Pregnancy occurs after frozen pregnancy. When you plan a pregnancy. Psychological readiness for conception

Necessary analyzes and treatment after measuring pregnancy. Preparation for pregnancy after frozen pregnancy.

Sometimes it happens that the long-awaited pregnancy ends with a terrible tragedy - fetal fetus. With a frozen pregnancy, a woman, as a rule, conduct the scraping procedure - exemption of the uterus cavity from dead cells by removing the upper layer of endometrial. Such an operation is performed under general anesthesia.

The process of rehabilitation after scraping can last several months. After a woman comes to himself from such strong shocks and grief, she often wants to get pregnant again and to give birth to the desired crumb into the light.

But when can she be pregnant again? How long will its body be restored? How to make it so that this time everything went successfully? In all this we will try to figure it out in this article.

Monthly after measuring pregnancy

When will monthly after measuring pregnancy?
  • The menstrual cycle after grabbing pregnancy should be recovered in a month. That is, in 25-35 days, the woman should begin the first after surgery. However, there are cases when menstruation is restored only in a couple of months. There is nothing terrible
  • The body of each woman is purely individual. The process of restoring a monthly cycle after a frozen pregnancy is influenced by a hormonal background, an emotional state and the ability to heal the genital organs
  • The fact is that when scraping, one can say, the top layer of the endometrium tissues is moving. In other words, a living wound is obtained. From how quickly this wound will delay, and the term of the rehabilitation of women's health will depend
  • Immediately after surgery, a patient may have minor bleeding. They do not carry any danger, but only are evidence that the endometrium is restored. However, the woman will need to be alert if such discharges will become abundant, they will make an unpleasant smell and cause severe pain. In this case, it is better to tell the doctor about the presence of such symptoms. They may be signs of infection and infection in the uterus
  • The first monthly may have several other manifestations in comparison with the familiar monthly. Bleeding sometimes there are less intense and less long
  • And sometimes on the contrary, the selection is more rich and long. All these deviations are quite explained. The female body suffered so much stress that he was still very difficult to fully recover to the usual state of his
  • Paints with the first after the scraping of menstruation can be many times stronger than when menstruation before the operation, and may not be accompanied by pain at all. In case of unbearable pain, of course, it is better to apply for a consultation to the doctor
  • On the nature of the first monthly, generally can affect the period on which life exploded inside the woman. The bigger one was time, the more difficult and the restoration will be longer

To identify the reasons for fetal fetal and when planning the next pregnancy, a woman will need to pass a number of laboratory research:

  1. Analysis on the hystology of the fetus
  2. Hormonal tests. Such studies are carried out in suspected hormonal changes in the body of a woman
  3. A smear on the flora from the vagina. Such an analysis makes it possible to eliminate the presence of such hazardous sex infections such as GECOCOCK and STREPTKOKK Group B
  4. Genetic or chromosomal fetal studies on karyotype. Such analyzes make it possible to find out if the reasons are not tooling the pregnancy of any disorders of the fetus that
  5. Analysis on hidden infections, such as chlamydia, papilloma virus, herpes, cytomegalovirus, ureaplasm or mycoplasma
  6. Immunogram - research that allows you to determine the state of the immune system of women
  7. Coagulogram and hemostasiogram - blood clotting tests
  8. The test for the presence of such an autoimmune disease as antiphospholipid syndrome
  9. Titting on the antigens of the second-class tissue compatibility for both parents is a study that allows you to identify immune forms of frozen pregnancy

It is worth noting that some of the above studies are quite expensive, and they are prescribed only if there are very significant reasons to suspect a certain disease.

Histology after measuring pregnancy

  • Histological studies after measuring pregnancy allow us to approximately find out what was still the cause of the fetus death
  • To carry out such an analysis, tissues are taken out of the uterine cavity. Sometimes a delicate ball epithelium from the uterine or uterine pipe
  • When all materials are assembled, they are sent to the laboratory to carefully consider them under the microscope and identify the reasons for pregnancy

In the course of such studies, the following factors can be defined that affect the interruption of the fetus development:

  • sexually transmitted infections
  • diabetes
  • matter development pathology
  • viral infectious diseases (hepatitis or rubella)
  • chronic genital disease diseases
  • violations of hormonal processes in the body of a woman

All listed diseases can be detected using a histological research of the fetus. However, such a study gives only a direction in which you need to look for the cause.

For accurate identification of the disease and its influence on pregnancy, other tests will be necessary. They will give a clearer picture, will help to determine the treatment and prevent the repetition of the situation.

First of all, when establishing fetal fetal fetal in a woman, a cleaning is prescribed to her, that is, getting rid of dead alien cells. To date, world practice knows three ways to purify the uterine cavity from a dead fetus:

  1. Medical abortion. This type of cleaning implies the reception of special drugs provoking the miscarriage. As a rule, this method is applied on the period no more than eight weeks
  2. Mini abortion or vacuum aspiration. Such a procedure consists in the seizure of unnecessary contents of the uterus using a special vacuum. It is carried out under general anesthesia
  3. Spontaneous abortion. Foreign specialists in the field of gynecology consider such a way the most humane and gentle. They simply wait, when the uterus itself starts pulling out the foreign body and pours out it out. Spontaneous abortion is carried out under regular observation of doctors. In case of identifying a woman's signs of inflammation, they make a mini or vacuum abortion

In addition to cleaning, a woman can prescribe the course of antibiotics. As a rule, such drugs are prescribed if there is an infection in the uterus.

  • As mentioned above, after frozen pregnancy, a woman will need to pass a number of analyzes. It is according to the results of these analyzes that adequate treatment is appointed.
  • If the cause of fetal fetal was the hormonal disorders in the body of a woman, they prescribe hormonal drugs. The same drugs can be appointed and with a long lack of menstruation for their recovery. Reception of hormonal drugs can also serve as an excellent contraceptive
  • If a woman has found sex infections or other diseases, the doctor will first take place for their treatment
  • It is very important during the rehabilitation period to protect the unfortunate woman from additional negative emotions and experiences
  • The best medicine for her will be care and guardianship. In some cases, when the psycho-emotional state of a woman is at the peak, the doctor can appoint her a course of sedatives and tranquilizers.

What if there is already 2, 3, 5, 7 frozen pregnancies?

  • After the first faithful pregnancy, almost ninety cases from one hundred women manage to endure and give birth to healthy children. For the same families, which such a tragedy has suffered not for the first time, the chances of a positive result only fall
  • In order to prevent such a sad event, the future parents first need to go through all the necessary research. Do not ignore directions for tests issued by the doctor
  • The doctor must own full information about the causes of the child not to enter the child in order to assign correct treatment. Sometimes a small difference in diagnoses can lead to the next fetus fetus. What to analyzes it is serious about both partners
  • When passing the prescribed treatment, it is not necessary to hurry with a new pregnancy. It is better to listen to the recommendations of the doctor and wait until the reasons for the previous miscarriages will be completely eliminated
  • In some cases, doctors advise to abandon the next attempts for the benefit of the physical and mental health of women
  • After all, each failure entails a number of consequences and exacerbation of the situation. Sometimes the doctor may recommend a married couple to consider the issue of surrogate maternity or adoption

After how much after a frozen pregnancy, you can plan the following pregnancy?

  • A woman can become pregnant immediately after the pregnancy of previous pregnancy. Its cycle can recover very quickly and in the first ovulation is possible in fertilization.
  • However, this does not mean that pregnancy will be desirable. The fact is that the woman's body has not yet gained strength and did not move away from strong stress from miscarriage
  • The endometrium of the uterus may not fully survive, the hormonal background is not yet stabilized, and all the exchange processes in the body do not return to normal activities. In such conditions, a new pregnancy is neither by the way
  • Doctors, as a rule, are recommended to take a pause from six months to a year. This time will be enough to fully restore women
  • In addition, if during testing the causes of the previous interruption, any diseases of partners will be called, before planning a new pregnancy, it will be necessary to eliminate these reasons.
  • It happens that after the only miscarriage the woman will pregnant in a couple of months and safely puts out the second pregnancy. However, such cases are rather an exception than the rule. It is always better to progress and follow the advice of a doctor
  • At the time of pulling out the second pregnancy also affects the period on which the fruit is measured. What he was more, the more time it is necessary to restore and gain new forces

  • When preparing for the next pregnancy, it is worth considering all the errors made at the first unsuccessful pregnancy. Futive parents, at least three months before conception, it is worth abandoning bad habits (alcohol, smoking)
  • Ideally, if they had moved to a healthy diet, began to actively play sports and extended to be more in the fresh (clean) air
  • The future mother is preferably to take multivitamin complexes at the same time. Mandatory elements needed in sufficient quantities at the time of pregnancy are folic acid and iodine. Special preparations containing only such trace elements (for example, iodomarine)
  • Women working on hard work or harmful enterprises is desirable to temper the load on their own body. The same applies to the emotional background. In such a responsible period, they should not worry and experience stress. Futive mommies need to tune in to positive, forget about previous failures and believe in the best
  • Mandatory condition is the passage of all analyzes appointed by doctors, and, if necessary, and treatment
  • As a rule, most of the subsequent fruit of pregnancies end successfully. Exceptions, of course, happen, but very rarely
  • In addition, to establish the cause of frequent miscarriage at the current level of medicine will absolutely will not make problems. Having grown and prepared for a new pregnancy, future parents have every chance of a positive result

Measuring pregnancy is a special pathology. This is how the moment is when the fetus dies in the uterus, without a subsequent miscarriage, which is not only a physical problem but also a psychological trauma for the mother. Some women think that after frozen pregnancy, it is no longer possible to carry a child safely. On the contrary, you can. It is necessary to just pass after cleaning the full examination and morally prepare for the next pregnancy.

What is a frozen pregnancy

Under frozen pregnancy, it is implied to stop the development of the fetus. On average, the embryo stops its development to the twenty-eighth week. Currently, gynecologists and obstetres are distinguished by several periods, on which the risk of suspension of the development of the fetus is especially large:

  • 3 and 4 weeks;
  • From 8 to 11 week inclusive;
  • From 16 to 18 weeks.

Gynecologists warn that it is necessary to be especially careful for the eighth week, when various negative factors will adversely affect the development of the fetus. After all, it is on this time that all organs are tabling.

Features of the interruption of fright pregnancy

When the fetal death is ruled, the uterus must be urgently cleaned. When the procedure is delayed, the embryo begins to rot, damaging the whole organism of the mother.

Cleaning is carried out in one of the listed methods:

  • Medical.

Carried out without surgical intervention. For medication, it is necessary to take a special preparation that stimulates the generic activity of the uterus to reject the deceased fetus.

  • Surgical.

When the miscarriage does not occur for various reasons, the surgical cleaning of the uterus is carried out - the fruit scraps. But this method of purification is a special danger for the organs of the small pelvis - with one incorrect movement, it is possible to apply irreparable harm.

  • Korhetha.

Anesthesia is prescribed for the procedure. During the corruption, special expansors are installed on the cervix. Special tools are introduced through the expansion, with which complete purification of the uterus passes, up to removal of the top layer of mucus.

  • Vacuum aspiration.

With a vacuum aspiration in the uterus, a device is introduced, which sucks the remains, without the use of local anesthesia.

  • Birth.

If all methods listed above are used exclusively to remove the remains of a small embryo, then they are not suitable for a large and quite mature fetus. It is stimulated by the generation process.

Planning a new pregnancy after frozen

If a woman in the future wants to have his own children, pregnancy planning after a frozen pregnancy begins immediately after cleaning the uterus from the deceased fetus.

To begin with, it is necessary to conduct a histological study of the remains of the embryo. The results obtained will allow to know whether the reasons for measuring genetic mutations was the reason and is it possible to avoid her repeat. After all, genetic errors in 85% of cases lead to fading. Histology will also help to answer the question whether chronic diseases (in the presence of the mother) to influence the development of hormonal embryo disorders.

The next important step is the mental and physical restoration of the body. Loss of a child, not even born, a terrible blow for every mother. Therefore, a rehabilitation course is needed, which includes both the reception of drugs assigned by the doctor and a visit to the psychologist.

The planning of the next pregnancy should begin only six months at least.

It was after six months that the mother's body is able to survive a shock state and will be ready for a new pregnancy. But, in no case should you hurry to get pregnant quickly. Especially, under pressure of loved ones or husband. Do not think: "I can not get pregnant after frozen pregnancy", in the first months after pregnancy. It is possible, the body is simply restored. It is necessary to be ready for a new pregnancy without mental injuries.

Subtlety examination

Measuring pregnancy is an explicit reason for a complete medical examination. The woman should find out what has served to stop the development of the fetus. One of the options is a genetic competition of partner chromosomes, which leads to a failure of the embryo development. It is worth paying attention to the hormonal background of the mother itself. Frequent malfunctions in the work of hormones can lead to the repetition of the sad situation.

The most important phase of preparation is to conduct a survey of both the mother and its partner, which includes:

  • A visit to the gynecologist who will not only hold a full inspection of the genital organs, but also takes the strokes for testing;
  • A visit to the endocrinologist is also necessary. After all, it is hormone disorders that are caused by failures in the work of the thyroid gland become one of the reasons for stopping the development of the fetus. The endocrinologist will help a woman to take analyzes for hormones and will make a complete ultrasound study of the thyroid gland;
  • You can conduct an ultrasound study of the organs of the small pelvis. The study is necessary in order to finally verify the full purification of the uterus that neither the remains nor blood clusters remained in the cavity. Although this is not a mandatory point of research, but the ultrasound is necessary in order to identify the possible presence of hidden pathologies, which may further affect the possibility of conception and having a child;
  • A visit to genetics and advice on the results of histological research. After the results of histology are obtained, it will be understood - whether the consultation of genetics is needed. Even in the absence of a positive response to the presence of genetic deviations, the genetic will ask the hereditary diseases, as previous pregnancy (if available) and the possible presence of diseases of the parents of the pair;
  • A man also does not stay aside, he can visit the urologist. The specialist will not only hold a superficial inspection, but will suggest to give sperm on tests. The spermogram will help indicate how much the spermatozoa is life;
  • Visit the therapist and immunologist to receive consultation - the last point of the study. Experts will help a pair and consult in the presence of chronic diseases and if blood tests determine any violation.

List of analyzes that must be passed in preparation for a new pregnancy

As already understandable from the above list, the visit to the doctors will be accompanied by the surrender of certain analyzes. It is the results of the research that will help determine the reason for which the fading occurred. No one excludes the fact that the fading has become only a tragic chance, but it is necessary to make sure to make sure of this by passing a full examination.

It will be necessary to prepare for:

  • Analysis of the smear on a variety of sex infections and flora is all that negatively affects the development of the fetus. After all, quite a lot of diseases occur in the body without any symptoms for many years, and this analysis is able to reveal them;
  • General analysis of the blood of partners and analysis of compatibility in the Rh - factor. These analyzes are essentially the most important. The results will provide full information on your health. Also, parents will also recognize whether the Rh has no conflict at the time of conception and development. The new pregnancy after frozen pregnancy largely depends on the results obtained;
  • Cutting the sperm will help check - how viable spermatozoa from a partner is, since with a bad spermogram the risk of re-frozen pregnancy;
  • The analysis of the thyroid gland and hormones of the genital organs. After all, any jump hormone can adversely affect both the health of the mother and the development of her child in the womb.
  • Analysis for the presence of antiphospollipid syndrome is necessary in order to determine whether the mother's organism produces special antibodies against their own child. During the analysis, homocysteine \u200b\u200bhormone level is determined. This is a toxic substance, the excess of which in the body of a woman and provokes the production of antibodies to rejection of the fetus in the womb;
  • A genetic analysis of chromosomes may also be needed, which only genetic recommends. Especially recommended for those women who have already experienced problems with the enjoyment of the fetus, there are a variety of genetic diseases or a future mother over thirty-five years old.

Features of preparation for a new pregnancy

On average, the body is necessary for complete recovery after measuring pregnancy to six months. In particularly severe cases, this period may last to a pair of years (with severe diseases). That is why it is important to use a variety of contraceptive means to protect.

The body has not yet been fully recovered and the risk of a new frozen pregnancy is very large. In most cases, the pathology of frozen pregnancy is simply a tragic accident. And subject to all prescribed recommendations, the woman does not lose its childbearing functions and is able to endure a healthy child.

In order to recover and physically, and mentally, you need to adhere to a few simple rules:

  • Conduct a full survey.
  • It is necessary to adhere to a healthy lifestyle, including properly eating.
  • Completely approach conception.
  • Avoid stress in life.

Despite the fact that frozen pregnancy is a strong blow for a woman, a new pregnancy after frozen pregnancy, with the subsequent birth of a healthy baby possible.

Family pregnancy - pathology, the reasons for which until the end is not studied. Frightened pregnancy in medicine is called an invalid abortion. The probability of development of the problem does not depend on the age of a woman, its social status and the number of previous pregnancies. The causes of pathology have not yet been studied until the end. According to statistics, the frozen pregnancy meets every 176th woman planning to become a mother.

What is a pathology?

Untrevive pregnancy is the intrauterine fetal death associated with irreversible processes flowing into its tissues. Pathology does not have pronounced signs, such as miscarriage. For this reason, it is important to know about the first signs of pathology, in order to ask for help to the doctor in a timely manner.

Important! In gynecology, it is often encountered such a concept as an empty fruit egg. The condition is observed when the egg fertilizes and attaches to the endometry. However, the cell itself does not contain an embryo.

Causes of undervolving pregnancy

The most common cause of the child's unbearable is gene mutations. It was in 70% of cases that cause the death of the embryo on a period of up to 8 weeks. Numerous factors are able to lead to genetic failures in the body: chronic or hereditary diseases, drug reception, alcohol use by future parents.

Important! During pregnancy, screenings prescribed by a gynecologist and genetic should be held. This study will allow you to detect gene anomalies in the child in the early stages.

The probability of the failed abortion increases, if the future mother cannot refuse bad habits: smoking, irrational nutrition, drinking alcohol. Provice various deviations of the fetus are capable of drugs that pregnant accepts without consent to the doctor.

Therefore, in the first trimester, potent drugs are prescribed only in extreme cases, for example, with severe infectious diseases. After 10 weeks of pregnancy, a solid placenta is formed, which protects the fetus from an external negative impact. In this case, the reception of drugs will not be so dangerous.

To other reasons of measurement pregnancy, include:

  1. Resh conflict mother and fetus. The problem is especially relevant for women who have undergone numerous abortions. Gradually, antibodies to the embryo accumulate in the body of the woman, which reduce the likelihood of a successful course of pregnancy.
  2. Heavy infectious and viral diseases. Future mothers are vulnerable to the pathoral flora, so they are quickly infected during epidemics. Some diseases (rubella, windmill, cortex) can not only provoke the death of the embryo, but also to cause physical and mental abnormalities in the child in the future. In such cases, Mom may agree to an abortion or decide on the birth and upbringing of a special kid.
  3. Hormonal failures. The cause of the child's unbearable may become a lack of prolactin or excess testosterone. If, before conception, the woman was observed irregular menstruation, it is necessary to inform the gynecologist about it.

Risk factors for the development of frozen pregnancy:

  • combining women whose age exceeds 35 years;
  • numerous abortions in the past;
  • the presence of defects in the structure of the uterus;
  • ectopic pregnancy diagnosed earlier.

If you have at least one risk factor, a woman put on special control to the gynecologist. The risk group for abnormal pregnancy also includes women who refuse to be observed from specialists.

Important! Each pregnant woman should be registered with the gynecologist for a period of 7-8 weeks of pregnancy.

Deadlines for measuring pregnancy

The problem occurs on any gestation period (even a few days before the delivery). Exploring statistics, doctors noted several periods most dangerous to form the fetus:

  • 3rd and 4th weeks from the moment conception;
  • 7-11th week;
  • 16-18th week.

After the 20th week, the cases of stopping the development of the child are not a few. In the overwhelming majority, the problem occurs on the period of up to 14 gestational weeks. The cause of the anomaly in the first trimester is genetic deviations and hormonal failures, in the second-third trimesters - infectious diseases.

Symptoms of pathology in the early stages

A frossable pregnancy woman may not notice immediately, especially if it is not manifested by clinical signs. Nevertheless, the state represents a threat to the life of a woman, since the decaying fruit poisoned the body and harm the reproductive system. However, with a careful study of his condition, a woman may notice the following signs characteristic of underdeveloped pregnancy:

  1. Abnormal discharge. The woman's body is trying to get rid of the fetus after his death. Within 48 hours, it may have whitish allocations of a conventional consistency. After that, bloody bodies appear in the mucus. Gradually, bleeding is becoming more abundant.
  2. Change the intensity of toxicosis. After an implantation of a fetal egg, many women feel vomiting the urge. They are associated with increased hCG production. If the fetus dies, the production of hormone stops. In a day, a woman may feel the relief of the state. 4-6 days after the death of the fetus, the signs of toxicosis disappear at all. Not always this symptom indicates pathological processes in the body. The intensity of toxicosis can decrease as a result of a physiological addiction of a woman to the fetus.
  3. Deterioration of general well-being. A long-decomposing in the body of a woman embryo provokes intoxication of the body. Initially, the condition resembles a cold and accompanied by fatigue, decay forces. Two weeks later appear brighter signs of pathology: dizziness, anxiety, abdominal spasms, temperature.
  4. Sharp changes of basal temperature. In pregnant women, the indicator is at a level exceeding 37 degrees. After the fruit is dying, the mark on the thermometer drops to 36.7 degrees, and at the time of the decomposition of the embryo rises to 37.5 degrees.

Symptoms of pathology in late pregnancy

From the second trimeste, other manifestations are joined by the listed symptoms. A bright clinical picture of the problem is related to the fact that the fruit has large sizes.

The main manifestations of undeveloped pregnancy in the second-third trimesters include:

  • lack of fetal movements more than 24 hours;
  • drawing abdominal pain;
  • water leakage with an unpleasant grinding smell.

The lack of movements in the fetus may also signal an insufficient oxygen into it. The situation occurs when taking the neck or the baby's body cord. If a woman turns to a doctor in a timely manner, then the baby can be saved from suffocation.

One of the characteristic features of the pregnancy of pregnancy in the later timed - a change in breast size. If the zb arose until the 25th week, then the chest returns to the same sizes in a few days. At later deadlines after the death of the fetus it is possible to release a colostrum from the glands.

After the death of the fetus, not only the chest is reduced in size, but also the stomach. This is due to the fact that after the tragedy, the number of accumulating waters is reduced. The listed features will be observed by a woman in one or two days after the fetus death. In the later period of pregnancy, the body is trying to get rid of the deceased child for the 4-5th day.

Diagnosis of frozen pregnancy

The survey at measuring pregnancy includes the following types of procedures:

  • visual examination of the gynecologist;
  • blood fence on hgch;
  • measuring basal temperature

The first two ways are considered to be basic in identifying signs of frozen pregnancy, the rest are auxiliary.

Important! If before the 7th week there are suspicions of the frasonal pregnancy, then the abortion is postponed before re-ultrasound. It may happen that the device did not find the vital functions of the embryo or the doctor a mistake was made in the calculations of the conception time.

Signs of frozen pregnancy on ultrasound:

  • early deadlines - the improper arrangement of the fetal egg or its damage;
  • late term - the lack of heartbeat in the fetus and the inconsistency of its sizes.

Data ultrasound is not enough to form a final diagnosis - ZB. Due to hormonal failures and psychological loads in women, the delay in the development of the fetus can be up to four weeks. In this case, repeated ultrasound is carried out in two weeks. If the fruit did not increase in size, then this means that it is dead.

Treatment of pathology

A popular way of freeing the uterine cavity from a dead fetus is a medical abortion. In Russia, it is held on the period of up to 9 weeks of pregnancy, in European countries - up to 12. For therapy, drugs are used by drugs and mizoprostol. This method gives an effective result, but has a list of contraindications:

  • blood coagulation disorders;
  • severe anemia;
  • renal and liver failure;
  • ectopic pregnancy.

If a frozen pregnancy is diagnosed on the 13-22th week, then resort to artificial stimulation of labor through one of the methods:

  1. Intramial. A 20% sodium chloride solution is introduced into the fruit bubble with a thin needle.
  2. Isolated. Introduction to the vagina of mifepristone or misoprostol with oral administration of one of the drugs.

If the above methods of removal of the fetus did not bring results or have contraindications for conducting, doctors resort to overlapping to the preplanted department of the fruit bubble.

In the third trimester from the deceased fetus, they get rid of artificial bodies. Perform a cesarean section in this case is prohibited, since blood infection can occur. A woman will have to give birth to a deceased child without anesthesia in an emergency.

After the treatment, a woman will need to adhere to the following rules:

  1. Take hormonal drugs for the speedy restoration of the endometrium.
  2. Drink antibiotics to prevent endometrial infection. Preparations of groups of macrolides or cephalosporins are prescribed.
  3. Pass physiotherapeutic procedures aimed at regenerating damaged uterine tissues.
  4. Take drugs to strengthen the immune system.

Another way to remove the fetal egg - scraping. Under the period of up to 12 weeks, the vacuum aspiration of the uterus is allowed. The standard scraping procedure is carried out only in extreme cases, as it can lead to irreversible epithelium damage.

Indications for traditional scraping:

  • the inefficiency of drug therapy;
  • purification of the uterus from the rest of the fetus after incomplete miscarriage.

Scraping is appointed to women after ultrasound, blood test and electrocardiogram. Suppully advice with a doctor who will perform anesthesia.

The progress of the scraping procedure:

  1. An intravenously introduced anesthesia, which begins to act within a few seconds.
  2. The genitals are processed by antiseptic means.
  3. The doctor with the help of a mirror fixes the cervix with tongs and expands the cervical canal.
  4. The procedure for cleansing is performed by a curette equipped with a loop at the end. With the help of it, all the mucous membranes of the cervical canal and the uterus are scattered.
  5. After scraping in the uterus, drugs that stimulate the reduction are introduced. The processed zone is disinfected with iodine solution.

After the end of the operation, all fixing gynecological tools are removed. On the belly, a woman is placed cold, which contributes to the narrowing of small vessels and leads the uterus in the tone. The menstrual cycle of a woman should recover after 6-7 weeks after scraping. The operation is allowed to carry out to the second trimester (less often at later timing).

Consequences of frozen pregnancy

Abortion of pregnancy - stress for the female organism, regardless of the selected method of treatment subsequently. It will be possible to recover after the operation only after 6 months. Throughout this time, a woman will need to drink hormonal agents.

Complications after a frozen pregnancy:

  1. Psychological trauma associated with the fear of the unsuccessful flow of the following pregnancies or the impossibility of conceiving a child.
  2. Infertility. To prevent the development of complications, it is necessary to comply with the recommendations of the doctor and regularly examine the gynecologist. Symptoms for an emergency visit to the gynecologist - an increase in temperature, severe vaginal bleeding.
  3. Inflammatory diseases of the uterus. Complication is often developing after traditional scraping. During the operation, the mucous membranes of the elementar body are removed, which makes it more vulnerable before the pathoral fluoro.
  4. Flashing processes. The inflammation of the uterus leads to the fact that its individual plots are glued together. The deformation of the organ cavity in the future becomes the cause of infertility.

Prevention of undervolving pregnancy

Each pair, which is planning a child, must first pass a research complex, which includes blood test on infections, ultrasound of a small pelvis organs, genetic tests. It is recommended to refrain from conception if less than 6 months ago, one of the partners fell rubella, chickenpox or severe flu shape.

Other events aimed at preventing frozen pregnancy include:

  • performing preventive vaccinations;
  • visit genetics;
  • normalization of the hormonal background;
  • conducting a healthy lifestyle;
  • abstinence from flights in the first months from the moment of conception.

With proper planning, the probability of successful pregnancy is about 90%. This also applies to those cases when a woman suffered unsuccessful attempts to endure a child in the past. It is important not to ignore visits to multidisciplinary specialists who will make a competent treatment plan after frozen pregnancy.

A frozen pregnancy delivers a woman a lot of sad emotions. This is quite a serious psychological trauma. But you should not put a cross on maternity, just need to carefully prepare for the following conception, who carefully planned it. Pregnancy after frozen pregnancy needs increased attention to doctors, and the mother requires maximum responsibility and a serious, conscious approach. The main thing is to wait for the full restoration of all intra-organic systems, especially hormonal and reproductive.

Happy spouses with the long-awaited heir

Specialists include a frasonal pregnancy towards the varieties of unbearable when the fruit ceases to develop and dies. Usually, such a phenomenon is typical for the first trimester, after the zygota was implanted in the uterine wall. Patient for a long time may not notice the fetal fetus, it feels great, the toxicosis is no longer bothering.

However, on the background of the adaptation of a woman to the aforementioned foreign organism, signs of toxicosis, increased BT and the swelling of the mammary glands inevitably occur. Therefore, a sudden cessation of toxicose symptoms (such as nausea, drowsiness and fatigue) should be alert by mommy and become a reason for an unscheduled visit to the LCD. Sometimes pregnant symptoms remains even after the fruit fading, which will be complicated by the timely detection of the pathology of the hatching.

In fact, the fading is spontaneous fruit death, which is completed by miscarriage or surgical abortion. The most favorable outcome of such pathological pregnancy is spontaneous complete rejection of the fruit egg, as a result of which the endometrium is subjected to minimal damage. In the pharmaceutical abortion, the patient takes special preparations that enhance the contractile operation of the uterine muscles. The surgical abortion implies the scraping of the uterine cavity, which is considered the most traumatic.

Why occurs a frozen pregnancy

Even if you carefully plan a pregnancy, fetal fetus can occur by the reasons. The exact reasons why it can dying fruit, science is not yet known and so far this topic is actively studied. But scientists allocate some provoking factors that can affect the baby tooling so much deploy.

  1. Hormonal disorders. After conception in the endocrine system of the newly minted mother, grandiose hormonal transformations begin, during which hormonal status changes greatly, a shortage of any hormonal substances like estrogen or progesterone appears. It is progesterone that provides a normal fruit development, so its insufficiency can contribute to a frozen pregnancy. According to statistics, 20% of pregnant women suffer from high content of androgen hormones, which also provoke a fading or interruption of pregnancy.
  2. Genetic deviations. A similar factor is the cause of pathology most often. It complies with the principle of natural selection, if the fruit is healthy, it develops if there are genetic anomalies, it dies. If the patient had a fetal fetus repeatedly in a row, then the reasons are broken in genetic factors.
  3. Infectious pathology. Immune mothers protection under the influence of pregnancy is oppressed. It is necessary to avoid fruit rejection. Most of the immune system reactions are blocked by a gonadotropic chorionic hormone, so flowing hidden infections begin to actively declare themselves. And ordinary respiratory infections occur in mammies in heavy forms, in which the likelihood of intrauterine infection of the fetus is increased, disrupting blood flow between the fruit and mother, which becomes the cause of oxygen starvation. Therefore, it is important, planning conception, take care of immunity.
  4. The presence of abortions. The more abortion made a woman in the past, the greater the likelihood of fetal development. This also includes patients who had previously happened to encounter ectopic conception.
  5. Unhealthy addiction. This factor can be compared with any pathology and illness. Tobacocking, drug use or alcohol - all this can entail very negative consequences.

These are only common factors that can complement individual reasons. To avoid them and eliminate possible harm, careful preparation for conception is needed.

Rehabilitation after frozen

With poor well-being, you need to consult a doctor

It is important after pathological pregnancy as soon as possible to recover to plan the conception again. In order for rehabilitation to be competent and effectively, the patient must pass a preventive course of antibiotic therapy to prevent the development of infectious or inflammatory complications. Usually prescribed drugs from the aminoglycoside group and cephalosporins.

Also, after the intrauterine carusta, the patient is prescribed tools that are aimed at reducing the uterine walls. After cleaning the discharge, they are similar to menstrual, they do not smell and are in humble. After about 5-7 days, they end. If the bleeding masculine stopped sharply earlier, then this indicates the accumulation of bloody masses inside the uterine cavity (hematometome). In order to reduce the woman, uterotonics like methyl ergoboremin or oxytocin.

After the end of therapy, the patient is sent to the control ultrasonic study of the uterine cavity, in which a specialist checks whether something like blood or fruit tissues remains inside the uterus.

Restoration of reproductive structures

The time after which the patient will be able to have sex without fears, depends on the method of fruit rejection. If there has been spontaneous interruption, vacuum or pharmaceutical abortion, it will have to abstain at least 14 days. If the patient had to face scraping, then resume sexual relationships will be possible only after 4 weeks.

This time is necessary that the uterine cervical should be fully closed and healing, because in the process of covered scraping the mucous fabrics are damaged. It is strictly impossible to allow penetration into the zone of damage to pathogenic microorganisms, otherwise severe inflammatory lesions may occur in the reproductive system.

Typically, the patient is recommended to strictly observe the sexual rest, the exact duration of which will be determined by the doctor individually. If, after scraping, the woman will receive a sex infection, then this is fraught with dangerous consequences, up to infertility. During the recovery period, it is important to be protected that the reproductive system will have to recover.

Hormones and contraception

So, successful pregnancy after frossome may occur only in the event of strict adherence to the recommendations for the rehabilitation period. Usually after scraping, even if the patient observed medical prescriptions and abstained from sex for a month, in the first proximity there may be painful sensations.

  • Doctors are extremely recommended for pregnancy planning after frozen, because the body needs a temporary respite to fully recover. To avoid unwanted fertilization, the patient recommended contraception, as experts usually prescribe hormonal Kok. They are extremely important for the normalization of the menstrual cycle and restoring the general hormonal background of the woman.
  • If the conception occurred, but the delivery was not over, then the woman's body is experiencing incredible stress. Usually Kok is appointed from the second day after the curette, natural interrupt or pharmacist.
  • If fetal fetal and interruption occurred after the first trimester, then oral contraception is assigned from 21-28 days after what happened. But during this gap, the patient is obliged to comply with the abstinence from sex, or use condoms.
  • Take COB is needed for at least three months. Usually experts recommend Yarina, Regulon, Jeanin or Novinet, Jes Plus. These contraceptive drugs suppress ovulatory processes and help adjust the monthly cycle.

During the period of rehabilitation, the doctor may prescribe a morning or duphaston - drugs that also effectively restore the hormonal background and propagate the fading in the future.

Psychological peace

Fresh grapes are rich in vitamins and minerals

An important value for rehabilitation has the psychological state of the patient. It is rare to meet such that the patient got pregnant immediately after frozen pregnancy. Just a woman after experienced is quite difficult to morally decide on a new conception. Therefore, after frozen, it is necessary to undergo a course of therapy with the preparations of sedatives like valerian extract, mother-in-law, etc.

Many sources recommend spouses to go on vacation somewhere far away, traveling. But doctors do not recommend this to do, especially changing the climate, because on a hormonal background and restoration it will reflect it extremely negative. Just the body instead of recovering, starts to waste resources for acclimatization. But to go for a couple of weeks per city in the sanatorium it will be very useful.

When you can get pregnant after frozen

Women who collided with a similar problem often concerns the question when you can be pregnant after frozen pregnancy. Physiologically, a woman can conceive immediately after such pathology. After fret of the Fetal, the HCG is minimized, which acts as a kind of signal to the ripening of a new genital cell. But the physically the body of a woman to a new pregnancy is not ready, because the remains of the dead fruit are most often eliminated by a bank, which seriously damages the endometrial layer. Endometrium for the new conception must fully recover, otherwise the likelihood of recurrence or miscarriage is great.

A hormonal background and immunity should be recovered, because the main demand for a safe conception should be the complete readiness of the maternal organism. Therefore, the question when you can get pregnant after frozen pregnancy, relevant only after the full restoration of the woman. To do this, it is necessary to thoroughly prepare for pregnancy, competently all melting.

Specialists say that any attempts to conceive conception must be postponed for at least six months, and even year. The larger the deadline on which the fading occurred, the longer the woman would have to refrain from fertilization. In practice, there are cases when conception occurred in a couple of months, and there was no negative impact on the fruit. But this is just a matter of chance. Therefore, the child planned after a frozen, requires maximum preparation and careful examination.

Planning after fetal fracture

To exclude such a probability as a fruit fading, the patient must first be abandoned by unhealthy habits.

  • It is harmful addictions and lead to abnormal pregnancies in the first place.
  • Not less caution should be shown in relation to the reception of drugs, which before conception must be taken only on medical purposes.
  • Risk to face frozen patients engaged in production with increased hazard.
  • It is necessary to take care of the strengthening of the immune barrier in advance, because during the tooling it is noticeably reduced. After implantation begins the active generation of hCG, which protects the immune crumbs from the maternal immune system. Otherwise, Mine organism will perceive the baby as an alien aggressor and neutralizes it, which will lead to a miscarriage or fading.

Regardless how quickly you would like to get pregnant again, you need to wait the time recommended by the doctor, and then to be examined to avoid unpleasant surprises. Excellent if after a frozen doctors will detect its true cause, then you can pass the appropriate treatment and eliminate the main pathological factor.


Every woman should regularly undergo various surveys

Each mother should understand that the pregnancy after the frozen pregnancy needs to be carefully prepared. The essence of the preparation in terms of medicine designates tests. Initially, when scraping, microscopic and cytogenetic analysis of the fruit tissues should be made. Histology helps to determine the provoking pathological conception factors like STDs, diabetes, viral infections, antambonia, etc. In other words, histology will help a specialist to identify the etiological factors of the fetal fantasy.

In addition, the patient passes a gynecological examination with the obligatory taking of a vaginal smear on the microflora. It is also necessary to pass tests for the presence of infectious pathologies by means of a polymerase chain reaction and ELISA. Before thinking, through how much you can get pregnant, you must also go through the hormonal examination.

Preparatory diagnosis is not necessary without an ultrasound study of small-day organs, general and biochemical analyzes of urine and blood, as well as coagulograms. It is necessary after a frozen to be examined and partner, as well as define marital compatibility. The last study is quite costly in the financial plan, so it is infrequent.

Features of beating after pathological pregnancy

If a woman is faced with such pathology, then a certain time after it, as a rule, begins to disturb the problem, how to get pregnant after frozen pregnancy. Definitely, it is impossible to be pregnant immediately after the treatment of frozen bearing, you need to wait at least half a year, and better - year. If you do not comply with such recommendations, then the risk of developing pathologies in the mother like anemic deviations, hypovitaminosis, hormonal disorders, which will not be reflected in the child in the best way.

Sometimes women who got pregnant soon after cleaning, the tooling flows safely and without any complications, but to hope for such a favorable outcome is silly, because it is rather an exception than the rule. Fooling can be a consequence of genetic fruit anomalies or the result of the influence of negative factors. But refer to a similar situation, as a sentence is not worth it, after such a woman, they will safely pregnant and give birth to strong kids. In any case, only the elimination of the cause of frozen pregnancy and competent planning of subsequent conception will help avoid re-tragedy and give birth to a healthy baby.