What payments is a pregnant woman entitled to. Who is eligible for payments. Additional payments due to the wives of military personnel

When studying the question of what payments are due, which continue to work in 2019, it must be borne in mind that one part can be paid only before the date of birth, the other part only after the birth of the baby. This article will help you understand this rather popular question.

Women who are expecting a child, but continue to work, have every right to the following monetary types of state support.

One-time allowance for women registered early in pregnancy

To get this help, you need to prepare these documents:

Application of a woman who is insured;
a special sheet that confirms the incapacity for work;
information or a certificate that indicates that the woman was registered at an early date.

For women who got up before twelve weeks, they can count on a one-time payment, the amount of which today is 576 Russian rubles. This amount of funds receives a new indexing every year. All this is paid to women along with other forms of benefits.

Benefits to women for pregnancy and childbirth

Social benefits are rightfully considered the most impressive. They can only be issued, which is discharged at the institution of the antenatal clinic.

In order to receive this benefit you need to have:

A statement by a woman who is insured about the desire to receive this payment;
a sheet that confirms the incapacity for work.

This type of assistance can be paid from the Social Insurance Fund, and can also be calculated from all types of income funds for two full calendar years. This period precedes the receipt of parental leave, for which it is necessary to calculate contributions to the Fund. But it is important to bear in mind that not for every calendar days that fall on:

The time when temporary inability to work lasts, also leave to care for a baby;
periods that release employees from work activities while maintaining the amount of salary, in full or in part. In addition, if there are no contributions to the FSS for a given time period.

27,455 Russian rubles is the minimum amount for women in the Russian Federation.

Lump sum at birth

15 382 Russian rubles at the moment is the amount that is. Depending on the region or subject, this amount may vary. In addition, the amount can be increased for women who are military wives. State monetary support can be paid at the woman's main place of work. This social benefit is due for every child born.

In order to receive this social payment, it is necessary to collect the following documents:

Statement of the expectant mother;
certificate of the appearance of the baby;
certificate with information from the place of work of the child's father that he did not receive benefits;
if the expectant mother divorced her husband, then it is necessary to provide a certificate of divorce.

Monthly child care allowance

For one and a half years, women who have an official place of employment can receive a special allowance every month. Its amount is deducted from the official salary. This is forty percent of the salary, in addition, it must be at least forty percent of. This allowance can be 5 768 Russian rubles and 19 855.

Until the child turns three, the mother has the right to receive this allowance every month. Today the official amount of state aid is fifty rubles. But in some regions it increases to two thousand Russian rubles.

To receive this benefit, you must have the following documentation:

Application of the woman who is insured;
provide a copy of the order that the expectant mother is granted parental leave;
there must be a copy of the certificate of the birth of the baby, which must be certified by the head;
if this is not the first child, then it is imperative to provide copies of all certificates of the appearance of the previous baby;
it is also very important to get information from the dad's place of employment that he is no longer on leave to care for the baby, and that he has no longer received social benefits;
information that the parents did not use this type of state support. To do this, you need to provide a special certificate.

Is it possible for future mothers to work

At the thirtieth week, the woman officially goes on maternity leave. But it is important to remember that it officially begins with the provision of sick leave, which was issued by the antenatal clinic. But not every woman can immediately go on vacation, especially when it comes to money. Continuing employment is not prohibited by Russian law. But in this case, the mother must choose between salary and this benefit.

It is important to remember that social assistance is charged in the amount of one hundred percent of the average salary for two years, this is the main difference from the sick leave. It is for this reason that it is very profitable to refuse payments to those expectant mothers who receive official wages in a small amount, and receive the rest of the money unofficially.

Registration of benefits and assistance for pregnancy and childbirth

It is very important to remember that this benefit can only be received by officially employed women. They can also include women who work part-time, they are also entitled to a payment if they are officially employed. But if a citizen of the Russian Federation does not work under an employment contract, then she completely loses the right to receive this benefit and payments.

In addition, if a Russian citizen has several official jobs, then she has every right to apply for a social allowance for each job. This became possible if contributions to the social insurance fund were transferred from each place.

As soon as the baby's mother decided to go to work, she completely refuses all social benefits that are due to her. But when a woman starts working, but the working day is not full, then she can receive payments.

Many people think that only the mother of the child can receive the allowance. But this is far from the case, even a grandmother can receive the allowance. To do this, you need to draw up all the relevant documents in the name of the person who will actually take care of the baby.

Many women, even at the stage of planning the conception of a child, are concerned with the issue of the order, size of social benefits and benefits associated with pregnancy. Among the benefits for pregnant women in 2019, there are only several types of payments. They are all divided into three large groups:

  • labor benefits;
  • benefits for non-working pregnant women;
  • medical benefits.

What benefits are laid for pregnant women in 2019 among all these areas, every expectant mother should know.

Labor benefits at work for pregnant women in 2019

Labor benefits for pregnant women 2018 are primarily aimed at easing working conditions, which contributes to the healthy bearing of a child. The Labor Code of the Russian Federation provides many benefits to pregnant women. If the expectant mother wishes, if it becomes difficult for her to cope with her professional duties, the employer is obliged to reduce production rates or transfer to another place of work, where the influence of harmful factors is excluded. Under such conditions, the woman retains both the position and the wages that were before pregnancy.

In Russia, there are also some types of prohibited work for women who are expecting a baby. Such work includes places where a woman, due to her professional duties, is forced to lift weights over 5 kg, where there are night shifts and there is contact with toxic substances.

The legislation of the Russian Federation provides for the change of a pregnant woman's occupation during piecework, assembly line work, on weekends and holidays, with frequent business trips. Also, among the factors that require a change in occupation is the occurrence of discomfort during the performance of official duties associated with bearing a child (for example, if a woman is a cook, and she is worried about toxicosis).

In order to receive benefits for pregnant women at work in 2019, a woman needs to write a statement requesting her transfer to another job function; it is also necessary to provide the employer with a doctor's certificate, which will set out the requirement to rid the woman of unfavorable working conditions. This procedure does not provide for any entries in the work book and changes in the size of wages.

According to Article 90 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, a pregnant woman has the right to work part-time, in agreement with the employer. In this case, no amendments are made to the labor and insurance record of the pregnant woman, and the wages are calculated according to the hours worked.

The labor rights of a pregnant woman in the Russian Federation also regulate the requirements for her workplace - the room must be equipped with ventilation, good lighting, with a normal air temperature and optimal humidity. The workplace of a woman expecting the birth of a child should not be near copying and duplicating equipment, and at the computer you can spend no more than 3 hours per shift.

According to the benefits for pregnant women in 2019, established by the state, the employer must send his employee who is expecting the birth of a child on annual paid leave with one hundred percent pay.

Medical Benefits for Pregnant Women

In 2006, the government of the Russian Federation launched the state all-Russian project "Health", the goal of which is to improve the quality of medical services in maternity hospitals and antenatal clinics. What are the health benefits for pregnant women in 2019?

Art. 41 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation and Art. 20 of the Fundamentals of Russian Legislation stipulates that services and assistance to citizens of the Russian Federation in state and municipal medical institutions are provided free of charge, including for pregnant women.

According to the order "On drug provision for pregnant women", every expectant mother can receive a number of drugs absolutely free of charge or with a 50 percent discount.

In order to receive all of the benefits for medical care during pregnancy, a woman must follow the following general procedure:

1. It is important to try to register with the antenatal clinic at the place of residence up to twelve weeks of pregnancy. For early registration, the state provides incentive benefits and payments to pregnant women in 2019 in the amount of 500-1000 rubles, depending on the region of the Russian Federation.

2. Regularly visit the office of the supervising gynecologist and take all tests on time.

3. On the 30th week of pregnancy or on the 28th (in case of multiple pregnancies), a woman is issued a birth certificate. It can be used to purchase medicines, pay for childbirth, as well as for a medical examination of a baby during the first year of life.

Free medical services for pregnant women in 2019:

1. Services of doctors - gynecologist, therapist, otolaryngologist, ophthalmologist, dentist. For free medical services of specialists, you must take a referral from a supervising gynecologist.

2. General research. For the entire period of pregnancy, a woman is supposed to undergo three planned ultrasounds for free, in case of a deviation from the norm, there may be more of them. For the study to be free, you must have a referral for the procedure from the supervising gynecologist. In addition to ultrasound, the expectant mother must undergo an ECG, as well as fluorography with all members of her family living with her.

3. Laboratory research. According to the order of the Ministry of Health, a pregnant woman is entitled to a number of free tests - general, biochemical, serological, cytological and additional tests as indicated by a gynecologist.

4. Manipulations and physiotherapy. According to indications, a pregnant woman has the right to free physiotherapy - electrosleep, electrophoresis and others. Intravenous and intramuscular injections, as well as other manipulations, are carried out on a free basis as prescribed by a doctor.

Documents for obtaining benefits for pregnant women before maternity leave in 2019

Benefits and benefits for pregnant women in 2018 who were not employed before pregnancy differ significantly from material assistance to workers. A pregnant woman can register with the employment service by registering as unemployed and receive unemployment benefits before the start of maternity leave. Regardless of social status, presence or absence of work, a woman has the right to receive benefits for caring for a child up to 1, 5 years old.

The following documents are required to receive benefits for pregnant women before maternity leave 2018:

  • passport of a pregnant woman;
  • a certificate from the antenatal clinic, which confirms the fact of registration before 12 weeks of pregnancy;
  • application for early registration benefits;
  • a certificate from the employment service confirming the status of unemployed;
  • certified extract from the work book;
  • a certificate from the district office of the social protection service stating that the payment has not yet been made to the woman.

These documents enable pregnant women to receive social assistance if they register for pregnancy before 12 weeks.

Pregnant women after the 30th week of pregnancy have the right to take maternity leave. assigned only to those persons who had a permanent place of work. Also, women who lost their jobs as a result of the liquidation of an enterprise or quit no more than a year ago can count on financial assistance from the state when going on maternity leave.

In 2019, the amount of such support from the state is 5,768.31 rubles, but this amount may differ depending on the region. The state pays for 140 days. Based on this, the minimum amount of maternity payments will be slightly less than 27 thousand rubles. The maximum payment amount may be slightly more than 228 thousand.

The calculation of the average wage level is carried out for the two previous years before going on maternity leave. Employed women receive an allowance equal to the average wage, and it is paid to them once every 140 days. Pregnant female students receive an allowance equal to the average scholarship. Expectant mothers who have lost their jobs in connection with the liquidation of the enterprise can count on an allowance of only 300 rubles.

After the birth of a newborn, the state pays the young mother benefits for the baby. Such money comes more than ever, by the way, for every family, because a rather big budget is required to care for a newborn. Some families spend this money on the necessary furniture and clothes for the baby: a crib, chest of drawers, stroller, diapers and diapers. If all this is bought, then the money will also not be superfluous, since as the baby grows up, new financial costs are required. It is worth knowing that in each country and region, these payments differ from each other. But if we talk about Russia, then at the birth of a child, the mother is entitled to a maternity allowance in 2018 and accruals up to one and a half years.

The decree is the time given to a woman to care for her baby. The state calculates the benefit after the birth of a newborn to the following mothers:

  • a working woman who will receive money from the enterprise;
  • persons who have adopted a baby;
  • to the ladies who gave birth to a newborn in the army.
  • non-working mothers who can only count on payments from the state;
  • female students of full-time education;
  • women entrepreneurs. To do this, the mother must apply to social protection, and the amount of payments depends on the level of income for the working period.

It is worth noting that only women who are registered somewhere can receive benefits from the state. For payments, the mother must be registered for unemployment if she does not have an official job. Depending on which category the mother belongs to, the payment can be received in different places. Students must collect and submit documents to the dean's office, those working and serving in the army under contract in the personnel department, and parents who are not working and adopting a child in social protection.

Maternity change in the coming year

The conditions for receiving benefits have not changed from the previous year. However, the number of days for leaving has changed.

  • for simple childbirth it is 140 days, 70 of them are allocated for the period before birth, and 70 after childbirth;
  • with complications 156 days, after childbirth it takes 86 days to recover;
  • in multiple pregnancies, the maternity leave consists of 194 days, where 84 are reserved before delivery and 110 after the birth of twins.
  • for women who have adopted children, maternity leave remains only 70 days, and for women who have adopted several children, this period is increased to 110 days.

Payment types

In 2018, Mom is applying for the same benefits as in 2017. All women claim the following payments:

  1. Allowance for registration in the LCD. If the mother visited the gynecologist's office before 12 weeks, then she is entitled to a payment after the birth of the child. It is one-time and amounts to 614 rubles. To obtain it, it is necessary to collect documents in consultation and transfer them to social protection.
  2. Compensation for pregnancy and childbirth. The amount of this payment depends on the status of the woman. If a working mother needs the allowance, she will receive 100% of the average salary over the past 24 months. If the company is liquidated, then the payment is due from social protection. The amount of the allowance in 2018 for a working woman should be 34,500-266,190 rubles. Ladies who serve under contract in the army can count on 30,000 rubles. Girls who are full-time students at a university are claiming 1,340 rubles. If the scholarship was subject to indexation, then the amount of payment may be increased. And non-working mothers can get the least of all, the amount of payments does not exceed 600 rubles.
  3. Lump-sum payment for childbirth. To receive this allowance, all documents must be collected before the child turns six months. The payment amount for 2018 is 16 350 rubles. For adoptive parents, the size may be lower - 15512 rubles. When a baby is born to a serviceman, the allowance is 24,500 rubles.
  4. Payments up to 1.5 years. You can count on a subsidy of up to 1.5 years. If a woman receives money from an enterprise, then the amount is at least 40% of the average earnings for 2 years. For the first-born, the minimum payment is 3065, and for subsequent children, 6131. \u200b\u200bThe maximum amount should not exceed 23120 rubles. If the company is liquidated, then payments will also be 40%. But social security will charge them, which means that the maximum threshold per month cannot be more than 12,262 rubles. For unemployed women, the allowance is 3065 for one child and twice as much for the second.
  5. Benefit up to 3 years. From the employer, you can count on compensation in the amount of 50 rubles for the period from 1.5 to three years of the child.

If a woman worked continuously for two years before pregnancy and studied full-time, she can count on benefits received from two organizations, but only if the condition of continuous activity is met. It is worth knowing that the amount of maternity allowance in 2018 may differ in different regions. The most important thing is to collect the necessary documents in time and apply to social protection to calculate the payment.

See video about the timing of the grant, registration, payment procedure and pitfalls:

After the appearance of the baby in the family, no doubt, the young family will need additional assistance and support from the state. This is necessary because caring for a child implies additional costs from the family budget and a partial reduction in the earning opportunities for one of the parents. On the part of the state, at the legislative level, a specific number of compulsory payments and benefits is determined.


All expectant mothers are wondering what the amount of the maternity transfer will be?

In order to assist young families, the legislation of the Russian Federation defines specific payments.

  • Sick leave payment for the last weeks of pregnancy and childbirth.
  • Allowance for caring for a child until he reaches one and a half years of age.

The time spent on sick leave when the first child appears is 140 days, 70 days until the moment of delivery and 70 days after that.

When 2 or more children appear in the family, the mother is guaranteed a vacation in the amount of 194 days, 84 days before the birth and 110 days after.

On video prenatal and postnatal payments:

Until the child reaches the age of 1.5 years, one of the parents is entitled to monetary transfers on a monthly basis.

Who can qualify for this benefit?

  • Pregnant women who have a permanent job.
  • Women who are officially registered as individual entrepreneurs.
  • Women who do not work, but are registered with the employment service of the relevant area for the loss of their jobs due to the reduction of staff in the organization.
  • Women who are full-time full-time students.

Important - maternity benefits are not awarded to non-working pregnant girls who are not registered.

How to get a

For registration of maternity leave, you will need to prepare a package of papers:

  • statement;
  • sick leave.

Women undergoing training should contact the dean's office of their educational institution with this documentation. Employed women - contact their place of work. Non-working pregnant women must submit documents to the social service.

To get paid leave to care for a baby up to 1.5 years old, you will need to submit:

  • statement;
  • a certificate from the maternity hospital.

Which ones are, you can find out by reading the article.

How the amount is calculated

For pregnant women who are employed, this type of support will be listed by the organization in which she works. In this case, the calculation of payments is included in the enterprises. Unemployed women will be determined by the social service.

If a woman has been working in one organization for more than 2 years, then the amount of maternity payments will be calculated based on the average level of her wages.

Women registered as individual entrepreneurs can count on payments, subject to the deduction of social security contributions. The amount of the benefit in this case will depend on the level of transfers made to the FSS.

For female students, the amount of maternity payments will be calculated based on the amount of the scholarship.

It is important that the basis of training - commercial or budgetary - will not matter in the calculation.


Parents-to-be who are expecting the birth of a child in the family can count on certain payments.

  • Payment for pregnancy and childbirth, which is transferred once.
  • Childcare allowance for a child under 1.5 years old, which is paid on a monthly basis.
  • Payments from the regional treasury.

Financial allowance in connection with childbirth will be accrued regardless of when the expectant mother registered with the antenatal clinic.

How the size is calculated

How are they charged? The amount of the lump sum is determined by the legislation of the Russian Federation. In 2016, there was an indexation of this type of monetary support from the state and now it is almost 15,383 rubles.

The allowance is payable for each child born, no matter what the account is.

Not only employed, but also unemployed women in Russia have the right to receive postnatal payments.

On the video how to get postpartum payments:

How to get a

To receive a one-time payment for employed parents, you will need to submit a certain package of papers to the HR department of the organization in which they work.

  • An application addressed to the head of the enterprise for the purpose of benefits.
  • Birth certificate of a child from the registry office.
  • Passports of both parents.
  • A certificate received by the 2nd parent at the place of his employment confirming that this benefit was not paid to him.

Important - all submitted papers, in addition to the application, must be supplemented with copies of the originals.

The transfer of funds must be made no later than ten days from the date of submission of the set of documents to the accounting department of the organization where one of the parents works.

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When determining the size of the allowance for caring for a baby up to one and a half years, the following points are taken into account.

  • Seniority. If the experience is less than six months - the allowance will be transferred in the minimum amount.
  • If the length of service during the period of employment of the mother was interrupted for more than 2 years, then she has the right to demand, when calculating the allowance, a basis for using a different time period. This is convenient only when the average salary of the accounting period was higher than the minimum wage at the time of submission of the application.

Benefits when a child comes into the family can be one-off or monthly. This means that certain payments can be received only once, while others will be paid until the child reaches a certain age.

An important point is that federal monetary allowances apply to all citizens of the Russian Federation. However, there are also regional payments. Residents of specific regions of Russia can count on them. The amount of the payment will directly depend on the region.