First trimester of pregnancy When do ultrasound. The first ultrasound during pregnancy: what week is conducted and what information gives

Ultrasound examination is one of the most accurate ways to diagnose pregnancy and observation of its development. All future moms are worried about the question - when to do the first ultrasound? According to the rules of the World Health Organization, this term is defined as 10-14 weeks. But almost every pregnant makes the first ultrasound much earlier, wanting to make sure that her pregnancy uterine and develops correctly.

Is ultrasound harmful during pregnancy?

Very often on the forums you can find the opinion that ultrasound during pregnancy, and especially in the first trimester, is very harmful. Even the examples are given - "Last pregnancy I made an ultrasound and frozen froker, and this did not make an ultrasound and everything is fine." In fact, this is a subjective opinion based on a random coincidence. There are a lot of research on this topic, but so far no one has been able to prove specific harm that the ultrasound waves of the baby in the womb; How, for example, damage is proved by X-ray rays. Of course, it is not worth a fanatically daily, to do ultrasound weekly, but also to ignore this study because of his mythical harm is also not worth it.

So you have a delay. The test shows the long-awaited two stripes. So I want to do ultrasound to make sure everything is fine. But it is not worth a hurry, on this period, even the most modern device will not be able to "see" anything else. For your own calm, you can first pass (hCG). In the future, this analysis will help the doctor to carry out the ratio of the level of hong hgch and the ultrasound data on an early period.

The first ultrasound studies during pregnancy for greater accuracy make a vaginal sensor. No special preparation is required.

What should I do ultrasound on early?

Purpose Uzi at the first weeks of pregnancy is an:

  • establishing the embryonic period of pregnancy;
  • diagnosis of multiple pregnancy;
  • establishing the uterine localization of the fetal egg;
  • diagnosis of complications of pregnancy (tone threatening and miscarriage);
  • evaluation of the yolk bag, chorion;
  • evaluation of the fusion of the embryo;
  • study of the size and structure of the fetal egg and embryo.

What does the doctor of ultrasound diagnostics see when conducting a study? What time is the embryo visible?

  1. 4 obstetric weeks, or 2 weeks from conception
  2. Hgch. is 30-170 units.
  3. Ultrasound.The lush endometrium is determined, in the ovary, which produces progesterone and other substances necessary for pregnancy, until the placenta is formed and will not take this role. A fruit egg in the uterus is very difficult to see, its size is no more than 1 mm.
  1. 5 obstetric weeks, or 3 weeks from conception
  2. is 750-3100 units.
  3. Ultrasound.On this time when using a good apparatus on ultrasound seen a fruit egg, You can determine the amount of fruit eggs, their localization, the size of the uterus. It is not necessary to worry very much if in 5 obstetric weeks did not find a fruit egg in the uterus, you need to remake the ultrasound in a few days.

  1. 8 obstetric weeks, or 6 weeks from conception
  2. is 28,000-128,000 units.
  3. Ultrasound.The embryo CRT on this period is 13-19 mm, the weight is about 2.5-3 grams. The baby's heart beats almost twice as fast as the mother's heart, the heart rate is 130-160 shots per minute. The embryo becomes more and more like a little man, he makes chaotic movement, but because its size is still too small, mom does not feel

Today, echography (ultrasound) is the most common, safe and highly efficient method for assessing the development of pregnancy.

Thanks to the transvaginal echography, after 3 weeks after conception, you can see a fruit egg in the uterine cavity, and the week later - and his inhabitant.

Ultrasound in early pregnancy

The length of the 4-week embryo shoulder is not more than 5 mm, and the frequency of the beat of its heart reaches 100 beats per minute. By the 6-7th week, from the moment of conception, the head and body, handles and legs of the embryo are clearly defined. Then he makes the first attempts to move independently.

An important component of the ultrasound in the early periods of pregnancy is the study of the situation surrounding the baby. If everything goes normally, there is a relationship between the embryo and the extra-immabrional structures, without which, alas, the further development of pregnancy is impossible.

We emphasize that the first ultrasound during pregnancy should conduct a specialist. Very well versed in questions of early prenatal diagnostics. Making sure that the baby is all right, he will gladly help parents to consider on the eye of the eyes, ears and even fingers on the handles of the future child.

When to do the first ultrasound during pregnancy?

Future mothers are always interested in the issue of security ultrasound. Back in 1978, before the echography became a mass examination of future mothers, the biological aspects of the impact of ultrasound on live tissues were carefully studied. It has been established that even with repeatedly exceeding the permissible intensity in the intensity of the ultrasound of harmful consequences for the embryos of mammals.

But the negative consequences of the refusal of ultrasound research in the first trimester are very visual. Every year about 100 children with Down syndrome are born in Moscow. Unfortunately, not only people are far from medicine, but some doctors do not know that with the help of Echography, it is possible to suspect the misfortune in 12-13 weeks. Why do you need to spend the first ultrasound session no later than this term?

Firstly, It is optimal for the diagnosis of coarse malformations of the fetus and markers of chromosomal pathology. After 2 weeks, ultrasound features, allowing to suspect Down syndrome and other severe diseases may disappear without a trace.

Secondly, With suspected chromosomal pathology, doctors have time to carry out a special genetic study and with an unfavorable result to interrupt pregnancy.

Thirdly, The first trimester establishes the gestational age of the fetus up to 2-3 days. At this age, obstetrics are oriented in all difficult situations.

Terms of ultrasound

Ultrasound makes all pregnant women within a certain period: 12-13 weeks, 22-23 weeks and 31-32 weeks. This allows timely to identify the widest range of possible diseases of the fetus and complications, as well as determine the further medical tactics.

Period from the 12th to the 13th week of pregnancy
The very first genetic analysis of blood. Experts have the opportunity to evaluate several important points: the anatomical features of the fetus and the thickness of the collar zone are the Dauna disease marker.

Period from the 22nd to the 23rd week of pregnancy
On this gestation period it is possible to eliminate the overwhelming number of existing defects for the development of the brain, heart, kidneys, liver, as well as the gastrointestinal tract of the future child.

Period from the 31st to the 32nd week of pregnancy
Uzi allows you to diagnose late anomalies for the development of internal organs, such as hearts. In addition, doctors define the growth rates of the fetus and how its size corresponds to expected.

What are really important tasks facing ultrasound? And why do ultrasound do at specific periods of pregnancy, and not when you want to parents? In this article we will answer the 12 most common ultrasound issues.

- The modern method of studying the state of the fetus from the moment of conception before the birth, the most "entertaining" and allowing to look at the kid even before his birth. The method is based on the feature of the interaction of ultrasound and tissues of our organism: the tissue is absorbed in different ways or reflect ultrasonic waves. Based on this, the computer program creates an image on the screen.

  • If a pregnancy test is positive, is it necessary to immediately do ultrasound?

First ultrasound With a positive test, pregnancy should be done when the delay of menstruation is 1.5-2 weeks. Even if the future mother does not bother and there are no pain, it is better to make sure that pregnancy develops in the uterus. Ultrasound at such a period is not mandatory, but eliminating serious pathological conditions, such as, for example, an ectopic pregnancy.

Pregnancy testit can be positive both in the uterine and during ectopic pregnancy. The gynecological examination in the early periods (4-6 weeks) also does not give an unequivocal answer to the question of the localization of the fetal egg. With ectopic pregnancy, the uterus is slightly enlarged and soft according to the consistency - the same as in the uterine. If you do not diagnose an ectopic pregnancy on time, then the uterine tube breaks and strong bleeding starts.

If pregnancy uterine and develops, respectively, the term, doctor-uzier sees a fruit egg on the monitor in the uterus, inside which the embryo and the yolk bag is. The doctor measures the coccicco-rash fetus size: under the period of pregnancy 5-6 weeks, the growth of the baby is 3-6 mm, and under a period of 9 weeks - already 23-30 mm.

If a woman has a stomach hurts or bleeding, it is possible to determine the degree of threat of miscarriage and start the necessary treatment in time.

  • If pregnancy is uterine and well-being good when you need to do the following ultrasound?

On the period of pregnancy from 11 to 14 weeks, every woman must pass the so-called first screening Fruit pathologies. Screening surveys (from English. Screening - sifting) is a method for active identification of patients with any pathology or risk factors, based on the application of special diagnostic studies in the process of mass survey of the population.

First screening Fetal pathologies include: ultrasound examination by a specialist who has appropriate training and analysis of the blood of a pregnant woman (on hCG and RARR) in order to identify hereditary diseases. On this period, it is already possible to estimate the degree of development of the toddler's brain (a structure resembling a butterfly) is visible, the formation of the spine, the symmetry of the handles and the legs of the fetus; Calculate your fingers on the legs and arms; Examine the state of the front abdominal wall.

Very important criteria are the length of the back of the baby's nose and TVP (thickness of the collar space) - a small cluster of the fluid in the neck area. At different times TWP varies, but in any case, it should not exceed 2.7 mm. The values \u200b\u200babove this figure may indicate hereditary diseases of the fetus, down syndrome or intrauterine infection.

The nose of the child is clearly visible from the 11th week of pregnancy. The absence of bones of the back of the fruit nose also may indicate Down syndrome.

On this time it is possible to observe how the kid moves, sucks a finger. Do ultrasound In 11-14 weeks, it is also important because in case of detection of severe fetal vices that are incompatible with life, a woman can interrupt pregnancy with minimal risk for his health and in the future to plan a new pregnancy and give birth to a healthy baby.

  • If a woman for some reason failed do ultrasound In this time, it is possible to make the first ultrasound of 15-16 weeks?

First Screening ultrasoundit is done in 10-14 weeks, not earlier and no later, since certain fetal structures are clearly visible on this time, assessing which, the doctor diagnoses the presence or absence of specific diseases in the child. In addition, at this stage of intrauterine development on ultrasound, a collar space can be measured, check the presence or absence of nose bones. It is during this period that some blood indicators of women (HCG, RARR) are able to indicate the presence of hereditary fetal defects.

If the future mother could not do ultrasound In 10-14 weeks, it means that she missed the first screening, in this case the ultrasound examination still needs to be done. In 15-16 weeks, the doctor can evaluate the general development of the child, the correctness of the location of the bodies, the symmetry of the bones, to eliminate the coarse defects of the development (the absence of limbs, heads or internal organs).

  • How many times during the entire pregnancy you need to do ultrasound?

If pregnancy proceeds calmly, without complications, then there are 3 mandatory ultrasound research.

First ultrasound - On the period of 11-14 weeks. At this stage, malformations of the fetus are excluded. The results of the study may surprise and delight mom, defining a twin (if before this ultrasound was not conducted). In addition, the doctor assesses the state of Chorion - a kindergarten, its location. If Chorion is close to the cervix or penetrate it, they can assign additional ultrasound, and then the tactics of pregnancy and childbirth change (for example, a cesarean section is recommended).

Specialist, uzi.It is necessarily looking at the state of the uterus, the presence of tone, the state of the ovaries. At this time, the doctor can use an internal (vaginal) sensor in the following cases: when the kid is unclearly visible during the examination through the abdominal wall; If you need to carefully inspect the cervix; If you suspect the opening of the cervix.

Next ultrasound Conducted in 20-24 weeks, the echo of the fetus is made on the same date - the exposure of the health of the fetus, the exclusion of heart defects, as well as they measure the head, all bones of the fetus, are watching whether it corresponds to a gestation period. Assess the state of the brain, in particular, the cerebellum. Inspect the face of the baby - his spout, lips, exclude malformations of development (wolf fall, hunger lip, etc.). Explore stomach, kidneys, lungs, intestines, bladder, liver and bubble fetal. On this time it is already possible to determine the gender of the baby.

In 20-24. pregnancy weeks Learn the placenta (a kindergarten, which on the first ultrasound was called chorion) and umbilical cord. Normally in the umbilical cord 3 vessels. The doctor assesses the number of accumulating waters. The inner zev of the cervix on this period should be closed.

Modern diagnosis Requires the direction of all pregnant women for a period of 20-24 weeks and 32-34 weeks to USDG (ultrasonic darling) of the vessels of the uterus. This study makes it possible to assess the condition of blood flow in the uterine arteries. CDK (Color Doppler Mapping) reveals the value of blood flow in the arteries of the umbilical cord. These 2 studies must be made to exclude such conditions as fetal hypoxia and fetoplacentage failure.

Hypoxia fruit - The condition when the baby lacks oxygen and nutrients. Fetoplazentary insufficiency is called such a deviation when the placenta (child seat) does not cope with its functions - the supply of nutrients and oxygen to the fetus.

Third ultrasoundmade in 32-34 weeks. After examining all the bodies of the fetus, measuring all the bones, the circle of the head and the tummy, the doctor will be able to determine the weight of the fetus and its compliance with the period of pregnancy. At this stage, it is clear how the child is located - the head or a bowl of the book. Most likely, he will remain in this position before childbirth. It is important to determine whether there is no cordial neck of the fetus. In case of suspected tight mortgage, the baby will have emergency assistance or a decision will be made to hold cesarean sections.

  • Is not harmful ultrasound?

Ultrasound is safe for the fetus, and at present there are no reliable data on its harmful effect on the fruit.

Of course, this is the most indicative method of research that causes a lot of emotions in the future mother, especially when she sees her child on the monitor. but ultrasound Still, better according to the testimony. Three mandatory ultrasound will not bring any harm to the child. When the health of the fetus requires, the doctor may appoint additional research, in which case it is not necessary to worry - because it is necessary to correct the condition of the child.

  • What time can you hear child heartbeat?

Child heartbeat You can hear on the 5th week of pregnancy. The smaller the term of pregnancy, the more often the heartbeat. Up to 10 weeks, the heart rate is normal from 120 to 170 dp / min, after the 14th week - on average 150 ° C / min.

  • From what period you can determine paul baby?

Discover paul baby You can already on the first ultrasound, in 11-14 weeks. But the probability of the right definition is about 70?%, As it may interfere with the study of a kid or umbilical pupovina, located between its legs. Much more precisely, the floor is determined in the second trimester, i.e. on the 20-24th pregnancy week. The boys see the scrotum and sexual member, girls are sexy lips. If for the future mother it is fundamentally important to find out in the early deadlines who will be born - a boy or a girl, it can be done already in 10 weeks, passing blood from Vienna to the definition of gender in the laboratory.

  • Can the future dad, if you wish to attend the ultrasound?

If the doctor is not against - yes. In exceptional cases, the doctor will ask the child's father to wait in the corridor: the cause of the refusal may be the features of the Cabinet ultrasound, when there is no possibility to demonstrate the screen, or the internal rules of the medical institution.

Usually, the dads are experiencing positive emotions at the "meeting" with the child, because before that they only imagined that the baby in her mother's belly had his own real life, and now they can observe her. Of course, when a child kicks, tumbling, sucks a finger or claps his hands, it can not not cause a smile. But it must be remembered that - first of all a serious study on which any deviations in the health of the fetus can be revealed.

  • How to prepare for ultrasound? Do you need to take something with you?

Special training K. Ultrasound during pregnancy not required. You need to take a nozzle to the inner sensor with you (they are sold at the pharmacy) or a condom, a diaper and a towel to erase the gel. The study needs to come with an empty bladder. And, of course, do not forget the documents: direction, policy, exchange card and results of previous ultrasound. If the tummy of the future mother is decorated with piercing, it is better to remove all the decorations before the study.

  • What is "Doppler"?

Doppler (more correctly say "Ultrasound Dopplerograph") - a method that allows you to see the movement of any structures with ultrasound. The method is named after the Austrian inventor of Christian Doppler. With the help of Dopplerography, the doctor determines the speed of blood flow through vessels, for example, in the uteros of the fetus, uterine arteries. The doctor may consider the frequency of the fetal heartbeat and assess the flow of blood in the heart. Using the data obtained using the Doppler, the specialist will make conclusions about the health status of the kid. Studies of blood flows of the uterine arteries and umbilical umbilies are carried out from the 20th week during the second and third ultrasound, all pregnant women.

  • What is 3D and 4D ultrasound, should it be done?

3D and 4D ultrasound - Methods allowing to obtain a volumetric image of the fetus. They enable the doctor to consider the child, even if he lies in an uncomfortable posture. The study is an informative, "picture" is beautiful, but to estimate the state of the fetus enough and the usual 2D sensor. You can make 3D and 4D ultrasound, if there are suspicions on the malformations of the fetus.

  • When do additional ultrasound?

In addition to the main ultrasound, the doctor can send a woman to additional research in cases where the pregnant woman feels in abdominal pain, bleeding out of the sexy ways appear if the mines are not felt (after the 20th week).

Also on scheduled ultrasounds can be identified states requiring re-research in a week or several days. For example, on the second ultrasound, at 22 weeks, the doctor identified the fetal pyelectasia (expanding the cup of the kidney cup) - but "in question". It may indicate both pathology and being a passing state associated with the fact that the baby has a complete bladder. In such cases, an ultrasound is prescribed in a few days.
If the delay in the development of the child, the inconsistency of its size duration of pregnancyThe ultrasound is prescribed in 2 weeks.

Additionally, they can carry out ultrasound before childbirth - to clarify the position of the fetus, the presence or absence of a cordial cord around the fetal neck.

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The article discusses the first ultrasound during pregnancy. We will tell when they conduct a study, and how to prepare it. You will learn which norms of screening standards exist, and what can be considered when an ultrasound study in the early stages.

When they spend 1 ultrasound during pregnancy

The first ultrasound is carried out by appointment of a doctor for a period of 3 to 12 weeks

The first ultrasound screening during pregnancy allows you to identify possible intrauterine disorders of the fetus or confirm their absence.. The study is based on the principles of echolocation. Ultrasound waves are reflected from the tissues, the data is read with the help of a special instrument and are transferred to the monitor.

As soon as the girl is registered with pregnancy and childbirth in women's consultation, it is sent to the first analyzes. Future mothers are interested in the question - at what time of pregnancy make the first ultrasound? Depending on the purpose of the study, the first screening can be carried out on a period of 3 to 12 weeks.

When you can do the first ultrasound during pregnancy, the doctor is solved by a gynecologist. To do this, he first collects history, receives the results of laboratory tests of the blood of the future mother and on the basis of these data appoints ultrasound.

Most often, the first screening ultrasound during pregnancy for a period of 3 to 5 weeks is carried out to confirm the fact of pregnancy. The doctor may appoint an ultrasound study at such a small period, if there is a risk of developing pathologies of the genital organs, miscarriage, with suspected ectopic pregnancy and diagnosed tumor of the uterus.

If the purpose of the study is to determine the position of the fetus, the detection of intrauterine pathologies, anomalies of blood flow and heart rate, the woman is sent to the first planned ultrasound during pregnancy. It is carried out on a period of 10 to 12 weeks.

You learned when they make the first ultrasound during pregnancy. Now we will tell you why they are diagnosed and what indicators are measured.

What shows 1 ultrasound during pregnancy

Going to the screening to the future mothers I wonder what shows the first ultrasound during pregnancy. In this screening, congenital pathological deviations, the characteristics of the uterus structure, determine the visual characteristics of chorion and its location, heart rate.

Knowing how many weeks the first ultrasound in pregnancy is assigned to you, you can understand which systems and bodies will be examined. At different times of gestation, with an ultrasound study, certain organs can be seen, as they are formed gradually. For example, starting with the seventh week of pregnancy on the ultrasound, you can see the head of the embryo, with the eighth - handles and legs. From 9 to 11 weeks, the musculoskeletal system is a more detailed study, including small bones in the limbs.

From 11 to 14 weeks, the ultrasound in the first trimester of pregnancy shows the presence or absence of a kidney, bladder, stomach. By this time, the fetus form all fingers on their hands and legs.

On the first ultrasound of pregnancy in 1 trimester, the thickness of the collar space is necessarily measured, the size of the uterus and its position is determined. In the process of the first screening, the future mother has the opportunity to hear the heart patellies.

Determining the size of the uterus and correlating it with the norm on this period of gestation, the diagnostician can identify multiple pregnancy. If the presence of two or more embryos was confirmed, the next step is determined by the presence of partitions between them, the state of the Pupovin and the number of compounds. In case of detection of deviations, they are sent to additional screening in 2-3 weeks and advice from genetics. Look, as it looks like in the photo Belly on 3 months of pregnancy with two embryos.

You learned that they look at the first ultrasound during pregnancy. Now consider the rules and decoding of screening research.

Norms and decoding 1 ultrasound during pregnancy

After ultrasound, a woman gives results and a snapshot

After the procedure, a pregnant woman is issued a protocol of the study, which indicates all the measured indicators. Many future mothers scares such a number of incomprehensible abbreviations and numbers, so we will help to deal with the most common ultrasound results.


On the first ultrasound study, the average diameter of the fetal egg (SVD) is measured. This indicator helps determine the exact period of pregnancy. The error of measurements is 1-1.5 weeks. The table shows the rules and decryptions of ultrasound on the first screening during pregnancy.


One of the most informative indicators of the normal development of the fetus is the CTR - Coccico-Dark Size. This is the distance from the tailbone to the patterns, measured in millimeters. Look in the table decryption ultrasound on 1 screening.


During the first screening, a TVP is necessarily measured - the thickness of the collar space. This indicator helps effectively diagnose genetic deviations in the development of the fetus.

With a normal course of pregnancy, this indicator does not exceed 3 mm. The collar space from 4 mm and above indicates a chromosomal violation. This pathology increases the risk of Dauna syndrome. The table shows the rules and decryptions of ultrasound on 1 screening during pregnancy.

Length of nose bones

On the period of pregnancy in 10 weeks of skull bones and facial structures should be sufficiently formed and clearly defined by ultrasound. In 12 weeks, the nasal bone is already formed by 98%, and in the normal state of their length ranges from 2 to 3 mm. The underdevelopment of the nose bones indicates chromosomal disorders that need to be revealed in the early period of gestation.

How to prepare for 1 ultrasound during pregnancy

Going to the screening for future mothers it is interesting to know how to prepare for the first ultrasound during pregnancy? Doctors recommend per day before the procedure to eliminate roasted and oily food, citrus, chocolate and seafood. These products may disrupt the operation of the gastrointestinal tract and make it difficult to explore the study. Immediately before going to the doctor, you should take a shower.

If a transabdominal ultrasound is assigned (through the stomach), then two hours before the procedure it is necessary to drink from 1.5 to 2 liters of fluid. For half an hour before the study, it should be refracted from the campaign to the toilet.

When preparing for the first ultrasound during pregnancy, take with you a diaper or a large towel to which you can lie down, napkins to wipe the remnants of the gel and a condom, if a vaginal ultrasonic study is scheduled. It is put on the sensor before the procedure. This type of research is more often appointed in earlier time when the transabdominal ultrasound is less informative.

How to spend 1 ultrasound during pregnancy

As we described above, the first ultrasound during pregnancy can carry out vaginal or transabdomomomotional. In the first case, the study is carried out with a thin sensor, which is injected into the vagina. The procedure does not cause uncomfortable sensations, but after it can be observed minor bleeding.

The vaginal diagnostic method provides more informative data. Including it is capable of accuracy to the period of pregnancy.

If the ultrasound is carried out transabdomomomomomous, a special gel is applied to the surface of the abdomen, which improves the transfer of indications. Then the diagnostician is then conducted by a special sensor on the stomach, and the device transfers the data on the screen. For clarity, look at the video of the first ultrasound during pregnancy.

To determine the viability of the fetus, the heart rate is measured (CSS). Futive mothers are interested in how the first ultrasound of heartbeat during pregnancy is held. In the early periods, the most informative method of research is ultrasound diagnostics, which, from 6-7 weeks of gestation, is significantly determined by the heart rate. In the later dates, an ECG or CTG is prescribed to measure heart abbreviations.

In the process of the survey, you can make a photo of the fetus for 3 months of pregnancy. On this period, the embryo acquires the structure of the body, similar to the person. Modern equipment allows you to do even 3D pictures that you print right in the doctor's office.

Read more about the first ultrasound during pregnancy, see the video:

What to remember

  1. When you need to do the first ultrasound during pregnancy, a gynecologist is solved after the history of the anamnesis. Planned screening is carried out on a period of 10 to 12 weeks.
  2. On the first screening, the visual characteristics of the chorion and its location, the features of the structure and the size of the uterus are determined, measured the heart rate, the thickness of the collar space and the average diameter of the fetal egg.
  3. The first ultrasound during pregnancy is carried out transabdomomomotable (through the stomach) or vaginally using a special sensor.

A pregnant woman is subjected to a mass of medical examinations, which are mandatory to conduct a population in our country. Ultrasound (Ultrasonic diagnostics) as one of the many modern diagnostic methods is particularly important for a woman during its pregnancy and is the title of "Gold Standard" of the diagnosis of the fruit pathology. It is he who is able without a destructive influence of both the future mother and on the fruit, tell the doctor about the satisfactory or poor condition of the baby in the womb. When and how many times do ultrasound do during pregnancy?

Ultrasound procedure It is a visualization on the screen of a special ultrasound-apparatus of various in its echogenic (that is, if possible, reflect ultrasound waves) of the activity of structures.

The ultrasound is based on the phenomenon of various echogenicity of the tissue elements of the under study, as a result of which it is displayed differently on the screen, which provides a specialist for convenience to the most accurate to evaluate the visualization results. This is not an invasive technique, which means absolute harmlessness for mom and baby.

Exists several types of ultrasound scanning Pregnant women who include:

  • Fetometric studyIn which the doctor can, with absolute accuracy, set the length of the navigation and the presence of the pathology of the development and growth of the baby using the measurement of the variance of the various parts of its body.
  • which helps to analyze the state of vascular blood flow.
  • Three-dimensionalThe indication to which is to wear a period of more than 24 full weeks.
  • Four-dimensionalwhich is even more accurate and detailed visualizes the child in the maternal womb.

This type of diagnostic study of a pregnant woman and the baby shows the doctor, as a pregnant uterus is located, what kind of size is it, what is the condition of its contour and the structure of the accumulative shells. The length of the cervical channel, its structure is estimated. An analysis of the state of nearby groups of lymph nodes is not excluded.

Ultrasonic scanning can be divided according to the method of introducing the apparatus in the female organism On transvaginal (via vagina), transrectal (through the rectum) and transabdomomominal (by driving at the bottom of the front abdominal wall).

More often, the technique is carried out transabdominal The method and refers to one of the most painless and safe for both studied, as well as it is quite simple and short. The patient is offered to fully lie down on the couch, but a half-way position is possible. After the adoption of the right position, the pregnant woman is withdrawing his tummy, whose skin and the sensor itself is applied a special transparent gel for a better signal.

With the help of the sensor, a specialist conducts in the area under study several times, carrying out repeated driving on those areas on which additional attention should be accent. Fixing your observations, the doctor removes the sensor. Pregnant with a paper napkin or ordinary towel wipes a gel with leather and dresses. It remains only to wait for the survey results.

On what time of pregnancy is possible on ultrasound? On the term, a pregnant woman is 100 percent sure that she puts the baby in his heart, since it is at that moment he has begins to beat a developing heart. Ultrasound on the first weeks of pregnancy can give results only at a transvaginal method.

The transabdominal method visualizes pregnancy to, although it is also considered fairly early. In general, the early implementation of ultrasound scan needs a woman in order to not only make sure that the fetus is available, but also to exclude, establish the number of generated embryos and the risk of not to wear.

How many times do ultrasound do during pregnancy? In the Russian Federation there is a special program of examination of pregnant women, according to it it is carried out 3 Mandatory Screening Ultrasound. Additional research is not excluded in non-laws of pregnancy.

First planned ultrasound during pregnancy

When, how many weeks do the first ultrasound do during pregnancy? Carried out on time 10-14 obstetric weeks The intrauterine life of the kid. This study stage is necessary for evaluation, signs of hereditary pathology of the fetus in the form of developmental anomalies. There is also control of the place where pregnancy originated, that is, the localization of the implanted embryo, the presence of the child's motor activity, the fullness of the work of the Vorsin Chorion.

Can identify such pathological conditions of the fetus, as:

  • misconception of placenta;
  • abnormal structure of the fetus;
  • ectopic pregnancy;
  • reducing the movements of the kid up to death;
  • horial insufficiency.

Second planned ultrasound during pregnancy

What is the term of ultrasound during pregnancy? Held in the period from 20 to 24 obstetric week.

The diagnostic significance of this episode of studies of a pregnant woman increases due to the largest possibilities in determining the abnormal structure of individual parts of the kid. This is due to the active differentiation of all organs and the kid systems to this term. The child is already clearly visible, an estimate of the state of his shells is not less important.

At this stage patalogue is possible Ancephalius, Polycystrosis and hydronephrosis of kidneys, megazisics (increased bladder kid), pathology of respiratory and digestive systems. Especially important confirmation of the four-chamber structure of the heart.

The third planned ultrasound during pregnancy

At what time during pregnancy? On him a woman is sent on time 30-34 obstetric weeks. Usually everything passes by the type of transabdominal research. Special attention is paid to fetometric parameters, such as:

  • biparity size (BPR);
  • length of shoulder and femoral bones;
  • the length of the bones of the forearm;
  • the circumference of the abdomen and head;
  • diameter of the chest;
  • lobno-occipital size (LZR).

Not excluded from the study and state of the generic pathways of women, oily-free shells, uterus, respiratory and cardiovascular systems. At this stage, an exception is very important, which is a starting factor in many terrible states in a newborn baby.

it last ultrasound examination In the period of tooling the baby. It is carried out on with the aim of all the same assessment of the state of the placenta, fetometric indicators, the position of the fetus before childbirth, eliminating the cordial cord around the fetal neck.

This ultrasound is important, first of all, because in the period before birth, the condition of the baby is especially unstable, because at any moment he may be born. And the specialist can determine not only the pathological presence and, but also pronounced hypoxia kid, significantly complicating the early neonatal period and defining newborns in the department of the pathology of newborns.

Why may you need an unscheduled ultrasound

The normal course of pregnancy usually eliminates the use of episodes of additional ultrasound of the fetus research. However, if there is pain in the field of the lower half of the abdomen and discomfort, the doctor is not only in the right, but must also be appointed an additional ultrasound. It is not discussed by the use of additional procedures in the threat of premature interruption of the baby tooling and suspicions for the ectopic location of the fetal egg.

Does ultrasound be harmful during pregnancy for the fetus

How often can you do ultrasound with pregnant women? Is ultrasound harmful in early pregnancy? All women awaiting the appearance of their beloved baby, ask this question. But they are not worried about what: ultrasonic waves are absolutely harmless both for them themselves and for the fetus.

As can be understood from the above, ultrasound during pregnancy carries only useful effects, helping the doctors to pregnant with their patient in accordance with the norm.

Video about ultrasound during pregnancy

In order to better understand the entire essence and the significance of screening periods established by protocols using ultrasound in pregnant women, you can get acquainted with the video. It describes in detail What time is the scheduled ultrasound during pregnancy, rating parameters, pluses of this method and a wide range of its capabilities.

And to learn about the planned and additional ultrasound research even more information, discuss this question with each other. in comments. Share your impressions after passing this diagnostic procedure and ask questions you are interested in, because the living discussion of the topic with those who have passed this procedure is very useful for only women's pregnancy.