Outline of the lesson on the development of speech (senior group) on the topic: Synopsis of the OOD on speech development in the senior group "Fairytale Country". Synopsis of ood on speech development

Abstract of the OOD on the development of speech in a group preparatory to school on the topic: "Introduction to Russian folk tales."

Target: Find out if the children know Russian folk tales.


    Fix familiar fairy tales in the memory of children, recognize them by fragments, illustrations, objects, etc .;

    Develop imagination, fantasy, thinking;

    To form an interest in reading, a love for oral folk art, to introduce verbal art.

    Motivation-indicative stage.

The children are standing on the carpet, there is a knock on the door. Dunno comes to visit with a big book of fairy tales and asks the children to introduce him to Russian folk tales, because he does not know more than one fairy tale.

Guys, what should we do? (Help).

2. Search stage.

How can we help the Unknown? (We will tell you what Russian folk tales we know).

Listen carefully Dunno and remember.

3. Practical stage.

Finger gymnastics "Favorite fairy tales"

(children alternately bend their fingers, clap their hands on the last line)

Let's call fairy tales.

Mitten, teremok,

Gingerbread man - ruddy side.

There is a snow maiden - beauty,

Three Bears, Wolf, Fox.

Let's not forget Sivka - Burka,

Our prophetic kaurka.

About Zhar - a bird we know a fairy tale,

We do not forget the turnip

We know the wolf and goats,

Everyone is happy with these stories.

Well done boys! You know a lot of fairy tales. Do you know why fairy tales are called Russian folk tales? I'll tell you now, sit on the chairs and listen carefully. The Russian people composed fairy tales to tell them to their children, to teach them to distinguish between good and evil in life. When the children grew up, they told their children the same tales. And so fairy tales passed from adults to children. Fairy tales tell about the unprecedented, wonderful, and they are folk and author's.

Why are fairy tales called copyright? (Because they were composed and written by one person - the author). We will tell Neznaika about author's fairy tales next time, but now you don't want to play? I will make riddles for you, and you will name a fairy tale.

Game: "Learn a fairy tale by a riddle"

A girl appeared in a cup of a flower,

And there was that girl, a little more than a fingernail.


Near the forest, on the edge,

Three of them live in a hut,

There are three chairs and three mugs,

Three beds, three pillows,

Who are the heroes of this tale?

(Three Bears)

Heals young children

Heals birds and animals

Looking through his glasses

Good Doctor...


I left my grandfather

I left my grandmother

I will come to you soon


Well done, you can learn a fairy tale from a riddle, but try to learn a fairy tale from an illustration (illustrations for the fairy tales “The Wolf and the Seven Kids”, “The Hen - Ryaba”, “The Chanterelle - Sister and the Gray Wolf”, “Gingerbread Man”, “Teremok” are hung on the board ").

The teacher asks to go to the blackboard.

Guys, look and tell me what fairy tale this illustration is from? ("The wolf and the seven Young goats").

What does this tale teach us? (the fact that you can’t open the door to strangers, you need to obey your mother, not be evil like a wolf, but be kind).

What is this illustration from? ("Ryaba Hen").

And which chicken in this fairy tale is good or bad? (the chicken is good, she gave grandparents a golden egg, and when the mouse broke it, she took pity on them and laid another egg for them).

Well done, and now I will call you fairy-tale heroes, and you will remember the name of the fairy tales in which they act.

1. Grandfather, bug, granddaughter, mouse. (Turnip).

    Very little girl, cockchafer, swallow, mouse. (Thumbelina).

    King, three sons, arrow, swamp. (Princess Frog).

Guys, we can even show you the fairy tale “Mushroom - Teremok”.

Let's go friends

In a miracle - a fairy tale - you and me.

Hey heroes, get out

Show the children the story.

(The presenters and heroes of the fairy tale come out, put on hats and start showing the fairy tale “Mushroom - Teremok”, and I invite the rest of the children as spectators.)

At the end of the fairy tale Dunno thanks the children for interesting stories, games, a fairy tale.

4. Reflective-evaluative stage.

Thank you guys, you were like real actors. I was very interested with you, I will come to you again, you promised to introduce me to the author's fairy tales. (Says goodbye and leaves).

Educator: Well done! I want to say thank you from all fairy tale characters. You know Russian folk tales very well, but I think each of you has your favorite fairy tale. We will talk about it next time.

(For children of the preparatory group)


To acquaint children with the culture of their people, with the peculiarities of everyday life, customs, traditions, Russian folk games.

To introduce children to the hut - the dwelling of a peasant family, the Russian stove.


Development of curiosity, observation, speech of children.

Enrich the vocabulary of children with folk proverbs, sayings, new words (grab, cast iron, poker, etc.).


To cultivate a caring attitude towards antiques, folk traditions, customs of hospitality, interest in Russian folklore.

Vocabulary work: hut, stove, tong, poker, cast iron.

Preliminary work: looking at illustrations in books depicting old household items. Learning proverbs, sayings, riddles, fables, round dances. Reading Russian folk tales.

Equipment:“Russian hut”, equipped with items of Russian life, cast iron, tong, poker, hat-mask for r.n. games, Russian folk costume for the hostess.

Lesson progress

(Children enter the hall. They are met by the hostess in a Russian folk costume.)

caregiver: Hello dear guests!

According to the Russian custom, we meet dear guests with bread and salt, we greet them with a low bow!

hostess: You are welcome, dear guests, go into the hut. My hut is small, but what a beautiful one!

(Children sit on benches.)

Get comfortable.

Can everyone see, can everyone hear,

Is there enough space for everyone?

Get your ears and eyes ready.

(Children take their seats.)

Guys, what is a hut?

Children: (this is a house).

Hostess: Correctly! This is the old name of a village house.

To find out what we're going to talk about today. Guess the riddle.

"Our fat Fedora

Not eating soon

But when you're full

Warmth from Fedora.

Children: bake.

Hostess: That's right, kids! This is an oven.

Guys, what do you think, why do we need a stove in a hut?

Children: (to keep the house warm).

Hostess: Yes, guys, it is impossible to imagine a hut in a Russian village without a Russian stove. The stove is considered the most important in the hut. She was in the center of the hut, to heat the whole house. The Russian stove should be big, why do you think?

Children: to keep warm in the hut for a long time.

Hostess: Guys, did you need the stove only for heat?

Children: (food was cooked in it).

Hostess: That's right, the guys used the oven for different needs, for what do you think?

Children: (for warmth, they cooked food in it, slept on it).

Hostess: That's right, guys, the stove was used for heating and for cooking, and for sleeping on it, and even for washing.

The frost will crackle in the yard, the wind will howl in the chimney, and it is warm and cozy by the stove, all you can hear is how the firewood crackles.

The hostess goes to the stove.

- Oh, who is this here?

- Children: cat.

Oh, Vaska the prankster, where have you gone?

Hostess: Guys, what is the cat Vaska doing on the stove?

Children: warms up.

Hostess: Guys, but the stove itself does not heat up, what must first be done so that the stove gives us heat?

Children:(you need to melt it).

Hostess: Yes, guys, as soon as the hostess gets up in the morning, the first thing she does is start to melt the stove. All day the stove puffs and tries.

What did the hostess cook in it?

Children:(porridge, potatoes, soup).

Hostess: Correctly! In the oven, the owners will boil potatoes for themselves, and steam the cattle with feed. The porridge boils, the milk is heated, the bread is baked and browned.

The stove was considered to be the breadwinner of the family.

What did the guys in the old days say about the Russian stove?

"The oven is our mother."

"It's all red summer by the stove."

“The oven - heats and cooks, bakes and fries.

“The oven will feed, dry and delight the soul!”

“It’s better not to feed bread, but don’t drive it from the oven.”

“Good speech, if there is a stove in the hut.”

Game "Goat and guys"

The stove was even in children's games. Shall we play? The game is called "The Goat and the Guys".

One child is chosen - the Goat. (He puts on a goat mask.)

The goat becomes in a circle, the children dance around him, and a dialogue is being held.

Goat: I am a Goat, me-me!

I went to the forest.

I chopped wood.

Children: Why do you need firewood?

Goat: Me-me, heat the stove.

Children: Why heat the oven?

Goat: Me-me, cook porridge.

Children: Why cook porridge?

Goat: Me-me, feed the guys.

Children: We do not want porridge!

Goat: Me-me, I'll feed!

I'll catch up and feed! (Children run away.)

(Children sit down in their seats.)

- Hostess: Tell the guys who puts the stove?

Children: (Stove).

- Hostess: What building material does the stove-maker use when he puts the stove in the hut?

Children: (brick, clay)

- Hostess: And now guys, let's see how the Russian stove works.

Hostess: Guys what do you think this is?

(The teacher points to the pipe.)


Hostess: Yes, guys, right, this is a pipe, but what was it for?

Children: (smoke came out of it).

Hostess: Right guys, what was the smoke coming from?

Children: (from the fact that firewood was burning in the stove).

Hostess: Yes, the guys are right, but where did they put the firewood?

Children: (Children's answers.)

Hostess: Guys, firewood was laid in a special place in the oven, called mouth. In order to heat the stove better, they took birch firewood, they gave more heat.

Guys, look what I have in my hand?

Children: poker.

Hostess: Guys, what do you think, what is the poker for?

Children: to stir coals in the firebox.

Hostess: Yes, guys, in order for the fire to burn more cheerfully in stove, firewood was stirred with a poker.

Hostess: What else did the guys put in the mouth?

Children: (pans).

The hostess takes cast iron

What is it?

Children: cast iron.

Hostess: Guys, what do you think, why was cast iron needed at that time?

Children: porridges and soups were cooked in it.

hostess puts the cast iron on a pole. Oh, but how to put cast iron, because it's hot in the stove?

Hostess: Guys, to send cast iron to the furnace, you need a tong.

(The hostess takes the tong and sends the iron to the furnace.)

And so that the heat and fire did not come out of the stove, the mouth was closed damper.

Hostess: At the bottom of the stove there is free space - undercarriage.

Guys, what do you think the hostess used this place for?

Children:(In the undercarriage, the hostess kept a broom, a scoop, a poker.)

Hostess: The podpeche is used to store stove equipment: grips, pokers, scoops, and even in winter, in frost, chickens were kept under the stove.

- There was a special place at the top of the oven - bed.

Hostess: Guys, what do you think this place served for?

Children: For rest and sleep of people.

Hostess: Correctly! Even with the help of the stove, they expelled ailments, for example, colds, warmed the backs.

On the stove, the guys dried not only clothes, but what else?

Children: mushrooms, berries and onions.

- The Russian stove has another magical place, here it is, a small recess, like a window. This is stove!

Why do you think it was needed?

Children:(the clothes were dried in it).

Hostess: Yes, the guys are right, clothes and shoes were dried in the stove.

Between the stove and the wall of the house there was a place called "baby kut" this corner was covered with a colored curtain. The housewife was in charge of the hut. What do you think the owner was doing there?

Children: cooked food, baked bread, cooked.

Hostess: Guys, there are riddles about the stove. Can we guess?

What can you not pull out of the hut?


Hostess: In winter, there is no heat, and in summer there is no colder.


Hostess: Why not fire up the oven?

Children:(without firewood).

Hostess: In what did they cook porridge, cabbage soup in a Russian oven?

Children:(in a cast iron, clay pot).

Hostess: What was used to get hot iron out of the furnace?


Hostess: Guys, what fairy tales say about a wonderful stove?

Children:(Geese-swans, By pike command, bun.)

Hostess: The Russian people have a wonderful saying: "Soup soup from a Russian oven is good." But not only cabbage soup was cooked in the oven, but also the main Russian dish - porridge.

The hostess goes to the stove, sniffing.

And here our porridge is ready, oh, how delicious it smells, guys, while we were talking, the porridge was cooked.

(The hostess invites the guys to the table and treats them to buckwheat porridge.)

Hostess: Did you guys like visiting me?

It's time and honor to know. Being a guest is good, but being at home is better.

Synopsis of OOD on the development of speech in the senior group on the topic: "Winter"
Target. The development of connected speech.

1. To generalize and systematize the knowledge of children about winter, to clarify the signs of winter.
2. To consolidate the ability of children to answer questions with a complete sentence.
3. Activate the dictionary on the topic; learn to select definitions for given words (activation of adjectives). Dictionary enrichment: blizzard, blizzard, powder, powdered, blizzard.
4. Improve the grammatical structure of speech: learn to select single-root words, use nouns in the right case in speech.
5. Develop attention, thinking.

Material. Illustrations with winter landscapes, phonogram by P. I. Tchaikovsky "At the stove" ("The Seasons"); album sheets of a light blue tone, colored pencils (colored wax crayons).

Preliminary work:
Observations while walking.
Reading stories, learning poems about winter; talk about signs of winter.
Examination of illustrations depicting winter nature.

Lesson progress
Illustrations with winter landscapes hang on the board. The teacher reads the poem:
The magical winter is coming.
Came, crumbled;
It hung in tufts on the boughs of oaks;
She lay down with wavy carpets
Among the fields, around the hills.
A shore with a motionless river
Leveled with a plump veil;
Frost flashed. And we are glad
Leprosy mother winter.
A. S. Pushkin
Educator. Guys, today we will talk about the wonderful season - winter.
- Who can say how many months winter lasts? (Three.)
- Name these months. (December January February.)
- What month is it now? (January.)

Educator. At this time of the year we often say the word "snow". And what snow? (White, cold, fluffy, sticky, etc.)
The teacher reads to the children an excerpt from E. Trutneva's poem "The First Snow":
What is outside the window?
Light up in the house!
This snow lies like a carpet,
The very first, the whitest!
Didactic game "Add a word"
- In winter, everything is covered with white fluffy snow. Let's play with this word. I will read a poem, and you finish the lines with words similar to the word snow.
Quietly, quietly, as in a dream, falls to the ground ... (snow)
Fluffs are all sliding from the sky - silvery ... (snowflakes)
On the trees, on the meadow quietly falls ... (snow)
Here's the fun for the guys - getting stronger ... (snowfall)
Everyone is racing, everyone wants to play ... (snowballs)
As if he dressed up in a white down jacket ... (snowman)
Next to the snow figurine is a girl ... (Snow Maiden)
In the snow, look, with a red breast ... (bullfinches)
As if in a fairy tale, as in a dream, he decorated the whole earth ... (snow)
What words did you add? What word do they look like? (children's answers)

Educator. What natural phenomena can be observed in winter? (Snowfall, blizzard, blizzard.)
- The paths were covered with powder - how do you understand that? (Snow covered.)
“Powder”, “powdered” - these words are repeated by the children in chorus and individually.
- What words can you say about winter, what is it like? (Snowy, frosty, blizzard, cold, etc.)

Fizminutka "Snowflakes" Oh, fly, fly snowflakes - Snow-white fluffs. (Smooth waves of the arms.) This is a winter-winter (First we take the right hand to the side, She led the sleeves. Then the left hand to the side.) She swirled all the snowflakes And lowered them to the ground. (Turn around and sit down.)

Educator. What happens to trees in winter? What are they? (They stand naked, without leaves, only pine and spruce are green; trees rest in winter)
- What do you think, how do animals live in the forest in winter? (Children talk about a hare, a fox, a squirrel, a bear, etc.)
Have the birds all flown south? Tell us which birds hibernate and what they eat, who helps them survive in winter. (Children's stories. 2-3 stories are heard.) Educator. What fun and games do you have in winter? (We go sledding, skiing, skating. We play snowballs, make a snowman, etc.) Exercise "Finish the sentence"
- Let's play a game. I will say the beginning of the sentence, and you will add the word snowman.
We decided to make ... (snowman).
We attached a carrot nose to our ... (snowman).
We showed our neighbors ... (snowman).
We played with our ... (snowman).
We told grandma about... (the snowman).

Physical education "Snowman"
Come on, my friend, be bolder, my friend, (They walk in a circle, pretending to roll their snowball in the snow. They roll a snowball in front of them.)
It will turn into a snowball, ("Draw" a large circle with your hands.)
And it will become a snowman. ("Draw" a snowman from three lumps.)
His smile is so bright! (They smile broadly.)
Two eyes, a hat, a nose, a broom. (Show eyes, cover head with palm, touch nose.)
But the sun will bake a little - (Squat slowly.)
Alas! - and no snowman. (Shake hands, shrug.)

The teacher invites the children to draw a picture about winter.
Calm music sounds, children draw.
Outcome. Evaluation of children's activities.

Alexandra Fadeeva
Abstract of the OOD on the development of speech in the senior group "Journey to the country of Beautiful speech"


to consolidate the skills of correct pronunciation



Improve the skills of communicative communication, syllabic analysis of words, inflection and word formation;

Exercise in the use of diminutive - affectionate suffixes;

To form the ability to generalize, classify;


Develop dialogical coherent speech, figurative representation;

Expand vocabulary through participation in verbal and speech games;

Develop activity independence, self-confidence.


Cultivate a friendly attitude towards each other, initiative.

vocabulary work: sun: bright, radiant, light, hot.

Materials and equipment: sun with rays, musical selection, arch - the gates of a fairy tale countries, air balloon with a letter.

OOD progress:

I. Organizational moment.

(Children stand in a circle in the middle of the room)

Psycho-gymnastics "Smile"

Hello guys! The key that opens the locks in the souls of people is a smile, so let's give each other smiles now. Smile at the neighbor on the right (left).! Smile at your guests!

Well done! Today I invite you to go to the unusual a journey through the fairyland of beautiful speech, where many amazing discoveries, secrets and magic await us! Do you agree?

Yes, we are agree!

(Soothing music sounds. Children perform certain actions in the course of words)

Into the magic to get

Everyone needs to get up first.

Clap, stomp and bend over.

Get up again, smile

Sit quietly, close your eyes

Forget everything for a moment

Friendly to tell everyone the words:

"Hello, magic, Hooray!"

(Children continue to sit in a circle)

So let's go to country of beautiful speech.

(Fantastic music turns on)

Please close your eyes. Imagine that we are flying in a hot air balloon through the clouds. From above we see forests, fields, hear the murmur of the river, smell the fresh air after the rain.

(A picture of a magical countries of beautiful speech)

We open our eyes. Look guys what beautiful country.

(Get up and turn into a semicircle)

What do you see?

(Children list, which is shown in picture: beautiful castle, bright sun, rich greenery, etc.)

Oh guys, look what is this? As in any fairy tale country, on its border there are magic gates, and a castle hangs on them. Let's open it! and finger gymnastics "Castle" will help us!

(Children, standing in a semicircle, perform finger gymnastics)

Finger gymnastics "Castle"

There is a lock on the door

Who could open it

Pulled, twisted

Knocked and opened!

So the magic gates of the fabulous countries! Well, let's go!

(Children pass through the gate closer to the screen)

Here we are met by a multi-colored rainbow, and here is the bright sun! Let's go towards the sun, it will definitely lead us to the magical palace!

(Children are just about to take their first steps towards the sun, as disturbing music sounds and a color picture of a magical countries of beautiful speech becomes black and white

“Hello, our dear children! The inhabitants of the fairy tale are writing to you countries! Evil wizards have bewitched our sun and scattered its rays in this beautiful country became dark! Everything you have us: and houses, and fields, and forests, and paths, and rivers, everything is left without light and will soon die! Help us unravel our country and we will thank you for it!"

Guys, look, without the sun with its warm rays, in multi-colored country of beautiful speech became dull and ugly! The sun has gone down quite a bit! (The teacher points to a subject board on which an image of a sad sun without rays is placed) Guys, let's help the sun! To disenchant the rays, you need to complete tasks! Let's help the inhabitants of this fabulous countries?

Yes, we will help!

Then take a seat on the chairs!

(The teacher reads out the tasks written on the rays and, having completed the tasks, attaches the rays to the sun. All the rays are scattered around group)

I task: And here is the first ray, listen exercise: "Call it sweetly"

(The teacher, throwing the ball to the child, calls the word, and he calls it affectionately)

Sample words: Monkey, hippopotamus, dog, bull, wild boar, badger, beetle, etc.

Well done guys, you did a wonderful job with the first task! What is the second task?

II task: "Video story" We need to watch the video story, and then answer the questions, get ready.

(The teacher turns on a video about spring)

What season were you talking about?

What signs of spring do you know?

In spring, snow melts, streams run, the sun shines brighter, birds fly in, the first flowers appear.

What spring months do you know?

March April May

III task: "Animals in Spring"

Well done! And the third ray asks us about what animals wake up in the spring?

In the spring, a bear, a badger, a hedgehog wakes up.

That's right, I know one very interesting hedgehog. Let's hear a story about him. And for this we need our massage balls, our true friends in development of fine motor skills of the hands.

(The teacher gives the children small massage balls.)

Su-jok therapy

In a fairy forest in a small cozy house there lived a little Hedgehog. Show the ball in the open hand.

The hedgehog was small and therefore was afraid of everything. He then looked out of his house, then hid.

Squeeze and unclench the palm with the Su-Jok ball several times

One early spring morning, the Hedgehog wanted to take a walk. He came out of his house, looked around and ran along the path with his little legs. The path was narrow and winding.

Hedgehog ran for a long time. And suddenly he found himself near a large raging river. A thin bridge was thrown across the river.

Circular movements of the ball in the palm of your hand - first clockwise, then against.

He carefully stepped with his small legs on a narrow bridge - took a step, then a second, third, fourth, fifth - and moved to the other side!

And there is a clearing - big, round, beautiful!

Circular movements of the ball in the palm of your hand.

In the clearing, apparently-invisibly primroses: and snowdrops, and crocuses, and coltsfoot, and lungwort, and tulips! Beautiful, it's like a fairytale!

Roll the ball on each finger, starting with the thumb, for each flower name.

The hedgehog really liked the glade, he went around it, stepped on the bridge - one step, two, three, four. Fifth. And he's on the other side!

Roll the ball over each finger, starting with the thumb.

Hedgehog ran quickly - first along a winding path, then in a straight line. Made it to my house!

Roll the ball back and forth across the palm of your hand.

And when evening came, the Hedgehog closed his house, lay down in bed and fell asleep with a sweet dream!

Hold the ball in your palm.

Well, guys, we stretched our fingers, let's have a little rest!


Spring - red

Spring- red What did you come with? (Hands to the sides, bow.)

With flowers, with grass, with a crow horse. (Hands point to the grass, flowers, take the reins.)

We will ride on it on meadow grass, (Jumps in place.)

To the water is key. (Bend down, scoop up imaginary water.)

Let's smile at the sun (Respectively.)

Let's go home to mommy. (Sit down in your seats.)

IV task: "Determine the number of syllables"

(The teacher shows one child illustration with spring primroses, he names a flower, then all the children call the object in chorus, while clapping divides the word into syllables. The child answers - how many syllables are in the word.

Flowers: snowdrop, crocus, mother - and - stepmother, lungwort, tulip, lily of the valley, narcissus.

V task: "Insects in spring"

Guys, tell us what happens in the spring with insects?

In spring, insects wake up, fly, flutter.

What insects do you know?

Insects: cabbage, lemongrass, bee, bumblebee, fly, ant, tick, ladybug, Maybug.

(Children list insects, clearly pronouncing all the sounds in each particular word)

III Consolidation

Guys, you are great, you found all the rays and coped with all the tasks! So the sun shone in this wonderful country. Let's get closer to him!

(Children stand in a circle)

What is it? (children's answers)


Let's all sit down now, close our eyes and imagine how the rays warm our cheeks, nose, hands, fingers. It became completely warm, and you yourself became warm and affectionate.

(Children perform self-massage to quiet music)

Open your eyes, look, the rays ran through the clouds, through the fields, through the forests, through the flowers, and disenchanted everything except the paths to the houses of the residents, and they ask you to pave the paths to their houses.

Children sit at tables and draw tracks:

\ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\

/\/\/\/\/\ /\/\/\/\/\ /\/\

Well done, guys, the tracks have been laid! Hooray! And as a token of gratitude, the inhabitants of this fabulous countries we passed you a treat, which we will try a little later, and now let's stand in a circle!

(Children stand in a circle)

Well, it's time to go home!

And to us from magic so that

Outline plandirectly educational activities

in the senior group.


Target: To form the ability to write a descriptive story about the items of dishes.

to learn to compose a descriptive story about dishes, to compare various objects by material, size, purpose. Strengthen the ability to classify objects by quality. Cultivate respect for dishes.

Integration of educational areas:

"Speech development", "Cognitive development", "Social and communicative development", "Artistic and aesthetic development of modeling", "Physical development".


1) Enrich and activate the vocabulary of children, develop coherent, grammatically correct speech. To form the ability to compose a descriptive story, to achieve emotional expressiveness of speech, to activate adjectives in speech. Differentiate the sounds "Sh" and "Zh" in tongue twisters

Improve the ability to speak as a means of communication ("Speech development")

2) Develop imagination, creative activity; systematic thinking in the process of expanding knowledge about household items, continue to consolidate the ability to classify dishes ("Cognitive development").

3) Develop motor skills of the fingers. ("Artistic and aesthetic development").

4) To form a readiness for joint activities with peers, the ability to negotiate, take into account the opinion of a partner, form goodwill in communication (“Social and communicative development”).

5) To develop the motor activity of children, fine motor skills of both hands. ("Physical development").

Methods and techniques:

1. Verbal method (guessing riddles about dishes, pronouncing tongue-twisters, compiling a descriptive story, questions, reasoning, discussion);

2. Visual and demonstration (showing pictures of dishes);

3. Practical method (independent activity - washing dishes, physical education minute “I run, run, run!”, finger gymnastics “My dishes”, didactic game “What is superfluous?”, mimic exercise “Boiling kettle”, speech game - “What utensils?”, independent activity sculpting utensils;

4. Game method (physical minute);

6. Methods of control (analysis of completed tasks, evaluation of performance results);

Materials and equipment:

Tale of K.I. Chukovsky "Fedorino grief",

Children's tableware

Audio recording, music center, multimedia

Pictures depicting utensils

Cards with the image of dishes (tea, dining, kitchen)

Children's aprons, a basin of water, cloths, detergents for washing dishes, towels

Serving table

Magnetic board

Plasticine, board, stack, napkin.

Forms of organizing joint activities

Children's activity

Forms and methods of organizing joint activities


Physical education minute "I run, run, run!"

Finger gymnastics "Washing the dishes"


Mimic exercise "Boiling kettle"

D / and “What is superfluous?”.


Riddles about dishes. Questions.

Writing a descriptive story.

Word game "What dishes?".

Pronunciation of tongue twisters with the sounds "Sh" and "Zh"

Perception of fiction and folklore

Viewing an excerpt from the fairy tale by K.I. Chukovsky "Fedorino grief", discussion of the tale.


Modeling "Dishes"

Logic of educational activity.

The activities of the educator

Activities of pupils

Expected results

1. Organizational moment

The teacher invites the children to guess the riddle:

“I am man-made, sounding, I am not afraid of water, I am fit for food,

and hit - I'll break "

Children listen and guess the riddle

Motivated for organized activities

2. The story of the educator.

Dishes have been used by people since ancient times. At first it was wooden. Russian national dishes remained wooden and earthenware. Then came glass, metal, faience, porcelain dishes. Services appeared. People are very careful about the dishes, because they can break, and the work of the person who made them is lost.

The teacher asks the children questions: How should you wash the dishes?

How should you take care of your dishes?

Why wash, clean, wipe dishes?

Children listen and answer the questions of the teacher,

First, plates and cups are freed from food debris, then washed with hot water and soap or other detergents, then rinsed thoroughly. They put it in the dryer, wipe it, put it in the closet. The dishes are washed, cleaned, wiped, so that it is always clean and it was pleasant to eat from it.

Developed logical thinking, speech, attention;

3. Didactic game

"What's extra?"

The teacher shows the children cards on which four objects are depicted, and asks them to find an extra one, name it and explain why it is superfluous, and pick up a generalizing word for the remaining three objects.

Children name the objects in the pictures, find an extra item, explain why it is superfluous, and select a generalizing word for the remaining items of dishes.

Developed logical thinking, speech, attention; formed an attentive attitude to joint activities with adults, the ability to generalize. Consolidated knowledge of the names of dishes. Children know how to correctly build their sentence, find an extra object, classify.

4.Mimic exercise

"Boiling Kettle"

The teacher gives the children the task to show the sketch "The Boiling Kettle". “Imagine that you are an empty kettle, cold water is poured into you in a slow stream. The kettle is put on the fire, the water inside you begins to slowly boil, boil. (You might even be surprised) And now - there is no patience! The water is boiling, steam is coming out of the spout! (A whistle is heard.) The water boiled away: “Help! Help!"

Children participate in the “Boiling Kettle” etude, performing actions on the signal and the spoken text of the teacher.

Children are able to create expressive images with the help of gestures and facial expressions.

5. The teacher shows an excerpt from the fairy tale "Fedorino's grief" on multimedia, asks questions. Invites the children to discuss the fairy tale about the dishes that ran away from the hostess.

What is the name of the fairy tale?

Who wrote this tale?

What dishes in a fairy tale come to life and run away?

Why did the dishes run away from Fedora?

How can you help Fedora?

Children discuss the story, answer the teacher's questions.

6. The teacher asks the children to help Fedora, take care of the dishes, leads the children to do finger gymnastics “My dishes”: “We will clean you with sand, We will douse you with boiling water,

We'll dry you with a towel.

And you will again

Like the sun is shining"

Listening to the text that the teacher reads, the children first rub their fists on their palms, make circular movements with their palms, raise their hands to the sides - up.

Able to perform actions in accordance with the text; fine motor skills are developed.

7. The teacher invites the children to go to the table prepared in advance, where there are dirty dishes, asks the children to help Fedora, wash the dishes.

Children share tasks, put on aprons and wash dishes.

They know how to get along with the team by sharing labor assignments.

8. The teacher invites the children to set the table. Then, the teacher chooses a subject and talks about it. “Invites children to write a descriptive story

Children go to the serving table, choose an item they like, and write a descriptive story themselves.

The ability to compose a descriptive story about an object (dishes) has been formed.

9. The teacher offers a speech game, passing the ball to each other, “What dishes?”

the teapot is iron, the jug is earthenware, the cup is porcelain, etc.

Children pass the ball and name adjectives that characterize and classify the dishes.

The dictionary of children is enriched with adjectives on the topic.

10. The teacher invites the children to repeat the tongue twisters:

"Zhu-zhu-zhu- I'm circling,

Zhi - Zhi - Zhi - I have knives,

"Sha - sha - sha - the cup is good."

Listen carefully and repeat after the teacher

speeches in chorus and individually.

Fixed pronunciation of sounds

“W” and “Sh”

Children are able to highlight them in words.

11. Physical education minute (audio recording for a fairy tale)

"Fedorino grief"

The teacher invites the children to perform movements to the music

"I'm running, running, running, I can't resist!"

The sieve jumps across the fields,

And a trough in the meadows.
Behind the shovel broom

Walked down the street.
And the pan on the run

Shouted to the iron:
"I'm running, running, running,
I can't resist!"
A table came out of the window
And go, go, go!

Children perform movements


Children can coordinate movements with music

12. Didactic exercise

The teacher offers the children, let's help Fedora,

make dishes from plasticine. “This is the dishes that ran away from Fedora in the fairy tale “Fedorino's grief”.

Children sculpt the dishes that are so necessary, explain what their purpose is, and what will happen if they are not.

Able to analyze and synthesize; a holistic perception is formed, the desire to complete the task correctly.

13. The teacher invites the children to tell a poem about dishes.

Do you know what dishes are?

And how bad are we without it?

Try to eat without a plate and a spoon...

You can't even feed cats without a bowl!

Coffee pots, teapots, cups, glasses -

We remember them early in the morning.

Pots, salad bowls, forks, knives…

Always keep all the dishes in order.

The children read the poem by heart.

Children have a developed memory, coherence in a team, and speak.

14. The teacher helps to arrange the dishes for the children, and offers to evaluate their activities.

The teacher invites the children to remember what interesting things they learned about the dishes, what they liked the most, and what fairy tale would they like to visit next time?

The guys in the next lesson we will continue to get acquainted with other types of dishes.

Analyze and evaluate their work

Children answer the teacher's questions, reason, fantasize.

Speak as a means of communication.

Children's ideas about dishes have been expanded and consolidated.

Final event: exhibition of modeling "Dishes for Fedora"


classes in the senior groupfor the development of speech

"Compilation of a descriptive story about dishes"

The lesson was carried out in accordance with the age characteristics of children and the tasks of the main general educational program "Childhood". I took into account the space in the group, picked up paraphernalia. Visual aids were prepared for each moment of the lesson, which stimulated and activated children for mental activity.

Preliminary work was carried out with the children: a conversation about dishes, work on the sound analysis of words, the division of words into syllables; repetition: vowel, consonant, syllable. Benefits of sufficient size, aesthetically decorated. Their placement was used rationally. The duration of the activity was 25 minutes, in accordance with sanitary standards.

The lesson can be divided into three main parts. The first part is the introduction of children to the topic of the lesson, the definition of goals, an explanation of what the children should do. Therefore, at the beginning there was an organizational moment, then I set the children's attention to help the fairy-tale character.

The second part is the independent activity of children to fulfill the task of the teacher or the plan of the child himself.

The third part is the analysis of the performance of the task and its evaluation.

Classes were organized in all areas of upbringing and educational work with children: familiarization with others, speech development, musical education, fine arts, the formation of elementary mathematical concepts, and physical education.

The group was divided into subgroups. The children showed interest. The lesson used frontal, group and individual forms of organized learning. The material for educational activities was selected at a level accessible to children, consistent with their psychological characteristics. The children were interested. They were active, attentive, felt comfortable.

This structure of the lesson is quite justified. Since each part of the lesson is aimed at solving certain pedagogical problems.

The occupation is dynamic, it includes techniques that provide for a quick change of activity. Conversation, explanation, display, consolidation, reminder, game, encouragement, practical actions. Moving around the group while getting out of a problematic situation, trying to help Fedora wash the dishes. The quick change of techniques during the lesson made it possible to avoid the fatigue of children.

In my direct educational activities, I used the following methods:

1. Verbal method (guessing riddles about dishes, pronouncing tongue-twisters, compiling a descriptive story, questions, reasoning, discussion);

2. Visual demonstration (showing pictures of dishes, cartoons);

3. Practical method (independent activity - finger gymnastics “My dishes”, didactic game “What is superfluous?”, mimic exercise “Boiling kettle”, speech game “What dishes?”, independent activity modeling dishes;

4. Game method (physical education minute “I run, run, run!”);

5. Heuristic method: aimed at the manifestation of independence of work in the classroom;

6. Methods of control (analysis of completed tasks, evaluation of performance results).

Adhering to the principles of differentiated learning:




Individual approach.

At the lesson I used the following means: visual aids, multimedia, music, which enhanced emotional perception. I used methods and techniques that were available to children of this age. In the course of all directly educational activities, she improved the grammatical structure of speech, developed coherent speech. During the entire educational activity, gaming activity was formed in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard.

I believe that the tasks set in direct educational activities have been fulfilled.