Helping women in a difficult life situation. Psychological assistance to women in a difficult life situation

President of the Volunteer Foundation to help children-orphans, Elena Alshanskaya talks about the 5 most famous crisis centers where a woman can come with a child, stay to live and get help.

"Teply House", Moscow

Temporary stay center for mothers with children "Warm House" Foundation "Volunteers to help children-orphan children" is open in 2011 and is intended for young mothers with newborn children, which due to the lack of housing, work and support of relatives were on the verge of refusing their own Child. The center cooperates with several hospitals, and in the case of the intended refusal, a psychologist goes there, who helps a woman to accept an informed and weighted decision. If my mother refuses a child because she has nowhere to go with him, she is offered to temporarily live in a "warm house". In the center of the mother can, not separating with the children, calmly assess the situation, strengthen and, having received the help of specialists, return to normal life together with the kids. Women living in the "warm house", based on an individual rehabilitation plan, receive comprehensive socio-legal and medical and psychological assistance, useful knowledge and skills. We know - every third mother who refuses his child can change its decision if she is to help it in time.

At the same time, 6 women with children can live in the shelter. During operation, the project helped 58 moms and 64 children save the family.

"Aistenok", Ekaterinburg

Sverdlovsk Regional Public Organization for Families to Families with children in a difficult life situation "Aistenok" has opened a crisis apartment for women with children in 2005 and can take 5 families at the same time. They are taken on the basis of interviews with a psychologist and a social worker, and each situation is considered individually. Customers "Aistenca" receive assistance to a psychologist and lawyer, can use the services of a social warehouse and day stay groups for kids, as well as participate in the "Moms and Kid" groups. The stay is limited to one year, but after exiting the crisis apartment, all this assistance continues if a family is needed.

Specialists "Aistenca" work a lot in related fields: they are engaged in prevention of failures from newborns, support for children of victims, develop a professional network of psychologists in the women's consultations. "Aistenok" often uses the help of volunteers, some of which are their successful "graduates."

Maternity protection center "Pokrov", Penza

The center for the protection of motherhood "Pokrov" is open in the summer of 2014. There are an average of about 5 families - Moms with children of different ages, pregnant women. Stay in the shelter on average until six months. During this time, it is possible to solve the problems of women and normalize the situation. A psychologist is working with mothers, there is legal support, the Foundation provides things, foods, food. Woman has the opportunity to learn professions. The center has a sewing workshop, hairdresser, manicure, visiting. The goal is to give a fishing rod to mom so that it can continue to earn a living in the future and did not need support. After the release, the family is supervised if necessary, there are broad and product, legal, psychological assistance, employment assistance. On the shelter, the project "Made by Mom" \u200b\u200bworks - volunteers help the hospital ward in teaching children. A spiritual mentor comes to the shelter and conducts conversations. About 40 mothers in two years have passed through the center.

"Regional Crisis Center for Women", Barnaul

The regional state budgetary institution of social services "Regional Crisis Center for Women" opened in 2004. The goal of the Center was initially the help of women victims of domestic violence, but this problem was closely connected with the "parent-child" subject. With the crisis center, a hotline has been created for women, as well as the all-Russian children's confidence telephone.

To get to the center, you need to present documents of the mother and child, as well as a certificate of the absence of socially hazardous diseases - these are general rules for all public hospitals. The center, designed for 16 seats, takes both adult women in a difficult situation and the most young mothers. There they live up to 3 months, receiving the help of psychologists, lawyers, social teachers and doctors. Further accompaniment occurs according to an individual plan - in the center there are advisory offices for "external" clients.

Interestingly, in the Altai Territory, another one is still unusual for our country a crisis center - KGUSO "Regional Crisis Center for Men".

Smolensk House for Mom, Smolensk

Regional Orthodox Family Protection Center, Motherhood and Childhood

In 2017, more than 5,000 women in Russia refused their newborn children. On average, in Russia, the number of failures from newborns is gradually decreasing. However, not in all regions of Russia, work on the prevention of social orphanhood is built systemically. Our ten-year experience in the prevention of social orproofing helped to identify a number of systemic problems that can lead to a child failure in the maternity hospital or, even if the refusal was able to prevent, to the departure of the state in the future: 1. Lack of built communication between doctors and specialists from other helping professions. Not in every hospital work a psychologist or social worker. Even after the successful prevention of the child's abandonment, the family requires further support for the walls of the maternity hospital. 2. Lack of system of social rehabilitation mothers. Often, the social disadaptation of a woman leads to the situation of abandonment of the child: the gap of the relationships, the lack of education and profession, the shortage of social skills, including the skills of planning their lives. Helping social protection bodies are currently built as a separate service set. Exclusion makes it difficult to the process of rehabilitation of the client and complicates the appeal itself for help - not all customers are aware of which services they need, do not own social skills for referring to them, etc. 3. Lack of social housing. The most vulnerable group of mothers in a difficult life situation is women actually having housing (lost it because of the low level of legal literacy; victims of chronic domestic violence, etc.). Among them in the Moscow region many citizens of the Russian Federation, who came from other regions of our country. However, access to government crisis centers for women is determined by the presence of permanent (in Moscow) or temporary (in MO) registration. In addition to crisis centers (2 in Moscow and 3 in the Moscow region), there are no other social services providing mothers without housing the roof above their heads. While public services do not cope with the decision of the above problems, the need to participate non-state charitable organizations in the help of socially unprotected groups of the population is obvious. The answer to the above problems was our project "Warmhouse", which started in January 2011 and actively cooperating with several hospitals of Moscow and the Moscow region. A warm house is a temporary residence center for women who have nowhere to get out of the maternity hospital with a newborn child due to the lack of housing or unfortunate him for life. Women living in the "warm house", based on an individual rehabilitation plan, receive comprehensive socio-legal and medical and psychological assistance, useful knowledge and skills. We have already helped 77 women who have nowhere to walk with a newborn baby. As a result, 85 children remained in their native family. Currently, for the project implementation, the Fund rent a private house in Pushkino, designed for 6 seats (6 mothers with children), in 2019 we plan to assist 18 women.

Crisis centers provide assistance in various forms. One of them is a confidence telephone line. The goal of telephone contact is to listen, understand the problem, support victims, determine the type of need for the necessary assistance and organize, if necessary, consultation. By phone trust, you can get detailed information about the place and mode of work of specialists and other data. The trust line has a large emotional significance, therefore, all the employees must be prepared according to the principles of consulting, as well as to study the problem on which the center works (for example, domestic violence, sexual violence, violence against children, etc.).
The second form of the work of the Crisis Center is a full-time counseling by specialists in a particular field (psychologists, doctors, teachers, lawyers). The third form is group classes (psychotherapy) and mutual support groups.
There is also a form of assistance as "shelters" - a wide network of special shelters for victims of domestic violence. Here, if an intolerant situation has been created in the family, a woman can hide with children. For example, in the United States, the activities of "Shellets" are one of the independent specialized programs for helping victims of violence. As a rule, it is far away from the city center, small cozy buildings whose address holds in the Secret. The mode is free here, some women even continue to work during the stay in Shelet-Re. Everything is built on the principles of self-service; Women are provided with free nutrition and medical help. The average fill in the shelters is 30-50 people, and the duration of staying in them is from 2 to 5 weeks. One of the main tasks of employees of the victim service services is psychological rehabilitation and legal assistance; It is explained in detail by the rights of a woman and a child, and in cases of the inevitability of the divorce, practical assistance is provided.
The movement for the creation of municipal and social crisis centers today has developed in various regions of the Russian Federation. Crisis Centers are valid not only in Moscow and St. Petersburg, but also in Astrakhan, Arzamas, Barnaul, Voronezh, Yekaterinburg, Irkutsk, Langepas (Tyumen region), Murmansk, Nizhny Tagil, Nizhny Novgorod, Novgorod, Petrozavodsk and Moscow region.
Regional crisis centers of their experiences prove the need to create special centers throughout the country, their effectiveness when assisting that fell into trouble.

Municipal organizations. Crisis Service for Women, Langepas Tyumen Region

The initiative to create this service belonged to the city administration, on behalf of whom the municipal institution "Center for Family" was opposed. Its funding is carried out by the urban budget. A few years ago, a 35-thousand city of oil workers, where young families who came to work mainly live, shocked cruel crimes committed by husbands regarding their wives. In one case, her husband hung his wife to which mental and physical violence was constantly used. In another case, the husband shot his wife in front of the children, dismembered her corpse and forced the children (the older was 12 years old) to help hide the remains of pipes and dwarves. From the roof of the ninth floor of a residential building, a young woman rushed, who did not know how to stop the beatings and threats in the family.
The information obtained in the internal affairs bodies of the city of Langepas showed that every day three or four women necessarily see the police asking them to protect them from domestic violence. In addition, social services have sufficient information that there are dysfunctional families in the city, where women with children are often subject to violence from husbands, there are families where the relationship between husband and wife, children and old men are not being developed.
Thanks to the initiative of the bottom and responsiveness of the mayor in 1997, a municipal crisis center was created in Langepas. It includes two services - a telephone and refuge telephone for women who survived homemade violence. In the shelter (this is a cozy five-bedroom apartment, the address of which is not reported to the security of victims of violence and shelter personnel) at the same time they can hide seven people from family adversity. Women here created all the necessary conditions for living. They are issued daily product kits, there is a perfectly equipped kitchen, where, if you wish, you can always cook something yourself.
The maximum stay was increased from seven days to fourteen, since one week is clearly not enough to solve the conflict. In some cases, the stay can be extended. For example, an elderly woman, from which children refused, was in the center before determining it in a nursing home. Day Woman may be in shelter anonymously. If you wish to stay for a longer period, it is obliged to report yourself information certifying its identity and the reason for which it cannot be in the family.
One of the directions of the crisis center is the preparation and distribution of brochures "Personal Safety of Women and Girls". Especially for lectures in the internal affairs bodies, the Center employees made a memo for the policeman "What to do if a woman who survived violence was addressed to you.
The main assistance to women provide social workers and psychologists of the crisis center. Sometimes, if necessary, the health care workers, education and employees of the internal affairs bodies are involved. An essential disadvantage of the Center, according to his head of Irina Alexandrovna Milanovich, is the lack of a lawyer and the impossibility of providing qualified legal assistance. The next step in improving the activities of the Crisis Center will attract lawyers and the creation of specialized free legal advice in it.
We give the statistics of appeals for help in the crisis service of Langepas in nine months of 1997, 136 people appealed (for 35,000 inhabitants), of which 74% are women and children, 26% - adolescents. (Two times the center turned into a man who was presented to the measure and opportunities, but this information was not included in the statistics.) Appeals for physical violence amounted to 24%, sexual violence - 2%, Economic violence - 21%, mental violence - 53%. At the same time, 68% of appeals followed immediately after committing violence. For violences were: other people's people - in 11% of cases familiar - in 19%, relatives - in 70% of cases. The violent actions were carried out constantly for a long time in 76% of cases. The nature of the injured: mental injuries - 78%, physical damage - 22%. 14% of women officially applied to the internal affairs bodies. The case was brought to a trial of 3% of women (without considering cases of murder and grave injuries). Support for victims provided: relatives - 11% of cases, friends, public and government organizations - in 60% of cases. The time spent in the shelter: one day - 41% of those who applied, 7 days - 27%, 14 days - 20%, more than 14 days - 12% applied.
Without conducting a deep analysis of these statistical data, you can immediately say:
- most often violent actions apply to women and children;
- Mental and physical violence are the most common;
- Most often, the relatives are the rapists, and not other people, that is, violence occurs in the family;
- in the overwhelming majority of cases violence not a single act, but a repeated phenomenon;
- Women, as a rule, are not aspored by the police, but are looking for support and help from friends (but not relatives) or in special organizations;
- The optimal period of staying in the shelter, as a rule, hesitates from 7 to 14 days.
A small, but indicative example of the activities of the crisis center in Langepas gives significant information about the spread of such a phenomenon as domestic violence, and allows, already relying on the facts, confirms the thesis that the domestic violence is not a myth, but a reality, and that this is a social The problem requiring immediate response from state and public organizations.