A very good prayer for everything to work out. Home conspiracy for a flower for the love of her husband. There are several ways to do this

The Savior said "Ask, and it will be given to you." These words of Christ often encourage us to think that God is a kind of sorcerer and wizard who will fulfill all our desires: now we will only read a holy prayer for the fulfillment of a desire in the near future. However, a situation often happens to us when we set ourselves, we try to do everything to achieve it, we pray that the desire will come true in the near future, but there is no result. Why does this happen? There may be several reasons. The first and most obvious is that we ourselves do not know what we are asking for. How often a person asks for wealth, and only the Lord knows that a lot of money will harm him. He asks for a soul mate, but he himself is not yet ready for a serious relationship, repels all potential brides / grooms with his behavior, and blames others for this. He asks for children, but not because he is ripe for the great mission of fatherhood / motherhood, but to be "like everyone else." And there are many such examples. That is why you should not grumble, you can read a strong prayer to God with a request for the fulfillment of desire in one day, but do not forget to always add “Thy will be done” at the end.

When reading a prayer for the fulfillment of a cherished desire, specify it

The second reason is that you yourself do not know exactly what to ask in a prayer for the fulfillment of a desire. For example, the prayer “Lord, let everything be fine” is incorrect. What is “everything” and how is it “good”? Ask for a specific need. For example, about health, about the successful resolution of childbirth, about profit in business, about the successful sale of a house, etc.

It should be noted that there is no Orthodox prayer that guarantees you the fulfillment of a desire. Prayer differs from a conspiracy in that we ask in it, not knowing in advance whether we will be given what we ask for, and the conspiracy, as it were, sets up a positive result in advance.

But is it possible to force God to fulfill a desire with a strong prayer? Practices of this kind have nothing to do with Orthodoxy; they are occult actions, from which, as a result, great harm is obtained to the soul. It is very simple to distinguish conspiracies from prayers - there is no petition in them, but there is an installation, almost an order, besides, conspiracies often need to be combined with different actions (buy ten candles and light it on a full moon, read a prayer forty times and send forty people and that similar).

How to pray for the fulfillment of desire?

The Orthodox Church teaches us that the most important thing in prayer to the saints is repentance and humility. If your request is pleasing to God and does not harm you and those around you, then God will certainly fulfill it, although perhaps not as quickly as you would like. In addition, do not forget to contribute to the speedy fulfillment of your desire yourself, do not expect obvious miracles from a strong prayer to God (remember the gospel parable about buried talents): for example, when asking for a well-paid job, strive to improve your qualifications, learn languages, be active in sending resumes.

Listen on video Orthodox prayer for the fulfillment of the desire of St. Martha

Read the text of a very strong prayer to St. Martha for the quick fulfillment of your desire

“Oh Holy Martha, You are Miraculous! I turn to you for help! And completely in my needs, and you will be my helper in my trials! I promise you with gratitude that I will spread this prayer everywhere! I humbly, tearfully ask, comfort me in my worries and hardships! Humbly, for the sake of the great joy that filled your heart, tearfully - take care of me and my family, so that we save our God in our hearts and thereby deserve the Saved Almighty Mediation, first of all with the care that now burdens me, (further exactly speak your will). I tearfully ask you, Helper in every need, conquer hardships the way you defeated the snake, until you lay at your feet!

The text of the prayer to the Lord God so that wishes come true soon

Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God. Fulfill my cherished desires and do not refuse their sinless achievement. Bring good luck to wise actions and avert success in sinful ambitions. May all good wishes be fulfilled without fail, and bad deeds be dismissed by a ban. Let it be so. Amen.

Listen on video Orthodox prayer for the fulfillment of a wish to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker

Orthodox prayer to Nicholas the Wonderworker for the quick fulfillment of desire

Wonderworker Nikolai, help me in my mortal desires. Do not be angry at a bold request, but do not leave me in vain affairs. What I wish for good, fulfill. If I want dashing, avert adversity. May all righteous desires be fulfilled, and my life be filled with happiness. May your will be done. Amen.

Strong prayer for the fulfillment of the desire of the Holy Matrona of Moscow

Blessed Staritsa, Matrona of Moscow. Help me to fulfill all the desires of light - secret and cherished. Save me from vain desires that destroy the soul and injure the body. Ask the Lord God for and protect me from filthy rottenness. May your will be done. Amen.

Loneliness and unrequited feelings are a reason to use love magic and the power of a conspiracy in order to attract a specific person to yourself. Magical tools that have gone through many years of practice have remained effective even in our modern time. And, oddly enough, they are the most popular means to achieve certain goals. In particular, many girls and unmarried ladies use different magical texts and perform special rituals during which they read conspiracies and love spells in order to attract a narrowed or specific guy into their lives. Such spells have their own characteristics, rules for execution and consequences. It is about them that we will discuss today in our article.

When there is order in personal life, and in other areas everything works out in the best way, because the support of a loved one and his love work wonders. Therefore, in search of mutual feelings, people are ready for a lot, including resorting to magic.

Conspiracies and love spells of verbal love magic are considered the simplest and most accessible method to bring closer a meeting with a lover / lover. However, this is more about the texts of white magic, while there is also a section of dark and gray magic. Therefore, beginners definitely need to know for what purposes, which love spell is better. In addition, it does not hurt to find out what consequences this or that text spoken at home entails.

The connection of man with the world of energy is invisible. And rituals that many consider to be “a waste of time” are a complex science. By turning to higher powers, earthly spirits, a person receives what he asks for. In this regard, the wish must be built as accurately as possible.

In order to be able to bewitch a guy on your own, it is advisable to use white conspiracies. Especially for beginner mages.

Unlike blacks, they are more loyal and have an effect over a relatively long period of time. It is quite possible to remove such an energy influence. Black love spell or love plot are the strongest. Most often, the ceremony is performed using a photograph of the victim, her biological material (to create Voodoo dolls) or a personal item. With the removal of such influences, a problem may arise. Since dark spirits are involved in the realization of a dream, the effect is not only very strong, but also more “expensive”. In situations where a love spell is applied, or it is removed, negative consequences can affect both the customer of the ritual and the bewitched guy.

At home, love rites of both black and white magic are performed. So, for example, in search of love, spells that are cast with the help of:

  • photo of the victim;
  • candles (church or bought in esoteric stores);
  • holy water;
  • herbal preparations;
  • personal items that will later become a gift to the victim;
  • other natural and not only elements.

But, having decided to bewitch someone and apply conspiracies and love spells, a person must remember what consequences all the actions taken entail. Moreover, forced intervention in the fate of the bewitched person can also affect the author himself. Very often, the removal of incorrectly or incorrectly interpreted conspiracies is difficult at home. And in order to cancel such a spell, you have to turn to strong practicing magicians.

"Light" prayers

Love conspiracies that make up the section of light magic are very easy to use. As a rule, in order to carry them out, the customer does not need a photo of the victim. For such conspiracies, simple paraphernalia is enough. And some of them, which are in special demand, are listed below.

Prayer to attract guys

Previously, if a girl was not popular among guys, which complicated her marriage, she could apply a very simple but effective rite on her own at home. Rising as early as possible, the performer of the ritual should go to the window. Picking up a mirror and looking into it, the girl should pronounce the following conspiracy:

“Lord, Our Father, bless and help! I will get up and, blessing, go, crossing myself in an open field. I will stand in the middle of the field, I will look to the east - there the sun rises, bestows warmth and light on everyone. May I, the servant of God (name), like a red sun, be beautiful, ruddy and friendly. As everyone is looking and admiring the morning dawn, so let the guys look at me, they can’t stop admiring, they can’t look away. Let them honor me, respect me, they won’t be able to live without me, neither eat, nor drink, nor have fun. Like a castle, my words are strong. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit"

Having finished the conspiracy speech with a triple Amen, the girl should leave the mirror on the windowsill. Further, she can safely expect that the effect will come soon.

Attracting a specific person by conspiracy

This rite is also quite simple. With it, you can kindle love in the heart of a particular guy. For this, only his photograph is enough. You need to take a photo that will comply with the basic magical rules:

  • the picture must be fresh, i.e. made during the last six months;
  • only the victim is in the photo, without other people, animals, distracting objects (you can’t cut the card);
  • the guy's eyes should be clearly visible in the picture.

Taking the card in hand, the girl can start a love spell. Holding a photo in your hands and looking towards the east, you should pronounce the following love magic words of the conspiracy:

“Four sides, four sisters and four lightning bolts! Go to the servant of God (the name of the guy in the photo) and put on him sadness, longing, great dryness for the servant of God (your name). Let him not eat, drink, walk, work, live without me. Let him yearn and be sad until he meets me. In my words and speeches - a lock, a lock with a key, and the key into the water. Amen"

Light ritual to attract a lover

For situations where a girl sighs over a guy who does not reciprocate, she can use a white love spell. This light love spell is stronger than the previous ones, but weaker than dark love spells. Its consequences concern, first of all, the victim. The removal of such a spell is possible subject to a properly selected lapel plot.

In order to independently carry out her plan and bewitch her lover, the girl needs:

  • know the name of the bewitched;
  • communicate with him;
  • love him very much.
It is necessary to start the embodiment of magical actions by filling your heart with bright thoughts about your beloved.

Having previously prepared a five-kopeck coin, wrap it in a piece of cloth. Twisting and tying the future amulet with red threads, the girl should say the words of a conspiracy to love the guy she plans to bewitch:

“An old man was walking, took my bag, but shook, threw himself from side to side. All his veins ached, his heart pounded, his eyes sparkled, peace was gone. As that old man suffers, so let the servant of God (the name of the bewitched) suffer so, he does not know peace. So that his veins hurt, his eyes shone, his heart beat, it was torn to me. Wherever the servant of God (again his name) looks, let him see only me, think about me, thirst for me. From now on, everything to him is me. Amen"

Removing such an impact is not problematic. An amulet made for the love of a guy is enough to throw into the fire. Thus, the magical influence is canceled, and the person is freed from coercive influence.

Appeals to the dark forces

White conspiracies and prayers help in attracting a guy. But they are less effective than the texts from the dark magic section. Such conspiracies, love spells can significantly reduce the waiting time. At the same time, their removal is almost impossible. Spoken on blood, over Voodoo dolls and other attributes of dark forces, the texts entail serious consequences. Only magicians who have been practicing for a very long time can cancel such conspiracies and love spells. The simplest and at the same time strong dark love spell is proposed below.

Ritual with two photos

This powerful ritual is designed to bewitch a particular man at home. In order for the consequences of such a love spell to be directed strictly to the victim, his photo will be required. Remember that the photo should show only one person, without distracting details, animals, trees, etc.

In addition, you must first prepare:

  • Blank sheet;
  • a candle poured out of black wax;
  • black pen;
  • glue.

In the evening, prepare the room for the ritual: close the vents, windows, remove all church elements (crosses, icons, etc.). Then write the name of the person on the photo yourself. Glue it with the image to a paper sheet. Then put the resulting product on the floor and, holding a burning candle in your hands, say the love words of a conspiracy to love:

“Come out of the darkness, 13 devils, help me. There is a hut on the eastern side, there is a board in it, and under it is sadness-longing. Take that longing, and take it to the servant of God (name of the victim). Let longing disperse throughout his body, peace will take him away, and love for me will settle in his heart. Forever so it was!

After the words of this conspiracy, candle wax is poured over the top of the photo in the form of a cross. The photo itself is then hidden in a secret place. The consequences of the ritual will appear very soon - the victim will soon come to the author. The appeal to the dark forces, sounding in this love spell, makes it almost impossible to remove it.

I, the magician Sergey Artgrom, will continue the theme of powerful love conspiracies for a man. This topic is extensive and very curious, love conspiracies have long been used in practical magic. The so-called white love spells of a guy, these are home conspiracies for love and relationships, backed up by visualization and powerful ritual actions called initiation.

We will not look for the strongest love conspiracy, because I am a magician Sergey Artgrom, as a practitioner, I don’t see any point in this. Working spells on a loved one and rituals - that's what interests us.

Who did Egillet - a powerful conspiracy for love or damage?

The magical ritual of Egillet is a conspiracy with a very powerful influence on the victim. However, to conspiracies for strong love, which should be read, observing certain conditions, the magical rite of Egillet has an indirect relationship. This is also not a guy, this is a strong sexual attachment that does not allow a man to have a relationship with anyone other than his wife, or his mistress, if the latter, i.e. mistress, will produce such a harsh effect on him.

There are several types of sexual love spells for a guy, and there are many conspiracies. Here are 2 simple examples of such an impact.

  1. Catch the moment when the beloved man you want to tie up will relieve himself on the ground. Next, go to that place and read the love letter to the ground: “The slave (name) on me (name) is upright, and on all other women it is crocheted. Let it be so!". Throw a large needle into the ground with the tip down, and immediately leave without looking back.

Another example of an independent conspiracy for sexual enslavement, which will not create great and bright love, but will definitely keep the peasant nearby.

  1. At sunrise, the end of the rope must be cut off from the church bell. Then they take it and tie 3 knots, for each knot read the words of a strong conspiracy: “As the bell hangs, so hang from the slave (name) rubbish on all women and girls, on everyone except me alone (name) from now on and forever. Exactly". The tied rope is placed on the threshold of the one who is tied.

When reading love conspiracies, according to the principle, they use different objects and substances - for example, salt. Salt is a truly magical substance, it is used in both positive and negative witchcraft. And in love magic, of course, too.

Read conspiracies for strong love for salt

Sprinkle 3 pinches of salt on your right palm, and read three times conspiracy for love husband so that your breath touches the salt.

“As bread and salt are together forever, so will the slave (name) be with me (name). He will not be able to eat, drink, or sleep, everything will grieve about me. I will charge the salt with my love, I will bind the slave (name) to myself. It will be as I said."

After reading the words of the conspiracy to love a guy for salt, pour it into a linen bag and carry it with you. Salt will attract your loved one, and will also be a talisman of mutual relationships.

You can help yourself solve the problem of unrequited love by applying ancient salt conspiracies to your beloved man.

For a magical rite for mutual feelings, you will need:

  • handful of salt
  • a container with a lid or a separate salt shaker

Salt is spoken after sunset on the growing moon. You need to read an independent conspiracy three times:

“White salt, pure salt, help me (name), wake up love in the heart of a slave (name). So that his feelings for me were strong, like the earth, strong, like the Alatyr stone. So that he misses me, yearns, he never saw life without me. So that I (name) be sweet and desirable to him now, forever. Amen".

In general, the old plot for salt for love from village magic is very, living with the one you are trying to dry under the same roof. So, with spelled salt, salt food for your lover or spouse. If this is not possible, you can add a little salt under the threshold so that the man steps over it.

Self-conspiracy for salt for a beloved husband

“Just as people love salt and cannot do without it, so that my husband also loved me, could neither live without me, nor be, not an hour, not a minute to pass, but everyone would follow me (name), yes admired me. Amen".

What you need to read independently conspiracies for love

In ancient and modern witchcraft, there are a lot of strong conspiracies that work on the principle of sympathetic magic due to the visualization and energy of the performer. Effective love conspiracies are known that have the desired effect at a distance.

Along with this, there are very effective conspiracies, where the impact on a loved one is implied by direct contact with a charmed object or substance; an example is the well-known conspiracy for poppy love from ancient collections of village witchcraft.

There are such conspiracies in black magic, and in the assortment of rites of white magic. Here, for example, is a white conspiracy to love a flower, the source of power of which is in the magic of similarity, as well as in the intention of the magician of the performer.

Home conspiracy for a flower for husband's love

If relations do not develop between spouses, the difference in temperaments can be smoothed out by making a magical love conspiracy for flowers to improve relations. With your own hands, plant a flowering plant in the ground and read the words of the love spell:

ATTENTION IMPORTANT: I, the magician Sergey Artgrom, recommend everyone to wear a proven Talisman to attract the energy of money and luck. This powerful amulet attracts good luck and wealth. MONEY AMULET is made strictly individually, under the name of a specific person and his date of birth. The main thing is to immediately correctly adjust it to yourself in accordance with the instructions sent, it is equally well suited for people of any religion

“You will grow, and I (name) will bloom before my husband (name). As people will look at you, admire, so my husband (name) will look at me, have mercy on me. Amen".

I will pay a little attention to white conspiracies, through the Christian egregor. Here is an example of a white ritual - a daily love plot with an appeal to the Christian Forces.

Free love spell between husband and wife

“Most Holy Mother of God and Father Jesus Christ, I do not speak wine, but return love, so that love between me and my husband would be until the end of time the servant of God (name). In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen".

A strong conspiracy to love at home - to speak a man

To make this love ritual of white magic yourself, you need:

  • 3 church candles
  • White tablecloth
  • red wool thread

Cover the table with a tablecloth, light candles. Open the window and read the love spell at home three times, extinguish 1 candle after each reading. When you read the love spell and put out all the candles, tie them together with a thread and light them again. Now the candles should burn to the end.

“O Eternal Lord, I tenderly pray to You, create a high wall, a deep pit, an impenetrable fence, an insurmountable anguish. The depth is three fathoms of earth, the height of immeasurable height, and the melancholy of immeasurable depth. Lock, Lord, and block so that Your servant (name) from me, Your servant (name) does not leave, does not find himself. Lock it with a key and take it for yourself, help the Lord, Your servant. Until this lock is opened, until the slave (name) does not stop loving me. Key, lock, threshold. Amen".

Black and white conspiracies in the distance for strong love

And again we return to the old conspiracies of black magic for strong and faithful love. And here, for example, is the strongest conspiracy for the love of a beloved guy, for disturbing sleep and longing. Read on men's days at night, when the beloved man you want to bewitch is most likely sleeping.

“On a dark night, I think, I think, I think, but I do business. Under the moon, mother, and the stars of the sisters, I create a conspiracy word, and let him go to (name). Let (name) not sleep about me, let him yearn and think, in reality and in a dream he sees nearby, and in a clear day, and in a dark night (name) remembers me, my image carries in the heart. She doesn’t eat in food, she doesn’t drink water in water, she doesn’t fall asleep in a dream, she dreams of me. A clear falcon flies, knocks on a portage window, carries a conspiracy word. Oh, you are a good fellow (name), listen with your heart, think with your heart, the soul converges with the soul, the light unites with the darkness, the flower intertwines with the flower, your soul is filled with longing, love languor, all dreams are imprinted by me alone. This is my will. Let it be so".

Love magic is as old as the world, and just as beautiful.

Most of the village conspiracies for a beloved guy that we use today in our practical everyday witchcraft are very old, and an infinite number of generations of guys and girls read them before us, dreaming of happy and true love. There are many ancient conspiracies for love, where the reading goes on some subject, with which the contact of the object of witchcraft is subsequently implied.

Attract love with a spell on the castle

On Friday, on the growing moon, buy a small padlock. Unlock and put at your doorstep. When the welcome guest visits you and steps over the castle, close and read the words of the conspiracy for love and relationships:

“From this day on, no one can unlock this castle, just as no one can separate us (name). Amen".

Throw the key into flowing water, and keep the castle with you as a guarantor of love and full-fledged relationships.

Effective conspiracies for a gift - love forever

This is an effective way to bewitch a guy, which can be used to enhance a black love spell done from a distance. Standing facing east, hold a gift in your right hand near your heart. Visualization: energy flows from your heart, through your hand into an object, and with it your feelings.

Read the love spell for a gift three times, and give it to your beloved guy at the right time.

“(Name), take my gift, and give me your heart. So that without me you could neither live, nor be, nor eat, nor drink. So that you don’t sit, don’t lie, don’t breathe clean air, but keep me (name) in your head. So it will be. So it is said. That's how it's done."

Easy love spell on a needle for love

A real conspiracy from the betrayal of a loved one. On a new needle, read the conspiracy words three times:

“As you sew, sew, connect the fabric, so connect me (name) with my husband (name) forever and ever, endless. Amen".

And whenever it becomes necessary to sew on a button or otherwise repair your clothes, use only this needle, and read the text of the conspiracy with a needle and thread for love as you work:

“As I (name) sew, I pull the thread with a needle, so my husband (name) would reach out to me. I do not pierce the fabric with a needle, but a zealous heart (name), so that it yearns for me, burns with love for me. Amen".

A simple conspiracy on a pin - to bewitch love remotely

Bewitch your beloved guy on a flower bulb and a pin. Situations are different, and this very simple love spell with a safety pin is, in essence, an easy love spell that you do on your own. To do, of course, on the growing moon. You will need:

  • bulb of a flower, such as a tulip
  • 21 pin

“Let my love and lustful passion enter the body and soul (name) as easily as this pin enters the onion. (Name) you will think about me night and day, you will suffer, suffer, and you will calm down when you tell me (name) that you love me. Amen".

To do without invoking magical Powers, but visualization is necessary. After reading the words love plot leave the bulb in the sun to dry. On the last day, having completed the magical rite, bury the bulb near the male tree.

This simple love pin conspiracy is a very effective witchcraft ritual for home use, unwinds pretty quickly and lasts for several months. But again, it all depends on the strength, as well as on the energy of your beloved husband.

Self-conspiracies for sugar - make submission and cause love

  • Speak sugar for love, for friendship

“Bake, slave (name), dry on my sugar with your body, heart, head. As flies stick to sweet syrup, so you turn in my direction. Take advice, grieve without me, appreciate me, as people appreciate the most beloved and dearest. Let it be so!".

Throw the charmed sugar under the threshold of your beloved guy. If the opportunity presents itself, put this sugar in the tea of ​​the bewitched person. Witchcraft rite is working, causes the guy's disposition towards you. Can be used for more than just love purposes.

  • Love spell on sugar - a black ritual

To independently conduct a black ritual for love, you need to have:

  • altar cloth or black cloth
  • 5 candles
  • saucer with sugar

On the waxing moon at midnight, sit at the table facing West. Cover the table with cloth, arrange candles in the shape of an inverted pentagram, and put a saucer with sugar in the middle. Move your right hand along the edge of the saucer clockwise, and read the love plot for sugar 9 times:

“Not in the name of the Father, not in the name of the Son, not in the name of the Holy Spirit, but in the name of Satan himself and all the Demons. I don’t pray to God, I don’t cross myself in front of icons, but I entrust Satan himself, I slander and I sentence. As this sugar is sweet, and the bees stick to it, so I will become sweet for the slave (name). May it begin to stick to me, stick to me, hold me alone in my mind and heart, burn with passion for me, do not forget passion day or night, do not eat in food, do not fall asleep in a dream, do not know satiety in love pleasures with me. The words of my modeling, like damask steel, are strong and firm, they cannot be interrupted, broken by anyone, never removed by a witch or sorcerer, whispered to a healer. To my words, a lock and keys. I throw the keys into the pool, the castle is strong, it cannot be broken, just as the throne of Satan cannot be broken. Let it be so".

The candles must burn out. After that, on a saucer with sugar, read 9 times a plot to love a guy: “As sugar is sweet, so I will always be sweet to you (name). Let it be so". Add sugar to the drink and food of the victim of exposure. To harmonize relationships, a real conspiracy to love through sugar is perfect. Before the witching rite, you can make a call to the Dark Forces. Redemption is needed. Any mention of demons and Satan in the conspiracy implies the participation of the Dark Forces. If necessary, I’m a magician Sergey Artgrom, I’ll help you completely free of charge, look at the page for more details, but it’s better to read this article to the end first, there is not much left.

White conspiracy for love - bewitch a guy for honey

For a love spell for a guy with honey, you need:

  • photo of the object in full growth
  • your photo is also in full growth
  • red cloth

“Smeared with honey, (name) desirable. Do not dissuade him from me with a spell, do not excommunicate him from me with an invocative curse. Like flies stick to honey, so sticky to me (name). Neither the gray-haired grandfather, nor the enchantress girl, nor the sorceress grandmother will break us. Age (name) to admire me that I will leave him - like a sheep to be afraid of a wolf. I am smeared with honey, my seal is on my lips (name). Century by century, from now until the age, what I have planned will be, he will forget to oppose it. My honey words cannot be washed off by anything, but only stick (name) to me stronger. Cursed."

Fold the photo with the front sides, wrap in a cloth and hide. Feed the bewitched man with the rest of the honey. This conspiracy to love a guy through honey can work as an easy love spell on a relationship, or just like. If you have a serious conflict or a difficult relationship with a man, I, the magician Sergey Artgrom, advise you to start correcting the situation with other magical rites, more stringent and stable.

A simple conspiracy to love through a strong wind

Read this conspiracy to love a guy in a strong wind, snowstorm or snowstorm. Stand facing the wind and read the words of a love plot in a strong voice:

“Wind, Wind, Storm, bring on your wings dry dryness, aching ache. Mix that melancholy, dryness with my words, raise my witchy plot above the forests and fields. Look for a slave (name), as you find, call me. Wherever you see him, take them, stick my words into his chest. Pull him, beckon, don't let me pass by. Oh you, great winds, I bow to you, (name). Do the job, help, find my lover (name). Let him stand before me, be my husband, and I will be his wife. Amen".

Payback to the wind - flour. After reading a love spell on a lover, dispel a handful of flour in the wind.

Conspiracies for youth

I think every person wants to regain their youth, but not everyone knows that the magic of beauty knows the strong spells for youth which we will share with you today. This conspiracy for beauty can be used without fear of consequences - this is the white magic of beauty and it does not bring any harm. The ritual for beauty must be done in the forest, and before the ritual, you need to not eat lethal food for three days (meat, poultry, fish, eggs, caviar - only vegetable). Find a female deciduous tree (birch, linden, alder ...) on which has dry leaves (the best time is autumn, but there are such trees in winter and summer). Stand under the selected tree and read from memory a conspiracy for youth:


The magic of money gives us the knowledge of how to attract money into life. Today we will teach you how to make a love spell for money on your own, after the ritual, money will come to you from various sources, maybe winning money in the lottery, finding a large amount, and so on - the magic of money knows a lot of ways to get rich. In the modern world, money gives a person everything one can dream of. And most importantly, remember that any love spell on money must be performed on a growing moon, and the best day is Wednesday. For a magic love spell for money you will need: any coin with the number 5, on which read the words of the conspiracy for money:

beauty magic

If you have doubts about your beauty, you can use the old magic rite from the section white magic beauty and after reading the conspiracy to the beauty of men will fall in love with you at the first meeting. Before embarking on a magical ritual to increase beauty, you need to wait for the full moon and prepare.

And now about the beauty ritual itself.

To perform a ritual ceremony for external beauty, you will need a large mirror in which you can see All of yourself while you read a conspiracy suggestive of beauty and attractiveness.
Also, before the start of the ceremony for beauty, prepare: two green candles, a saucer (candle stand) and matches or a lighter.
How to perform a ceremony for beauty:

Draw the correct circle on the floor with chalk, you can do this with a rope, strengthening one end of it in the center. Enter this circle clean after a bath and completely naked, removing all jewelry. Light the candles in front of you by placing them on a saucer and while they are burning you need to read the magic conspiracy for beauty:

Conspiracy for big breasts

All girls used to read a conspiracy for large breasts, because a long braid and beautiful and large breasts were an important attribute of female beauty. If you have small breasts and there is a need to increase the size of your breasts without surgery by a couple of sizes, we will tell you how to do the breast augmentation ceremony yourself and what conspiracy for big breasts tedious to read. To perform a magical ritual, choose the bra that you will no longer wear. Wait until the day when there is a full moon. Before reading the conspiracy for breast augmentation, stand with your heels in the cups of the bra, which you will never put on after the magical rite, but put it away from prying eyes.

Read the conspiracy for big breasts:

Conspiracy to win in court

A conspiracy to win a case in court must be read in order to emerge victorious in a lawsuit. This one is good but not very fast. conspiracy to win in court, you should only read on your own and never tell anyone that you performed this ritual that helped you win the most difficult case in court. This magical ritual is performed on holy water and a church candle, if there is no water at home, you can pour a bottle of tap water and after serving in the church with a bottle, the water in it will be sanctified and suitable for reading a conspiracy. Three days before the trial, light a candle on the table in the morning, put a bottle of holy water next to it and read conspiracy to win in court:

The royal doors dissolve, the royal judge bows down to the servant of God (name). Mother

How to remove the stomach and lose weight with the help of magic

Every second girl on Earth is looking for a way how to lose weight And how to remove belly fat no surgery or diet. There is one little-known but very good old magical way, after performing the rite, figure correction will go much faster. In the old days, sorceress girls who knew magical rituals that controlled the physical body were beautiful and slender, and these are facts. If you are tired of effective diets, and physical exercises take a lot of time and effort, try to remove the tummy in this proven way, especially since it will take much less time than visiting a fitness club.

Breast augmentation without surgery using a conspiracy

What to do if you have small mammary glands from birth. With the help of a conspiracy, without operations, it is possible to enlarge the mammary glands by stimulating the growth of new cells with a magic spell. This is the safest way to increase the mammary glands without surgery using a magical conspiracy.

How to remove the evil eye

Like on your own remove the evil eye at home everyone should know. The induced evil eye is a kind of damage to fate, after which a smoothed person begins to be haunted by failures or even worse illnesses. This magical protective rite - removing the evil eye on your own, our ancestors have known from time immemorial and constantly passed this rite by inheritance. Previously, every mother and grandmother knew how to remove the evil eye at home, and did a protective rite when the need came.

An old way inherited that can quickly remove the evil eye.

Conspiracy to win a car

This plot is necessary for lottery lovers who play and cannot win. Before reading a conspiracy to win a car, you need to perform a magical rite for good luck. It is necessary to read a plot for good luck in business early in the morning, at dawn, after "warming" your hands in the sun (raise your hands to the sun and rub your palms). You need to "warm your hands" not through the glass, but either through the window or going out onto the balcony - an ideal option to go outside.

A conspiracy for good luck that will increase the likelihood of winning a car

Conspiracy for the beauty of hair

The magic of beauty can improve your hair with the help of a conspiracy for the beauty of hair. To perform a magical rite, we need the most ordinary water, on which we need to read the words of a strong conspiracy seven times, bringing beauty to the hair and giving them magical power and attractiveness. After washing your hair, rinse your hair with heaped water and enjoy their magical shine, strength and beauty on the same day.

Beauty conspiracy next:

Signs of a love spell

If strange phenomena and events began to happen to you or your friends. Check signs of a love spell for obvious symptoms. You can bewitch a person in several ways, but love spell symptoms will clearly indicate that a magical ritual was performed against the will. A love spell that affects a person is always a violent suggestion of love. This is a strong curse on a person. Due to the suppression of the will, the victim becomes weak-willed not only in relation to the person who made the love spell, but also in relations with other people. The victim of a love spell is easy to manipulate, she is easily suggestible, makes rash acts. They suspected a love spell on themselves or a loved one, husband or wife, clear signs of an induced love spell will help once and for all to deal with this problem and make the right decision to remove the love spell.

Direct signs of a love spell made on a person are as follows

Spell for beauty

The white magic of beauty will reveal to you the ancient spell on beauty. In order for men not to stop admiring your beauty, it is not at all necessary to sit for hours in a beauty salon, it is quite enough to make the strongest conspiracy for beauty once a year.
For a magical love spell on beauty, we need any cosmetic face mask, before using which read the current conspiracy attracting men:

Headache conspiracy

With a headache, a strong old conspiracy helps. If you are constantly tormented by a headache, white magic will help you, and for a healing magical ritual from a headache migraine, take the simplest knife and baptize your head with its handle, reading a plot from a headache:
In the head of a violent not pain bone. In the head of the bone there is no pain, in the brain - ailments. Do not beat sick blood, do not break temples, do not suffer for the slave (name). As Bright Sunday is, was and will be, so will the health of the exuberant head of the slave (name) forever and ever.

Conspiracy for rejuvenation

Beauty magic containing conspiracies and love spells for beauty includes a secret and very strong conspiracy to rejuvenate also called witches slander of youth. Since childhood, many women have known from fairy tales that witches kept their youth with magical conspiracies and love spells - a fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it ... Youth of the skin and face can really not only be preserved, but also returned with the help of an old love spell on beauty and youth that launches rejuvenation processes.

Slimming spell to remove fat

There is love magic, and there is magical weight loss spell and the beauty of the figure, if you read such a weight loss plot on your own, then the fat from problem areas will disappear very quickly and your figure will gain beauty and stateliness. As soon as people don’t try to find a beautiful and slender figure and what methods and means they don’t use in the fight against excess weight, today we will tell you about the old magical way to find a beautiful slender figure, namely conspiracy to lose weight And judging by the reviews on the Internet, he helped more than one person. A spell that helps to lose extra pounds should be read with a young month. Before starting the weight loss ritual, read the text of the Our Father prayer three times, and then, going to the window and looking at the moon sickle, stroke yourself on problem areas, which, according to you, should lose weight three times say the words of a conspiracy to lose weight that can remove fat and a few kilograms of excess weight:


We have not deservedly forgotten to mention conspiracies and love spells for reconciliation with a person who is dear, but due to some events, he decided to leave or was simply offended. To begin with, let's look at a simple but strong conspiracy to make peace with a friend who decided to leave or was offended by a trifle. Don't know how to make peace with a friend if she is wrong or if you have a big fight? A white magic conspiracy to reconcile will help in this seemingly not simple matter. The love spell needs to be read an odd number of times (3, 7 or 21), as your desire develops. Open a window in the evening or go outside when the sun has not yet set and the moon has appeared and read the following plot to make peace with a friend:

Spell for good luck on your own

If you have a feeling that a streak of bad luck has come, not everything is lost and a strong conspiracy for good luck will quickly make you the most successful person. Today We will teach you how to make a conspiracy for good luck on your own and not only correct the streak of bad luck, but also become the happiest person who will be successful in all his endeavors and even gambling. This magic ritual that gives good luck is very good because it is suitable for almost any business (exam, promotion at work or just winning)

Conspiracy for health online

Conspiracies and love spells are increasingly entering the life of a modern person, and the Internet helps a lot here. It was possible to speak a person or thing at a distance, that is, online. Health can be improved not only with the help of pills (although modern medicine is faster than health), but also with the help of conspiracies and magical rituals that anyone can perform on their own and thereby improve the health of themselves and their families. We will teach you several health conspiracies to treat yourself and a health conspiracy for relatives and friends. This conspiracy for the health of a child, husband or parents needs to be known to every person who cares about their relatives.It is necessary to read on the water or food that you give to your loved one for his recovery:

Russian conspiracies on the car

In Rus', conspiracies are used not only for medicinal purposes, but also various objects (weapons, clothes, etc.) are spoken. Now in the modern world, people, as amulets, also read Russian conspiracies on a car for expensive items. Yes, you can read an old conspiracy amulet against an accident and from theft on a car. It is also now possible to light the car in the church. As you can see, amulets on vehicles are very common. Today we will teach you how to make a protective old Russian conspiracy on your favorite car. God is merciful, what we ask, we will give, and on the way, with God's help, the road is always better. Choose from the listed conspiracies the one you like best and use it for health, safe and God saves. Conspiracies protect the car from an accident:

Strong effective folk conspiracies for pregnancy

The pregnancy plot helped many to conceive a child, even in cases where doctors shrugged. If you can’t get pregnant in any way and the doctors shrug, you can try to conduct an old white ritual for pregnancy. This magical ritual helped many people and they were able to get pregnant. This folk conspiracy must be performed when a young month is visible outside the window. Stand in front of a mirror so that your tummy is visible. Only you should be in the room. Stroking your stomach in a clockwise direction, read a strong conspiracy to help you get pregnant

White conspiracies find work at home

A white conspiracy will help you find a good job at home if you do everything right. Money is never superfluous and sitting on maternity leave really wants to find a part-time job. The best way is to work from home. Today We will teach you white magic and you will be able to find a good job at home. It is very convenient to work at home, and most importantly, the work schedule is free and there is time to work with the child and do not save up household chores until the weekend. Buy a yellow church candle and read a job search plot that will help you quickly find a job at home that suits you. Light a candle and say the words of the conspiracy seven times:

Ancient conspiracies and amulets on the car

Protective conspiracies on cars or their owner can be safely attributed to white magic. Anyone who has their own car should be able to talk to yourself or your loved one about safety. “Like a charmed one,” they say about a person who is bypassed by troubles and misfortunes and who emerges unscathed from all troubles. It is quite possible to speak a person or any object on your own by putting a magical amulet on a car on it, which implies a series of protective conspiracies on your car from all sorts of troubles: for the safety of the driver, a charm for a new car from breakdowns and theft is done independently.

White conspiracy to find a good job

In search of work, more than one pair of shoes has been trampled? Maybe you should try the power of white magic. Try a white spell to help you find a good job. If you have to please the employer, try to time the meeting for Monday. No flashy clothes and excessive makeup! Be extremely restrained and strive to reach a compromise in everything. Before going looking for a good and profitable job, read this plot three times: I don’t walk, I don’t hurry silently on a black cat, a gray dog, a red rooster. There was no refusal to me, God's servant (name): Not on Monday, not on Tuesday, and not on Wednesday, not on Thursday, not on Friday, not on Saturday. Take the hell out of me. BEAUTY CONSPIRACY

Treatment with conspiracies and prayers

The most common prayer is a conspiracy that can heal a person from illness and ailment, which is used by all magicians and witches for conspiracy treatment. The ritual always begins with the main prayer of the Christian Orthodox religion, Our Father.

Before and after reading the conspiracy, the well-known prayer Alive in help is used:
Living in the help of the Most High, dwelling in the blood of the God of heaven, he says to the Lord: Thou art my intercessor and my refuge, my God, and I trust in Him. Yako Toy will deliver you from the net of a hunter and from the word of a rebellious: with His splashing He will overshadow thee, and under

Treatment with conspiracies of diseases

Conspiracies and love spells are able to cure many diseases for free and very quickly, and you can read healing conspiracies both on your own and by asking someone from your relatives and friends. We will teach you how to treat conspiracies of many diseases right at home. It’s hard to get sick yourself, and sometimes it’s even harder when someone close to you suffers, and you can’t help. Although it only seems that it is in our power to remove the disease from a person, to help him cope with the disease by treating the disease with the help of a conspiracy and prayer.

Black magic and a conspiracy to win money in the lottery and any business

How to get wealth with the help of conspiracies and love spells We will teach you today. In the entire history of the existence of mankind, there have never been poor magicians, they all knew conspiracies to win in gambling and often earned extra money in this way. A conspiracy to win the lottery or gambling (casinos are no exception) is very common in modern society. We will give several white and black magic rituals to attract money and win with the help of conspiracies, and decide which one is easiest for you to perform on your own.

Often people use magical rites without understanding what kind of forces they are referring to. It's dangerous enough. Magic is different. If you thoughtlessly call everyone in a row, then you can run into such an answer that it won’t seem enough. For those who are thoughtful about their lives, take a responsible approach to rituals, protect their own and others' peace, simple conspiracies of white magic are recommended.

They are easy to recognize, they differ from other rituals in positive and some joyful overtones. These conspiracies never use dark images. Yes, and they should be read easily, in a good mood. In addition, those who wish to use simple white magic spells are advised to consider their intentions. They should not just be positive, they invest in the good for everyone, and not just for themselves personally.

It is not difficult. Here you are for yourself, then wish them and everyone around you. Don't even think it's impossible. This is the most natural situation if everyone is happy with life. After all, it’s not you who will pay others “out of your own pocket”. Same with love or luck. They won't take it away from you. Understand that life is so interesting, it has everything for everyone. Only, sometimes, we do not forbid ourselves to use these benefits.

Simple white magic conspiracies to attract money

If you often go to the store, then use these trips not only to purchase the necessary things, but also to attract cash flows. It's not difficult at all. When you begin to pay, then mentally say:

“Your money is in our wallet. I give, attracting, no matter what goes away, it will come three times. Amen!"

If you do not forget about this simple conspiracy, then you will not recognize problems with funds.

“Grow a month to the moon, show the way to money. Show them how to grow and arrive in my wallet! Amen!"

It’s also good for those who know how to make yeast dough. Learn if you want to live well. When it comes up, say:

“Grow up, my baking, so that thinness is not enough for you! As you rise in breadth and up, so my income grows, it knows no edges and fetters. Bake kalachi to attract gold. I will treat my friends to them, we will all be rich! Amen!"

Well, once you've given your word, keep it. Be sure to share baking with those people who are pleasant to you.

Simple conspiracies of white magic for love

For those who have not yet recognized this bright feeling, there is a ritual with a roadside stone. When you go for a walk, look for something that would evoke pleasant associations. You need to bring it home, wash it well. Say before bed:

“By the road lay a stone, not a simple one. He guarded fate, he was waiting for me. Washed off the dust, where the legs went. I will attract fate, not melancholy. Stone, stone, show me where fate awaits me, how it will come to me!

A pebble should be put under the pillow, but it’s good to remember. They will tell you a lot of what is to come in life. If you liked the dream, then bring the stone back in the morning. Put it under a tree (not by the road) and say:

“I entrust fate to the tree! Keep it until the deadline so that the road does not disappear. Draw the dear to me, so that there is no hateful near. The bird will build a nest in your branches, and my love will come to me! Amen!"

For those who are already in love, fate should be hastened by another ritual. Just keep in mind: that love that was superficial, not from the Almighty, will pass. Only the feeling that fate is supposed to remain and become mutual. And this is the rite. You need to go to the field (to a clearing in the forest). Choose a bright, sunny, fine day. Dig a hole there. It is necessary to pour water into it and say an owl:

“In this place I bury my fierce longing. Go into the earth with water so that we part with you. The sun shines on everyone, happiness gives forever. As the grass is glad to him, so for the servant of the Lord (name) my love is a reward. As the clouds fly behind the wind, so we will be together for many years in a row. As flowers reach for the sun, so the heart of the Lord's servant (name) will be attached to mine! Amen!"

Simple conspiracies of white magic to return a loved one

Sometimes, out of stupidity, continuing to experience the most sincere feelings. It shouldn't be like that. And if there is a fair and wise person in a couple, then he will definitely try, not just to update it, but to make it even stronger. This, as they say, the Lord sends such a test only to his most beloved children. So that they realize their strength and wisdom. Most often, women show this quality.

Conspiracies will help them. If you just broke up, not much time has passed, then do the following ritual. Take . Put it in front of the Icon of his Guardian Angel. Say it yourself:

"Lord have mercy! The Apostle Paul walked on the heavenly path. Yes, I brought gifts. Tired, lay down to sleep on a cloud, but could not hold one bag. He fell down and crashed. I will collect that bag, return it to Paul in heaven. Continue your path, and give me my dear love! Amen!"

But if it has been going on for some time, then another rite will have to be performed. Note: you need to be well tuned. Try to create such a mood as when you were together, carelessly happy and did not think about quarrels or separation at all. Buy a white rose. Boil some water. Throw rose leaves at her one at a time and say to each:

“Like drops of dew on the petals, like a shadow of dusk before dawn, like blue skies before a thunderstorm, it is so inevitable for you (name) to be with me. The tenderness of a flower that is our love. She will shine like the sun again! I brew a magic potion for myself and for you! So that you could not forget my love and your fate! Amen!"

Cool the broth. They need to spray their beloved (at least a drop, so that it gets on the skin). And if it doesn’t work out at all, then pour it in the place where he walks. And leave some for yourself. They are advised to wipe the skin of the face. And return your loved one, if it's really love!