Wishing good morning to your loved one in your own words. good morning darling

Good morning, honey. I wish you to wake up cheerfully and immediately feel an incredible surge of strength, energy and vigor. May all things go well today, may this morning be for you, dear, an excellent and successful start for the fulfillment of all your grandiose plans.

Good morning my love. Open your eyes, breathe in the air of happiness sooner, set new goals for yourself and boldly move towards your dreams. Dear, I wish you incredible vigor in the morning, full abundance of strength and inspiration, wonderful weather outside the window and a cheerful state of mind.

Good morning, love. May you have so much strength that you can move mountains, may your faithful companions for today be great luck, my love and enchanting success, may your morning start with something pleasant and good, may a cup of vigorous coffee set a cheerful rhythm for the whole day .

Good morning, my sun, my beloved and beloved. Let from the very first minutes, when your eyes open, the world will seem beautiful and amazing to you, let laziness and sadness go away, let luck, fun and love rule this day.

My dear, good morning. The city has long woken up, and the usual bustle outside the windows. Enough to bask in bed, it's time to perform the feats that have been waiting for you. I wish you a good, rich, and most importantly, favorable day. May luck accompany you everywhere, and success does not leave for a moment.

My beloved, wake up with a gentle smile and joy in your heart! A new day is coming, may it bring you inspiration and success, many pleasant minutes and happy moments. Let the sky be clear, the air clean, roads free without traffic jams and checks. May you have a lot of strength and energy for this long day, when we will be apart from you! I will wait for the next morning to gently whisper to you: "Good morning, my love!"

Good morning, Dear! Start a new day with renewed vigor and cope with all your affairs famously! Let nothing stop you from being a winner in your business!

Good morning, love. May your enthusiasm and your inspiration wake up along with this world, may this morning be a cheerful start to your successful, fruitful, interesting, eventful, magnificent day, and may my love, along with the morning rays of the sun, remind you that there is happiness and it is always in your heart!

My beloved, happy new day, good morning! Let the first rays of the sun kiss you, caress the breath of the breeze, delight the glare of light and the singing of birds. Meet this day with a feeling of happiness.

Good morning, love. May the sun's rays give you a boost of energy, may a delicious breakfast and invigorating coffee fill you with strength, may my wishes inspire you to something wonderful, may this day only promise you success, joy, fun and good luck. I wish you to have time to do everything that you planned, I wish you to relax and have a good rest in the evening.

Good morning, my beloved man, how did you sleep sweetly tonight. Good morning, my dear, I still can not believe that you are mine. I love you so much and wish you the most fruitful day. May my love keep you and charge you with energy and vigor without any coffee. I give you a thousand air kisses for the journey. Come back soon. I'm so sad without you.

My beloved boy, the sun has already risen and sends you its fiery greetings from the blue skies. It tells you to wake up soon, because its rays are already ready to warm you with their gentle warmth and energize you for the whole day. Open your insanely beautiful eyes soon and meet a new day. Great things and small victories await you today. May your day be easy and interesting.

My prince hid from the sunlight under his pillow, but even there you will not be able to hide from me. Wake up, wash up, get dressed and go drink coffee. Time flies, don't you want to be late? I'm sending you air kisses. I kiss you on the cheeks, lips, nose, mentally run through your hair. Have a nice day, my love, good morning. I love you alone and look forward to seeing you.

I don't like disturbing you so much when you're fast asleep. After all, sleep gives you strength for the whole day and heals you from fatigue and yesterday's problems. But the sun is shining clearly in the sky, morning has come and you need to get up so as not to be late and do great things. Good morning my dear. What did you dream today? Through my sleep I whispered to you about my love, maybe this will give you strength for the whole day.

Good morning my bunny. Wake up, the city has already woken up, and the sun has risen high in the sky. The birds sing their new, cheerful songs to you. A new day is knocking on your window with the light of the sun and calls for a new life, for new deeds, for new achievements and victories. I wish you a happy day and send you rays of my love and tenderness, let them encourage you and charge you with positive.

My dear, my dear, my beloved, my good, my unique boy, open your eyes soon. Morning has already come, as always unexpected for you. Drink from my palms of fresh caress, drink from my lips, the source of love, my passion and recharge for the whole day. And in the evening I look forward to you, my love. Good day to you!

Morning has come, and nature is slowly waking up, the golden sun rises, flowers bloom, insects wash themselves in the morning dew, the birds sang their songs and it's time for you to get up. Good morning honey, look. This new day is so fresh, so bright, so beautiful, it is waiting for you in its arms to bestow gifts of fate. Hurry towards your success.

How hard it is for you to wake up every time, my beloved boy. It's impossible to wake you up, but I'll try anyway. Good morning, Dear. Good morning, my soul, get up! My angel, I send you my air kiss and I hope it reaches its goal and is imprinted on your sleepy, slightly swollen lips. Good morning, the clock strikes the appointed time, which means it's time to join the frantic rhythm of the weekday.

Yesterday you were so tired after work that you instantly fell asleep in a soft bed with the sound sleep of a baby. I mentally kept your peace all night, until dawn. I whispered words of love to you, told you stories and sang songs. I am ready to give my soul, if only you were happy. Good morning darling. The time has come for awakening. The city is waiting for its heroes.

Good morning to you, beloved, get up soon, business and work await you. Open your eyes and smile to the new day. I wish you great luck today, may this morning bring you inspiration, strength and energy. And I send you my kisses and mentally hug you tightly, tightly. Love you honey.

Good morning, my dear, I decided to write to you in the morning, because the time has come when I need to charge you with pleasant emotions, wish you all sorts of amenities. After all, every simple, everyday day can become unforgettable if there is love in it. If you know how to enjoy life and see its magic. I wish you the best and most productive day, love you.

The sun shines in your window, urging you to wake up soon and say hello to a new day. Smile at him. I wish you a successful and productive day today. Go ahead, my knight, and do not be afraid of problems, be brave and they will make way for you. I wish that today you have absolutely no reason to be sad or angry. I wish the sun warmed you and gave you joy all day long.

A completely new day has come, which opened before us like a blank slate. Think carefully about what you want to write on this sheet, because every day you write down your own story on the sheets. Dear, good morning, wake up soon, fill up with energy and write the most beautiful, most interesting and most exciting stories. Own life.

Good morning, my love. Baby, look around, what a wonderful morning, how good, fresh and cool. In this beautiful morning light there is no place for vain and empty plans, worries or irritation. Let your head be clear and filled with new ideas. Let the day be interesting and easy, and in the evening you will definitely tell me everything. See you, I love you.

Good morning my dear, good morning my beloved man. Look how beautiful it is, how much good it promises you today. Wake up, open your eyes and stop frowning. Morning loves positive and energy, morning loves a smile. Smile my good and call on your luck. May everything be fine with you today.

Wake up soon, beloved, your favorite fragrant tea in a large mug is waiting for you. A new day is already dawning and the sun is shining with might and main, the air with fresh streams, through the window, disobediently bursts into your room. Hurry, get out from under the covers, a new day awaits you, a new life awaits you, new success awaits you!

Good morning, my bunny, wake up soon and drink invigorating coffee. May it help you wake up and become cheerful so that you can adequately go to fight with daily duties. May the rays of the morning sun fill you with energy and strength, and may my love protect you from all troubles. Good morning and happy, pleasant day.

Beloved, wake up soon, morning has come, and I really want you to tell me about everything that you dreamed about today. I always enjoy listening to you. Open your bottomless eyes and illuminate the whole world with them. Feel my love, even if we are not close now, but its power is able to overcome any distance.

Good morning my dear boy, my beloved person. I have an offer for you today. Let's throw away into the night that all sorrows and problems leave us, and on a new day we will take with you only the best memories and our feelings. I wish you a nice day, I love you, good morning and good day to you. May your guardian angel protect you from all evil.

Good morning beloved dear in prose in your own words at a distance

I would climb Everest itself to wake you up with the echo of my declaration of love for you. But I'm afraid that an avalanche will cover the whole world, so I wake you up with my message.

If I were the morning wind, I would not slam the window shutters and rustle the trees. I would lightly lift you into the air and circle you until you wake up.

With the first rays of a new day, a desire awakens in me to win you back from Morpheus. The kingdom of dreams is beautiful, but I can arrange a fairy tale for you in reality.

The first rays of the sun, sliding down my cheek, remind me of your gentle touch, forcing me to wake up.

If it were not for the thought of your enchanting eyes, I would never have escaped from the realm of sleep. Thank you my alarm!

I kiss you with the first rays of the awakened sun. I hope my solar assistant will wake you up and call me.

Let it rain outside the window, I'm ready to be the sun that will wake you up with its rays. Wake up, sleepyhead!

Today I woke up thinking you were cold. This cool morning, I am ready to come to you and become a warm shawl that will warm you in bad weather.

I like to think about how you luxuriate in bed, tangled in the sheets. But a new day is already in full swing, and my soul misses your wonderful voice!

I am torn from sleep only by the thought that a new day with you will bring me even more vivid memories that I will think about before going to bed.

Dawn paints the dark sky in gentle tones, just as your love colors my life. Wake up and look out the window, I want you to see it.

I want to turn into morning to wake you up with the tart aroma of freshly brewed coffee and the warmth of the sun's rays caressing your hair.

If I had one wish, I would wish to turn into a songbird that will wake you up in the morning, sitting on the headboard.

What could be better than your quiet snoring under the covers? Only your sleepy voice, laughing at a new day. Wake up soon, I want to hear it on the phone!

I would really like to become a sunbeam that runs across your squinting eyes, forcing you to wake up.

I am ready to wake up with the first glimpses of the morning, as soon as it dawns on the horizon, just to enjoy you longer.

Spring morning beckons to go on a bright adventure, but if you sleep, we will miss the opportunity to strengthen our love!

Today I agreed with the sun to shine as brightly as possible through your window. I'm dying waiting for you to wake up!

How I would like to personally watch how your eyelashes open under the sun of a new day. But for now, I can only kiss you in my message.

I dream of becoming a cup of gentle cappuccino that will help you shake off sleep, as soon as you drink it to the bottom.

Morning is like enlightenment, so I'm ready to pull you out of sleep straight into nirvana. Wake up soon, my love!

Is it possible to indulge in dreams when everything outside the window beckons to drop everything and go to the blue distances? Wake up, let's open the world!

Good morning to a guy in prose to a beloved man in prose in his own words is very beautiful!

If I could release my love outward, it would shine brighter than the sun itself. Then you wouldn't be as sleepy as you are now!

Each new day makes us closer to each other, but the night takes you away from me, enticing you with dreams. Wake up, I'm ready to fulfill all your dreams.

The bird-night flew away, giving way to a new day. So that you do not freeze, I am ready to cover you with my wings.

I escaped from the captivity of night dreams only to hear your ringing voice, dissatisfied with the fact that I woke you up.

Even the brilliance of all the brightest stars is not enough to outshine the radiance of your eyes. So wake up quickly and give me your bewitching look.

I would like to be your bed to feel your body when you stretch sweetly in the morning.

If early in the morning you hear a bird singing under your window, do not chase it away - it is my love that wishes you good morning.

In the early morning, I turn into a ray of sunshine that runs across your sleepy face. You are so beautiful in such moments that I want to wake you up and make sure that you are not a mirage.

The night flies by for me unnoticed only because I fall asleep with anticipation of the morning, when I will wake you again, my sun.

Even the most amazing landscapes that open from the height of the highest mountain will not cause such delight as your voice when you wake up.

It is generally accepted that beautiful words are nice to receive as a gift for girls, not men. However, young people are never averse to receiving a beautiful SMS with a good morning wish.

Love inspires a person, inspiring him to exploits and joys. Sometimes you don’t want to get out of bed in the morning, but after receiving an SMS with beautiful words from your girlfriend, a guy can be happy. Here are some good morning wishes for your beloved man in your own words you can write.

Poems or prose

Many girls love to receive touching poems and good morning wishes from their loved one. However, men prefer beautiful and short wishes in prose. If you want to send a good morning SMS to your beloved guy, then he will be very happy. And here are some pleasant wishes in prose that will impress any person.

* * *
My dear kitten! May the gentle sun warm your sleepy eyelids and bring you a talisman of good luck and my love, protecting you from any evil and misfortune!

* * *
Let your sunbeams warm your fingers! And a new day will begin, tender, beautiful, like your tender lips and warm words. May my love give you tenderness, joy and fill you with good luck every next day!

* * *
Here is another great wish in prose to tune in to a new beautiful day:

“Sunshine promises a good day, warmed by joy and love. May the morning dawn bring you my congratulations and the breath of the most tender and sensual love. Good morning, my sweet one!"

* * *
I wish that the day was good, and everything worked out, the most heartfelt desire came true, and the day promised you endless happiness!

* * *

Short SMS with good morning to your beloved guy:

“Let the light of my love awaken a bright and joyful day. I give you happiness, tenderness and love, as well as the most gentle breath of light, affection, and I wish you to be happy today, as in the most joyful fairy tale.

* * *
“I will give you not only my most delicious coffee, but also the hot taste of passion, the strength of love and the sweetness of true tenderness. Good morning and bright day!”.

* * *
“Know that no, even the most beautiful guy, will replace your sincere love and kind heart for me. Good morning my sweet prince!

* * *
“Even if it is impossible to close the distance between us, know that my love ardor cannot be cooled. And let this SMS convey to you the passion of the whole fire of love, which only such a beautiful person in the world as you deserves!

* * *
“May the little angel of my love protect you and keep my love throughout the day! And he will not forget to convey to you from me the sweetest words and the warmest and most beautiful wishes in the world, so that your day is filled with joy and love.

You will also need original ones.

A few important nuances on how to choose the right message

People often remember very well even the most simple and banal words, if they sound at the right moment and correspond to the feelings and needs of a particular person. Even just a beautiful SMS with the words: “I love you” can make one person smile and soar from happiness to heaven, and just make another angry, especially if he does not expect such a turn. For this reason, you need to think about how to write or correct a beautiful message for a good morning guy.

Of course, you should not send him at 6 or even 8 in the morning if he is married or lives with another girl, even if it seems that he really loves only you. As a rule, men hide relationships on the side while they are not yet determined, but do not rush things. Remember that you don’t need to rush a man in such a situation, otherwise you risk losing him forever. Good morning greetings will be well received only if you are sure that he lives alone and no one but him will read your words.

The next point is timeliness. A guy who really loves you and needs encouragement, a beautiful wish or affection, will be happy to read your message if it is touching, sincere and beautiful. For example: “Kitty, good morning! Let the sun smile at you today - know that I also smile at you when you are near. Or, if he is in trouble, you can send him the following prophecy: “The sun told me in the morning that you will be fine, and I believe in it. Do not get lost, be brave and everything will work out, good morning and a gentle day.

Or “Don’t be afraid and be strong, know that my love will save you from any trouble, the main thing is to hear a signal from her in time and do everything you need easily, beautifully and quickly, without losing your composure in any situation. You are strong and I believe in it, good luck and happiness!”.

As a rule, guys like such messages. However, if you send something like this to a person spoiled by female attention, you are unlikely to like a banal declaration of love or beautiful words in which your tender feeling appears too clearly. Most likely, he will be impressed by a message in which there will be intrigue, a note of unpredictability and charm: “Today I want to tell you that a relationship like ours must be stopped forever. So that the new day is filled with joy and love that we have not yet known. So let's experiment, maybe she can solve her mystery and find her new happiness, good morning.

In general, fantasize, show ingenuity and creativity so that your message makes a vivid impression on a young person.
You may also need .

My beautiful man, loved by every cell and with all his soul, good morning! May this beautiful day please you, bring amazing emotions and enchant you with opportunities. Gently kiss you and wish you an amazing day!

Good morning my love! May this day bring you a lot of sun, positive, joy and success. I wish you a good mood, a good start to the day, productive work and a pleasant ending. Let you enjoy the moments of this day and put it in your memory box.

It doesn't matter which foot you get up on, it doesn't matter what the weather is like outside. It is important that this is a new day, and it will definitely be happy and joyful. It is important that this day will be a lot of new, interesting, unforgettable, and most importantly, that this day, as in every subsequent day, there will be my great love for you. Good morning!

My most gentle, kind-hearted and affectionate, wake up. Good morning my precious and much desired man. I want this day to give you only positive emotions, joy and happiness. Carry out all your plans. Do not think that something may not work out for you, because you are my most capable and talented. Get up, meet the sun and tune in to new victories. You will certainly succeed, because my faith is with you.

Good morning, my good, my beloved. I wish you a sweet awakening and instant inspiration, a wonderful mood and an invincible desire to conquer new heights. I send you a gentle morning kiss, cat.

My beloved, gentle, sweet, good morning, my sun. I wish you to be irresistible all day and confidently conquer this world, I wish you a great mood and good luck, successful business and interesting ideas, great well-being and vivid impressions.

Good morning wishes to my beloved. My dear, may your morning start well and be filled with excellent mood and new ideas, may your day be fruitful and successful, and may the evening delight you with pleasant surprises and warm moments. Kiss.

Good morning, honey. May this day meet you with sunshine, wonderful mood and a joyful smile. Let people smile back at you, and all sorrows and difficulties will go far, far away. Make this day the happiest!

Good morning, my love. Quickly open your beautiful eyes, breathe in the air of happiness, lift your sexy body out of bed and forward - to the right goals and brave deeds. I wish you a great mood and a cheerful charge of energy.

My dear, dear and beloved person! May this new day meet you with the joy of awakening, new discoveries and grandiose accomplishments. Good morning! Let everything work out and go well today, I wish you a positive mood, luck and good luck.