Is it possible to swim in the cold sea. Water procedures in early pregnancy. Features of tanning in pregnant women

Bathing, swimming is useful for future mothers and their kids. In the early period of pregnancy, there are features of water procedures.

Is it possible to swim in the early period of pregnancy And how to do it right - questions that worries many future mothers. A detailed and accurate answer can only be given to your doctor who should start to be observed immediately as they found out that you are waiting for a child. Depending on the overall state of health, the characteristics of the organism and, most importantly, the course of pregnancy, the doctor will give recommendations that must be strictly observed.

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However, it is not necessary to think that the bathing can only harm. Water procedures, on the contrary, are very useful for future mothers who recently learned about what they are waiting for a child. The main thing is to swim correctly, observing the limitations recorded above and listening to your body.

In the event of unpleasant sensations, pain, gravity in the abdomen you need to immediately stop bathing and consult a doctor. If during swimming you feel comfortable, relaxed, you are pleasure, it means that you are doing everything right, bring the benefit of yourself and the child.

Shower and bath in early pregnancy

Warm shower can be taken 1-2 times a day for 10-20 minutes. It is better not to use gels, shampoos with a strong smell. The reaction to some flavoring component may occur unexpectedly, even if you do not have toxicosis. It should also be cautious about essential oils. If you did not use them before pregnancy, you do not need to start applying them now. If you have previously used oils and do not imagine water procedures without aromatherapy, make sure that your favorite compositions are not only allowed, but also recommended during pregnancy. Reduce twice the amount of oil and reduce the duration of the session.

In the early period of pregnancy you can take a bath 2-3 times a week for 10-15 minutes. It is best not to use any additives, but a weak chamomile infusion or a finished product with a neutral composition and a smell is not taken. You can take unsaturated coniferous baths, as well as use a small amount of sea salt.Radon, turpentine, mustard baths are categorically prohibited..

Ride on the sea in early pregnancy

Right rest on the sea It is very useful as a future mother and a croching, which is just beginning to develop. Sea air strengthens immunity, serves as a source of trace elements that. Bathing in seawater helps to relax, remove anxiety.

During the child's waiting, intensive physical exertion is not recommended, useful, good, unhurried sailing.Swim in the early period of pregnancy And you need, it strengthens muscles, serves as prevention of pain in the back ,. It is important to correctly calculate the load, it is impossible to overwork. The distance that you usually float should be reduced twice.

Mom's future, who recently learned about their new status, it is better to choose for a seafood while and a place in which there will be a minimum difference between air and water temperatures. Plan your trip so as to spend at least 10 days on the coast. Note, from 10:00 to 17:00 it is impossible. Breathe sea air, hiding under the awning, protect the head during bathing. In the morning and in the evening you can swim longer, and in the afternoon, when it is not recommended to be in the sun, restrict 10-15 minutes of swimming and time stay on the beach.

Remove the wet swimsuit and wear dry clothes to future mothers need. Even if you previously neglected this rule and did not find any negative consequences, now it is not worth doing this.

In general, bathing insea in early pregnancy It is recommended to all women who do not forbind the doctor. From resting on the coast, you need to refrain if you usually carry badly, literally overcome acclimatization. Heavy acclimatization can cause toxicosis that would otherwise have developed.

Visiting the pool in early pregnancy

Water gymnastics for future mothers helps to prepare muscles to childbirth, relieves anxiety.Pool during early pregnancy You can already visit the special, for future mothers, in which water is purified accordingly. This option can be found in a medical or sports center.

It is important to know how water is cleared in the pool. The best option is a daily change of water and cleaning with the help of ultraviolet about radiation, ionizing, ozonation. The large concentration of chlorine in water can cause skin irritation, which becomes more sensitive during the waiting for the child.

If you visited the pool to pregnancy, you can continue to do it there. If you usually did not go to the pool, it is better to make an aquatic gymnastics for pregnant women and attend only a swimming pool for future mothers.

Please pay attention to the public pools in popular resorts. From vacationers do not require a reference of health status, so water is purified by the most aggressive ways. The odor of the chlorine is masked by special means, the balms add to the water to prevent skin irritation. It should not be immersed in this chemical "cocktail".

So, on early pregnancy you can swim in the sea, you can go to the poolIf you are confident as its cleansing system. Future mom must make a hygienic soul daily, and, at will, - 2-3 times a week bath.

During pregnancy, women become very careful, fearing harm to their future kid. In the summer, a question arises in front of many future mothers: can they afford such seasonal joys like tan and swimming? This article will respond to these questions, dispel doubts and concerns the most responsible mothers.

Pregnancy and tanning

You may have heard about the dangers of ultraviolet radiations contained in the sun rays, and, while in the "interesting" position, decided to skip the beach season. You hurried! Do you know that there is a term "heliotherapy", which is translated from Greek, like SunComit?! Already in ancient Greece knew about the positive effect of solar baths, and in the XIX century, scientific works appeared describing the beneficial effects of sunlight. At the beginning of the last century, the Danish physiotherapist N. Finsen received the Nobel Prize for labor proving the benefit of "concentrated light radiation" in the treatment of some diseases, including the lupus.

Benefit from Zagar.

So what is so useful summer sun? You did not notice that a sunny day gives us a good mood? This is not a simple coincidence. Scientists and doctors proved - sun rays - a great antidepressant. A smile on the face of the future mother will benefit the little man inside her.

In addition, sunbathing accelerates metabolism, tissue exchange is particularly intensively; Enhance the immunity of women weakened by pregnancy, which means that the body is gaining strength to combat aggressive manifestations of the external environment. They also improve the work of the internal secretion glands, increase the amount of hemoglobin in the blood, which prevents the development of osteoporosis in pregnant women (osteoporosis is a disease associated with the thinning of bone tissue). Under the action of solar rays, the production of vitamin D increases, which is a recognized prevention of child rickets.

The tan is especially useful for pregnant women who lack sunlight in everyday life, for example, residents of the Northern Region. Heliotherapy will only benefit in the case of immunoconflict pregnancy.

Features of tanning in pregnant women

It should be known that during pregnancy, the tan lies much faster. This is due to the change in hormonal background: the level of estrogen increases, which causes more intensive formation of the pigment of melanin. The latter just gives our skin a chocolate shade when we are not in the sun. Consequently, future mothers need to be particularly careful approaching the rules of behavior on the beach to avoid possible complications.

Security rules for pregnant women

First of all, you need to know that the straight rays of the Sun are dangerous to you - hide under the beach umbrella or in the shade of the tree. And do not worry, ultraviolet and here will find, in other words, we will not leave without a tan.

If on the street above + 30 ºС, do not go to the beach. Do not sunbathe in hours when the sun is most actively, namely from 11.00 to 15.00. At this time, even in the shade, it is likely to overheat or get a burn.

Remember that during the heat of sand and pebbles warm up to 60 ºС, so it is better to stay on the chaise lounge. The head should be slightly raised.

If you alternate sunny baths with a swimming, then I mean: the time spent in the sea, river or pool, should be taken into account in the total time staying in the sun. The effect of ultraviolet radiation is actively in water.

When gathering on the beach, give preference to spacious clothes, passing the air, do not forget the sunglasses and be sure to put the headdress - the widescard is best suited.

Hygienic lipstick will protect your lips from drying and cracking.

Drink a lot of water - the constant replenishment of moisture in the body will save you from overheating and dehydration.

And, of course, use tanning creams. Choosing a cream or oil, pay attention to the factor - it should be at least 20. But it is better to give preference to the highest possible protection. Excess the composition of the acquired tool - it can include harmful substances that can absorb through the skin. Crever should be applied to the skin 30 minutes before coming to the beach, as well as every two hours and after each bathing. Returning from the beach, be sure to the cream and apply a moisturizing milk on the skin.

Possible complications

Failure to follow the safety rules during a tanning pregnant woman can cause serious complications. Too long staying on the beach under the scorching sun can lead to uterine bleeding, overheating and fainting (during pregnancy, the load on the heart increases), varicose veins (progresses under the influence of the sun), an increase in pigment spots on the face of a woman who appeared during pregnancy.

Pregnancy and swimming

Benefit from swimming

Favor from swimming during pregnancy is difficult to overestimate. In the water, the future mother acquires "DEVERY" lightness, water removes tension and fatigue, prevents the formation of edema. Water procedures perfectly support the tone, so they are very useful in varicose veins. During swimming, the breath and muscles of the whole body are trained, including the abdominal, which will certainly help you during childbirth. Despite all the listed advantages, do not forget to consult with your gynecologist - contraindications may be associated not so much with pregnancy as with the general state of your health.

We choose a water

It is worth carefully referring to the choice of a reservoir in which you are going to cool on a hot day. First of all, pay attention to its purity. It is no secret that through the skin there is a connection between the organism and the environment. In other words, through leather covers in the body can penetrate both useful and harmful substances contained in water. So, bathes in places that are not approved by epidemiologists, you have a chance to "pick up" the abdominal title, dysentery, gastric flu, viral hepatitis A, cholere, etc. In addition, the likelihood of infectious diseases of the skin, mucous membranes of the throat, ear , nose, eye.

Do not forget, the immunity of the future mother is weakened, so it is easier for it.

Travel to the sea during pregnancy

Separately, it is worth talking about the sea. Who would doubt the fact that sea baths do not represent dangers?! The way it is. Salts and trace elements contained in seawater penetrate the body and have a tonic and generalifying effects. It has been proven: marine water compared to fresh improves skin metabolic function by more than 25%. Sleeping in sea waves, you get a soft massage of the whole body as a pleasant bonus.

Nevertheless, it is necessary to take into account the specifics of bathing in a particular place. If the seabed is stony or covered with corals, buy special shoes to avoid abrasion and scratches. Find out in advance about the peculiarities of the sea fauna: a meeting with jellyfish and some poisonous fish can bring a lot of trouble.

Even if you do not decide to plunge into sea water because of, say, it is low temperatures or strong waves, wait when heat falls, and be sure to walk around the beach. The sea air has a positive effect on redox processes, blood pressure, the volume of circulating blood. And the noise of waves, the roaring of pebbles, the color of the sea will reassure and have a positive effect on your well-being.

Safety regulations

Do not go to the water, if it seemed to you cold. The supercooling can cause significant harm to your health. Remember, pregnant women are not recommended to dive into the water, the temperature of which is below 20 degrees.

Do not cry too much, serious physical exertion to you for nothing. If you feel fatigue, immediately come out of the water.

Even if you swim well and feel confident in water, do not swim too far. In pregnant women, the likelihood of seizures in water is somewhat higher, which is associated with a lack of calcium and squeezing the nerve endings.

To avoid possible cramps in the water will help you with a small warm-up on the shore - flexion and extension of legs, lifting on socks, as well as the rubbing of the calf muscles and feet.

Pregnancy is not a disease. To enjoy the summer - cry and sunburn, not forgetting about the precautions and features of your condition.

Hatching pregnancy and light birth!

Swimming is one of the most useful water procedures. It allows you to strengthen the body, saturate with oxygen, give the necessary physical exertion without the risk of damage to the joints and simply improve the mood. But not all women are shown swimming during pregnancy. The ladies in the early stages, as well as those who have a high tone of the uterus, strong toxicosis, increased blood pressure, complicated pregnancy, should wait until the birth of the baby.

Where is it better to swim pregnant?

To the choice of space for swimming women awaiting the appearance of the baby, it is worth considering special picklights. It is very important that the reservoir is with clean, ideally running water.

For bathing, pregnant is not suitable:

  • Standing water of ponds, overgrown with tina and algae - in such water, the simplest and bacteria are abundantly multiplied, capable of delivering a lot of health care.
  • Public beaches - a large cluster of people does not make water clean, not to mention the thrust and abundance of garbage.
  • Mountain rivers and water reservoirs with water temperature below +22 degrees Celsius - cool water can cause cramps and involuntary muscle spasms, as well as supercooling.
  • The beaches near urban effluents and industrial enterprises - toxic substances that are discharged into water are able to cause severe poisoning not only in pregnant women, but also from absolutely healthy people.
  • Ponds with an unknown face terrain - pit, sticking sticks and sharp stones can lead to tragedy.

Solving the question where you can swim pregnant, try to take into account all the requirements. Stay your choice on clean warm rivers with moderate flow. Forest lakes with transparent water will be a good option, as well as sea lagoons in mad weather.

Is it possible during pregnancy to swim in the sea?

One of the ideal opportunities for health promotion for future mothers is swimming in the sea during pregnancy.

The constant exchange of water masses provides sea beaches with clean water. The warm air of southern latitudes, saturated with salt water, has a beneficial effect on immunity and respiratory system. Swimming in the sea enhances metabolic processes and tones internal organs. Due to this, the risk of edema and gestosis is reduced, and blood is enriched with oxygen.

Answering the question whether it is possible to swim in the sea during pregnancy, obstetrics with confidence give a positive answer. The main thing is not to overdo and comply with the recommendations of your doctor.

Several rules when bathing during pregnancy

  • Going to the beach, take someone with me for the safety net.
  • Avoid heat. Select the morning or evening hours for swimming when the air temperature does not reach critical values. Try not to swim before 2 hours after meals.
  • Before entering the reservoir, make a light gymnastics. It will help heat the muscles and allow you to avoid cramps.
  • In the water, enter slowly so that the temperature difference and water is gradual.
  • Do not go deep, seizures of calf muscles is a very common phenomenon in pregnant women. Do not end the danger of yourself and your baby.
  • Do not too dilute. Increase the duration of water procedures is gradually, starting from 10 minutes and gradually aroused up to 30.
  • Try to leave the water before you feel fatigue. The feeling of exhaustion is a sign of a strong load on the heart.
  • Coming out of the water, immediately thoroughly laugh with a cotton towel to avoid hypothermia.
  • Watch your arterial pressure. His rise will say that the load is too intense for you.

Everything needs to be done with caution. This principle has a dominant value for future mothers. Not exception and bathing. Observe simple rules, be careful to your body, and swimming during pregnancy in the sea or some other reservoir will only bring positive results.

Pregnancy is an exciting and quiet months, perhaps the most unusual condition for a woman. The life of the future mother is changing, some habits have to be left in the name of the health of the baby, and some are strongly recommended to be purchased. It is clear that smoking is a negative habit from which you should get rid of, but the correct day of the day and the mandatory breakfast will only benefit. But what to do with the familiar water treatments that were before pregnancy, which of them will not harm health, and what should be postponed for a while? In our current article, we will consider the influence of the most common water procedures for pregnancy, which of them can be taken, and what you can not.

Shower during pregnancy

The shower is the main hygienic event that is available to pregnant and is not contraindicated on any time.
The shower can be applied locally, for intimate hygiene and lightweight breast and abdomen, or take a shared shower.
Cool shower is a shower with water temperature within 20-34 ° C, a cold shower, when the water temperature is less than 20 ° C, warm - 38-39 ° C, hot - 40 ° C and higher.

General soul rules for pregnant women:

1. No sharp contrast of water temperature. The contrasting shower is not the best way to refresh yourself and keep the skin in the tone. For the prevention of stretch marks in the later dates, a contrast shower is used to the area of \u200b\u200bthe abdomen, chest and hips in the form of alternating warm and cool water (not hot and cold, and even more than ice).

2. Soft water pressure. Too strong impact of the shower jet can provoke the hypertonus of the uterus, especially in combination with a contrasting shower.

3. Avoid too hot soul. When exposed to high water temperature, the vascular extension occurs, which can trigger fainting, especially in the earliest period of pregnancy and before childbirth.


Take shower 2 times a day,
- warm or moderately cool shower,
- Do not freeze after water procedures,
- The local shower to the area of \u200b\u200bthe legs in the form of alternation of warm and cool water has a beneficial effect in terms of prevention of varicose veins, the jet should be moderate strength and are directed from the bottom up, from the feet to the thighs.
- The procedure for taking the soul should not cause a sense of discomfort, nor in terms of temperature, no mechanical impact


In the presence of the following states, the shower must be as short as possible, and the temperature is close to the body temperature. In these cases, the hygienic function of the shower is performed and any temperature, mechanical and positional impact on the female organism is limited.

Threat of interrupting pregnancy or the threat of premature births
- Prelation of the placenta (thermal procedures are especially dangerous),
- early toxicosis of pregnant women, accompanied by dizziness, fainting,
- Pregnancy, leaking against the background of preeclampsia, gestational arterial hypertension (high water temperature can provoke sharp blood pressure jumps, which will aggravate the situation and can lead to sad consequences, both for the mother and for the fetus).

According to the testimony, Charcot shower can be appointed in the medical institution. For example, if a pregnant woman has a defeat of a spine of any nature (for example, the consequences of injury or congenital kifoscolyosis), and pregnancy provokes the appearance of back pain. Medical treatment for obvious reasons during pregnancy is strictly limited, therefore, non-smooth methods (massage, water procedures) are maximally used.

Bath with pregnancy

The adoption of the right bath will benefit the pregnant woman and her baby. The right bath must be:

With water temperature 37 - 39 s,
- Bathtub duration 15 - 20 minutes,
- There is a non-slip rug at the bottom of the bath (you can often meet such in the departments of children's products, then this accessory will be useful to you when bathing the baby and if there are elderly in the house that may slip),
- It is advisable to take a bath, while at home is not alone. You will know that if difficulty arises (the head will be spinning or it will be difficult to get up, especially in the late dates), then you can always call for help.
- the surface of the plumbing equipment (directly bath itself, cranes, tiles) must be thoroughly washed,
- Periodically, you can use the usual or sea salt as an additive (from 300 grams to 1 kg of salt to the full bath). Too often salt baths can not be taken, it is enough to 1 times in 1 - 2 weeks. The "sea" baths have a beneficial effect on the vessels (useful in varicose veins and venous insufficiency) and can help remove the uterine hypertonus. Note that everything that gets on the skin is absorbed into the overall bloodstream, and therefore, in a small amount, it gets to the baby, therefore foam and bath oil use it is undesirable, bath salts with additives and extracts too. Regarding the wrames of herbs added to the water, you must consult with your doctor. Vegetable preparations are far from innocuous additives, many herbs are contraindicated during pregnancy because they increase the bleeding or cause tone of the uterus.
Local baths can also be used. Foot baths can be cool, warm or contrasting (alternating cool and warm water), with the addition of cook or sea salt and self-massage mitten. Such procedures will help to remove the fatigue of the legs and will help a little to fight edema, especially if after the bath you will fly with an elevated foot end.

You can't smooth your feet!

As a struggle with the first signs of colds, use more gentle methods. Hot water strongly expands the vessels, at the time of use it can provoke a faint or dizziness, while also placental blood flow. In the remote period, the habit of soaring legs leads to venous insufficiency and swelling of legs.
You can use seating warm baths, if you are worried about hemorrhoids. In aggregate with specific treatment, regular seating baths will help to remove discomfort.

Taking a bath, immerse it in not completely, shoulders and the area of \u200b\u200bthe heart should be open.

This will prevent the organism overheating. The water temperature should be such that it can be comfortable to plunge face, the skin of the face is very sensitive and immediately signals the "incorrect" temperature.

Is it possible to the bath during pregnancy

The bath is a traditional Russian wellness procedure with which almost everyone is familiar. However, during pregnancy, it is necessary to carefully weigh all the pros and cons of this water treatment, before you go to the bath. The benefits of bathing procedures are indisputable:

All vessels are trained, the development of varicose veins and stretch marks is presented,
- Prevention of the development of feet edema,
- Positive effect on the vegetative nervous system, improved sleep, reduced anxiety, nervousness.

However, visiting the bath for the first time during pregnancy is categorically not recommended. Bath procedures can only be resolved by those ladies who are familiar with such thermal loads and often visited the bath to pregnancy.

Contraindications of baths during pregnancy:

1. First trimester. The placenta has not yet been formed, high temperature and humidity can lead to overlamps of vascular tone and provoke spontaneous miscarriage.
2. Hypertensive disease that existed to pregnancy or gestational arterial hypertension
For these diseases, it is undesirable to exposure to hot wet air, it leads to excessive extension of vessels and a faint can develop, hypertensive crisis and shortness of breath.
3. Pregnancy leaking against the background of the threat of interrupt or threat of premature births. A significant temperature difference can cause uterus hypertonus and vascular disorders in the placenta.
4. Preeclampsia. Moderate and short-term bathing procedures can propagate swelling, but not to treat already existing, especially if there is also an increase in blood pressure and \\ or the appearance of protein in the urine. Increased temperature is reflected on the kidney function, and if they suffer during pregnancy (in the development of preeclampsia, it always happens), then the benefits will not bring such events.
5. Acute inflammatory diseases. Contrary to popular belief, the bath and the steam room will not help with the developing ARVI or bronchitis. The warming of the body can help in the prevention of the disease, if a person is frozen or wet in the rain, but these measures are not for pregnant women!
6. Transferred operational interventions and oncological diseases.

As we see, contraindications for visiting the baths are more than cases when the benefits are guaranteed. If the pregnancy proceeds without complications, previously steamed and felt well (there were no dizziness and fainting in the bath), you have already passed the first trimester and your doctor is not against, then the bath in moderate temperature mode is not contraindicated.

Observe Precautions:

Always wear rubber slippers to prevent falling on slippery surface,
- Do not wet your head before visiting the steam room,
- Stand on a shelf towel or sheet,
- go to the pair for 1-2 minutes, it is better to make several goals than to fall in one coming,
- wear a special hat and remove all the decorations,
- Keep a bottle of cool water in the pre-tribbon (not ice!),
- To cool after the bath, it is enough to sit in a cool pre-tribades. Dive into the cold pool, take a contrasting shower or swim in the snow is completely not recommended!

Is it possible to the sauna during pregnancy

The sauna on the pros and cons is largely similar to the bath, but everything is done easier.

Dry sauna does not cause such an increased load on the blood system as a wet bath. Contraindications for visiting the sauna are the same as for a hike to a bath, as well as the presence of rashes on the skin and toxicosis, which is ongoing after 12 weeks. In any case, it should be consulted with an obstetrician - a gynecologist, whose opinion you trust and adhere to its recommendations.

Is it possible to swim in the pool during pregnancy

The physical activity for the future mother is necessary and very useful, but to play sports, do not perform unusual labor-intensive exercises. In your position, the load should be smooth, measured and dosed: walking, yoga for pregnant women, stretching and swimming in the pool.

Why are the sessions in the pool useful for pregnant women?

1. Water classes contribute to the smooth and uniform distribution of the load on the body, the muscles relax, eliminates the organism overheating during classes.
2. The bloodstream and lifting is activated, it is especially important for placental blood flow and lymphoottock from the lower limbs in the later dates, when most pregnant swells begin to appear.
3. Regular occupations of aquaaerobic for pregnant women will help to regulate the weight, for those who are inclined to excess weight this is especially important.
4. Improving blood circulation in lactic glands (due to the stimulating temperature and mechanical effects of water, as well as due to muscle activity) helps prevent problems with lactation after delivery.
5. Breathing training during occupations in water helps to adapt the future mother to the upcoming birth.

Pool visits features:

1. Attend public institutions or licensed private, which have positive work experience. You need to be confident in the sanitary and epidemic security of the pool. Pregnancy reduces woman's immunity and incident to the body infection can quickly develop to a clinically significant disease (for example, mushrooms in feet or nails). The pool should require the provision of certificates of the established form with the inspections of the dermatologist, the gynecologist and therapist.

2. Classes should be under the control of the coach. You can visit the pool on your own, simple swimming with different styles will also benefit you and help relieve tension in the muscles, but organized lesson with the coach in the group is much more efficient. Such classes are aimed at gradual training of all muscle groups for childbirth. It is possible to visit 1-2 group classes, and then you will repeat the complex yourself.

3. Proper equipment. Your former swimsuit may not be suitable due to an increase in the size of both breasts and hips and belly. We recommend purchasing a jammed swimsuit made of dense elastic fabric with wide straps, which are not crashed into the body and well support the chest, the elastic swimwear fabric should support the stomach, but not to squeeze it. The cap protects the hair from the effects of treated water. Ozonized or disinfected with ultraviolet water is less damaging effect on the hair than chlorinated, but no additional protection will prevent the hair.
Rubber slippers are necessary. The pool is always a wet and slippery floor to protect yourself from falling, use special non-slip shoes, it is sold in sports stores and you will come in handy for a long time.

4. Skin protection. Frequent stay in water dries any skin, and during pregnancy, the skin of some sites is also exposed to strong stretching. To protect the skin in front of the pool to the pool, take a shower with soft gels, it is better to use children's cosmetics (for example, Bubchen or Johnson's brands) or special cosmetics for pregnant women (for example, Mamacfort brands).
After water procedures, be sure to take a shower and use emollient creams and oils allowed for pregnant women. Double benefit will be if you use funds aimed at prevention of stretch marks (Mamakomfort, Vichy, Avent, Sanosan, Chiccomammadonna, Clarins, Bioterm, Witex for Mom, World of Childhood, Greenmama).

5. In the initial stages of classes, use auxiliary means (swimming boards, sticks or circles).

6. Visiting the pool should be about 3 times a week, such a number of classes is enough for improving well-being and will not give overwork. You can start with 1-2 lessons per week.

7. You need to visit the pool not on an empty stomach. Before leaving home, eat yogurt, cottage cheese, banana, etc. And be sure to take a snack with you, you will strain physically and spend calories, so after classes you need to eat.
As a useful snack, you can take a drinking yogurt drinking yogurt with me, homemade juices of fruits and vegetables (for example, a pumpkin apple, an apple banana, a pear apple and so on), nuts (a little, nuts are a very high calorie product, handful enough To satisfy hunger) or sweet fruits (pear, banana). Food recommendations should be correlated with individual restrictions. For example, in the presence of diabetes mellitus of any type, the frequent use of sweet fruits and juices is not recommended, with gastritis and other gastrointestinal problems do not need to drink juices on an empty stomach. Measure your doctor about what you can take with you. Pregnant need to eat often and fractionally, small portions. And considering the increased social activity (visits to courses, in the pool and in the gym, late care of the decree) Most food meals will occur at home.

Contraindications of pool visits:

1. The threat of interrupting pregnancy. The threat of interrupting pregnancy provides, in addition to hormonal and other medication, peace of patient. Any loads during this period worsen the forecast.
2. Blood allocations of obscure nature. The urgent consultation of the gynecologist is necessary.
3. Threatening premature birth or Eastic and cervical insufficiency. Physical exertion worsens the outlook forecast. And in the presence of seams on the cervix or the obstetric pessary installed, the likelihood of sex tract infection is also increasing.
4. Pronounced toxicosis in this pregnancy. Small phenomena of nausea can even ease during a relaxing swimming, but during vomiting, water classes are temporarily contraindicated.
5. The usual miscarriages in history. The relative limitation also serves as a pregnancy, which has come as a result of Eco. In these cases, water procedures and classes must be agreed with the attending physician.
6. In the period of acute infectious disease.
7. With hypertensive disorders. Arterial hypertension (gestational or chronic) or preeclampsia is a contraindication for loads, even in such a lightweight version.
8. Neurological diseases. Admission to classes should give an obstetrician-gynecologist after consulting the neurologist.
9. Vaginitis (Colpit) at the moment or recurrent colpit for real pregnancy. Inflammation in the vagina should be massacre and make sure that the disease does not hurt the course of pregnancy. Chlorinated water inevitably falls into the vagina, which causes dryness and vanity of the mucous membranes.
10. Other diseases. There are also rare contraindications to the classroom in the pool: some diseases of blood, suspicion of surgical pathology, skin and allergic diseases, psychological reasons (water-shades).

Bathing in open reservoirs

Swimming in the sea, river or lake is a pleasant summer entertainment, which is difficult to refuse even in such a reverent state, but can you swim there pregnant? Contraindications for bathing in open reservoirs are the same as for swimming in the pool. Precautions:

Control the water temperature. In medium latitudes, water warms up much later. For a safe bathing, it is necessary that the water is at least 22ºС, and the air is at least 25ºС. The water temperature can be found on the Internet, or using the aqueous thermometer.

Visit organized or well familiar places. You must be confident in the purity of the reservoir, its infectious safety and safety of the bottom. We repeat that pregnancy predisposes to a decrease in immunity, which means intestinal infections that can be transmitted to aqueous way much more dangerous than usual. The safety of the bottom implies that the bottom is smooth, without breaks, pits and or or or other sites, the danger is excluded to stumble, hit the big stones.

Each occasion to the water should be no more than 10 minutes.
- Do not overheat in the sun.
- Do not participate in active beach entertainment. Jumping with the ball and other outdoor activities in nature are not suitable for you, even if the tummy is not yet visible or it does not interfere with movements.
- Do not bathe alone. During pregnancy, such a phenomenon as convulsive readiness is widespread. The convulsions of the calf muscles occur even with those who have never come across it before. Cool water can provoke convulsions, especially dangerous if it happened away from the coast.

Self-help for cramps:
* The resulting seizure limb should be rectified as much as possible and pull the fingers of the foot on yourself
* pinch, scratch the nail area with a solidized muscle
* To breathe deeply, delay your breath, take the pose of "float", that is, press the legs to the body, grab their hands and lower the face into the water, and then pull the legs as much as possible.

Bathing in natural reservoirs is a more risky event than in the proven and disinfected water of the pool, so you will consider all possible contraindications and consult your doctor.

So that water procedures only benefit, listen to our recommendations and be sure to advise your obstetrician-gynecologist, because only the attending doctor is aware of all the nuances of the flow of your pregnancy. Watch yourself and be healthy!

During pregnancy, careful relationships even require water treatments. We are talking about both domestic bathing and visiting open reservoirs. Swimming strengthens the body and prepares a woman to the upcoming birth. And regular swimming trains a breathing system.

    Is it possible to swim pregnant?

    Scientists have proven that the finding of a pregnant woman in water favorably affects the process of proceeding. Swimming allows you to reduce the load on the spine and strengthen the muscleswithout harming the fetus. Doctors approve bathing. But there are nuances that need to be observed during water procedures.

    Swimming in open reservoirs implies a large cluster of people and hot weather. For violations of arterial pressure For a long time to be under the sun contraindicated. In the later dates it is necessary to show vigilance. The woman shifts the center of gravity. This increases the risk of falls that contribute Premature delivery.

    Before carrying out water procedures, it is advisable to analyze the environment. Not recommended to visit mass accumulations People alone. During swimming, you must focus on the following parameters:

    • water temperature;
    • duration of finding in water;
    • degree of purity;
    • state of a woman;
    • quality of the bottom and depth.

    IMPORTANT! To prevent cramps, it is necessary to make a warm-up before entering water.

    In the sea

    Sea water favorably affects a pregnant woman and her child. High salt concentration Protects infectious diseases from infection. Sea water is rich in great content of useful elements. They affect the quality of the skin, preventing the appearance of stretch marks.

    Before swimming in the sea, you must make sure there is no wound on the body. Salted water corrosive them, causing painful sensations. Bathing in the sea is useful for prevention varicose extension of veins. The composition of the water has a positive effect on blood circulation.

    In the river

    Swimming in the river brings many positive emotions, which is favorably reflected in the child. But in such a reservoir may be infected. To reduce the level of dangerThe future mother should adhere to the following rules:

    • You can not dive into the water with your head. Water getting into the nasopharynx and eyes can cause infectious diseases.
    • Closed paid beaches Preferably for bathing of pregnant women.
    • The transparency of water speaks of her purity. Muddy reservoirs should be avoided.
    • It is desirable to choose a reservoir with a sandy bottom.

    In the lake

    Tip! When visiting public beaches, it is necessary to keep water, a hat and sunglasses with you. This will avoid burns and dehydration.

    In the pool

    Swim in the pool More safely than in open reservoirs. Water contains a chlorine that prevents the reproduction of bacteria. Despite this, a woman needs to be careful. Slippers should be worn because there is a risk of getting infected fungal infections.

    There are courses for pregnant women aimed at strengthening the body and prepare for childbirth. They are held in the pools under the supervision of the instructor. For pregnant women, this is a great opportunity to have a pleasant time, having favorably affecting the baby. Classes allowed to visit on any position.

    In the bath

    Bath procedures eliminate the body from slags and normalize the operation of the respiratory system. Finding in the steam room eliminates the symptoms of toxicosis and improves blood circulation. Despite this, visiting the bath during pregnancy is undesirable. The temperature difference negatively affects the state of the woman. Before visiting the bath, you must consult with the attending physician.

    In hot sources

    Hot Springs - Excellent means for balancing the nervous system of a pregnant woman. They normalize metabolism and improve the appearance of the skin. Unique water composition The sources saturate the body with calcium, chrome, magnesium sodium and potassium. The negative points of visiting hot springs include high temperatures.

    On certificate! A good alternative to hot springs for a pregnant woman will be a visit to thermal waters with more comfortable temperatures.

    In the bathroom

    Bath adoption during pregnancy is undesirable. The negative impact on the fruit has both too cold and hot water. Achieve optimal temperature very difficult. During the procedure, you must use the anti-slip rug to avoid injury.

    Hot water negatively affects the state of pregnant. The water temperature should not exceed 37 degrees. Hot bath Provocates the tone of the uterus, which leads to the rejection of the fetus. The total duration of the adoption of the bath should not exceed 15 minutes.

    Cold bathincreases the risk of colds. To avoid hypothermia, it is necessary to periodically add hot water, as it is cooled. In the later dates from the adoption of the bath, you should refuse, replacing it with a cool shower.


    In some cases, swimming is completely prohibited during pregnancy. Such a ban substantially reduces the risk of miscarriage. Contraindications of water procedures include:

    • tone of the uterus;
    • a tendency to cramps;
    • blind of arterial pressure;
    • heart diseases;
    • the last 2-3 weeks of pregnancy.

    Features! During the battery of the child, the tan falls on the skin better. Long-term stay in the sun in the reservoir can lead to strong burns.

    When visiting aquatic water bodies, it is important to pay attention to the quality of water. It should be the most clean, not having extraneous inclusions. The optimal temperature is not higher than 37 degrees. Most suitable Depth of the reservoir - Not higher than the growth of pregnant. Nearby should always be a close person, ready to help at any time.

    There is an opinion that any contact with water eliminates negative energy. It is very useful for a pregnant state. But do not forget about the danger that accompanies bathing process. The future mother should have appropriate skills to avoid unforeseen situations.