Why is the lower abdomen pulling in a pregnant woman? Pathologies that cause pulling sensations in the lower abdomen. Causes of pain in the lower abdomen during pregnancy

Pulling pains in the lower abdomen are normal only when it comes to the onset of labor or the so-called "training" contractions. In other cases, this is a warning sign and cannot be ignored. There can be a lot of reasons why the stomach pulls, and only a doctor can figure out which organ the pain is associated with and what to do.

Photobank Lori

If, as your due date approaches, you have pulling pains in the lower abdomen that quickly pass, do not worry. The uterus "warms up" and "trains" before the upcoming event.
In all other cases of abdominal pain - a reason to see a doctor.
If the pain increases or is accompanied by bloody discharge, you can't hesitate a minute - you need to go to the hospital.

Why can there be pulling pains in the lower abdomen?

They appear in many pregnant women and may be associated with normal "training" uterine contractions. To understand how severe the pain is, you need to lie down and relax.

Normally, the pulling discomfort in the lower abdomen should quickly pass. If the pain persists and becomes more intense, you should immediately consult a doctor.

This condition becomes dangerous when, in addition to aching pains, bleeding or dark discharge appears, especially if all these events occur in the early stages of pregnancy. Then, without hesitation, you need to urgently go to the hospital, because a woman's condition can become critical in just a matter of minutes.

In the first weeks, pulling in the lower abdomen can be due to the fact that the embryo is attached in the wrong place, for example, in the fallopian tubes. In this situation, there is no time to waste, since there is an immediate threat to the life of the expectant mother.

Pulling pains in the lower abdomen also appear with hypertonicity of the uterus. This condition cannot be ignored, because it poses a real danger to the baby's life.

In some cases, hypertonicity even leads to miscarriage or premature birth. However, with proper treatment under the supervision of a physician, most of these situations end well.

Pain that is not related to the uterus

When a woman's belly is pulled during pregnancy, this phenomenon may be associated with malfunctions of various organs, for example, intestinal spasms or gas accumulation in it. Unlike uterine contractions, such pains most often do not threaten mother and child.

Colon malfunctions are usually manifested by pain in the lower abdomen, but not in the middle, but to the left or right of the midline. At the same time, the tension of the uterus is not felt and you can hear the rumble in the stomach, gases leave.

What to do if the stomach pulls during pregnancy?

First of all, you need to determine the cause of what is happening, and for this you need to see a doctor.

If, according to the results of the examination, he concludes that the pains and contractions of the uterus are not dangerous and natural, perhaps it is not necessary to fight them. If these normal contractions are still very strong and interfere with the woman, a bandage can help because it relieves and supports the abdominal muscles.

If the pain has some pathological cause, the doctor will prescribe treatment. If you are offered hospitalization, you should not refuse it, because in such a situation you need to be in the hospital under the round-the-clock supervision of specialists.

In late pregnancy, before childbirth, pulling pain in the lower abdomen can be a sign of an imminent onset of events. If the pregnancy is full-term, get ready to go to the hospital when contractions become frequent and regular.

Many pregnant women at different periods are faced with such a problem as pulling pains in the lower abdomen. Do not worry, because almost 100% such sensations are not dangerous either for you or for your unborn child. However, it is recommended that you still tell your gynecologist about this so that the specialist has the opportunity, if necessary, to provide you with the necessary assistance.

Causes of pain in the lower abdomen

During pregnancy, abdominal pain can occur for the following reasons:

  • problems in the digestive tract - in such cases, the described problem may be accompanied by such phenomena as constipation or dysbiosis;
  • inflammation of appendicitis or acute pancreatitis;
  • the presence of the candida fungus, which provokes thrush;
  • violation in the functioning of the genitourinary system - diseases of the kidneys, ovaries, bladder or uterus;
  • the development of an ectopic pregnancy;
  • onset of detachment of the placenta before childbirth.

However, you have no reason to be concerned about an emergency visit to the doctor if:

  • during pregnancy, the lower abdomen does not pull constantly, but occasionally. If the pain can disappear when you are lying down or just relaxed;
  • there are no sharp and cramping pains, the sensations are pulling in nature;
  • pulling sensations are not accompanied by accompanying symptoms from the gastrointestinal tract or bloody discharge;
  • after using No-shpa or special suppositories that include papaverine, the sensations become less intense or completely disappear for a while;
  • sensations do not change their intensity upward, pain can be easily tolerated;
  • pulling pains in the lower abdomen are not accompanied by pain during urination and defecation;
  • fluctuations in blood pressure and vomiting are not observed.

All of the above cases are not dangerous to the fetus, but they serve as a reason to see a doctor as insurance.

Drawing pains in the early stages

During such a period, such sensations may indicate an immediate pregnancy. Often, this pain coexists with a feeling of constant fatigue, headache, nausea and discomfort in the area of ​​the mammary glands.

Often this problem arises during the enlargement of the uterus, the stretching of which can cause unpleasant pain in the lower abdomen.

Pulling pains in the later stages

In this case, the problem is usually the stretching of the muscles and ligaments that support the uterus.

In addition, at a later date, the uterus begins to actively prepare for childbirth, which also causes discomfort. This can only indicate that pregnancy is at the last stage.

How to get rid of discomfort?

The solution to the problem largely depends on its cause. If pain occurs in the early stages due to the preparation of the body for bearing a child, then it is recommended to lie on the left side to relieve pain.

Avoid heavy physical and psychological stress. But moderate physical activity should not be forgotten either!

In case of problems with the gastrointestinal tract and constipation, it is necessary to establish a normal diet, lead a healthy lifestyle and drink enough fluids.

Pulls the lower abdomen during pregnancy - this complaint is presented by both healthy expectant mothers and those who have been diagnosed with a threat of interruption. The reasons for the appearance of hypertonicity of the uterus, this is the name of this phenomenon, are different. As well as different consequences can be. Consider why during pregnancy pulls the lower abdomen at different times.

Doctors consider an unfavorable symptom of pain in the first weeks after conception. After all, it is up to 12 weeks that miscarriages most often occur. Many say that a peculiar sign of pregnancy pulls the lower abdomen when the expectant mother. It is important to quickly understand what to do if pain occurs - to wait or see a doctor urgently. Gynecologists themselves recommend paying attention to the nature of the pain. If it is not acute, but dull, and weakens or completely disappears during sleep and at rest, you can wait a little. But if the lower abdomen pulls like with menstruation regularly, you need to go for a consultation. It is especially dangerous if spotting appears. In such cases, pregnancy is saved only in stationary conditions. A woman needs complete physical and sexual rest. Doctors prescribe mild herbal sedatives, antispasmodics, and progesterone. If the lower abdomen pulls during early pregnancy, it will be useful to undergo an ultrasound examination to make sure that the baby is developing normally.

Often this happens in the second trimester. An unfavorable factor is pulling pain in the lower abdomen, since in the case of regular occurrence, such contractions can provoke premature cervical dilatation. And it is precisely by the state of the cervix that doctors judge whether in this case hypertonicity of the uterus is dangerous, whether medical intervention is necessary. If the cervix, when examined by ultrasound with a vaginal probe, turns out to be less than 3 cm long, doctors may recommend that the expectant mother wear a special pessary ring, which will not allow the cervix to mature further or be sutured, the sutures are removed before childbirth.

In almost all women, the lower abdomen pulls during late pregnancy. And this does not always signal a possible, premature, onset of labor. If there is no pain, the contractions of the uterus are not regular - most likely, these are the so-called preparatory contractions. In order for the uterus to return to normal tone, it is enough to lie down a little or take a bath. These contractions of the uterus do not interfere with the woman, do not disturb sleep.

During pregnancy, the arising abdominal pain always causes concern in the expectant mother. Even if they are insignificant, a woman perceives them as a threat to the health of her unborn child. Unpleasant sensations of varying strength can be evidence of changes that are natural for pregnancy, but can also be the first symptom of an ongoing pathological process that cannot be ignored.

Pains are of a different nature: sharp and sudden, aching, cramping, stabbing or constant, chronic. For diagnosis, it is important to determine the localization of discomfort and pain.

Causes of pain in the first half of pregnancy

In the early stages of pregnancy, pain localized in the lower abdomen can be divided into physiological and pathological. In the first case, unpleasant sensations are caused by natural changes, in which the entire body undergoes restructuring. Such sensations are not dangerous. In addition, they are often insignificant, do not worsen over time and do not cause great physical discomfort.

Very often, in the first weeks of pregnancy, a woman experiences abdominal pain, as with menstruation. Often, the expectant mother does not even pay attention to them, believing that menstruation will begin in a day or two. This is especially true for those who are suffering. In fact, this discomfort is caused by the insertion of the ovum into the endometrium.

There are other reasons as well:

  • hormonal changes in the body;
  • excess of the amount of progesterone;
  • stretching of the ligaments;
  • increased sensitivity of the mother's body to errors in nutrition;
  • changes in the center of gravity of the body.

There may be more serious causes of pathology:

Ectopic pregnancy


The umbilical hernia itself does not cause pain. The hazard is the risk of pinching. This pathology can cause stabbing and cutting pains in the lower abdomen and in the navel, vomiting, nausea, heartburn. If you have these symptoms, you should see a doctor.


Painful sensations that occur in the lower abdomen when walking can be caused by inflammation of the pubic symphysis (symphysitis). It leads to the softening of the pelvic bones under the influence of hormones. Because of this, discomfort in the perineal region and a characteristic duck gait are noted. While walking, pain often occurs caused by diseases of the organs of the musculoskeletal system, which are aggravated due to increased pressure on them.

Premature birth

Drawing pains localized in the lower abdomen is the main symptom (28-38 weeks of gestation).

Other signs include:

  • feeling of heaviness, "stone" stomach;
  • aching pain in the lower back, sacrum;
  • brown or watery vaginal discharge;
  • feeling of pressure on the perineum;
  • leakage of amniotic fluid;
  • upset digestion.

The cause of pain can be a dangerous pathology - premature. The condition belongs to the most serious complications that threaten the life of the fetus and require immediate medical attention.

What are training contractions?

A slight pulling sensation at 38 weeks of gestation is an indicator that the body is strenuously preparing for childbirth. They are called harbingers of childbirth. They also include:

  • prolapse of the abdomen;
  • slow movements of the fetus;
  • increased aches in the lower back;
  • stopping weight gain;
  • mucous vaginal discharge, sometimes streaked with blood;
  • separation of the mucous plug;
  • increased fatigue, unstable emotional state.

Painful sensations can be cramping in nature. Sometimes they are perceived by women, especially primiparas, as the beginning of labor pains. In gynecology, they are usually called. They are less painful, non-cyclical, and less prone to buildup. Training contractions should not be a cause for concern, but they do mean that a woman needs to be mentally prepared to start labor.

38-39 weeks of pregnancy is the period when the child is fully formed and viable. Labor activity can begin at any time.

What to do?

In case of severe cramping seizures in the first trimester, complicated by bleeding and fainting, you should immediately seek help from a doctor, since there is a very high probability of an incipient miscarriage or.

To reduce the unpleasant symptoms caused by toxicosis, the following rules must be observed:

  • adhere to fractional meals 5-6 times a day;
  • eat light plant foods, lean meats, fruits, vegetables;
  • exclude smoked meats, spicy, fried foods from the diet;
  • provide the pregnant woman with a plentiful drink to protect her from dehydration (unsweetened tea, dried fruit compote, chamomile broth, rosehip infusion);
  • do not lie down immediately after eating and do not eat at night.

To prevent toxicosis in the morning, before getting out of bed, you need to eat a handful of nuts, crackers or crackers. Ginger, from which teas is prepared or its root is added to salads or cereals, helps to reduce attacks of nausea.

Every mother-to-be should remember that pain relieving drugs can temporarily eliminate painful discomfort, but not cure the disease that causes it.

The pains caused by stomach and other internal diseases will be overcome after the disease that caused them is treated. For accurate diagnosis, general tests, ultrasound and computed tomography are prescribed.

For minor abdominal discomfort that is not caused by chronic or acute illnesses, you can improve your condition by following these tips:

  1. Take a warm bath or shower regularly. The water should not be very hot.
  2. Periodically go to rest, listening to light music, meditating.
  3. Drink plenty of fluids, especially if you have a tendency to swelling.
  4. Take leisurely walks in places where there are no crowds. Staying in the fresh air supplies the placenta and other organs with oxygen, accelerates the elimination of toxins and toxins.
  5. Perform, do yoga, fitball exercises.
  6. Avoid stressful situations, physical and mental stress, unjustified experiences.
  7. Follow a diet that supports the intestinal microflora, prevents dehydration, and relieves swelling.
  8. Visit your gynecologist regularly and follow all his prescriptions and recommendations.
  9. Combat constipation: Drink at least 8 glasses of water a day, eat foods rich in fiber, and exercise. Taking laxatives, especially without the advice of a doctor, is undesirable.
  10. Monitor blood pressure, consult a doctor if it rises sharply.
  11. To alleviate the condition during training fights, you can lie on your left side, placing a pillow under your stomach, take a knee-elbow position for a few minutes, inhale deeply for a count of four and exhale for a count of six. The same exercises in the future will alleviate the condition during childbirth.

Pregnancy for a woman is a special period in her life. It is not surprising that any sensations of pain in the abdominal region are perceived with special attention and anxiety.

After all, pain can signal that not everything is in order in the female body.

Every woman wants to give birth to a healthy child. And when there is pain in the abdomen, her excitement is understandable. The reasons for the appearance of pain during gestation are different.

They can appear from the weight gain of a pregnant woman, from the food she eats, but there are other problems as well. Why does a woman have a pain in her lower abdomen, here is today's topic of conversation.

Why can a pregnant woman have pains down the abdomen?

If the lower abdomen hurts during pregnancy, this may be a signal of an infection in the bladder or a violation of the digestive system.

It is important for a pregnant woman to take all the necessary measures on time, as an abortion may occur.

If the pain in the lower abdomen turns from acute into cramping, begins to recur at regular intervals, with a noticeable frequency, urgently call an ambulance.

Only after the diagnosis of ultrasound can be found out the nature of the stabbing pain in the lower abdomen in pregnant women.

These symptoms may indicate an increased tone in the uterus, detachment of the ovum or placenta.

Thanks to ultrasound, you can see the condition of the fetus, after which the doctor will be able to find the right treatment tactics. Pregnancy requires special attention.

In the later period of pregnancy, cardiotocography is usually used, it allows you to find out about the condition of the unborn child and see the cramping contractions of the uterus.

Why pulls the lower abdomen in a pregnant woman

  1. If the lower abdomen hurts in the early stages, this may indicate the beginning of the onset of pregnancy. The painful sensations of a woman in these moments are reminiscent of pain during the menstrual cycle. In the uterus, there are processes of enhanced hemodynamics. This is due to the rush of blood to the uterus. Such symptoms do not give any complications during pregnancy. But the consultation of a supervising physician should be mandatory in order to foresee undesirable consequences.
  2. Drawing pains in the lower abdomen at this time may not be a cause for alarm. Since this is a normal process, it is associated with a growing child. During the entire pregnancy, the ligaments responsible for the correct location of the uterus and playing a role for its support are under intense stress. And the closer to childbirth, the greater the weight of the child, the more the ligaments are loaded.
  3. Due to the strong tension of the ligaments, pain occurs. They can increase or decrease as the movements are made, from an elementary cough and sneeze. This pain is quickly passing, it is sharp and palpable. Lower abdominal pain can appear from intense physical exertion. In this regard, during this period, they need to be reduced.
  4. Old diseases associated with gynecology can be a consequence of pain in the lower abdomen. This pain is inherent in diseases of the ovaries or other diseases of the genitourinary system. In order to prevent the development of the inflammatory process, try to contact a specialist with this problem. After examination, he will prescribe a safe but effective treatment.
  5. At the same time, it is impossible to exclude the quite often occurring during this period disorders associated with digestion processes, frequent constipation that provoke pain in the lower abdomen.
  6. During pregnancy, pain in the lower abdomen can give an attack of appendicitis, intestinal obstruction and pancreatitis. If a pregnant woman has lower abdominal pain with the presence of nausea, vomiting, fever, do not waste time, this situation is quite serious, urgently call an ambulance.
  7. A pregnant woman should not listen to anyone's advice: knowledgeable girlfriends, grandmothers, take as a basis information on treatment read on the Internet. You should never take medication on your own to relieve pain! Any wrong step of self-treatment taken during pregnancy can lead to miscarriage and other serious consequences related to the health of the woman and child.
  8. A pregnant woman can ache in the lower abdomen from the contracting muscles in the uterus. This process usually occurs in the late stages of pregnancy, and if you put your hand on your stomach at these moments, you can feel that it becomes harder. The process is natural and not life threatening.
  9. The cause of pain in the lower abdomen in pregnant women can often be improper and poor-quality nutrition. Excessive food intake results in an additional load in the intestines. During pregnancy, he already experiences an uncomfortable state from being squeezed by his uterus. If it hurts for this reason, the pain usually quickly and stops when the digestion process in the body ends. In order not to experience such pain, women should monitor their diet and try not to overeat and drink fluids (within reasonable limits!).
  10. The types of spontaneous abortions can be different. And perhaps the pain that arose in the lower abdomen appeared in connection with the termination of pregnancy. It is dangerous to wait until it gets better, you agree to better discuss a plan of further action with a specialist. Of course, not every pain is a signal of a miscarriage or another possible health problem. But timely medical assistance will help maintain the pregnancy and solve, possibly, a serious problem.

Why does it hurt in the lower abdomen in the early stages of pregnancy in women?

In the early stages of pregnancy, a woman experiences a strong feeling of nausea. When vomiting occurs, flatulence and spasm in the intestines usually occur.

This does not pose a danger to the course of pregnancy and for the mother herself. But if this process intensifies, then a problem may arise. In this situation, mandatory control and specialist advice.

In the early stages, not all women experience pain and discomfort. But with an increase in the duration of pregnancy, due to an increase in the abdomen, it will not be possible to avoid these unpleasant moments.

All women are familiar with the feeling that "the stomach is pulling." The baby grows and develops inside the mother, which leads to an increase in the size of the uterus.

If the pregnant woman is involved in sports and has elastic muscles in the front of the abdominal wall, then they can cope and support the growing belly.

Over time, if a woman becomes pregnant again, these muscles will be weakened after the first birth, usually leading to a sagging belly.

If a woman has narrow hips, then she feels that her stomach is pulling down. To make it easier for mom to endure pregnancy, doctors recommend getting a special bandage for pulling up.

Thanks to the bandage, the woman will avoid the stretching pain that appears from the heavy load of the stretched ligaments that help to hold the uterus.

A pulling pain can occur in the abdomen due to scars from previous operations from the removal of the appendix, cesarean section and other surgical interventions.

During pregnancy, every woman has a feeling of discomfort and pain. And this is not surprising, since a new life develops inside the mother's body, which, together with the mother, goes through certain stages of development.

In a woman's body, the position of internal organs changes, the pelvic organs move apart, muscle tissue and ligaments are stretched.

It was noticed that most often pain is experienced by pregnant women who have had their periods with pain. Every pregnant woman should know that during the period of gestation, it is necessary to be attentive to the intensity of pain.

In any case, if something is alarming, it is better to play it safe and seek advice from a leading specialist.

It is considered normal if pulling pain occurs in early pregnancy. But this applies to the norm only when it does not pull in the abdomen all the time.

Stitching, pulling pains in the lower abdomen appear with hypertonicity of the uterus. If the pain is mild, try lying down, relaxing, and calm down.

If the pain with discharge increases, call an ambulance immediately.

Due to a decrease in work in the gastrointestinal tract during this period, stool stagnation, gas accumulation, and constipation occur. All these phenomena lead to stitching pains in the intestines.

With sensations of stabbing and at the same time cramping pain in the right hypochondrium, we can talk about inflammation occurring in the gallbladder (cholecystitis).

In the first few weeks of pregnancy, a pulling sensation in the abdomen occurs due to the attachment of the embryo to the fallopian tube. This process can only be in one of the pipes.

And a pulling pain can be in the place where the embryo is attached. The pain is intense and may be constant. This is a dangerous ectopic pregnancy and a visit to a doctor should be immediate!

With a correct pregnancy, without complications, pulling discomfort is not so noticeable. The woman usually feels well and can lead a normal life. Why does it hurt in the lower abdomen in the last stages of pregnancy?

In the last weeks of pregnancy, it is difficult for women to get out of bed, it is difficult to move, and the bottom hurts.

The presence of pulling pain in the last weeks in the lower abdomen suggests that labor may soon begin. This pulling pain resembles prenatal labor.

Discomfort, a feeling of pain in the lower abdomen in the last weeks in a pregnant woman is caused by an increase in the size of the uterus. Since its size from the moment of conception of the child has become more than five hundred times.

At this time, the uterus rises high and is located under the rib cage, in this regard, it becomes difficult for a woman to breathe if the child is pushed, literally, under the heart.

When the child moves inside it, the nerve endings are infringed, squeezing the internal organs. From this, the lower abdomen hurts.

At this time, before childbirth, training contractions begin. Thus, preparations are underway for the main childbirth.

Usually the pain occurs at the top of the uterus and gradually descends to the lower part of it, this process is accompanied by its contraction.

Such preparation of the body is necessary for future labor. This is normal. At this time, it is better to be at home and not go on a long journey.

During pregnancy, it is better to be less in public places so as not to get infected with influenza and other viral infections, it is forbidden to get sick during this period. Use this time to prepare for the hospital.

If the training of contractions has become permanent, they become more frequent, and become painful and abrupt, labor may begin.

The onset of labor is confirmed by severe pain in the abdomen, discharge of amniotic fluid. If it hurts a lot, urgently call an ambulance!

Sometimes in the last stages of pregnancy, pain in the lower abdomen may indicate a stone coming out of the kidneys, pancreatitis, and an attack of appendicitis.

The doctor must take into account the long period of pregnancy and prescribe appropriate treatment. If the situation is serious, a caesarean section will be performed. The birth of a child ahead of schedule at this point is not dangerous.

This article is for informational purposes only. No information on the Internet can replace live communication with a doctor. Pregnancy is a crucial period in the life of every woman.

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