Preparation for confession children. How to prepare a child for the first confession

Very often in their children, we tend to see sinless angels who have no need to repent, no need to go to confession. For children's pranks, you can close your eyes long. So far, at some point, the child will not grow cruel, insensitive to the border of good and evil. Explain the Chad this border - the task of parents. Clear and protect the child from the action of sin - the task of the sacrament of repentance, which offers us the Holy Church.

How old do you need to confess?

Traditionally, the moment of the first children's confession is determined in the church with age of seven years. This seven-year frontier is a conditional transition from infancy to adolescence. At about this age, Chad begin to consciously give an assessment of their actions. They can already distinguish bad from good. Since then, they are responsible for everything that.

Often you can hear the opinion that up to seven years, children are sinless. But it is not at all. At birth, we all get bad skills, our spiritual clothes over time are darled with sin. However, in infancy for all misconduct their children, the parents are responsible.

Achieving seven years is not an indicator at all that your son or daughter is ready for the first confession. For each person, such a moment comes individually, it can occur both before and later. All children develop in different ways. And here it is important for parents to determine when such a favorable age has come.

The main criterion defining the readiness of the child to embark on the sacrament for the first time, is awareness. As soon as the matures learn to analyze his actions from the position "bad, well," will begin to answer for them as for their own, consider that he is time to go to confession. It must also be remembered that girls at this age spiritually grow faster than boys.

How to prepare a child for the first confession?

First of all, your favorite child can not be frightened. French writer-atheist Jean Paul Sartre recalled that in childhood he was very frightened by a harsh God, which would always be closely following him. This imposed a fingerprint to his full life.

The attitude of God to a person in front of confession to your chad is the easiest way to explain on the example of the family. As a father cannot rejoice in bad things to the actions of his son, so God is not looking for only a reason in them to punish. And as a parent loves his child, no matter how unradited it is, and the Lord covers all our sins with their infinite mercy.

God expects full trust from us - only and everything. Such trusting relations of a person with the Creator are primarily established through the sacrament of repentance. Parents can help the child to prepare for him, offering to write a small list of their sins on the leaf. Just do not need to dictate this list yourself, especially since writing it instead of native Chad. You can just tell him something, bring to reflections.

It is important for parents to remember that neither the "whip" method nor the "gingerbread" method in this case cannot give the expected result. The child can not force to confess, it can cause a reverse reaction. No need to try to bribe it. Although a little "praise" the son or daughter for repeating and decided to correct, it does not hurt at all.

It would be good to approach the priest in advance, to agree with him about the time of the first children's confession. Will be definitely better if the clergy will know that the matches will be appropriate for the first time, he will be able to give him more attention.

Since confessing for the first time - for a child, the case is very serious and can determine the entire subsequent life of a person in the church, it is necessary to approach repentance with full responsibility. Experienced priests call a number of traditional mistakes that most often allow parents when preparing Chad to this sacrament. In this regard, you can give several main advice.

  1. In no case cannot force the child to confess. It is worth remembering that only the free confession of sins and sincere repentance takes the Lord.
  2. No need to use a children's confession as an additional pressure lever in the education method. This task is entirely on parents. Neither the priest nor the sacrament itself can automatically change the child if he since childhood will not be vaccinated with the correct values \u200b\u200band norms of behavior.
  3. In the list of sins, it is necessary to carefully bypass "adults" vices. This applies to, for example, the seventh commandment (about adultery), such sins that the child cannot yet be known for age. Otherwise, it can cause unnecessary curiosity and harm him.
  4. It is unacceptable to ask the hotel that he spoke during his repentance before God. By this you break the secret of confession, hurt and yourself, and Chad.
  5. Especially, you do not need to advise the priest, ask him if your son or daughter called any misconduct you. Such intervention will definitely cause the child disappointment and distrust of the child to the sacrament of repentance. Parents should be engaged in their parents, and God needs to provide God.

Do children often go to confession?

After the first confession, the question arises: when to confess the child next time? And is it necessary for him now always confession before communion? At repentance for children, different priests look different. But most of them still adheres to the opinion that the rates are better confessing less often.

First, in this case, addiction to the sacrament should not be addressed. Otherwise, the child is produced by the so-called "excellent syndrome". He knows about what you need to say that it is "allowed," monkeys and, most importantly, it does not feel absolutely no repentance. Children's confession is thus formalized and depreciated.

Secondly, it is necessary to pass the child more often than confess. Thanks to this, these two sacraments will be perceived as separate. And only a conscious retaining the need for repentance can lead to useful results - correction. It is clear that such a need cannot occur in the young parishioner weekly.

From here it follows that further than the freight can be started to the communion and without prior resolution of sins. You only need to take a blessing for the priest. An exception can be done only when the child will make some serious propulsion and the need to confess. To the Holy Communion, of course, in this case, you need to begin with a purified with a conscience.

The advice of the priest about preparing for children's confession can be viewed here:

Confession and communion. How to prepare the Russian Orthodox Church

How to prepare for the confession of children

How to prepare for the confession of children

Children up to seven years (in the church they are called babies) Embed to the sacrament of communion without prior confession, but it is necessary to produce a feeling of reverence from the earliest childhood in children to this great sacrament. Frequent communion without proper preparation can develop in children a unwanted feeling of the commonness of what is happening. Babies are preferably preparing for 2-3 days to prepare for the upcoming communion: reading with them the Gospel, the lives of saints, other spirits, cut, and it is better to completely exclude, watching the TV (but it is necessary to do it very tactful without causing a child of negative associations with preparing for Communion), follow their prayer in the morning and before bedtime, talk with the child about the past days and bring it to the awareness of his own misconduct. The main thing, you need to remember that there is nothing more effective for the child than a personal example of parents.

Starting from seven years, children (rasters), like adults, begin the sacrament of communion only after the confession of confession. In many ways, the sins listed in the previous sections are also inherent in children, but still children's confession has its own characteristics. To set up children to sincere repentance, you can give them to read the following list of possible limits:

Didn't it be parted in bed in the morning and did not miss the morning prayer rule in connection with this?

Didn't you sit down at the table, without praying, and did not go to bed without prayer?

Do you know the most important Orthodox prayers: "Our Father", "Jesus Prayer", "Virgin Delo, Rejoice," Prayer to His Heavenly Patron, whose name is wearing?

Has every Sunday went to church?

Isn't it fond of various fun in church holidays instead of visiting the temple of God?

Lee properly herself in the church service, did not run on the temple, did not be empty conversations with peers, introducing them to the temptation?

Did it not pronounced the name of God without need?

Do you make a crisp correctly, do not hurry at the same time, do not distort whether the procession is distorted?

Did not distracted with prayer for extraneous thoughts?

Read the Gospel, other spiritual books?

Do you wear a native cross and do not hesitate him?

Do not you use a cross as an ornament that is sinful?

Do not wear various amulets, for example, zodiac signs?

Didn't you guess, did not bother?

Does not hide his sins before the father to confession because of the false shame, and then it became unworthy?

Isn't it proud of himself and before other success, abilities?

Have you argued with anyone - just for the reason to take the top in the dispute?

Didn't you deceive your parents because of fear to be punished?

Did it eat in the post without the permission of the parents of the rapid, for example, ice cream?

Whether his parents listened, did not argue with them, did not require expensive purchase from them?

Did you not assign anyone to someone? Was it no other?

Didn't it offended the younger?

Did not torment the animals?

Didn't you gossip about whom, didn't you yabed for whom?

Didn't you laughing about people who have any physical disadvantages?

Have you tried to smoke, drink, smell glue or use drugs?

Didn't it frank?

Didn't play in the card?

Didn't you deal with a manobus?

Did you not assign someone else?

Did you have habits to take without demand what you do not belong?

Isn't it lazy to help parents in the house?

Did not pretend to be sick to see from his duties?

Does not envy others?

The above list is only a general scheme of possible limits. Each child can have their own, individual experiences associated with specific cases. The task of parents is to set up a child to the repentant feelings before the sacrament of confession. You can advise him to remember my misconduct, committed after the last confession, write your pre-lacers on a piece of paper, but you should not do it for it. The main thing: the child must understand that the sacrament of confession is the sacrament, cleansing the sins of the sins, provided that sincere, finally repentance and desire to repeat them more.

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Article Professor of the Moscow Spiritual Academy and the Primer of the Church of St. Tatiana's martyrs for MSU Archpriest Maxim Kozlov concerns a delicate question of children's confession.

1. Starting from what age the child should confess

In my opinion, a rather important problem in today's life of the Church is the practice of children's confession. The norm that children should be confessed before communion from seven years, established a synodal era. As I wrote in my book about the sacrament of repentance, Father Vladimir Vorobyev, for many and many children today physiological maturity is so outpacing the spiritual and psychological that most of today's children are not ready for seven years. Is it time to say that this age is installed by the confessor and the parent is absolutely individual in relation to the child? At seven years, and some and a little earlier, they see the difference between good and bad things, but it is still early to say that this is a conscious repentance. Only chosen, thin, delicate nature are capable of trying to experience in such an early age. There are amazing kids who in five to six years have a responsible moral consciousness, but most often these are other things. Either the motives of parents associated with the desire to have an additional educational tool in confession (it often happens that when a small child behaves badly, naive and good mom asks the priest to write him, thinking that if he decides, it will obey). Or some kind of monkey in relation to adults by the child himself - like it: they are suitable, the father says something. Good of this does not happen. Most moral consciousness wakes up much later. I do not see anything catastrophic in it. Let them come in nine, ten years, when they have a great degree of adulthood and responsibility for their lives. In fact, the earlier the child is confessing, the worse for him - apparently, no in vain, sins are not imputed to seven years. Only with a fairly more late age, they perceive the confession as confession, and not as a list of what is said by mom or dad and recorded on paper. And this formalization of confession, taking place in a child, in the modern practice of our church life is a rather dangerous thing.

2. How often do you need to confess the child

Partly on your own mistakes, partly consulted with more experienced priests, I came to the conclusion that children should be confessing as less as possible. Not as often as possible, but as much as possible. The worst thing to be done is to introduce a weekly confession for children. They have more than anything to formalize. So they went and simply came together every resurrection or, at least, often, that, too, the question is whether the child is correct, and then - from seven years - they will also lead them almost every resurrection under the permissive prayer. Children are very quickly learned to speak the right priest - the fact that the father expects. Mom did not obey, rushed in school, stole eraser. The list of this is easily restored. And they do not even meet with what confession is like repentance. And it happens that many years come to confession with the same words: I do not hear, I am grunted, I'm lying, I forget to read the prayer - here's a short set of ordinary children's sins. The priest, seeing that in addition to this child, there are still many other people, let him go to him and this time. But after a few years, such a "churchable" tea will be incomprehensible at all, which is repentance. For him, it is not difficult to say that he did something badly, "trying to carry something on a piece of paper or in memory, for which he or plunge on his head, or say:" Kolya, do not steal the handles ", And then:" Do not get used to it (yes, then you can get used to cigarettes, watch these magazines, "and further on increasing. And then Kolya will say; "I do not want to listen to you." Masha can also say, but girls usually grow faster, they have time to acquire a personal spiritual experience earlier than they can come to such a decision.

When the child is first brought to the clinic for the first time and make it warm up to the doctor, then he, of course, is shy, he is unpleasant, and it will put him in the hospital and every day in front of the shirt shirt every day, he will start doing it completely automatically without any emotions. Also, confession from some time may not cause him any experiences. Therefore, it is possible to bless them for communion quite often, but confessing children need as rarely as possible. For adults, we truly for many practical reasons can disseminate the communion and the sacrament of repentance for a long time, but it would probably be possible to apply this norm to children and say that the responsible serious confession of the hotel or the decklock can be carried out with a fairly large periodicity, and in the other Time is to give them a blessing for communion. I think it will be good, consulting with the confessor, to profess such a little sinner for the first time in seven years, the second time - at eight, the third time - at nine years, somewhat pulling the beginning of the frequent confession, so that in no case she becomes a habit. For adults, we truly for many practical reasons can not break the communion and the sacrament of repentance for a long time, but it would probably be possible to apply this norm to the children and say that the responsible serious confession of the hotel or the decklock can be carried out with a fairly large periodicity, and so on Blessing for the sacrament, introduce it not in the amateurness of the priest, but in the canonical norm.

3. How often it is necessary to approach young children

Infants are good to fit often, since we believe that the adoption of the Holy Taine Taine is taught to us in the health of the soul and body. And the baby is sanctified as sins of the poor, bodily communicating with the Lord in the sacrament of communion. But when the children begin to grow old and when they already recognize that it is blood and the body of Christ, and that it is a shrine, it is very important not to turn the communion in a weekly procedure when they frolic in front of the bowl and approach it, not very thinking about what they make. And if you see that your child has grown up before the service, brought you when the preaching of the priest slightly delayed, came up with someone from the peers standing right in the service, do not allow him to the bowl. Let him understand that not any condition can be approached by communion. He only reverend to him. And better let it be somewhat less often, what would you like to pass, but to understand, for what comes to church. It is very important that parents do not begin to treat the child's communion as some Magism shifting on God what we ourselves should do. However, the Lord because of us is waiting for what we can and have to do themselves, including in relation to our children. And only where our forces are not, there the grace of God fills. As stated in another church sacrament - "Weekly Doctors, Colding Fills". But what can you do yourself.

4. Parental participation in preparing for confession

5. How to teach the child to confess

It is not necessary to encourage your children with how to confess, but to confession. Through your own example, through the ability to openly observe in your sins in front of loved ones, if your child is to blame. Upon our attitude towards confession, since when we go to communion and realize our neimirness or those resentments that have caused others, we must first be reconciled with everyone. And all this together, taken cannot fail to educate a reverent relation to this sacrament.

And the main teacher of how the child repel should be the perfect of this sacrament - the priest. After all, repentance is not only a certain inner state, but also the sacrament of church. It is not by chance that confession is called the sacrament of repentance. Depending on the measure of the spiritual maturity of the child, he must be summed up for the first confession. The task of parents is to explain what confession is and why it is needed. They must explain to the child that confession has nothing to do with his report before them or to the school director. This is the only thing that we ourselves are aware of how bad and unfit in us, as bad and dirty and what we are not very pleased, about which it is difficult to say, and what to say to God. And then this area of \u200b\u200bteacher should be transferred to the hands of a careful, decent, loving confessor, because he is given in the sacrament of the priesthood of graceful help to speak with a person, including the little ones, about his sins. And it is natural to talk to him about repentance than his parents, because it is just the case when it is impossible and uncommon to appeal to its own examples or to the examples of people known to him. To tell your child how you repented the first time, "there is some kind of false and false edge. After all, we did not dare to tell anyone to tell anyone. It would be no less false to tell him how our relatives through repentance moved away from certain sins, because it would mean at least indirectly to judge and evaluate those sins in which they were. Therefore, the most reasonable to hand the child in the hands of the one who was put by the teacher of the sacrament of confession.

6. Can a child choose himself, in which priest confess

If the heart of a little man feels that it wants to confess exactly from this father, who, maybe, is a possession, I can't go to whom you go, or, maybe, attracted by your preaching, trust your child, let him go there, Where no one and nothing will interfere with repent of sins before God. And even if he can't immediately decide on his choice, even if his first decision turns out to be not the most reliable, and he will shortly understand that Ivanna does not want to Father, but he wants Peter to father, let him choose himself and stand out in this. The acquisition of spiritual paternity is the process is very delicate, internally intimate, and does not need to invade it. So you will help your own more.

And if, as a result of his inner spiritual search, the child will say that his heart rushed to another parish, where the girlfriend of Tanya is walking, and that he likes more there - and as they sing, and as a priest talks, and how people treat each other, then wise Parents-Christians, of course, will be happy for this step of their own period and will not be with fear or distrust to think: and whether he went to the service, and, in fact, why he is not there, where are we? It is necessary to prevent our children to God, then he will save them himself.

It seems to me that other times the parents themselves are important and useful for their children, starting with some of their age, send to another arrival, so that they are not with us, not in our eyes, so that this typical parental temptation does not arise - Check, and how there our child, will it pray whether it does not chat, why did not allow him to the communion, for what such sins? Maybe we are indirectly, we will understand about conversation with the father? It's almost impossible to get rid of such sensations if your child is next to you in the temple. When the children are small, then parent's personal inspection is understandable and needed, when they become the randoms, then perhaps it is better to prevent this kind of intimacy with them, going away from their life, to silence themselves to be more Christ, And less than you.

7. How to bring up a reverent attitude to communion and worship

First of all, you need to love the church, church life and love every person in it, including the little ones to love the parents. And the loving church will be able to transfer it to her baby. This is the main thing, and everything else is just concrete techniques.

I remember the story of Archpriest Vladimir Vorobyeva, who in childhood drove to the communion only several times a year, but he remembers every time, and when it was, and what a spiritual experience was. Then, in Stalin's time, it was impossible to go to church. Since even your comrades saw you, it could threaten not only the loss of education, but also a prison. And Father Vladimir recalls each coming to the church, which was a great event for him. It could not be a speech about that in the service to stitch, talk, chat with peers. It was necessary to come to the liturgy, pray, coming around the holy sains and live the expectation of the next such meeting. It seems that we must understand the sacrament, including young children who have entered the time of relative consciousness, not only as a medicine in the health of the soul and body, but as something immeasurably more important. Even a child, it should be perceived primarily as a connection with Christ.

The main thing is what you need to think - to visit the service and the communion of steel for a child, what we must see it, but by what he must deserve. It is necessary to try to rebuild our intramearily attitude towards the divine service so that we do not pull your degree to pass, and he himself, after a certain path, preparing him for the adoption of the Holy Taine, received the right to come to the liturgy and join. And, perhaps, it is better that we would not peck your having fun in the evening with Sunday in the morning in the evening: "Get up, I'm late for a liturgy!", And he would have waking up without us, I saw that the house was empty. And it turned out to be without parents, and without church, and without the holiday of God. Let him, before that, only half an hour came to the service, to the most communion, but still it can not feel some discrepancy between Sunday lying in bed to what every Orthodox Christian should do at this time. When you yourself come back from the church, do not reproach your father's words. Perhaps your inner grief about his absence on the liturgy even effective will respond in it than ten parental dips "And go", "Well, prepare", "Well, read the prayers."

Therefore, parents of their child already in his conscious age should never encourage confession or communion. And if they can restrain themselves in this, then the grace of God will definitely affect his soul and will help in the sacraments of church not to get lost.

These are just some moments associated with the modern practice of children's confession, which I stated simply as an invitation to get us to discuss this and, probably, in a very weak discussion form. But I want people to largely more spiritually experienced and decades with spiritual practice, would speak out about this.

"Do not leave children regarding eradication from the hearts. They were brutaling sins, bad habits, sinful and wigglers, sinful habits, inclinations and passions; The enemy of the human and flesh, the sinner do not gentle and children, the seeds of all sins are in children; imagine the children all The dangers of sins on the path of life, do not hide sins from them so that they, by ignorant and ignorance, do not affect the sinful skills and preferences that grow and bring relevant fruits on the arrival of children in age. " St. Dight John Kronstadtsky

To the attention of parents! Great posts of babies are involved only on Saturday and Sundays, when the Divine Liturgy of Vasily of the Great or John of Zlatoust serves. On the liturgy of the paid gifts, babies are not communioned.

Repentance is the sacrament in which the believer professes (that is, it utters orally) his sins to God in the presence of a priest and receives through the priest for the forgiveness of sins from the very Lord Jesus Christ. It is very important to prepare children for the first confession.
Confession of children, especially starting to this saving sacrament, is the case of the greatest importance. Here, in repentance, before the shepherd, servant of God, children reveal their soul and receive power from him, given to him over, not only forgiveness, but also instruction in moral life. The relationship of children to their first confession often depends on their subsequent attitude towards this great and saving sacrament. Both shepherds and parents when preparing children to confession it is necessary to keep in mind:

Preparing for confession should be performed in an atmosphere of love, meekness, with warm participation. It is clear that at this time it is coming and professing not to one priest, but the very Lord Jesus Christ. It is impossible to allow the slightest irritability and impatience.

When preparing for confession, the parent may except in general terms to talk about what sin is, but not to indicate the sins of the child known to him, or to insist on them.
It is important to explain to the child that with a completely sincere, honest, truthful confession of sins, they are completely eliminated from his soul. The Lord is washes the heart and soul and the graceful purity agrees, the beige shrine of the heart is established.

Parents should be aware that the church prescribes the severity of children by confession from the seven age, depending on the level of child's development and the ability to consciously analyze and confess their sins. Day of confession and holy communion should be for a child in the afternoon festive and joyful. Consider, offer to go to the temple, prepare for confession and communion, but in no case do not force the child. The child can not be forced to confession. Repentance must be sincere and completely free. Otherwise, just obeying the parent authority, the child will fulfill your demand for some time, but if it won't be a living faith, sincere desire to cleanse the perfect sin, sooner or later, a painful gap will occur, conflict between your parental pressure and its free Will. If the child is particularly worried and is lost, applying to analo, you can invite him a briefly writing a list of the house, to then read it for confession to the priest. However, this is only a temporary aid. Free, living word during confession should not be broken or limited. Since it is possible, it is possible to refuse from the notes.

It is important that confession every time I was experiencing a child as a deep awareness of sin, connected with the joy of forgiveness from God, subject to repentance and refusal from sin. Mystery of confession is a great mutual shrine. Neither the confessing shepherd either does not talk anything about said to confession. Common in this sacrament is completely unacceptable! Therefore, assistance in preparing for confession does not intend to mediate between parents and the priest. Offering questions and advice on confession. Parents in no way should try to learn the sins of their children or "What did the father told you when he confessed?". Even the slightest attempts and questions of this kind can break confidence in the children's soul to the greatest sacrament. Do not follow the parents to instruct the priest as to what to ask the child. Hand in the confessor and professing grace of God, which umudrites them and instruct.If the child wants to tell something from confession, stop it and indicate that the confession of the sacrament, which should be stored in his soul, trusting his soul to God. He can understand everything in the next confession.

The following list should not be considered as "instructions", and how to help to a common understanding of which sins and inclinations exist, and we feel the attitude to which we are called by passing by repentance.

Preliminary questions:
- Do you believe in God?
- Do you know and believe that the confession committed by the priest listens and accepts the Lord Jesus Christ himself, is invisible to the upcoming?
- Are you sincerely sorry that they sinned bad actions before God, broke his holy commandments?
- Did you grow up with everyone, going to confession?

Plan of children's confession on the 10 Commandments of God

The first commandment of the Law of God: "I am the Lord God of yours: and you should not have any other gods except me."
Questions to the child about the creation of sins against the first commandment:
- Are you praying in the morning and in the evening, before meals and after eating, before starting and at the end of all things?
- Do you believe that God sees and knows, not only your deeds, but also thoughts, and secret desires, sees you and day, and at night, at home and out of the house, in a word, always?
- Do you conchive your life with this faith?
- Do you believe in what people are created by God and that the Lord is the Creator of the Universe, although many people deny it?
- Do you love God?
- Are you not ashamed to confess your faith in front of people? Do not refuse from your faith from fear to be climbed by others?
The second commandment of the law of God: "Do not make yourself an idol, no image of what is in the sky, at the top, and that on earth below, and that in the waters under the earth: do not worship them and do not serve them."
The second commandment of the Lord God prohibits idolatry, that is, to do the idol for reverence. The worship of the holy icons and the boots of God is not idolatry. For Christians to idolatry, the ministry of sins and passions is: pride, feeling in food and beings, love for earthly riches, etc.
Questions to the child about sins against the second commandment:
- Do you spend money on delicacy? Do you like to eat a lot, not observing moderation?
- Do not disturb the holy posts and lean days: Wednesdays and Fridays?
- Are you proud of your parents with our own success?
- Do not seek championship among your peers? Would you like to be considered the smartest and kind?
- Do you love to command, be elder over your comrades?
The Third Commandment of the Law of God: "Do not pronounce the name of the Lord God of your in vain." The third commandment is prohibited to pronounce the name of God in vain, without love, reverence and prayers.
Questions to the child about sins against the third commandment.
- Do not say the name of God in vain - in empty conversations and jokes?
- Do you rot on the vitality of your parents?
- Do you envy children from rich families?
- Are you thank God in diseases, troubles and life failures?
Fourth Commandment of the Law of God:
"Remember the day of Sabbath to sink it (that is, to hold it holy): For six days, work and do in the continuation of yours, and the day of the seventh is the day of peace (Saturday) dedicate to the Lord God."
The fourth commandment of the Lord God commands us to work for six days a week, and the seventh day (in the Christian church this day is Sunday) to devote to the service of God, an affected God of God. Questions to the child about sins against the 4th commandment:
- Do not be lazy on Sunday and on holidays to go to church?
- Do you like to be in the temple of God?
- Do you run on the temple, do not leave it during the service. Do you allow yourself to joke in the temple, play, laugh, talk?
- Do you like to read the holy gospel, spiritual books?
- Do you know the memory of the prayer "Our Father", "Virgin Delo", "believe"?
- Do you love to celebrate time?
- Do you have addiction to TV and cinema that destroy faith in God?
- Do you strive to acquire knowledge, good school? Do you pray for the Lord to help you in the teaching?
- Do you always learn homework with attention and diligence?
- Do not spend the time after a computer in games where there are violence or killing some heroes by others?
The fifth commandment of the Law of God: - "Read the Father's Father and your mother, so that you were good and that you lived on earth."
The fifth commandment of the Lord God commands us to love our parents, teachers, senior, take care of them and be respectful to them.
Questions to the child about sins against the fifth commandment:
- Will you honor your parents, do not insult with their rude words and disobedience?
- Do you respect your mentors and teachers? Do not allow them to insult or irregularity?
- Are you conscientious of your duties in school and at home?
- Will you honor the older age of people? Do not allow them relative to them ridicule? Do not you understand whether or not laugh at
embank, cripples, sick?
- Are you trying to correct in your bad habits?
The sixth commandment of the law of God - "Do not kill." The Sixth Commandment of the Lord God prohibits the murder and not only physical, but also spiritual when a person teaches another man to sin. To sins against the sixth commandment include smoking and drug use leading to the destruction of the human body, that is, to suicide.
Participation in the war Church does not consider a violation of the sixth commandment, because the warriors protect the Fatherland. Questions to the child about sins against the sixth commandment:
- Are you not swearing in indecent words?
- Does not be taiting for whom in the heart of anger or hatred?
- Are you trying to console the upset, sad comrade?
- Do not torment animals? Do not kill them for fun?
- Do you love people how the Lord commanded us?
- Serve l and what can you, poor, hungry people?
- Do not you swear with what person or peer?
- Do not you, do not offend, are children who are weaker than you?
- Do you smoke?
The seventh commandment of the Law of God: "Do not commit adultery."
By this commandment, the Lord prohibits the destruction of the marital loyalty, and the Lord tends to abide by the purity of thoughts and desires.
Questions to the child about sins against the seventh commandment:
- Do you allow you in your heart of unclean carnal desires?
- Do you admit such actions that you have a very shame to tell someone?
- Do you have any interest in the films "for adults only"? Do not you consider magazines and photos with indecent pictures?
- Do you have friends who teach you to play cards, smoke, drink alcoholic drinks? Wasn't the participant of these sins?
- Do not retell anecdotes, indecent stories?
The Eighth Commandment of the Law of God: "Do Not War."
This commandment is prohibited not only thefts when someone secretly takes a thing that does not belong to him, but also a deception, tune.
Questions to the child about sins against the eighth commandment:
- did it take a secret, without demand, someone else's thing?
- did not the money given the found, any lost object, instead of declare to close people about his find?
- didn't the parents look in the wallet? Did they take money without demand?
The Ninth Commandment of the Law of God: "Do not pronounce on another false testimony."
The Ninth Commission of the Lord God forbids talking about another person and prohibits any lies in general.
Questions to the child about sins against the ninth commandment:
- Do you have any habits to lie? Do not deceive whether parents, brothers, sisters, friends?
- didn't you violate this promise?
- Did you not condemn anyone? Did not disclose the shortcomings of other people? Did the disadvantages of comrades ridiculed?
Tenth commandment of the Law of God:
"Do not wish yourself your wife's neighbor, do not wish the house of your neighbor, neither the field of him, nor his slave, nor the slave of him, nor the will, nor the donkey, nor any livestock, nor the fact that there is a nearby",
The tenth commandment prohibits not only anything bad to do something, but prohibits envy, thin desires and thinking towards them.
Questions to the child about sins against the tenth commandment:
- Will you watch the cleanliness of your thoughts and desires?
- Are you trying to fix in those sins in which the previous confession gone?
- Do you envy anyone?
- was not unhappy when you praised anyone
Final questions
- Do you value with time?
- Are you trying every minute to use the soul?
- Is it preparing for the communion of the Holy Masters? Do you believe that the priest will put in a golden bowl in order to teach you to taste from the golden spoon, (this is incomprehensible to mind, but comprehended only faith of the heart) the body and blood of Jesus Christ?
- Do you die, that is, sincerely crushed, ask God forgiveness from your sins?

Prayers of parents for children:
"Lord, the Son of David!
Some of my children (call names), but they will not be carried away by the spirit of time, worldly temptations, but they will not be subject to some passion or vice. Coat, Lord, so that my children are useful here on Earth, so that they were honored and in the sky. Amen".
"Vladyko Lord Almighty, Budy Mosses to the Children My (name the name), bring them to faith and salvation, Save them under your telescope, seed them from all Lukavago's wrapping, discharge from them all the enemy and the sacrup, and cherish them and the eyes of heart, don Denomium and humility of their hearts. Amen. "

According to the tradition of our church, the confession of children begins at a seven age. This coincides with the transition from childhood to adolescence. The child reaches the first step of spiritual maturity. Putting its moral will. Unlike the baby, it already has internal forces to resist temptations.

The first confession is a special event in the life of children. It can for a long time to determine not only the attitude towards confession, but also the direction of his spiritual life. The child's parents should have been preparing for all previous years, living in the gracious experience of the Church. If they were able to raise piety in the child, they will be able to prepare a child for the first confession so that this day will be a holiday.

In a child, thinking is the advantage of visual-shaped, and not conceptual. His idea of \u200b\u200bGod is being formed gradually in the image of his relationship with his parents. He hears a prayer daily: "Our Father ..." - "Our Father ...". The Lord himself in the parable of the prodigal son uses this comparison. As a father hugs his son who returned to him, and God with great joy takes a smoking person. If the family relationship is built on love, it is easy to explain to the son or daughter, why you need to love your heavenly parent. For children, this is as natural as loved parents. It is necessary to talk to the child as often as possible about Divine Love. The thought of loving God causes his feeling of guilt, repentance and desire to repeat bad actions. Of course, by 7 years, children already know that there is a paradise that there will be a trial, but the motives of their behavior are not determined by this. Absolutely unacceptable to scare children and say that God will punish. It can fully distort the ideas of a child about God. He in his heart will be a painful feeling of fear. Later such a person can lose faith.

Children's faith is not only simple and sincere, but also unusually bright and joyful. Especially bright children's soul is experiencing holidays: "You go from the church. Everything is different. Snow - Saint. And stars - saints, new, christmas stars "; "Mreets in my eyes, and it mights: in colors - a living, inexplicable and joyful, holy ... - God? .. Do not convey words" ( Shmelev Ivan.. Summer Lord).

In preparation for confession, it is important to let the child feel that he is already quite an adult and can evaluate his actions. The conversation should not remind a lesson that he must remember. It is necessary not to shy his freedom. He can sincerely repent only in what is aware of how the wrong and bad act. Then the desire and determination is born. After confession, the child must feel relieved, similar to what he is experiencing when parents with confidence and love forgive their children misdeed.

Vanya Shmelev remembered his first confession all his life: "We come up to the evening, and there are a lot of piggriks. The left shrimp has shirms, and go there one by one, with a candle. I remembered the damner - the soul immediately fell. Why the flap? Gorkin explained to me: this is that confessors are not confused; The secret confession, in the spirit, who, maybe and pay from the crushing, not to look like a stranger. Stand at each other with candles, wait a series. And all heads are bent, for the crushing. I tried to crushed, but I don't remember anything my sins. Gorkine fussing to me a candle, requires three kopecks, and I cry.

What are you crying ... are you crushing? - asks. And my lips will not come up.

At the candy box sits at the table of the protodian, the goose feather holds.

Go to me! .. - And I rengulated on me. Here I was terribly: a big book in front of him, and he writes something on it - sins, perhaps, the handwriting. I was here and remembered about one sin, as a goose feather saw: as in Filipovki, the laptops were ate with a father, and I envy you that I didn't give me a paw. And she also remembered how he condemned the Protodiakon that his stomach had such a stenus apples. Say? .. After all, those all are recorded. It was decided to say, and this is not sins he writes, and who comes, is such an order. Recorded me in the book and threw me out of the belly: "We sink about sins, boyfriend? .. crying something? Nothing, they will say, God will give, clean. " And spent a feature on my eyes.

We are missing in advance. Gorkina has a sacred business - behind a candy box, and everyone is very respected. Whispering: "Sick the forever, Mikhal Pankratych, you have a church." Because of the screen, Zaitsev comes out, the whole is red, and baptizes.

The fireman goes there, baptizes quickly quickly, as if goes to terrible. I think: "and fires are not afraid, and here is afraid." I see under the shirma huge boot. Then this boot carries out from under the flap, clear carnations are visible: it fell, perhaps on the knees. And no boot: leaves the fireman to us, brown his face joyful, pleasant. He falls on his knees, knocking on the floor head, many times, soon, soon, as if rushing, and leaves. Then it turns out because of the tasteor a beautiful young lady and wipes his eyes with a handkerchief - mourns sins?

Well, go with the Lord ... - whispers Gorkin and pushes a little, and my legs do not go, and again all sins forgot.

He leads my hand and whispers: "Go, doves," Show ". And I see nothing, eyes stuck. He wipes me with his finger, and I see the shirms of Anal and Father Victor. He manites me and whispers: "Well, honey, open in front of the cross and the gospel, as before the Lord, what sinned ... I will not be afraid, do not hurt ..." I cry, I don't know what to say. He leans and whispers: "Well, Daddy-Momashka did not listen ..." And I only remember about the paw.

Well, what else ... did not listen ... you need to obey ... what kind of paw? ..

I barely weigh through tears:

Goose foot ... GU ... a blue paw ... I envied ... He begins to interrogate what kind of foot, gently asks, and I open it all.

He strokes me on the head and sighs:

So, the clever ... did not hide ... and the soul is easier. Well, what else? ..

It's easy for me, and I am talking about everything: about the shovel, and about the egg, and even as he condemned the father of the Prodialakon, about the ureaged apples and his belly. Battyushka reads me the instruction that envy and condemn the big sin, especially the elders.

You are what noticed ... - and praises for "winting" about the soul.

But I do not understand what "winting" is. She covers me with the Epitrochil and baptizes his head. And I will gladly hear: "... Goodbye and allowing."

I go out because of the shirmochka, everyone looks at me - I was very long. Maybe think what a great sinner I am. And the soul is so easily easily "( Shmelev Ivan.. Summer Lord).

Children in 7 years are often shy. Knowing it, parents must start talking about confession long before this event. Then the child will gradually get used and will wait with some excitement, but without timidity. Every time you have to talk to him about it very calm, stressing that he is already big and much already knows how to do it alone.

The first participation of the child in the sacrament of repentance is not the general confession of an adult, burdened over a decade many sins. At the age of 7, children only make the first experiments, pass the first lessons at the School of Repentance, in which they will learn all their lives. Therefore, it is important not so much full of confession, but the correct confusion of the child. Parents should help the child to realize as a sin, first of all, something that can be dangerous for his spiritual development, which can be rooted and acquired the power of skill. "Do not leave children without attention regarding eradication from the hearts of them spurred sins, bad, shuffling and wigglers, sinful habits, inclinations and passions; The enemy and the flesh of the sinner do not gentle and children, the seeds of all sins are in children; Imagine the children all the dangers of sins on the path of life, do not hide the sins from them so that they, by ignorant and ignorance, are not established in the sinful skills and preferences that grow and bring relevant fruits at the arrival of children in age ( John Kronstadt, Holy righteous. My life is in Christ. M., 2002. P. 216). Such splelas are: slyness, lies, self-conception, braghood, egoism, disrespect for the elder, envy, greed, laziness. In overcoming harmful sinful habits, parents must show wisdom, patience and perseverance. They should not suggest sins and not to point directly on the child formed in the soul of poor habits, but to be able to convincingly show their harm. Only such repentance, which takes place with the participation of conscience, brings fruit. "Conscience by internal suggestion teaches everything that should do" ( John Zlatoust, saint. Five words about Anna). Parents should look for the causes of the child's skills in the soul. Most often, they infect their passions themselves. While they themselves did not defeat them in themselves, the correction would not give notable results.

When preparing children for confession, it is important not only to help the child to see sins, but also encourage him to acquire those virtues, without which it is impossible to have a full-blooded spiritual life. Such virtues are: attention to their inner state, obedience, prayer skill. Children are available to the perception of God as his heavenly parent. Therefore, it is easy for them to explain that prayer is alive with him with communication. As communication with his father and mother is a need for a child, it is necessary for a prayer appeal to God.

After confession, the parents should not ask her child about her, and to show all the completeness of caress and warmth, so that the joy of this great event is imprinted as deeply as possible in the children's soul.