Why is a child at 9 months not crawling. View the full version. When you need a doctor consultation

At 9 months, the child makes every effort to explore the world around him, and his first attempts to master the new space are that he begins to crawl. This is a big job for the baby, because to overcome you need long distances, if you want, for example, get to my mom into the kitchen.

However, these difficulties are a big and necessary stage and its preparation for walking. The kid with enviable perseverance overcomes all the difficulties, trains the muscles of the hands and legs, especially if the elders encourage him.

The reasons for which the child at 9 months is not crawling

Not all kids are equally developed and it happens that having reached a 9 month old baby does not crawl, which causes the excitement of some parents.

It is necessary to worry only if the reason is the nerve or other disease that influenced the baby's psyche. In this case, parents must consult a doctor, because they themselves are not able to help him. Another reason for the failure of a child crawl is a violation of a disorder of the musculoskeletal system.

The remaining reasons why the child at 9 months is not as significant and should not be alarmed by their parents:

  • Child disease.
  • The nature of the child.
  • Body mass of a child.

If a child is sick, his activity is reduced, because the body struggles with infection. The phenomenon is temporary and as soon as the baby goes on the amendment, he will cause his own, will crawl even faster.

All children are different in character, there are more active, but there are less, some of the nature are curious and from the first 4 months begin to study everything and grab the handles, pull in the mouth. Others are more cautious, they are calm, study around the world, sitting at mom in their arms. More active kids tend to crawl before.

If a child has overweight, then it often becomes the cause of his unwillingness to crawl, children with such weight are insoluverance.


Some parents are worried if their child is still not crawling, and it's time to start walking. You should not worry about this, some kids in our development simply miss this stage, they begin to immediately try to walk. It turns the year to the child, and it begins to get up on the legs and starts walking with your support.

And yet, with it is better to be careful if the child is not crawling 9 months, you need to contact a specialist -topede, you may need to perform massage and gymnastics to strengthen the kid's muscles.

Some famous specialists are pediatricians believe that crawling is a certain point before walking, which helps in the development of the child. If the orthopeda did not find any pathology in a child, and he still does not crawl, it is possible to find an example for imitation.
Invite your acquaintances who have a child of your child's age, which will crawl. Your child will also not remain indifferent, because you can easily try to toys and take the one that likes.

As its development, the child seizes all new and new skills. It is them in the future will allow him to interact more successfully with the world around the world, opening it from the new parties.

In order for parents to make it easier for the fact that their child is developing, modern pediatrics brought a whole range of skills and skills that he must master each age. And if the child is experiencing with any difficulty and turns out to be unable to fulfill this or that action, it can become a serious reason for parents to pay attention to it.

9 months baby does not sit - it is necessary to find out the reason

Already by the beginning of 7-10 months, most children begin to take the first attempts to sit down, or even crawl.

Nevertheless, it often happens that even 9-10 months the child does not try to sit by himself. Is this a serious impairment of development and what measures are worth taking parents to correct this particular feature?

Age norms. What should a child be able to at any time in order to sit on his own?

The normal motor development of the child characterizes the presence of the following indicators:

  1. At six months, the child should be able to independently roll from his back on the stomach and even trying to sit on his own, if he was given his fingers as a support.
  2. At seven months, the child should be able to sit on his own, while holding his back quite smoothly. And also turn the case while in this position. He must also be able to sit down from the situation sitting on all fours.
  3. At eight months, the child not only knows how to sit, but at the same time freely manipulates his hands, trying to reach items, interesting or necessary for him.
  4. Starting from 9-10 months, the child should already be able to get alongside from almost any position. Also during this period, the first prerequisites for self-walking are formed: it rises on his knees, if there is a support nearby, it can hold the housing, starts crawling. The time that he can spend sitting with a straight back increases significantly. There are first attempts to stand straight with support (starting from 10 months).

Cabin development 6-9 months

However, it is necessary to sharpen the attention to the fact that if the child's skills listed here are still not always observed in the specified age period of 9-10 months of the child, it does not always talk about the presence of one or another pathology. Each child is distinguished by their own age features of development. And it is possible that later the development of one skill will be able to be compensated by a faster formation of another. It should not be treated in this case.

Lag in development at 9 months - squint, does not sit

Nevertheless, there are many disturbing signs that are often a good reason for a hike to a specialist.

  • Inability to sit on their own in 7-10 months; Weak ability to hold balance.
  • The impossibility to capture and hold the subject in the hands, testifying to the underdevelopment of motility.
  • A pronounced lack of body weight.
  • Elevated or reduced muscle tone.
  • Unnaturally punched eyes; Trends to squint.
  • Frequent concern without visible causes.
  • Long inexpression of spring.

Why is this happening?

If parents notice that, despite the occurrence of the age of 9-10 months, the child does not sit down himself, it is necessary to take into account that it is not always that it can be an alarm signal. And although age periodization notes the development time of certain skills, it is necessary to take into account that the individual features of the child's development play an equally important role. In this regard, the age framework for each of them may differ for several months. And it is possible that the ability to sit independently will develop a little later, but will be able to gain better.

Cause of developmental impairment - generic injury

Otherwise, the causes of the child's inability to sit independently, can perform:

  • Delay of the intrauterine development of the fetus.
  • Hypoxia at the stage of intrauterine development.
  • Anemia diagnosed with mother during pregnancy.
  • Intrauterine infections.
  • Congenital defects development.
  • Complex labor; cesarean section.
  • Birth injury.
  • Low scores with apgar.
  • Prematurity or density.
  • Premature childbirth.
  • Rapid childbirth.
  • Excess or lack of accumulating waters.
  • Muscle tissue dystrophy.
  • Rickets.

How to teach a child to sit on your own?

Arguing about the development of a child of certain skills, do not forget that no ability can develop in itself, without having objective prerequisites. This rule is true for the ability to sit on their own.

Body position Toddler with seat

What can wake a child try to sit in 9-10 months? It may be an interest in the subject and, as a result, the desire to reach it. Also attempts to sit or crawl are intermediate steps in the development of more complex skills, such as walking. Therefore, the first step in teaching a child with an independent seat will be the creation of appropriate motivation. For example, a parent can set bright toys near the bed, reach it to which he can only sit. Or providing him with greater freedom of action thanks to more spacious Maneja, beds, etc.

Rings for training seats

The correct accounting of age features is another important condition for learning a child with a new skill.

When is it best to teach a child to sit on your own? Tips and recommendations

Most children have been trying to take a new one in half a year before the position is unusual for them. Despite the fact that the ability to sit is far from immediately, the child quickly understands that so it will be much easier for him to play, manipulate new objects for him, etc. Another reason why this happens is exactly half a year - the muscles of the back, the abdominal press, as well as the chest quite well-formed to this period. Thanks to this, in half a year, the child has a fairly good level of physical preparation for independent sitting, even without support - this does not cause it additional discomfort and does not create difficulties.

Seat training should be regular

Nevertheless, the child must be accessed by following the following rules:

  1. Teach girls to sit on their own needs somewhat later than boys. For example, if a boy can try to sit for five months, it is better to wait for half a year with girls. A similar measure is fully explained from the point of view of the characteristics of the physiology of the female organism: a seasy girl is too early, it is possible to trigger the uterine bend and other complications.
  2. In order for the child to feel the need to independently look for a body support, it is necessary to gradually deprive his support from the outside (for example, to remove from behind the pillow from the back, to which he could climb earlier, plant as far as possible from the back of bed, armchairs, etc. ). Getting used to an additional support will not only slow down the acquisition of the skill of seats, but may adversely affect his posture in the future.
  3. You can help the child to master the new position in space and with the help of playing games. It is desirable that he had enough inner space, and it was also equipped with a rather large grid, holding a child who could be able to get up, and sit down, without resorting to assistance.
  4. If you have noticed signs of fatigue from a child, you should not force him to sit for too long; Just put it on your back - this will allow the child to relax, and the muscles get the necessary rest and unloading.

Massage for the child has a strengthening effect

What exercises can help your child learn how to sit on their own?

Start teaching a child to sit down from the easiest, not requiring special exercise efforts. You need to perform them all hour after meals. Mandatory conditions should be a child stay in good mood and well-being. Clothing should be an easy, not melting motion.

Independent turning - Start of study
  • The initial position is lying on the stomach. The task of the child is to try to fly from this position behind the back, and then - return to the original. If he does not have to do this independently, you can help him, interested in bright items or toys - interest in a new subject can help the child to take the necessary position. It is also permissible to slightly push the baby with palms under the foot.
  • The initial position is the same, lying on the stomach. The child is given by the thumbs of the parents of the parent. His task at the same time is to rise and go upstairs, holding them with his hands and using them as a support. For a start, the child will need two hands, but over time, as the skill develops, you can completely do one. If the child does not cope, it will be allowed to maintain under his knees. It is not necessary to rush it at the same time - it is very important that the child learned to properly find a support and felt the equilibrium when it is necessary.
  • In order for the child to try to get up or sit down, he can also be seated on his knees, giving him a palm as a support. This will allow the child to use the external support, but to look for it yourself. This exercise can also become a good alternative to the traditional, but less efficient child's plant on a bed with a large number of pillows.
  • When the child will win these exercises, you can move to more complex. For example, to offer the child to get out of the position lying on the back, gently holding him by the hands. Since this exercise requires a larger tension child, first time it will be stronger than others to tire it. That is why you can do with three-four repetitions.
  • In the child, the feeling of balance can be placed on a solid surface and holding his palm with one hand, another - legs. In order for him to learn to keep balance, he is swaying from one side to another. Since the first time the child can face some difficulties in performing this exercise, the first time it can be a little pronounced, putting the pillows around it, mitigating possible blows.

Fitball classes for sitting training are very helpful

Safety technique when performing exercises and other recommendations

Before teaching a child to sit on their own, it is necessary to make sure that its physical development allows you to begin the development of a new skill. Creation of readiness can be the ability to lie on the stomach for a long time on the stomach, confidently keeping his head, hand-based on the chest, as well as the ability to turn from one side to another.

  • Very undesirable to plant a child using additional locks for the body.
  • If a 10-month baby can not sit on your own, keep it in a kangaroo need no more than half an hour. Failure to comply with this condition will lead to an increase in the load on the spine.
  • The stroller at the stage of development of the seating skill must be equipped with a special solid back, which gives the opportunity to be in the semi-side position. You can also use sling or special walkers.

Regular classes will help the child to sit on their own

Do I need to contact a specialist?

More close attention to the health of the child should be given in cases where independent attempts are not observed in the child and in the future - at 10, 11 months.

In this case, the parents have a reason to suspect that a child has a delay of motor development, or a delayed motor development. Since both violation in aggregate can actually cause mental delays, to begin their correction as early as possible.

In case you suspected a child of 9-10 months, the delay of motor development, or violations that have neurological nature, it is necessary to seek advice from a specialist. In such cases, as a rule, a course of a special treatment massage and other correctional and developing procedures are prescribed.

Movable curiosity and desire to explore the world around the world, kids learn to walk, and then run. But before the child gets on his legs and make a couple of unsure chambers, he needs to master the stage very important for its full physical development. Stage is a step of crawling.

It happens that the child, having learned to sit confidently, soon stands up on his feet and immediately begins to walk. Such a phenomenon is not uncommon among the kids of 9-11 months of age. In some kids, development continues, without delivering to parents any hassle, and for other kids such a sharp transition from the seating to walking can turn into the future health problems. Often, children who passed the stage of crawling and seemingly mastered walking, in the future, at the age of 6-8 years, they begin to complain to mom on back pain.

The importance of crawling for the normal physical development of the baby is difficult to overestimate. When crawling, the whole muscle system and the muscular system of the child is strengthened, and by the time the kid goes into a vertical position, the stage of preliminary strengthening its body and the walking preparation has already been completed. If your baby in his 9 months does not show the desire to crawl, consult with the pediatrician. It is better to show the child to the doctor than to wait and worry, because the reasons for excitement may not be at all.

Among the reasons why kids at 9 months are not crawling, are the main ones:

    disorders of the musculoskeletal system;

    disorders of mental development;

    features of the nature of the kid;

    departies in weight;

    related due to illness.

Disorders of the musculoskeletal system. If they are the reason for the failure of your child to crawl, then the pediatrician will examine the child and direct you with the baby to consult orthopedic. A specialist will pick up an optimal complex of gymnastic exercises and massages for your child, with the regular use of which the physical condition of the baby soon normalizes, and he will gladly crawl, and then breaks up.

Mental disorders. The psyche of the child at an early age is extremely weak and rasa. It can oppressively influence a wide variety of factors, including not only emotional negative. Some kids are enough for an hour or other in an unfamiliar atmosphere or in the society of a large number of other people's people (for example, guests who came home to you) to get a serious nervous stress. Provide a calm atmosphere to the younger kid, and if the baby's mental development has already happened, contact the doctors as soon as possible and do not pray for the time and effort of the child's treatment.

Features of a childish character. From the first days, weeks and months of their life, the kids are already divided into active and passive. And with this nothing to do, because character is largely what is laid in us inheritance and nature. Active kids from 5 months of age pulls their curious handles to everything that surrounds them without experiencing the slightest fear. And passive prefer to lie quietly in their crib or mom in their arms and view the surroundings, without showing the slightest desire to explore something and touch. It was the last category of kids - these are those that can be crawled with a delay, while their active peers have already managed to climb the entire apartment.

Deviations in body weight. Often, kids late go to crawl through the very banal reason: they interfere with actively move excess weight. The fat kids have a body mass - this is the main factor of slow physical development, because because of it, they are simply unable to move freely. What kind of active physical development of the baby and crawl in this case can we talk?

An organism weakened by disease. Only physically healthy kids can actively move. And if a child from one disease is moving into another, all the forces of his weak organism are thrown on the fight against infection. Take care of the kid recovery, and then to strengthen its immunity. As soon as the child is strengthened, he quickly causes the missed. Of course, the above concerns mainly "standard" children, i.e. Those who were born in the ladded period were developed in relatively compliance with certain pediatrics criteria. And if the baby is painful with polio or, for example, cerebral palsy, then everything is already extremely individual, and only experienced doctors and caring parents will be able to help such children.

If neither a pediatrician nor an orthopedist nor a neuropathologist revealed any deviations in the development of your baby, then it means to be patient and wait until nature directs the actions of your child to the right direction. Of course, parents should not be passive, but in every way to contribute any manifestations of activity from their baby.

Provide your child an example to imitate

Invite your parents with a child who is already well crawled. Once in the company of its more active peer, which will immediately begin to crawl into the carpet in the nursery, your baby will surely try to copy the actions of the guest. Add to this and proprietary instincts that will not allow your baby to quietly look at how the stranger is selected to his toys and grabs them until the small owner sits motionless in one place. Believe me, such a meeting of the passive baby with active can bring its positive fruits.

Perhaps your baby is uncomfortable in the setting that you created in his nursery. Look at around and ask if you want to crawl on the floor in the room where your baby dwells. Perhaps he is uncomfortable on the floor, cool, slippery. Located on the floor nice to the touch carpet or a cozy blanket. Let your kid feel the pleasure of contact with their surface. Do not forget about the clothes of the baby: it should be a comfortable, not constraintful movement. There should be no seams on the knees that are dug into the skin, the elbows should be spacious.

Physiotherapy Method Glenn Domana

This American physiotherapist came up with an interesting design for learning kids crawling. This design is a straight track made of a wide board. On the sides, this board should be closed by wooden borders. The finished path needs to be covered with a thick blanket. Note that the child should be comfortable and warm on this board. Take care of the 100 percent stability. The board can be tilted, putting a stand under one of its sides, and placing the baby face down to the inclined surface on it. When he has a crawl down, you can move to the movement along the horizontal plane. To stimulate the child to the movement, put a thing ahead from him to which he will have a desire to reach.

It happens that the child has a tummy too heavy, and the handles are too weak to raise the body above the floor surface. In this case, it will help him with an ended roller, and even better - a towel that should be stretched under the tummy and lift it so that the baby gets to climb on all fours. If you raise the baby in this way with a towel, it first with your help, and then on my own, will start crawling. And if you do not encourage the child to move, then it will not take any attempt to an independent crawling.

Gymnastics and massages - very important factors in the normalization of physical development and motor activity of the kid

If your baby is healthy and its development in general meets the regulatory parameters, then select a set of exercises and massages in children's literature or on the Internet. If your baby is lagging behind in development, please contact a doctor for advice to do not harm the doctor incorrectly selected exercises. By the way, walkers and other devices that facilitate the process of moving the baby in space, better to remove. In a child, due to such adaptations, the desire to move independently is significantly reduced.

Baby for movement need a space. Please note whether the space is enough in the children's room so that your child has developed its motor skills. Do not hold the baby in the crib or Manege: a long stay in them adversely affects not only the physical, but also the mental development of the child. Become an example for your child, go down next to him on all fours and crawl on the floor, and he will try to imitate you.

Baby for movement need an incentive. Favorite toy or a new, interesting child, subject. Having placing the baby on the carpet or blanket in the nursery, place the toy at such a distance from the child so that he saw her well, but could not reach her. Do not place too far, as the child's interest in it can fade. It is important that the child has the opportunity to get, in the end, the desired thing.

Some kids crawl in the opposite direction. It happens that the child, trying to crawl, strains his hands, getting up on all fours, but it turns out only the movement of ahead. Probably, the baby lacks the stop. Put your foot or palm at the foot of the baby so that it can push off, and the crumb will crawl in the right direction.

Perhaps there are no reasons for concern. Examples when the baby, without harm for his health and development, passed the stage of crawling, there is a huge set in life. If your baby is healthy and cheerful, it eats well and is consistently gaining in weight, but it does not recalculate and not passive from nature, it is hardly worth worrying. So, your baby belongs to the category of children who, from the sitting position, immediately stand on the legs and begin to walk.

Successes to you and your kids in mastering difficult, but exciting science of movement!

Many mothers, especially if the child is the first to experience for the "non-standard" development of their baby. They relate to motherhood very responsible, read special literature, advised to the doctor. And so nice when the son or daughter "go on schedule" and develop as written in the children's encyclopedia. And if something is wrong? "How so?" - They exclaim - "My child is not climbing 9 months at all, and in the book they assure that at this time the children simply must crawl!" Our children are obliged to anyone, each kid develops according to its genetics, and in the encyclopedias, all information generalize how it is common to say "averaged." If your baby does not fall into a number of average children, do not worry, then the kid you have a special, and maybe even unique, and at the same time absolutely healthy.

Now a little more about the fact that the child does not crawl into their 9 months. Ask your pediatrician and he tells you that some children never crawled at all, they just missed this "step of development" No harm to health. And they switched immediately to the next step, that is, we got on the legs, and then went. You will be surprised if you find out that some of your friends, being babies, were not crawled, but immediately began to walk, there are many such children. And, as you can see, such children grew up, became adults, they are absolutely no longer different from those who when crawled.

However, all doctors love "standard" childrenIt is easier to predict their behavior and development, such children are presented less "surprises", and therefore it is easier to work with them. Therefore, young mammies can even scare that "very bad" when the child is not crawling the child for 9 months. Of course, there are diseases, thanks to which children are lagging behind in development, poliomyelitis, for example, or cerebral palsy. But if your child is absolutely healthy, nothing to worry about. Is that some children, like adults love to be lazy, so you can't catch. In this case, to develop the muscles, make a massage more often, force and provoke acts (I liked the toy - Pollying here, you want to eat - a bottle is near, add to it). Keep in mind that it does not immediately work out, you will be patient, as well as love and care. And from the crumbs - perseverance and work, which, as you know, are a little effort, and your fears will go into the past.