Cat breeds: Siberian cat. Rich variety of colors of Siberian cats

The Siberian cat is a long-haired cat breed, one of the most popular breeds in Russia. Representatives of this breed are distinguished by thick hair that does not allow moisture to pass through and a long fluffy tail. There is a version that the breed came about as a result of crossing wild cats that once lived in the Trans-Urals and domestic ones brought by settlers. Indeed, the Siberian cat has obvious predatory traits and an independent character, although they show affection and sensitivity to the owners.

Historical background

The first information about cats resembling in their appearance modern representatives of the described breed dates back to the 16th century. At that time they were called "Bukhara", and they were distributed mainly in the European part of Russia. It is not known when exactly Bukhara cats settled in the Siberian region.

Perhaps this happened during the expansion of Russian settlers, who brought domestic animals with them to the settlements to fight rodents. There is a version that Bukhara cats arrived in Siberia with merchants who came from Central Asian countries. Cat experts believe that Angora, Persian and Siberian cats have common ancestors.

The coat of the Siberian cat is long, thick and soft. This breed can be called large - the weight of its adult representative can reach 6-12 kg. The chic collar gives Siberian seals a certain resemblance to the Persians.

The ancestors of the Siberian cat, as experts suggest, lived in the Trans-Urals. Powerful paws with a down fur and a large fluffy tail are what the modern Siberian breed inherited from its wild predecessors.

The breed considered on this page was formed in rather harsh climatic conditions on the territory of the Urals and Siberia. Siberian weather (abundant snow, winds, severe frosts and other climatic factors) contributed to the appearance of thick, long, dense wool in animals, as well as a warm undercoat that protects against heat loss. It is possible that wild forest cats, which penetrated the territory of Siberia from the European part of Russia, played a certain role in the formation of the breed. Crossing these two feline breeds produced stable and robust offspring. Thus, the Siberian breed is a successful combination of east and west.

Exterior (external data)

In general, the Siberian cat is a large (sometimes medium) animal. The external description of a typical "Siberian" may resemble the description of the "Persians", however, the latter have a different characteristic of wool and undercoat. The Siberian cat is a strong and powerful animal, whose body leaves an impression of harmonious roundness and smoothness.

The Siberian cat is a real hunter. Nature has endowed her with a keen sense of smell, speed and developed hunting instincts. In an apartment, such a pet definitely needs scratching posts and corners with imitation of wildlife

Cats and cats mature slowly and reach full maturity only by the age of 5 years. Females are slightly smaller than males, which should be taken into account when determining compliance with the breed standard for young animals. The weight of cats is 6-9 kg, of cats - 4-7 kg.


The Siberian breed has the following exterior characteristics:

  • The body is of medium length, strong and muscular;
  • The back is just above the shoulders;
  • The abdomen is firm, barrel-shaped, giving the impression of a significant mass (takes shape with age);
  • Strong legs of medium length, with massive bones, while the hind legs are longer than the front;
  • Paws are round and large - pubescence is obligatory between the toes;
  • A tail wide at the base, courageous towards the tip;
  • Strong bone with solid and powerful muscles.


The shape of the head is trapezoidal, with rounded contours, large in size, in harmony with the body. In the upper part of the skull, the head is slightly wider - it narrows slightly as it transitions to a rounded muzzle. The ears are large, slightly rounded and protruding forward. The pubescence becomes denser from about the middle of the ears. The standard description of the breed assumes the presence of tassels on the tips of the ears.

The tough Siberian character of this breed is fully consistent with the harsh appearance. The "Siberian" pet will be faithful and attached to only one owner, and may not even notice the rest of the household

A true representative of the Siberian breed has one attractive feature - its coat is hypoallergenic. This allows even the owner with severe allergies to enjoy the Siberian pet.

The Siberian cat has large round eyes, the outer corner of which is slightly inclined towards the base of the ear. The distance between the eyes is greater than the width of the eye. Eye color is not associated with coat color. The chin is rounded, but not protruding, coinciding with the nose. The muzzle itself is rather short, rounded, the top of the head is almost flat. If you look at the muzzle in profile, you can see a depression in the line of the nose. The neck is strong and powerful.

Wool and variants of its color

The coat of the Siberian women is long, with a double undercoat. The hair on the shoulder blades and the lower part of the chest is shorter and thicker. Head framing is abundant and tough; adults have a tight-fitting undercoat that thickens in winter. The texture of the coat ranges from coarse to very soft in accordance with the color. According to the standards, all traditional colors are acceptable for cats of this breed, except for silver, smoky, purple, chocolate. The most common Siberian marbled and Siberian white cats.

Popular color options can be as follows:

  • Nevsky Masquerade;
  • Black brindle;
  • Marble;
  • Black spotted;
  • Striped;
  • Gold;
  • Red;
  • White.

Thanks to their long hair, cats of the Siberian breed tolerate winter cold well and love to walk in snowy areas. The best option for these animals would be a country house - here the hunting character of cats will find excellent use.

The beautiful coat of Siberian cats requires almost no maintenance. It does not get wet, does not fade and remains thick and shiny under normal conditions, without much effort of the owner

Siberian white cat, according to the standards, should not have foreign color spots. If these cats have blue eyes (recessive gene), this trait is often associated with congenital genetic deafness (linked inheritance).

Character traits

The Siberian cat is a kind of cultural heritage of Russia. There are not so many Russian aboriginal cat breeds in the world - and the "Siberian" rightfully occupies a leading position among them. These cats were the heroes of Russian folk tales, they were mentioned in the poems of the great Russian poets. The Siberian cat breed is, first of all, an unpretentious and even character.

Selection of the Siberian breed gave us a wide variety of fur colors of these seals. But the pristine colors can be found quite rarely. The natural color is the one that disguises the animal during the hunt.

This is a born predator and hunter: even the tassels on its ears resemble lynxes. She has a freedom-loving character feels good in the open: therefore, animals living in apartments need walks at least a couple of times a week. In farms and private houses, representatives of this breed will be excellent defenders against rodents, moles and other small pests.

Siberian cats are not only beautiful but also very characteristic. To win the favor of such a pet, you need to treat him with respect, without raising his tone. Punishment and screaming are not a method to tame this beast

The character of these cats and cats is close, rather, to the dog. They have an extremely developed sense of their own territory and home. Any emerging dangers, including natural ones, as well as suspicious circumstances, these cats will try to immediately inform their owners.

These animals value independence and immediately achieve certainty in any relationship with people. Treating "Siberians" like cute toys is unlikely to work - these freedom-loving cats do not have such a character. But the Siberian cat is always devoted to its owners. The character of these cats also includes such qualities as constancy and conservatism in habits.


The independent and proud nature of cats, as well as unpretentious disposition, make these animals good companions. The Siberian breed does not require any special nutrition, however, the diet should contain all the necessary components for a full-fledged life and an active lifestyle.

The following products are accepted:

  • Finely chopped beef (veined);
  • Young lamb;
  • Rabbit meat;
  • Chicken;
  • Beef offal (boiled and chopped).

Experts advise feeding Siberians up to 3 years of age with food, which consists of 2/3 of meat products. This will help maintain the cats' predatory nature.

Caring for cats of this breed

The fur of these pets requires special care - it must be combed out. Owners will need a special set of scallops of different densities for long hair. Similar hair care products can be purchased at any pet store. It is necessary to accustom kittens to regular combing from an early age in order to develop a loyal attitude to this procedure.

The pretty face of the Siberian cat does not at all speak of her affectionate disposition. A pet of this Russian breed is unlikely to purr on your lap and rub against your feet

The charm of the Siberian breed is given by dark tassels on the large ears. The very head of the Siberian cat is round and large, in harmony with its body. But the most real decoration of the breed is a gorgeous fluffy tail.

The Siberian cat loves to bask in the sun in the warm season, however, it should not be allowed to do this for too long - the coat may fade unevenly and undergo thinning. As for water procedures, they should be carried out at least once every six months.

It is not necessary for them to cut their claws - they themselves will figure out their length with the help of a scratching post. Ear brushing should be a regular routine known to every cat and every cat since childhood. The nature of these animals is such that it will be problematic to accustom them to hygienic procedures in a sexually mature state. Accumulations of sulfur and dirt should be removed with a cotton swab after soaking it with vaseline oil.

The appearance of these cats is reminiscent of folk tales and legends. And this is natural, because the Siberian cat is a primordially Russian aboriginal breed, spontaneously formed on the territory of present-day Siberia. Looking at the Siberian cat, one can easily imagine his ancestors - wild forest cats, from which he inherited a powerful physique and tassels on the ears.

Siberian cats as a breed are one of the first achievements of Russian felinology. However, they started to isolate signs rather late. Before that, the long-haired Siberian cat had been forming independently for a long time, almost without interference from the outside.

Written mentions of Siberian cats begin with descriptions of the 16th century. True, these cats for some reason were then called Bukhara. Modern experts hypothesize that they were brought to Siberia by settlers and merchants to fight the ubiquitous mice and rats. Long hair suggests that Siberian cats, Angora and Persians have the same blood and similar genes.

Under the influence of frosty winters, the density of the undercoat changed: the cover became thicker, which helped to hunt in any weather. Wild forest cats also contributed to the formation of the phenotype, which made Siberian cats good hunters and left a certain imprint on their appearance.

A good hunting instinct makes the Siberian cat an excellent hunter and even a watchman. In some chronicles from monasteries, cats are mentioned, similar in description to Siberians, who carried out a guard duty on the walls and guarded the monks' supplies from rodent raids.

The identification of breed traits began in the 80s of the last century. The first representative of the breed to meet the standard was born in 1987. After that, the Siberian cat quickly gained recognition at the international level. Along with Maine Coons and Norwegian Forest Cats, Siberian cats are an aboriginal breed.

Description of appearance

The Siberian cat belongs to the category of long-haired large breeds. The weight of an adult can reach 12 kilograms, a cat is half that. The peak of the form falls on the 4th-5th year of life. The standard description of the breed assumes the following characteristics:

  • body. The Siberian cat is a muscular animal with a powerful bone and medium body length. The shoulders are set higher than the back, the belly is not sunken, firm, with age it can give the cat "merchant significance." The rib cage and body as a whole are large, developed; limbs of medium length on neat round legs, tufts of wool are knocked out between the pads;
  • head. The skull is wedge-shaped in shape, commensurate with other parts of the body, the head is set on a short, muscular neck. The muzzle is round, short. Ears are medium, proportionally spaced, rounded at the ends. Preferably the presence of brushes on the ears and brushes inside the shells;
  • eyes. Rounded, large, set wide apart and slightly elongated towards the ears. They can be of any color, from olive to golden yellow, and do not depend on the color of the cat. The representatives of the Siberian color-points - the Neva Masquerade cat - have blue eyes. In general, the appearance of blue eyes in Siberian cats most often indicates the manifestation of genetic deafness;
  • wool almost does not absorb moisture. It is long, with a double undercoat, very dense and dense. In the "pants" zone, the cat may develop spontaneous curls, but they are not a defining characteristic of the breed. A prerequisite should be the presence of protruding tufts of wool between the toes.


Felinological associations recognize all color variants of Siberian cats in the breed standards. An exception is made for unacceptable color characteristics such as cinnamon, smoky, chocolate, purple and silver.

The absence of contrasting spots and the following coat colors are considered acceptable:

  • golden;
  • striped;
  • white;
  • red;
  • cream;
  • tortoiseshell;
  • black brindle or black spotted;
  • chinchilla;
  • marble;
  • redheads.

Recently, a new variety of the breed is gaining popularity - the Siberian color-point, or Neva Masquerade. Foreign breeders are especially fond of the Siberian blue cat due to its even and rich coat color, as well as coal-black and fiery-red Siberians with beautiful emerald eyes.

Features of character and behavior

Independence of character, willfulness and intelligence are the motto of the Siberian cat. Wild ancestors are fully manifested in it, who call the cat for adventures, spring fights and gatherings on the roofs. The Siberian cat is an excellent hunter and will not miss the opportunity to catch prey. When Sibiryak appears in the district, the owners of dovecotes need to be on their guard. In a country house, he will be a guarantee against all kinds of rodents and even more serious pests - ferrets.

The Siberian cat cannot stand familiarity in dealing with its majestic person and does not like to be squeezed like a toy. He rarely uses his voice, preferring to attract attention in other ways. At home, this is more of an outside observer than an active participant. The Siberian cat is strongly attached to the person he chooses as the main one in the family, the rest will be calmly tolerated, as well as competitors in the form of other pets. In general, the breed is non-aggressive, with a balanced and calm character, however, it will not let itself be offended.

Kittens love to play and can jump high; Siberian cats have incredible jumping ability even in adulthood.

If you are allergic to cats, feel free to get a Siberian cat - its coat is literally hypoallergenic.

The fact is that usually an allergic reaction does not develop to the coat itself, but to special antigens that are contained in the saliva of cats and, after drying, enter the air, causing an allergic reaction.

So, Siberians have very few of these antigens, so they were included in the list of hypoallergenic cats. According to the owners, they do not cause a characteristic reaction in 75% of people prone to the disease.


The Siberian cat is distinguished by truly good health. Long-term formation of the breed in harsh conditions and natural selection have led to the fact that the breed has no genetic diseases and excellent immunity. They are hardy, with a properly formed diet and timely vaccinations, they can live a long and happy life.

  • long hair and thick undercoat do not require frequent water procedures, and Siberian cats are reluctant to endure the bathing procedure. They tolerate combing out with a frequent brush much better. This is a necessary procedure, since, returning from the street, a cat can bring not only dirt and burrows, but also ticks. Therefore, the animal walking on the street is regularly combed out and examined, especially the head. If the need to bathe nevertheless arose, use a special shampoo, rinse the thick coat well and dry it so that your pet does not catch a cold;
  • Siberian cats are a completely non-flat breed. But since you've already got a kitten, be sure to organize a play area and a place where he will sharpen his claws. An adult animal needs walks, this is an absolute necessity for him;
  • be sure to monitor the condition of your eyes and ears. They are gently wiped with cotton sponges dipped in a special composition or in oil. The eyes are also rubbed with cotton swabs;
  • claws of adult cats are not cut off, as they willingly use scratching posts.

All hygienic manipulations and grooming procedures need to be taught to small kittens, adult cats are reluctant to go on various unusual adventures like bathing.

Breeding features

Siberian cats become sexually mature very early, starting from about six months of age. The female usually brings 3 to 6 kittens and continues to feed them for up to 2 months. Siberian cats are very caring and serious parents; the male can partially take care of the offspring. According to the owners, it is better when kittens are raised by both parents, since Siberian cats often form permanent pairs.


The diet of Siberian cats is made up in such a way as to feed the animal mainly with meat food (from 70% in the diet), the rest is vegetables, as well as cereals.

From meat products, preference is given to chopped raw lean beef with a high content of veins, as well as boiled chicken or rabbit. Variety can be made by adding raw turkey and boiled by-products to the diet, which should not be given more than once a week.

It is not recommended to feed excessively fatty dairy foods to adult cats. From raw fish, Siberian cats can get upset. Boiled boneless fish is acceptable as an infrequent supplement to the diet. A real hunter, she will not be able to refuse such an addition herself, so you should not offer it more often than once a week.

If you choose to feed your cat dry or canned food, choose a well-balanced, expensive food. However, even this does not guarantee a sufficient amount of vitamins and minerals, especially during the molting period. Therefore, you need to provide your cat with balanced supplements at least a couple of times a year.

Animals of extraordinary beauty with long hair and green eyes seem to have come to us from Russian folk tales and epics. They carefully preserve the family hearth, sitting on the threshold of our houses. And they will definitely become a talisman from dark dreams, bad thoughts and from ... mice.

This breed deserves to be a symbol of the Siberian winter. Indeed, what other pet can look so good against the backdrop of a snowy landscape, like a Siberian cat? This is a proud beast, full of dignity, and at the same time getting along well with people. He is loved for his luxurious coat, excellent hunting skills and natural sociability.

History of the Siberian cat

This breed is quite old, the first mention of it dates back to the 16th century. At that time, the definition of "Siberian cat" had not yet appeared, these animals were called Bukhara. In fact, how this breed appeared is still unknown. But man did not put any effort into this, the Siberian cat is a true heritage of the harsh, but beautiful northern nature. There are opinions that migrants moving to these places brought domestic cats with them, which they crossed with wild cats that lived in the Trans-Urals. In fact, it is not uncommon when, when domestic and wild animals were crossed, large offspring were obtained with much better characteristics than its relatives.

The Siberian cat remained unrecognized in world felinology for a long time, although this was absolutely undeserved. Already in 1925, for the first time, representatives of this breed came to European exhibitions. They were not accepted, believing that it was already a well-known Norwegian forest cat. Russian breeders did not despair and continued their work. Only in 1990, the Soviet Felinological Federation approved the standard for the Siberian breed. From now on, it has already been officially recognized by all European countries. She gained great popularity in Germany, where Siberians are considered exotic. Following her, fluffy beauties conquered Europe and America, where they were named the best breed in the world.


Siberian cats are large animals with a powerful and well-developed body. An adult female reaches 6 kilograms, and a cat can easily weigh twice as much. Moreover, fluffy thick wool visually increases its size. For such a large animal, appropriate limbs are needed. That is why nature has awarded him with powerful and wide paws. They have retained the trait that distinguishes wild steppe and forest cats: between their toes, tufts of wool are sure to grow, which can fall into fluffy lumps.

For those who are not closely familiar with the breed standards, it is sometimes difficult to distinguish a Siberian from a Persian cat, but in fact they are completely different. Only the presence of a characteristic "collar" around the neck and fluffy "panties" is common to them. In fact, Siberian cats are often crossed with Persians by unscrupulous breeders to get interesting color options. But in this case, the wool of the offspring is deprived of many important characteristics, which we will learn about a little later.

The Siberian's head is matched to the body, large and round. The convex forehead, low cheekbones and slightly rounded cheeks make the muzzle memorable and extremely expressive. Large round eyes complete the picture. The hair-filled ears and tassels are reminiscent of the wild ancestors of these beauties. In general, the cat in question is the embodiment of the image of Kotofei Ivanovich from Russian folk tales, he is a real Siberian, the pride and heritage of Russia.

Characteristics and standard

Now we will take a closer look at what a Siberian cat is. The characteristics of the breed were approved in 1990 and have not changed since then. They are medium sized cats, well built, strong and powerful. A wide skeleton and rounded shapes are required. Long, thin or thin-boned individuals are to be disqualified. They mature slowly and reach full maturity only by the age of 5 years, although reproductive age, on the contrary, begins very early. The head of the Siberian is wedge-shaped, large in size, with rounded contours. It should be wide at the top and taper slightly towards the chin.

The ears are of medium size, rounded, ideally slightly tilted forward. The distance between the ears should be equal to their width. This arrangement complements the "roundness" of the image. On the back of the ears, the hair is short, and from the middle, the pubescence becomes longer and covers the base. Tassels are a good sign. The eyes of cats are large and round, usually green. The chin is round, the muzzle is short, full and round.

The body should be muscular and strong, this is the whole Siberian cat. The breed characteristic states that the cat is born with a strong bone and needs enough physical activity to develop the appropriate muscles. Feet should be wide and rounded with tufts of hair between the toes. The tail is of medium length, wide, strong and fluffy. It is usually half the length of the body.

Features of the Siberian cat

This is mainly her unique coat. It is not only luxurious and attractive, but also does not cause reactions even for the most sensitive allergy sufferers.

The wool of animals should be special, because its task is to perfectly protect from the severe Siberian frost in winter and prevent overheating of the body in summer. To meet these requirements, the coat is layered. The lower layer adjacent to the skin is very thick and dense. On top of it is a long, coarse coat. It has another amazing feature: it gets wet badly and does not require any special care. Even without washing and brushing, it will not lose its luxurious appearance and excellent protective properties.

Existing colors

Surely you have seen what a Siberian cat is. Photos of fluffy handsome men are constantly published in magazines. Today there are many variations of the color of these cats, and all of them have appeared as a result of selection. None of them can be found in the natural environment. Everything should be functional here, the natural color of Siberians is the one that helped them to survive, to camouflage themselves in nature. It is a combination of black, gray, red and white shades. This color is the calling card of the Siberian, but, unfortunately, it is not popular. If there is an exhibition in which a Siberian cat participates, the photo shows blue, red and other representatives of this breed. Although in this color it is difficult to recognize the true owner of the Siberian forest.

What other cats are there? For example, pure white, shiny. Only the nose and paw pads remain pink. Surprisingly beautiful, but too "couch" cats. Their fur will get dirty quickly, especially if the cat has access to free walks in the garden area. The opposite is the black Siberian cat. It is a coal-black animal. Even the nose and paw pads are usually black. Only the eyes of deep green or blue are highlighted.

The Siberian red cat is very popular. This color is a symbol of a kindled hearth, the sun, summer. There are several shades ranging from fiery red to pale straw. And although this is an atypical color for a Siberian, many people dream of just such a kitten. His paw pads are usually brick red. In addition, there is a registered cream color. Delicate pastel shades look elegant, the cat's nose and paws are pink in this case.

The Siberian blue cat looks very interesting. In this case, the color should be uniform throughout the body. Smoky shades of gray are acceptable. The nose and feet are also blue. These kittens are the first to understand. There is a tortoiseshell color - black with red spots. White cats with black and red spots are considered tricolor. The muted tricolor color is not so widespread - these are white cats with blue and cream spots.

Animals with wool of the same color as chinchillas look exquisite. It is a lighter color at the base of the coat and darker tips. Creates a silver effect (eg pure white wool with dark tips). So, the colors of Siberian cats can be gold, silver, smoky, tabby, brindle, marble.

Features of behavior

The characteristic of the Siberian cat describes an independent hunter who is not opposed to equal cooperation. But he will definitely demand to respect himself. Animals have inherited excellent hunting skills from forest cats, so living in an apartment can be boring for them. But in a private house, this hunter will show himself in all its glory. You will forever forget about mice and rats, and if the cat gets bored, she will catch all the rodents in the area, and also bring you a neighbor's rabbit. The animal can easily cope with prey that is larger than it.

Their character is surprisingly calm, they are independent and reserved cats. They will not constantly live on your lap, but they also do not mind pleasant interaction. Many owners note that they are somewhat similar to dogs. The same reasonable and fearless, active and hardy. They have the makings of a watchman, and they lend themselves well to training, they quickly become accustomed to the tray. Houses usually choose only one owner, the rest are perceived only as his environment. They like to bring things in their teeth, slippers and toys. Get along well with children and other pets. For a long time they were real healers, staying with a sick person until his complete recovery.

Siberian cat care

The closer a cat lives to natural conditions, the less care it requires. The Siberian wild cat has never bathed, but at the same time its luxurious fur coat shone and shimmered. If the animal lives in an apartment, then natural biorhythms get lost. The constant heat in the room provokes an endless shedding. Unnatural feeding makes the coat dull and brittle. But even if everything is in order with health, your pet's long coat is a reason for regular grooming. Otherwise, it will cover all carpets, upholstery and clothing. You need to comb the fluffy two or three times a week, and bathe - as it gets dirty. Pay special attention to the "pants", the collar on the neck and the armpit area. To care for your hair, you need to purchase a special slicker coat and a set of combs.

If a Siberian cat has won your heart, reviews will come in handy to know what to pay special attention to. Toilet problems usually occur. Traying your pet is easy, but fluffy and long coats tend to spread the tray around the room. Sawdust, sand, pieces of paper cling to it. Special fillers are a good solution, but they do not completely solve the problem, since the "pants" are often soiled with feces. So you will have to wash your fluffy pet regularly, at least the back of it.

Bathe your cat using a special shampoo for long-haired breeds. Remember to rinse it off very thoroughly to avoid irritating your skin. Buy two towels for your pet. In one you will wrap it right away to get wet, and in the second you will dry it. It's good if the shampoo comes with an antistatic agent and conditioner, it’s easier to avoid tangles. Also, you should get a special spray that makes combing easier.

Train your pet to hairdryer. First, disassemble the wool with your hands, then comb and dry thoroughly with a jet of air. If the mats do not give in, cut it slightly at the base (where the hairs cannot be separated), and then, using your hands and a comb, completely separate it. The completely stuck areas (glue, resin) will simply have to be cut out. Ears should be checked every two weeks and cleaned with a cotton swab. Do not forget to also brush your pet's teeth with a special paste.


Siberian cats are very sociable, so they feel much better if they live in pairs. These pussies enter puberty early enough, so as early as five to six months they may surprise you with their intention to become parents. This is due to the lifestyle of their wild ancestors: since they could die at any moment, it was necessary to leave offspring as early as possible. By the way, these animals take care of babies perfectly. The male, along with the female, takes part in caring for the offspring. Even in the wild, couples are often created once and for life. At home, your cats will simply not spill water. Usually there are five to six kittens in a litter.


Many health and hair problems can be avoided by feeding your cat properly. We must not forget that this is a predator. About 80% of the diet should be protein foods - fish, meat and eggs. Herbal ingredients should also be included, fresh herbs are very beneficial. A cat that goes outside will nibble the grass by itself; grow a "lawn" in a pot for home. Choose vegetables, fruits and cereals depending on your pet's preferences. You can buy ready-made feed, just choose high-quality, super-premium class. In this case, it is good to alternate dry food and canned meat or drying and fish.

This does not take long. It is enough to clean and cut an inexpensive fish once a week, boil it slightly, put it in portioned bags and put it in the refrigerator. In the morning you can give dry food, and in the evening you can get a piece of fish. Remember to keep fresh water in the cup at all times.


Cats may become more lethargic and sluggish as they age. These are normal age-related changes that are not dangerous. If the cat begins to choke or cough, this may indicate diseases of the cardiovascular system. In any case, it is necessary to seek help from a veterinarian in time. When purchasing a pet, you should provide for a separate expense item. The help of a doctor may be required at any time, and today it is quite expensive.

Let's summarize

We tried to acquaint you with what kind of breed they are - Siberian cats. The description will be incomplete if you do not add the following: the considered cats are surprisingly smart and reasonable. Rather, it is even a dog in cat form. An ideal option for those who love dogs, but for a number of reasons (lack of free space, the inability to take them outside several times a day) wants to have a cat. Sibiryak is a proud and independent creature that can become

The Siberian beauty is a long-haired cat of Asian origin. Although, disputes on this score do not stop, since some believe that the breed appeared in Russia.

Today the Siberian cat is one of the most popular, and the secret of this lies in its hypoallergenicity. The thing is that in the saliva of this animal there is a low level of an enzyme that causes an allergic reaction.

The history of the origin of the Siberian cat lies in the distant past. The first mentions of this breed date back to the sixteenth century. However, then cats of this breed were called "Bukhara". It is known for sure that when the Siberian kitten came to the lands of Siberia, local residents did not dare to have pets, since they led a nomadic lifestyle and constantly moved from place to place. However, according to the existing and very probable assumption, there were still cats in Siberia.

They were brought mainly to hunt rodents. According to another version, the Bukhara beauties were brought to the land by foreign merchants. It is possible that the Siberian cat has common ancestors with the Angora and Persian breeds.

Quite a few years have passed. Pedigree breeding of this species of cats began to be engaged only in 1987. The first standard was received already in 1990, and two years later it was officially registered. What else can be noted about the representatives of this breed is that their name is associated not only with the place of probable origin, but also with the size. Incredibly large as the vastness. The Siberian cat, whose photo is found on the Internet, has long become the favorite of many.

Description of the Siberian cat breed

The body of the representatives of this species is muscular and toned, strong. The Siberian kittens themselves are quite hardy and adapt well to new conditions. The thorax and skeleton are especially powerful in their bodies. The weight of male cats can reach up to 12 kg, but the Siberian cat weighs about half as much. There are also restrictions on the minimum weight. Thus, a healthy Siberian cat cannot weigh less than 4.5 kg, and a cat cannot weigh less than 3 kg. At the same time, among the characteristics of individuals (both male and female), it is worth noting the slow development. They gain full muscle mass, as a rule, only by the age of five.

The head of the cats of the presented breed is trapezoidal. Quite large, but developed in proportion to other parts of the body. The paws are also very large, so that they can hold a powerful body well. There is a certain peculiarity in the structure of the paws of this animal - there are small pieces of wool between the toes, and it is quite possible that they got them from their forest ancestors.

In general, the external appearance of the animal is quite pleasant, pretty. The eyes of the Siberian beauty are bright and expressive, such that it is simply impossible to tear yourself away from them. The ears of the animal are widely spaced on the sides, their tips are slightly rounded. Very often you can see funny tassels on them.

There are some similarities with the Persian breed, such as the white collar around the neck. The hind legs give off the so-called "pants".

Now for the wool. It is strong enough, thick and, in addition, has a good water-repellent effect. In winter, the cover is especially dense, but when summer comes, the coat thinns. Hair texture can be soft or rough.

The traditional color of Siberian cats allows several options at once: monochromatic, patterned or colorpoints. The amount of white can be absolutely anything. And cats with colorpoint and white color do create a separate subspecies called Neva Masquerade. Chocolate, fawn, lilac and Burmese are considered to be unacceptable colors for this breed.

It is also worth noting that the reproductive age in representatives of this breed begins quite early. From about 5-6 months, the Siberian cat is ready to give birth. The average number of kittens born is five to six cubs. Famous Siberian cat breed as excellent parents.

Moreover, every breeder knows how hard this animal tolerates loneliness. If possible, both the male and the female need a pair. This condition has a good effect on the emotionality of the animal and its health. The connections here are so strong that sometimes they last throughout life. Often one female prefers the company of one male all her life.

The nature of Siberian cats

The Siberian cat breed has a strong and independent disposition. These cats are well aware of their dignity. They are quite affectionate and sensitive for their owner, to whom they get used very quickly and for a long time. These cats can make good friends for people who respect their pet.

The Siberian cat, the description of which also speaks of character, recognizes only one owner, strongly attached to him for life.

Because of their independence, cats can behave differently depending on their mood. They never adjust, and if they are in a bad mood, they are unlikely to allow themselves to be stroked. At the same time, if the mood is good, the pet will happily purr in the owner's lap. In general, the Siberian kitten has great mobility, he is playful and unpretentious.

Despite its large size, the Siberian cat is quite active and perfectly moves, moving from place to place. Don't be surprised if your cat starts jumping from a tall cabinet or chair to a sofa. She has great control over her body, and large soft paws will soften the fall.

The Siberian cat, the description of which is presented in the article, is a real hunter. Moreover, cats use this perfectly preserved instinct whenever possible. This is especially useful if the cat lives in a private house. You can definitely forget about mice there. In rural conditions, the Siberian cat is also not averse to taking a walk in the area. Her prey can be rodents, rabbits, which she will gladly bring home to show off to her master. This cat can even be used to welcome guests. She will always warn the owners in advance that someone is outside the front door.

Non-aggressive, calm, but at the same time vengeful, dependent on mood. These cats give their voice quite rarely, preferring to convey their wishes with meaningful glances.

Cats possess unsurpassed judgment. Often their appearance becomes especially proud. Compared to top and bottom, pets will, of course, prefer height. Noisy games are one of their favorite activities, in which they (if they are in the mood) will join with the children.

Siberian kitten is a pretty, wonderful pet for the whole family. He is so attractive that you can admire him endlessly. It is no coincidence that the Siberian cat, its photos are very popular on the Internet. The pet learns its name quickly, and, as a rule, there are no problems with this.

Siberian breed care

The Siberian cat, whose photos are found in large numbers on the Internet, is notable for being hypoallergenic. At the same time, the female cat produces less protein protein, therefore, it is better for people with allergies to choose females.

Now with regard to leaving. Nothing special is required here. The animal's fur does not roll into tangles, so scratching it too often is not worth it. It is enough to do this once or twice a week. In general, the Siberian cat, which many dream to buy, does not really like combing, so it is better to leave this procedure for a while before a delicious lunch or dinner, when the pet will be rewarded for its obedience. To begin with, it is better to comb the fur with a comb with rare teeth, remembering that the cover is quite dense. After that, you can change the comb to a more frequent one. Moreover, it is better to accustom a cat to combing from an early age, since then it can be quite difficult.

The Siberian Cattery does not recommend washing your cats very often. If the animal is completely domesticated, then it will be enough to do this once a year, every six months. The ears need to be protected, so it is better to close them with a cotton swab. After bathing, the animal must be wiped dry, and the muzzle must be gently wiped with cotton wool. Also, a loving owner should know that after a bath procedure, the animal is quite vulnerable and can catch a cold, so it should be kept away from drafts.

Taking care of your pet is about keeping the eyes and ears clean. The latter should be cleaned at least once a month using cotton swabs. So that the fluffy does not experience discomfort, cotton swabs can be greased with oil. It is recommended to brush the teeth with a small toothbrush and a special toothpaste. But Siberians take care of the claws on their own, grinding them on a special column in time. Here the owner's task will be to provide the pet with the same column.

With regard to nutrition, this is important. Feeding a cat "from your table" is wrong. Foods such as fish, meat and eggs must be carefully prepared in a gentle way. In addition, such food is nutritious enough, and so that the cat does not gain extra pounds, it is recommended to play active games with it. A special corner is best suited for this.

The image of the Siberian cat - a large, fluffy, healthy animal, with a developed hunting instinct, not afraid of harsh winters, has absorbed all the archaic ideas of Russians about pets of the feline family. For a long time, our compatriots called every large, long-haired representative of the feline genus a Siberian cat, or Siberian, be it a family darling or a yard robber.

Until the end of the last century, perhaps, none of the owners of the Siberian in our country thought about the origin of their pet, implying as a matter of course that the ancestors of the animal were from Siberia. But in the 80s, when felinological organizations and clubs of cat lovers began to be created in Russia, the question arose: who are the progenitors of the most popular representatives of the feline genus among the people?

Disputes are still ongoing. It is believed that the distant ancestors of true Siberians are the Norwegian forest cats. They could have been brought to Siberia by settlers from the northern regions of Russia during the development of this territory, which began in the 16th century. Written references to the so-called Bukhara cats - fluffy, strong animals that could be found in all regions of the Russian Empire, and not only in Siberia - date back to the same period. They supposedly came to Russia together with merchants from Central Asian countries. Bukhara cats are often called relatives of Siberians. It is also possible that domestic cats that ended up in Siberia could have offspring from wild cats. As a rule, among the latter, Pallas' cat is mentioned - cute butuz the size of large domestic cats, owners of the thickest and fluffiest fur among cats.

Most felinologists generally reject such a concept as a single "aboriginal Siberian breed", and they call unconfirmed assumptions about the ancestors of the Siberian cat myth-making. They indicate that in the 80s of the last century, at the beginning of the "cat movement", in Russia there was a definition for Siberians, which meant approximately the following - "a large cat with thick hair and not white color."

However, whoever the ancestors of domestic cats from the Siberian regions were, initially their genes were not a fundamental link in the breeding of a standardized breed, which began in 1986. During the formation of the breeding nucleus, and this took place mainly in Moscow and St. Petersburg, breeders mainly selected for breeding the largest and most fluffy domestic cats of the "Siberian type" from those that were brought to them by the townspeople to determine the breed. No one went on an expedition to the remote taiga villages of Siberia in search of "true Siberians" at that time, and only a few animals brought from the Trans-Ural regions of Russia were registered in the felinological clubs of both capitals. Then there were even proposals to give the breed the name "Moscow".

Later, representatives of felines from Siberia and the Far East began to be actively involved in breeding work. They represented a rather variegated exterior group: cats from Krasnoyarsk, Novosibirsk, Kemerovo were distinguished by a specific fine texture of wool, animals of Far Eastern origin were distinguished by a large size, massive skeleton, a heavy head, and long hair of a rough texture. In a word, the variety of cats of the "Siberian type" made the breeding work of breeding an original, truly Russian breed, very painstaking and difficult.

In 1991, the World Cat Federation (WCF) adopted the Siberian cat breed standard, developed by the reputable felinologist Olga Mironova. He was approved as a worker. Three years later, the organization recognized the standard as official.

In 1996, the breed was recognized by the American organization TICA, and a year later Russian breeders achieved recognition of the Siberian breed by another prestigious felinological federation - FIFe.

Today in Russia there are several well-known centers where Siberian cats are bred. The main ones are located in Moscow and St. Petersburg, but such cities as Saratov, Krasnoyarsk, Kirov, Petrozavodsk, Yekaterinburg, Kursk have already joined them, there are also more than a hundred clubs in different regions of the country. We can say that the first truly Russian breed of cats was formed, but breeders do not stop in their work to consolidate the type of breed, paying special attention to the preservation of the large size of the animal and its massiveness, as well as the quality of color. One of the colors of the Siberian cat, called "Neva Masquerade", has been identified by Russian and some international felinological organizations as a separate breed.

It is worth saying that many Siberian and Far Eastern breeders are currently breeding cats based exclusively on the local population, creating their own lines. However, they do not always have the opportunity to present their pets at all-Russian exhibitions.

Video: Siberian cat

The appearance of a Siberian cat

Siberian cats have a truly lordly appearance. Large enough on their own, they look even more imposing thanks to their luxurious coat. A powerful torso with strong muscular paws wonderfully harmonizes with the sweetest graceful muzzle, under which an imposing "frill" flaunts.


The Siberian cat is proportionally built, its massive, dense body of medium length, slightly elongated. The back is powerful, the neck is short, the chest is voluminous.


The shape resembles a wide trapezoid, the muzzle is characterized by a smooth outline. The transition from the forehead to the nose is not abrupt. The chin is well defined, the cheekbones are developed, set low, the cheeks are full.


The ears of a Siberian cat are of medium size, wide at the base, slightly rounded at the tips. A slight forward tilt is noticeable. The auricle is covered with fur.


Expressive, medium-sized, oval, set wide apart and slightly oblique. The eyes are colored evenly, their color can be green or yellow of all shades.


Muscular, thick, of medium length. The paws are large, rounded, with bristly tufts of hair between the toes.


The tail of a Siberian cat is of medium length, wide at the base, gradually tapering to a rounded tip. It is pubescent evenly, resembles a raccoon's tail.


The Siberian cat has a very dense, soft undercoat with a fine texture. It is covered with a coarser top coat, which is also quite dense and harsh to the touch. The cover hair evenly covers the back and falls smoothly to the sides and base of the animal's tail. The top coat is shiny, water-repellent. Summer is much shorter than winter. In the warm summer season, a Siberian can look like a short-haired cat, only the tail remains fluffy. In winter, the coat looks very rich, the cat gets a luxurious collar, the hind legs are decorated with fluffy "pants", the tail becomes even more pubescent.


The colors of the Siberian cat are solid and patterned. Among the main solid (monochromatic) colors of the Siberian are black (only black pigment is present in the wool) and red (only yellow pigment is present in the wool). Each of these two intense colors corresponds to a clarified analogue: black - blue, red - cream. In all cats with a monochrome color, all hairs, without exception, are dyed evenly from root to tip. Among the intense colors, those that look the most juicy and bright are the most appreciated. For clarified analogs of monochromatic colors, on the contrary, light, delicate shades are preferable.

There is also a tortoiseshell color - the imposition of a solid black color on a solid red and, accordingly, blue on a cream. In this case, spots of black and red or blue and cream colors are evenly distributed throughout the coat. Usually this color is the dignity of females, but sometimes males are born "turtles", however, as a rule, they are not able to give offspring.

One of the most common colors among Siberian cats is tabby (wild color). In this case, dark and light areas alternate on each hair, forming certain patterns on the animal's wool cover. Three main varieties of this color are recognized in the Siberian breed: marble (classic), brindle, spotted. Each of them has its own color intensity.

Smoky (or smoky) and silvery colors of Siberian cats are also recognized as a standard. In this case, the hairs are not completely colored: at the roots they do not have pigmentation, remaining pure white, then, as they approach the tip, they can be colored black, blue, red, cream, tortoiseshell, cream blue.

Siberian cats of golden color are very good-looking, whose fur is in perfect harmony with their green eyes. In these cats, part of each hair is colored apricot.

White color is rare, but very beautiful. The so-called white colors are also recognized, which are divided into 4 main types:

  • spotted color - either individual hairs on the neck, chest or abdomen are painted white, or one or more small snow-white specks are present on the coat;
  • bicolor - from 1/3 to 2/3 of the animal's fur is painted in white, ideally white should be a triangle on the muzzle from the bridge of the nose down, breast, belly, inner part of the limbs;
  • harlequin - white color extends to 2 / 3-5 / 6 of the coat, the tail remains colored, small spots on the head, shoulders, back, hips;
  • van - the cat is almost all white, except for the tail and two spots on the head behind the ears.

The following colors are not recognized by the standard: Abyssinian tabby, chocolate, cinnamon (close to the color of cinnamon), lilac, fawn (light beige) and their derivatives.

The color-point color has been identified by domestic felinologists as a separate breed - the Neva Masquerade, but it is still not recognized by all international associations.

Disadvantages of the breed

  • Overly graceful constitution: elongated or too short body, fragile bones, long thin limbs, small legs, long, aristocratic neck.
  • A narrow muzzle, flat cheeks, high cheekbones, weak chin, flat profile.
  • Small eyes as well as perfectly round and deep-set.
  • Large ears, set at a short distance from each other, as well as too small, overly pubescent ears.
  • Too short or too long tail, not intense hairiness.
  • Lack of undercoat or overgrown undercoat.
  • Scalloped top coat, devoid of luster.
  • No tufts between the toes.

Photo of a Siberian cat

The nature of the Siberian cat

Siberian cats are mobile and playful, love to play with babies and are very attached to their owners. At the same time, they have a pronounced sense of their own dignity, are not very "talkative", sometimes they behave waywardly and are subject to mood swings. If the cat does not reciprocate the affection of the owner, it is better to leave it alone. In turn, having a developed sense of tact, she herself will never impose herself on the owner if she notices that he is not in the mood or is busy with something. But she can make anyone laugh, showing her funny habit of lounging on her back, taking funny poses. Tenderness is also caused by the way this animal loves to sleep, lounging on its back and raising its front legs up.

Siberians have a strong character, but they do not tend to dominate in relationships with other animals, which are usually friendly. These cats are fearless, but they prefer not to communicate with strangers, showing undisguised suspicion towards them.

They are hardy and unpretentious to living conditions: they feel great both in urban conditions and in country houses, although they prefer, of course, space and will. These cats are born hunters, and where they are the boss, you will not find rodents.

If a Siberian cat lives in a city apartment, it is advisable to walk it at least once a week, as it is very curious, loves to explore new territories and needs physical activity. These cats like to observe the area from the heights, so they really like to sit on cabinets, bookshelves, and are not indifferent to chandeliers.

Taking care of a Siberian cat will not take much time. They are very clean and tidy, they get used to the toilet quickly.

The coat of Siberians is not too light and soft, therefore it does not roll into mats, but they still need regular combing. It is advisable to do this procedure once a week, but in spring and autumn, during molting, it is better to comb the cat more often.

To care for your pet's coat, you need to purchase a special comb for long hair. In the process of combing, dead hairs and skin flakes are removed, touching the comb to the skin stimulates blood circulation. The cat needs to be accustomed to this procedure gradually, rewarding for patience with a delicacy. Over time, this ritual, which strengthens the relationship of trust between the owner and the pet, will become pleasant and expected for the animal.

The Siberian cat should not be washed often because it is able to keep its fur clean by itself. But after a trip to nature, it is still advisable to bathe the animal. Despite the fact that Siberians are not afraid of water and can even fish, they do not really like bathing, so it is better to carry out this procedure together.

You can bathe your cat in a bathtub or a large basin. Put a rubber mat on the bottom, then pour water (level - 6-8 cm, temperature - 38-39 ° C). It is better to close the ears of the animal with cotton wool. After placing the cat in water, use a sponge to saturate the fur with water, without touching the head, rub in the shampoo intended for long-haired cats. Rinse off the shampoo with warm water, wrap the animal in a large terry towel and let it dry in a warm, draft-free room.

Washing can be replaced by dry cleaning. For this, there are special powders. They are generously applied to the wool, after which it is carefully combed out.

You should regularly clean the ears of the animal with a swab, clean the eyes with a damp cotton swab. The claws of a Siberian cat do not need to be cut, it is enough to buy a scratching post.

Siberians are not picky about food. Possessing an excellent appetite, they can abuse the love of their owners, who find it difficult to deny their pets an additional delicacy. However, you should not follow the lead of furry extortionists, because the excessive weight of a Siberian cat can lead to a reduction in its life, as well as to liver disease.

Siberians prefer to eat raw, natural foods. Raw lean meat, poultry (chicken, turkey), sea fish are useful for them. As a treat, you can treat your cat to boiled squid or shrimp. Many Siberian cats simply adore shrimp and are even ready to go to blackmail for them, demonstratively refusing to eat other foods.

Periodically, these cats should be given egg yolk, low-fat cottage cheese and fermented baked milk, cheese (not smoked). Pregnant and lactating cats and grown kittens benefit from cream, the fat content of which should be no more than 10%. Cow's milk is an unwanted product, but goat's milk is quite suitable.

Train the Siberian to cereals - rice, buckwheat, oatmeal.

In addition to the main diet, premium dry food can be added, but in limited quantities, in the form of a treat. They contain vitamins and trace elements, in addition, dry food is a good tool for cleaning teeth and removing wool swallowed by animals from the body.

Siberian cat health and diseases

Siberian cats have good health. The main danger for her can be urolithiasis and the ingress of wool into the intestines. Urolithiasis is very dangerous, as it often leads to kidney failure. The animal usually gets rid of hair in the intestines by itself thanks to the gag reflex, but you can help him by forcing him to drink vegetable oil (not castor oil). For an adult cat, a tablespoon is enough, for a kitten - no more than a teaspoon.

If a Siberian is alone or without movement for a long time, he may develop hyperexcitability or hyperactivity.

In old age, Siberians may experience shortness of breath, sluggishness, lethargy, coughing, which, as a rule, indicates diseases of the heart and blood vessels. In such cases, you should contact your veterinarian.

How to choose a kitten

When choosing a Siberian kitten, it is worth remembering that this breed is distinguished by a variety of colors. Many unscrupulous sellers use this and, under the guise of Siberian, sell kittens of unknown origin, so it is better not to buy from the hands of a Siberian.

For a thoroughbred Siberian kitten, you should go to the cattery or to a breeder with a good reputation. It is better to buy babies who are already 3.5 months old. They should be moderately well-fed, well-groomed, active, curious. The kitten's fur should shine, the eyes should shine. It is advisable that the baby you like felt a reciprocal feeling for you. To test this, take him in your arms - he should feel comfortable, not pull out and not worry.

A kitten at the age of 3-4 months almost completely corresponds to the standard of the Siberian breed, but there are some nuances. His fur is still soft, "baby", the ears can be put a little closer than it should be - this should change with age. The kid is supposed to have documents with information about the vaccinations given to him, and you must also be given the pedigree of the animal.

If you need a kitten for breeding or you want your Siberian to participate in exhibitions, you need to buy a baby in clubs that are part of one of the official international felinological organizations, for example, WCF, FIFe. In independent clubs, approaches to breed standards are often "independent" as well.

Photo of Siberian kittens

How much is a Siberian cat

Prices for Siberian cats in Russia are quite democratic. On the market or by acquaintance, a kitten without documents can be bought for 2,000 rubles. Pedigree kittens with pedigree in clubs, nurseries, breeders cost from 7,000 to 35,000 rubles - depending on the class and rarity of color.