The onset of labor pains is sensation. Signs of this feature. How to induce contractions and birth processes

By the time the baby arrives, most expectant mothers are ready to go.

The necessary medicines have been prepared, their belongings and the baby's tiny clothes have been packed, documents and medical records have been checked. Some of them tried to create a cozy and beautiful children's room, to purchase the best toys.

The climax of pregnancy is inevitably approaching and everything is ready for the appearance of the crumbs. And the closer this moment, the more alarming mommy. Of course, in the first place is the worry about the well-being of delivery.

But there is also a fear of contractions during pregnancy and the experience of missing the beginning of the labor process.

Physiology of contractions during pregnancy

Panic in pregnant women is associated with a lack of reliable information and, of course, experience. For some reason, it is the fights, despite the naturalness of this phenomenon, fanned by fables and myths. And negative stories from experienced acquaintances only exacerbate the situation. Each woman in labor has her own pain threshold. And knowing the physiology of each stage, accompanied by contractions, and learning how to react to them correctly, you can significantly reduce pain and alleviate your condition.

What's going on in the body?

Nature has provided and calculated everything to the smallest detail. The whole process of pregnancy proceeds according to a universal algorithm, and the change in states occurs under the influence of the leading hormones at a certain moment. The hormone of pregnancy progesterone, which successfully maintained all 9 months and the tone of the uterus, and the development of the baby before childbirth, gives way to estrogen and oxytocin.

The cervix, which is tightly closed during pregnancy, prevents the opening of the pharynx and the penetration of infections inside. Before giving birth, she should open up, clearing the way for the baby. For this, its tissues must become more elastic and pliable. Estrogen does an excellent job of doing this. It also makes the uterus sensitive to oxytocin and prostaglandins. Under their influence, contractions of the walls of the uterus begin, allowing the baby to take the correct position and move along the birth canal.

Contractions and hormone balance

The muscle contractions of the uterus are called contractions during pregnancy, which, depending on the period, have different intensities. With each contraction, the muscles of the uterus pull on the cervix, making it open. By the time of delivery, the cervix opens up to 12 cm, and the uterus becomes practically an extension of the vagina. The whole process is accompanied by a change in the level of hormones, which are intensively produced by the placenta, pituitary gland and fetus.

Oddly enough, but it is fear that can affect labor. He is able to increase both the duration of the preparatory contractions, which take away the strength of the mom, and the pain. The hormones cortisol and adrenaline, released into the bloodstream during stress, fear and anxiety, block the production of the main birth hormones.

False contractions during pregnancy

Changes in hormonal balance occur throughout pregnancy. Therefore, uterine contractions can appear long before childbirth. In this way, both the uterus and the cervix are prepared for future childbirth. These contractions during pregnancy are called false, training or Braxton Hicks.

What are the sensations during false contractions during pregnancy?

Of course, women who have given birth can easily distinguish false contractions from real ones. These unforgettable sensations cannot be confused with any other pain. But how should women behave during their first pregnancy? It makes no sense to go to the hospital for every incomprehensible symptom. You need to focus on your feelings:

1. These contractions during pregnancy practically do not cause pain, but, most likely, discomfort in the form of pulling or aching sensations. The uterus seems to be shrinking, which is already familiar to some from when it was in good shape. Contractions are felt in the upper or lower abdomen, and may be given to the groin.

2. The painful sensations are concentrated in one area and do not spread to the lower back and to other places.

3. They appear unexpectedly and gradually fade out. More often they occur in the evening or at night, when the body is relaxed and mommy listens to her feelings. Some, on the contrary, experience discomfort after physical exertion or stress.

4. They are characterized by irregularity and short duration. The duration of false contractions during pregnancy does not exceed a minute. And they are repeated at irregular intervals. They can occur several times (up to six) in an hour, or even a day.

The surest way to determine the falsity of a contraction during pregnancy is to record its duration and frequency. Unlike real contractions, sensations with false ones will not increase, but they will be repeated chaotically.

What can provoke false contractions during pregnancy?

Natural contractions of the uterus occur throughout most of pregnancy. But expectant mothers begin to feel them after 20 weeks. With the approach of childbirth, the likelihood of their appearance increases. Some women are fortunate enough not to experience false contractions during pregnancy at all, and this is not a pathology. This does not mean that there are no preparatory reductions. It's just that they may not be so intense, or the expectant mother did not notice them, did not attach importance. Also, the perception of false contractions during pregnancy depends on individual sensitivity.

However, there are provoking factors that increase the likelihood of unpleasant cramping pains. False contractions can manifest themselves under the influence of:

Physical activity;

Violent fetal activity;

Stress and nervous shocks;

Dehydration of the body;

An overflowing bladder;

Sexual activity.

What to do in case of false contractions?

For most pregnant women, false contractions do not cause intimidating discomfort. But for some women with a high pain threshold, training uterine contractions becomes a real torment. In this case, it is recommended:

1. Use a warm bath or shower, if there are no contraindications. Warm water will ease muscle tension. And the aromatic oils added to the water will calm the nervous system.

2. Go for a walk. Fresh air and slow walking will reduce discomfort.

3. Change your pose. An uncomfortable position can provoke tension in the uterus.

4. Lie down and relax. The pleasant music and the soothing aromas of the oils will help ease the discomfort.

False contractions during pregnancy are a good reason to take advantage of the knowledge of proper contraction breathing.

If training contractions bother you closer to childbirth, you need to watch for other signs. Since such training can calmly go from dress rehearsal to real contractions during pregnancy and signal the onset of labor.

How do real contractions start during pregnancy?

Real contractions during pregnancy start suddenly. Do not worry, it is simply impossible to let this moment pass. Even a fight that has begun during a night's rest will wake up the expectant mother. At this moment, there will obviously be no time for sleep. Women describe the onset of labor differently. But no matter what a woman experiences, they cannot be confused with training contractions.

True contractions are expressed:


Increased pain.

A gradual decrease in the intervals between contractions;

An increase in the duration of the contraction.

What will tell you about the approach of childbirth?

Even before the onset of contractions during pregnancy, a woman can predict the approach of the climax by the changes taking place in her. Under the influence of changing hormonal balance, immediately before childbirth begins:

1. Slightly reduce the weight to three kg or stop gaining weight. 2. Disappear appetite.

2. Excessive emotionality. Inadequate reactions to events, words are attributed to an increase in estrogen levels.

3. There is changeable mood, moodiness.

4. The instinct of nesting appears. Pregnant women have a desire to urgently start repairing or cleaning, rearrange furniture.

5. To lower the belly, which gives mommy the opportunity to breathe easier just before childbirth.

6. Reduce swelling of the face, hands. However, edema can appear on the legs due to fetal pressure on the lower abdomen and squeezing of blood vessels.

7. Feel pain in the lower back, which is explained by a change in the position of the fetus and the expansion of the pelvic bones.

Frequent urination, stool changes, and even vomiting may occur. All these signs are very individual: each pregnant woman manifests itself in different ways and at different times.

A sure symptom of approaching labor is the passage of the plug, manifested by secretions. They can be clear or bloody brown liquid. The plug can come off both weeks before childbirth and during labor.

The kid is also preparing for the upcoming process and stops violent movements.

If the fetal bladder bursts and water begins to drain, even without preliminary contractions during pregnancy, you should not doubt the advisability of visiting the hospital. This is a sure sign of the beginning of the generic process.

Following the discharge of water, contractions necessarily begin. But even if there is some pathology and the contractions do not start, an urgent need to go to the hospital.

What sensations accompany the onset of contractions during pregnancy?

The first contractions are recognized by most women intuitively. They cause tension in the abdomen and pulling aching pains that spread to the lower back, groin and are shingles in nature. Some people compare the sensations with menstrual cramps, only several times stronger. It is as if an invisible hand grasps and squeezes the uterus from within. Starting at the top of the abdomen with tension as the contraction increases during pregnancy, the pain intensifies, covers the entire abdomen. The lower back and pelvic bones are under intense pressure. Some women note just severe low back pain and the spread of sensations in the legs to the very toes. Gradually, the pain is released, and a pause appears, allowing you to rest.

The first contractions can last up to 15 seconds, with a break of 20-30 minutes between them. The duration of contractions during pregnancy gradually increases, and the rest period decreases. At the same time, pain sensations increase.

What does a primiparous woman need to know about contractions during pregnancy?

In nulliparous women, contractions begin minor pain that look more like discomfort. But even they cause panic. At these moments, you need to calm down and rest as much as possible. There is no need to fuss, try to finish some business. There is still hard work ahead that requires strength. Prenatal contractions in primiparous may last up to 8-10 hours.

If possible, this time should be devoted to relaxation and rest. Pregnant women are advised to record the time and duration of contractions. And it's not easy to keep track of time, but to record data. This will help determine the period when you should go to the hospital, and doctors track the dynamics of the process and detect possible deviations in time.

The duration of contractions, accompanied by pain, tension, gradually increases. And when between contractions intervals will be less than 15 minutes, do not postpone a visit to the clinic. If during pregnancy any pathologies were noted or water departed, bleeding began, you need to urgently call an ambulance, and not wait for an increase in the frequency of contractions during pregnancy.

It is common for women to panic and fear before their first birth. Therefore, at the first contractions, one of the relatives should be nearby. If this is not possible, when you feel pain, immediately inform your relatives, friends or even neighbors that you are giving birth.

Primiparous may experience weak generic independent activity. Because of this, after a certain period of contractions during pregnancy, with pronounced frequency and severe pain, the intensity may subside, and the painful sensations completely disappear. This does not mean that the contractions were false. In this case, urgent medical assistance is required, who can deal with the cause of the pathology and stimulate labor. Inaction in this position threatens the life of the baby and the woman in labor.

Features of prenatal contractions in multiparous women

Women who have given birth in advance feel the approach of childbirth. By the main signs, they can predict the beginning of the process. However, if no more than five years have passed since the previous birth, all processes can be accelerated... The body, having muscle memory, easily adjusts to changes and reacts to them more quickly.

In addition, the cervical tissue has not yet had time to come into prenatal shape. They stretch faster, and the neck opens. Unlike primiparous women, shortening of the neck occurs simultaneously with the opening.

Pain during contractions in multiparous people begins immediately more tangible... Rupture of the amniotic fluid and discharge of water are more common. The period of prenatal contractions does not last more than six hours, and sometimes rapid labor is observed. Therefore, it is not advisable for such women in labor to postpone a visit to the clinic until the last. If there is no desire to give birth at home or in an ambulance, you need to go to the hospital immediately after the appearance of contractions or take care of this in advance and wait for labor in the hospital under supervision.

Unlike the first birth, the process is not stimulated, but they are trying to slow down. During rapid childbirth, there is a high probability of injury to the baby and ruptures in the woman in labor. Therefore, a woman needs to listen to the recommendations of doctors during labor and childbirth.

How should pregnant women behave during labor?

Contractions during pregnancy will necessarily increase, become more prolonged, and the pain will intensify. Painful sensations cover almost the entire body, do not give an opportunity to rest, but practically merge into a series of attacks. It seems to the woman that it will never end. With a high pain threshold of a woman in labor, doctors can offer pain relievers. But it is worth remembering that you can independently influence your condition.

Nature provided natural pain relief during labor... The hormone endorphin, produced by the pituitary gland, can reduce pain. But this process is rather fragile. Screams, tears, fear, strong feelings, panic can break this mechanism and only aggravate the situation. It is impossible to relax physically with psychological tension. Therefore, women during contractions during pregnancy are advised to:

1. Use the relaxation techniques that you learned in the course.

2. Try to take positions in which the pain is not felt so acutely. You can just walk. Someone is helped by the squatting position, on all fours.

3. Use the time between contractions during pregnancy for rest.

4. During a contraction, especially at the peak of pain, use breathing techniques. Frequent intermittent breathing will relieve the condition.

5. Apply anesthetic massage. Massage in the lumbar, sacrum or neck area helps.

6. Do not refuse the help of relatives and listen to the recommendations of doctors.

Remember, each new contraction during pregnancy brings the wonderful moment of the baby closer.

He is also scared at these moments: the affectionate womb for some reason has become hostile. All painful sensations will quickly be forgotten. And this day will be the most wonderful day in your baby's life.

In this article:

In the last trimester of pregnancy, a woman has many questions - how to recognize the onset of contractions, what contractions are like, how severe the pain will be. The last months of pregnancy are characterized by a change in the hormonal background of a woman. First, the hormone progesterone predominates, which preserves the pregnancy. Then estrogens begin to play the main role, which contribute to the appearance of contractions, thus preparing the woman for childbirth.

What are the types of contractions?

Contractions are an alternating contraction and relaxation of the muscles of the uterus. They are subdivided into training and generic. As a rule, the appearance of the first contractions means the approach of labor.

Training contractions

The first contractions usually start at 20 weeks gestation and are irregular, short-lived, and painless. The high tone of the uterus and discomfort are easily relieved by a warm bath or walking.

The training contractions are on average 30-40 minutes apart over 4 hours. They do not increase in time and do not become more intense, as is the case with labor pains. Hospitalization in such cases is not required. You just need to use the opportunity to "fill your hand" in counting the intervals and duration of each contraction, so that when labor begins, the woman in labor does not get confused.

Birth pains

The feeling of contractions is different for every pregnant woman. For example, some people feel girdle pain around the abdomen and pelvis. Others note similarities with an intestinal disorder or with the onset of menstruation.

Taking into account the general signs of contractions before childbirth, there are 3 periods of the process:

  • initial (lasts about 8 hours, duration of contractions 45 seconds, interval 5 minutes);
  • active (lasts 5 hours, contractions up to 60 seconds, interval 4 minutes);
  • transitional (lasts 1 hour, duration 90 sec, interval 1 min.).

Feelings during contractions

The onset of a contraction is described as a painful tension in the muscles in the upper part of the uterus. At first, this sensation reaches its maximum strength, and then gradually diminishes.

At first, contractions in pregnant women are simply unpleasant. Some women experience their first pain in the lumbar region, which becomes stronger and stronger.

As labor continues, the number of contractions and their intensity increase, the duration becomes longer, and the pauses between them are shorter. Having reached their highest point, contractions become like red-hot lava, spreading throughout the body from crown to heels.

What happens to the uterus?

The upper part of the uterus decreases in size and becomes thicker with each contraction, and the internal cavity contracts, which helps the child to move along the birth canal. At the end of childbirth, the contraction and relaxation of the muscles of the uterus continues until this organ assumes its size as before pregnancy.

A woman can feel these contractions for another month and a half. Breastfeeding will also contribute to these contractions and, accordingly, help to restore the postpartum shape.

Contractions have begun

First of all, don't be nervous and afraid. It is necessary to take a comfortable position and begin to record the time of the onset of the contractions. If 20 minutes pass between the first contractions, then the woman can calmly get together, take a shower with the participation of loved ones.

If the intervals between contractions are 5 minutes, then it's time to go to the maternity hospital. At this time, the water can move away, and here the supervision of doctors is already necessary.

How to reduce pain during labor?

Medicine is able to relieve a pregnant woman of pain during labor and childbirth with the help of certain medications. But here there is a danger of adverse effects on the mother and child.
The safest and most reliable way to reduce pain during pregnancy is. The beginning of the contraction should be accompanied by an exhalation, along with which the pain "leaves" the body. A woman can scream during contractions - this will alleviate her condition.

The positive psychological state of a woman is also very important. She needs to tune in to a quick meeting with her baby. Also, a woman in labor should correctly understand what actions the doctors perform and how the childbirth proceeds.

In between contractions, you need to relax and rest. If you expect the next fight in tension, fatigue will quickly set in.

It is worth noting that contractions are a natural process that every pregnant woman goes through. But this phenomenon is strictly individual, so it is very difficult to describe all the sensations.
In any case, do not be afraid of contractions and the pain that accompanies them. All this will be forgotten at the birth of a small miracle that will replace the Universe.

Helpful video on how to easily transfer contractions

The process of pregnancy and childbirth includes several stages, each of which has certain characteristic features.

Contractions are uterine contractions, as a result of which labor activity begins. However, contractions may not always indicate an impending delivery.

This process contains the nuances that every pregnant girl should know.

Contractions: when do they start?

Almost any female representative, being in a position, wants to know in advance how the contractions begin. After all, they signal the beginning of labor, which implies a number of certain actions of the woman in labor.

Real contractions begin a few hours before childbirth. Pre-woman notices discharge of water... It can be either complete or partial. Ideally, contractions leading to the onset of labor begin to manifest themselves at 40 or 42 weeks of gestation. But there are also deviations from the rules. Many factors can stimulate the birth process.

Feeling during contractions is an individual process. They depend on the position of the fetus in the womb, the physiological parameters of the female body and the pain threshold. All women in labor experience pain during labor in their own way. At this time, the uterus contracts and hardens. These contractions cause pain. Many women note that the condition during labor is similar to sensations during menstruation.

The main signs that distinguish contractions from other conditions are:

  • Frequency of uterine contractions;
  • More frequent contractions over time;
  • Increased pain syndrome;

First, contractions occur after a sufficiently long break in time, then these intervals begin to decrease. The whole process is divided into three phases, each of which has its own duration of contractions.

The first phase is called latent. In total, its duration can be up to 8 hours. The fight in this period lasts for 40 seconds.

The next phase of contractions is called active. The transition to it is characterized by the opening of the cervix of 2-3 cm. In this phase, the length of the contractions can reach a minute. There is a 6 cm dilatation of the cervix. The fully active phase can last up to 5 hours.

The last phase of contractions is called the transitional phase. It is the shortest, since its duration does not always reach 1.5 hours. The intensity and duration of the contraction becomes longer, and the intervals between them become shorter. The next step is trying.

What if the contractions start?

When the woman realized that the first stage had come generic activity- the beginning of contractions, then she must carry out a series of manipulations that will prepare her for meeting with the child. She has several hours at her disposal to get ready for the hospital, where she will have to spend the next few days.

First of all, a bag must be pre-assembled for the maternity hospital with things and accessories for the baby.

The period of contractions is an exciting moment, so it is better to pay attention to other things during this time.

  • Depilation of the genital area will be very helpful.
  • To relax, the woman in labor can take a warm bath or shower.
  • If a planned cesarean section is not foreseen, then you can refresh yourself, because in the next few hours you will not be able to eat.
  • To take my mind off unpleasant sensations, you can watch a humorous program or a movie;
  • You should psychologically tune in to a favorable outcome of childbirth;
  • It will be appropriate to repeat the correct breathing technique. It will come in very handy very soon.

Training type of contractions are irregular contractions of the uterus, occurring in a chaotic manner. They begin long before childbirth, preparing the body for the delivery process. Such contractions do not bring harm to the child.

Feelings during training bouts not as bright as in real ones. A pregnant woman feels contractions of the uterus, but she does not feel a strong painful syndrome. Ideally, training contractions start at 37 weeks gestation, but there are deviations from the norm.

In some cases, training contractions can be observed as early as 4 months of pregnancy. During this period, the woman feels only slight discomfort, the duration of which does not exceed half a minute.

When do false contractions occur?

False contractions help prepare the body for childbirth. Their appearance helps to maintain the functionality of the uterus and proper blood circulation around the placenta.

False contractions can occur under the influence of several factors: female orgasm during intercourse, increased activity of the child in the womb, touching the abdomen, or not emptying the bladder.

Various kinds of injuries can also trigger a response from the body.

If false contractions are caused by natural causes, then they do not pose a danger to the mother and the child. Under the influence of other factors, there is a possibility of causing premature birth.

The feelings that a woman experiences during labor before childbirth are unforgettable. It is believed that this is the most painful stage generic activity. At this time, a woman needs strength more than ever.

Painful sensations increase with each contraction, meanwhile, the child goes down to the exit through the birth canal. Some women in labor feel girdle pain, someone notes an intense twitching of the uterus, while others claim pain similar to the condition during menstruation.

One way or another, the contractions end, giving way to attempts. At this point, many women begin to feel relief as the nature of the pain changes and the tension subsides.

False contractions are also called and contractions of Braxton Hicks... They got their name thanks to an English doctor who in 1982 announced their discovery to the world. He argued that this condition is characterized by bringing the uterus into a state of tone. She periodically turns to stone.

False contractions do not lead to labor, but are only a kind of preparation for it. Braxton Hicks contractions are a great opportunity for women to prepare for the birth process.

During false contractions, you can train the basics of proper breathing... You can get rid of new sensations for a woman with the help of light massage, relaxation or a walk in the fresh air.

The pregnant woman is waiting for the appearance of contractions and at the same time experiences an animal fear in front of them. Popular rumor attributes the strongest pain sensations to this stage of childbirth. If experienced mothers go for a second or third birth and already have a good idea of ​​what awaits them, then women who are impatiently awaiting the appearance of their first child are at a loss. We will talk about the features and sensations, the timing and duration of contractions in women giving birth for the first time in this article.

How does it all start?

Childbirth is the natural process of completing childbirth. Nature allotted him exactly 10 lunar months, so that from one crushing cell to become a real man, just still very small. Labor can begin both on time and earlier or later. According to statistics, the onset of labor in primiparous women usually occurs either at 39-40 weeks, or at 40-42 weeks of pregnancy. The date indicated in the exchange card is only a guideline for the doctor and the pregnant woman; only 5% of pregnant women give birth strictly in the PDR.

Labor can begin in different ways. From the discharge of water, from the exit of the mucous plug, from the beginning of the rhythmic contractions of the uterus - contractions. The latter option is considered the most preferable, since premature outpouring of water always complicates childbirth, even if it happens right on time. It is from contractions that the process of childbirth manifests itself in the vast majority of expectant mothers. Only 10% of women begin to give birth from the discharge of water.

Contractions are called contractions of the muscles of the uterus. Labor pains occur simultaneously with the opening of the cervix. This muscle dense ring was tightly closed throughout pregnancy, and the cervical canal inside it was closed with a mucous plug. The beginning of the opening of the neck is accompanied by contractions, which grow and become stronger as it expands.

Contractions begin suddenly, but develop gradually. True labor pains can be preceded by false, training ones. They can be observed from the 20th week of pregnancy, or appear later, or do not appear at all. But before giving birth - in a couple of weeks or a little less - almost all women can from time to time feel a short-term tension of the uterus. This is the preparatory work of the female body before childbirth.

The purpose of labor contractions in childbirth is obvious - at the first stage, they are needed so that the cervix opens up and clears the passage for the child who is to pass through the birth canal and be born. They compress the space inside the uterus, leading to rupture of the membranes; in the stage of active contractions, the waters recede and this is considered quite timely. Rhythmic contractions of the uterus slightly "push" the baby out. His time has come, there is no need to remain in the mother's womb any longer.

How to understand that childbirth has begun?

The first birth is always a lot of questions, the main one of which is how to recognize whether labor has begun and whether it is time to go to the hospital. Experienced obstetricians have an old joke on this topic, which says that if a woman has doubts about whether she is giving birth, then she does not give birth, since it is impossible to confuse childbirth and training contractions of the uterus. But mostly women who are pregnant for the second or third time are in solidarity with obstetricians in this, they know for sure that the doctors are not lying.

And the primiparous woman thinks that at any moment she can miss something important and be late in the hospital. As already stated, a few days before giving birth, the female body begins to prepare for the upcoming event. In the cells of the uterus, the amount of a special protein, actomyosin, begins to increase. It is responsible for the ability of cells to contract. At the same time, the woman's placenta and pituitary gland begin to produce oxytocin and relaxin. The first hormone increases the contractility of the female reproductive organ, and the second is responsible for softening the ligamentous apparatus, because during childbirth the uterus will change shape.

With these changes, the final preparatory stage starts, during which women are anxiously trying to find some "harbingers" about which she read on women's forums, and which can make it clear that childbirth is not far off. Harbingers include anxiety, mild depression, mood swings, sleep disturbances, insomnia, and more active training bouts. They appear like this: the stomach turns to stone, slightly "sips" in the sides and lower abdomen (due to the tension of the ligaments), and then they pass and can be repeated in half an hour, and in 5 hours, and in a day.

Precursor contractions are not regular, they come on their own and disappear in the same way. A woman can easily relieve discomfort simply by taking a shower, drinking a glass of milk or a No-Shpy pill, or even changing her body position. With a training bout, a pregnant woman can go to bed and doze off quite successfully.

Is it possible to miss the moment of the onset of real contractions? Obviously not. After all, true contractions are rhythmic from the very beginning, they are repeated at regular intervals, the pain is no longer pulling, but a slight encircling character, the region of the back, lower back is drawn into it, the pain increases with each contraction. You will not be able to fall asleep, the No-Shpy pill or shower will have no effect. If labor pains have begun, it is unlikely that it will be possible to stop or weaken them. The duration of the bout will be the same each time. And this is the main difference between "harbingers" from real fights.

Latent stage - sensations

As soon as a woman notices that the tensions of the uterus become regular and obey a certain rhythm, we can say that the first stage of labor is already underway. It is called latent (hidden).

If there is no bloody discharge, the water has not left, there is no need to rush to call an ambulance and rush to the hospital with special signals. The latency period during the first birth is usually the longest. It lasts up to 10-12 hours, on average, about 7-8 hours, and therefore there is a lot of time to put your nerves and feelings in order, psychologically tune in to a positive outcome of events and check things and documents collected in the hospital in advance.

During this period, the pain is moderate, increasing gradually. At the very beginning, they feel like the usual pain during menstruation, then they intensify, but the character remains the same. During pregnancy, women are taught correct breathing during childbirth. The latency period is the time to start applying theoretical knowledge in practice - to breathe correctly, taking deep breaths and exhales in order to relax as much as possible. You can walk, sing, communicate. It is not worth lying in one position horizontally.

The sensations are wavy and growing. The contraction usually "originates" in the back, covers the lower back and goes first to the bottom, and then up the abdomen. Then the tension subsides, the woman gets the opportunity to rest a little before the next contraction.

During the latent phase, contractions become longer. The earliest signs of labor pains can be determined by measuring the duration of the spasm and the interval between episodes of spasms. In this first period, the average duration of one contraction from the moment of tension to the moment of relaxation is 20-25 seconds. Spasms are repeated, first every half hour, then every 20 minutes.

By the end of the latent stage of labor, contractions last 25 seconds and are repeated every 10-15 minutes. It is on this optimistic note that you should arrive at the hospital. By this time, the cervix reaches a dilatation of 3 centimeters. The next phase of contractions is active, it should take place in the conditions of the parental home. It will be safer for everyone.

Active phase

After opening the cervix by 3 centimeters, contractions become quite painful, and over time they begin to occur more often. The duration of the contraction is 25-60 seconds, between contractions it lasts within 3 minutes.

If you breathe correctly, remain calm, massage the sacral zone, the second stage of contractions can be experienced easier.

Contractions at this stage look like a prolonged spasm, the peak of the contraction becomes prolonged. Usually at this stage, during a normal delivery, water flows.

The duration of this period is 3-5 hours. At this time, it is advisable for a woman to be under the supervision of a doctor. Usually, at this stage, they begin to monitor the condition of the fetus using CTG, the woman is already in the prenatal ward.

During the active period of contractions, the uterus opens on average up to 7 centimeters. This is already quite a lot, but not yet enough for the baby's head to pass through.

Transition period

This period is final. After it, attempts begin - the shortest period of childbirth. Transient contractions are also called the slowdown phase. The spasms themselves reach their maximum value for the entire period of childbirth. Each contraction lasts at least a minute and spasms are repeated every 2-3 minutes.

In general, the transition period lasts from half an hour to one and a half hours. During this time, the cervix opens up to 10-12 centimeters (depending on the size of the pelvis). This expansion is considered complete because it allows the baby's head to pass through.

In the transition period, a woman begins to feel a pronounced pressure on the bottom, as it usually feels if you really want to empty the intestines.

But you can't push for now. The obstetrician will give the corresponding command already in the second phase of labor - in attempts.

If a woman in labor is not under the constant supervision of a doctor, then a feeling of pressure and a great desire to go to the toilet in a big way is a signal to call the medical staff and go to the delivery room.

What will happen next?

Further attempts begin. A woman needs to remain calm, breathe correctly, do not make sudden exhalations until the end of the attempt, push only at the command of the obstetrician. During attempts, the baby will turn, bend the head, he also tries very hard to be born as soon as possible. The wrong behavior of a woman in this situation can lead to the child receiving a birth trauma, the occurrence of acute hypoxia, which is extremely dangerous for him.

If you push on command, do not shout, do not bring your legs, do not pinch the perineum, breathe deeply, holding your breath at the moment of pushing and making a long, smooth exhalation at the end of the push, then the child can be born in the very near future.

The period of attempts under a favorable set of circumstances and the impeccable behavior of the woman in labor can last 20-30 minutes. Less often primiparous push for an hour and a half, and it is very rare to extend the period of pushing to 2 hours.

Once the baby is born, the woman can relax. Ahead is still the birth of the placenta, but it will no longer be so painful and unpleasant, especially since the baby is applied to the breast and the mother can already see the crumbs, hug, therefore, for many, the birth of the placenta proceeds relatively easily. This period takes 20 to 40 minutes.

This completes the birth. The woman is sent to the postpartum ward for rest, the baby is sent to the children's department in order to be treated, washed, examined by neonatologists. They will meet in a few hours, if there are no contraindications from either obstetricians or pediatricians.

Features of the first birth

Very often you can hear the opinion that the first birth is always harder and more painful than the subsequent ones. To some extent, it is true, but not in terms of pain, but rather, because of the fear that a woman in labor experiences during the first birth. Lack of generic experience makes it difficult for a woman to choose a comfortable position during labor, from time to time she forgets what she was taught in the preparatory courses in the antenatal clinic. At such moments, some begin to panic. From the point of view of psychological readiness, women who gave birth earlier behave more disciplined in subsequent births.

The birth canal of a primiparous woman is narrower and less elastic. They are more difficult to stretch, and therefore even attempts are felt differently and last longer. The cervix also opens longer, and nothing can be done about this physiological aspect.

The first birth is more often accompanied by complications. This is not to say that during the second birth, unforeseen difficulties will not appear, there are always chances, but it is the primiparous who most often encounter such a phenomenon as primary or secondary weakness of the birth forces, when contractions do not lead to the opening of the cervix, and attempts do not move the baby forward ... In primiparas, tears or tears of the perineum and cervix are more common.

Complications are less dependent on the physiology of the firstborn, to a greater extent - this is a consequence of erroneous actions of the woman in labor, disobedience to the commands of the midwife or doctor leading the delivery.

Women who are preparing to become mothers for the first time need to prepare for childbirth in advance. Preparation must be consistent and constructive. It is a clear understanding of the upcoming process without unnecessary fear and emotions, as well as an understanding of the order of one's own actions at different stages of childbirth that will become the key to a successful delivery.

You need to start preparing from the middle of pregnancy. Already at the 20th week, it makes sense to enroll in a school for expectant mothers who work in any antenatal clinic. Practicing gynecologists, pediatricians, psychologists will help prepare for the most important event in a woman's life as best as possible. The preparation includes the following information.

    Expansion of the theoretical knowledge base on physiological processes and biomechanism of childbirth.

  • Learning the technique of correct breathing during contractions and attempts. It is necessary to practice breathing exercises during pregnancy carefully, half-heartedly, but it is recommended to devote at least 10-15 minutes a day to this. Then correct breathing will be natural and when labor begins, the woman will not have to remember how and when to breathe in and out in order to relieve pain and help herself and the baby. Breathing techniques help to feel less painful during the period of contractions, because due to the saturation of the body with oxygen, there is an increased production of endorphins, which have an analgesic effect.

  • Training in massage and self-massage techniques. From the latency period to the very attempts to relieve tension and pain, massage of the sacral zone, acupressure of the hand and face will help. Experienced obstetricians will show and tell all the techniques during the training.
  • Psychological consultations. They will help shape the correct attitude towards childbirth and labor pain. It has long been noted that the stronger a woman's fear of contractions, the more painful and longer they last. The psychologist will tell you about some of the techniques that allow a woman to be more confident in her strengths and abilities.
  • Learning postures to make it easier to cope with contractions. In real childbirth, before the period of attempts, a woman will be able to change her body position, adjusting to her own feelings.

  • Legal and household assistance. During the course, the expectant mother will be told about what benefits and payments she can count on after the birth of the baby, how to arrange maternity leave, and also tell what things need to be collected in the maternity hospital, when to do this, what documents will need to be provided upon hospitalization to the obstetric institution.

If there are no prejudices against partner childbirth, and you want to give birth in the presence of your husband or a close relative, you need to take care of this in advance. The spouse or other accompanying person needs to pass all the necessary tests.

Pregnancy is coming to an end, and childbirth, no matter how scary it sounds for the expectant mother, is inevitable. However, the main frightening factor for women is not the birth itself, but the contractions during childbirth. The stories of grandmothers, mothers and girlfriends, about how difficult it was to cope with pain during labor, only exacerbate the situation.

In such cases, there is only one advice: to listen to others less, because each organism is individual, therefore any processes in it proceed in different ways. Some easily cope with the pain, others faint with a light injection. Therefore, in order to cope with fears, one should study the birth process and learn how to breathe correctly during childbirth.

Childbirth and their periods

Childbirth is a complex physiological process that completes pregnancy. Depending on the gestational age at which the birth took place, preterm labor (up to 36 weeks), urgent labor that occurred on time (38-41 weeks), and delayed labor (42 weeks) are distinguished. The process of childbirth itself is divided into three periods:

    the period of contractions or the period of the opening of the pharynx of the uterus;

    the period of expulsion - the withdrawal of the fetus (birth of a child);

    the subsequent period - the removal of the birthplace.

The longest is the period of cervical dilatation. At this time, contractions and accompanying pain are present. Most women consider the period of fetal expulsion to be childbirth, but normally this process lasts 5-10 minutes and is distinguished by attempts that follow from contractions. Thus, the fetus is pushed out of the uterus. The birth of the placenta is also a short-lived stage and is about 5-15 minutes, with a maximum of 30 minutes. From the foregoing, it follows that childbirth is not only the process of expulsion of the fetus, but also the period of contractions with the discharge of amniotic fluid and the birth of a child's place (placenta).


Contractions are involuntary uterine contractions, which are carried out thanks to the muscular layer of the organ. They occur regularly and are required to move the fetus out of the uterus. Contractions are classified as true and false.

A pregnant woman begins to experience contractions before childbirth (false contractions) a few weeks before the very process of giving birth. For the first time, such uterine contractions are recorded after 24 weeks. They are characterized by a short duration (from a few seconds to a minute), irregularity, the interval between shocks is from 10-15 minutes to 2 hours. False contractions that occur at the final stage of gestation indicate the imminent approach of childbirth. Such contractions of the uterus are also called training, because thanks to them, the woman's body is prepared for the upcoming work of the uterus during childbirth.

True contractions are the starting point of the birth act. It is impossible to let them go or not notice, such an opinion and fear is inherent in women who give birth for the first time. Firstly, the onset of labor is evidenced by the precursors of the process, of particular importance is the discharge of the mucous plug (usually 3-7 days before the onset of labor). Secondly, amniotic fluid may drain. Thirdly, contractions have characteristic parameters, knowing about which, it is difficult to doubt the beginning of labor, even if they are the first for a woman.

Contractions are required in order for the opening of the uterine pharynx to occur, since the baby's head will first pass through it, and then the torso with limbs. The uterine pharynx is the internal and external os of the cervical canal. During the normal course of labor, the uterine pharynx is closed and can pass the maximum of the fingertip. During childbirth, to facilitate the passage of the baby, it opens up to 10-12 centimeters. This disclosure is called complete.

In addition, in the process of the birth act, contractions ensure the movement of the fetus along the planes in the small pelvis. When the cervix is ​​fully dilated and the head of the fetus passes the bony ring of the pelvis and reaches the pelvic floor (vagina), attempts occur, which indicate the beginning of the next stage of the labor process. Contractions and attempts are fruit-driving forces, without which the process of childbirth is impossible.

How to recognize contractions

As mentioned earlier, contractions cannot be missed, even if the woman is giving birth for the first time. However, one should not trust films where such situations are quite common: a woman is in the last stages of pregnancy and suddenly, without the slightest prerequisites, labor activity arises, which ends after a couple of hours, and she is already a happy mother. Yes, such situations cannot be completely ruled out, but they refer to rapid childbirth, which lasts no more than 4 hours in primiparous women. If the birth is the second - two or less hours pass from the moment the uterine contractions begin until the baby is born.

True contractions begin (with a normal course) gradually and gradually increase, and the interval between contractions decreases. In order to understand that contractions have begun, you need to listen to yourself. Feelings can be very varied. Some people compare the contractions of the uterus to pain during menstruation, for others it is a stretching or pulling pain in the abdomen that spreads to the lumbar region, which eventually becomes shingles. True labor is the beginning of labor. In order to recognize labor pains, you need to know their characteristics:

    pain sensations increase systematically (gradually);

    contractions are always regular, with breaks at regular intervals;

    the duration of contractions of the uterus gradually increases, while the interval between contractions is reduced.

Another sensation that most expectant mothers describe during labor is the "uterine petrification" (especially if the pain does not bother much). This condition is easily identified by palpation. With the onset of labor, the uterus contracts and hardens, and by the end of the labor process, it gradually relaxes.

Duration of contractions

At the initial stage of labor, each contraction of the uterus lasts 10-15 seconds, while moving to the second stage of labor, the duration of the contractions is 60-90 seconds. The breaks between contractions are initially 10-15 minutes, as the process progresses, the intervals are reduced. In the tiring period, the break is 90-120 seconds, and in some cases even 60 seconds.

Phases of the period of contractions

Given that the cervical dilation is uneven and the fetus moves along the bone ring at different speeds, the period of contractions is usually divided into three separate phases:

    The first, or latent phase.

The beginning of the phase coincides in time with the establishment of regular uterine contractions, and the end of the phase is reflected in the smoothing of the neck and its opening to a diameter of 3-4 centimeters. The duration of uterine contractions in this phase is 20-45 seconds, and the intervals between contractions last about 15 minutes, the duration of the phase itself is about 6 hours. This phase is usually called latent (latent), since at this stage the pain is either mild or absent at all, respectively, drug anesthesia is not required.

    Second, or active phase.

Immediately after the opening of the cervix up to 4 centimeters, the active phase takes effect. This phase is characterized by rapid dilatation of the cervix and intense labor. It lasts about 3-4 hours, while the duration of the contractions increases to 60 seconds, and the intervals are shortened, to 2-4 minutes. If the cervix has expanded to a diameter of 8 centimeters, and the fetal bladder remains intact, then a timely amniotomy (opening the fetal bladder) should be performed.

    Third phase (deceleration phase).

It takes effect upon reaching the opening of the uterine pharynx up to 8 centimeters in diameter, and ends with its maximum opening. If contractions are present during the first birth, then the duration of the third phase is from 40 minutes to 2 hours. If the woman is in the second childbirth, then the deceleration phase may be absent altogether. Contractions of the uterus last 60-90 seconds, and the interval between repetitions is 1 minute.

Based on the information above, it is easy to calculate the total duration of contractions as well as labor in general. Thus, the duration of the first stage of labor for primiparous women generally ranges from 10 to 12 hours. If childbirth is repeated, then the distance of the first period is reduced to 6-8 hours. If the duration of the first stage of labor is exceeded relative to the indicated time, one should talk about protracted labor.

When to go to the hospital

Many are interested in the question: "When, after the onset of contractions, to go to the hospital"? Quite often, especially if the first birth is planned, women arrive at the hospital too early (which causes the mother to be overly nervous), or, conversely, are late. In order to avoid such situations, you should determine when it is time to call an ambulance.

It is quite easy to understand that the contractions have begun, especially during the first birth. Contractions of the uterus become regular, and the interval between contractions reaches 10 minutes, gradually it begins to decrease, first to 7 minutes, then to 5 and further. When the woman herself determines that the period between contractions is within 5-7 minutes, you should call an ambulance. With repeated births, the regularity of contractions is established almost immediately, and the intervals between contractions are rapidly reduced. Accordingly, a doctor should be called immediately, in order to exclude a rush with admission to the maternity hospital, when, with full disclosure of the cervix, just after arriving, you already need to be on the delivery table. In such cases, the likelihood of road birth also increases (this problem is especially relevant for large cities with difficult traffic ("traffic jams")).

In addition, you need to immediately contact an ambulance in such cases:

    discharge of amniotic fluid (very often this happens in a dream, and a woman, waking up, thinks that she has wet herself);

    suspicion of an outpouring of amniotic fluid (a light liquid begins to leak, or a light, odorless, rather liquid discharge appears);

    bloody discharge with clots, scarlet or dark color appeared (probably placental abruption).

The onset of labor with regular contractions makes not only a woman, but also her family members nervous and fidgeting. Thus, the bag necessary for admission to the hospital must be collected in advance, according to the existing list, so as not to miss something important in a hurry. Before the arrival of the ambulance team, relatives should support the expectant mother psychologically and set her up for a positive outcome of the event (quite often, upon the arrival of an ambulance, the doctor does not know who to help first, a woman in labor or her semi-faint relatives).

Relief of labor pain

This is not to say that the pain during childbirth is so unbearable that it would be easier to die than to survive. We repeat once again, to believe the stories of loved ones about how unbearable and painful it was for them during childbirth, that almost every second of them gave birth to one or more children. So it wasn't that hard. Every woman in her life must go through this natural process, because this is the only way to become a happy mother.

Undoubtedly, soreness, and sometimes intense pain will accompany the process of contractions and expulsion of the fetus. Yes, it is possible to stop painful sensations with the help of medications, but is it necessary for the unborn child. In addition, there are a number of techniques and recommendations by which pain during contractions will significantly decrease or disappear altogether.

How to relieve labor pain?

    Psychoprophylactic training.

This preparation begins in the second half of pregnancy. In the classroom at the antenatal clinic (the so-called "school of mothers"), midwives and a doctor explain in detail the entire process of childbirth and answer questions of interest to expectant mothers. The algorithm of behavior at each stage of childbirth, the technique of correct breathing to ease contractions and relieve pain is explained. The main fears of women come from ignorance of the process itself and the lack of information about how to behave correctly in a given situation. Competent psychoprophylactic training not only eliminates gaps in the understanding of childbirth, but also sets up a pregnant woman for a positive outcome and meeting with her unborn child.

    Abstracting from fears.

You do not need to constantly scroll through the upcoming birth process in your head and worry about possible pain, or think about how to survive possible complications. If this is not stopped, a vicious circle is formed in which the more a woman experiences and fears, the more likely complications will arise, against the background of nervous tension. Childbirth should be expected not with fear, but with joyful feelings, after such a long bearing of the baby under your heart it is possible to see him and press him to the breast.

    Warm water.

If contractions appear at home and time allows, then doctors recommend taking a warm, but by no means hot bath (only on condition that the amniotic fluid has not departed). The warm water bath maximizes relaxation and relieves tension in the uterine muscles, resulting in smoother contractions and faster cervical dilatation. If the waters have already departed, you can take a warm shower. In the maternity hospital, a woman in labor is also sent to the shower, where she can relax under streams of warm water.

    Maximum relaxation.

If contractions occur at home, long breaks between contractions should be carried out in a state of maximum comfort and relaxation. You can turn on your favorite music, drink tea in peace (only if you do not have a caesarean section), watch your favorite show. The first stage of labor is very long (especially in primiparous women), so it should be used in order to gain energy and strength for the upcoming active labor.

    Active behavior.

Active behavior during the period of uterine contractions is the adoption of comfortable postures and walking during contractions. More recently, in obstetric practice, there were recommendations according to which a woman in the first period should be exclusively in a horizontal position, but today it has been proven that an upright position only accelerates the favorable dilation of the cervix and greatly facilitates the process of contractions. You can also make circular movements with your hips or swing your pelvis, dance.


The first stage of labor is most suitable for massage. You can perform self-massage, but it is better to involve your husband in this process. Light circular movements (clockwise) can stroke the abdomen. It is also allowed to massage the sacrum and lower back, pressure with fists on the sides of the spine and thumbs in the area of ​​the anterior upper spines of the pelvic girdle (they are easily identified, since the bones protrude here most of all).

    Correct posture.

At the moments of the fight, the expectant mother should take the most comfortable position for herself. You can lean forward and lean against the headboard or wall, while spreading your legs shoulder-width apart. You can squat down or get on all fours, and in some cases, raising one leg helps, as an option, you can put it on a chair and lean against the wall. Many maternity hospitals are equipped with special huge balls, on which it is convenient to lie or jump during the uterine contraction. The main thing when taking a comfortable position is not to forget about the correct breathing technique.

    We breathe correctly.

As mentioned above, proper breathing not only helps to reduce pain during labor, but also saturates the fetus with oxygen as much as possible. It is not advisable to scream during contractions, because, firstly, during the cry, breathing is held, respectively, the fetus does not receive oxygen. Secondly, screaming requires a lot of energy, which will come in handy during pushing. Thirdly, the child is simply frightened, because if the mother screams, then something is wrong.

    We are distracted.

A variety of distractions can help you to forget about or relieve pain. You can sing songs or read poetry, perform arithmetic calculations aloud, or repeat the multiplication table.

    Confidence in the doctor.

An important point for influencing the intensity of painful sensations is the trust in the attending physician. If the doctor for any reason makes the woman in labor anxious, you should ask the obstetrician to replace the doctor. However, the best option is to arrange in advance with the doctor whom the woman in labor wants to see in the role of the delivery person.

Correct breathing

Correct breathing during labor and childbirth not only eases painful sensations, but also relaxes the body as much as possible, saturates the body of the fetus and the expectant mother with oxygen, and promotes the rapid opening of the uterine pharynx. To our great regret, a significant number of expectant mothers are skeptical about learning the technique of correct breathing, not believing in the "miraculous" possibilities, such a simple thing as breathing, and, as practice shows, then complain about their skepticism in this matter. Correct breathing techniques are taught in "mothers' schools" (usually with antenatal clinics) for a period of 30-32 weeks. It is necessary to master this technique in order for the execution of movements to become automatic and in the future to facilitate the course of childbirth.

Breathing technique

Correct breathing primarily depends on the phase and strength of the contraction. It is very important to follow the rule: the more intense and longer the contractions, the more often you need to breathe. Correct breathing techniques:

    We breathe slowly and deeply.

This breathing technique is recommended for use in the latent phase of contractions, namely during the period when they bring only discomfort and do not cause pain. The inhalation is carried out quickly and shortly, and the exhalation is done as long and slow as possible. Inhalation should be through the nose and exhalation through the mouth, while the lips should be folded into a tube. Doctors recommend breathing in a count - when inhaling, count to three, and exhale, counting to five.

    Candle technique.

With a set of contractions of power and duration of contractions, it is necessary to begin to breathe frequently and shallowly. Inhalation is done with the nose, and exhalation - with the mouth, with the lips "tube". Breathing should be quick and shallow, as if trying to put out a candle. At the end of the bout, we return to slow deep breathing. The occurrence of light dizziness after breathing according to the "suppository" technique can be explained by hyperventilation of the lungs. In addition, shallow breathing promotes the release of endorphins into the bloodstream, which relieve pain.

    The Big Candle Technique.

This technique is applied at the end of the first period of labor. Inhalation is carried out with effort (as with a stuffy nose), and exhalation is carried out through almost closed lips.

    Breathing on early attempts.

When the cervix is ​​not fully open yet, and the head begins to descend, early attempts appear, which are contraindicated, since they can cause a rupture of the cervix. In such cases, it is necessary to change the position of the body (squat down or stand up), at the beginning of the fight you need to breathe in the candle technique, then inhale briefly and repeat the “candle” again. You should breathe at this rate until the end of the bout. It is recommended to breathe freely between contractions.

    The doggy technique.

Breathing is shallow and frequent, but the mouth should be open (exhale and inhale through the mouth).

    Breathing on pushing.

Initially, when pushing, we inhale as deeply as possible, and then push into the perineum, making efforts to push the child out. It is impossible to translate the pushing into the face, as there will be a headache and rupture of blood vessels on the retina. During the period of the contraction, you need to push three times. After the appearance of the child's head, you should stop pushing and switch to breathing according to the "doggy" method. At the command of the doctor, the attempts are resumed, at this stage the child is born.

Postpartum contractions are postpartum contractions. The fact is that after the baby is born, you still need to give birth to the baby's place (placenta, afterbirth). After the separation of the placenta from the uterine walls, pain recurs, however, its intensity is much lower than in the first period. In such cases, there is no need for strong attempts; small efforts are enough to leave the placenta.