Pedicure socks: salvation or dangerous procedure? Expert opinion. What are sackers for pedicure and how to use them correctly

At home, to achieve soft and beautiful heels is quite difficult: for this, it is necessary to regularly conduct long-term rigid skin removal operations. Pedicure's exfoliating socks allow in a matter of days to completely solve the problem of cracks and roughness in the footsteps.

Principle of action of wonder-socks

Pedicure socks are a polyethylene container filled with a certain liquid. Unlike most of the well-known tools, for example, pembol or heels, these cleaners work exclusively at the expense of chemical components.

The exfoliation of dead cells is performed using acids that are in large quantities in the socks themselves. In most cases, they are filled with lactic acid, since it is known for its soft exfoliating properties. In addition, they can also be filled with hyaluronic acid or a mixture of active chemicals.

But some Korean species do not contain acid, but alcohol or vinegar. Depending on the filling, the principle of operation will change.

It should be noted that you should not try to make similar tools to do it yourself. You can exceed the permissible dose of aggressive components and harvest the skin.

Indications and contraindications

Therapeutic socks for pedicure is a great way to get rid of rough heels and ecaltles in the footsteps without leaving home. They replace several sessions of professional pedicure.

Pedicure socks testimony:

  1. Eval sections on heels and feet (yellow, rough growths);
  2. Alpine corn, Natoptyshi. In some cases, experts recommend gel packs even in the treatment of deep corns;
  3. Cracks on heels and feet. They are formed as a result of the absence of exfoliation of dead cells and constant load on their feet. If you remove the damaged plots, it is possible without mechanical intervention;
  4. Rough, rough heels. This is an exceptionally aesthetic indication. Some girls prefer to get rid of these shortcomings using mechanical instruments, but socks provide a longer effect.

These socks also have contraindications:

  • Open wounds or glasses. If there is a damage impairment, then the socks can cause inflammation of the skin and deterioration of the state of the epidermis;
  • Individual intolerance to individual components;
  • Increased sensitivity or presence of tattoos on processing places.

Instructions for use

Instructions, as at home to use the butterfly pedicure socks (Baterfly):

  1. Before starting the procedure, it is necessary to prepare legs for processing. For this, dry heels are cleaned with a saw or pumice. After the bathroom is accepted to remove dust and dead cells;
  2. There are no exact sink sizes. They are sold from 37 to 41, at the same time, they will not make skin like the usual wardrobe items. Therefore, think about how it can be fixed on your foot;
  3. Heels and feet wipe dry. If there are tattoos on the legs and you still decided to make a pedicure with socks, then you need to smear the drawing with a dense layer of fat cream;
  4. Packages open and legs are lowered in them. It is necessary to ensure that they are strictly on the feet, preferably all the time of the procedure to sit. Then the likelihood of mixtures to the top sections of the legs is extremely small;
  5. For a good home pedicure will be enough hours, but depending on the composition and aggressiveness of the components, this time can vary from 40 minutes to 120;
  6. Use socks for home pedicure is best in early spring or winter. A few days after the application, strong peeling will begin, due to which the open shoes will not be put on;
  7. It is recommended to make such a pedicure as needed, but if after the first time the effect is not impressed, then the session can be repeated after 2 weeks.

Photo - Pedicure Needle Instructions

Often these socks are reusable, so the pedicure can be carried out for a long time and with one pair.

Video: how to use pedicure socks\u003dCEJSK6R91YA.

Overview of popular brands

Reviews argue that the best silicone socks for pedicure produces a company Sosu.. The main advantage is the lack of rigid chemical components. The composition includes ceramic, vegetable extracts (sage, ivy, soap, and others), castor oil, dairy and hyaluronic acid. They have a cumulative effect, so it is recommended to apply them regularly - 2 times a month. The peculiarity is that in addition to purification from dead cells, skin is also provided, moisturizing the heels and prevention of corns and a holopal.


- This is Japanese socks that are well suited for home pedicure. They have a pleasant aroma and also, as well as suck, consist of plant extracts and natural acids. They contain apple acid, citrus oils, calendula extracts, sage, lemon and other plants.

Chinese gel pedicure socks BRAPHY CALLUS REMOVAL FOOD PACK Contain a large number of alcohol, at the expense of which the exfoliation occurs. Are among the cheapest among the analogues. Not recommended for the owners of sensitive skin, can strongly overcover the epidermis.

- Professional wax socks for peeling. They will not help eliminate the problem of the solar corns or a holopal, but with their help you can make at home paraffin therapy. Supplepen with coconut and peach oils. You can use every week. To enhance the effect, it is recommended to supplement the procedure for excofoliatants. For example, IT`s Skin Self Care Foot Peeling or To-Plan My Pure Foot.

Mask-socks for the legs - the development of the domestic manufacturer. The cost of the pair is significantly lower than foreign analogues, but the effect is also a bit inferior. The composition includes hyaluronic, glycolic and salicylic acid. The gel is complemented by papaya and apple extracts. Heavily overpowered the skin, which harms a gentle young layer. You can use no more than 1 time per month. A similar liquid pumice from corns has a stronger and high-quality effect.

Consider a list of less well-known socks:

Name Composition and action
Ecotools Sustainable Moisture Socks Disposable moisturizing bags with iHerb. They do not eliminate the problem of corns, but deeply moisturize the skin, because of what it becomes less rough. Made from bamboo fiber filled with vegetable extracts.
Skinlite Exfoliating Foot Mask Exhausting mask from skinlight with acids and vitamins. Quickly removes corn and natopstysh, is known for the continuous effect. Consist of propylene and glycolic acid. For sensitive skin, it is recommended to buy Rolanjona Aliexpress Crystal Exfoliating.
SHARY MAGIC FOOT PEELING Due to the fact that there are a lot of plant extracts, these packages are helpful only with small problems. The effect appears due to lactic acid. Reviews argue that with regular use about corn you can even forget.
Tony Moly Shiny Foot Super Peeling Liquid Korean socks for soft peeling from Tony Moli are especially popular with rigid skin girls. They do not remove corners, but contribute to more efficient self purification. Contain herbs and hyaluron. According to the action similar to Holika Holika Silky (Silk).
4skin Avec Moi Foot Peeling Mask Very tender mask for Brazilian pedicure. Effectively cleanses the skin, removes the burdens. Recommended for regular use 2 times a month. Contains glycol. It is an analogue of Amazing Plus.

You can buy socks for pedicure in a pharmacy, shops and dealerships - their price will depend only on the selected company. On average, the cost of the pair varies from $ 2 to 7.

Not everywhere there is a detailed instruction on the use of exfoliating socks for pedicure. Over the past year, a similar cosmetic product has become in demand in many countries of the world. And it is not surprising, since these socks are simple and easy to use, and the effect of them is stunning, and the result is held for a long time. If you have not used them yet, you will definitely purchase socks with which your legs will become incredibly smooth, soft and gentle - just like a child!

Instructions for the use of exfoliating socks for pedicure must be read by each woman who plan to use them. Like any means, it has its own contraindications, so it is better to know them in advance.

What it is?

Pedicure socks were developed by Korean manufacturers. It is known that the Beauty Industry is developed in the Republic of Korea, and every year, Asian scientists develop more and more new cosmetic products. This tool is produced in the form of socks of one size. The material is a soft fabric, which is impregnated with a special solution.

It consists of special acids that affect the flabbing fabrics. Approximate composition of peeling fluid:

  • Lactic acid;
  • Apple acid;
  • Camellia extract;
  • Ivy extract;
  • Sage extract;
  • Chamomile extract;
  • Sulmenky extract;
  • Citrus essential oils.
Of course, components can vary significantly depending on the manufacturer.

Old and dried skin in the footsteps begins to exhaust, so that the epidermis update increases. Cells are regenerated and restored. Corn and disappear, cracks are healing. The feet look great, and most importantly - the whole process is absolutely painless!

Many firms produce pedicure socks. They can easily find in special-purpose stores or the Internet. Today, many suppliers work with Asian companies, so their purchase will not cause difficulties.

Who should be applied?

Most often, modern man wears closed and uncomfortable shoes, which poorly passes the air and delays an excessive moisture. It causes dry skin, because of which it starts to be poorly updated and rude. Natoptysh and corns arise, the feet are peeling, become rough and unpleasant to the touch due to an increasing burned leather layer.

At the same time, there is an unpleasant odor, cracks on the heels, increases the risk of fungal infections. Regular pedicure once in 3 weeks saves position, but not everyone can afford it because of high prices and lack of time. Alternative to the salon pedicure, these are these exfoliating socks!

Pros and cons

  • The procedure does not cause any discomfort;
  • Socks are comprehensively affected by the skin: they exempt the feet from dead skin, save them from other drawbacks, while moisturizing and feeding the epidermis with the useful substances;
  • Can be saved on pedicure in the cabin;
  • Rejuvenate the skin, due to which she becomes healthy;
  • Take a little bit of time;
  • The mask helps to eliminate the unpleasant smell for a long time, which often arises due to the wearing closed shoes in the warm season.
  • Not in all cities there are points selling Korean cosmetics, so you have to wait for the goods to come by mail and pay for shipping;
  • The update process lasts about two weeks, at this time the skin will be intensely exfoliated. She can stay all over the apartment;
  • There are contraindications.


Any means cannot be used in certain cases and socks are no exception. You can not use them if:

  • There are wounds, membranes and inflammation;
  • You are pregnant;
  • There is an allergy (examine the composition carefully!);
  • The leather in the footsteps is very dry.
You should not hoped at anywhere and wear socks, as you can cause significant harm to your health. It is better to use alternative methods.

Instructions for use

  • Prepare legs. Remove nail polish if it is available. Wash your foot, use the scrub, thoroughly dry them;
  • Opened bag with socks. Usually, they have special notches, with which the upper strip is easily removed. Get the product;
  • There are two types of pedicure socks. The first is already impregnated with a special solution, to the second it is attached in a separate container, and it is necessary to pour it yourself;
  • Put socks on the feet and secure with special adhesive tapes that are located at the base. If a solution for peeling needs to be added, then do it before fixing. Make sure that the liquid does not fall around the edge, carefully seen socks to the skin and straighten them;
  • For convenience, you can wear any other socks or golfs;
  • Socks wear 1.5-2 hours. At this time, try to walk more, moving your fingers, etc., so the fluid will be better penetrated into the epidermis layers;
  • After the expiration of the time, remove the product with the legs and discard. It is impossible to reuse them. Rinse your legs with detergent (soap or shower gel);
  • In the first 3-5 days you may not notice any changes. Do not be discouraged, the process goes. After you begin to notice how the skin becomes updated. It will literally "pin down" from the stop, so the procedure is not recommended to spend in the summer - the legs do not look aesthetic at that time. These days are not recommended to use cream and keep legs in water for a long time;
  • No way attempt to speed up exfoliation yourself! Do not skip the skin, do not use the scrub and pumice. It can hardly damage soft tissues and provoke the emergence of wounds. The update should go naturally;
  • Demanding skin will go constantly over the next 10 days (this is an approximate time). Try to wear home socks so that the skin does not remain on the floor;
  • Use this tool is preferably 1 time in 2-3 months. To begin with, this is the best time. With regular use, your legs will need peeling already much less often - approximately 1 time in 4-6 months.

How to fix the result? So that the legs look also remarkably as long as possible, you need to care for them. Do not give up the subsequent care. Arrange regular foot baths with the addition of grasses of herbs (sage, mint, oak leaves, chamomile and plantain) and essential oils (any citrus, lavender, jasmine). Use scrubs and creams, carefully clean the feet with pumice. So the effect will last even longer.

Famous firms

Pedicure socks of these manufacturers can be easily found in Russia and the CIS countries. They are the most common among our fellow citizens, since they have a good price ratio \u003d quality:

  • Skinlite. - The first similar Korean product, which has become known in the world. Perfectly copes with its task, while possesses wonderful moisturizing properties. Unfortunately, you can find them only in online stores, but they are inexpensive;
  • Feet Mask 7 in 1 - The main ingredient of these socks is salicylic acid. Well help with fungal diseases of the legs;
  • Letual Bon Voyage. - European analogue of the Asian agent. They can be easily found in the store;
  • Sosu. - Japanese pedicure socks, most expensive, but they can be found in cosmetic stores.
A rare person is pleased with the type of his feet, but not everyone has the opportunity to correct the situation for the better. This tool is really effectively and convenient, so it becomes more and more popular. Instructions for the use of exfoliating socks for pedicure will help you competently use the product and save the result obtained as long as possible. Your legs will look great and you will no longer be afraid of the summer season.

The article will tell you about what pedicure socks are how to use them and where to order in Aliexpress?

Exfoliating pedicure socks, Foot mask with Aliexpress: Instructions for use

Pedicure is not only a good habit, but also a mandatory procedure for the beauty and health of the legs. Pedicure includes not only the cutting of the nails, but also removing the flapped layer of the skin from the feet, fingers and heels. Of course, it can do everything manually using a number of special tools, such as:

Special attention deserves such a device as pedicure socks . They are necessary in order to easily and effectively remove with the stop of the coarse skin, nourish and moisturize the skin. There are several types of pedicure socks:

The peculiarity of pedicure socks is that they are as nothing better, capable of exhausting the burned and dead skin from the feet, making the legs incredibly smooth and gentle. The secret of the action of this tool is simple - inside the socks is a special substance that deeply nourishes the skin and makes peeling. You do not even have to do anything and rapidly rub the heel's pumice! All that is required from you is to wear socks and stay in them for a while, and then wash off and remove the tool.

The substance allows each skin cell to be updated due to regeneration. The composition of the substance is acids (for example, dairy and salicyl), which are struggling for the beauty and health of the skin. After removing the entire old layer of the skin (this happens within two weeks), you have "young", velvet and pink skin. Pedicure socks make it completely painlessly, "removing" all the natopes and corns, cracks and plantar warts.

Important: In order for the procedure to be effective for you, it is necessary to clearly follow the instructions offered on the packaging of each product. There is the exact time of wear of the socks and the procedure after the procedure, as well as the frequency of application per week.

Instructions for use:

  • Prepare legs to the procedure
  • Remove nail polish
  • Wash your feet with soap
  • Fully dry the legs
  • Open bag
  • Jump socks (there are two types of socks: with a napkin already impregnated inside or with a bag that should be squeezed into socks).

Any socks, with the effect of moisturizing mask or peeling, can be purchased on the pages of the store. Aliexpress . Here you will please a large selection of assortment and pleasant prices. If you have never made purchases in Aliexpress , check out the special instruction And go around simple. It will also help you specifically prepared information about the rules and bonus store program.

Socks for pedicure gels, from cracks on SOSU heels and Baby Foot in China on Aliexpress: Review, Catalog with price

On the website of the store, you can also find such a product subcategory as gel socks from cracks. They look very unusual, because they should only be put on the heel area. The socks intensively moisturize the coarse skin on the heels, eliminating it from the harrubel pieces and thereby carrying out the prevention of deep and painful cracks.

Socks of two producers are enjoyed in great demand and popularity: Sosu. and Baby Foot. Each has established itself as an efficient and effective means that will help moisten the skin of the stop and save it from flaws. The principle of the socks is one - they should be put on peeled legs and keep some time, to make the procedure follows several times with a temporary break (carefully read the instructions on each bundle). As a rule, the time for peeling takes about 2 weeks.

You can purchase Aliexpress:

How much to keep socks for pedicure - Foot masks, with Aliexpress?

If you fail to disassemble the instructions on the product packaging, you should use the general recommendations:

  • Fully prepare legs to the procedure
  • Put the pedicure socks, all thoroughly stick with stickers that go in the set so that the tool cannot get out.
  • Out of pedicure socks wear ordinary socks
  • Holding the socks on the legs - 2 hours
  • After that, the remnants of the means should be washed
  • Full result (refreshment of the skin), you can see 2 weeks later.

Is it possible to use pedicure socks with pregnant women with Aliexpress?

Socks are completely safe for women in position, because all the components of the substance act outwardly, without absorbing soft tissues. Pregnant women can without restrictions to make peeling with pedicure socks on any time.

Pedicure acidic socks-peeling, feet mask with aliexpress: reviews

Valeria:"I always make an acidic peeling with socks. It is effective and useful for the legs. The main thing is not to overdo it. Personally, my limit is 3-4 times a year, more often - harmful to the skin. "

Irina:"I never tried such a peeling, but I really want. There is always a bunch of brushes and pylons, now I think to order on Aliexpress. I looked at the catalog - prices are funny, for such a penny and such an effect! ".

Arina:"I work the manicure master and pedicure for more than 6 years. After pedicure socks appeared on the market, my work was not so complex and unpleasant. To my customers, I always recommend doing peeling this way! "

Video: "Socks for Pedicure Baby Foot"

The desire of women look flawlessly stimulates manufacturers of cosmetics to invent all new body care products. One of these innovations arepedicure socks.

So what are the pedicure socks and what are their purpose? Women's pedicure socks are designed to bring Stop in orderat home,absolutely painless, safe and inexpensive. Cosmetic socks remove the heat and roughness of the skin of the feet without visiting the cabin and are a pair of silicone bags with gel filler inside.

What is part of the exfoliating pedicure socks - the main components

Thanks to the gel filler which is contained inside silicone packages, the entire process of exfoliation of pipes.

The composition of pedicure socks in different manufacturers may differ, but the main components are acids:

  • salicyl
  • glycolic
  • lemon
  • dairy
  • oxijnaya
  • haluronovaya

herbs extracts:

  • romashki.
  • ivy ordinary
  • sage, Soynyanka
  • fikus and others in the complex working for rejuvenation and full update of tired skin skin.

Some manufacturers add lavender flavors, mint, roses, green tea.

Important! All harmful and aggressive filler substances should be indicated at the end of the list of composition, which indicates the natural origin of the product.

Silicone socks as a prophylactic agent

Silicone socks for pedicure are perfectly suitable as a prophylactic agent from:

  • hoptes, corns;
  • unpleasant odor;
  • get rid of dryness and cracks;
  • normalize sweating;
  • the development of Mikosa is warned.

How to use pedicure socks, instructions for use

The label briefly indicates how to use pedicure socks properly, the instructions for use are almost the same.

  1. place the legs and wipe dry with a towel;
  2. remove the varnish (it will leave anyway);
  3. according to the designated line of the cut, gently cut the upper part;
  4. put on the socks and secure the stickers included in the set;
  5. for convenience, we can wear ordinary socks;
  6. after applying, wash your legs and apply a moisturizing cream.
  7. within 5-7 days, peeling of dead skin will begin.

Important! To avoid damage, you should not try to handle the skinned skin yourself. The process must pass gradually. It will make it easier for a warm bath with decoction of herbs and moisturizing cream.

How much keep pedicure socks? It all depends on the degree of launching your feet. How much to wear an accessory is indicated in the manual by the manufacturer, but not more than 2 hours.

After use, this pair of socks is not suitable for a re-procedure, it must be thrown.

Contraindications for use

Application pedicure socks has a number of contraindications:

  • the presence of any skin damage and fresh corns;
  • current inflammatory processes;
  • the skin's skin is very dry;
  • children under 18;
  • allergies to any component.

Is it possible to use pedicure socks with breastfeeding

Use pedicure socks with breastfeeding and pregnancy is not recommended.

Some brands use only natural substances (see below), but the risk is always there, so before the procedure you need the advice of the attending physician.


When using this cosmetic accessory, it is necessary to adhere to a number of precautionary rules:

  • do not keep longer than the specified time;
  • with the appearance of redness and itching immediately remove the socks and wash the legs with soap, apply a moisturizing cream;
  • it is not allowed to enter the contents of open wounds.

Important! With a random hit of the acid gel, it is necessary to immediately rinse with plenty of warm water. If burning and redness do not pass better to consult a doctor!

What pedicure socks choose what is better

The idea of \u200b\u200bcreating exfoliating socks belongs to the Japanese, but the market has many Chinese analogues.Does not lag in this direction and Korea.

In principle, all firms offer a fairly quality product, essentially the same action and composition.

Chinese pedicure socks

Chinese pedicure socks are relatively inexpensive at the same time quite efficient. The manufacturer takes care of buyers who adds a set of gloves and special cuffs. Instructions for use are compiled in Chinese, as well as drawings.

Chinese Sobs Silky Foot

In a set of Chinese socks Silky Foot one pair for disposable application.Active gelinside the product is easily distributed in the footsteps without creating special inconvenience. Milk and fruit acids along with oils and herbs extracts are perfectly cleaned from dead epidermis.
The cosmetic effect keeps about 1.5 months.

Korean pedicure socks Foot Mask

Gorgeous quality and affordable Korean exfoliating socksin the set contains moisturizing cream.

Special herbal composition acts like chemical peeling, perfectly copes with a damaged layer, and nutrient oils contribute to rapid skin regeneration.

Pedicure socks skinlite

Balanced composition of Korean socks masks Skinlite makes them very popular among cosmetologists. The manufacturer suggests the choice of socks in two sizes 35-40 and 40-45 ,.to, they can take advantage of both a man.

Disadvantage - do not have special locks.

Menthol is cooled, and castor oil protects the skin from cutting.

European socks for pedicure

European products cheaper Japanese, but not inferior in quality. In the package one pair of socks. The composition is supplemented with orange and grapefruit fruit oils.

Estelar Pedicure Socks, Exceiving Foot Mask (Estelear)

HEATING FOOT MASK Estelar acts the same way, but the time of stay in socks is reduced to 40 minutes. The effect of the procedure, as the manufacturer affirms will last two or three months.

Pedicure socks BRAPHY

Of particular differences from the other brands of brother's socks do not have. Fully justify your direct purpose. Price - quality correspond to the stated properties. Collagen and fruit acids are gently exfoliated, and herbal extracts feed and moisturize the skin.

Pedicure socks Letual

Socks of the Korean brand Letual wonderfully cope with their task due to the extract of jasmine and glycolic acid. The manufacturer reduced the gel exposure time to 90 minutes. You yourself determine how much keep your legs for an effective result.

Scholl socks (Show)

The procedure for bringing the legs in order with the socks from the Scholl brand (Schol) passes gently and painlessly. Allantoin and vitamin B5 are deeply nourished and restore the renewed skin. The composition is supplemented with shea butter and ginseng extracts and ginger. As a result - silky and elastic skin after the first use.

Socks for pedicure Faberlik

Express pedicure with socks from Faberlik will take only 15-20 minutes. Socks up to 43 sizes. Made of cellulose with a thin fabric coating inside, richly impregnated with cream with a rose aroma. The remainder of the cream after removing the socks should be launched into the skin. Shea oil has an anti-inflammatory effect, and rosehip - antiseptic. Strengthen and protect nails from stratification.

Note! With proper storage, these socks are suitable for reuse.

Pedicure socks Mirra

Firm Mirra produces socks of two types:

  1. with napkins impregnated gel;
  2. with separate bags of peeling fluid.

Vitamin E is a famous natural antioxidant, retains the natural level of humidifier of the skin and makes it elastic.

Lavender extract acts toning, refreshes and eliminates unpleasant odor.

Japanese pedicure socks

Original Japanese pedicure socks are an order of magnitude more expensive than Chinese and Korean counterparts. They are distinguished by high quality and have much less negative customer reviews.

Japanese Pedicure Sosu Sospets (Sosua)

Japanese sosu socksputting deep and moisturize the skin, fungal diseases are warned.

Attention! Sosieos can be applied during pregnancy and lactation, but the doctor's consultation is required.

Sosu socks have the smell of lavender, mint, roses and milk. Designed for legs up to 39 sizes.

Extracts of sage, soybean, burdock, ivy and patterns will take care of the resumption of the skin, reassure and remove inflammation. Milk and hyaluronic acids are gently exfoliated, moisturized and nourished the skin. Ceramides and castor oil contribute to rapid tissue regeneration.

Japanese Pedicure Hoshi Socks (Hoshi)

The difference between Hoshi socks (Hoši) from previous grades is part.

Hoshi produce accessories in which only natural ingredients:

  • dandelion;
  • tricolor violet;
  • sakura;
  • heather;
  • aloe;
  • calendula;
  • jasmine;
  • lingonberry;
  • melissa;
  • shea oil and tea tree.

Good to know! The complete absence of harmful chemistry and aggressive acids allows you to use the mask of Hoshi pregnant and nursing women. The main contraindication is allergic to the components of the gel.

Where you can buy exfoliating socks for pedicure

Buy pedicure socks will not work in any online store specializing in the sale of cosmetics.

Also, the exfoliating socks can be purchased at the pharmacy, which will protect you from the fake. The product acquired in this way will cost more, but protects you from many unpleasant consequences.

Purchase to Aliexpress:

  • inexpensive;
  • minimum risk to acquire a poor-quality copy;
  • free shipping;
  • buyer protection.

Pedicure socks do it yourself at home, recipes

You do not attend the salon and do not trust new items you have one way out - makepedicure socks do it yourself at home.

Consider popular recipes.

Recipe No. 1 based on ant alcohol

Required ingredients:

  • ant alcohol - 50ml;
  • woolen and cotton socks;
  • two polyethylene packages;
  • fat cream;
  • tazik for feet.

Application procedure:

On lubricated cream legs need to wear socks from cotton and lower them in a pelvis with ant alcohol.Evenly impregnating socks with alcohol, stretch up plastic bags and woolen or warm socks.

To walk in this form will have to 3-4 hours. At the end, remove all components and rinse your legs in warm water. Wipe your feet dry, then apply a moisturizing cream.

On the 7th day after the procedure performed, leather exfoliation will begin.

Recipe No. 2 based on hydrogen peroxide.

Required ingredients:

  • 3% hydrogen peroxide - 50 ml;
  • warm water - 1 l;
  • small plastic basin.


Hold the legs in liquid from water and hydrogen peroxide for 40 minutes, pouring hot water, thereby breaking its legs. At the end of the procedure, clean the foot scrub and pimples. Wipe the legs dry and moisturize the skin with a nutrient cream.

Recipe No. 3 based on kefir.

Required ingredients:

  • kefir 3.2% fat - 200 ml;
  • peach or olive oil - 15 drops;
  • freshly squeezed juice of apples or cranberries - 50 ml;
  • fuel bags - 2 pcs;
  • warm socks.


Kefir warm, add oil and juice, pour into each package of 100 ml. The resulting liquid. Packages tie on the legs, over to wear socks and stay so about three hours. It is not very convenient to go in this outfit. At the end of the procedure, rinse your legs and treat with pembia. Then Moisten the skin's skin with cream.

In the main composition of any formulations, you can add honey, lemon juice, natural oils, liquid vitamins - E, A, B5.

Important! Before applying, be sure to test the means to allergies.

In custody

Regular use of pedicure socks will return a healthy view of your footsteps, the skin will be silky and smooth.

The number of procedures and the final result depends on the characteristics of the body.Do not ignore the warnings and carefully read the instructions before the procedure starts.

We wish you ease and your legs!

How to use socks for the feet so that the heels become soft and gentle. This question is relevant at any time of the year. The roughness of the heels, the appearance of cracks and painful sensations when walking significantly spoil the mood of their owners. To prevent such chagrins will help special peeling socks.

Briefly about the product and its advantages

Socks for feet peeling on the cosmetology market are tremendous. Externally, these are hermetic polyethylene bags, inside which is located a special acid composition. When you wear socks, the acidic composition penetrates deep into the skin and causes an active removal of dead cells and oroging layers.

This is the optimal version of the elimination of hopes, rudeness and roughness of the feet. Such socks are eliminated from cracks, corns and subcutaneous seals.

Socks for peeling combined all the desires of users:

  • lightning result - after a period of use, the situation with the feet will change significantly, they will become soft, moistened, pleasant to the touch;
  • easy application - use the means easily even without any special skills in cosmetology;
  • safety - despite the acidic composition used for peeling, the risk of complications and side effects is minimal;
  • availability, a large range - on the market, in a specialized store you will find a large selection of feet peeling products from Korea manufacturers, China and other countries. It is worth noting, the most popular Korean socks for SOSU and Footfit peeling from China remains;
  • you do not need to spend time camping at the salon, the procedure is easily carried out at home;
  • democratic price - the cost of socks is quite accessible to each user;
  • universality - Socks are suitable for any age, type of leather.

Be sure, with socks for peeling feet feet for legs will turn into a solid pleasure and does not take much time with you.

Instructions for use

To rejuvenate the feet using special socks does not cause difficulties. The manufacturer thought over all moments to the smallest detail, facilitated the task as much as possible.

Consider in detail how to apply SOSU socks or other stamps to clean the stop alone:

  1. Prepare the legs to the peeling: remove the lacquer from the nails, and the feet are well wash, but it is not necessary to build a pumice with pempore. Dry foot.
  2. Now take socks for peeling. Cut through the line that the manufacturer noted.
  3. If in a set to the socks separately there is a means for peeling, then pour it into each sock. There are socks with an already impregnated with a napkin inside, so there will be no liquid.
  4. Put the bags on the feet, secure them with stickers and seal. This will exclude fluid splashing out. Make sure that the acid composition inside them evenly covered the feet.
  5. For convenience, put on top of simple cotton socks.
  6. With bags in the footsteps you need to stay for about 2 hours, as the manufacturer recommends. At this time, do not limit yourself in motion and walking.
  7. Through the manufacturer recommended by the manufacturer, remove the socks. To neutralize the acid composition, rinse the feet with soap.
  8. Wipe dry with a towel.

On this, the exfoliation of SOSU socks and other famous brands is complete, it remains to wait for the result.

How to care for footsteps after peeling

The positive effect of the procedure is not commemmed immediately. Somewhere on the third day, the skin on the feet will take away the unusual gloss, it will become rude and peel. Externally, it looks not the most pleasant way, so peeling with socks are rarely performed in the summer.

Take patience, expect when the skin is fully updated. Seel hanging films. It threatens the appearance of a wound and the enhancing infection. In addition, after such "acceleration" remains scars.

For skin cover after peeling to recover quickly, without trouble, cosmetologists recommend adhering to the following rules:

  1. For the first 5 days, hide without baths, long water procedures so that the skin does not break down in the footsteps.
  2. Do not try to speed up the foot update with ointments, creams, baths. Wait until the process is completed naturally.
  3. Moisturizing, Nutritional creams for stop postpone until the end of the peeling is complete.


To achieve perfect softness of the heels with socks from SOSU and another manufacturer - is a dying. To exclude chagrins, trouble familiarize yourself with frequent errors that are allowed during exfoliation:

  • Before peeling is made of gross heels. For this purpose, PEMZA, PERSONS, or FOOD PILS. It is impossible to do this! You violate the integrity of the cover, it will cause burning, unpleasant consequences are possible.
  • In each package of socks (SOSU, Almea Baby Foot, Braphy and others) there is an instruction on the use and recommendations of the manufacturer for peeling. Listen to them to avoid misunderstandings, chagrins.
  • During exfoliation at the foot, direct sun rays are affected.
  • Before the procedure, a test for an allergic reaction is not performed. This error threatens serious trouble if the user will be allergic to the drug.
  • Burning, itching is an abnormal reaction. If you feel discomfort, immediately rush the tool with a large amount of clean water.
  • The peeling makeup should cover the foot throughout the area, to affect the entire sole.
  • When buying socks for peeling, pay attention to the shelf life, tightness of the packaging. Violation of these facts is hazardous to the health of the user.
  • The procedure is not recommended in summer. With the exhausting of the old skin, your feet will not look aesthetic, you will have to wear a closed shoes or go out until the tissue is completed.
  • It is impossible to perform peelings in the presence of contraindications.
  • Until complete recovery of cover after exfoliation, do not wear heels, close shoes.

Strictly adhere to the timing of stopping the feet. The interval between the procedures is allowed at least 2 months.


Peeling with special socks has a small list of restrictions:

  • women on any gestation period;
  • with breastfeeding;
  • there are wounds, damage to the skin stop;
  • allergies to the components of the fund used;
  • excessive dry skin;
  • age up to 12 years.

With extreme caution, only after prior consultation with the attending physician, peeling for patients with diabetes, various chronic diseases can be carried out.

Looking beautiful, young legs helps high-quality and permanent care. Socks for peeling are a confident step in the fast, painless cleaning of the stop, getting rid of the flaws and corns. In how to use socks for feet peelings, there is nothing complicated, and the price does not exceed simple salon procedures for stop. Take care of the beauty, the health of the heels with special socks - and enjoy the victory over the hopes, rough covers for a long time!