Does clay help for the face. Clay for the face - benefits and applications. Cosmetic clay for skin: features and applications

Along with fruits, berries, vegetables and other natural products, cosmetic clay for the face occupies a worthy place in home skin care, which can be purchased in powder form in specialized stores or pharmacies. Clay has proven itself in medicine and cosmetology. Healing solutions for wraps and baths are made from it, it is part of therapeutic ointments, powders, many masks, shower gels and washings of well-known cosmetic lines, it is even taken orally. Meanwhile, you can prepare clay masks for the face without any problems at home: the effect is the same, but it will cost an order of magnitude cheaper. However, before you run to the pharmacy for a miraculous natural remedy, you should figure out and decide what kind of clay your skin needs. Today on sale you can find about a dozen different types of clay, each of which differs both in its mineral composition and properties.

The effect of clay masks on the skin

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The color of the clay determines its properties

Clays are usually distinguished by colors. The color and properties of clay are determined by its mineral composition. Some types of clay are rich in silicon, which has a positive effect on the condition of the epidermis, others - in manganese, which has a drying and deodorizing effect, and others - in aluminum, which stimulates the production of collagen and lipid metabolism, strengthens blood vessels.

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Kaolin - white clay

In cosmetology, it is used more often than other types of clay. Its main property is deep cleansing and whitening. Due to its mild action and non-abrasive nature, kaolin is widely used in both adult and children's cosmetics. White clay perfectly removes any skin impurities, absorbing sweat gland secretions and excess sebum, so it is best suited for oily skin care. For owners of problematic and oily skin, white clay masks are a real find, because kaolin not only absorbs excess fat, but also perfectly dries, has a bactericidal and antiseptic effect, narrows enlarged pores and, most importantly, normalizes the sebaceous glands with regular use. In addition, white clay helps to even out complexion, relieves redness, irritation, allergies, comprehensively heals the skin, saturating it with useful substances: silicon, zinc, potassium, sodium. The regenerative properties of kaolin contribute to the rapid healing of micro-wounds that remain on the skin from acne and blackheads. White clay is also effective in rejuvenation: it promotes the production of collagen, which is responsible for the elasticity and firmness of the skin.

In beauty salons, kaolin is mainly used as part of cleansing, whitening, drying or nourishing masks, in children's cosmetology this type of clay is used in the form of powders, and in dermatology - in the form of ointments and pastes. Kaolin has also been used in decorative cosmetics, where it is included in the composition of dry deodorants and powders. White clay in its pure form without the addition of any additional ingredients can be used at home as a mask for oily, combination and problem skin, but to avoid overdrying normal and dry skin, softening and moisturizing ingredients are required.

In folk medicine, white clay is also used in the fight against baldness. It strengthens weak and brittle hair, treats oily seborrhea, helps get rid of dandruff, makes hair thicker and more manageable.

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green clay ingredients

This type of clay owes its green color to iron oxide. A rich microelement composition with a high content of silver determines the unique cosmetic properties of green clay. In addition to silver, green clay also contains calcium, magnesium, manganese, zinc, copper, phosphorus, molybdenum, cobalt. Green clay normalizes metabolic processes in skin cells, strengthens the epithelium, nails and hair, slows down the skin aging process. Written information about the use of this type of clay for the preparation of masks and baths in combination with decoctions of medicinal herbs, aromatic and essential oils indicates that it was widely used in the time of Cleopatra. Green clay acts on the skin as a gentle peeling, making it soft, tender and velvety, preserving its beauty and youth for many years. Due to the normalization of the sebaceous glands, a pronounced tonic effect and the ability to narrow pores, it will bring maximum benefit to people with oily and combination skin of the face and head.

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Useful composition of blue clay

Blue clay, which is a powdery mass with a pH level of 7.3 of the corresponding color, is mainly mined in the Rhodope Mountains in Bulgaria. This type of clay contains a large amount of cobalt and cadmium salts, it also contains silicon, nitrogen, phosphate, magnesium, calcium and potassium. Blue clay perfectly cleanses and disinfects the skin, improves metabolic processes in skin cells, activates blood circulation and disinfects, tones, whitens, fights acne, has an anti-cellulite effect. Cambrian blue clay is used in cosmetology as an independent cosmetic product, and as an active ingredient in creams, masks, soft peels and powders. With a tendency of the skin to form acne, blackheads, pustules, with staphyloderma after shaving in men, blue clay has a calming, anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effect. Cambrian blue clay is an indispensable cosmetic product in the care of oily problematic skin prone to acne, as well as for aging skin prone to flabbiness and wrinkles. This type of clay not only cleanses, renews and restores the epidermis, but also perfectly refreshes the skin and has a persistent tightening effect, making the skin smooth and supple.

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Blue clay and its properties

Blue clay is widely used in spa treatment directly on the basis of the places where its deposits are located. In cosmetology, blue clay is used as a basis for masks, baths and compresses. In terms of mineral content, this type of clay surpasses almost all fruits and vegetables, and silver, which is part of blue clay, has an excellent bactericidal, antiseptic and whitening effect, improves skin elasticity, helping to preserve its beauty and youth.

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Unique gray clay

Gray clay is the rarest. It has a unique ability to deeply moisturize and tone the skin, as well as smooth out wrinkles. Best of all, it is suitable for the care of dehydrated, dry, problem skin. Gray clay is an excellent remedy for softening rough skin on the feet and elbows, which has not only a softening, but also a wound-healing effect.

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Healing Black Fossil

Among other healing clays, it occupies a special place due to the content of biologically active substances that can normalize fat metabolism in cells. Mud therapy with black clay normalizes metabolism, improves blood and lymph flow, activates protective and regenerative processes in the body. Black clay masks stimulate the healing of damaged skin areas and slow down aging. Black clay wraps effectively fight cellulite and promote fat burning.

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Red clay for sensitive skin

Red clay owes its color to a combination of iron oxide and copper. It cannot boast of such a wide range of healing properties as other types of clay, but it has also been used in cosmetology. In particular, red clay is used for sensitive skin prone to allergic reactions: it gently cleanses, relieves redness and irritation, soothes and regenerates the skin.

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Pink clay and its qualities

Pink clay contains a large amount of silicon, and its balanced mineral and chemical composition allows this type of clay to be used to care for all types of skin, including sensitive. Pink clay is one of the best natural remedies for the prevention and treatment of skin irritations, brittle hair and nails. Pink clay delicately cares for the skin, enriching it with all the necessary microelements, has a mild disinfecting and smoothing effect.

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Yellow clay for turgor

Possessing the properties of a sorbent, yellow clay removes toxins from the skin and helps it to be fully enriched with oxygen. It has a beneficial effect on the condition of aging sagging skin.

Choosing clay for the face among the whole variety of types is easier when you know about the healing properties of each of them. White, blue, green, yellow, pink, red - each variety affects the skin in its own way.

Choosing a natural natural remedy should be based on the problems that bother. Facial care requires an individual approach. After consulting with a cosmetologist, you can accurately determine your skin type and choose the right type of clay.

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    Useful properties and application

    Clay is a universal element that is used not only in construction, but also in cosmetology. It is the main ingredient that is often included in the compositions of masks and facial compresses.

    Cosmetic clay is widely used in both salon and home care. There are many types of it (each of them has its own application features):

    • gray;
    • white;
    • blue;
    • yellow;
    • red;
    • pink;
    • green;
    • black.

    Each variety affects the skin differently. Clay contains such useful elements as: iron, magnesium, calcium, copper. Its use significantly improves the appearance of the epidermis. This makes it a product that anyone with any skin type can use.

    Red clay is ideal for people with sensitive epidermis, while green clay fights oiliness. White clay deeply cleanses from impurities. Due to the ability to remove dead cells, it makes the skin of the face renewed and radiant.

    green clay

    It is able to penetrate deep into the cells of the epidermis, making the skin look fresh and supple. The antiseptic properties of green clay help to cope with oily sheen and inflammation. It not only prevents the appearance of acne, but also removes its consequences. Often used to treat dermatitis and eczema.

    Of the varieties that are offered to the consumer, green clay is best suited for acne treatment and oily skin care in general. She is capable of:

    • deep cleanse (due to antibacterial properties);
    • absorb excess sebum well;
    • eliminate acne and blackheads;
    • tone up;
    • narrow pores;
    • remove traces of scars left after acne;
    • have an antiseptic and soothing effect.

    Face masks are the best way to use a natural product to achieve a healthy look and radiance of the dermis. For their preparation, clay is used in the form of a powder. It can be purchased at a pharmacy or a natural cosmetics store.

    Masks should be prepared only in a plastic or wooden container, as the breed loses its beneficial properties in iron dishes.

    Clay mask tends to harden. Clay is not recommended to be kept on the face until completely dry. You can't take it off in pieces. To completely wash off the composition, use warm water.

    The universal composition of the mask, which is suitable for any type of skin, includes 1 tbsp. l. green clay and a small amount of water. The ingredients must be mixed until a sour cream consistency is obtained, apply for 10-15 minutes.

    To treat inflammation and rashes, you can add 2-3 drops of jojoba oil to the mask, and use mineral water instead of ordinary water. Jojoba oil effectively fights germs, while clay moisturizes and softens.

    Red and pink

    Red (or pink) clay is ideal for sensitive and dry skin. Useful components have a calming and antiseptic effect, fight peeling and irritation on the face.

    As part of cosmetics, red and pink clay is responsible for a number of important functions:

    • cell nutrition;
    • oxygen saturation;
    • elimination of burning sensation and itching;
    • maintaining the level of elastin proteins.

    Pink clay is not found in its pure form. This is a mixture of red and white breed. Beauticians use pink clay for sensitive skin. It gently and delicately affects the dermis. Effectively fights irritations, enlarged pores and fine lines. Often the product is used for the purpose of rejuvenation.

    Red clay is of volcanic origin. It is rich in magnesium, copper, silicon and iron. Beneficial effect on problem skin. Effectively fights oily sheen and comedones.


    The face is the most vulnerable place for pollution. From environmental influences, daily makeup and the habit of touching hands, pores quickly become clogged, inflammation and peeling appear. White clay deeply cleanses the skin, prevents the growth of bacteria, makes the dermis supple and elastic. It is suitable for sensitive and dry skin. Effectively fights age spots, evens out complexion, smoothes fine wrinkles.

    Masks, which include white clay, are used 1-2 times a week. They are applied for the prevention, maintenance of health and purity of the epidermis.

    For nourishment, which is especially needed by sensitive skin, a mask with the addition of honey is excellent. It is prepared as follows:

    • for 1 st. l. clay put 1 tsp. liquid honey;
    • add boiled water;
    • mix the ingredients until a homogeneous mass is formed.

    The mask is kept on the face for 30 minutes. Then wash off with warm water. The treatment is completed by applying a face cream.


    Thanks to absorbents, the yellow variety is widely used to cleanse the skin of harmful toxins. It has a tightening effect, well nourishes the cells of the dermis. Yellow clay contains useful elements: iron, potassium, zinc, manganese, sodium and chromium.

    To effectively smooth the relief of the face and maintain a healthy appearance of the skin, it is recommended to use a cucumber-clay mask. It consists of:

    • 1 fresh cucumber;
    • 1 yolk;
    • 2–3 tbsp. l. milk;
    • 2 tbsp. l. clay.

    Make a puree from the cucumber, add the yolk and milk to it. The composition is mixed until a homogeneous mass, put the clay.

    The mask is applied to the face. Leave for 10 minutes. After that, wash off with warm water. A moisturizer is applied to the face.

    The mask effectively nourishes and cleanses the skin, and the cream gives it the necessary portion of moisture. It is recommended to apply the composition 2-3 times a week. With such a frequency, the result will be an even complexion, clean and elastic skin.


    Designed to solve problems that arise in people with oily and combination types of epidermis. It has an absorbent effect, cleanses impurities, mattifies, makes the skin smoother and more elastic.

    Blue clay is the most effective of all types. It has a unique chemical composition, contains mineral salts and trace elements. Due to its absorbent properties, it can often be found in cosmetic products. Such care products smooth wrinkles well, cleanse and soften dead skin cells of the dermis.

    After exposure to formulations containing blue clay, the skin may turn slightly red. This is a normal reaction. An exception is individual intolerance to the product. With a sharp deterioration in well-being, burning and other unpleasant sensations, the clay must be washed off immediately. Such an allergic reaction requires a medical examination.


    It is not widely used in home care due to the fact that it is mined from the depths of the sea. More suitable for mature skin, helps to cope with wilting and deep wrinkles. To maintain the optimal amount of moisture and smooth wrinkles, a simple mask with dairy products is suitable. It consists of:

    • 1 st. l. clay;
    • 4–5 st. l. milk;
    • 1 st. l. sour cream.

    Clay should be mixed with milk to a thick consistency, add sour cream. The mask is kept on the face for 10 minutes. It is advisable to wash with warm boiled water.

    Marine clay is suitable for any type of dermis, despite the fact that it is used more often for aging skin. It does not cause allergic reactions, effectively fights impurities and age spots, tightens pores, relieves inflammation.


    Magnesium and potassium, which are part of black clay, have a good effect on blood circulation, improve metabolism, and cleanse harmful toxins. Cosmetic formulations containing it are suitable for dry and oily skin.

    For problematic epidermis, it is recommended to use a clay mask with the addition of aloe juice. Black breed narrows enlarged pores, prevents the appearance of acne, absorbs excess sebum. Aloe relieves inflammation, reduces traces of scars and scars after acne. For deeper penetration of nutrients, it is advisable to steam the face before applying the mask.

    A mask with the addition of rosehip broth and avocado or jojoba oil is effective against acne. In 100 grams of black clay pour 6–7 tbsp. l. decoction (to get the consistency of sour cream). Add 5-6 drops of oil to the mask. Keep on the face for 15-20 minutes.

    After the procedure, it is advisable to wipe the face with lavender or cucumber lotion. The result of such a mask is immediately visible: redness becomes less noticeable.

    Features of the use of clay for oily and combination skin

    Oily skin needs care all year round. A face with this type of epidermis always has a shine due to excessive sebum production.

    Increased oiliness of the skin is the result of hormonal or hereditary factors. Such a dermis constantly needs cleansing. Pollution can clog pores and cause acne.

    Clay has a drying property, so it is the best way to combat oily sheen. In addition to the matting effect, clay has other advantages:

    • cleanses from impurities;
    • exfoliates dead cells;
    • regulates the work of the sebaceous glands;
    • prevents the appearance of rashes and redness;
    • narrows pores;
    • saturates skin cells with useful substances.

    The use of a certain type of clay depends on the problem that needs to be solved. The white, green and pink varieties have a drying effect. Clay yellow, red and blue will help to cope with inflammation and rashes on the face.

    A feature of the combined type of facial skin is the appearance of oily sheen in the T-zone and dryness in the cheek area. Care for a mixed dermis requires a specific approach, not all cosmetics can be used.

    Girls with combination skin often face problems such as:

    • peeling and dryness in the cheek area;
    • oily sheen in the T-zone (nose, forehead, chin);
    • pore pollution;
    • skin laxity.

    Clay is a natural product, it is able to regulate the sebaceous glands and moisturize the epidermis.

    Beauticians recommend using white, blue and green clay. Each of the varieties has valuable trace elements that draw harmful toxins from the skin, deeply cleanse, relieve inflammation and dry out oily areas.

    Clay for dry skin - which is better?

    Girls with dry skin know what wilting, lack of moisture and hypersensitivity are. To solve these problems, cosmetologists advise using pink, red and gray clay. It is these 3 varieties that contain elements that protect the skin from environmental influences, whiten age spots, moisturize, nourish, restore elasticity and a healthy appearance.

    Dry skin is prone to premature aging, so clay masks are very important to include in facial care. Well smoothes wrinkles, tones and increases elasticity pink variety.

    To prepare a rejuvenating mask you will need:

    • 5 drops of Aevit;
    • pink clay;
    • water.

    First, clay is mixed with water, and then a vitamin complex is added. The resulting mask is kept on the face for no more than 15 minutes. Already after the first application, the skin receives a portion of useful vitamins and minerals. With constant care, fine wrinkles become less noticeable, the color evens out.

    You can use clay for the face both in its pure form and as part of cosmetics. In the first case, the epidermis receives more beneficial trace elements. Homemade masks are the most affordable and effective way to improve your skin.

Gray clay is the rarest of all types of clay, but no less useful. The healing effects of this substance will help to preserve beauty and youth for a long time.

Beneficial features

Gray clay is rich in useful minerals and trace elements, here are its main components:

  1. Iron;
  2. Magnesium;
  3. Quartz;
  4. Strontium;
  5. Calcium.

This type of clay is able to renew skin cells, restore their structure after injuries and other damage. It is successfully used in cosmetology as a rejuvenating agent.

Application at home

Face masks

Gray clay is ideal for dry and mature skin care. Regular use of this substance will affect your appearance as follows:

  • The skin will become elastic and elastic;
  • Small wrinkles are smoothed out;
  • The pores are narrowed;
  • The complexion will improve.

Mask preparation

Gray clay can be diluted with both water and milk. For dry skin types, you can add a little honey to the mask mixture. The clay mass should be homogeneous and have the density of sour cream.


On clean face skin, apply a clay mask with a layer of 2-3 mm, do not touch the area around the eyes. For uniform drying of the clay, exclude facial expressions.

Rinse off the mask 15-20 minutes after application, use a nourishing or anti-aging cream.

Hair masks

Gray clay is used to moisturize and restore the structure of weakened hair. Regular use of cosmetic clay will take care of the hair in the following ways:

  • Returns lost shine;
  • Get rid of the section of the tips;
  • Stop hair loss;
  • Eliminates scalp flaking and dandruff.

Mask preparation

Mineral or distilled water is best for diluting clay powder. As an additional supplement, you can use eucalyptus or tea tree essential oil, but not more than 5 drops.


The mixture for the mask should be evenly applied to the entire length of the hair and lightly rubbed into the scalp. To prevent drying out, wrap your hair with plastic wrap and then with a natural cloth.

The mask is kept on the hair for no more than 30 minutes, after which the hair is washed with shampoo. Since clay gives the hair some rigidity, it is advisable to use a special balm.

To eliminate dryness and brittle hair, the mask is used 1 time per week, to combat dandruff 1 time in 3 days.

Baths with gray clay

Gray clay is usually added to the bath to tighten and soften the skin. Regular intake of wellness baths will give the following results:

  • The skin will become more elastic;
  • Dryness, peeling will disappear;
  • Small wrinkles are smoothed out;
  • Accelerated healing of skin lesions;
  • Skin color will improve.

bath preparation

Fill the bath with warm water, dissolve 200-250 grams of clay powder in it. If the skin is severely dry or cracked, 1 cup of baking soda, sea salt, or cornstarch can be used as an additive.


You can take a bath with cosmetic clay for 30 to 60 minutes, then it is advisable to use a nourishing body cream.

Gray clay gently affects the skin, the effect of it lasts for a long time. The next bath will be possible in 5-7 days.

body wrap

Wrapping with gray clay is a very effective remedy for strengthening and rejuvenating the skin. This procedure is especially suitable for older ladies and those people who have lost weight dramatically and need a skin tightening.

Results that can be achieved with this procedure:

  • Skin rejuvenation;
  • Elimination of stretch marks;
  • Softening dry skin;
  • Solving dermatological problems.

Preparing the mixture

Dilute the clay powder with mineral or distilled water to the consistency of sour cream. For mature skin, fresh milk, preferably goat milk, is better than water.


Apply the clay mixture to the areas of skin in need with a layer of 3-4 mm. To prevent the clay from drying out faster than necessary, wrap it with 2-3 layers of cling film, then wrap it with a towel or a warm blanket.

The clay mask is kept on the body for no more than 40 minutes, after which it is washed off with warm water. A nourishing or anti-aging cream will help consolidate success.

After 5-7 days, the procedure can be repeated.

Hidden in the depths of the seabed, gray facial clay has unique properties. In cosmetology, this valuable powder is part of anti-aging masks and creams. Regular use eliminates puffiness, age-related and mimic wrinkles, refreshes and tones. The natural preservative is also suitable for facial care of sensitive, thin epidermis. The origin of the natural remedy allows you to saturate the cells with minerals, strengthen the facial vessels.

The benefits of gray clay for the skin

  1. Cleansing and nourishing the skin;
  2. Narrowing of pores;
  3. Improvements in the structure and complexion;
  4. Whitening pigmentation;
  5. Fight against age-related flabbiness;
  6. Treatment of acne, blackheads, purulent pustules;
  7. Removal of oxidants and toxins.

The composition of the cosmetic powder contains:

  • iron;
  • potassium;
  • calcium;
  • magnesium;
  • zinc.

Indications - age-related, dehydrated, dry, oily, problematic, porous skin, the presence of acne, peeling. Contraindications - individual intolerance. Very rarely, gray clay causes an allergic reaction, for the safe use of the composition, it is still worth testing it beforehand.

Gray clay face mask recipes

The delicate structure of gray clay is ideal for skin in cleansing and rejuvenating formulations. A natural remedy is effective for both the care of young and mature dermis. Harm is excluded even for sensitive, prone to allergic manifestations of the epidermis. Sea clay does not clog pores, improves oxygen respiration.

Important advice from the editor

If you want to improve the condition of your hair, you should pay special attention to the shampoos you use. A frightening figure - in 97% of shampoos of famous brands there are substances that poison our body. The main components, because of which all the troubles on the labels are indicated as sodium lauryl sulfate, sodium laureth sulfate, coco sulfate. These chemicals destroy the structure of the curls, the hair becomes brittle, loses elasticity and strength, and the color fades. But the worst thing is that this muck gets into the liver, heart, lungs, accumulates in the organs and can cause cancer. We advise you to refrain from using products containing these substances. Recently, the experts of our editorial staff conducted an analysis of sulfate-free shampoos, where the first place was taken by funds from the company Mulsan Сosmetic. The only manufacturer of completely natural cosmetics. All products are manufactured under strict quality control and certification systems. We recommend visiting the official online store If you doubt the naturalness of your cosmetics, check the expiration date, it should not exceed one year of storage.

Anti-wrinkle gray clay mask

Result: stimulates the activation of metabolism in cells, provides a long-lasting effect of rejuvenation clay mask. The mineral-rich composition contributes to the correction of the oval, improving facial symmetry.


  • 15 gr. gray clay;

Preparation and method of application: after removing the skin from the avocado, prepare puree on a blender, combine with cosmetic powder. Spread in a 2 mm thick layer on pre-steamed skin. Wash your face after forty minutes from the start of the anti-aging treatment.

Gray clay mask for acne

Result: cleans and neutralizes inflammation recipe with gray clay and tea tree oil. Effective for oily, problematic and porous skin.


  • 10 gr. gray clay;
  • 3-5 drops of tea tree essential oil;
  • 5 gr. calendula flowers.

Preparation and method of application: chop dry marigolds, add gray powder and antiseptic oil. If there are no pustules, steam the epidermis with a herbal compress, distribute the medicinal composition with a spatula. After ten minutes, you can wash your face with concentrated hibiscus infusion.

Mask for dry skin

Result: Stimulate increased secretion of glands, provide vitamins, acid-rich skin care recipes. Peelings pass, elasticity and turgor are restored.


  • Art. spoon of gray clay;
  • a teaspoon of cocoa;
  • a teaspoon of borage oil.

Preparation and method of application: after mixing the dry powders separately, add a little thyme decoction and African oil. Apply with smoothing symmetrical movements along the massage lines. The duration of the procedure is twenty / thirty minutes. Finish by washing with infusion of pomegranate peels.

Purifying mask

Result: cleansing natural recipes whiten, tighten pores, soothe inflammation, remove purulent formations. It is worth applying the procedure no more than three times a month to prevent the appearance of wrinkles and photopigments.


  • 10 gr. gray clay;
  • activated charcoal tablet;
  • essential oil of sage.

Preparation and method of application: after diluting the sorbent with warm decoction, add gray clay and medicinal oil. Steam the skin tissues with a compress for three minutes, apply a cleansing composition with rubbing movements. Wait ten / twelve minutes, wash with water with grapefruit ether.

Moisturizing mask

Result: an effective lifting mask for saturating with vitamins, mineral elements, restoring the oval line. For dehydrated dry epidermis, conduct at least five / seven sessions.


  • 10 gr. gray clay;
  • 15 gr. cream;
  • 5 ml retinol.

Preparation and method of application: add classic cream and regenerating vitamin to cosmetic clay. After removing makeup, spread evenly with a spatula, starting from the chin with smooth upward movements. After resting for a quarter of an hour, finish washing with plantain infusion.

Nourishing mask

Result: restore cell membranes, prevent the appearance of wrinkles, smooth out existing gray clay masks. After 40, it is worth carrying out caring procedures two / four times a month.


  • 1 st. spoon of gray clay;
  • a teaspoon of coconut oil;

Preparation and method of application: add gray powder and a chilled egg to the melted fragrant oil. For uniformity, beat the composition with a mixer, apply with a plastic spoon, with light driving movements. After twenty minutes of action, you need to wash off with linden tea.

Video recipe: Using gray clay for facial skin at home