About the benefits of water. What can lack fluid? Thus, it is necessary to care for skin, clean soft water room temperature

by Notes of wild mistress

The reason for aging people were determined in antiquity: the body agrees, as it loses a lot of water and it lacks it. The first treatise on the rapid aging of a living organism without water was written by the scientist and doctor Avicenna, who lived a thousand years ago. Observing several melons, ripe and juicy, which in a few days of staying for a hot sun became wrinkled and dried, Avicenna made a simple conclusion: old age is always dry. Modern scientists said this somewhat in other words: old age is a loss of water cells. Especially acute women feel: skin dehydration is the main reason for the appearance of wrinkles.

Even if a person feels at all young and full strength, deep wrinkles appear on the face, and the skin becomes a flabby, because the face is more susceptible to external influences and ages faster body.

"To save freshness and beauty, one cosmetics, one must comply with some cosmetics, it is necessary to observe certain rules for taking water."

Dry food - like a stone in the stomach, and to digest it, the body requires a large amount of water, and he takes it where only can. Including from skin. It will be better if you first give your stomach to drink. In Europe, it has long been customary to start not only breakfast from glass of juice, but also lunch. In this case, the digestion process passes in accordance with the norms.

If we use a lot of firm and well-seasoned food, then, feeling thirst, drink a lot. As a result, the face swells, and under the eyes there are bags. Our vitality is determined by the reserves of nutrients and water reserves. With age, a person loses the water more and more. In order for water to do not end and the flow of its receipts did not weaken, our body should be helped.

Of great importance is the amount of water consumed in the fight against extra kilograms. Listen to your body and try to understand: he wants to drink or eat. It is possible that you just suppress the natural feeling of thirst and do not feel how your body needs to drink. Many women suffering from overweight are trying to drink smaller fluid, believing that it harms them. They forget that the water not only removes thirst, but is responsible for the quality of blood, the provision of body nutrients and strongly affects the condition of the skin. Premature loss of elasticity and skin purity is often associated with insufficient water support of your body. It should be known that about the liter enters the body with other products.

The human body consists by almost 60%, and it requires sufficient provision to this priceless liquid. About 0.4 liters of liquid we get back when metabolism. The amount of liquid consumed per day by a person in the form of water, tea, juice and other foods, such as fruits and vegetables, as well as first dishes, should exceed its loss by the body through the selection systems.

A sufficient amount of water enrolled in the intestines contributes to the correct process of digestion and significantly reduces the amount of harmful bacteria in the gastrointestinal tract. Without water, the digestive system absorbs these harmful substances, the narrowing of the vessels, an increase in pressure and accumulation of slags in the body. If the body does not receive their dose of livic moisture in the desired volume constantly, then toxins are accumulated in it, the metabolism is violated, immunity and the skin loses its healthy look.

In our body every day through the kidneys and 2-3 million skin pores in the form of sweat passes from 1 to the evil water. The sweat consists not only of water (99%), it contains salts, organic substances, for example, lactic acids, fatty acids, alkali and minerals. All this pollutes the surface of the skin, and if you do not follow the purity of your body, then with the deterioration of the functional operation of the skin, many of these compounds fall back to our organism and again pollute lymph and blood.

With a strong loss of moisture without its replenishment, the body reacts to it, as with a lack of energy, and is trying to use less water and accumulate it in case of unforeseen circumstances. Then the brain gives the team to create water storage rooms, which can be expressed in the form of a swelling of the face, legs and in increasing the entire body weight. Only due to the constant additional amount of fluid consumed, the body switches again, so drove regularly during the day, and preferably drinks that do not quit your feeling thirst. If this is neglected, it may cause dehydration and further lead to a more serious disease.

The water balance indicator is the difference between the water allocated by the organism and absorbed. The ideal option is a constant amount of water. With its excess, the water balance is positive, with a deficit - negative. Both, and the other condition is extremely undesirable and threatens the emergence of serious health problems.

"A positive water balance is no less dangerous than negative. In an excess of water in the body, a person may lose consciousness, starting a heart attack, swell his legs, is absorbed by overweight, etc. All this does not make us healthier and happier."

Each person has a purely individual water balanceTherefore, the number of water consumed by them can also be different. Each person must take so much liquid (or food in the form of a liquid), how much it was separated from the body.

Unfortunately, only a small amount of water reaches the skin, but water has an invaluable service to improve the circulation and the withdrawal of toxins from the entire body, which is subsequently reflected on the color and purity of the face. Many cosmetology experts recommend starting a day with a full glass of water to help skin get rid of harmful substances.

Not all fluids falling into our organism produce the same effect. Although it makes it possible that such drinks, like tea or coffee, worsen the complexion, but they also contain caffeine needed to our body and are diuretic, therefore make the process of getting rid of harmful substances and toxins faster and more efficient.

However, other liquids still should not be included in the mandatory norm - 2 liters of water, which must be drunk every day. For optimal moisturizing, the combination of 2 liters of water with intense moisturizing daytime and night cream is ideal. Just like you brush your teeth every morning, and in the evening they put a special cream under the eyes, and all your skin also needs a "water" care.

But the most important thing is to drink water at least 2 liters per day, since the moisturization of the body is much more efficient and more important than moisturizing the body outside. With the help of wet skin care outside and sufficient fluid intake, you can not only quickly improve the appearance and elasticity of the skin of the face, but also to prevent other possible problems with all skin. For example, with sufficient water consumption, the risk of cellulite is significantly reduced, and the surface of problem areas of skin is reduced. If you comply with the correct mode of use of water, then after four weeks later you will find out that the condition of your skin has changed significantly.

In general, try as often as possible where there is water: on the river, on the sea, go to the pool, in a bath or taking baths. Remember the steam action, where under the action of a wet broom and high cell temperature simply swell from water. After regular visits, the pair man is really rejuvenated and delays the aging process.

Do not hurry to dryness to wipe with a towel - it is better to wear dry underwear on a wet body. Moisture and heat are evenly distributed in the body.

"Article". "Where we will talk about what you should pay attention to when choosing water for cosmetology purposes. We will try not to speak too much enough, but. If what - write in the comments, correct! So:

What kind of water is needed to care for the skin? Water is necessary for all organs without exception. Including for the skin - with a lack of water in the body of a full humidification of the skin, we simply will not succeed with the creams alone. Washing is carried out with water or water with special cosmetics. Washing procedure cleans the skin from decorative cosmetics, fat and contaminants. It should be washed 2 times a day in the morning and in the evening, taking into account the type and age of the skin, as well as water quality.

Thus, the first stage in skin care is purified by water. It seems so simple. But water is different: cold water, hot, warm, plumbing, rain, melt, soft, rigid, etc. All cosmetologists are recommended, regardless of the type of skin, wash the soft water. Such water includes - rain and thala. However, due to modern environmental conditions, Tales and rain water is not the best choice.

The first thing to pay attention from the point of view of water to care is to mitigate water.

Mitigating water eliminates the aggressive effect of tough water. Water softening can be achieved if:

  • boil water (more - in the article "Thermal Method of Water Softening")
  • or, simply use the purified water through the reverse osmosis system (more details in the subsection "").

So, it costs clean, soft water, without impurities and harmful salts. The best distilled water, or natural mineral, but you can use river water - only you need to boil (if you, again, are not afraid of what is in modern water).

The second is the acidity (pH) of water for washing.

One of the most important indicators of skin health is the level of its acidity. Or, in a scientific - pH (P-AS is read). The pH reflects how water is acidic or alkaline. So, the smaller the pH, the more acidic water. The greater the pH, the more alkaline water. Neutral water is pH 7.

Where does the skin acidity come from? Everything is very simple: the silent and sweat glands of our skin are distinguished on its surface various substances. Mixing with the Epidermis Eashematic Cells, these substances form a protective film on the skin - lipid layer. And the pH lipid layer we accept as a pH of the skin. PH is not the same in different parts of the body. On the skin of the head, it varies from 4 to 6, on the skin of the upper body from 5 to 5.5, on the skin of the lower body from 5.5 to 6, on the palms from 6.2 to 6.5. Men's pH leather is usually more sour than women.

Naturally, water is used to care for skin. It should be borne in mind that the water coming from our cranes has a non-neutral reaction, but, as a rule, alkaline due to the presence of chlorine and other rigidity salts. Therefore, water for washing should be either distilled or softened by adding natural vinegar to it. That is, the pH of water should be sour.

Make conventional acid water water in several ways:

  • add to 1 l of water - 1 hl of lemon juice
  • add to 1 l of water - ΒΌ h l drinking soda
  • add to 1 l of water - 1 stl glycerin (this for oily skin)
  • or simply use the reverse osmosis system.

By the way, note: the reverse osmosis system is used and in order to make water soft, and in order to obtain an acidic water reaction.

The third is the water temperature during washing.

What is the optimal temperature of water water for washing? Cold water-narrows blood vessels and disrupts the root glands, due to which the blood circulation of the skin is reduced, and it becomes pale, sluggish, wrinkled. Hot water is well blends up pollution, but expanding the pores and makes the muscles weaker. The skin becomes a flabby.

And people with advanced capillaries, wash hot water in general contraindicated. And if you wash with such water also with soap, then dehydrate and degrease the skin of the face, provoke the stress of blood in the vessels (which can lead to red spots on the cheeks and on the nose). The best wash, which is suitable for people with any skin is washing water room temperature.

Thus, it is necessary to care for skin care.

Good luck in skin care!

The use of water for our body, health, beauty and weight loss is not subject to doubt, because a person is more than 80 percent consists of water. Thanks to the water, all processes in the body occur, the metabolism is proceeded, slags and toxins are derived. What else is water, why and how much water you need to drink daily - our material.

The benefits of water for the body as a whole

The cleansing of the body is, perhaps, the most important quality of the water, the necessary organism. Slags, toxins, allergens, free radicals Run our youth, beauty and health. Water is capable of withdrawing all harmful substances accumulated in the body. It helps slimming and naturally updating the body. If you drink a little water, the excess of harmful substances accumulates in the body, which causes serious intoxication, all the life processes are slowed down, problems with health and excess weight, the condition of the skin is worse. Tablets, diet, chemical cosmetics - we are trying to solve our problems very expensive and ineffective ways, although there is water, the product that one can replace all these measures and return the work of the body into normal course.

Many people do not understand why we are fully in the lack of water. Everything is very simple. If there are few water, the body accumulates a large number of harmful substances that have not been derived naturally. To protect our bodies from their negative influence, the body creates a special barrier, consisting of the water and a fat layer. That is why after the procedures for cleansing the body from slags, a person begins to lose weight rapidly, because he no longer makes sense to keep an excess of adipose tissue. Kau celebrate nutritionists, with daily use of the required amount of water you can lose weight up to 3 kilograms per month without diets and physical exertion. This is an experimentally proven fact! In addition to the above, clean water accelerates fat exchange, and fat excess are not postponed in problem places, and burned. How to properly drink water for weight loss and how much water you need to consume, while weighing, see the article water diet where everything is painted in detail.

Use of water for the skin of the face and body

  • Water helps the skin of the face and body remain young. Skin aging, especially the skin of the face, the appearance of wrinkles, dryness, the deterioration of the skin tone is directly related to the lack of water. That is why there are so many home and cosmetology procedures related to the filling of the skin moisture. Experts note that to preserve the beauty and youth of the skin, it is necessary to help the body comprehensively, from the inside and outside, that is, and drink enough water, and do moisturizing face masks .
  • Water removes swelling. Excess liquid accumulates in the body not at all because you drink a lot, but on the contrary, that there is little liquid into the body. Moreover, tea, coffee, other drinks are perceived by the body not as water, but as food. As a result, if there is little clean water into the cells, the body begins to accumulate water contaminated by the body, which remained. As a result, there is a swelling and lethargy of the skin, appear bags under the eyes . Therefore, feedback and comments that people leave on the pages of the site, criticizing water consumption during swelling, are extremely untenable. But, alas, this is a very common myth, with which it is difficult to fight.

Good health for health

  • Water prevents the risk of infarction. With a lack of water, blood begins to thick. To "pump" thick blood heart begins to actively work. This leads to the wornity of the heart muscle - the main cause of heart attack. It is for this reason athletes. Testing high loads on the cardiovascular system recommend drinking more water. If you want to have a healthy heart and vascular system, take the rule to drink daily to 2 liters of pure mineral water (in summer it increases to 3 liters and more).
  • Water improves the operation of the gastrointestinal tract, because the intestinal work on the direct depends on the incoming fluid. With a sufficient amount of water in the body through the intestine, more slags are derived. With a lack of water, on the contrary, constipation arise, and "waste" come into the blood. Plus digestion also depends on the water. So that the digestion was better, you need to drink at least a glass of clean water 30 minutes before eating and an hour after.
  • Water saves the nervous system. In order for the body to work in normal mode, it is worth spending about 2 liters of water on its functioning. Liquid deficiency leads to a slowdown in all organs and systems. This undoubtedly affects the general condition - increases fatigue, irritability and common nervousness. Drink more water, take care of your nerves.
  • Water protects against colds. The lack of fluid in the body leads to dehydration, which reduces the protective functions of the body, so you begin to root much more often. Water also has an antipyretic effect and displays all the toxins that have accumulated in the body during the disease. After treatment, in particular antibiotics, they also advise more drinking fluid for the same reason.

According to a member of the Union of hairdressers and cosmetologists, an art director of the Moscow beauty salon "Fashion courtyard" Ekaterina Komarov, mineral water, in addition to its basic functions - thickening thirst and treating various diseases, can also serve as a cosmetic to the skin care.

Than useful mineral water for face

Mineral waters are used in skin care for quite a long time. And especially became popular in the past few years. Simultaneously with thermal water for the face in the form of sprays, which appeared in the cosmetic market.

The composition of such waters is incredibly rich in its chemical composition. And each useful component is simply indispensable for our skin. Mineral water contributes to mitigations, nutrition and hydration, has an anti-allergenic and immunostimulating, wound-healing and bactericidal, tonic and lifting effect. Eliminates excessive fatty, narrows pores, lines the tone of the skin, prevents dryness and depths, helps to fight adolescent acne rashes and age-related changes in the form of mimic wrinkles and elastic losses.

Unmistakable use

Mineral water for the face must be selected depending on the type of skin.

Mineral waters with high salts - "Borjomi", "Essentuki", "Narzan" are suitable for care for oily and combined skin, as well as porous skin. They contribute to the decrease in greens on the skin and narrowing it.

For those who have normal or dry skin, the soil low-mineralized water is better fit - "Holy Source", "Golden Key", because, in addition to the effect of tones, they have on the skin and softening effect.

You can only use mineral water without gas, as carbon dioxide dries the skin and can cause it irritation. Therefore, before using for cosmetics purposes, the carbonated mineral water is left in open dishes for 30-40 minutes.

We offer you several procedures using mineral water. You yourself can choose for yourself mineral water for the face. By the way, it is possible that you can take advantage of all recipes.

Ready recipes for some procedures

  1. Mineral wash. Suchness and peeling of the skin will remain in the past, if instead of chlorinated water from under the tap you will become every morning washed with mineral water. It will be useful to produce contrast washing, alternating warm water with cold.
  2. Mineral ice floes. After washing, it is recommended to wipe the face with pieces of ice prepared from mineral water (they are easy to do in the mold for ice in the freezer). This contributes to the judgment, strengthening and reduced face muscles. Such an ice massage serves as an excellent muscle training, they become stronger and better support the skin, which allows you to avoid the appearance of wrinkles longer.
  3. Mineral Lotion. 2 tbsp. Herb spoons Fill 200-50 ml of mineral water, brought to a boil. Insist the decoction in the closed dishes 20-30 minutes, then strain. Each time after washing, wipe the skin with a mineral oil. Such a lotion can be stored in the refrigerator no more than 5 days. For oily and combined skin, chamomile, nettle or calendula is suitable, for dry and normal - mint and birch leaves.
  4. Find a fine spray bottle and fill it with mineral water, which is suitable for your skin type. During the day, several times you can irrigate the face of this water. This is useful for the skin itself, especially in a hot time or in winter in dry room batteries. Also, the procedure helps to extend the life of your makeup, which will be better to stay. And finally, small splashes produce the effect of micro massage for the skin, which is surprisingly useful.
  5. Anti-aging mask. Sugar teaspoon, as much flour and 50 g of fresh yeast mix and dissolve in a glass of heated mineral water. It's warm to leave for 3 hours, then stir everything well and put on your face. After 20 minutes, wash off simple water, rinse mineral, use your nutritional cream. You can do such a mask every other day.
  6. Mask for normal skin. Pour the teaspoon of oatmeal with 50 ml of mineral water and add 4 drops of lemon juice to a mixture. Insist the composition of half an hour and distribute on the skin of the face. Leave for a quarter of an hour, wash down with running water, and in the completion of mineral.
  7. Mask for dry skin. A couple of honey spoons mix with 3 drops of chamomile essential oil, pour a little mineral water and put a mask on the face. Keep it literally 7 minutes and flush, as described above.
  8. For oily skin. The pinch of salt is broken with 3 drops of lemon essential oil, then dissolve this mixture in 50 ml of mineral water. Add 8 drops of lemon juice and teaspoon of oatmeal. It is thorough mixing everything and apply to the skin. After 10 minutes, the mask was also washed off by a mineral picture.

After several days of use, you will make sure that your efforts have not been gone!

Have you noticed that the models use only mineral water for washing? It has long been known to the rejuvenating effect of melt and mineral water on the body. Many celebrities are used by the secrets of the "right" water. "To have beautiful skin, you need to drink a lot of mineral water," says Claudia Schiffer. A magnificent Kim Basinger regularly takes mineral baths. Is it not the secret of her beauty? ..

Cosmetologists argue that the best cosmetic tool for humidification and nutrition of the skin is mineral water. No wonder therefore water in the form of spray and cosmetics based on thermal water "Vichy" are so popular. It has long been known that it has a tonic and firming effect on the skin.

Mineral water contains many useful chemical elements. All together they soothe and soften the skin, eliminate the feeling of dryness and struts. Possess immunostimulating and strengthening action. In a complex with other medicinal preparations, mineral water is effective in the treatment of allergic and other skin diseases.

Applying mineral water to care for the skin, it is necessary to know that the carbonated mineral water, before becoming a cosmetic agent, should stand 30-40 minutes in open dishes. So it will take carbon dioxide, which is capable of drying the skin and cause it irritation. It is useful to wash natural mineral water and prepare on its basis a mask. Of course, not all water is suitable for this.

The recommendations of scientists are such: in the "living" water should be contained 200-500 mg of salts per liter (these are weakly mineralized). More saturated water salts are not suitable for washing. Fat, porous and combined skin need to wash mineral water with a high salt content: it will help to narrow the pores and reduce the greasy shine. The primer weak-mineralized water perfectly tones and softens the normal or dry skin. If you use Mineral Water "Borjomi Classic", "Svalyava", "Mirgorodskaya", "Narzan", "Essentuki" for washing, it will help solve the mass of skin problems. After removing makeup, mineral water can become a good tonic, which will help prevent skin stretching.

Very useful contrast washness: alternation of cold and warm water. And to fill the face with freshness, wipe the skin with a cube of ice from mineral water. Useful splashes. Many cosmetic firms today produce sprays with thermal water. If the person is irrigated during the day from such a spray, decorative cosmetics will be better held. In addition, small splashes produce micro massage of the skin and perfectly moisturize it. The irrigation of ordinary mineral water on the skin is not worse.

Pour water into a bottle with a nozzle-spray and cover the face with water dust every day. This is especially useful during the heating season, since hot batteries make air in the room very dry, which is why the skin intensively loses moisture. Do you get and break your nails? Regular mineral baths will be departed and strengthen them. Lower the fingers into the container with mineral water for 10 minutes. To secure the impact of mineral water, lubricate your nails with cedar or fir oil.

How to prepare a mineral lotion: Bring 200-250 ml of mineral water to boil and brew 2 tablespoons of grass. For oily and combined skin, take nettle, chamomile, or calendula. Dry and normal skin will also come to the taste of mint or birch leaves. The decoction should be insisted in a closed container for 20-30 minutes, and then strain. Keep such a lotion needed in the refrigerator, but no longer than 5 days. Wipe the skin every time after washing. And you can prepare from the miner ice to wip skin. Such an ice massage, spent after washing, strengthens muscles, and, as a result, wrinkles will not appear longer. In addition, it is also an excellent way to combat the extension of vessels and pores.