My grandmother's sister's husband. Big relatives: how to name your wife's sister's husband

A couple of hundred years ago, when cities were just beginning to rebuild, people lived in small villages. The world was kinder and the people friendlier. Holidays were celebrated for several days. Close and distant relatives, neighbors and friends, in general, the whole village, gathered at a richly set table. We walked in a big way: songs, dances, competitions. In a word - the holidays were a success!

Forgotten values

Time passed. Rapidly developing cities swallowed up modest villages and turned into stone jungles. Life has changed - and human values ​​have changed. The endless whirlwind drives forward - higher, faster, stronger, richer ...

In a series of events, the tradition of gathering in a huge and friendly company gradually faded away. Holidays are celebrated in a narrow circle, people often do not communicate with distant relatives, do not know the name of the sister's husband, do not know their godparents. True friendship and the value of family ties have gradually lost their original meaning.

Maybe we should stop? Catch your breath, look around you, analyze your life? After all, money, a car and gold bars in a bank cell are not the main thing! They will not warm you with warmth and will not sympathize with trouble. A person's main treasure is his family and friends. So let's first remember who is who in it. Because in fact, few people know how the wife's brother is called and what the sister's husband is called. Determining who is who is difficult enough, and therefore interesting. Let's start from the very beginning - with the wedding.

Rites from the last century

Previously, the wedding was celebrated for a whole week, and before it all sorts of pre-wedding ceremonies were held, for example, a bride (the second name is matchmaking). It was an obligatory tradition that was strictly followed from generation to generation. In addition, each new relative had its own "position", and even small children knew what the sister's husband was called.

The bride is a ceremony divided into two stages, the main character of which was the invited matchmaker. The bridegroom was held between the groom, the bride and her parents.

The first stage is the acquaintance of young people with each other according to the game scenario, with jokes, jokes and sayings.

The second stage was a stormy bidding between the matchmaker and the father of the future newlywed for the opportunity for the groom to marry his girlfriend. Persuasions, praises to the groom, promises of unearthly happiness and a comfortable life to the bride were used. All this was backed up by a hard-earned coin and other material values ​​of those years.
After that, they agreed on the day of the wedding feast and began to prepare for it.

So they called him son-in-law

And although the days of Smotrin have long passed, the wedding in our reality remains one of the most long-awaited and beloved holidays.

Those lucky ones who have a sister gladly accept the news of the upcoming marriage of their own man. Long preparation, dress, gifts, toastmaster, musicians, restaurant - all efforts are given to ensure that the celebration is a success!

And now an exciting moment came, my sister became a married lady, and a new relative appeared in the family. For the parents, the husband of his own sister became a son-in-law, and for him they became his father-in-law and mother-in-law. The most surprising thing is that when asking who the husband of a sister is to a sister, the answer surprises: it turns out, like the parents of a young wife, are also a son-in-law! It is not known for certain why this is so, but it does not matter. The main thing is that it is now clear what the sister's husband is called.

Native blood is the most precious thing

Love is love, but the bonds of blood bind stronger than any vows and promises. And if happy newlyweds have brothers and sisters, it is worth knowing who to call them. And even if the address to a loved one by your halves - "husband's brother" or "wife's sister" - has become natural, it is still worth finding out what they were called many years ago.

So, the husband's brother was called “brother-in-law” by the wife, and he, in turn, called her “daughter-in-law”. The husband’s sister was “sister-in-law” for the wife, and the sister called the brother’s wife “daughter-in-law”. In order not to get completely confused in the jungle of kinship, you should familiarize yourself with a convenient list.

Parents of the newlyweds:

  • mother-in-law and father-in-law - husband's mother and father;
  • father-in-law and mother-in-law - dad and mom of the wife;
  • the parents of the young are matchmakers to each other.

Brothers and sisters of the newlyweds:

  • the husband's brother is a brother-in-law;
  • the brother of the wife is the brother-in-law;
  • the husband's own sister is a sister-in-law;
  • the wife's sister is a sister-in-law.

Husbands and wives of young brothers and sisters:

  1. The husband of the newlywed's sister is a son-in-law.
  2. The wife of the husband's brother is a daughter-in-law.
  3. The wives of two siblings are daughters-in-law for each other.
  4. And who is the sister's husband to the wife's husband? They are brother-in-law among themselves.
  5. The husbands of the cousins ​​are cousins-in-law.

Children of the newlyweds:

  1. The daughter of a sister or brother is a niece, a son is a nephew, and among themselves they are cousins.

From the past to the present

It is now fashionable to celebrate weddings as pompously as possible. Luxurious cars, a snow-white bridal limousine, an expensive restaurant and a popular toastmaster.
It's certainly beautiful, but ... unoriginal. Maybe you should surprise everyone by arranging a wedding with Old Russian rituals? Naturally, adapting them to our reality. You can arrange a noisy matchmaking, and the wedding itself is in the traditional Old Russian style.

Change the limousine with three horses, and call all relatives after marriage as it was customary for our ancestors. Then the wife's brother will become her husband's brother-in-law, the sister-in-law's husband will be called her son-in-law, and all the guests will find out who the sister's husband is to the wife's husband: brother-in-law! And it may well be that after such an unusual wedding, time will turn back - forgotten traditions will return, and people will become kinder and happier ...

As soon as a man and a woman enter into a legal marriage, each spouse has numerous relatives on the other side. Of course, a big friendly family is one of the most important values ​​in the life of every person. However, very often family relationships are so confusing that it takes a lot of effort to sort everything out and logically get to the very essence of family ties. For example, what is the name of your brother’s wife or who is your father’s sister’s husband’s husband’s cousin?

What is the task of genealogy

Most of the difficulty in understanding the name of the brother's wife lies in the overly complex names of the relationship itself. Genealogy has several tens and hundreds of terms that designate certain family relationships.

But this is its peculiarity, because genealogy keeps in itself a huge power that came to us from our ancestors, which not every nation can boast of. The family is a small planet where people are connected by invisible threads that support them throughout their lives.

Why Family Ties Are Important

Unfortunately, today the meaning of the term “family” has significantly weakened. Many are guided by this logic: it is better to live alone and be responsible only for yourself - this way there will be fewer problems. However, in this case, an important component of not only the family, but also the whole generation is lost.

The fact is that family ties help a person feel much more confident and feel like a full-fledged link in society. Also, the achievements of relatives give additional motivation to grow and not fall below their level. This is another reason to achieve what you want.

In addition, positive genes can be passed on to offspring for as many as four generations! This also makes you proud of your family ties and try to maintain good relations with all of your many relatives by blood and marriage.

That is why it is so important to know the name of the sister of the brother's wife, and to be, in principle, more attentive to your family ties.

Three types of relationship

Genealogists argue that people can be related to each other by one of three types or blood - this is the closest type of relationship, inherent - by marriage - and unrelated.

Blood relatives are those who have common parents. They have many similar characteristics among themselves: character, appearance, behavior and temperament. Father, mother, daughter, son have the closest family ties.

Property relations are established between relatives on the part of the bride and groom, and subsequently between husband and wife. Below you will find the answer to the question of the name of the brother's wife.

People who are connected by one rite have an unrelated and spiritual connection. For example, a woman can become a godmother, and a man can become a godfather only after the child is baptized.

Who is to whom by blood relationship

Blood relatives can cross over many different family lines. Thus, it is believed that the most distant relatives may be five-cousins, six-cousins, and even seven-cousins ​​uncles, aunts, brothers, sisters, etc. This means that relatives are related by great-great-great-grandfather, great-great-great-grandfather or great-great-great-great-grandfather, respectively.

Just imagine how deep and rich the science of genealogy is! She can understand such intricate and unattainable, at first glance, connections to the human mind.

Relatives by intimate relationship

The most difficult thing is to figure out the name of the wife of my mother's cousin, etc.

So, your husband's sister is your sister-in-law. Sometimes the sister-in-law can also be the wife of a sibling. The wife of a cousin is called a bro. The mother-in-law (daughter-in-law) is the wife of the brother-in-law, and the sister-in-law is the wife's sister.

The most important and dear relatives for a daughter-in-law on her husband's side are the father-in-law and mother-in-law, who are the father and mother of the husband.

For a young husband, the wife's parents are also newly acquired relatives - father-in-law and mother-in-law.

Despite numerous anecdotes that the mother-in-law is constantly tyrannizing her son-in-law, and the mother-in-law is fighting with her daughter-in-law, the young couple should be the first to make concessions and try to arrange a warm microclimate in the family. This is the guarantee of a safe and comfortable family life.

What is the name of my brother's wife? The answer to this question is ambiguous. Definitely, she is called the daughter-in-law, but the son's wife is called the same, so you should not be surprised that you and your parents will call your brother's wife daughter-in-law.

Unrelated relationship terms

Among unrelated relationships, there are also many terms. People who have performed a certain secret religious ceremony enter into an unrelated relationship. For example, when two men or young people exchange crosses, they become godbrothers to each other.

If two women or girls perform this rite, then their relationship also becomes unrelated - they are godsisters to each other.

A person who participates in the infant baptism ceremony also becomes a godfather or godmother, depending on gender. At the same time, the parents of a baptized child in relation to the godfather or godmother become godfathers.

A woman can acquire the status of a mother by taking care of someone else's child. In this case, she becomes the named mother. A man, by analogy, becomes a named father.

Now you know the name of your cousin's wife and you can distinguish between all your relatives.

Knowing your blood and blood ties is very important. After all, close people are always ready to support in difficult times and help when the situation seems hopeless.

When we get married or get married, our relatives immediately double in number. And all are called somehow. You can't remember it right away. No, well, you can't confuse your mother-in-law with anyone! But we’ll deal with the rest now ...

New relatives of the wife (bride)

Mother-in-law- this is the husband's mother. For the mother-in-law - the wife of her son will daughter-in-law.

Father-in-law- this is the husband's father. For the father-in-law - his son's wife will daughter-in-law.

Sister-in-law- this is her husband's sister. For the sister-in-law, her brother's wife will daughter-in-law.

Brother-in-law- this is the husband's brother. For the brother-in-law, his brother's wife will daughter-in-law.

New relatives of the husband (groom)

Mother-in-law- this is the wife's mother. For a mother-in-law, her daughter's husband will son-in-law.

Who is the father-in-law

Father-in-law- this is the wife's father. For the father-in-law, as for the mother-in-law, the husband of their daughter - son-in-law.

Brother-in-law- this is the brother of the wife. For his brother-in-law, his sister's husband, as well as for his parents - son-in-law.

Sister-in-law- this is the wife's sister. For the sister-in-law, as well as for the brother-in-law, the husband of their sister will son-in-law.

New family ties between the parents of the bride and groom

Svatya- this is the mother of one of the spouses for the parents of the other spouse.

Matchmaker- the father of one of the spouses for the parents of the other spouse.

Brother-in-law- this is the husband of one sister in relation to the husband of another. In-law is also called any family ties between people who are not in close relationship.

Who are the godfathers

Kum and godfather- godfather and mother, but not for the godson, but among themselves and in relation to the parents and relatives of the godson.

Other relatives

All other relatives of your husband / wife will be named for you the same as for him / her. If your husband has a niece, she remains a niece for you. And you will be her uncle's wife for her.

  1. Husband (spouse)- a man in relation to a woman with whom he is married
  2. Wife (spouse)- a woman in relation to a man with whom she is married. Married woman.
  3. Father-in-law- wife's father
  4. Mother-in-law- wife's mother
  5. Father-in-law- husband's father
  6. Mother-in-law- husband's mother
  7. Brother-in-law- Brother husband
  8. Brother-in-law- brother-in-law
  9. Sister-in-law- husband's sister
  10. Brother-in-law- husband of sister-in-law
  11. Sister-in-law- wife's sister
  12. Son-in-law- daughter's husband, sister's husband, sister-in-law's husband
  13. Daughter-in-law- the wife of a brother, the wife of a son for his mother, the wife of one brother in relation to the wife of another brother; also used instead of daughter-in-law, sister-in-law, sister-in-law
  14. Daughter-in-law- son's wife in relation to father
  15. Matchmaker- the father of one of the spouses in relation to the parents of the other
  16. Svatya- the mother of one of the spouses in relation to the parents of the other
  17. Grandfather (grandfather)- the father of the father or mother.
  18. Grandmother (grandmother)- the mother of the father or mother.
  19. Great uncle- the uncle of the father or mother.
  20. Great-aunt- the aunt of the father or mother.
  21. Grandson, granddaughter)- a son (daughter) of a daughter or son in relation to a grandfather or grandmother. Accordingly, a great-uncle (granddaughter) is a son (daughter) of a nephew or niece.
  22. Great-nephew (niece)- the grandson (granddaughter) of a brother or sister.
  23. Uncle (uncle, uncle)- the brother of the father or mother, the husband of the aunt.
  24. Aunt (aunt, auntie)- the sister of the father or mother in relation to the nephews. Uncle's wife in relation to his nephews.
  25. Nephew niece)- the son (daughter) of a brother or sister (relatives, cousins, second cousins). Accordingly, the child of a cousin (sister) is a first cousin, and a second cousin (sister) is a second cousin.
  26. Universities (brother, sister)- having a common mother.
  27. Consanguineous (brother, sister)- having a common father, but different mothers.
  28. Consolidated (brother, sister)- who are brother (sister) by stepfather or stepmother.
  29. Cousin- the son of his own uncle or aunt.
  30. Cousin- the daughter of an uncle or aunt.
  31. Second cousin- the son of a great-uncle or great-aunt.
  32. Second cousin- the daughter of a great-uncle or great-aunt.
  33. Kum, godfather- godfather and mother in relation to the godson's parents and to each other.
  34. Stepfather- the husband of a mother in relation to her children from another marriage, a step father.
  35. Stepmother- the wife of a father in relation to his children from another marriage, a step mother.
  36. Stepson- the step-son of one of the spouses, belonging to the relatives of the other spouse.
  37. Stepdaughter- a step-daughter of one of the spouses who comes to another spouse.
  38. Foster father (mother)- adopted, adopted someone.
  39. Adopted son (daughter)- adopted children, adopted by someone.
  40. Adoptive son-in-law (primak)- a son-in-law adopted into his wife's family, living in his wife's house.
  41. Widower- the man whose wife died.
  42. Widow- a woman whose husband died.
  43. Twinned- brothers, mostly cousins, friends who happened to help each other out in difficult times.

Families are not as big as they used to be. It is enough to know who the grandchildren, nephews, grandmothers, grandfathers, and cousins ​​are. And all the rest are simply called relatives. But unlike other languages, Russian is not greedy, it has its own name for everyone. It is not easy to thoroughly figure out who belongs to whom of the relatives, and if the relatives of one of the spouses have also been added, then it will take a couple of days to remember. To facilitate this process, www ..

Names of blood relatives

Before moving on to the names of future relatives, first it is worth figuring out who is to whom and by whom in his family. There are several degrees of kinship, they consider from the first to the sixth, since then the ties become too distant. So, the degrees are in descending order:

  1. Father - son / daughter, mother - son / daughter.
  2. Grandfather / grandmother - grandchildren.
  3. Great-grandfather / great-grandmother - great-grandchildren, uncles / aunts - nephews.
  4. A cousin / brother, great aunt / grandfather - great nephews / nieces.
  5. Cousins ​​/ aunts are great cousins ​​/ nieces.
  6. Second cousins ​​and brothers.

Brothers / sisters of the mother or father, as well as their spouses, are called uncles / aunts, but wives and husbands are, of course, not blood relatives. There is also the concept of great and small uncles / aunts. The first was the sister and brother of the grandfather / grandmother, and the second - the father / mother. Now they are simply called great-uncles / grandparents and great-uncles / aunts.

It's just that nephews are children of brothers / sisters, grand-nephews, respectively, their grandchildren. But grandchildren are also called any second cousins. Cousins ​​today are often called cousins ​​and cousins ​​in the Western manner and have completely forgotten their old Russian names - sister and bro. Although the latter is popular in certain youth circles, it does not imply consanguinity. By the way, if you are thinking about how to distribute responsibilities at a wedding, then keep in mind that everyone can be involved in organizing the celebration, even people of the sixth degree of kinship, if, of course, you are familiar with them.

The rite of baptism is important for many families, it is believed that the sooner it is done, the better. Therefore, as a rule, a child already in the first year of life has new relatives, and what are the names of the relatives who came to the family in this case, we all know well - godparents, among themselves and in relation to the child's parents, they are considered godfather and godfather. The godson and goddaughter, respectively, the girl and boy they baptized. Further, the word godfather (godmother) is added to all relatives from this side. But the cross brothers or sisters have a different meaning. This is the name of the people who exchanged their own crosses. In addition to godparents, there may also be planted parents. This is the name of those who replace their father and mother at the wedding ceremony.

Not blood, but close

There are cases when people who are not related by blood become a family, for example, when a man and a woman marry with children from previous marriages, or spouses adopt a child. In this case, family members will be called:

  • stepmother is a stepmother,
  • stepfather is a stepfather,
  • stepson is a step-son,
  • stepdaughter is a stepdaughter,
  • named son - adopted,
  • named daughter - adopted,
  • named mother and father are adoptive parents,
  • stepbrothers and sisters - natural and step children among themselves.

Also, people whose names can be found more often in films and books than in reality can be classified as non-native, but close ones:

  • dairy mother - a woman who nursed a step-child in relation to him,
  • foster brother or sister - children who are not native to each other, fed by one woman,
  • uncle, mother - a man or woman who looks after the child and brings up him, today better known as nannies and nannies.

Relationship by property or who is who after the wedding

As soon as the young people officially became husband and wife, the number of family ties of each of them multiplied by two. And it would be good to know what the relatives you have just acquired are called, because in many families it is still customary to address each other according to a long-established tradition. Let's figure out who is to whom and by whom after the wedding.

Husband, wife and their parents

Everything is simple here, the names of the mothers and fathers of the spouses are widely known today and are still actively used. The wife's parents are father-in-law and mother-in-law, the husband's parents are father-in-law and mother-in-law. Among themselves, fathers are matchmakers, and mothers are matchmakers. And they were called that because it was with their participation that the bride's matchmaking ceremony took place. After the wedding, the wife receives the status of daughter-in-law or daughter-in-law (for the husband's father), and the husband - son-in-law. It is interesting that in Russian there is a special word for a husband who settled with his wife's parents - primak. Previously, this was not accepted, apparently, that is why popular rumor singled out such husbands.

Brothers and sisters of young people with spouses

The brother and sister of the husband, respectively, are called brother-in-law and sister-in-law, and the brother and sister of the wife are called brother-in-law and sister-in-law. The speakers of the Eastern European dialect also call the brothers on both sides Schwager.

As for the brothers' wives, their names and who they are to each other, the Russian language did not skimp on names. There are more of them than for any other relatives - yatrovki, intercourse, and in some regions, like the husband's sister, they have the name of sister-in-law. Accordingly, the wives of brothers in relation to each other are also called.