Do you need a bandage for pregnant women. Postpartum bandage after caesarean section. Do I need a bandage after childbirth

Expectant mothers always have a lot of questions about the prenatal bandage: how to choose it and how to wear it, what are the indications and contraindications for wearing it? In our article, we will talk about what a prenatal bandage for pregnant women is and what are the advantages of using it.

Why do you need a prenatal bandage

The prenatal bandage for pregnant women is a special accessory that supports the belly of the expectant mother and reduces the load on her spine. The range of bandages is now truly high: panty bandages, in the form of a belt, corset, as well as universal models that combine the functions of prenatal and postnatal bandage.

In order not to get confused when choosing this useful accessory, the expectant mother must first understand if she needs a bandage and consult with her gynecologist.

Why wear a bandage during pregnancy

First of all, when studying the model ranges, it is necessary to understand why a bandage is needed during pregnancy. It supports the noticeably rounded belly of the future mother, without squeezing it, and allows you to fix the correct position of the fetus in the uterus. In addition, it significantly reduces the load on the girl's spine, due to which she does not experience lower back pain. However, when answering the question of why a prenatal bandage is needed, you need to know that there are special medical indications for wearing it:

  • multiple pregnancy;
  • osteochondrosis and lumbar pain;
  • the threat of miscarriage and premature abortion;
  • the presence of sutures after caesarean section;
  • phlebeurysm;
  • lax muscles of the anterior abdominal cavity.

If one of the above points applies to your pregnancy, then the bandage will undoubtedly be very useful to you. Why do you need to wear a bandage during pregnancy if you have no problems and you are pregnant with one baby? You probably don't need a bandage. And if you want to use it to avoid the formation of stretch marks, then it will hardly help you.

Pros and cons of a bandage for pregnant women

Many experts express their opinion on the topic of prenatal bandage - pros and cons. However, its positive characteristics in the presence of problems in the expectant mother and in multiple pregnancies are obvious. What are the benefits of a bandage during pregnancy:

  1. Helps to fix the correct, head, presentation of the fetus in the uterus.
  2. Facilitates the bearing of twins or triplets.
  3. Relieves pain in the lower back and legs of the expectant mother.
  4. Prevents premature prolapse of the baby in the uterus.
  5. Reduces the load on the pelvic organs.

When assessing the benefits and harms of a bandage for pregnant women, its disadvantages should also be taken into account:

  1. Some doctors are convinced that wearing a bandage will relax the abdominal muscles during pregnancy, making them harder to recover after childbirth.
  2. Individual allergic reactions to the materials from which this accessory is made are possible.

And yet, the benefits of the bandage are much greater. However, each pregnancy is different, so consult your gynecologist when making a decision.

Is it necessary to wear a bandage during pregnancy

When answering the question of whether it is necessary to wear a bandage during pregnancy specifically in your case, you should remember the indications for wearing it. If you have no problems while carrying a baby, you feel good, then you should not buy extra accessories. Nature has created the female body in such a way that it is able to withstand all the stresses of pregnancy and childbirth.

Is it necessary to wear a prenatal bandage if indicated? Yes. In this case, you should choose a comfortable model for yourself and follow the recommendations of the gynecologist. Even if you do not want to wear it, you need to understand that it will bring relief to you and help in the development of your baby in the womb.

Modern bandages are very comfortable, made from natural materials and are not visible under clothing.


In fact, contraindications to a bandage for pregnant women are quite rare. Most often, its wearing is prohibited if by the 30th week of pregnancy the fetus has not yet taken the correct, that is, head presentation. This means that wearing a bandage will restrict his movements in the womb, and he will not be able to turn his head down. When the child takes the head presentation, the bandage, on the contrary, will help to fix it.

Since childbearing is not an easy task, most products for expectant mothers are designed to alleviate this condition. A bandage during pregnancy is one of those: the innovation was introduced quite recently, but has already become the subject of discussion and received both negative and positive reviews.

To decide whether a bandage is necessary, a woman needs to gather more information on this issue. If the expectant mother nevertheless sees the expediency of wearing a special prenatal bandage, she needs to know how to choose the right option from the whole variety of brands.

During pregnancy, the bandage is of great importance for the health of the woman. It is a special medical belt (or elastic pants) and fixes the anterior abdominal wall. It is easy to guess what the true purpose of this device is to support. This has a beneficial effect not only on the physical condition of the woman, but also contributes to the normal development of the fetus.

It is known how great the load on the spine of the expectant mother is. Especially if she expects the appearance of two or three babies at once. In addition, the internal organs, squeezed by the enlarged uterus, also suffer. This is exactly the condition when a bandage is needed during pregnancy.

The purpose of wearing it is to compensate for the load, as well as prevent stretch marks on the skin.

It is of great importance whether you choose special support panties or a bandage for pregnant women: for each expectant mother this is individual, and many features of the body should be taken into account.

The positive aspects of wearing a bandage during pregnancy:

  • greatly facilitates bearing, especially if the pregnancy is multiple;
  • helps to reduce the feeling of fatigue, pain in the ankle joints;
  • reduces discomfort in the lumbar region, reducing pressure on the spine and organs located in the small pelvis;
  • prevents the appearance of stretch marks;
  • prevents untimely omission of the fetus (physiologically, the phenomenon is typical for the 38th week of pregnancy), reduces the risk of premature birth;
  • supports the abdomen if the abdominal muscles are weakened;
  • promotes the correct location of the child inside the mother's womb;
  • thanks to special breathable fabrics in such a device it will not be hot even in summer;
  • easy to use (each model is supplemented with detailed instructions and an operating diagram).

How to choose a bandage? Kinds

It is impossible to unequivocally answer the question of which bandage for pregnant women is better - you need to consult with a gynecologist who will examine, study the results of the examination and make a decision.

Bandage panties for pregnant women

They appeared on sale not so long ago, but have already received a lot of positive feedback because of their convenience. Such a bandage is a shorts with an elastic belt-insert located under the lower abdomen. There is a wide range of styles and colors.

One of the obvious advantages is the low cost of this type of bandage. In addition, the device is easy to put on and comfortable to wear. Thanks to the thoughtfulness of the model, and, in particular, the presence of an elastic insert, good support for the abdomen is guaranteed - the shorts stretch as it grows.


  • You need to put them on in a prone position, which deprives you of convenience if you need to visit the toilet in a public place.
  • Manufacturers prescribe in the instructions the need for daily washing. Therefore, the expectant mother will have to buy several spare bandages at once.
  • Not suitable for women who have a predisposition to overweight: the model is not designed for excessive stretching, so shorts will soon squeeze the stomach, rubbing the skin and creating significant inconvenience.

Universal bandage for pregnant women

The peculiarity of this medical product is that it can be worn not only during pregnancy: the bandage is intended for use after childbirth. It looks like a belt with a wide and narrow part, each of which is adjustable with sticky fasteners.

During the bearing of the child, the narrowed section of the belt should be under the enlarged belly, the wide section should be placed on the lower back. When using the belt in the postpartum period, it is necessary to turn it over.

This type is most convenient for women who are prone to rapid weight gain during the period of bearing a baby. The product prevents the appearance of stretch marks on the body and acts as a prophylactic against sagging skin after childbirth. The advantage is the practicality of the bandage, its universal purpose and low cost.

Bandage-corset for pregnant women

Currently, it is considered a relic of the past, as modern manufacturers offer more comfortable and versatile products. The main drawback of this device is the presence of lacing, which is very problematic for a pregnant woman to tie without outside help.

Popular brands that produce bandages for pregnant women

There are a huge number of supporting devices for pregnant women on the modern market. According to reviews, expectant mothers especially highlight some brands of bandages.

Bandage for pregnant women "Fest"

The manufacturer "Fest" produces a whole line of products for expectant mothers. Therefore, based on the individual characteristics of the body, each woman will be able to choose exactly the bandage in which she will feel comfortable. The advantage of a medical product of this brand is the ability to treat an existing pathology and prevent the development of new complications.

Its main purposes:

  • reducing the likelihood of circulatory disorders in the renal parenchyma;
  • reducing the risk of premature termination of pregnancy;
  • prevention of female genital prolapse in the postpartum period.

Bandage for pregnant women "Orlett"

Differs in practicality, a range of purposes and high cost. The fabric from which the product is made is characterized by wear resistance and breathability. Possesses resistance to moisture, low degree of allergic influence.

The bandage has additional tightening bands that make it easier to fit it to the desired size, while reducing pressure on the lumbar spine. The accompanying instructions indicate when to wear a bandage during pregnancy: the end of the second - the beginning of the third trimester and the postpartum period.

Bandage for pregnant women "Nuova vita"

This manufacturer offers bandages of different styles, sizes and colors. You can purchase a prenatal bandage both in the form of panties and in the form of a belt. If you decide to purchase a product from this particular manufacturer, then you were not mistaken: the bandage is made of microfiber, which ensures its tighter fit to the body, without sacrificing a sense of comfort.

Each expectant mother will be able to choose the most suitable color for herself: white, flesh or black.

Bandage for pregnant women "Ecoten"

The undoubted positive quality of the bandages of this brand is the presence in each product of an additional tie that holds the belly of the pregnant woman, and two plastic "ribs". The reason for wearing it is a predisposition to sagging skin, prevention of weakening of the abdominal wall and unloading of the lumbosacral spine. The belt is universal, so it can be used after childbirth.

There are many brands, colors and models of this orthopedic design. The gynecologist will recommend the best option. Before buying, you should measure the circumference of the abdomen and the volume of the hips - this will determine the desired size of the bandage for pregnant women.

It is advisable to purchase this product only in pharmacies or specialized stores for pregnant women: you do not need to buy it "from hand". First, it's unhygienic. Secondly, this is not entirely practical: the bandage could be subjected to repeated washing, which will negatively affect its functionality.

How to put on and when to start wearing a bandage?

If you will soon become a mother and at the same time do not know how to choose a bandage for pregnant women, ask a gynecologist for advice. He will explain that this support should only be worn in a horizontal position, with the hips slightly raised.

The belt or elastic insert should be located in front under the stomach, slightly covering the pubic part. This is provided so that the woman herself can use the bandage: fasten and unfasten it without outside help. In a fixed state, it should not put pressure on the belly of the expectant mother, cause even slight discomfort or, even worse, pain.

If you continue to work, you need to plan the time in such a way that you can unfasten the bandage every 3 hours. The duration of such a break should be at least half an hour. Otherwise, the constant wearing of a supporting product in a fixed position can turn into a number of troubles. For example, a violation of the child's motor activity, circulatory failure of internal organs or diseases of the spine.

Pregnancy should proceed without complications. If you do not know how to choose a bandage for pregnant women, it is better to ask a specialist, and not choose him based on a personal vision of the situation, which is often erroneous.

Useful video on how to choose a bandage for pregnant women


For women who are pregnant with their first child, the question often arises: why, when, and most importantly, how to wear a maternity bandage? Prenatal bandage is a special elastic belt that is used to support an enlarged abdomen. Whether the expectant mother needs to wear a bandage is decided not by the pregnant woman herself, but by her obstetrician-gynecologist, since he is prescribed only according to indications, and not to everyone. Based on the state of health of the woman, her complaints of malaise, the doctor may recommend starting the use of a bandage for a period from the 20th to the 30th week.

Why do you need a bandage during pregnancy?

During pregnancy, the bandage is of great importance for the health of the woman. It is a special medical belt (or elastic pants) and fixes the anterior abdominal wall. It is easy to guess what the true purpose of this device is to support. This has a beneficial effect not only on the physical condition of the woman, but also contributes to the normal development of the fetus. It is not known how great the load on the spine of the expectant mother is. Especially if she expects the appearance of two or three babies at once. In addition, the internal organs, squeezed by the enlarged uterus, also suffer. This is exactly the condition when a bandage is needed during pregnancy. The purpose of wearing it is to compensate for the load, as well as prevent stretch marks on the skin. It is of great importance whether you choose special support panties or a bandage for pregnant women: for each expectant mother this is individual, and many features of the body should be taken into account.

When should pregnant women wear a bandage?

There are a number of indications for which a gynecologist may prescribe wearing a bandage for pregnant women:

  1. Multiple pregnancy. The uterus, weighed down by twins or triplets, especially strongly loads the spine.
  2. Nerve entrapment causing pain in the lumbar spine. If the bandage is not worn, then the larger the abdomen becomes, the stronger the neurological pain will be. Which can eventually lead to the need to take painkillers, which is undesirable for the child.
  3. If within 18 months before the onset of pregnancy, an abdominal operation was performed on the abdominal cavity.
  4. Scar on the uterus (after gynecological surgery or caesarean section).
  5. If the abdominal muscles are weak and the child is low. A bandage for pregnant women will fix the fetus and prevent it from falling prematurely.
  6. Underdevelopment of the cervix.
  7. The threat of abortion.
  8. Constant back pain. The bandage will help reduce the load on the spine and remove pain.
  9. Active lifestyle. If a woman spends most of the day on her feet, then the bandage will help avoid pregnancy complications.

When a Bandage Isn't Necessary

There are cases when a bandage for pregnant women is not only not necessary, but it is even contraindicated. For example, if a woman has a skin allergic reaction to the material from which the bandage is made, then it is natural that she will not walk for several months with a skin rash and constant itching. Another more significant reason why a bandage cannot be worn is a transverse or pelvic presentation of the fetus. Any obstetrician-gynecologist will tell a pregnant woman that wearing a maternity bandage with such an arrangement of the fetus will not allow the baby to turn around correctly (head down), and, therefore, there is a risk of complications during childbirth. Therefore, given that the bandage fixes the position of the fetus in the abdomen, if the presentation is not head presentation, then even if there are indications for wearing a bandage, it cannot be worn.

The positive aspects of wearing a bandage during pregnancy:

  • greatly facilitates bearing, especially if the pregnancy is multiple;
  • helps to reduce the feeling of fatigue, pain in the ankle joints;
  • reduces discomfort in the lumbar region, reducing pressure on the spine and organs located in the small pelvis;
  • prevents the appearance of stretch marks;
  • prevents untimely omission of the fetus (physiologically, the phenomenon is typical for the 38th week of pregnancy), reduces the risk of premature birth;
  • supports the abdomen if the abdominal muscles are weakened;
  • promotes the correct location of the child inside the mother's womb;
  • thanks to special breathable fabrics in such a device it will not be hot even in summer;
  • easy to use (each model is supplemented with detailed instructions and an operating diagram).

How to choose a bandage. Bandage types!

  • Bandage panties for pregnant women

They appeared on sale not so long ago, but have already received a lot of positive feedback because of their convenience. Such a bandage is a shorts with an elastic belt-insert located under the lower abdomen. There is a wide range of styles and colors. One of the obvious advantages is the low cost of this type of bandage. In addition, the device is easy to put on and comfortable to wear. Thanks to the thoughtfulness of the model, and, in particular, the presence of an elastic insert, good support for the abdomen is guaranteed - the panties stretch as it grows.


  1. You need to put them on in a prone position, which deprives you of convenience if you need to visit the toilet in a public place.
  2. Manufacturers prescribe in the instructions the need for daily washing. Therefore, the expectant mother will have to buy several spare bandages at once.
  3. Not suitable for women who have a predisposition to overweight: the model is not designed for excessive stretching, so shorts will soon squeeze the stomach, rubbing the skin and creating significant inconvenience.
  • Universal bandage for pregnant women

The peculiarity of this medical product is that it can be worn not only during pregnancy: the bandage is intended for use after childbirth. It looks like a belt with a wide and narrow part, each of which is adjustable with sticky fasteners. During the bearing of the child, the narrowed section of the belt should be under the enlarged belly, the wide section should be placed on the lower back. When using the belt in the postpartum period, it is necessary to turn the bandage upside down. This type is most convenient for women who are prone to rapid weight gain during the period of bearing a baby. The product prevents the appearance of stretch marks on the body and acts as a prophylactic against sagging skin after childbirth. The advantage is the practicality of the bandage, its universal purpose and low cost.

  • Bandage-corset for pregnant women

Currently, it is considered a relic of the past, as modern manufacturers offer more comfortable and versatile products. The main drawback of this device is the presence of lacing, which is very problematic for a pregnant woman to tie without outside help.

How to put on and when to start wearing a bandage?

It is impossible to unequivocally answer the question of which bandage for pregnant women is better - you need to consult a gynecologist who will examine, study the results of the examination and make a decision. The specialist will specify the gestational age and age of the expectant mother, find out what kind of birth should occur and what position the baby is in. Of course, the feeling of the woman herself can serve as the basis for buying a bandage. If she feels more secure wearing a brace then why not wear one. However, it's good to hear your doctor's opinion on this matter.

When buying a bandage, pay attention to the general rules for using this product.

  • The bandage must be necessarily suitable in size, otherwise it will squeeze the stomach, and, accordingly, the child. In addition, a "small" bandage disrupts the blood circulation process, and this should not be! If, after putting on the bandage, you experience a lack of oxygen, shortness of breath appears, and the baby moves too actively, the bandage urgently needs to be loosened or removed.
  • Perhaps for the first couple of days you will experience discomfort when wearing a bandage. Most likely, this is due to the fact that your body adapts to new sensations and it needs time. But if after 2-3 days the discomfort does not go away, we can say that the shape and size of the bandage are chosen incorrectly.
  • You can wear a bandage with a break every 3-4 hours. For 30-40 minutes you can walk, or lie down freely, without fixing the abdomen, and then turn to the bandage again. Some manufacturers of bandages have developed designs that allow you to wear them all the time, removing them only during sleep.
  • The bandage must be worn during active walking, long walks. If you're going to sit down, or stand up to cook, take it off.
  • The belt or elastic insert should be located in front under the stomach, slightly covering the pubic part. This is provided so that the woman herself can use the bandage: fasten and unfasten it without outside help. In a fixed state, it should not put pressure on the belly of the expectant mother, cause even slight discomfort or, even worse, pain.

How to choose a bandage for pregnant women in size?

There is a table of sizes of bandages, which you can refer to when choosing. But the only way to get the belt really true to size is to try it on. You can buy a belt at a pharmacy or special stores for expectant mothers. Experts advise choosing a device in a pharmacy located at the maternity hospital, or in departments for pregnant women. Consultants work here to help determine both the type and material of the device, and its size. Feel free to try on different belts. After all, the wrong size of the bandage can affect the health of the child. The fabric should not put pressure on the stomach, but only gently envelop it and support it. In the case of a tight bandage, you risk causing serious harm to the developing baby.

- whether it is necessary to wear a bandage, how to put it on correctly, why it is needed, and so on.

But we usually think about the bandage in the later stages, when the gynecologist has already told us that it must be used. From a male point of view, a bandage is not needed, it compresses the blood vessels, the blood supply to the baby worsens, which reduces its mobility. But all this is the point of view of men, they are watching their wife's pregnancy from the side and cannot simply physically feel what a woman feels.

But for medical reasons, a pregnant woman needs a bandage to reduce the load on the spine, if she moves a lot or often, does not sit still, suffers from back pain, and feels tired. The bandage is recommended for women who are afraid of stretch marks on the abdomen and want to prevent their occurrence.

If you are in active movement, walk a lot, and you do not have the opportunity to slow down, then the bandage will help you get rid of discomfort in your back and in the lumbosacral zone.

A prenatal bandage corset is needed, according to some doctors, to fix the baby in the correct position, when he lowered his head into the mother’s pelvis before giving birth so that he does not roll back onto his ass. Other doctors believe that if the child lies in the pelvic position, that is, he lies with his booty below, then the bandage must be put on, the child will still take the head, correct position, then there will be no need to do a caesarean section.

As the reviews of women who used the bandage and practice show, these two points of view are correct, but none of them can be as 100% true for all expectant mothers. In some, childbirth occurred without complications, in others it was necessary to do a caesarean, or give birth "booty forward". Here everything is individual, here you yourself will feel what will be best for your baby and for you.

Some pregnant women use a bandage so that later they don’t have to worry that their umbilical cord will allegedly fall out, so that they don’t have discomfort when they lean forward in the last months when they are cleaning the apartment, with a bandage they feel more confident and calmly. Bandages are also recommended to be worn in the 2nd, 3rd pregnancy, the skin on the abdomen is stretched, it is necessary that after childbirth there should be as few stretch marks as possible.

If there is a risk of miscarriage, low position of the placenta, polyhydramnios, a scar on the uterus, multiple pregnancies, a very large fetus, then, according to the doctor's prescription, a bandage may be prescribed.

You need to start wearing a bandage from 4 or 5 months of pregnancy. You can't wear a bandage all the time. It must be removed when a pregnant woman goes to bed. Also, every 2 or 3 hours you need to remove the bandage, at least for half an hour, the child may become ill from insufficient blood supply, and this is the removal of waste materials, air, food.

Imagine that you were locked in your mother's stomach, and with the help of a bandage, movement was restricted on it. Is it really unpleasant? And the baby wants to move, and he needs a good blood flow.

Bandages for pregnant women are sold in pharmacies, in stores that sell clothes for pregnant women. A wide range of such devices can be found in pharmacies at maternity hospitals. Bandages are by gestational age: prenatal, postnatal, mixed.

The bandage is in the form of a belt or corset that supports the stomach from below. It is worn in any position, sitting, standing, lying down, the wider part is fixed on the back with Velcro, the narrower part is fixed under the stomach. The bandage is in the form of shorts, it is put on in a prone position. If a pregnant woman often goes to the toilet, then it will be more practical to wear a bandage belt.

The correct bandage should not squeeze the child, because the mother does not want to give birth to a disabled child. The bandage should only gently and gently support the stomach, and not put pressure on it.

When buying a bandage, do not hesitate to try on different sizes and model options and choose the option that is comfortable for you, according to this principle, the size of your panties before pregnancy, plus one more size.

The bandage must be worn over underwear for hygienic purposes, so that you are comfortable and also to extend the period of wearing it.

Now we know why a bandage is needed for a pregnant woman. As for the postpartum bandage, here you need to consult a doctor, sometimes after childbirth they do more harm than good. After a caesarean section, the bandage is strictly forbidden to wear.

Video. bandages for pregnant women

For many expectant mothers during the period when the stomach is just beginning to increase in size, the doctor recommends wearing a prenatal bandage. In some cases, it may be required after childbirth to support the anterior abdominal wall in special situations. A natural question arises: is it necessary to wear a bandage or can it be dispensed with, in which cases is it directly indicated, and when can it be worn from time to time? Let's try to understand all the nuances of choosing and using this device.

Bandage for pregnant women

As the size of the abdomen and the fetus inside the uterus increases, it becomes more and more difficult to maintain the correct posture, keeping the back straight and not shifting the center of gravity. Such a change in the figure and distribution of the load on the spine leads to discomfort and even back pain, and wearing a bandage will help solve the problem. Due to the special design, it helps to support the stomach, transferring the load to various parts of the back, and prevents it from sagging, muscle relaxation. But such a design does not apply to mandatory accessories for pregnant women, it is worn at will or according to indications, everyone does not have to buy it without fail. However, if it is decided that you need to wear a bandage, it is important to choose it correctly in accordance with the term, features of the figure and the size of the abdomen. In addition, it should be comfortable for a woman and not cause discomfort.

The correct design of this product does not harm the child, greatly facilitating the life of the expectant mother. But you need to choose it correctly.

What is considered a bandage?

The category of bandages includes structures made of dense fabric and elastic bands, which have elasticity and a sufficient margin of safety. Worn in a special way and tailored according to special patterns, they help in maintaining the correct position of the baby in the uterine cavity.


If bandages are used correctly and from an early date, they help eliminate excessively early lowering of the fetal head into the pelvic area, maintain correct posture, and reduce the feeling of fatigue and muscle fatigue in the back or legs.

This is especially important for those expectant mothers who go to work or stay upright for a long time. During the period of wearing the bandage, support is provided to the abdomen and back, which reduces the feeling of pressure and fatigue in the lumbar region, distributing the load evenly along the axis of the spine. Products of this kind, along with many other means, help in a complex effect on the skin, preventing formation in the abdomen and thighs, and back.

What types of bandages exist

If we divide all products according to their design, as well as according to the functional tasks assigned to them, they can be divided into such types as:

  • prenatal bandage , it helps in supporting the back and abdomen, it is worn starting from the second half of pregnancy, during the period of active growth of the abdomen.
  • postpartum bandage , which is needed for the earliest possible return to normal form after the birth of the baby into the world, or after the operation. They pull the stomach and support the muscles in the abdomen (abs and adjacent groups).
  • Universal bandage , which is applicable both in the prenatal period and after the birth of the crumbs, and can also be used in the postoperative period.

If we talk about prenatal bandages, they may look like:


According to women, bandage panties are comfortable in the second trimester, when the stomach is not so big yet, but it is more convenient to wear a belt by the end of the period, from the 30-32nd week, when the stomach is already voluminous and heavy.

Indications for wearing a bandage during pregnancy

Usually, the indications appear in each specific case, but speaking in general, the wearing of such products will be especially shown to women in the case of:

  • If you lead an active, mobile and dynamic lifestyle.
  • If a woman goes to work, spends a lot of time on her feet, she needs to spend a fairly long period during the day in an upright position (at least two to three hours in a row).
  • If there is pain in the lumbar region, it occurred before pregnancy with frequent exacerbations, it periodically occurs.
  • Available in the lower extremities, pelvis or genitals.
  • It is also shown to wear a bandage in the presence of multiple pregnancy, if this is not the first pregnancy and the muscles are weakened, especially in the region of the anterior abdominal wall, back and lower back.
  • A bandage also plays a significant role in the prevention of stretch marks on the abdomen, if they have just appeared or there is a threat of their occurrence (the skin is dry, prone to formation).

It is mandatory to wear a bandage for those pregnant women who have a threat of a child or cervical insufficiency (ICN) has been identified.

Contraindications to wearing bandages during pregnancy

With regard to contraindications, everything is more complicated. As such, there are no absolute contraindications, they may be relative. So, the doctor may prohibit wearing a bandage with abnormal positions of the crumbs in the uterine cavity (oblique, transverse), or in the presence of low placentation, placenta previa, or in other situations that are identified during examination and examination.


There is also the opinion of some experts that wearing a bandage is not natural to the nature of pregnancy. Young and healthy women with strong trained muscles can do without additional devices.

When to start wearing a bandage during pregnancy?

On average, you need to wear a bandage no earlier than the fourth or even the fifth month of pregnancy.
, as the growth of the tummy accelerates. Doctors may recommend wearing it from a period of 30 weeks or more if the pregnancy is the first, or earlier - starting from the 24th week - if it is a repeated gestation or multiple pregnancy. If you wear a bandage from an early date, this threatens to significantly weaken the tone of the muscle frame in the region of the anterior abdominal wall, which then leads to a long recovery period after childbirth. Also, the period of wearing the bandage will be the period when, according to subjective sensations, it is already difficult to walk, there are uncomfortable sensations in the back and legs, lower back, and fatigue is revealed by the end of the day. But, wearing the product around the clock is not recommended, there are rules for the timing of its use.

How to put on a bandage?

Whatever type of bandage is chosen for purchase, it is recommended to wear it in a supine position. This is necessary so that when moving to a vertical position of the body, the muscles that are exposed to a greatly enlarged uterus do not stretch, but maintain their original position and tone.

If the product is worn in accordance with all the rules, it is selected strictly in size and style, there will be no feeling of discomfort and fatigue, it is not felt on the body. On the skin of the body after removing the bandage, there should not be any traces and red stripes that indicate excessive tightening of the tissues.

If there is a desire to remove the product or it is uncomfortable in it, you need to take the supine position again, remove all the details of the bandage and expand it in size. A properly selected model will not harm either the health of the mother or the fetus, it does not lead to constraint in movement and does not increase the tone of the uterus.

No matter how comfortable the bandage is in wearing it, you need to take small breaks, usually every three hours it is removed for an hour or a little more to rest. In order to help in the correct choice and wearing, each of their certified and high-quality products is accompanied by a complete instruction for putting on, wearing and washing with detailed step-by-step photos that will help you not to make a mistake in putting it on and fixing it correctly. You can also ask your doctor or health visitor to help you learn how to use the bandage.

What you need to know when buying?

When buying a bandage, it is important to prefer models that look like wide belts, which especially support the lumbar and back, hips and abdomen area. Too narrow belts slip or twist, may be uncomfortable to wear. Quality products are not cheap, but they are durable and practical, wash and wear well, they are usually made in the Baltic States and Italy, although there are also domestic models that are very comfortable. Our models, although not as elegant as imported ones, do their job perfectly. In choosing, you need to rely not on beauty, but not on convenience and functionality. The bandage must be measured, consulted with specialists, and only those products for which there are quality certificates are selected.