Farewell words of the teacher to the graduates of the nursery. Poems and prose for parting words to primary school graduates from parents. A selection of beautiful congratulations in verse and prose for kindergarten graduates from parents

Within the walls of a warm and cozy kindergarten, children spend most of their time on the first steps of their long life path. There, for the first time, they learn to respect adults and make friends with their peers, get the basics of knowledge, acquire useful habits and skills in caring for themselves, animals, plants. A competent teaching staff will always be able to discern talents in children, lay the foundations for self-realization and gently push them to society. But alas, all beautiful things come to an end sooner or later, and a more adult and responsible period of schooling comes to replace the carefree childhood. On the border of these two steps, preschoolers will have an important official event - the graduation in kindergarten. In addition to gifts, entertainment and treats, he will bring the graduates and employees of the preschool educational institution a sea of ​​pleasant wishes and words of gratitude. Like beautiful outfits, congratulations at the graduation in kindergarten in verse and prose for parents, educators and staff are better prepared in advance.

Touching congratulations at the graduation in kindergarten from the teacher to children

In just a few years, the kids have become dear to every kindergarten worker. Teachers, like mothers of a huge family, see off their wards with anxiety and sadness. The nannies wipe their tears sadly, presenting long moments of nostalgia. Health workers try for the last time to remind about health and prevention. The head of the department carefully examines the entire group of graduates. The music director proudly plays the last children's song ... And, be sure, each of them has something to say goodbye to the guys. But only the educators will say the most touching congratulations to the children at the kindergarten graduation. Warm instructions will also contain warnings about upcoming difficulties, and the desire to easily overcome them. Touching congratulations at the graduation in kindergarten from the teacher to the children are the last parting words of the teacher to his beloved students.

Collection of touching congratulatory poems to children from educators at the graduation

Congratulations to you guys
Happy First Graduation!
We are, of course, happy for you,
But we are a little sad.

You will not come to the kindergarten anymore,
New things await you
But toys and cribs
They will always remember you.

We wish that at school
You all studied at the "five".
And, of course, with warmth
Remember the kindergarten!

We congratulate the children today,

Happy this bright and joyful day.

We wish them knowledge, health,

Let's all go to school soon.

We will work there, study,

We learn many different rules.

We will strive for new heights,

Not forgetting your kindergarten.

The years passed quickly -
The kindergarten is behind.
You have become very big
It's time for you to go to school!

You are no longer preschool children,
You go to first grade!
Congratulations to you guys
May your dreams come true!

We wish you victories
Life is fabulously beautiful.
Let the green light burn
In a childish and happy fairy tale!

Kindergarten is already behind the back -
The first graduation in my life!
We accompany you to school,
We wish you only "fives".

So that you learn with joy,
So that the parents are proud.
Happiness, fortitude, patience
And a little more luck.

Your little world in the garden
Has become cramped for you.
A big new world awaits you.
Happy graduation, guys!

Wish in a new world
Joyful discoveries
Bright days, good friends,
Lots of events.

Do not get sick and do not be naughty
Promise us.
And a favorite kindergarten
Visit us often!

Beautiful congratulations in prose to children from parents at the graduation in kindergarten

When organizing a graduation party, parents forget that the main heroes of the occasion are their own children, graduates. This means that any indents, congratulations and words of gratitude to teachers and staff should not take up a lot of festive time. In recent years, stylized parties based on a favorite cartoon or a preschool fairy tale have become popular. Therefore, all contests, demonstrations and beautiful congratulations in prose to children from parents at the graduation in kindergarten should correspond to the general theme. If the parent committee cannot come up with suitable wishes in verse, it is worth dwelling on the pleasant lines "in your own words." In addition, it will be much easier for parents to adjust prosaic congratulations to children in accordance with the general style of graduation to kindergarten.

A selection of beautiful prosaic congratulations to kindergarten graduates from parents

For the past few years, you have been illuminating this kindergarten with your irrepressible energy and love of life. Saying goodbye to the kindergarten today, do not forget those who worked here and tried to tell you as much as possible about the world. Entering a new, amazing stage in your life, sometimes remember about your kindergarten, because it was here that you first learned what friendship and mutual assistance are.

So your first graduation has come, you are leaving kindergarten and a lot of new and interesting things are waiting for you. Happy graduation, kid, I wish you good schooling, perseverance, responsibility, joy, new successes, find many new friends, health, new interesting knowledge and skills at school, may everything always work out!

Today is a significant day, today our children have their first graduation! Soon they will be replacing their toys with books, notebooks, pens and rulers. It is very sad to part with a carefree childhood. Here, in kindergarten, everyone loves you, here educators and nannies have put their love in you, taught you to sing, dance, recite poetry, make friends and show character. Thanks to them for this, as well as for the fact that so many years have been devoted to this difficult, but very important business. I would like to wish the kids not to forget what they taught you in kindergarten, and I wish to study excellently and please their parents.

Today is a very important event for our children - kindergarten graduation! We congratulate you, our kids, on the holiday! We wish you a great mood, a lot of energy and activity, a craving for knowledge and always ringing and sincere laughter. Let your first steps in school life be easy, understandable and interesting. Good luck and great success!

Dear kids, today is your first graduation party! We congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts. You have become adults, you are leaving your favorite kindergarten, but you will love school just as much. School days, new friends, discoveries, knowledge await ahead. Try, learn. Only then will everything in your life work out!

Sincere congratulations at the graduation in kindergarten from children to educators

Don't forget: kindergarten graduation is not only an important event in the life of children, but also a touching evening for kind teachers and caring nannies. Children and parents should take a responsible approach to the preparation of sincere congratulations to educators, which fully reflect the depth of feelings on the occasion of the kindergarten graduation. In such a case, the main thing is not to write a beautiful verse, but to present it correctly. So, moms and dads can arrange a commemorative photo poster (the administration will certainly want to hang it in a conspicuous place in the lobby of the preschool educational institution), and graduates will demonstrate it, reading sincere congratulations at the graduation in kindergarten from children to educators. You can also organize thematic performances, learn a congratulatory song or make a video clip with wishes from each child to all garden workers.

Collection of sincere congratulations in verse to educators from kindergarten graduates

Our educators spent a lot of energy,
So that worthy citizens of us grow up.
They taught us kindness, spoon-fed us,
And they just took care of us as best they could.
And in return, thanks to them in this hour of farewell
With a sense of gratitude, we want to say.
Thank you for your concern, thank you for your attention.
You gave everything for us that you could give us.

With you we have become big
From dummies to books
We jumped together, played
The years flew by in an instant.
The first big school,
Our favorite kindergarten,
There were so many happy days
Crying out of place in the morning.
With us you are second mothers,
We practiced day after day.
And now we are first graders
Let's go hand in hand.

You got the hard work -
It needs a lot of attention
After all, everyone understands himself
Children what education means.
While the working day dragged on -
You replaced the mother for the children.
And today everyone wants
Thank you for everything!

You are every day and every hour,
Dedicated to hard work,
Just thinking about us,
You live by concern alone.
So that the earth is famous for us,
And so that we grow up honest,
Thank you nannies, educators,
Thanks for all the good!

There is no position more important -
Deputy of our mothers!
He knows everything and is able to:
How to settle the rumors

Laugh or console
Answer questions ...
The walls in the hall, snow attendants
And dress up the girls ...

Our teacher,
We will remember you forever!
And let everyone know that yours
The position is super! Upper class!

Official congratulations in prose to educators from parents at the graduation in kindergarten

Every year, when composing official prosaic congratulations to teachers for the kindergarten graduation, parents make the same mistakes:

  • unnecessarily dramatize the moment, forcing the heroes of the occasion and all the guests of the holiday to feel sad;
  • make up too long a speech, taking away the last minutes of a cheerful joint pastime of children with educators;
  • single out only a few teachers and workers from the entire staff of the kindergarten staff, thereby leaving an unpleasant aftertaste for the deprived.

To avoid such troubles, you should use our thank you speech templates. Official congratulations in prose to educators from parents at the graduation in kindergarten from the following selection can be used without changes, only by writing in the right places the exact number of the kindergarten, as well as the name and patronymic of the teacher.

Collection of official prosaic congratulations from parents to educators at the graduation in kindergarten

Dear and respected educators, today your pupils, glorious and wonderful children, are leaving the walls of the kindergarten. Congratulations on your finish. Let the moments of parting be both joyful and sad, but still, time does not stand still, it is time for the children to continue their journey and strive for something new, and new pupils are waiting for you, to whom you will give your care and love. Thank you for the wonderful upbringing of children, for the first and important knowledge, for interesting and bright hobbies. You helped children overcome their fears and self-doubt, taught them to go all the way and achieve their goals. This is your merit, and you should be proud of it. We wish you many years of successful activity, wonderful children and great happiness in every day.

Dear and dear educators, we congratulate you on the holiday - on your graduation! Let this day be remembered with touching children's smiles and sparkling eyes. You gave our children a piece of yourself, surrounded them with care and love. Thank you, sincerely and from the bottom of our hearts. We wish you health for many years to come, happiness and unrestrained vitality. Thank you!

Dear educators, today your children are leaving the garden and leaving these walls. Thank you for always being reliable friends and faithful helpers for your aunts, for giving the children a fairy tale and faith in miracles, for teaching everything new and interesting. Your children will always remember the happy and kind moments that you gave them. May your work always be successful and your work honorable and truly respected.

Dear and dear educators, we congratulate you on this release. Today you let your pupils, wonderful and obedient children go to school life. Together with them, you took the first steps, you showed how to learn, what to strive for and how to achieve everything. Thank you for the warmth of your hearts and the wonderful upbringing of children. We wish you many years of patience, health, happiness and joy from your profession.

Dear educators, we sincerely hasten to congratulate you on your next graduation, let your pupils walk confidently through life, let pride in their achievements warm your soul. Thank you for your kindness, affection, wisdom and patience, for your dedication and love for our children. Be healthy, loved, prosperous.

Cheerful congratulations at the graduation in kindergarten from children to the staff and employees of the preschool educational institution

Not only teachers, but also other kindergarten workers will be glad to hear cheerful congratulations at the graduation from children. The words of gratitude are traditionally made by parents, and the children distribute the poems among themselves and learn them from memory. But even the most talented mothers, exhausted by the preparation and excited about the upcoming event, find it difficult to compose funny poetic lines dedicated to every "worker of the invisible front". To alleviate the fate of parents, we have compiled a selection of cheerful congratulations at the graduation in kindergarten from children to the staff and employees of the preschool educational institution. Read them and choose the best ones.

A selection of funny congratulatory poems to the kindergarten staff from children at the graduation


From dawn clear to dark
She is in our kindergarten.
Who will bring us lunch
And will clean up the dishes?

Our group is not more beautiful.
Clean and light around!
Maybe our nanny
And not two, but ten hands?

Moose. to the head

We don't distinguish "Fa" from "salt",
Not everyone is given talent,
But it doesn't bother us
There is a musician in the kindergarten.

On my mother's day and on my father's holiday,
At Christmas or New Year
Even the furious prankster
Famously sings a song.

Physical education. employee

We have enlightened long ago
That a sound mind in a sound body.
Musculature grows in children,
Sports and physical education are honored here.

We began to notice more and more often
We began to lag behind the children.
We'll have to keep up with the children
We should go in for sports and do it ourselves.

Drawing teacher

Children, as always,
They love to draw very much.
But they used to have to
Explain the pictures to us.

But over the years we observe
Amazing progress.
Among them, we know for sure
There are Levitans too.

Of course, for the entire period of education of children in kindergarten, parents most often come into contact with educators. But within the walls of the beloved preschool educational institution there are other professionals in their field: affectionate nannies, talented chefs, inventive physical education teachers, hardworking washerwomen, caring nurses, resourceful music leaders, experienced methodologists and speech therapists. Perhaps, some of them were never seen by their parents. But all these workers daily ensured the full and uninterrupted work of the kindergarten. This means that at the graduation party, parents should say solemn prosaic congratulations from the bottom of their hearts to all the kindergarten staff. For everyday work on a common cause, for the warmth given to the children, for affection and care, for everything, everything, everything ...

For examples of solemn congratulations in prose to the staff from parents at the graduation in kindergarten, see the last section of our article.

Collection of solemn congratulatory speeches from parents of graduates to kindergarten staff

On behalf of the parents of today's graduates, I want to say a huge thank you to all the staff of kindergarten N. All of you did your best so that our Mashenka and Petechka, Vanechka and Katenka were always well fed and dressed warmly, so that they could do exercises and sing songs so that they do not get sick and slept sweetly. You really invested a part of yourself in our kids, and today we are leaving our truly native kindergarten N, knowing that we have managed to acquire kind, caring and hardworking allies in the difficult task of upbringing. From the bottom of my heart I express to all of you, dear ones, our gratitude and wish that your noble work will always be appreciated at its true worth!

On behalf of all the parents of our "Name" group, let me express my deep gratitude to the head of the kindergarten N full name, educators of our group, full name and full name, as well as the entire staff of this preschool educational institution. We, parents, never worried leaving our children in the garden, because we knew that they were in good hands. And our kids went to N with pleasure, and isn't this the best proof of your care for them? We are glad that all these 5 years you have been with us and our children - experienced teachers, skillful cooks and washerwomen, kind and caring nannies. For your selfless work, for your sensitive attitude not only to children, but also to us, for your high professionalism - thank you all very much!

We, parents, want to sincerely thank all those who, over the past 5 years, have raised, taught, fed, put to bed and wiped away the tears of our kids. Our children today are leaving the garden and moving into a new stage in their lives, and you helped them to become a little more mature and independent. Let the years pass, but we will always remember you with endless gratitude. For your selfless work and love for our children, for your care and kindness, for your contribution to the future of our kids - thank you so much!

The ship is commanded, of course, by the captain, but only the well-coordinated work of all crew members will allow him to fearlessly sail even on the most turbulent seas. Our kindergarten N is, in a sense, also a ship, and each kindergarten worker is a member of a large cohesive team, which, under the skillful guidance of our respected head, full name, easily copes with any difficulties and adversities. All together you managed to give our children the best, and every day our kids came here and received not only new knowledge and skills, but also affection, care, love. Thank you so much for everything!

Children's graduation is an important and memorable event. The organizers' task is to make the holiday both touching and fun. At this time, children will remember the farewell matinee itself, and bright moments from kindergarten life. And in order for the holiday to become unique and not like others, parents need to timely prepare beautiful congratulations at the kindergarten graduation for educators and children, as well as official congratulatory lines in prose for all employees and staff of the preschool educational institution.

With the onset of spring, nature blooms with the brightest colors, and the wonderful aroma of young greenery and flowers spreads in the air. Very soon, kindergartens and schools will hear the Last Bell, as well as parting words to graduates - from parents and teachers. So, for the smallest kindergarten graduates, the head and educators usually express wishes for an excellent study, joyful school discoveries and loyal friends. In the solemn speech to the graduates of the 9th and 11th grades, there is a sincere hope that each of them will find their own way and achieve success in conquering the peaks - from the headmaster, class teacher and teachers. We are sure that with the help of such beautiful and touching parting words, it is best to express support in any endeavors and aspirations. Let all sincere instructions find a response in the heart of every graduate, becoming a real guiding star on the future path of life. In the video, you will find examples on the basis of which you can compose a beautiful parting word for graduates of different ages.

Parting words to grade 9 graduates from the class teacher in verse and prose, video

Ninth grade is one of the most important stages in life for many students. After receiving basic education, some students decide to go to college, vocational school or technical school. In such cases, ninth-graders become graduates - soon they will have to say goodbye to their classmates and beloved teachers in order to set off on an independent "voyage". According to the script, on the Last Call, a beautiful parting word is heard to the 9th grade graduates from the class teacher and subject teachers - with the best wishes for good luck, happiness and life achievements. We bring to your attention examples of parting speech in verse and prose for a solemn performance at the line in honor of the Last Bell. Of course, over the long years of study, the class teacher becomes more of a “parent” than an ordinary teacher. Therefore, the parting words of the "cool mother" are filled with extraordinary warmth and participation in the future fate of their pupils, who are forever leaving the walls of their native school.

Examples of parting words from the homeroom teacher for ninth-grade graduates

Nine years of study behind. Some of you will stay at our school for several years, while others will leave the classroom for good today. I wish each of you to be able to conquer obstacles. And I am sure that you will be able to fulfill this wish, because one obstacle that stood in your way, you have already jumped over and thanks to this you finished nine classes. For those who remain, I wish to be just as impetuous and persistent. And whoever leaves, let him achieve his goal. I congratulate you on the completion of the ninth grade, may your path be bright and the road good.

From school doorstep
There are many roads in the world
Which one to walk - the decision is yours:
Should I continue my studies,
Whether to go to work, -
You are in control of your destiny.
Only one wish:
Efforts are needed in everything
Whichever path you choose in life.
You said goodbye to childhood
Now I would find a remedy
To comprehend the main essence in life.
There is preparation for life,
Skill and dexterity,
And God did not offend you with his mind.
Health is strength,
And so that happiness is
You must achieve it with work.
Work is the basis of life
For the good of the whole Motherland,
This means that you will benefit too.
Work or study,
The goal is to be useful to people
And take place in your own destiny,
Be happy, successful
Let not sinless in everything,
But to love life and live with faith in the heart:
You are worthy of happiness!
And always be in tune
Conquer any obstacles!

Walk boldly along the road:
Take risks, act wisely.
Look into the distance, not at your feet,
Let life take its course.

Don't forget about each other,
Always stick together.
Help in difficult times
Your school friends will be able to you.

Don't forget your parents.
They are wiser than the sages!
Do not give extra advice
And stay away from the scoundrels!

Dear my children, we walked the path of knowledge together. Now is the time you leave school. And I want to wish you ups and downs in life and striving for your desires, great human happiness and blooming youth. May everyone succeed, may luck be near, may each of you meet true love. All the best and good health.

Dear Guys! I congratulate you on the end of a serious stage in your life. For those of you who continue your studies, I would like to wish you a joyful and carefree vacation. And to those who say goodbye to school today, I want to say the following as a senior. We all want to be happy, but the trouble is that the image of happiness is imposed on us from the outside - an apartment, a car, a prestigious job. I want you to be able to see and choose what is right for you, because your heart desires so. Only this path will lead you to real happiness, follow it.

A beautiful parting word from parents to grade 9 graduates on the last call

School years pass unnoticed, and very soon it will be time to say goodbye - 9th grade graduates are preparing to enter adulthood. In honor of such an important event, a solemn line is held annually, dedicated to the holiday of the Last Bell. Smart and beautiful, ninth-graders listen with trepidation and excitement to the parting words from the class teacher, teachers and parents. It is especially difficult for the mothers and fathers of ninth-grade graduates - here sadness from the upcoming parting is mixed with joy and pride for the grown-up children. Traditionally, the parting word to graduates from parents contains the most touching wishes and wise advice that comes from the loving heart of a loved one. Parents sometimes find it difficult to contain their excitement when giving a speech, for obvious reasons. Therefore, it is best to arrange the parting words in the form of a beautiful postcard or letter, and then just read it out. We have selected several variants of the text of the parting word for 9th grade graduates from parents - perhaps the ideas proposed will inspire you to create a soulful speech of "author's work".

Variants of a beautiful parting word to ninth-grade graduates from parents

9 wonderful years have flown by, which will forever remain in our memory, just like the guys. Anything happened, not everything turned out to be smooth. But we knew for sure that they would listen to us here, they would help us, they would support us. Dear teachers, administration, all specialists of the friendly school team, thank you for our children. Gratitude for your work is hard to put into words and just as hard to appreciate. We wish your and our school only good luck, success and prosperity. Thanks again!

Congratulations, children, with the completion of the 9th grade! The last bell rang and complex problems and theorems were left behind. For some of you, this event will really be the last, and you will leave the native corridors of the school, and someone, having rest, will start the educational process again. Whatever it was, we wish you only great success, useful and valuable knowledge, to find yourself in the choice of a profession - so that you know exactly what you want from life and do not turn off the intended path.

Our dear children, today the last bell rings for you, today you have to make an important decision and decide how to continue your further journey. Someone will step into the tenth grade, and someone will want to leave the walls of the school and try to prove themselves in something else. One way or another, we want you to know that your parents will always support you, we will always help and advise. May this summer be happy and wonderful for each of you, may the hot hot days give new strength and enthusiasm for the successful continuation of your path.

Children! We have a lot to tell you -
If a lump comes up to the throat;
Don't be ashamed to look you in the eye
And let God help you in everything!
May luck never leave you
And let you be better than us ...
You graduated from the eleventh grade,
But you will remain our children!

On the doorstep - a seething new world
You have so many important things to do!
Let the magic golden key
It will generously open the doors to life for you.
We wish everyone to find their way
On which you want to walk.
A lot of happiness and a little bit of anxiety
Believe in miracles and always dare!

A touching parting word to primary school graduates from the first teacher

The first teacher for every student becomes not only a teacher, but also a real friend and wise advisor. For the first time crossing the threshold of school, a child finds himself in a completely new and unknown world, in which he will have to learn to live for many years. In such a difficult period, support and help is simply invaluable - for many "yesterday" kindergarteners, the first teacher becomes a "mother", kind and caring. During the four years of elementary school, the guys have matured noticeably, learned a lot and are ready to enter a new stage in their lives. Among the rest of the schoolchildren at the solemn assembly in honor of the Last Bell, the students of the 4th grade are especially distinguished - as the youngest graduates. Unlike students in grades 9 or 11, fourth graders will remain in school, but they will have to part with their beloved first teacher. So, the parting word to primary school graduates from the first teacher always sounds touching and heartfelt, causing a lot of positive emotions in those present. We suggest using the presented texts when compiling a touching parting word for graduates of grade 4 - in verse or prose.

A selection of parting words from the first teacher for primary school graduates

It's time for us to say goodbye
But for some reason there is no sadness,
After all, we will meet at school
Over the years.

The doors are always open for you,
I am waiting for you to visit all-all-all
And I guys really believe
What awaits you a huge success.

Other children will come to me
And there will be a new first class
But remember these minutes
We will be with you many times -

As we walked with you together
And they reached their goal,
We read poems, sang songs,
The whole program was studied.

Big changes await you
And there will be so many new meetings
But our friendship is certain
Guys, we need to save!

So you fluttered from elementary school -

It will be so in any days and times;

You just have to get used to your new role

Adult five-graders - mid-level!

You scooped up happiness in elementary school:

Learned many things you need ...

It's a pity to part! But it's time to say goodbye ...

I wish you happiness, guys, and success to you!

Primary school students are the first to go on summer vacations. But someone just goes on vacation, and someone goes on vacation and high school. And all because they finished 4th grade and we have our first high school graduation. Congratulations on graduation from primary school from the first teacher are beautiful words of parting words. These are words of congratulations that will help all high school students. Look at the congratulations and choose the one that suits you the most.

My dear students!
Today is a wonderful day - your graduation day! Today you are bidding farewell to elementary school. Another stage of your life will pass. You have new classes, new teachers, and new activities ahead of you. But I ask you to look back. Remember how good it was for us in our beloved and cozy class. Remember how we learned letters and numbers, how we learned to write and count. Remember how we spent the holidays and class hours. Remember - and never forget! After all, this is not just the past, this is your life! Primary school may be the best school for you. After all, difficult classes await you further, and there will be no more time for fun and holidays.
Thank you for your efforts and skills. You have become like family for me during these four years. I am very glad that you are all my students!

We've been together for four years. Every day we discovered something new for ourselves. Every day we learned new topics and got to know the world.
Today you are adults. Today you are already a primary school graduate. You have high school, new subjects and new teachers ahead of you. You have new challenges ahead and many, many new and interesting things.
I am glad for you, glad that you have grown up and are rapidly and confidently moving towards your adult life.
I wish you not to deviate from the intended path and reach the end, so that our four years of study are not in vain!

The best parting word from parents to kindergarten graduates

For many kids, the kindergarten becomes a second home, and the teacher becomes an affectionate and caring mother. Therefore, parting with your favorite kindergarten sometimes evokes mixed feelings of joy and sadness. Today, in every preschool institution, a real graduation ball is held - with dances, poems, parting speeches to little graduates. Elegant girls in lush ball gowns look so touching in pairs with boys, who are importantly performing in white shirts with fashionable bow ties. On such a day, the best parting words to kindergarten graduates are pronounced by educators and parents - with the wish of successful school studies, good behavior, new friends and exciting discoveries. So, for the parents of young graduates, a new stage begins, in which their help and support will be simply invaluable. When composing a parting speech at the graduation in kindergarten, parents can choose ready-made texts or resort to improvisation, expressing their most sincere and reverent feelings in their own words.

The best parting words for kindergarten graduates from parents, poetry and prose

Our dear children, we congratulate you on your graduation. Today you will leave the walls of this kindergarten and set off on a new path along the roads of other interests and hobbies. We want to wish you never to doubt yourself, in no case be upset, dream beautifully and believe in miracles, show your talents in everything and successfully receive new knowledge of life.

Today is a graduation party! And I wish our kids a great and bright life path. May the coming school years bring you a lot of knowledge, skills and abilities. May joy always accompany you, along with luck, sincerity and success. Good mood, courage and victories!

You say goodbye to kindergarten,
School is waiting for you, first grade,
We wish you guys
Cheerfulness and strength reserve,
Enjoy learning
Listen to teachers
Behave yourself well
Become only brave!

Guys! We are immensely proud of you!

Today you are especially great!

Sounds very loud and proud, probably:

"You are kindergarten graduates."

Accept congratulations from dads and mothers,

We wish you new successes and victories!

May every moment be joyful

Will leave a shining mark on the heart!

So the guys grew up,

The last year has passed.

You are no longer preschool children,

You are more serious than the people.

Nowadays, it seems, kids

With lollipops in hand,

Tomorrow - fashionable, with a haircut,

In school you will become the basics

Sort out on the sly,

Dig into the wilds of physics,

To learn the secrets of formulas

You have no time for jokes today

Very short interval

Before serious adult matters,

Well, go for it!

To those who dare

The kindergarten will look sternly after

Say: "On a good road!"

Moms will bless everyone

Dads will just cheer you up.

A clever parting word to grade 11 graduates from the school principal on the Last Call, video

The director's speech with a parting speech to graduates is an obligatory part of the solemn line in honor of the Last Bell. As a rule, in his wishes, the “head” of the school expresses the hope that each of the 11th grade compulsory graduates will find their place in life, having achieved their goals and career heights. In addition, the director's parting words to graduates traditionally contain official congratulations on graduation from school, as well as an invitation to visit their favorite teachers more often. So, the texts (with video) of clever parting words for graduates proposed below are perfect for the script of the school line dedicated to the Last Call. According to the established tradition, the head teacher, class teacher and other subject teachers join the director's solemn speech - with instructions and best wishes to dear and beloved pupils.

Texts of clever parting words from the director to grade 11 graduates at school

Dear Guys! The last school bell will ring for you today. Soon you will pass your final exams, and you will be left behind unforgettable school years. During this time you have learned a lot: you mastered the basics of science, began to understand the process of social life, learned the joy of communication, friendship, and maybe love. You defended the honor of the school at sports competitions (the names of the best athletes are announced), at subject Olympiads (the names of the winners of the Olympiads are listed), at amateur art shows. Thank you for that, dear guys! I wish you successfully pass the exams, choose your path in life correctly and do not forget your native school! I also thank the parents, from whom we have always met with understanding and support.

Today we are beginning to slowly get used to the fact that our dear students will soon leave school and go on a further journey through the land of knowledge outside of its walls. As a school director, I want to say on behalf of all teachers and on my own behalf, how proud we are of your achievements and successes. All the knowledge that we tried to convey to you, you have absorbed and are ready to apply at the final exams. I am confident that you will successfully cope with this test and will not let your teachers and parents down. I would like to wish you great achievements on your future professional path and, of course, great happiness.

We are very proud that you studied here, at this school. You have become dear to us. We hope that you too have come to love this house and will miss it. And we will be very happy if at least sometimes you come back here for a short while to talk about how your life is developing, about your plans and dreams. The school doors will always be open for you.

Today pride fills my soul. There are so many beautiful and joyful faces in this hall. All the pupils and female students of the school who graduate today are like my own children. I wish each of you to find your vocation in life, find yourself, give yourself a whole chest of useful knowledge, get the best diplomas of higher education and become employees of the most prestigious firms and companies. Keep the memories of your school, never forget your teachers and come visit more often!

Dear and beloved our graduates! Today you are opening the door to a new life. Each of you will have to go through a new stage of growing up and overcome new obstacles on your way. Leaving school is always sad and a little sad. After all, here many have their first best friends and their first true love. Here you made your first victories and suffered your first disappointments. I want to wish you every success in your future adult life. Don't forget your school and your dear teachers. Communicate with each other and become every day even better than you are - because there is no limit to perfection!

Video recording of parting words for grade 11 graduates from the director and teachers

Funny parting words for the last call to grade 11 graduates from parents

The last bell for the 11th grade graduates really becomes the final event held within the walls of their native school. So, on the threshold of their new life, matured schoolchildren with excitement listen to parting words from mothers and fathers - the closest and dearest people. Today, parting words to graduates from parents is not just a "stereotyped" official speech, with a set of traditional congratulations and instructions. In recent years, more and more often, parents give preference to bright original performances, with elements of creativity - in the form of a song, a scene, or a flash mob. As an example, we have selected cool parting words in poetry and prose from parents for 11th grade graduates that can be included in a festive script. Undoubtedly, such parental guidance will be remembered for a long time not only by the graduates, but also by everyone present at the Last Call.

Parting words for grade 11 graduates from parents for the holiday of the Last Bell in poetry and prose

Children are lovely, more recently, funny and charming, you walked into the first grade, clutching your parents' hands tightly. Now, confident in your independence, you are holding your classmates by the hand. And we want to take everything by the hand of a child, to lead through this difficult life, bypassing all obstacles, substituting our shoulder. We understand that it is impossible, therefore we say, walk through life with dignity. Ahead are the final exams - excellent grades and let the expectations come true.

Dear graduates! The day has come, which we both waited and feared at the same time. It is a solemn and a little sad day when the last bell will ring for you at our school. On the one hand, this is the moment of separation. On the other hand, it is the beginning of your journey into adulthood.

Remember how quite recently you, so small and curious, came to your first line. Funny white bows, huge bouquets, joyful smiles ... And now we have before us boys and girls with serious views, with their own plans for life.

Over the years, the school has become a second home for all of you. School is a small universe. Here you learned to be friends and love, to be responsible, to understand others.

You grew up and became a little smarter and wiser every day. Now you remember with a smile your first deuce, how you didn't want to get up in the morning and teach your homework in the evening. Years will pass, some moments of school will be forgotten, but your memories of school will always be warm and full of love.

The school has become the kindest of all in the world,
But now her world is not for you!
You are striding into new distances,
Finding your way in the world of adults.
May sorrow always pass you by
May the star guide you!

Children, when you went to first grade, it seemed that before graduation - infinity. And now those years are behind you, and you have an unknown ahead of you. But here at school you have everything you need to start your adult life. So be bold, dream, go towards your goals, live life to the fullest. The most interesting time begins for you. Use it wisely and know that we are already proud of you!

Today is a very exciting day not only for you - future graduates, but also for us - your parents. All these years we have seen with what persistence and determination you moved along the path of mastering new knowledge and sciences, how difficult and responsible it was, therefore, on such a holiday as the last bell, we are especially proud of you. You have successfully overcome many tests, which means that you will easily cope with the final exams. We wish you that further student life will become a new bright stage on the path to knowledge, and health, luck and happiness always go alongside.

The most touching parting words to graduates from the head and teacher of the kindergarten, on video

The kindergarten graduation party is the most significant event for children and their parents. At the festive matinee, the most sincere wishes are heard from the educators and the manager, for whom it is time to part with the little pupils. We offer to listen to touching parting words to kindergarten graduates - the video shows a recording of such a solemn performance.

Parting words from the manager for kindergarten graduates, video

Parting words to graduates at the Last Bell in kindergarten or school is an important part of the holiday scenario and a touching tradition. Saying goodbye to their wards, educators and teachers express their best wishes, and the parents of graduates usually make a reciprocal speech of gratitude. On our pages you will find examples of texts and ideas on videos for composing beautiful parting words from the class teacher and director - graduates of primary school, grades 9 and 11. A lot of sincere wishes and parting words can be heard from the head of the kindergarten - at the graduation party for preschoolers. Happy prom!

Kindergarten graduation usually consists of several traditional blocks that can be swapped. These blocks have historically developed and include the main meaningful moments of the graduation in kindergarten, without which, of course, it is impossible to do without.

  • introduction;
  • memories of how the kindergarten path of today's graduates began;
  • congratulating graduates with kids;
  • "Passing the baton" from kindergarten graduates to junior comrades;
  • checking the readiness of kindergarten graduates for school;
  • gratitude of children to their educators and all pedagogical and service personnel of the kindergarten;
  • gratitude of parents;
  • parting words of the kindergarten staff to graduates.

What no kindergarten graduation can do without is poetry. Poems will create the appropriate mood for the graduation in kindergarten: where necessary - funny (for example, when talking about the childhood of graduates), where necessary - lyrical (when talking about how graduates do not want to leave kindergarten). Poems will make the graduation ceremony in kindergarten even brighter, more emotional, will help both children and parents remember it for a long time, preserving memories of kindergarten for a long time.

It is important to place the accents in the use of poetry so correctly in order to build the correct emotional outline of the graduation in kindergarten: somewhere to laugh with children and parents, and somewhere to be sad so that both children and parents and teachers can feel the importance of this a wonderful segment of life - preschool education.

In this material, you will be presented with poems to choose from for various thematic blocks of graduation in kindergarten.

In essence, these poems can become a ready-made script if you add prosaic links to them - the words of the presenter.

Block "Introduction"


The sun is shining in the window
And the birds are singing.
They probably already
They also know about the holiday!
Birds flew together and sit
And they look out of our window
As if it is walking here now
About our kindergarten cinema!
As if we are on the screen
Let's see all our way
My friend, you are never a kindergarten
Beloved, do not forget!
Today we will remember
How did we come here
Like birds flew by
Weeks and years.
We will say goodbye, friends,
After all, it's time for us to go to school!
Childhood passes
And, alas, the game is over! ..


Oh, is it really this day,
Did he come after all?
Last holiday, Graduation,
He found us all the same! ..
Well, maybe still wait
And not to let them go?
After all, how will we live without them -
Do not understand yet ...
Appeared here at the age of three
And they were good
So smart already
Although they are kids.
They knew how to eat and drink themselves,
They also knew how to sleep.
How to read and how to count,
We were able to find out here.
Now they can draw
Read and sing songs,
And so they know how to eat quickly,
To be in time for lunch!
How did you grow up right here
Before our eyes.
No wonder here they are, eyes,
Look - everyone is in tears! ..
You have Graduation today,
You have grown, friends!
And no matter how much we want,
You cannot be left.
We are sending you on the road now,
We will collect your luggage,
But everyone will know for sure
That he is OUR graduate!

Block "Memories of the first steps of graduates"


I was three years old.
Mom told me
Since I myself did not know about it,
That from Monday I will go to kindergarten
And I will find true friends for myself there!
At first I held on to my mother for a long time,
Then I somehow pulled myself away from her,
And with crying, and with a roar, I entered the group!
And there ... I found a lot of toys there!
There were also our educators!
Probably, there are no more beautiful educators!
Can we take you to school with us?
And we'll take our nanny!
She comforted us just wonderfully
When we cried, she sang songs for us,
And the kids are dissatisfied
Instantly become calm!
What if we accidentally get a deuce at school?
No one can comfort us nannies better!
How we will be without you - we do not know yet,
We don’t imagine, we don’t understand!
Can we take some toys with us?
And, if possible, also pillows?
What if I want to sleep at school?
Can I take a bed with me?
How we do not want to part,
Say goodbye to our beloved kindergarten!
It's probably good at school
But I really want to go to kindergarten again!


When we brought the children
This is the first time in my life
So worried at the door
And the children instantly got used to it!
At first I didn't want my mom
Let go of my son
And soon my mother could not
Find my son -
He was so busy playing
With your beloved teacher!
You were always like this
Caringly attentive!
As our miracle - kids

Have grown over the years!
Recently they just came to the garden,
And - we went to school ...
How it will be there - we do not know,
But thank you
For giving the children everything
Perhaps, as a family!

Block "Congratulations to graduates with kids"


Oh, how big you are!
You're almost up to the ceiling!
And call you babies
A hand will not rise.

They took you on a sleigh
And carried in their arms
Now stand firm
You are on your own two feet!

We want, like you, big
Quickly become already
Live like you, so as not to be the first,
And on the top floor!

We promise what is worthy
We will replace you friends
After all, without you, that is, without the elders,
In the kindergarten you can't!

Promise that toys
We will not break here.
And we won't be each other
Never offend here.

In a quiet hour we will sleep quietly
And eat the whole lunch,
And we can study at school
Four and five!

We will grow up very soon
We will go to school too!

Block "Passing the baton" from kindergarten graduates to junior comrades "

Our relay
We are passing it on to you!
In words, we will tell you
And we'll sing a song for you!

Type in the kindergarten
You are useful knowledge,
To go to school
To you without delay.

We will find out everything at school
Then we will tell you.
Hopefully the program
You will be tough!

Keep all toys
Do not break them,
Just in case you
Save them for us.

What if we miss you there?
And we want to play?
It's a difficult matter -
Get A's!

We will come running to the kindergarten
To expensive cars,
To dolls and bears
Beloved and dear ones!

Let's go back for a minute
We are golden in childhood,
Good and bright
And such a good thing!

Graduates perform a song about toys to the tune "Tired toys are sleeping ...".

1. Funny toys are waiting
The books are waiting
Well, when are the kids to them
Will they come again?

Let the lessons end
Legs will bring them to the kindergarten,
To play
Here again.

2. Little ones, you stay
Here without us
We will go to study
First grade.

Well, and you live in harmony,
You still need to grow up,
To take you
First grade!

Block "Checking the readiness of kindergarten graduates for school"


How much knowledge there is on the planet!
You can't even count them all at once!
We will now check how you read,
How do you write and how you think!
At school, you need to know the numbers firmly
To understand your assessments!

The presenter reads the quatrain, the children answer in chorus according to the meaning of "Yes" or "No" or the word that suits the meaning. The presenter confuses the children by offering them “wrong” rhymes.

Poem-game "Marks"

The school has a grade five.
Will we receive it?
Do we always enjoy her? (Yes!)

Get deuces more often
And, moreover, do not be discouraged.
This is not a secret at all.
Is this the right advice? (No!)

If a deuce doesn't matter,
Is this just nonsense? (No!)

Does knowledge give us light? (Yes!)
And good in our world
The score will be four.
Is mom happy and proud? (Yes!)

Better than a grade of two
A score of three is considered.
And I will give you guys some advice:
After all, the ratings are better (there are!)

At school you should not be lazy
It's always good to learn
Always be an excellent student? (Yes!)

Well done! I think you will be very good students!

Riddles with a choral answer in school subjects

We want to write numbers -
We take it into the box ... (notebook).

We want to write letters -
We take it in a strip ... (notebook).

Draw a huge house
Want. I take a big one ... (album).

I draw simply, without a pointer.
They will help me with the drawing ... (paints).

The classroom has a lesson at school:
There, like hares, jump and jump
Jump and Jump
And we chase ... (ball).

This is not literature
This is our ... (physical education).

And beloved, of course,
We will have ... (break).

I'm not used to kindergarten
To receive grades ... (in the diary).

What's behind your shoulders?
Mom can't pick it up either!
Weighs eight kilograms,
How much they ask us!
I take it this way and that,
This is my school ... (backpack).

It has pens and pencils
Get them out and know, write.
And although it is very small,
We really need ... (pencil case).

You can get a deuce,
And not get A's,
If at the time you need
You will not learn ... (lesson).

We go to school
Work at desks
We won't go with you
If there is… (day off).

I really need chalk in my hand,
When you go out ... (to the board).

There are boards and old ones,
And there is ... (interactive).

It's cool to learn from them,
And they need ... (computer).

To know the subject well,
We will study at ... (excellent)!

Block "Gratitude of children to their educators and all pedagogical and service personnel of the kindergarten"

Before reading a gratitude poem, you can name the employee of the kindergarten to whom gratitude is intended, by name and patronymic.

Thank you everybody,
Dear teachers,
So beloved and dear!
You taught us
Everything that they knew how
We played with you
They laughed and sang.
Probably sad
Without us, you, one ...
Today we are all for you
Thank you!

We are our educators
Thank you here now!
You were able to teach us
How to put on a coat yourself
And tie your shoelaces
They taught us too
And now we can go -
Also themselves - in the first grade!

Head of our
Thank you for the attention,
For all-all-all problems
Such an understanding!
Our kindergarten is the coolest
We know this for sure
And you of all the managers -
The best ever!

Without a methodist at all
You can't go to the kindergarten, -
They will say it for sure
All my friends.
It was so interesting
Here we have to do,
What from our classes
We can't come off!
Maybe you will go
And to school with us too?
There is your skill for us
It will help you to study!

Thanks for the music
Our teacher!
Because now everyone is better
We sing and dance!
And at school there may be
They will take us to the school choir!
We will produce for sure
There is a furor in the chorus!

They did the exercises with us
You are every day in the morning!
Our teacher
Physical Education! Hooray!
You thought about health
And you tempered us,
How to take care of yourself
We have learned from you.

You don't get sick either
In the kindergarten without us!
For us, you are a paramedic -
Simply top class!

Favorite chefs!
How will we be without you?
Tasty food
We will never forget!
Can we come from school
We will come
So that you sometimes
Could you feed us?

All-all-all THANKS
We speak in unison!
For everything, for everything, for everything

Block "Parents' gratitude"

Of such a kindergarten
Definitely not anywhere else.
We will not be lost
On land and even in water!

How you were always reverent
With our kids!
Did you paint with them
Paints, pencils,

You sang songs with them
Dancing you danced
With you so funny
They never got bored!

We will part with you soon ...
We will miss you very much.
To those who have not been here in the kindergarten,
Maybe we cannot be understood ...

Only we will tell them
How great it was for us!
Very, very, very children
They love their second mothers!

You really were
Real moms:
So good, kind
Talented, brilliant!

You taught them a lot:
Play and be friends together
And get big
And in general it is right to live!

We'll be parting soon.
The kids will go to school.
But they are beloved to the kindergarten
They will always find a way!

So don't be sad
They will come running to you again,
After all, they know that in the kindergarten
Educators are always waiting!

Block "Parting words of kindergarten staff to graduates"

Now you are leaving us, what a pity we are!
The doors will close soon ...
And when we start to tell
Maybe nobody will believe it!

We will talk for a long time
And, interrupting each other,
Talk, talk about you,
Remembering your names ...

To all friends, acquaintances, colleagues,
Who did not know you, we will tell you about you.
How you played together in a group.
They danced like waltzes together.

And what smart children
We went to this group - let's say!
We remember everything that you did
Because everything is important to us.

We loved you very, very much,
They knew everyone - who loves what,
Someone porridge, and someone cutlets.
We will not forget this now.

And now you are leaving us.
And we will never see each other again.
We will surely get a little upset
And, perhaps, we shall weep a little.

But all summer in everyone we meet
Children on the way to work
We will recognize the features
Yours, the best children in the world!

All autumn we will worry:
How are you there without a quiet hour?
How are you there without our parting words,
Without support, without our affection?

New Year will come - and the same:
How without a holiday in kindergarten?
Please, everyone tell us:
"I'll come to your kindergarten!"

Of course, kids will come to us
The day you go to class.
Dreamers and rascals ...

You, beautiful and naughty,
You, such which no longer exist,
Go around the whole beautiful world,
All our great white light!

Goodbye dears!
You are taking off in flight.
You are just very dear to us.
May you always be lucky in life!

I congratulate you, dear, glorious children, on your first graduation. May a happy childhood not end, may every day be cheerful, bright, sunny and kind for you. Do not be afraid of change, do not forget to dream and enjoy life, walk, start something incredibly interesting, paint pictures, sing songs, surprise your family and the whole world. May each of you be able to reveal your talents and achieve great victories in life. Be happy, dear children.

Our dear children,
It's time for us to part
We wish goodbye
Good luck and good to you,
Leaving today
You are a favorite kindergarten,
School is waiting for you very soon,
And there is no turning back
You are an excellent student
Never give up
Smile, don't be sad
Always be happy!

Dear and wonderful our children, today you are leaving the walls of your beloved kindergarten, and soon a new adventure and a new journey called "School" will begin for you. May you not be afraid of obstacles on the way, may not be afraid of letters and complex numbers, may everything always work out for you, may there always be enough time to study well, play fun with friends, read interesting books and live with good fairy tales.

It seems like recently it was:
You came to this kindergarten,
But time passed quickly
For all kindergarten children!

Now you are adults
And soon you will go to school,
Let the successes be great
Waiting for you on the path of life!

Always remember, kids
All that the garden taught you:
Make friends, help your neighbors,
So that a ray of happiness shines for you!

Our dear children, we congratulate you on your graduation. Today you will leave the walls of this kindergarten and set off on a new path along the roads of other interests and hobbies. We want to wish you never to doubt yourself, in no case be upset, dream beautifully and believe in miracles, show your talents in everything and successfully receive new knowledge of life.

At your first graduation
We accompany you on the way,
All doors let the great world
Opens before you.

Finished kindergarten, ahead
The road to school awaits you.
We wish it easy
Study was given to you.

Let them meet on the way
New friends for you,
To your circle, children,
Let the school family take it.

You have completed the kindergarten
And today is graduation
You were little here,
The world is now big waiting for you.

The first step in life
You have passed now,
Prepare well:
Next is school, first grade!

Today is a graduation party! And I wish our kids a great and bright life path. May the coming school years bring you a lot of knowledge, skills and abilities. May joy always accompany you, along with luck, sincerity and success. Good mood, courage and victories!

Today kids
We say goodbye to you
From kindergarten to a new world
The doors open.

Right outside the doorstep
The road of knowledge lies
Go boldly
On a new journey with friends.

We wish you to study
You are great at school,
Grew up and became
Real people.

Goodbye, kids, what can I say?
I am very sorry to part with you.
Days, however, fly like a bird,
It's time to say goodbye to the kindergarten,
Let the school make you feel welcome
You are adults now,
Maybe you will remember us,
Well, we will definitely not forget you!

Like lightning, like a flash:
Suddenly, once, and the years flew by!
Our beloved kids,
You matured very quickly!

And now, the kindergarten is over,
Your first graduation ...
Let your eyes burn with joy
Life will be bright and colorful!

May you succeed in school,
And also in music, in vocals,
In wrestling, and in dances, and in football,
In everything that you would not want!

Everything that means a lot in life
We wish you from the bottom of our hearts:
Health, happiness and good luck,
Great and bright successes!

Our dear children, little pranksters, rays of happiness, today is your first graduation, today you say goodbye to kindergarten and go to meet a more adult life and we wish our adult children health, courage of hearts and a wonderful mood. May any peak conquer you, and we will always be there and will help you to cope with any trouble at any moment. The most important thing is to be happy, family, and may all your dreams come true!

Children, congratulations on your first graduation. You have become a little more mature. And ahead of you is an interesting adventure in school life. We want to wish you that you always put the maximum of your diligence and perseverance, completing your homework. Always be attentive in the classroom, listen to your teachers, as well as your favorite tutors. Remember everything that you were taught and prepared in kindergarten and always remember that we, parents, are always there and will always help.

Our children are dear
Your first graduation,
You are big with us now
And you go to first grade.

We wish the school
Was interesting to you,
So that you find a lot of friends
And they studied with a bang!

To write and count
And they read everything
Never forgot
Your favorite kindergarten!

Our beloved children, today is your first graduation, today you will say goodbye to your beloved kindergarten. And we will always be with you and will help you to cope with any disaster in every possible way. Children, may you have a lot of interesting and exciting things ahead of you, may your energy and strength only increase in you, and your enthusiasm and curiosity will become even more. We love you and wish you to remain the same radiant, happy, cheerful children.

Today all parents are extremely happy and everyone is especially proud of their child! This is your first graduation, time flies very quickly and now you are no longer kids! Be smart and smart to make your studies enjoyable and interesting!

You have completed kindergarten,
Dear, beloved children!
Let your eyes burn brightly
Be happier than everyone in the world!

From the bottom of our hearts we wish you all
Get new knowledge at school!
Let luck be on your heels
So that all your wishes come true!

Kindergarten is the beginning of the path.
Time passed quickly.
You are almost students
So that all roads are easy.
All efforts are not in vain
Your life will be wonderful.
So that everything works out for you,
The sun smiled at you.
So that you study diligently
And we achieved everything, everything!

We wish you kids
Confidently take books
And happily read
To know a lot.

From kindergarten you leave the yard
And it's time for you to go to school.
Learn and play kids.
Let the sun shine brightly into the future.

You have graduation today,
Our beloved kids!
May life always be colorful
You, daughters and sons!

We wish you success in everything,
Kindness and many bright days,
Fun, joy and laughter,
So that your heart beat more fun!