Why do women have a strong smell of urine. Unpleasant smell of urine in women. What diseases can change the smell of urine in a child

Fresh urine has no smell, but, oxidized in air, it soon acquires an ammonia aroma. But sometimes there is an unpleasant smell of urine in women, the reasons for which every patient needs to know in order to seek help in time.

Unpleasant smell of urine in women can be caused by certain foods or medicines. But, most often, a sharp aroma indicates the development of a pathological process in the body.

Types of pathology

As a biologically active substance, urine normally has no odor. A bad smell is achieved due to the attachment of pathogenic microorganisms to it, which attach to the microparticles of urine.

Medical specialists identify several reasons for the pungent smell of urine in a woman, indicating the following problems:

  • The pungent smell of urine, smelling of acetone, which is felt from a distance, indicates problems with metabolism or the development of pathologies such as ketonuria or diabetes mellitus. Sometimes the smell of acetone in the urine appears in pregnant patients.
  • The smell of feces indicates that pathogenic bacteria from the anus have entered the urethra.
  • A strong smell of decay indicates the presence of purulent inflammation in the bladder or urine. In this case, the urine becomes more viscous, has inclusions.
  • The drug aroma of urine is displayed only when a woman takes medication for a long time. Urine smells strongly after taking sulfonamides and antibiotics. After 15-20 days after taking the last pill, this smell usually disappears on its own.
  • If the urine smells of sweat, this indicates increased fermentation in the body. Usually, a violation of fermentation occurs with pathological processes such as pancreatitis, ulcers or gastritis.

  • Urine has a sweetish aroma not only in diabetes mellitus, but also with changes in lipid metabolism, which, in turn, is the first sign of the development of obesity.
  • Urine smells bad of fermented sauerkraut in bacterial infections of the genitals, including candidiasis.

If the smell of urine in women has changed, then you do not need to look for the cause yourself. Only tests prescribed by a qualified doctor will help determine the root cause of the pathology. And the doctor will already tell you how to get rid of the unpleasant odor.

Causes of smell

Why urine smells like fish or has another unpleasant smell, only a doctor can answer. But there are common causes of odor:

  • Inflammatory process in the organs of the excretory system. The main reason that causes the strongest smell of urine is pyelonephritis. In addition, cystitis can cause a strong odor. Usually cystitis accompanies pyelonephritis, but it can also act as a separate disease. Another reason for the change in smell is (inflammation of the urethra). With the pathologies described above, urine becomes cloudy and impurities may be present.
  • Urinary infections. Sometimes the first sign of genital infections is inflammation of the female excretory system. In addition, smelly urine becomes with vaginal dysbacteriosis (the appearance of pathogenic microflora). For example, with gardnerelez, urine smells like garlic or rotten fish.

  • Violations in the body of the exchange of trimethylamine in urine gives it a sharp smell of rotten fish. And with a change in the exchange of phenylalanine, urine begins to smell like mice. With leucinosis (impaired oxidation of amino acids), urine smells like burnt sugar.
  • Liver diseases. Urine smells bad in women with liver diseases. Since liver-related pathologies contain bilirubin in the urine, it becomes the color of dark beer and smells bad.
  • Diabetes. If the urine smells like acetone, then it contains ketone compounds. In addition to the smell, patients complain of weight loss, intense thirst, and convulsions. Note that the ketone smell of urine in women has causes not only in diabetes mellitus, the smell of acetone occurs when food is refused, the water-alkaline balance in the body is disturbed, and infections.
  • External factors. Healthy people also sometimes encounter the fact that urine begins to smell bad. The smell occurs when drinking alcoholic beverages, smoked meats, pickles or asparagus. It disappears after 24 hours. Taking B vitamins and antibiotics can lead to odor. Ketone smell occurs when the body is severely dehydrated, so you need to monitor the level of water intake.

Unpleasant smell of urine - causes and symptoms

The smell of urine in pregnant women

In the body of any representative of the fair sex during pregnancy, hormonal changes occur. In addition, while waiting for a baby, a woman's body is more vulnerable to infections.

Some women, while in position, mistakenly believe that their urine has begun to smell bad. This is due to the fact that the olfactory function of the body during pregnancy is enhanced, forcing us to perceive ordinary odors more sharply.

Since pregnant women regularly give urine and blood for tests, the doctor will always see the beginning of the development of the pathological process. If a bacterial infection has joined, the obstetrician-gynecologist will immediately see this from the tests and prescribe treatment.

In addition, the sharp aroma of urine causes protein, which is abundant in the urine in the last stages of pregnancy. There are many reasons for the appearance of protein: malnutrition, disruption of the liver and kidneys, etc.


Since only a doctor can determine why urine smells in women after a complete diagnosis, therefore he should prescribe treatment.

In no case should you self-medicate. For example, it is difficult to distinguish liver failure from chlamydia at home, but the treatment for these two pathologies is very different.

If an accurate diagnosis is made, the doctor will prescribe an effective treatment. For example, renal pathologies are treated with diuretics and diuretic drugs.

Diabetes mellitus and kidney failure are more difficult to treat, in some cases even hospitalization of the patient may be required. With the help of complex treatment with antifungal and antimicrobial drugs, infections of the genitourinary system can be cured.

In addition to medication, the doctor may recommend a special diet. It is necessary to limit the use of flour, fatty and sweet foods, include fruits and vegetables in the daily menu. It is better to completely refuse seasonings and spices for the time being.

An important point in the treatment of pathology is hygiene. Since the anus and the vagina are located close to each other in the fair sex, it is recommended to wash after each act of defecation.

It is necessary to monitor the water balance in the body. During the day, the girl should drink at least two liters of water without gas, which will eliminate the appearance of an unpleasant smell of urine.

If the doctor does not determine any serious pathologies, then cranberry and dried fruit compotes, which stimulate the immune system, will help get rid of the unpleasant odor. A decoction of knotweed and cranberries helps well. The decoction can be drunk instead of ordinary tea.

There are many reasons for the appearance of a sharp aroma of urine in women, but certain symptoms may indicate the onset of a serious pathology. Only a doctor with experience in treating pathologies of the urinary system will find the root cause of an unpleasant symptom and select an adequate treatment that will relieve the patient of unpleasant symptoms in the shortest possible time. And self-treatment will not only not lead to the expected effect, but it is also very dangerous for health.

Video: Causes of an unpleasant odor in the urine

The sharp and unpleasant odor of urine that has appeared, both in men and women, is a characteristic symptom of any disorder in the body as a whole and in the genitourinary system in particular. Such a symptom should alert a person. Remember what kind of urine you had as a child. Or, if you have a child, watch his urine.

Ideally, urine has a light, specific odor that does not have an unpleasant tint. The smell of healthy urine results from the decomposition of protein and the appearance of ammonia. Urine is an almost sterile liquid. In the people, it is used as a remedy for many diseases, both internal and external.

In case of any disease, various substances are excreted with the help of urine - the waste products of bacteria. And if your urine has changed - its color, smell, consistency - this is a serious reason to go to an appointment with a general practitioner and take tests to identify the causes of this deviation.

Especially if you notice the appearance of the smell of ammonia - a characteristic sharp pungent odor. At the same time, we can already conclude that you are beginning to have some kind of inflammatory phenomenon. The resulting inflammatory process can be the result of many factors. These include: hypothermia, weakening of the immune system, cystitis, pyelonephritis, pyelitis, malignant neoplasms, tuberculosis.
It happens that urine begins to emit a sweet smell with a hint of acetone. If this happens against the background of constant strong thirst, weight loss, increased dryness of the skin, vision problems, calf spasms, urge to go to the toilet at night, this is a sign of diabetes, and you should immediately take a sugar test.
Bad smell of urine, reeking of putrefaction and feces, indicates the presence of suppuration processes in the urinary organs, as well as genital infections, gangrenous phenomena. In addition, such a smell is a sign of a vesico-rectal fistula. In other words, damage and decomposition of the tissues of the excretory system begins. The seriousness of these phenomena is not in doubt.

We also feel the smell of urine, similar to rancid oil or the smell of rotten cabbage, which is a signal of an increased content of methionine in the liquid medium of the body - hypermethioninemia.

The smell of mold is caused by phenylketonuria, in which the by-products of phenylalanine metabolism accumulate in the body. Phenylketonuria leads to severe damage to the central nervous system.

An unpleasant smell of urine sometimes occurs after sexual intercourse. This is a consequence of the disturbed microflora of the genital organs, which in turn appears as a result of cystitis, thrush, gonorrhea or trichomoniasis.

A strong unpleasant smell of urine in men is possible in the case of prostate adenoma. This increases the anterior bladder and there is a feeling of incomplete emptying. Excess urine accumulates in the channels, which causes inflammation.

Well, another reason for the unpleasant smell of urine is the abuse of alcohol, especially beer, spicy and salty foods.

When urinating in a healthy person, clear, yellowish urine is excreted. The smell of urine is specific, intensifies with prolonged contact with air molecules. After oxidation with air, the smell of acetone appears. Sometimes a woman notes that changes have occurred and there is an unpleasant smell of urine.

Sometimes this is the reason for eating foods with a strong specific smell. Reception of some medicines or fasting can also cause a strong smell of urine in women. To determine the relationship, a woman needs to conduct a small observation of her urine. If, over time, the unpleasant smell of urine does not change, then you need to go to a specialist doctor for examination and consultation, for consultation and examination, in order to determine why the smell appeared and the reason for the change.

Most often, a strong smell is a witness to existing diseases in the body.

The specialist will prescribe the necessary clinical diagnoses, which will help establish an accurate diagnosis. It should be remembered that timely contact with a medical institution is the key to successful treatment most diseases. Therefore, dear women, you should not put off going to the clinic for tomorrow.

Foul-smelling urine caused by infectious diseases

Urine smells like ammonia, most often from diseases that are infectious and inflammatory in nature, the urinary system. The main, most common diseases are such pathologies:
Cystitis is a common disease in women. This is a disease of the bladder and is often accompanied by frequent chronic complications, while there is a smell of ammonia in the urine.
Urethritis is more common in men, but women can also be affected. Urethritis is an inflammatory process of the urinary canal that occurs with various infections.
Pyelonephritis is an inflammation of the kidneys of an infectious nature. The main factors that cause the development of the disease are the bacteria of the Escherichia coli group and the anatomy of the female calving.
The main symptoms of diseases include:
Urine smells like ammonia.
Frequent urge to urinate, while urine is excreted in small portions.
Pain localized in the lumbar region. can be both short-term and regular.
Urine has an admixture of blood, white flakes, pus, mucus.
Painful urination with cutting, burning.
Increase in body temperature.
Urine color changes.

Sexual diseases also affect the smell

A feature of the anatomy of the female body is the close placement of the genital organs and urinary tract, therefore, the genitourinary system is often affected. An alarming symptom is discomfort during sexual contact and discomfort after it. This can be caused by diseases such as thrush, gonorrhea, trichomoniasis, etc. Changes occur due to the pathology of the microflora of the reproductive system and an unpleasant smell of urine appears, urine smells like ammonia.

Pathology of metabolism and dehydration of the body

Metabolism is the most important for the body, both women and men. Violation and pathology of metabolism can cause a variety of consequences. There are quite rare cases when an unpleasant smell of urine appeared due to metabolic disorders in the body. At the same time, the smell is very pronounced and specific, which allows you to determine the cause:
A strong smell of mice, mold indicates phenylketonuria. Pathology of amino acid metabolism, which can develop in men and women.
The aroma of burnt sugar, maple syrup speaks of leucinosis, a disease in which the fermentation system is inactive.
The unpleasant amber of murina has a fishy, ​​pungent smell, speaks of trimethylaminuria. More common in women than in men.

With poisoning, diarrhea, vomiting, blood loss, insufficient drinking in men and women, dehydration occurs. In such cases, the concentration of urine changes and foul-smelling urine appears. It is important to remember that the norm of daily fluid intake for both men and women is about two liters of water. Insufficient amount of fluid intake can lead to unpleasant consequences. Often, men experience an unpleasant odor after drinking alcoholic beverages.


Sometimes the cause of an unpleasant sharp smell of urine in women and men can be the development of diabetes. The main signs that may indicate diabetes are:
Constant thirst and acute lack of fluid.
Sharp, not having in body weight.
Urination occurs in very large portions.
Urine smells like ammonia.

It should be noted that with already established diabetes mellitus, an unpleasant smell of urine may indicate a high level of hyperglycemia. This symptom should be the reason for an urgent visit to a specialist doctor, otherwise it can lead to major complications and, which is very bad, up to a diabetic coma.

Causes of change during pregnancy

During the period of gestation, women are forced to visit the toilet much more often. While frequent urination is normal during pregnancy, bad smelling urine can have a normal cause such as hormone changes and be caused by inflammatory diseases and urinary tract infections. Sometimes the reasons why a pregnant woman observes an unpleasant smell of urine is caused by an increase in the sense of smell. The absence of menstruation causes a change in the microflora of the mucosa and leads to a change in odor. If during pregnancy a woman consumes less water, then there is a change in the concentration of urine and, as a result, an unpleasant smell of urine appears.

In contact with

Urine in a healthy woman is clear and light yellow in color without a pungent odor. But sometimes there are pathologies of the excretory system, which are often accompanied by the appearance of an unpleasant odor. Inflammatory diseases in various organs can also provoke it. Do not underestimate this symptom, and if the smell persists for a long time, you should consult a doctor.

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    Diseases of the urogenital area

    Most often, the pungent smell of urine in a woman appears under the influence of infectious pathologies of the excretory system. These include pyelonephritis, bladder diseases - urethritis, cystitis. The occurrence of the disease is associated with the ingestion of pathogenic bacteria and their metabolic products.

    Bad-smelling urine can indicate the onset of a serious illness. It is sometimes accompanied by pain in the lumbar region and lower abdomen, a burning sensation during urination. The secreted liquid becomes cloudy.

    Cystitis is not always infectious. Sometimes it is formed as a result of long-term use of drugs that adversely affect the mucous membrane of the bladder. Bacteria are not detected during the analysis. In this case, the urine may have a pharmacy smell.

    If the inflammation is accompanied by suppuration, as in the formation of rectal fistulas, immediate treatment is necessary. It is not difficult to recognize the disease, as the smell of urine becomes putrid.

    If a woman has an unpleasant aroma of urine after intercourse, this indicates the presence of sexually transmitted diseases or a violation of the microflora of the vagina. Similar reasons occur when a strong smell of urine appears after childbirth.

    Sometimes diseases of the genital organs lead to the fact that the urine stinks and gives off fish. This is a serious reason to immediately consult a doctor.


    Sometimes the urine smells of acetone, which indicates the presence of ketone bodies in its composition. In some cases, this symptom indicates diabetes mellitus. The disease can be recognized by the following signs:

    • feeling of thirst;
    • weight loss;
    • dry skin;
    • polyuria, that is, increased excretion of urine;
    • spasm of the calf muscles.

    If these symptoms are present in a pregnant woman, this indicates gestational diabetes.

    Sometimes the smell of acetone signals dehydration, nutrient deficiencies, and certain infectious diseases.

    Pathologies of metabolism

    If a woman's urine has a strong fishy smell, it can sometimes indicate a rare disease called trimethylaminuria. It is accompanied by the accumulation of the substance trimethylamine. If the urine smells like mice, it indicates the presence of phenylketonuria. This is a genetic disease accompanied by a violation of the metabolism of phenylalanine.

    Leucinosis is indicated by the presence of a burnt sugar or maple syrup odor. This pathology is hereditary. It is accompanied by malfunctions of the enzyme system responsible for the oxidation of certain amino acids. The disease can be diagnosed from the first days of a person's life. It requires immediate treatment.

    External factors

    The appearance of a strange smell of urine does not always indicate serious pathologies. This phenomenon is sometimes encountered by healthy people. There are, for example, foodstuffs that impart uncharacteristic properties to the secreted liquid. These include spicy and salty foods, asparagus and alcohol. 48 hours after their use, the unpleasant symptom disappears.

    Urine also gives a repulsive odor to a number of drugs, such as antibiotics, Ciprofloxacin, Ampicillin, and B vitamins. After the abolition of these drugs, the symptom disappears.

    Other pathological causes

    The absence of pathological forms is indicated by the specific smell of urine, which appeared as a result of various changes in the body:

    1. 1. Pregnancy. The hormonal background of a woman changes, but as soon as a child is born, the problem goes away.
    2. 2. Menstruation. It's all about the hormones.
    3. 3. Excess protein in the diet. Contributes to the formation of a pungent odor of acetone. Also, impaired liver function plays a role, for this reason it makes sense to review and diversify your diet.
    4. 4. Untimely urination or lack of water in the body. Causes a bad smell of urine in the morning. Even if the urge to visit the restroom arose in the middle of the night, this signal cannot be ignored, otherwise bacterial complications are possible.
    5. 5. Insufficient hygiene.

    Some foods provoke a change in the smell of urine - garlic, coffee, roasted seeds.

    Diagnosis and treatment

    You can determine the causes of a bad smell of urine after consulting a doctor who will refer the patient to instrumental and laboratory diagnostic methods.

    The main one is OAM. In the presence of inflammation, elevated levels of white blood cells, red blood cells, and protein are found. Auxiliary methods are ultrasound, MRI and CT of the kidneys, urography.

    Features of therapy

    If a woman's urine smells like acetone, she should give up spicy and sweet. Instead of purchased sweets, you can use honey. It is advisable to exclude fats from the diet and drink plenty of alkaline liquids. If the condition does not improve, you should re-contact a specialist for a more detailed study.

    The tactics of treating diseases, against which the smell of urine has changed, in women is somewhat different from a similar process in men. Systemic pathologies, such as diabetes mellitus, metabolic diseases, can act as an exception. In this case, the approach to patients of both sexes is the same.

    Antibiotics and sulfa drugs are prescribed if the disease is bacterial in nature. These remedies will allow you to quickly get rid of the symptoms and remove inflammation. For the entire period of treatment, you need to drink more liquid (at least 1.5 liters per day). A decoction of rose hips is ideal for this. If there is a smell of rotten eggs in urine, in addition to antibacterial tablets, special enemas with chamomile decoction are prescribed. Recipe: pour a glass of boiling water 1 tbsp. l. dry flowers of the plant. An enema is given 2 times a day.

    A sour smell usually indicates the addition of a fungal infection. Treatment is based on the use of fluconazole tablets. The mouse smell, indicating phenylketonuria, requires a special approach. For the period of therapy, animal protein is excluded. The diet consists only of plant foods. Occasionally, urine may give off rancid oil. This indicates an increase in the level of methionine. This condition requires the intake of dill infusion. To prepare it, pour a tablespoon of herbs with a glass of boiling water. Insist this remedy for 30 minutes and drink before meals throughout the day.

    The fetid smell of urine that appears after intercourse requires the use of tablets and suppositories with antibacterial components. At home, you can supplement the treatment with special enemas based on a decoction of chamomile.

    In the pathology of the kidneys, it is necessary to connect diuretics (diuretics). Such drugs accelerate the production of urine, with which the body leaves the infectious agent. For the treatment of diabetes mellitus, a more complex therapy is required, consisting of a whole range of medications. In some cases, hospitalization is required.