Autumn crafts in the dhow junior group. What crafts to do in the fall for the kindergarten competition. Autumn leaf crafts for kindergarten

I share with their findings. All or almost all of us have to do crafts with children for kindergarten or school... You will also find fantasies here for home creativity with kids.

We start with trees ...

And now - pumpkins ...

You don't have to do everything for a specific master class... And strictly adhere to the proposed topic. Can just take a craft idea and remake it in your own way.

Candle fantasies ...

To hedgehogs I have a particular weakness, so to speak. Once my family and I were picking mushrooms (I was still little) ... We thought that under the tubercle there was a large mushroom. It turned out that we woke up the hedgehog. And you can't really put him back (as it should) - he is so sleepy ... And I had to take him to my home - he overwintered in a mailbox (yes, my childhood is the 80s) under a pile of paper (and all this time slept) ... And then he went into the forest in the spring ... Khalesy was such ...

Accessories of the "Queen of Autumn" ...

Papier-mâché ... And not only ...

Well owls I did not put first again. They are always with us the very first and most important ...

There are, in addition to owls, and other animals

And again - improvised material. Not only the one that was found in the forest ... But also "home" ... For example, pistachio shells...

AND door (wall) wreaths... good not only for New Year and Christmas ... In autumn they especially cozy and bright turn out ...

And again pumpkins... Some of them have a lot of them in their dachas! I'm not a dacha lover (no-no): my mother just gives me buckets of vegetables. But the godmother gave me a pumpkin last year. Aaaaa ... Maybe I'm Cinderella?

Moving on to leaf crafts and houses ...

If you don't understand how stick around with sheets or dough a bowl from below to get such beauty, watch the master classes ...

Many people make baskets now. A very mundane craft. On this topic "Gifts of Autumn"... Well, the baskets are really very colorful and juicy ...

And again leaves ... And again owls ... And many arts ...

In our kindergarten, Alice's group is very talented, kind and hardworking educators- Olga Grigorievna and Anna Sergeevna. They love children. And adore with them tinkering with all sorts of things in the educational process ... Or draw ...

For us the crafts of children in the kindergarten educators leave on a large panel- they are attached to clips that hang on the fishing line ... Now I will find a post in the magazine when we made such a panel (with owls, of course) for crafts ...

It’s a pity to throw away homework. Of course, for some time they will please the eye ... Some drawings will go to the family archive ... But still you will not keep them in a row ... Therefore take pictures of your creations. Collect at least a photo collection as a souvenir ... Only if you shoot on a mobile, do not forget to "merge" the photo on the computer. Advertisements often hang around the city - “Phone lost, return it: there are ALL PICTURES of my child !!!”.

Some parents ignore creativity... They say that paints are a lot of dirt and stains - you can do only with pencils or felt-tip pens ... Yes, and only kalya-malia comes out ... And plasticine, they say, a child does not understand - it rejects ... Start small- just give your child the materials. For a couple of lessons ... Then again ... And then start gradually prompt and help... To encourage to creativity, to creation ... I also do not really like dolls and LEGO, plastered with plasticine ... But accuracy, diligence and imagination... will not be taken from a child from anywhere if they do not work. Daily.

Of course, time is constantly running out. Of course, a lot of work and household chores. But the child is delighted that his autumn work is also on display in a kindergarten or school. It - pride yourself and your family ...

Maybe this year ... Maybe next ... Your job will be recognized at the exhibition as the best. Even the prize money. It will be a wonderful day. In the meantime, let the autumn candles warm the family evenings, and the photo frames adorned with leaves or acorns flaunt on the shelves ...

By the way, we somehow with a friend from papier-mâché just giant mushrooms made... All the children were made with a palm height ... And we have ... Giants. Mutants ...)))

Who hasn't read mine yet 100 ideas for autumn, be sure to read. And apply - partially ...

We a lot of things have already been applied and done with Alice and Shura- I'll tell you in other posts ...

And I will show you not today, tomorrow ... autumn roller... And pictures. Last fall. We are so beautiful family shooting was. It's just complicated for the video combination of video and photo... Therefore, I wait until Shura will finish the installation. So far he has a lot of work to do.

P. S. Yes, I show you very few personal and family photos. You will get tired of me otherwise ...

In kindergartens, with the onset of autumn, active work is underway - educators, together with children in the classroom, actively use natural material. After all, you do not need to purchase it - everything can be collected in the nearest park for a walk or even in your own garden.

Parents are also offered to show their imagination by making crafts "Gifts of Autumn" for the kindergarten with their own hands, together with the child. Watching mom or dad create miracles from the most common vegetables or fruits, the baby will also want to take part in this. Such activity increases perseverance, develops imagination and simply cheers up the participants in the creative process.

Ideas of autumn crafts "Gifts of Autumn" in kindergarten

Every year in the kindergarten, starting with the junior group, an exhibition-competition "Gifts of Autumn" is held. To participate, you only need a desire and a few materials at hand, which are often used as plant seeds, chestnuts, and cones:

  1. The smallest participants in the autumn crafts competition "Gifts of Autumn", which they will carry to kindergarten, can be offered an easy job. Putting an ordinary chestnut in front of the baby, you can invite him to fantasize and imagine him in the form of an animal. With the help of plasticine, which is often used to fasten the details of crafts, it is easy to make a funny spider.

  2. But it is not only from the chestnut kernel that you can make a craft. For this purpose, its peel with needles is also suitable. They will make an excellent hedgehog, which can be decorated with rowan berries and a leaf.

  3. The chestnut theme is inexhaustible. From ordinary fruits lying under your feet, you can create a whole zoo. And for this you just need to take toothpicks and bright plasticine.

  4. And if you glue a piece of yellow felt to the chestnut on the back side, and an acorn to it, you get a very believable mushroom mushroom.

  5. The little beauty creator will love working with paints. With their help, you can paint acorns in bright colors and fill them with a transparent container - such an unusual work will undoubtedly attract attention.
  6. It is easy to make people and animals from acorns collected in green using toothpicks.

  7. If you have walnuts, chestnuts, acorns and pieces of moss, you can invite your child to make a decorative wreath for the front door to the group - it looks unusual and elegant.

  8. Vegetables should not be forgotten either. With their help, amazing crafts are created for the garden for the "Gifts of Autumn" exhibition, and if you do them step by step, then even a child will not have any difficulty in the work. For example, an ordinary potato can be an excellent starting material for various people. Thanks to its round or oval shape, the master has already prepared a blank of the desired shape. It remains only to think out the scenery.

  9. On the garden plot, in addition to edible pumpkin, such types of pumpkin are grown that are specially designed by nature itself to create handicrafts. Some of them are very tiny in size and brightly varied colors. Taking advantage of these gifts of nature, you can create a fun pumpkin family.

  10. With the help of plasticine and seeds, you get an excellent hedgehog. By planting it in a clearing of herbs and moss and decorating it with mushrooms of their acorns, we get a realistic mushroom clearing.

  11. Round red-sided apples are always associated with a cheerful caterpillar. To make such a craft look original and not beaten, it should be supplemented with unusual decor - beads, feathers and flowers.

  12. Little children will be delighted that a beautiful swan can be made from a simple cone, a couple of leaves and a piece of plasticine.

  13. Cones make funny animals like squirrels. If there are pieces of chenille (fluffy) wire in the house, then it can be used as legs and tail, and a bump will serve as the body.

  14. In the area where walnuts grow, you should not throw out the shell from them, because this is an excellent natural material. Coloring them "like mushrooms" and planting them on wooden legs from twigs, we get a whole mushroom meadow.

  15. And if you paint the nuts in different colors with the help of gouache and place them in a basket of leaves, then it will become an original decoration.

Good afternoon, we continue to talk about autumn crafts. And today I have prepared a new batch of ideas for crafts on the theme of autumn. There will be the most beautiful works, feasible both for children in kindergarten, and more serious art objects worthy of the hand of a master. You will find a variety of autumn-themed crafts in our other articles - And I will also give you at the end of the article a list of links to other children's crafts for this fall.

Well, let's get started, let's see what beautiful and simple crafts I have prepared for you today.


On the theme of autumn

In the quilling technique.

Autumn is beautiful golden leaves. From narrow strips of paper, you can transfer openwork beauty autumn leaves. Here in the photo below we see simple openwork twists using the quilling technique. For such airy leaves, you don't need a lot of paper at all. And such works are quite simple to do for school-age children.

Young children can fold simple leaves - where each leaf element is ONE single large quilling roll.

And more complex leaf crafts on the theme of autumn are made in several stages... First, on a piece of paper, we draw the outline of a maple leaf. Then we fill this silhouette with modules with twists - starting from the center and gradually moving to the edges of the silhouette. After the entire inside of the sheet is collected, it remains only to glue the entire contour edge of the craft along with one continuous strip of paper.

Or you can start making crafts with veins(as in the left photo below). First, pull the veins out of the strips of paper - following the drawn contours of the veins on the paper - stick the pin into the end of the drawn vein, stretch the strip of paper, wrap it around the pin and glue the other half of the strip to the first half. After all the veins are collected and fixed on pins, we begin to lay the paper twist modules.

There are different quilling techniques for creating patterned twist modules. Alternating different patterns and shades of color, you can make real masterpieces, crafts on the theme of autumn (like these oak leaves with acorns in the picture below).

Quilling modules can be stacked in autumn picture-panel(as in the photo below). How to make such shaggy flowers, I told in detail and showed in photographs in a special article.

Birds, rowan twigs, squirrels, hedgehogs may appear on quilling paintings-crafts on the theme of autumn. Everything related to the autumn forest.

If you are just starting your first steps in the quilling technique, then on the topic of autumn it is better and easier to do rowan craft.

Such a craft has simple berries - round twists. And simple leaves - twists in the shape of an eye (that is, the same circle-twist was first loosened-unwound, and then squeezed with fingers on both sides, giving the shape of an eye).

Primary school children already have dexterous and strong enough fingers to twist and flatten quilling modules themselves. Therefore, for them, simple crafts on the theme of autumn using the quilling technique will also be within their power.

For example, it is easy to make such a hedgehog and a round relaxed tourniquet-apple.

Many more ideas and ways to make an autumn hedgehog craft and in the quilling technique, both from natural material and from paper, you will find in our article.

And when the child gets the hang of it, you can give him craft tasks with an already LARGE number of quilling modules (as in the photo with autumn crafts below).

For the manufacture of such children's crafts, it is better to use stencils. Many quilling stencils on the theme of autumn can be found on the Internet. I plan to write a separate article on autumn quilling and publish ready-made stencils in full size in it. In the meantime, here's an idea for an autumn tree made of paper rolls for the beginning.

Crafts on the theme of autumn

Corrugated paper.

Thin crepe paper (wrinkled or corrugated) is suitable for very beautiful fall-themed crafts for children. You can make a craft tree from a roll of toilet paper. Or craft an autumn flower on an ice cream stick.

The most important thing is to learn how to make multi-layered lush flowers-pom-poms. In the article "" I give detailed explanations of how to make such lush flowers quickly and simply with children's hands in kindergarten.

And here they post such a schematic photo-instruction. And I give a step-by-step description of your actions.

Step 1- put on top of each other colored sheets of paper (crepe or colored table napkins)

Step 2- fold this stack of colored layers in the form of an ordinary accordion (as when making a fan out of paper)

Step 3- from both ends of the folded fan we make a rounding with scissors (this is so that the edges of the flowers are oval)

Step 4- pull the middle of the fan with a wire or string, tie it to a knot.

Step 5- we move apart the blades of our fan from both ends and in both directions - and we move apart the colored paper layers, we unstuck them from each other. We get a lush rainbow cloud.

And now we either partially stick this cloud into the tree trunk (a roll of toilet paper) or attach it to the flower leg (an ice cream stick or a long skewer). And in the end we get a craft tree. Or craft an autumn flower.

Craft for the fall.

Newspaper wreath.

An ordinary newspaper can be a beautiful autumn gift or a craft for a school competition on the theme of autumn.

Newspaper sheets we paint with gouache in different colors of autumn. Next, we fold each sheet in half several times and on it we outline the silhouette of the blank for the future petal. The silhouette can be in the shape of a triangle (or heart). Cut out these colored silhouettes. And now we twist each of them so that the tip of the triangle (or heart) looks up.

We roll thin from the newspaper tubules-bundles... From them we twist the body-base for the wreath. We fix it with wire or rope.

Crafts on the theme of autumn

From ordinary buds.

Pine cones are a very versatile craft material. You can make animals and birds from them and many other crafts on the theme of autumn for children. I have a separate article Crafts from cones and here there is a whole menagerie on this topic. And in this article, I want to show the other side of the bump. Her wonderful inner world.

Namely world of a bump in a cut.

If the bump is cut in half with a knife. Then we see a flat center with scales similar to wooden flower petals... You can use forceps to pull out the extra petal scales. Or vice versa, glue it with glue and add the petals-scales to this cut of the cone.

And then decorate everything with gouache. Draw the colored edges of the petals, draw the middle, and even draw fluffy stamens with thin brush strokes (as in the photo below). Cones make beautiful flowers.

Crafts for coloring cones are very popular with children. You can make whole wall panels from cones-flower beds on the theme of autumn.

But below we see blanks for a cool craft - AUTUMN CLUB. You see orange flowers so similar to marigolds. Here, in the middle of the saw cut from a large cone, a small cone with lush open scales is inserted. Everything is beautiful in yellow. We paint the edges of the scales red. And it turns out the poured flower of marigolds. A realistic bouquet can be assembled. Open the Internet and see what shape and color they have, and repeat the same shades with gouache, stamens, stripes, specks - and you will get an autumn flower bed that looks like a real one.

This is a very gorgeous craft that is quite simple to do. With a flower bed like this, you can win any school autumn-themed craft contest. Rest assured. Moreover, I will now reveal to you three little secrets how to achieve perfection in this craft ...

Little secret. How beautiful to reveal the scales of the cone. Soak the buds in hot water. They closed themselves off from the water. Spread out of the water and put on a baking sheet in the oven. We fry them at a low temperature and they open up beautifully - spread out evenly in all directions.

And another little trick... You can use aromatic oils (available at the pharmacy) to keep your cone bed fragrant. The opened cones, even before they are painted with gouache, are put in a dense cellophane bag - we drip a few drops of aromatic oil there - you can mix, drop different ones drop by drop (this will not spoil). And close the package tightly, shake so that the droplets are distributed over the package. And let the bump lie there for a day, soak it properly.

And another little nuance... How to make your flower bed sparkle. After you have applied the main color and drawings, strokes, specks, etc. with gouache. Spray hairspray on top. This will fix the paint, it will not get your hands dirty and the color itself will become two tones juicier and brighter.

The middle of each cone flower can be decorated with a round acorn hat - also painted with colored gouache (as in the photo below). From such chic cones-flowers, you can make whole wreaths-crafts on the theme of autumn.

You can not decorate the decorated cones in the form of flowers, but simply stick them on a cardboard donut ring cut from a large pizza box.

Crafts on the theme of autumn

Natural material

In the technique of mosaic.

All children love bulk applications from cereals. And this is good. Because it is useful. Autumn applications-mosaics of cereals and seeds very soothes the psyche and develops fine motor skills of the hands.

Curly pasta can be added to cereals. We attach the material to plasticine or glue from a hot gun.

Small children can be given simple hand-made mosaics on the theme of autumn. For example, here is such a craft in the form of an autumn tree I really like all the kids in the younger group of the kindergarten.

We paint in advance watermelon seeds(or pumpkin seeds) in different gouache colors. And children lay out whole panels of these colored bones on PVA glue.

And even faster to make mosaic material on the theme of autumn from colored maple leaves... We simply cut them into cubes and pour them into bowls. Children choose the elements themselves and stick them on the crown of the painted tree.

Here are some more simple fall craft ideas for kids in school and kindergarten. The autumn leaf is divided into a sector and each sector can be filled with materials with different textures. If there are no seeds and cereals, each sector can be filled with cut mosaics and maple leaves, but of a different color - a sector of yellow, a sector of green, burgundy, orange, red, etc.

And handmade hedgehogs made of natural material, beloved by all children. Hedgehog thorns can be laid out from watermelon seeds, their winged maple seeds. And an apple on a hedgehog barrel can be made from a walnut shell.

Crafts on the theme of autumn can be of a nondescript color - but the different texture of the bulk mosaic material will make it chic. The combination of rice, buckwheat and barley grits will give us a beautiful boletus mushroom.

Light oatmeal and maple seeds will help you make a wonderful squirrel with your own hands.

And here's my favorite combination of a mosaic of dry leaves and acorn caps.

You can make such a beautiful craft on the theme of autumn with your own hands - a silhouette of a squirrel from acorn hats. We print the silhouette on a printer. We cover it with black gouache. And we attach the acorn caps to the glue from a hot gun. A beautiful craft as a gift to friends and relatives.

MOSAIC techniques

for crafts for the fall.

Lump Mosaic . Lumps can be paper (crumpled balls of crepe or corrugated paper).

Or the lumps can be made of colored plasticine (as in the photo of the craft below).

Mosaic for adult art crafts on the theme of autumn can consist of more expensive material - buttons and beads. Autumn is rich in button craft ideas. It can be trees, pumpkins, and a red fox like autumn - the queen of the autumn forest.

But the child also loves to work with buttons. You can glue buttons on a glue gun or plasticine. You can lay out a long sticky path from the glue gun with your hand, and the child quickly fill it with bright buttons and sequins (as in the photo of the autumn craft below)

Autumn paper mosaic. This is a children's craft. When a sheet of colored paper is cut into squares. Each color is poured into separate bowls and the child begins to lay out the picture. It looks beautiful when everything is laid out on a black background, that is, black cardboard will do.

The smaller the child, the easier it should be a mosaic task for him. The contours of the future drawing should be drawn in advance on the background and serve as guidelines for the child for the boundaries of the layout of the elements.

You can cut the mosaic material different sizes... In order to fill in each sector of the picture with a different texture - small or large, cubic or triangular.

Can be cut out of thick cardboard jagged pieces of the future mosaic... First, cut the cardboard into jagged strips with curved edges. And then cut these long strips into short pieces, too, strongly obliquely and unevenly moving the scissors.

Collect a craft from such curved cardboard elements. And then cover up the cracks. Apply PVA glue to the spaces between the cardboard and cover these places with fine sifted river sand or sifted barley grits. Dry and top hairspray so that everything shines with gloss. You will get the effect of a real ceramic mosaic. An excellent, rather simple and chic in terms of result, craft on the theme of autumn. Suitable for both children and parents - everyone will find their own portion of labor both in cutting and in laying out.

Crafts from autumn leaves

in the technique of imprint.

Already not in the first article on the topic of autumn, we are talking about the technique of maple leaf imprint. Because a print made correctly is very beautiful. Children love these art activities where you can make stamps and prints. Against the background of such a sheet of paper stamped with leaves, you can make autumn applications with a squirrel or hedgehog.

Kids crafts from leaves

On the theme of autumn.

Children love to make fancy crafts from autumn leaves. On our site there is a large article on a variety of techniques for such children's creativity Crafts from leaves

In this article, I'll show you a few more ideas for kids. These cute flowers with eyes are suitable for school and kindergarten age.

We cut out a round piece of cardboard - on it we glue white eyes and draw a smile and eyelashes with a marker. We turn the cardboard disc over and attach the leaves to the reverse side on glue or plasticine so that they look out with half a sheet over the edge of the cardboard round. On the back of the flower on plasticine or scotch tape we attach a tube-leg and put the flower in a vase from a toilet paper sleeve.

Here is a beautiful round aspen leaf applique. Or cut with scissors in the shape of a circle of maple leaves. We glue them on a sheet of paper, add sticks at the top, and glue down the silhouette of the bowl in which they lie. A simple craft for young children on the theme of autumn.

You can take a sheet of paper and stick autumn leaves on it in a chaotic manner. And on top, cover this leafy canvas with a sheet of cardboard with a silhouette-hole cut out in it in the shape of a maple leaf.

You can also make a carpet from a deciduous canvas. Cut an even circle out of it. And laminate the round on a laminating machine, we get a useful craft stand for table setting.

You will find even more interesting techniques for working with autumn foliage in the article.

Crafts for the fall

from leaves and paints.

Leaves can be painted with paints. And they will have new craft opportunities. The painted sheet takes on a new creative life. This is how it goes.

We took a long willow leaf and covered it with a pattern. We look at him and understand that he resembles the long feather of a wondrous bird.

Then we draw a new feather-leaf and another, each time changing the pattern. Then we lay out the feather-leaves on the table and now we see the silhouette of the future craft. A lovely firebird.

It is not easy for children to draw neat patterns with a thin brush. And it is not necessary. Let the children's painted leaves be bright spotted, not necessarily with an even symmetrical pattern. All the same, these works will be wonderful.

As an adult, you can paint whole mini-paintings on large leaves. I will not go into detail about the technique of such painting on autumn leaves, I already talked about this in the article

DIY lamps

Autumn theme.

This craft requires working with a sharp paper knife or razor blade, so children shouldn't tackle it on their own. Have an adult cut out the inner parts of the sheet. The easy-to-follow master class below will show you all the steps. They are simple and straightforward.

We cut out a long strip from cardboard - we fold it into 4 parts-sashes, plus on one side there should be a small overlap-stock for gluing. In one of the halves of the sides, cut a hole in the form of a sheet with a knife. We glue parchment on the inside. We glue the shutters to make a hollow cube. And inside we put a glass jar with a candle and a tablet at the bottom.

By the same principle, you can do candlesticks made of thick wrapping paper and rolled into a tube. On it we cut out the silhouette of a maple leaf, on the reverse side we glue transparent parchment paper painted with watercolors in a delicate color. We fold this two-layer sheet into a roll, fasten it with a stapler. We put a candle or a garland of LEDs inside.

And here are some candlestick jars, The most simple crafts on the theme of autumn. Banks are smeared with blots of gouache, or pasted over with pieces of colored napkins and on this blotted background we glue the silhouette of a tree trunk with branches. And you're done.

You can paint over the jars like this with a hole in the form of an autumn leaf... Cut out a sheet from paper. We glue it on the side of the can with regular soap. We cover the jar with acrylic paint. Moisten the paper sticker with water - the soap gets soaked and the sheet comes off. It turns out a candlestick. Pour grain inside and put a candle.

And you can also white christmas led garland decorate with autumn leaves - attach foxes to each diode with tape and get a glowing autumn garland. A beautiful craft on the theme of autumn, to decorate your autumn holiday.


on the theme of autumn.

If you loved to embroider as a child, then this fall you can make an embroidery craft on an autumn theme. It can be a beautiful yellow-green-red sheet, made in different techniques of an embroidery stitch (as in the photo below).

It can be a landscape painting on the theme of autumn, made using the satin stitch technique.

You can swipe at a large canvas with many elements. Or you can make a simple autumn tree.

You can decorate a useful thing with embroidery - for example, a pillow. An excellent DIY gift on the theme of autumn. The scheme for such embroidery you can draw yourself watercolor paints on paper in a small box- such paper is sold in the drawing department.

Crafts from beads

on the theme of autumn.

And autumn leaves look beautiful if they are made of bright beads. There is a great variety of beading techniques, therefore there are many ways to make an autumn leaf out of beads. Here I propose the simplest one - accessible for children, the one that is taught in children's creativity circles. We make the outer frame of the sheet with a central vein from thick wire. And already we braid this frame with a thin wire, stringing rows of beads on it along the way.

Parents of toddlers attending preschool are aware that every holiday is necessarily accompanied by children's crafts for the kindergarten. Maybe for some people this task will seem like a waste of time. But for the majority it is still an entertaining and creative process, as well as an opportunity to spend time with interest with a child.

It is important to keep natural materials in stock in accordance with the season, and then any task for the manufacture of work will not be taken by surprise.

Stocks of natural material

When traveling to the sea, you can collect small stones and shells. In nature walks, stock up on beautiful leaves, cones and twigs. At the summer cottage, you can plant decorative pumpkins - this is a good raw material for products that are subject to long-term storage.

You can store the leaves in a book. It is better to hold the cones in the oven and douse them with boiling water, thereby destroying all the bugs. It is also better not to throw out toilet paper or paper towels, and save plastic bottles with caps. Make room for these items by placing everything neatly in the box.

Crafts for kindergarten are what the child should cook with his own hands. The degree of difficulty is determined based on the age category.

With a skillful direction, the child will be able to create an applique, drawing, mold a plasticine product on his own. Taking into work natural materials in the form of leaves and cones.

The DIY kindergarten craft ideas below will tell you how best to use non-standard tools, for example, pasta or plastic dishes.

Plastic bottles can already be classified as standard materials, the possibilities for working with them are endless. Use matches, napkins, and sushi sticks as these are all great tools.

Products in the autumn version can be performed as compositions or as independent works. Playful hedgehogs, old forest men or alien creatures in a flying saucer - all this can be done with children's pens using raw materials given by nature.

Products in winter style

In winter, we have associations for the New Year holidays, and also do not forget about the day of defenders of the fatherland.

On February 23, military products will be relevant. Greeting cards can be made. Excellent products are obtained from fabric, but parents should be involved in the creation, as it is necessary to cut.

The body is made of fabric, while the corners at the bottom should be stitched, this is necessary for stability. Next, fill the bag with padding polyester and tighten the thread.

It remains to create a face. The nose can be made from a beige bead. The eyes can be used ready-made or create an applique. Embroider the cilia, and build the antennae from threads tied in a bundle. Give the tone with blush or lipstick.

We make our hands from fleece or cloth and glue them. Alternatively, attach one handle to the cap. The ideas are endless, you can supplement the work with shoulder straps.

Works in the style of autumn

Products in the autumn style are distinguished by the fact that materials given by nature are used for their manufacture. Leaves, cones and acorns of this raw material are in abundance in the fall, which is perfect for crafts for a site in a kindergarten.

As a rule, competitions of works are organized in the autumn period. The kid is able to create the application on his own with little tips from his parents.

For products from vegetables and fruits, a knife is used, so work must be carried out strictly under supervision. Paints are often used in kindergartens. But you can also replace them with material, for example, autumn leaves will serve as stamps for creating a forest.


You can tell the kids how their help is needed for the birds and make a feeder together.

This contributes not only to development in creativity, but also fosters a sense of caring for animals.

In winter, the death of birds is very high, because due to frost it is difficult for them to survive, therefore, care will be taken when creating a feeder.

For the feeder you need: a tree, a box and plastic bottles. Wooden feeders are distinguished by their durability. But not everyone can handle this material. Cardboard is easy to use, but it won't hold up in wet weather.

In this case, the cardboard feeder can be periodically updated, and the baby will like its decoration. Plastic is the most unpretentious material. Easy to work with and withstands rain. The work uses a breadboard knife, so the process is carried out under the guidance of adults.


Street layouts

You can create situations that convey the meaning of reality, such a game will help you learn the traffic on the road, study the signs. Street markings can be drawn with paints on cardboard, you can build houses from boxes. Decorate the cityscape with greenery and, most importantly, make road signs and traffic lights.

Road signs can be printed from the Internet. A sign holder can be made from a plastic bottle cap and a sushi stick, and fastened with plasticine.

It is easy to create houses from cardboard boxes or glue them from cardboard and paint the facade. Trees are made from cardboard or natural materials.

If you finely chop the green threads and sprinkle them on cardboard, previously greased with glue, you get grass. The primer is easy to create with cereals glued to the surface.


One side has a background color and the other has three traffic light colors. Glue the thread between the halves and the circle is easily glued so that you can turn it to the hole of one side or the other.

Craft from bottles

Wall panels, subject compositions and toys can be performed in various techniques. It is very easy to make a craft from plastic bottles for kindergarten.

You can make a baby penguin. This will require two plastic bottles, with the bottom cut to size. And the part is put one into the other. For convenience, several cuts can be made in the interior.

We paint the toy with acrylic paints. We make a pom-pom from threads - to decorate the hat.

The scarf is made of braid or fleece, it will successfully hide the junction of the bottles. For the stability of the scarf, you can put it on glue or double-sided tape. Colored paper is used for the wings and paws.

Photo of crafts in kindergarten

Autumn is a very colorful time of the year. Knowing about the approach of cold weather, nature seems to be trying to demonstrate to people how bright and charming it can be. That is why in kindergartens and schools, children are often asked to make autumn crafts.

Autumn composition

Crafts "Autumn" in kindergarten

You need to stock up on materials for making autumn crafts in advance - starting from the end of August. The collected "wealth" should be stored in a cardboard box, neatly stacked in layers. If you plan to create paintings or panels from dry leaves, it is better to place them between the pages of books so that they become even and do not begin to crumble during work.

Autumn craft

To create an autumn theme, you may need:

  • cones;
  • leaves of different colors and sizes;
  • pebbles, sand;
  • seashells;
  • spruce or pine branches;
  • dry twigs of fruit trees;
  • maple seeds;
  • acorns;
  • chestnuts;
  • walnut shells;
  • flowers;
  • sunflower seeds, grains;
  • feathers, etc.

Hedgehogs from plasticine and seeds

Autumn forest

That is, almost everything that the surrounding nature can offer us.

Thorn hedgehogs

You should not write off vegetables and berries. They, of course, cannot be stored for as long as, for example, products made of wood, cones and dried herbs, but they will be an excellent solution if you need to make an unusual craft for an exhibition in a kindergarten or school.

Butterfly made of leaves and seashells

Turtle house

Chestnut and rowan hedgehog

DIY autumn crafts for kindergarten - interesting ideas

Before you start making crafts "Autumn", you need to imagine what should be the result. If a child takes the initiative into his own hands, it is important for parents to hear him, to understand how he wants to portray this or that animal, picture.

Autumn-themed applications

Noteworthy are autumn applications. Most of them are made quickly enough.

Leaf applications

Flower garden

Summer field

Collage-portraits from leaves

If parents are ready to spend more time on their autumn kindergarten craft, they may like collages. When creating them, you need to not only glue, but also draw a little. Portraits prepared using dried leaves look especially great.

Leaf portrait

Girl with flower hair

Original collage of dried leaves

Craft from autumn flowers

If you really want to make a collage in the form of a portrait, but none of the parents know how to draw well, you can print someone else's sketch, paint it with watercolors and decorate it with leaves, berries, flowers on top. Such work will also look very beautiful.


They look unusual and, what is important, pictures are made very simply from the prints of autumn leaves. For their implementation, it is necessary to prepare the leaves of different trees (they can be both dry and green), thick paper and watercolor.

How to make a picture from prints

Colorful painting

Autumn forest

Painting "Birds Fly Away"

The sun made of prints

The big advantage of such autumn crafts is that a small child can make them almost on their own. An adult only needs to observe his actions and suggest where it is better to attach the next sheet covered with paint.

Autumn crafts in a paper garden

It is not necessary to make crafts for the garden and school exclusively from natural materials. Colored paper, cardboard will also do.

Autumn sheet of paper

Autumn tree

If these materials are not in the house, you can use plain white paper as well. And when the work is done, decorate it with pencils, watercolors or gouache.

Autumn forest

Autumn garlands

Garlands of colored paper leaves will be an excellent craft for both the garden and your own apartment.

Preparing the autumn garland

They can be used to decorate walls, curtains, lamps. The main thing is not to be afraid to include as many bright colors as possible in the overall composition. After all, autumn is the time for yellow, red, orange, brown, beige, burgundy, green. All these colors must be combined, then the garland will turn out to be incredibly bright and expressive.

Home decoration with an autumn garland

Autumn leaves from paper

Kindergarten window decoration

Paper sheets

How to store natural materials

If properly stored natural materials collected in the fall, they will be usable until next summer. All fragile herbs and flowers should be placed in a rigid box. So they will remain unharmed, dust will not appear on their surface.

With snags and twigs, you can not stand on ceremony - they can even lie on the shelf. A good place for them is the pantry, where they can be hung.

Storage of flowers and plants

Chestnuts, acorns and cones should not be put into a common container. They need to be laid out in boxes or paper bags. They will start to mold in plastic bags.

If you decide to prepare fruit seeds, you will need a paper bag. You can do it yourself - roll up an A4 sheet and fix its edges with a stapler. Pebbles and shells can be put in a glass jar, which is tightly closed with a lid.