Why did the pension for May decrease? The Russians were warned of a possible reduction in pensions. The size of the pension of the inhabitants of the country

The week began with the fact that the Ministry of Health pleased the Russians with the information that the average life expectancy in the country had reached a historical maximum - 72.5 years. In ten years, she has grown by almost seven years. In 2005, the average life expectancy in the country was only slightly over 65 years.

Rosstat notes a decrease in mortality rates in all age categories and a decrease in the number of deaths from the main causes, including respiratory diseases, alcohol poisoning and tuberculosis.

Now this information has been "supplemented" with forecasts of stagnation in pension payments. It turned out in the end that "people will live long, but poorly."

The main reason for the reduction of pensions will be the refusal to index them to working pensioners. There is also a macroeconomic factor - inflation, which, according to forecasts for 2018, will accelerate. As reported, the forecast was discussed by the commission on budget projections, and Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev instructed to clarify it in connection with changes in the economy. The MED claims that the publication of the forecast will take place only after its approval by the government.

There are about 43 million pensioners in Russia. Two-thirds of them continue to work. The government decided to leave the pensions of working pensioners without indexation last year. Instead, the Cabinet of Ministers promised to compensate for the lost funds after the pensioner stops working.

In the spring, Medvedev instructed the relevant departments to work out the issue of returning to indexation. And in April, during his speech in the State Duma, the prime minister said that the issue of indexing the pensions of working pensioners and the disabled was not closed, and promised that the government would soon announce its position. After that, in May, an instruction was given to the government to further study this issue.

Experts note that by 2027 the number of people of retirement age (if it is not changed) will increase by about 6 million people. At the same time, a reduction in the working-age population by 7-8 million is also expected. In this regard, they note, if the distributive part of the pension system does not change, pension income, measured in units of wages of workers, is likely to decline.

The main risk factor for reducing pension income is the weakening of the social function of the state. In conditions when life expectancy is growing, and the requirements for its quality are increasing, this threatens with serious problems. Older people are generally active citizens, both socially and politically. And those times when the needs of older people were limited to a basic set of services are gone. People who received high incomes are now retiring, most of them were in the shadows. A serious decline in the living standards of these social groups can seriously hit the ratings of the most popular politicians.

The solution to the pension problem is known, but unpopular. It involves raising the retirement age, as well as priority indexation of pensions for the unemployed. An increase in budget expenditures to finance pension payments is not discussed.

Earlier, the head of the Pension Fund of Russia (PFR), Anton Drozdov, said that almost 100 billion rubles would be allocated from the state budget this year to bring pensions up to the regional subsistence level. According to him, the transfers will be sent to 69 regions of Russia, and 3.9 million pensioners will receive an increase.

Payments will be sent mainly to regional pensioners, because the level of pensions in the regions of Russia is lower than, for example, in Moscow, experts noted. Although the current year turned out to be quite “successful” for Russian pensioners - they received a lump sum payment of 5 thousand rubles. in February, and the level of indexation of pensions for 2017 will be 4.5%, which is higher than the official inflation rate (3.7%).

In early August, it was reported that pensioners in the Russian Federation remain one of the population groups with an increased risk of poverty. More than half (54%) of them do not have enough money for food and clothing.

The trade union explained why, despite the indexation of pension supplements for certain categories of pensioners, these supplements may actually decrease from May 2017.

We are talking about an increase in 2017 of additional payments to pensions for civil aviation pilots and certain categories of workers in the coal industry. The government did not make a decision specifically on the indexation of additional payments, but this indexation is a consequence of the adoption of a government decree “On approval of the growth index of average monthly wages in the Russian Federation for 2016”. The draft resolution was published in March 2017 on the federal portal of legal information.

Supplement to pension

Increasing the amount of additional payments to the pension of former pilots in 2017 is still in question

According to the explanatory note to the government decree, according to the law, the amount of additional payment to pensions for members of flight crews of civil aviation aircraft and certain categories of employees of coal industry organizations is determined using the annual growth index of average monthly wages approved by the government in the Russian Federation.

This index, based on data from Rosstat, the government intends to approve in the near future. In 2016, the average salary, according to official statistics, increased by 107.8%, respectively, the growth index was 1.078, or 7.8% in percentage terms. It is by these 7.8% that the amount of additional payments to pensions for pilots and coal miners can be increased. Read more about this.

However, the Trade Union of the Flight Crew of Russia believes that an increase in additional payments to pilots' pensions in 2017 may not take place. On the contrary, there is a possibility that the amount of surcharges will even decrease.

The website for pensioners "My Years" () publishes a corresponding explanation from the vice-president of the Trade Union of the Flight Crew of Russia Vechirko V.P.

On the growth of the average monthly wage in the Russian Federation and the additional payment to the pension

In the formula for calculating the amount of additional payment to a pension in accordance with the Federal Law "On Additional Social Security for Civil Aviation Flight Crew Members" and the Federal Law "On Additional Social Security for Certain Categories of Coal Industry Workers", the average monthly salary in the Russian Federation is used. Its value is changed annually by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation for these two laws. In 2015, the Resolution was signed on July 18, and in 2016. 29 April.

According to the information received on the federal portal of legal information, a draft Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation “On approval of the growth index of average monthly wages in the Russian Federation for 2016” was published.

According to the Federal State Statistics Service, the growth index of the average monthly nominal accrued wages of employees of organizations in the Russian Federation for 2016 compared to 2015, according to preliminary data, amounted to 107.8% or 1.078. This indicator (equal in percentage terms to 7.8%) will be used to calculate the amount of monthly pension supplements in 2017 for former civil aviation flight crew members and coal miners.

Currently, the average salary in the Russian Federation in the amount of 16,547.7 rubles is used in the formula for calculating the supplement to a pension. According to the draft resolution, the new value will be 16547.7 x 1.078 = 17838.42 rubles.

The new value of the average salary in the Russian Federation will be applied when calculating the additional payment to the pension for May, June, and July, subject to the adoption of the Resolution no later than the end of March or the beginning of April.

Some media have reported that in 2017, former pilots and coal miners will receive an increase in the amount of additional payments to their pensions due to an increase in the average salary in the country. This is not true. I have repeatedly explained that a change in the average salary in the Russian Federation does not affect the amount of the additional payment to the pension, since the fundraising coefficient is less than one. But requests for further clarification continue to come in.

When using the increased average salary in the Russian Federation in the formula, we will get inflated required amounts that theoretically need to be paid and an underestimated collection rate. And the collection coefficient is obtained by dividing the collected funds by those required for payments to all pensioners of flight labor.

The amount of the supplement to the pension directly depends only on the funds received in the previous quarter and the number of recipients of the supplement to the pension.

An increase in the size of the average salary in the Russian Federation only expands the scope of the possibility of increasing the maximum amount of additional payments to pensions, provided that there are sufficient funds to finance these payments.

Currently, the possible value of the maximum payout is 65,032.35 rubles. (with a length of service of 75 years and K \u003d 5), and will be 65032.35 x 1.078 \u003d 70104.9 rubles.

With smaller values ​​of special work experience and individual coefficient, these maximum possible payments will be less. It is not possible to financially secure the amount of such payments due to lack of funds, since 41,780 people receive a pension supplement, and contributions come from the wage fund for approximately 14,000 - 15,000 members of civil aviation flight crews.

As you know, the exact amount of the surcharge is obtained by multiplying the maximum possible value by the collection coefficient. For February, March and April, Xbora = 0.280675673. If we make two calculations of the additional payment to the pension with the same collection of funds and the same number of recipients of the additional payment, but using the old and new average wages in the Russian Federation, we will get the same result in both cases (additional payments to the pension). Only the required funds for payments will increase and Ksbora will decrease when the increased average salary in the Russian Federation is applied.

In the USSR there were 62,000 flight crew members of civil aviation aircraft. Currently 4 times less. We are all interested in developing air transportation and increasing the number of civil aviation flight crews. I hope this will be the case, as there has been an increase in the volume of air travel.

In January 2017, contributions were received 27% less than in January 2016. Significantly more contributions were received in February 2017 (about the same as in October and November 2016). If the receipt of contributions in March does not compensate for the January failure, then the additional payment to the pension will decrease from May.

From 01/01/2017, the authority to administer (control over the accrual and payment) of contributions was transferred from the PFR to the federal tax service. 06.02.2017 The PLC of Russia sent a letter to the tax service with a request to verify the correctness of the accrual and timely payment of contributions by organizations using the labor of civil aviation flight crew members.

Vice-President of the Trade Union of the Flight Crew of Russia Vechirko V.P.

The document directly refers to a decrease in 2018 by 0.7%, and in the next two years by 0.6%. With a pension of 10 thousand rubles, it will be 70 and 60, respectively. The justification for this trend is the refusal to index the state allowance for working pensioners. According to the data, their number is almost 10 million Russians.

The increase in inflation will also affect the reduction of pensions for older working people. The rates will be higher than in 2017. When planning an increase or decrease in benefits, they are guided by the indicators of the previous year. While preliminary forecasts are given. A number of representatives of related departments confirm the information, referring to technical indicators that may change.

Another point that officials pay attention to is that it is impossible to mix the provision of various categories of pensioners: those who are employed and those who are not. For those who work, income is formed from pensions and wages.

They have a different way of accruing financial assistance from the state. An increase in the total length of service affects the number of points and the amount of benefits, which, albeit not growing much. Therefore, it is not the pension for working people that decreases, but the total income with rising inflation and a constant amount of earnings. The trend is characteristic of only a small number of people.

The macro forecast presents the prospects for growth in household incomes in the next three years.

2018 2,1
2019 1,1
2020 1,2

The problem of the next 10 years

Analysts are concerned. The demographic peak of the birth rate in the 70s is affecting now. In the next decade, there will be a sharp increase in pensioners by 6 million people. The fall in the number of able-bodied population by 7-8 million will also have an effect.

The consequences will be a decrease in the standard of living of unprotected categories of Russian citizens and an increased stratification of society according to the level of prosperity. It will be difficult for the pension system, the distributive part of which will suffer.

Experts plan to address the issue of future instability in different ways:

  • raise the retirement age so that the percentage of Russian residents who have to go on a well-deserved rest has decreased;
  • strengthening targeted payments in the insurance system;
  • indexation - an increase in pensions for the unemployed.

Another option to remedy the situation - an increase in taxes is not yet considered by experts.

Monitoring of the ministry regarding the reduction of pensions for working citizens shows only an average figure. In particular, payments to pensioners and those who do not work, and those who continue to earn an extra penny, have decreased.

The conclusion of the economic agency's assumptions is that work is ahead on solving the problem of indexation for working citizens. The issue will be discussed at a meeting of the State Duma, when they consider the draft budget of the Russian Federation and the pension fund for 2018.

The size of the pension of the inhabitants of the country

At the beginning of 2017, RSSU specialists conducted a survey of Russians. People were asked about the size of the pension.

  • Every third person considers an allowance for a well-deserved rest from 15,000 to 20,000 rubles acceptable.
  • Most believe that a pension of 40% of the current salary would suit them.

Pension increase in 2017

This summer, the government promised to index state support in proportion to last year's inflation. The exception is working pensioners. In February and April, the insurance part of the benefit and payments to it increased. The average old-age pension is 13,649 rubles.

The overall level of reduction in pensions is insignificant, but only at the moment, and it will affect a third of the total number of pensioners. Andrey Gudkov, an independent expert on social policy, said this. ​

The macro forecast submitted for consideration by the Cabinet of Ministers under the base budget scenario assumes a reduction in pensions by 0.7% next year and by 0.6% in 2019-2020.

One of the reasons for reducing pensions is the refusal to index them to working pensioners. You also need to keep in mind that in 2018 the indicator will be affected by inflation, which, according to the forecast, will be higher than in the current year, while pensions are indexed to the value of last year's inflation - 4% against 3.7%.

Pensions of non-working pensioners in 2018 will decrease by 0.1% in real terms due to higher inflation than now, but the indicator will not change in 2019-2020.

Cost reduction

We are talking about reducing the average pension, which is the average temperature in the hospital, Andrey Gudkov.

"Today, pensions are divided into two blocks - for working pensioners and non-working ones. Since the indexation was canceled, and the indexation of pensions for non-working pensioners was not increased, the cost of pension provision will decrease. This will be reflected in a decrease in the average pension, and, accordingly, the replacement rate of the average pension with the average wage" , the expert explained.

Gudkov called the values ​​by which the decrease in pensions is insignificant (about 100 rubles), another thing is that this decrease, if it continues, will be more tangible. This reduction in real terms will affect less than a third of all pensioners - about 28% of the total.

Cancellation of indexing

The cancellation of compensation was a mistake and indicates the need for serious reforms in this area.

The pension system should exist on the basis of its own resources, says Gudkov. These resources form insurance contributions to the Pension Fund. They are formed from the salary at the rate of insurance premiums, and the rate should be adequate to the level of pension provision.

“In order for the replacement rate of the average pension with the average wage to be 40% - as it should ideally be, the rate of insurance premiums should be at least 26%, and it was reduced to 22%, plus 6% was given to the funded pension. All this required subsidies from the budget. And now the liberal financial and economic bloc says that “the budget is tight, we cannot give subsidies, therefore we are canceling the indexation of pensions for working pensioners,” the expert noted.

If the rate of insurance premiums were adequate, when indexation was canceled for working pensioners, the level of pensions for non-working pensioners could be raised, and this would be fair.

They appointed an old-age insurance pension (northern) in February 2018. The size is underestimated by about 16 points. When contacting the PF client service, it turned out that the IPC earned in 2017 were not taken into account and will be taken into account only in August 2018 in the amount of 3 points, although the contributions were earned and transferred in full according to the results of the 3rd quarter of 2017 (8.26). It also turned out that the number of points was underestimated until 01/01/2015 (by about 8 points), ALTHOUGH FOR 3 YEARS this figure did not change, and at the time of calculating the pension mysteriously decreased. I didn’t receive a clear explanation from the manager, I sent an appeal to the Pension Fund (website), now we have to wait for an answer within 30 days. Maybe someone will help clarify the situation ... Or there is no government for the FIU, except for the court and the prosecutor's office ...

Hello Sasha.
On your second question, please look, a similar question was asked there.
On the first question - write an appeal to the Pension Fund, submit it as it should be through the office in two copies with registration under the incoming number or through the personal account of the PFR, address it to the executive directorate. In your appeal, ask for clarification on the basis on which the IPC points accrued for 2017 were not taken into account when assigning a pension, to recalculate the pension from the date of appointment, taking into account these points and pay the underpaid amounts for the entire period from the date of appointment. For credibility, you can attach a copy of the extract from the ILS on the date of the pension, where these IPC points for 2017 were reflected.
If this is what they have already requested, then it remains to wait for what explanations they will give you. Depending on the answer, see what to do next.
It is also useful to request a detailed calculation of your pension, maybe you will find some other errors.

In 2017, there was something new in reporting - everything through the tax. This year I did a recalculation for the north, the situation turned out like this - I saw points for work in the RKS a month after the end of the quarter, I came to the Pension Fund - they say - but you don’t see the experience. There really is no experience for this period, they say, we cannot take into account points without experience. According to the new rules, seniority is now applied once a year, if the person does not quit. My experience for a year appeared at the end of February. And the experience in rks appeared according to an interim report, specially requested by me from the entrepreneur. The year 2017 should be included for you without restrictions in 3 points, as now many FIUs warn that unclaimed recalculations of pensions for underestimated points occur six months after the appointment, you coincided with August. It's always helpful to get a quote. But pay attention, in your ILS from the site, too, most likely there was no experience of 2017 yet, or appeared after calculating the amount of the pension.
Everything is done in order to delay the normal amounts of payments, although they still have to take into account and pay extra from the moment the pension is assigned. Why such innovations?

Take certificates from work indicating the length of service and confirmation of the CSW and require recalculation according to the certificates, because despite the excuses, such as we did not receive from the tax, the FEDERAL LAW FZ-400 OBLIGES to calculate the pension according to the information as of the date of registration. But, of course, the Federal Law is not a decree for a pension fund, so they invented a lot of additional by-laws and rules to please themselves.

They do not see the experience - from those very excuses, because. You have provided a labor record, where there are relevant records, yes

Then the pension will be recalculated retroactively, most likely, but such tricks, to put it mildly, are contrary to the law and create inconvenience for pensioners, however, the Pension Fund is such a fiefdom that you have to break through a lot yourself, the Pension Fund washes its hands, is the pension assigned ??? And then they turn on a fool, like we don’t know, they didn’t get it, such laws ... we have nothing to do with it, wait ...

PF is such a red tape office that will not make an extra gesture in favor of a pensioner, but it will create obstacles, with or without reason, just to cling to what was