Incredible things in the world. Amazing things in the world. What assumptions that it can be

The history of the planet Earth is full of amazing inexplicable mysteries. And the whole life is not enough to solve them. But you can look into the keyhole door, behind which the whole world of inexplicable secrets is hidden on our planet.

12 photos inexplicable things on planet Earth:

1. Obelisk, Egypt

Obelisk began to cut down right in the rock, but the cracks went on it. He was left unfinished. Sizes just stunning!

2. Sun gates, Bolivia

The sun gates are in Tiwanaka - ancient and mysterious city. Some scientists believe that in the first millennium of our era, he was the center of a huge empire. There is still no idea that you mean pictures on the gate. Maybe they carried some astrological and astronomical value.

3. Underwater city, o. Jonaguni, Japan

The complex accidentally discovered the diving instructor Kihachiro Aratak. This underwater city ruins all scientific theories. The rock in which he was cut down, went under water about 10,000 years ago, that is, much earlier the construction of the Egyptian pyramids. According to the modern ideas of some scientists, in that distant era, people juts in the caves and were able to unless to collect edible roots and to hunt on wild animals, and not to build stone cities.

4. Sorcetic L'Hens-O-Meduse, Canada

This settlement founded the Vikings about 1000 years ago. And this means that they got to North America much earlier than Christopher Columbus born.

5. Bird Moa

Moa is the frequent birds who dwell in New Zealand and extinct about 1500, destroyed by Maori Aboriginals (one of the theories). But during one of the expeditions, scientists stumbled upon a huge part of the poultry paw, which is incredibly well preserved.

6. Grotto Lunia, China

These grottoes were wounded in the sandstone people - it was a difficult task in which thousands of Chinese were supposed to participate, but nowhere mention of these grumps and hard work on their creation.

7. Temple Caxaiuaman, Peru

This temple complex is amazed by its flawless masonry without a single drop of a connecting solution (even a piece of paper cannot be turned on between some of the stones). And at how perfectly processed the surface of each block.

8. Stone Century Tunnels

The opening of the extensive network of underground tunnels (spread throughout Europe from Scotland to Turkey) suggests that the people of the Stone Age spent their days not only for hunting and collecting. But the real purpose of the tunnels still remains a complete mystery. Some researchers believe that their task was to protect people from predators, and others that, according to this system, people traveled protected from weather phenomena and wars.

9. Mohenjo Daro ("Hill of the Dead"), Pakistan

For many decades of archaeologists, the mystery of the death of this city is worried. In 1922, the Indian Archaeologist R. Banardi found an ancient ruins on one of the islands of the Indian River. Already then questions arose: how was this big city destroyed, where was his inhabitants? Neither one of them did not give the answer.

10. Giant Stone Balls of Costa Rica

Mysterious stone formations of an ideally round form intrigue not only by their own species, but also their incomprehensible origins and purpose. For the first time they were discovered in the 30s of the 20th century by workers when clearing the jungle under banana plantations. Local legends read that inside mysterious stone balls should have been hidden gold. But they were empty. It is not known who these petrifers were created for what purpose. It can be assumed that these were the symbols of the heavenly luminaries or the designations of the boundaries between the lands of various tribes.

11. Gold figures inks

Gold figures found in South America, outwardly resemble aircraft, and it is difficult to believe in it. What served as a prototype to create these figures is unknown.

12. Genetic disk

In an incredible artifact - a genetic disk depicted things and processes that a modern person can observe only under a microscope. The disk is most likely indicated by the process of the origin and development of the embryo. Also one of the strange drawings is a person's head of an incomprehensible form. The disk is made of durable stone called lite. With its exceptional strength, this stone has a layered structure, and despite the presence of this ancient artifact, to make something similar to him and practically, and theoretically seems impossible.

Tired of all these synthetic bags, black or gray. I want a wooden laptop case :) I bring to your attention a selection of unusual and original accessories

Many dogs contained at home suffer ... how to say ... the lack of attention from the side of the opposite sex dogs, so they begin to fuck everything that will fall under the paw.
To compensate for the shortage of dogs, a good owner must acquire a gift to his pet - Doggiedoll, a doll for dogs.

This dress called Dress # 3 invented and made designer Sebastian Errazuriz (Sebastian Errazuriz). The dress is made of a plurality of zippers, which allows not only to give it various forms, but also change the length and style.

A real man must smell well and be smooth shaved. To do this, in the mobile phone of this man, the Unnamed Chinese manufacturer has built an electric razor.

Tired of drinking beer from bottles and cans? Shoot the beer right in the mouth from Beer Blaster.
Excellent pribrud for soldering random passersby.

The carpet imitates the result of an accident involving fox. Design - Studio Oooms, 100% wool. This unusual thing gives rise to contradictory feelings: on the one hand, the desire to stick to this warm, thick carpet, on the other - disgust at the sight of "blood" and foxes.

This is a real model! We are waiting for store shelves!

Bouillo cook from this criticism will not work, but it will be placed a lot of necessary and unnecessary things, even a small laptop.

Mountain bike lovers and cycling are forced to sit at home in the winter, and therefore they are set on all sorts of tricks. For example, come up with Ktrak bike specifically for winter cycling. Is there a video

You can wear keys on it, and you can drive a dozen of such keyfobs on the line, smeared with blood and boast friends with your feats.)

Such bags will envy fantomas, the doctor evil and the blasting immortal. With such a accessory immediately you can see who is who. Your bag says for you: I am Evil

In order to celebrate the launch of the STEPHEN Sprove collection, Louis Vuitton has created a limited collection of design skateboards. Naturally, the board comes complete with the branded Case Louis Vuitton!

For each house - the most cozy, warm and comfortable. We are already accustomed to that in our house there are comfortable and comfortable furniture, beautiful dishes, beautiful textiles, household appliances, lamps. All this and much more - ordinary, but such necessary things. They give us light, warmly, in their environment we relax, rest or, on the contrary, we concentrate on something important. They are very significant for us.

However, everyone wishes their home to be special, not like apartments of friends and neighbors. But the choice is not rich, because televisions, cabinets, stoves, refrigerators can not shine a variety of appearance, namely they fill our rooms. Meanwhile, so I want individuality, peculiarities, small, but bright accents.

Now in stores you can meet unusual things that are not so familiar in everyday life. Perhaps are not still familiar with them, and life even seems luxurious and beautiful without them. But if you consider at least a few of these interesting things, it will become clear - how much they facilitate work in everyday life, make it interesting and fascinating, as they retain the precious time, and only one of their views completely change the whole interior, giving him stylish , Modernity and amazing charm. After a detailed consideration, these unusual useful things for the house will definitely appear in your kitchen, in the living room or in the bedroom.

And yet, fantasies and bold plans of those who are not indifferent, they can not always satisfy the production workers, and even just - I want to make useful things with your own hands. And when such ideas are embodied in life, then absolutely amazing masterpieces are obtained.

The fantasy of people is limitless, and the skillful hands can envy the most famous firms. Although, if we speak frankly, in order to make some unusual things with your own hands, special skill and is not required, sufficient accuracy and diligence in execution. And if the fantasy is not so luxurious, as I would like, the ideas can always be sprinkled. The main thing is the desire to fill your house with interesting, attractive details, breathe individuality into it, decorate special "raisins".

Very curious reception - unusual use of ordinary things. Teapots and old shoes used as flower pots, aquariums, as coffee tables - long known, but always winning options for any home.

When we make useful, unusual things for the interior, the home atmosphere is filled with spiritual warmth and light, in such a house you want to come, here the time flies unnoticed, because in every home there should be your little miracle.

Our unusual, useful things will help to make your life brighter, and maybe prompt new ideas for creativity.

Unusual and useful things for home, unusual gifts - Photo

Under one umbrella do not fit. But the rain is powerless if you become the owner of such a miracle - umbrella. He not only hides from droplets at once, but also covers a large zone for everyone, because its design also retains from water from the sides.

This exclusive model of the bench will be a special highlight of any garden. It greatly combines the classics and a new, bold solution.

Wonderful useful things for the kitchen will allow any hostess to make an ordinary scrambled eggs with a neat, interesting dish.

It is not necessary to suffer from the fact that together with water merge and the necessary products. A small device will not allow "escape" even the pea.

Amazing mini-breeders will not only enjoy guests, but will allow everyone to brew tea to their taste.

Even the scrambled eggs can be a romantic dish if it is cooked in such a frying pan. Let the day begins with a pleasant breakfast or ends with a playful dinner.

Such beauty is not at all difficult to make it yourself. But how nice will receive such a parcel!

The magnificent idea to decorate the corners of the rooms or an entrance hall. Even the most ordinary pictures or photographs will certainly attract the attention of each of your guest.

Such a concern for your pets will definitely bring the pleasure of a homely pet, and will also serve as a magnificent decoration of the gate.

That's what you need to have in every home! These slippers do not dismiss the light of anyone from households.

Milk straight from the cow! Such an interesting thing will not let this doubt for a second.

Unusual kitchen luminaires will bring amazing style. And they can be selected for any tea service.

Wonderful scissors for pizza lovers. Not a single crumb will fall by, and in a plate, neatly chopped pieces will fall.

What a simple device, and how facilitates the cleaning procedure.

An excellent gift to the lover of jokes will serve this knife. He will superbly raise the mood and will be a wonderful assistant in the kitchen.

This pleasant thing instantly revitalizes the whole view of the kitchenware and, moreover, will save the hostess from painstaking labor.

When driving on a bike, hands are not blocked and never freeze even without gloves, if there is such a caring device.

Your kids will gladly appreciate such a creative idea. No longer will have to ask to wear shoes, they themselves will wear such shale and fun to print dog traces.

This shoe stand takes so little space, and it contains so much that it is just necessary in any entrance hall.

There is a small modernization of the usual cutting board, and how convenient to use it.

A little - slightly smeuffles, fantasies and this familiar item will play new paints.

An unusually compact rack can be a truth find for any room.

Tired of ordinary sofas? Would you like uniqueness? You do not confuse this sofa with any other.

Always happily feel care even in such trifles. Change is small, but but what comfortable.

Complete by such an original screen - piggy banks will be very not easy. Do not know where to give a little thing? Put yourself the same.

A completely unusual adaptation for decorations. Stylish, new, flawless.

This solid dog will give seriousness and significance to any account and bathroom.

Easy, airiness, simplicity connected in a simple design. Do not spend a bunch of finance and strength to come up with something extraordinary.

Even if the alarm clock remained not heard, with such a structure to come to work insufficient simply there is no chance.

Bar? Shelf? Secretaire? Perhaps all together. The name can be simply inventing, the main thing is that such a hostage will always take care of the order.

Near such aquarium, even the most indifferent of your acquaintances will be delayed for a long time.

Have you invited friends to rolls? Then you better purchase such tweezers. They will cause a smile and guests will be created additionally convenience.

With one pressing the banana will turn into the cut pieces. Such an adaptation save every second.

Everything is simple and thoughtful. It is a pity that you will not always meet convenience in such trifles.

Gorgeous, cheerful tack. With such a miracle - taking, even inexperienced hostess will definitely be a miracle - masterpieces.

Are hands? It is not scary. Such a device will allow you to use the phone without touching it.

Such a chair will not suddenly meet in our apartments. Therefore, he will definitely give the interior originality and special personality.

Safe handles for frying pan and pans are that you need every hostess in the kitchen.

Surprisingly subtly and elegantly completed this aquarium. It is not intended for the content of many fish, but he himself is already a product of contemporary art.

Clothespins - stacking holders. Very comfortable and mobile thing. Sometimes they are just necessary.

Mug with a pocket will allow you to hide tea bags from prying eyes. Beautiful, neat, comfortable.

Would you like novelty and extravagance? This crane is responsible for these requirements.

Coffee in bed ... Yes, at least a whole breakfast! This table will amaze the serving by any dishes.

Give a special "highlight" bedroom and create additional comfort such a device.

The pelvis of such an unusual form is not just original, but also very convenient. It does not roll from the knees, it is convenient and boasts a rare, but very proven appearance.

Wonderful discovery for bottles will become a welcome gift for any friend. In addition, you want to have it and at home.

A simple nozzle will make an interesting and comfortable can from any bottle. She is inexpensive, it is comfortable to work with it, and the appearance will certainly cause surprise and delight.

In order not to spend too much time and do not burn your hands, you can buy such a dog that will give you a breakfast sausage in a second.

The tempting game may turn out if you build a panel, on which on ordinary days you can simply hang things.

The shape of such a sofa simply fascinates. Smoothness of lines, freshness of ideas and comfort - it is impossible to refuse this.

This cushion will not refuse in originality. Amazing gift for girlfriend.

Walk quietly, felting, feeling unusual softness, easy if you have such slippers.

Unusually, original and fun. Lovers of interesting jokes like it.

The usual ice bucket with charming frogs turned into a whole composition. Such a thinning attaches a completely different color to the whole feast.

Lovely printing love will serve as an amazing gift for loved ones and even colleagues.

The scrambled eggs of such molds will be happy to eat every morning, because it is completely unknown that you will fall into a plate next time.

Such an invention will reliably retain the necessary thing.

Schookes, which improved a little, will not allow me to be left on your floor.

Headphones will not go anywhere if you come up with a reliable fastening.

This is not a chair, and the present containing valuable trifles. All at hand and nothing will be lost.

Unusual well for the key. Let your home be original from the threshold.

Small labels will only add amenities for your tea party.

You can fall asleep on the plane, sometimes it is impossible - uncomfortable, no pillow, but I want to sleep. This small, comfortable pillow will fix the position. It will only stay comfortable.

Cut the cake to such a saw - real pleasure. She will serve as a wonderful knife, and a spatula.

To make the bath make a real relaxation, it is enough just to have this miniature table.

These extraordinary shale with the imitation of grass will undealid your legs not only with a hot summer, but at home - in the winter step.

Your helmet you do not confuse with anyone else. Girls will be delighted with such a headdow.

Do you like to drink coffee with cookies and walk in the morning garden? But cookies are so awkward to keep in your hands. You need to buy a wonderful circle, because everything is together - and coffee, and cookies.

The shower can also be stylish, fashionable and seem to change the entire atmosphere of a small space.

The house, like the theater begins with hangers. Your personality will be appreciated.

Ordinary fairy tale. Purchase such a hammock, install in a suitable place and complete peace and relaxation are provided to you.

Such a rug is not just original, it is also wonderful fighting with a flat-growing.

And nuts in a vase, and the garbage is not. Such an original Vaza will want to have every clean mistress.

Charge the phone is now much more convenient. Little supports will keep it together with the recharge device.

With such molds for the scrambled eggs every morning, funny flowers will bloom in your plate. Good day starts with breakfast.

Extremely unusual refrigerator. For shops and pavilions, he is just a find. This is not just a very comfortable unit, but also surprisingly stylish.

To use toothpaste to the last drop in the tube will help such an uncomplicated device.

Turn an umbrella into an elegant, an amazing cane is not at all difficult. And how much grace is hidden in the usual umbrella.

Liquid does not waste through the entire saucepan if you wear small nose on the edges. They will send moisture to the right direction.

These are not bactons and not fresh bells. Slippers such a form will give a smile with all your familiar.

An extremely useful thing in the kitchen for opening covers of cans.

Many are looking for answers to questions on the Internet, and some even reinforce their pictures. Try to guess what is depicted in the photo before reading the answer under it.

Thanks to the Internet, people have access to a huge baggage of knowledge, which makes it possible to find answers to many questions. There are resources where some users post the photos of those unknown earlier objects, while others say that this is if they know, of course. Look at our selection of questions, maybe you will see things in it that fell in the attic.

Answer: In France, this plate was used to cut the cake. People invented how to cut the dessert on equal parts depending on the number of guests.

2. Bought on a flea market, for what - I do not know

Answer: These are forms for the manufacture of traditional Scandinavian cookies, which is called "Rosette". It is very simple to use them: First, the shape falls into boiling oil so that it becomes hot, after that it is immersed in a special dough and again into the oil. As a result, it turns out a subtle crispy biscuit.

3. incomprehensible miniature meter found in a grandmother's box

Answer: This device is famous for those who like to knit. It is displayed on the number of the loop and a number when you need to postpone knitting, and after returning and continuing with the right place so that there are no errors.

4. What kind of glass container with the ribbed bottom?

Answer: This vessel should be with a lid, and it is designed for long-term storage of cheeses. There is some water, vinegar and salt to the bottom, so that the level of the solution is not above the height of the ribs that the cheese is laid out.

5. The thing inherited from the great-grandfather

Answer: Earlier in the Netherlands, this device was used for washing windows on the street. The lower part was immersed in a water container, and the piston was lowered into a wide part, which pulled the water, and it spattered under the pressure of the nose.

6. Found in the kitchen after moving

Answer:this amazing design in the 19th century was actively used to clean the scene from the bone, which at that time was widespread.

7. A strange thing that was discovered among the trash in the country

Answer: This written set, which includes the inkwell with a hermetic lid so that the liquid does not dry, and the sandbox. The sand was needed in order to quickly dry ink after writing text.

8. The subject that saw in the hotel room

Answer:a bottle of wine is inserted into the central opening of this device, and in two extremes - they are loaded with a leg up.

9. Girlfriend presented and said I am guess to what it was

Answer: This device is designed to prepare the meter with filling. The minced meat must be put in the central half factor, after the right part there is a hole in it, where the filling is sent. The left part is still a piece of minced meat, which you need to close the filling.

10. Why could this bag with different details be used?

Answer:this item was used during the First World War to protect the horse. This is a gas mask needed during chemical attacks.

11. No matter what this subject twisted in the hands, did not come up with that it could be

Answer: This machine is designed to block the wine bottles with traffic jams. They are driven into the neck with a pin.

12. I got a thing on a flea market

Answer:many will surprise, but these are nippers-scissors that were used in the old days to cut the umbilical cord in the newborn. They were still used for embroidery.

13. What can be cut by these strange scissors?

Answer:this is not scissors, but a press for canned food. It was used after the opening of the can to drain the liquid.

14. I bought an unusual vase in an antique store

Answer:it sounds strange, but in Victorian times, such tanks were used to collect their own hair, which fell out. At the same time, they were often reused, for example, to fill the pillow, make a needle or supplement their own hairstyle.

15. Cannon, lens, hours - what is common?

Answer: In fact, each detail of this design has its purpose, and in front of you - a dining chronometer. When at noon, the sunlight focused through the lens on the back of the gun, it ignited the idle charge. Loud cotton announced people that it's time to rest.

16. Some strange scoop

Answer: This shoes were worn in the Middle Ages. In the prepared grooves inserted fingers, and the heel needed to wind up a special bandage.

Answer: This is a special knife used for the preparation of croissants. It helps cut the dough layer on equal triangles, which are convenient to twist to get the necessary form of croissant.

18. Piece with plastic bottom and rubber tip

Answer: This is a device for unscrewing the bulbs that were broken. If necessary, it can be fixed on a stick. The rubber part is placed in the base inside the light bulb, which helps unscrew it from the cartridge.

19. During money exchange, I found a strange sign on bills

Answer: This special mark was changed in Asia and Arab countries. People who are engaged in the exchange of money, after checking put their own seal, indicating that the bill is genuine. In the future, for this, the storm can be immediately decided that the money is real.

Answer: These are disposable photographes, which were popular in Soviet times, when film cameras were actively used. With their help, it was possible to get more or less homogeneous illumination.

21. What are the assumptions that it may be?

Answer:this is so about 100-150 years ago a washing machine looked. To bring it into action, the handles moved forward-back.

Answer:this items used to actively used confectioners for applying sugar powder or other bulk products. It first recites the desired ingredient, and then, it quickly opened and closed for the sprinkle of food.

23. These structures stood in the negotiation hall

Answer: Companies engaged in the organization of exit food (catering), use such coasters for plates with food. They are placed on black pins, and two red are needed for fixation.

24. What is the unusual key?

Answer: This is not the key, but a mandashtuk-snap for cigarettes. A cigarette is inserted into the snap, and the smoking person will not burn his fingers.

25. An old object, which, apparently, was valuable

Answer: This is a special clip that used to attach gloves to clothing. Most likely, she was with a decoration that was lost, and the coin was inserted instead.

26. The thing that fell in the attic

Answer: In fact, it is such an unusual spear, which was once used to catch acne. Due to the unusual form and the presence of sharp details, slippery mining could not float.