion is the golden coat of arms of the Russian state. The cross seems to cover a rounded wreath of green laurel branches on top. The edges of the cross are connected by gilded rays emanating from the laurel wreath. His license plate is stamped on the back of the badge. The edges of the cross are 70 mm apart.

There are signs of the order for men and for the fair sex, which are worn at celebrations, as well as small copies for everyday clothes.

The order for men has a stock covered with a ribbon. White silk ribbon with two blue stripes. For the ladies, on the award sign, the ribbon was passed through a ring, laid in the form of a bow. On these signs, which are worn at celebrations, the ends of the cross are spaced 40 mm apart from each other.

Male and female insignia of the order

A ribbon is included with the award so that it can be placed on a strip with a width of 24 mm. For special occasions, there is a small copy of the award for the possibility of wearing it every day. The badge of the Order of Parental Glory is worn on the chest on the left, if there are more awards, it is behind the Order of Honor.

Conditions of awarding and statutory benefits

The order is a very important sign of honor and recognition of merit. The president annually awards them to two large families from each constituent entity of the federation. But in order to receive this honorary award, families must go through a rather difficult selection on a competitive basis. Below we list the criteria that should be met by a large cell of society, striving to be marked by "Parental Glory":

Applicant families who meet all of the above provisions can apply for awards to the social welfare office of their place of residence.

When collecting documents for the award, employees of the social security body may require additional documents confirming that the family is worthy of receiving a high order. All documents will have to prove that the small citizens of the country grew up and were brought up in an environment of love and care.

If children or parents have received any awards in the field of sports, arts or science - this will be an additional positive moment when considering candidates. First, the submitted applications are considered at the regional level. The final approval of candidacies is made by the President of the Russian Federation himself.

Along with the presentation of the order, a large family also receives financial assistance. V 2016 Nov. this cash payment, issued once, is an amount of 100 thousand rubles. Earlier, until 2013, this amount was significantly less and amounted to 50 thousand rubles. Other benefits to the holders of the Order of Parental Glory are not provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation. But at the level of regional authorities, other monetary subsidies and benefits to large families, as well as allowances to the pensions of parents of such families, may be considered.

Only a family of Russians living in the territory of the Russian Federation has the right to be awarded and receive the payments due to it, benefits.

Medal of the Order

Along with the Order, families raising several children receive another award from the hands of the President of the Russian Federation - the Medal of the Order of Parental Glory.

The medal, as an award sign of the Russian state, appeared in 2010 by presidential decree. She is celebrated for dad and mom (relatives and foster parents), caring for four or more young citizens (until 2010, they were given orders).

The medal can be received by parents of large families, subject to the following parameters:

The medal "Parental Glory" is made of metal (silver and gilding). It is presented in the form of a circle with a protruding edge, 32 mm in diameter. On the front of the medal there is a sign of the Order of Parental Glory. On the back, it is written: "FOR THE UPBRINGING OF CHILDREN", the license plate of the medal is also visible. All the details of the drawings are made in three-dimensional form.

Like the order, the medal has badges for dads and moms. The sign for men has a five-corner block covered with a white moire silk ribbon with blue stripes. The medal for women has a ribbon threaded through a ring and laid in the form of a bow. For dressing with a uniform, there is a placket tape.

Both awards "Parental Glory" are presented to parents of large families for outstanding achievements in the upbringing of a young shift. By 2016, more than 500 families were awarded the high award: 307 - received orders and 216 - medals.