Hairstyle for September 1 girl with bows. Festive hairstyles for first-graders on a school line

Hairstyles with bows are worn not only by little fashionistas. The original accessory looks great on the curls of girls of different ages.

Many stylish styling is complemented by a cute decoration measuring 4-5 cm or a bright, elegant satin ribbon bow. Look at the photo, explore the options for creating original styling with bows for hair of different lengths.

Hairstyle options for girls

Young women of fashion wear bows not only on September 1, but every day. For a special occasion, large accessories of a traditional shape are suitable. On weekdays, it is better to decorate ponytails or pigtails with more modest, but by no means boring bows.

How to attach a bow:

  • make one or two tails, fasten lush accessories with elastic bands from above. Great option for a festive line;
  • braid the pigtails, decorate the top and them with small bows. Neat hairpins are acceptable in front;
  • collect the hair in a bun at the crown, carefully fix it with hairpins, attach a flat bow in front or behind;
  • braid the spikelet not in front, but from the occipital zone towards the crown. Collect the rest of the length in the tail, make a bun. Attach an accessory of any size under the beam.

Some interesting ideas for loose hair

See how easy it is to make the original styling. In front, the strands are selected, do not interfere, do not fall into the eyes. Behind the beauty of the hair is visible. Decor - one or more braids plus a bright flat bow.

Any mom or even dad can braid such a pigtail. If you are not “friends” with braids, twist the side strands with bundles, make a malvinka, secure with a thin elastic band. Decorate the attachment point with a cute bow.

If you have enough experience to weave original braids, please your daughter or granddaughter with such a spectacular hairstyle. Circular weaving looks boring, small bows complete the cute look.

Malvinka is a suitable option for short strands. If a girl has a bob haircut, a malvinka will be a great way to style every day.

Gather the front strands below the crown, secure with an elastic band. You can braid a braid of two or three links. Attach a modest or more elegant bow on top.

Hairstyles with bows for older girls

Owners of medium and long hair can create a lot of stylish styling with bows. A delicate bow gives a certain playfulness to the image, reminiscent of childhood.

Some accessories, on the contrary, are rather concise, looking strictly and stylishly. This decor will perfectly complement the hairstyle in the office.

Bows of different sizes look great on loose and matched hair, on curled and straight strands. Many women of fashion have already appreciated such original styling as a hair bow.

Options - do not count. See, study photos and descriptions of popular styling with bows.

Options for medium and long hair

It's time to diversify the styling, find some original images. Take note of one of the ideas. You may be interested in several styling. Experiment, be bright and stylish!

classic malvinka

Why not? Neither at 15 nor at 20 years old do not refuse a simple but effective styling. For a romantic date, a trip to a cafe or a walk, a cute image will be the most organic. The hairstyle looks good with or without soft bangs.

Creating a malvinka is simple:

  • wash your hair, blow dry or air dry
  • wind the strands as desired, create more elastic curls or soft waves;
  • to add volume, lightly comb the front strands;
  • for reliable fixation of curls, use foam or mousse;
  • collect strands from the forehead to the crown, make a tail or braid a short pigtail;
  • decorate the junction with a bow.

Original braid styling

Suitable for a summer day. The hair is beautifully styled, the beauty of weaving is visible. The hairstyle is not boring, easy to perform.

Step by step:

  • comb clean curls well, apply a little mousse or foam;
  • from both sides above the temples, separate narrow strands, braid the pigtails, fix the bottom with an elastic band;
  • braid an ordinary spikelet, fix the end of weaving on the back of the head, secure with a thin rubber band;
  • collect the side braids together with the spikelet, collect the common tail at the back of the head;
  • make a soft bundle or bun, in a circle - studs to fix the structure. Focus on the photo;
  • above the beam on an elastic band or invisibility, fasten a small bow.

Legendary babette

Fashionable hairstyle in the style of dudes is one of the most popular. Medium and long strands are easy to lay in the original design.

Decorate the babette with a bright artificial accessory or create an unusual hair bow. Place the decor under the structure, on the side or in front of the babette. Focus on the overall image.

How to proceed:

  • gather a high ponytail at the crown;
  • divide the strands into two parts of different volumes;
  • comb the bulk of the hair well, create a babette - a lush bun, fasten it, as in the photo;
  • lay the uncombed hairs on top of the structure, secure with hairpins and stealth;
  • attach the bow in the right place - in front or behind the beam;
  • if you decide to make a bow out of hair, leave the ends of the strands free, collect with an elastic band under the bundle, divide into two parts - create the wings of the bow;
  • make a jumper from the ends of the strands, tuck, secure with stealth and hairpins;
  • an original hair accessory in front is easy to make. You must first leave the strand loose in front, then make a bow out of it in front of the babette in the usual way.

hair bow

This original styling has many variations - from strict, elegant to cute, romantic. Pick up medium-length hair completely, curl long curls, leave fluffy. Spectacular styling looks great on dark and blond hair.

Step-by-step instruction:

  • carefully comb the hair, collect the tail on the back of the head or crown;
  • do not fully tighten the loop, leave 8–10 centimeters to create a jumper;
  • distribute the collected strands: the wings of the bow should be the same size;
  • stretch the parts to the side, create wings of the desired length;
  • close the middle with the free ends of the hair, like with a regular bow, secure with hairpins;
  • lightly spray styling with varnish.

Hairstyles for short hair

Most often, a shoulder-length haircut or strands of minimum length are decorated with a bow attached to the hoop. The choice of accessories in stores and on the Internet - for every taste and budget.

If you have short strands, and there is not enough length for the original styling, a bow rim will help out. A stylish accessory is easy to match the color of native strands.

Many girls attach a bow to combed strands. Against the background of voluminous styling, a cute accessory looks no less interesting.

See what different options there are. The original white bow is suitable even for wedding styling.

Bright bows create a festive mood even at home. Mom and wife should also be beautiful at any age.

One stroke, but how the image has changed. Choose a headband of the right size so that there is not much pressure on the head.

Here's how many interesting styling will help create a simple accessory. Hairstyles with bows are suitable for any occasion. Style your hair in different ways, perhaps you will get another original option. Successful experiments!

A few more hairstyles with a hair bow in the following video:

The beginning of the school year is a difficult transition from a wonderful vacation to working days. The fair sex, regardless of age and class in which they move, want to look good. Fashionable hairstyles for September 1, dresses and other clothing attributes are considered in advance.

How to choose a hairstyle

An elegant dress, beautiful shoes are not all that will help distinguish a young lady from the crowd. A large role in this is given to a beautiful, neat and at the same time elegant hairstyle. The choice of hairstyle for September 1 should be approached extremely scrupulously, since it should not only harmoniously fit into the image that the fashionista has chosen for herself, but also radiate extreme restraint, emphasize that she decorates the children's holiday. Of course, too flashy, catchy hairstyles for September 1 for girls are banned.

In order to make beautiful hairstyles for September 1, it will be very useful to use all kinds of white, cream, milky bows, ribbons, hairpins and hairpins, which will not leave a shadow of doubt that this is a grandiose festive event. Important when choosing a certain hairstyle will be the age category of the girl and, in fact, the length of the hair. Consider some hairstyle ideas for September 1st.

Short haircuts

At the moment, short hair is very popular. The only disadvantage of short haircuts is the small number of options for decorating them for the holiday. To add at least some variety will help to use a variety of hoops, hairpins, bows and other accessories when creating hairstyles for September 1 for short hair.

Different haircut variations can be easily obtained by using hair styling products: mousses, gels, foams, products using varnish, wax and more. In addition, you can use a curling iron, curlers, hair dryer. To make such a hairstyle more festive, a light bouffant or a charmingly styled bang will help.

Medium length hair styling

Much freer flight of fancy when working with medium length hair. From such hair, you can build a bundle, stab in the form of a shell, comb it to one side or up. And how beautiful loose hair looks, pre-curled with a curl, beautifully straightened or decorated with a decorative parting. Beautiful and at the same time stylish, hairstyles for September 1 look for medium hair, decorated with all kinds of weaves and braids, which currently have a lot of varieties.

hair braiding

To create this hairstyle, you need to stock up on thin elastic bands, hairpins and everything that can decorate your hair, which will add zest to your hair. First you need to depict a parting from any side, carved if possible. The hair strand of the frontal zone on the right side is divided into three equal parts and one link of weaving a simple version of the pigtail is made, then the strand on the left is wound from under the extreme over the middle and placed in front of the right edge, which forms two pairs of strands. Then the temporal strand of hair is wound under the right edge, in front of the secondary and combined with the one at the left edge. Then again they take a strand on the left and so on until the end they continue in the same spirit.

An important nuance is the ability to make the subsequent weaving wider. Strands are lowered in the center of the occipital region of the head to recreate a convex structure, then the weaving is continued on the opposite side and the strands are also lowered, securing it with an elastic band.

Similar actions are repeated from the opposite side, fixing by means of invisibility. Finally, the elastic bands are removed, fixing the weaves, smoothing out the freed ends and placing decorations.

Hairstyle for September 1 in first grade

The hairstyle for the first grader on September 1, made in a romantic style, will look very cute. For its design, you need to purchase stealth, hairpins and various decorations.

So, the strands of hair are well combed and stirred on both sides of the head, forming a parting in the center. Further from the strands near the forehead and the temporal part, the bundles are twisted. Another strand is picked up from below, connecting with the first and twisting a couple of times to the center, then another one, periodically it is necessary to fix them with hairpins. The same work is carried out from the opposite side of the head. The hairs that came out at the same time are stabbed with a hairpin. In addition, the resulting basket is decorated with a rim, ribbon and other things.

Hairstyles for long hair

There are many hairstyles that can be done with long hair. So, now hairstyles for September 1 for long hair have begun to look very attractive due to the weaving of braids of different levels and symmetry into them.

Beautiful hairstyles for September 1 for girls of grades 5, 6, 7, 8 represented by bunches, interestingly designed ponytails and others are perfect for the solemn line.


In order to make a neat bun at the back, it is necessary to select a certain amount of hair from the central part of the crown and make a ponytail out of them. The hair remaining after this is divided into strands so that in the end they form triangular vertices, they are fastened with elastic bands. Next, each vertex is divided into two components.

Neighboring strands are twisted into a tourniquet on the right side, merge and make another tourniquet, twisting it to the left side. The hair shaped into a tourniquet is threaded under the elastic of the ponytail located in the center part. Do the same with the remaining strands. After the end of the process, a strand of hair is isolated from the ponytail and placed between the middle and index fingers. The tip of the loop, which was thus formed, is threaded under the elastic band and its longitude is aligned. The same is done in a circular manner with the remaining hair.


A pretty bun can be made by starting with the formation of an even parting. Further, adhering to the rules of symmetry, strands are selected from both sides from the temporal side towards the auricles and each of them is divided into three more strands. Starting from the first part, they are gradually twisted, constantly introducing additional strands. The same is done with the remaining side. The hair that remains at the back of the head is divided equally and brought into tails with the addition of three previously twisted flagella, securing them with an elastic band. The resulting tail is twisted into a bun, fixing with a thin elastic band and fluffing up defective places. You can add a hairstyle with bows, sparkling spiers or stab a beautiful hairpin.

For grade 11

Original hairstyles for September 1 for grade 11 can be represented by interesting buns or styling in the form of slightly loose hair.

elegant bun

For medium-length hair of graduates, an elegantly laid bun is perfect, for the implementation of which you will need an elastic band, hairpins, and a fixing lacquer substance. First of all, large strands of hair are curled with a round curling iron, then the side hairs are separated, and those that remain are tied with a ponytail and a bun is formed from it. Side hair, using reverse French braids, is attached above the bun.


The hair presented in the form of a bow looks very cute. To create such a hairstyle, the upper section of the hair is collected in a ponytail, which is arranged in two equal parts and fixed with an elastic band. Separate and gather the top section of your hair. The resulting loop is divided equally, fixed and straightened. The edge of the hair, which remains free, is directed to the top, while pushing the hairs at the beginning of the elastic band and inserted into the resulting hole.


There is no secret that for a long time there has been a tradition among students to do hairstyles with bows on September 1st. Side ponytails decorated with huge bows are classic. In the modern world, fashionistas tend to decorate various bunches with bows.

To create such beauty, a ponytail is tied high, from which a pigtail is formed, wrapped at the root of the ponytail, a bundle is made of it, while fixing it with hairpins. Further, on the back of the head in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe bundle, they take a strand, put a joke under it with a ribbon threaded into the ear and pull it out so that the ribbon remains in the strand, then they take the strand again and do the same procedure. As a result, the entire bundle is girded with a ribbon, then another ribbon is taken and everything is repeated again. A beautiful bow is attached under the base of the bundle.

To recreate another hairstyle, which is based on a bun, we again form a ponytail, creating a pigtail out of it, wrap it at the root, cleave it with hairpins and decorate it to your liking.
Of course, these are not all hairstyles that can be used to celebrate September 1, this is only the main base of their varieties, further variations will be prompted by the imagination and preferences of young students.

Fashionable hairstyles for the first of September for girls photo:

Ekaterina Morozova - mother of many children, editor of the "Children" column in Colady magazine


There are many ways to please your beloved schoolgirl. And you don't need a reason to do so. But September 1 is a special day, and therefore the child should be the most elegant and most beautiful. probably already hanging in the closet, but the hairstyle for the schoolgirl on the day of knowledge has yet to be thought about. What hairstyle should a girl do on September 1?

Hairstyles for girls on September 1 - fashion trends for children's hairstyles for schoolgirls

Video: Hairstyle for a girl on September 1

What other hairstyle can my daughter do?

  • French braid.
    A traditional option that remains fashionable at all times for girls of any age. There can be two or one such braids, the direction of weaving can also vary - for example, from ear to ear. It is not necessary to fasten the braids with bows - you can use any fashion accessories and even flowers, which, in turn, can be combined with in the hands of a schoolgirl.

  • Basket, shell, bagels, fishtail, etc.
    Weaving options are many. It all depends solely on your imagination and the type of ribbon (hairpins).

  • Hairstyles for short hair.
    With a short haircut, you can curl the ends of the hair outward or, conversely, inward, and put on a beautiful hoop for the child (by the way, you can decorate the hoop yourself).

  • Curls.
    For curled curls, accessories may not be needed. Although a beautiful hairpin or a flower in the hair does not hurt. Also, curls can be stabbed at the temples with small hairpins or invisible with rhinestones.

  • High tail.
    It can also be curled into large curls. The gum itself is better to choose a neutral one (for example, blue velvet), and you can decorate your hair with special pearls for hair and glitter varnish.

  • The main rule when choosing a hairstyle is not to overdo it. That is, unnecessarily pretentious designs will be simply out of place on September 1. And do not forget that the daughter with this hairstyle will have to go through at least 3-4 hours. Therefore, in order not to spoil her holiday, do not pull the child's pigtails or ponytails too tight .

    Bows for September 1 for girls - we create a festive mood for our beloved schoolgirl

    Schoolgirls and their mothers begin to prepare for their first school line since the beginning of summer. By the end of August, as a rule, all that remains is to buy the necessary little things and choose elegant bows. In principle, bows are gradually becoming a thing of the past - they have already been replaced by many beautiful accessories, but many prefer to follow traditions. Bows are suitable for hair of any length - this is universal hairstyle , but experts do not recommend choosing too voluminous bows for a girl - they make the hair heavier and do not benefit the overall appearance.

    There are many options for hairstyles with bows:

    • Ponytails with bows.
    • Curls.
    • Ribbon woven into braid and ending with a bow.
    • Headband with a bow.
    • A bow made from the hair itself.

    Just remember that the bow is a decoration, not the main accent of the hairstyle.

    What hairstyle for September 1 to choose for a first grader - photo

    Thanks to modern hair styling products and an abundance of accessories, creating an original look for your favorite future schoolgirl is not a problem. While there is time left - experiment with hairstyles and styling, but Do not forget:

    • Hairstyle should please the child.
    • The hairstyle should not shock teachers.
    • The hairstyle should not bring discomfort to the future schoolgirl.
    • Hairstyle should match the holiday. That is, towers of hair and an abundance of shiny jewelry are definitely not suitable for this holiday.

    Choose the hairstyle that will cheer up the schoolgirl. Still, holiday september 1 happens only once a year.

Every morning in the school year for schoolgirls begins with putting their hair in order. After all, teachers require students to comply with norms, a neat appearance. Boys and girls should have a well-groomed appearance and a neat hairstyle. Hair must be collected so that it does not get into the eyes, does not interfere with physical education in sports. In addition, it is good if the child likes the view. Girls love beautiful hairstyles, sometimes they even compete who is better at doing hairstyles for school.

What hairstyles for school are suitable for girls

Fittings may vary. Mainly:

  • tails
  • bundles
  • weaving

Hairpins, hairpins, hoops, elastic bands and other beautiful devices are used to create them.

easy hairstyles for school

Easy hairstyles for school they look very nice, despite the fact that you will spend quite a bit of time to create them. The main condition is that the strands must be washed and combed. Then your styling will be perfect.

  • To create such a beam, as in the image, you will need to prepare curls (comb) and take an elastic band, hairpins.
  • Gather the ponytail at the crown, secure with an elastic band.
  • Divide your hair into two equal parts.
  • Wrap the tail with one, shape the bundle with the other part to make it neat.

  • IMPORTANT! In the same way, you can make two beams with an even gap. In addition, in order to add zest to your hair, use beautiful hair clips that will support naughty bangs or disheveled strands.

Here is such an intricate heart pattern you will get with the help of ordinary rubber bands. If you make the styling decoration with bright elastic bands or flower hairpins, then the hairstyle will become even better.

Hairstyle for a girl to school - photo

The use of a simple clip for strands with a flower will decorate the hairstyle of two braids of a young fashionista.

Multi-colored beautiful ribbons on ponytails, pigtails look especially good if they fit the girl's outfit.

Hairstyles for school every day

When your head is full of studies, there is little time left for styling, so it’s good to choose your option. hairstyles for every day to school so that it doesn't take too long. Next, see examples of such styling on curls of different lengths.

Casual hairstyles for school - photo

Beautiful hairstyles for school

When festive events are held at school, the child wants to change something in the image and look different from the usual - everyday. This problem will be solved not only by a new stylish outfit, but also by a beautiful, unusual styling. Hairstyles with original, stylish weaves, twisted curls, hair bows, etc. look beautiful on long strands and medium-length hair.

How to do hair for school?

Sometimes you want your hair to rest from daily styling in the form of pigtails and ponytails. Then it is enough to put on an elastic bandage on the head. The strands will not interfere with the girl in the classroom.

From thin braids you get a beautiful weave, if you connect them together with hair ties. To create them, it is enough to braid three pigtails on one side and three on the other, after making a zigzag parting. Then fix the weaves through the same gap along the entire length of the hair.

Hairstyles for long hair for school

Long strands are the dream of many girls. From such hair, you can come up with many different styling. Starting from braids, weaves, ending with ponytails, curls and other stylish styling.

High ponytails look very pretty.

Hairstyles for long hair to school - photo

If your child likes experiments and often changes hairstyles, then these cute bows made of thin strands will give the girl's appearance a neat, pretty look.

The braid, pressing loose strands, will emphasize the beauty of the girl's curls and bring romantic notes to the image.

A bunch in the form of a flower will appeal to both girls of primary school age and older girls.

A Greek-style braided ponytail looks great on long curls. Make it easy. See images below for detailed instructions.

  • IMPORTANT! Hair styling should always be in harmony with the outfit. For a hairstyle for a gala event, only a festive outfit is suitable.

Hairstyles for medium hair to school

Hairstyles for school for teenagers

High school girls often get haircuts to emphasize their individuality. The bob hairstyle is now very popular among young people. However, long hair also does not give up its position. Next, see examples of styling for high school students to attend classes at school.

Quick hairstyles for school

Quick hairstyles for school for girls are done by mothers who also rush to work in the morning. As this type of styling, you can imagine hairstyles with hairpins, invisible, elastic bands, braids, which do not take much time to weave.

Quick hairstyles for girls - photo

What hairstyle to do to school for a holiday?

If you do not have talent in weaving braids or creating masterpieces on your head, then contact the masters in the salon. They will not only advise a cool hairstyle, but also make it at the highest level. the child will be satisfied after visiting the beauty salon.

Children's hairstyles for school - photo

Even the smallest schoolgirls can be unhappy with their hairstyle. Therefore, mom should learn to weave or create various styling on the strands of babies. Monotonous hairstyles can get boring - experiment, come up with your own options.

School hairstyles for girls - the easiest

Every mother knows how to make a ponytail and braid a braid. See the simplest examples of hairstyles using these skills.

Do-it-yourself hairstyles for school - photo

Doing styling in beauty salons is often not affordable for everyone. There is an alternative - do the styling yourself. After all, now in the open spaces online you can find many guides for creating various hairstyles with your own hands. See how weaving can be done with ribbon, and then make a neat bun at the back.

With thin braids, you get a stylish big pigtail for long hair.

And from two braids loosely braided, you can create two buns. In order for it to hold well, it is necessary to use elastic bands, invisible hairpins, hairpins.

Cool hairstyles for school - photo

If you use bright accessories to create masterpieces on your head, you get very cool styling. See for yourself - what a beauty.

Hairstyles with loose hair for school

Quick hairstyles for girls for long hair - video

Fashionable hairstyles for school

Now in fashion, both long hair and haircuts for different lengths of hair. Therefore, the hairstyle can be selected based on your preferences. Below you will see a number of offers from which you can choose your favorite.

What to wear to school?

Every morning before school, this question is relevant. In order not to think a lot, see examples of beautiful weaves and learn how to make them yourself according to the diagrams in the pictures.

  • IMPORTANT! When creating styling for children, do not abuse the use of hair fixing products in the form of varnish, foam, mousse, etc. Girls may develop allergic reactions to such cosmetics.

What hairstyle can be done to school for every day - video

All good things, alas, tend to come to an end, so the summer holidays are coming to an end, and it's time to prepare your daughters for school or prepare yourself. But there are also advantages in preparing for difficult school days: after all, how nice it is to buy new bright stationery, new clothes, prepare a backpack or bag.

But there is something else that is part of the necessary preparation for school - this is the choice of hairstyles for September 1st. Moreover, it is worth noting that both younger schoolgirls and their mothers and high school students pay attention to this, because everyone always wants to look good and fashionable.

Starting the school year looking pretty and having a great haircut is very important. Now we will look at hairstyles that can be done for a solemn line for cute first graders, and charming schoolgirls with experience, and beautiful high school girls.

How to make a beautiful hairstyle for your daughter on the first of September?

A girl's hairstyle on September 1 may not be anything complicated and supernatural, but it can also be very intricate and time-consuming - it all depends on your desire.

We will tell you about several options that do not take long, but at the same time look very beautiful. It is clear that white bows or bows are preferable to younger schoolgirls, because this is a kind of symbol of September 1st.

Hairstyle "Fishtail" - beautiful and solemn

In many hairstyles, you can take spikelets, French braids or fishtails as a basis, which we will focus on. Even a simple braid of such weaving looks very interesting, but for a ruler it needs to be complicated.

First, all hair must be combed to one side and divided into 3 equal parts and weave a fishtail from each. Then, from these 3 tails, weave an ordinary pigtail and at the end fix the hair with a thin elastic band and put on either a neat delicate flower (because the hairstyle looks quite massive) or a large bow (if you want magnificent solemnity).

Video on how to do a fishtail hairstyle:

This is how a beautiful and interesting braid can turn out from a familiar braid.

French pigtail for a girl: a solemn option

Also, simple children's hairstyles for September 1 can be complicated and made festive by introducing white ribbons into weaving.

You can, for example, start weaving a French braid right from the forehead and weave a thin white ribbon into it, which will flicker in each turn.

Ribbons fit especially effectively into dark or red hair. At the bottom you can also attach a beautiful bow.

Video on how to weave a French braid:

Hairstyle "Basket"

Beautiful hairstyles for September 1 can also be done on a spikelet, and we recommend that you make not just a braid or two, but make a “basket” (when the pigtail goes around the entire circumference of the head) or any other figure, this is already a matter of your imagination.

With the help of a spikelet, you can still make a semblance of a rim. For example, you can use a spikelet to make two thin braids in front, and either pick up the rest of the hair in the back in a bun, or weave a “basket” or a French braid.

If you like this hairstyle, but do not seem elegant, then weave ribbons, and you can use both white and the color of a school uniform.

Festive hairstyle for short hair for daughter

But what kind of hairstyle for September 1 can be done for girls with not very long or short hair? There is one wonderful and simple way (not the only one, of course).

We part the hair into two parts and make 3 or more ponytails on each (the volume of the hairstyle depends on the number of them: the more ponytails, the less voluminous it will be) and fix them with inconspicuous rubber bands, and then from each ponytail we make a “spread” around the axis and we fix it with an invisibility, which should be decorated with a flower.

Hairstyles for September 1 for high school students

And what kind of hairstyle to do on September 1 for a girl, or rather, a girl who has moved to 8th grade or older?

Here the spikelets will no longer help - you need something more solid, feminine and “adult”, because at the age of 14 girls are so eager to look like adults. And, of course, now we will talk about simple hairstyles for loose hair.

Curls + flagella: festive and stylish

The first excellent and very simple option is flowing curls with flagella. First, curl your hair with a curling iron, making large smooth curls, fix them with varnish.

On both sides of the parting, we take a strand of medium thickness and twist it from the bottom up to the back of the head, and there in one place we fix them with invisibility.

Hairstyle "Waterfall"

This method is a little more difficult. If you have perfectly straight and smooth hair, then you can leave it like that, and if the situation is different, then it is better to make large curls.

Then, from the temple, start weaving a braid and start the first binding with a strand that is located just above the face, and place it in the middle.

Then grab the bottom strand and also move it to the middle. The top strand turned out to be below, and we don’t touch it anymore. Instead, separate a new one from the mass of hair, and continue such movements to the other temple.

Here is a video on how to do the Waterfall hairstyle correctly:

There you can fix your hair with a small white flower. This hairstyle is sometimes called a waterfall.

We offer you to look at other hairstyles for September 1 in the photo, among which you will definitely find the perfect option for your girl: