Various gems. What stones are precious: name and who are they suitable for (photo)

Gemstones are a rare natural formation that is highly durable and of extraordinary beauty. More than 4,000 types of stones are known in nature, but not all of them are precious.

One of the most important defining valuable minerals is their beauty: brilliance, color, optical effects. The stones used in jewelry must be highly durable in order to serve their owners for many years. Due to their durability, they can be passed down from generation to generation.

Gems: names

Diamond is one of the most expensive and beautiful minerals. It is he who is called the king of all stones for his stunning appearance and solid structure. The most valuable are transparent diamonds, as well as multi-colored ones. Diamonds can be blue, cyan, pink and red. That's great rarity. As a rule, diamonds with a yellowish tint are found. This stone has many magical properties. If you believe the legends, the owner of the diamond will be saved from the evil eye, disease and nightmares. A diamond should come into the hands of its owner only in an honest way, otherwise, it can bring grief and misfortune.

Alexandrite is a durable and hard gemstone that is very popular with women. Its uniqueness is that it can change its color under the influence of lighting. Natural alexandrites are an expensive piece of jewelry. True, this stone is very often forged. Alexandrite is a symbol of amorousness and impermanence. According to folk legends, the appearance of a yellow spot on the stone was a threat to the owner's health and safety. Nowadays, alexandrite is considered a stone of success, creative victories and prosperity.

Charoite is a gemstone that can be easily polished and used as an insert in jewelry. This stone is truly rare, but in demand. Charoite looks great in earrings, rings, necklaces, bracelets, pendants and other jewelry. Due to its lilac-purple color, the stone is ideal for any color of skin, eyes and hair. It is a versatile mineral that has no age restrictions. Charoite has healing and magical properties. It is considered the stone of philosophers, wise people who lead a calm and measured lifestyle. The stone keeps the family hearth, bestows love and will never let a creative person down. Charoite teaches endurance, calmness, restraint, awakens intuition and strengthens the spirit.

Kunzite is a jewelry variety of the spodumene mineral, which has different shades of pink and lilac colors. This stone is often used to create jewelry. Kunzite creates a balance between mind and heart, it does not allow its owner to worry, regret and think about the past. The stone inspires a person that he needs to live for today without looking back. In addition, kunzite perfectly relieves stress, fatigue, nervous and psychological stress.

Read also: Gemstones by Zodiac Signs

Green gems: name

Emerald is a rich green stone that has long been used as a decoration and is an integral part of rituals and ceremonies. It is a fairly hard mineral. Almost every real emerald is smeared with dyed cedar oil to fill in all the cracks on the surface of the stone, to give it shine and transparency. Like many jewelry, emerald has magical properties. He is able to drive away terrible dreams, strengthens the heart muscle and expels evil spirits. Emerald does not tolerate insincerity and lies, therefore, to deceitful and hypocritical people, the stone will bring misfortune, illness and failure.

Verdelite is a very beautiful rich green gemstone that lends itself well to cutting and is used to decorate jewelry. In ancient times, this stone was an alternative to emerald. As a rule, verdelite is used to create designer jewelry, because it is very difficult to find this stone. It has universal healing properties. Creates a protective field around its owner, which protects from the evil eye, helps to find harmony between the physical and spiritual world, relieves fear and anxiety, helps to concentrate, gives clarity to mind and memory. In addition, verdelite has anti-aging properties.

Demantoid is a gemstone that ranges in color from honey to emerald green. The mineral is distinguished by its characteristic play of light and bright shine. The iridescence and play of color is not inferior to a diamond. It is believed that demantoid enhances potency, relieves infertility, treats colds and respiratory diseases. The stone helps a person to gain composure, concentration, focus on success and thoughtfulness in actions. Demantoid owners are never late and do not borrow money. They are characterized by the property of punctuality and frugality. The stone helps single women find love and happiness.

Black gems: name

  1. Pearls are one of the most beloved stones in the East. It has different colors, including black. The Japanese consider this stone to be a means of returning youth. It is customary to wear pearls in a silver frame, because only in this way will it be able to fully reveal its magical and medicinal properties. A gem gives a person the opportunity to sensibly assess their strengths, eliminate mistakes and reconsider their decisions. Pearls are a symbol of love that personifies fidelity, protects against the evil influences of envious people, strengthens the marriage bond and home.
  2. Black Onyx - This stone is a type of agate and is considered precious. It is recognized as the stone of orators, therefore in ancient times it was placed under the tongue to amaze the audience with its eloquence. The stone helps to stimulate appetite and normalize digestion. Onyx is effective for diseases of the brain, liver, rheumatic diseases.

Blue gems: name

Turquoise - this stone at all times was considered a symbol of happiness. It is usually sky blue in color. Jewelry is often made from it: earrings, rings, bracelets, pendants, beads, etc. It is believed that turquoise strengthens the heart and blood vessels, eliminates fears and relieves overwork. The one who wears turquoise will always live in prosperity and prosperity. The stone enhances intuition, gives a person courage and discernment, endows its owner with happiness.

Lapis lazuli is a gem that shimmers very beautifully in the sun. In its composition, it contains calcium and sodium aluminosilicate. Lapis lazuli has a strong anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect. The gem is recommended to be worn in a gold setting. Like all stones, lapis lazuli has magical and healing properties. In folk medicine, it is believed that the stone is able to fully restore vision, reduce high blood pressure, soothe the nerves, relieve insomnia and nightmares. Lapis lazuli helps to cleanse the aura, rid its owner of negative emotions, removes poisons from the body, and helps a person in spiritual development.

Topaz is a gemstone that comes in a wide variety of colors, from blue to light blue, from green to yellow. The stone is able to kindle passion, reduce fear, develop intuition, enhance foreboding, gives strength and beauty, wealth and prosperity. In ancient times, topaz was used as a remedy for poisoning, with its help healed the liver and stopped bleeding. The precious mineral is often used to decorate jewelry.

Sapphire in translation means "blue stone", but this does not mean that it has only one color. Lilac, pink, orange, green, yellow and even colorless sapphires can be found in nature. This gemstone has a high hardness. When buying jewelry with sapphire, you need to remember that dark blue ones are most appreciated. In ancient times, the stone was considered a symbol of the highest spiritual values. It can strengthen prudence, prevent discord, and calm nerves.

Red gems: names

Ruby - translated from Sanskrit means "king of gems". This stone has a special magical power, giving a person energy and strength. Ruby is best suited for those people who have already achieved something. A gem is able to stop blood, develop memory, enhance courage and a cheerful disposition. Ruby is recommended for people who suffer from low blood pressure, appetite disorders.

Even in the era of romanticism, the true beauty of semi-precious stones was appreciated in Europe. Their stunning looks, varied colors and brilliance have become the admiration of jewelry lovers and jewelers alike.

Semi-precious stones are in no way inferior in their properties and beauty to precious stones. Therefore, the division of stones into semiprecious and precious is rather conventional.

Semiprecious stones: names, photos


This stone is a kind of beryl greenish-blue tint.

  • The main feature of the mineral is its two-color, which manifests itself when the angle of view changes.
  • Aquamarine can change its color when heated.
  • The stone is often confused with topaz or pale sapphire.
  • The most valuable are minerals weighing more than ten carats.
  • Once the gem was indispensable for decorating crowns.
  • Nowadays, lenses for spectacles are made from aquamarine.
  • Its medicinal properties are aimed at relieving nervous disorders and cardiovascular diseases.
  • The magical properties of aquamarine can strengthen relationships between people, stimulate mental activity and relieve fatigue.


It is a very valuable mineral that has many varieties.


Mineral is a type of agate with characteristic white or dark stripes.

  • It can be whitish pink to dark brown.
  • In the old days, stones were divided into male and female. Sardonyx with a sharp and darker shade was considered male. Women's stones have a lighter soft shade.
  • The healing properties of the mineral are aimed at helping with diseases of the thyroid gland and the digestive tract.
  • It is recommended to wear sardonyx amulets in case of fractures, as it has the ability to heal bone tissue.
  • Beads or a ring made of a gem will protect from the evil eye, damage and premature aging.
  • Sardonyx is able to improve mood, drive away melancholy and relieve depression.


This brownish red or bright red translucent crystal is a type of chalcedony.

  • In the Middle Ages, a stone of red-brown tones was considered masculine, and peach or orange shades were considered feminine.
  • Carnelian has a heterogeneous structure and many inclusions in the form of stripes.
  • The gem does not like rich frames, therefore cupronickel, silver or special alloys are most often used to frame it.
  • For a long time, the powder of the mineral was included in the composition of drugs that were used to treat the digestive and genitourinary systems, headaches and inflammatory skin diseases.
  • Lithotherapists recommend wearing carnelian in the form of a bracelet or beads to strengthen the immune system.
  • The talisman gem helps the wearer to attract success and wealth, as well as to reveal their talents.


it transparent mineral having properly faceted columnar crystals.

  • Topaz can be colorless, blue, golden, purple, yellow or pink. Several shades in one mineral are extremely rare.
  • The most energetic of the topaz is considered to be a golden mineral.
  • The stone is able to prevent colds, help in the treatment of the spleen, gallbladder and digestive organs.
  • In ancient times, the mineral was used to treat poor eyesight.
  • Topaz is able to protect against negative influences and eliminate negative emotions.
  • The stone brings wisdom to men, beauty to women.


Mineral of volcanic origin, with the informal name "born in fire".

Precious stones: names, photos

Precious stones are of extraordinary beauty and high durability. More than four thousand species are known, but not all are precious.

The most important determinants of valuable minerals are color, shine, beauty and optical effects... In addition, they must be highly durable in order to serve their owners for many years.


A gemstone that has an emerald green color under natural light, and a violet-red color under artificial light.

  • The gem is a type of chrysoberyl.
  • Ancient people believed that the duality of the color of the stone has magical properties, since it is associated with the duality of human blood - venous and arterial. Therefore, with the help of a crystal, they purified the blood, stopped bleeding and strengthened the blood vessels.
  • Alexandrite should be worn in pairs. It can be a set of stone jewelry or two earrings.
  • In India and Sri Lanka, the mineral is called the "stone of prosperity." It symbolizes longevity and protects against many diseases.
  • In Europe, the crystal is considered a symbol of amorousness, and because of its dual color and a symbol of jealousy.


Of all the precious minerals, this is the hardest, shiny, wear-resistant and does not lose its properties over time.

  • The gem received its jewelry value in the Middle Ages, although it has been known since ancient times. Its value was understood only when the jewelers were able to turn it into a diamond with the help of cutting.
  • The diamond gives its owner courage, bravery and strength.
  • He is able to protect against damage, evil eye and reveal the best sides of its owner.
  • The diamond takes the energy of its owner, therefore it is recommended to wear it only for people with strong energy.
  • The stone amulet will help in the treatment of skin diseases, prevent the formation of kidney stones and cure sclerosis and apoplexy.


A gem that is clear variety of beryl green tones.

  • The dark green emerald is valued even higher than the diamond.
  • In Russia, the mineral was considered a stone of hope, composure and wisdom. The Greeks call it the "Stone of Radiance".
  • Mixed with buffalo milk, the gem is famous for its antidote properties.
  • Emerald, set in silver, is known as an anti-demonic remedy. It will protect you from harmful addictions and evil spells. Amulets with a precious stone are placed in baby carriages for protection.
  • A stone in a gold setting is able to develop the intelligence of its owner.
  • The mineral improves memory, relieves insomnia, helps with fever and treats eye diseases.
  • Emerald can help to avoid disasters, so sailors and fishermen take it with them as a talisman.


This precious crystal is the stone of the Sun and one of several kings of the jewelry industry.

  • Expensive, unique products are made of red stone.
  • Already in ancient times, people knew the value of a ruby ​​and decorated them with jewelry and ritual objects.
  • Stones are used in all types of jewelry: pendants, necklaces, earrings, rings. They are often found in cufflinks and tie pins.
  • Ruby is the patron saint of lovers. He is able to bring passion into relationships and awaken feelings.
  • Lithotherapists recommend wearing it to normalize appetite and blood pressure.
  • Depending on the quality and quantity of crystals, ruby ​​jewelry can be valued at several thousand or even millions of dollars.


Crystals have many colors but the most beautiful of them are red tourmalines.

  • The stone shows its beauty only in the daytime, when it plays in the rays of the sun. Under artificial lighting, the crystal preserves its beauty, therefore it changes its behavior.
  • One of the types of gem is a unique red-green tourmaline, similar to watermelon slices.
  • The stone, emitting infrared rays, improves the functioning of body cells, accelerates the metabolic process, and has a beneficial effect on the expansion of blood capillaries.
  • The gem is best worn in a silver or gold setting. In this case, he will become a talisman for the owner, with the help of which it will be easier to achieve what he wants and more boldly to go through life.
  • Red tourmaline jewelry is not very cheap. One carat of a high-quality crystal will cost about a thousand dollars.


Is precious mineral red... But you can find pink-red, orange-red and purple-red shades of spinel.

  • A pure stone is colorless, but it is quite rare.
  • The color of the red mineral is associated with the presence of chromium in it. Iron gives a yellowish hue, and manganese gives a purple-red hue.
  • Spinels are evaluated according to variety and color.
  • In ancient times, the mineral in the form of a powder was added to food. It was believed that it would keep the stomach in order and give the face a blush.
  • In the East, with the help of this stone, they are protected from the dazzling sun of the desert.
  • A spinel in a gold setting can serve as a talisman of happiness and fidelity.

Red gems promote the drive for action, the manifestation of activity and determination. A gem of red color will not rest calmly. Those who are tired of noisy parties and do not need career growth should choose jewelry with stones of calmer colors.

This article will change your mind about precious and semi-precious stones forever. If you think of them as ordinary glass, then learn to appreciate jewelry. If these stones already impress you, you will understand why they are loved all over the world.

So. Why is one stone sold in whole wagons, and auctions are organized for a gram of another? Why are even expensive minerals divided into precious and semi-precious and cost differently? In the material you will find answers to these and other questions.

What is a gem

First, we will define the very word "stone". A stone is a name for rocks and minerals that were formed naturally, that is, without human intervention.

To be called precious, a stone must meet three criteria: rare, durable, and beautiful. Let's dwell on each of these characteristics.

1. The rarity of the stone

The rarity of the stone is determined by the complexity of its finding in nature. This complexity has numerical indicators, which we will illustrate with the example of diamond mining - future diamonds.

Mine for the extraction of diamonds. Source: ALROSA

Miners dig out diamond ore from the ground, from which other specialists then extract diamond crystals. For profitability of development, 1 ton of ore should be from 0.5 diamond carat. Now imagine the following.

That's not all. Only 20% of all diamonds are suitable for jewelry. The rest goes to technical needs. It turns out that out of 1 mined carat, only 0.20 carats will be included in the jewelry. And this is only 0.040 grams.

4/100 grams of diamond are obtained from 1 ton of ore. This mass is not enough to insert even into one ring.

Imagine what work needs to be done, how much earth to dig so that every woman on the day of the engagement is happy!

2. Durability of the stone

No corporation will develop a complex deposit of stones and minerals that quickly deteriorate. No one will buy products with fragile inserts. Therefore, durability is a determining factor for a stone that claims to be a precious one.

The durability of a gemstone is measured in hundreds and thousands of years.

The same gem can be both hard and brittle at the same time. For example, a diamond is so hard that it is tested for the hardness of other minerals. At the same time, if dropped, this crystal can crack and even break.

3. The beauty of the stone

Beauty in precious stones is also a countable concept. For example, the cost is influenced by the color saturation, the degree of refraction of the sun's ray, the absorption spectrum of the color and other characteristics that professional gemologists check with special devices.

It is unlikely that a person will appreciate all these qualities at a glance. However, when you see a piece of jewelry with a precious stone on your interlocutor or in the salon, just imagine the characteristics of the mineral, be impressed with the product and appreciate it with dignity. Think about how the stone was searched for, how it was judged against all possible criteria, and how it was shaped.

Scientists have learned to synthesize rare stones, but their price is not even close to the price of natural diamonds, rubies, sapphires and other precious stones. Only a mineral found in the bowels of the earth can be considered a real gem.

AQUAMARINE works with gemstones that have documents confirming their authenticity. And each diamond in our products also has a certificate of assessment from a gemological laboratory.

Diamond Grading Certificate from the GIA Gemological Laboratory

A brief history of diamonds

Indians first began to endow stones with precious properties. For several millennia BC, Indian rajahs adorned themselves with diamonds found in the country. In those days, people still did not know how to change the original shape of crystals.

According to popular belief, the diamonds were brought to Europe from the campaigns by the warriors of Alexander the Great. Local residents did not appreciate the beauty of uncut stones, and after several decades, kings across the continent began to decorate weapons and armor with cut diamonds. In the 15th century AD, court women and men developed a fashion for wearing diamonds.

Since then, thanks to deposits around the world, diamonds have become appreciated in every corner of the earth.

What is a semi-precious stone

Manufacturers, sellers and buyers have different names for stones that are somewhat cheaper than precious stones. Two equivalent terms are popular: semi-precious and jewelry stones.

Some consider the term "semi-precious stone" obsolete. Due to the prefix, the semi-value of the mineral becomes discredited. The buyer may perceive the stone to be defective and not buy the product with it. Therefore, the term "jewelry stone" has come into use. Professionals will understand if you use any of these terms.

Jewelry (or semi-precious) stones are less beautiful, rare and durable than precious stones. At the same time, they have wonderful properties to decorate your product.


  1. Gemstones are measured in carats.
  2. 1 carat is equal to 0.2 grams.
  3. Gemstones have three criteria for evaluating them: beauty, rarity, and durability.
  4. From 1 ton of diamond ore, you can get no more than 4/100 grams of diamond.
  5. Leading jewelry manufacturers only use certified stones.
  6. Jewelry and semi-precious stones are equivalent concepts.

Now you have a clear knowledge of precious and semi-precious stones, their characteristics, differences and, we hope, appreciate them.

Stay tuned for our next article. In it, we will tell you how precious stones hold in a piece of jewelry.

Precious stones are minerals (mainly crystals) that are colorless or have a uniform, beautiful color, moderate tone, high transparency, high hardness (6-10 on the Mohs scale), bright luster and high ability to scatter light. At the same time, the stone must be wear-resistant, resistant to fading and the effects of moderately aggressive environments.

These stones are high quality raw materials and are mainly used for cutting.

Ornamental stones include some transparent, translucent, translucent and opaque crystals, mineral aggregates, rock massifs and other stone formations with various inclusions and various patterns. Ornamental stones are used both in jewelry and for the production of carvings. It can be of different shapes and sizes figurines, figurines, vases, busts, massive decorative elements for facades and interior decoration of living quarters, etc.

Determination of the value of an ornamental stone is spontaneous, with a couple of no clear edges. It is clear that it should be an order of magnitude lower than precious stones. But let's take as an example or! Quality beads made of bright green jade, with a uniform color and rare dark specks, can cost tens of thousands of dollars. Well, how can such a stone be called ornamental after that ?! Or a semitransparent jadeite cabochon with an even grassy green color starting at $ 500 per carat ?! How do you like this ornamental stone?

Hence the conclusion - all stones can be divided into groups and by importance. But in no case should you determine the value, the value, relying only on the group in which the mineral is located. IMHO.

There are many classifications of gemstones. Each has a common underlying principle. But there are also differences. Various factors influence the construction of mineral orders: fashion trends, demand, the development of old deposits, or the discovery of new ones, etc.

Below is the most common classification of precious stones, which is already 30 years old, and it is successfully used in Russia and the former USSR among amateurs and professionals.

The first group: jewelry (precious) stones, gems

First order: diamond, emerald, ruby, sapphire blue.

Second order: alexandrite, noble black opal, noble jadeite, pearl, sapphire (orange, purple and green).

Third order: aquamarine, noble spinel, demantoid, noble white and fire opal, topaz, rhodolite, adularia, red tourmaline.

Fourth order: amethyst, tourmaline (blue, green, pink and polychrome), chrysolite, zircon, beryl (yellow, gold and pink), turquoise, noble spodumene, pyrope, almandine, chrysoprase, citrine.

The second group: jewelry and ornamental, colored stones

First order: lapis lazuli, jadeite, jade, malachite, aventurine, charoite, amber, rock crystal, smoky quartz, hematite (bloodstone).

Second order: agate, amazonite, colored chalcedony, cacholong, heliotrope, rhodonite, rose quartz, opaque iridescent feldspars (belomorite and others), iridescent obsidian, ordinary opal.

The bulk of jewelry ornamental stones is used to make souvenirs, figurines, and various kinds of handicrafts. And not a large percentage of such stones are used in jewelry.

The greatest American actress and singer, immortal sex symbol and simply gorgeous blonde and gentlemen's favorite Marilyn Monroe, in one of her songs, argued that the best friends of girls are diamond jewelry. Indeed, it seems that a man is able to settle any quarrel, to make amends for any guilt by presenting his beloved with a cherished velvet box with a precious ring or earrings.

Most women adore jewelry. Unfortunately, not everyone is able to afford to wear diamonds. In addition, diamond jewelry looks appropriate only with outfits for special occasions, in everyday life they look too pretentious. Therefore, for weekdays and simple daily clothes, there is another option for jewelry - with semi-precious ornamental stones.

Ornamental stones: varieties

These stones, unlike colorless and transparent diamonds, have beautiful saturated or pastel shades, with which you can successfully emphasize the color of your eyes or skin, as well as focus on manicure and other accessories, and successfully complete the look.

In addition, since ancient times, people believe that each of these stones has its own energy, is capable of influencing a person's aura or even his fate. Therefore, many women choose jewelry with ornamental stones, following the horoscope or according to the meaning of the name.

Semi-precious ornamental stones are natural minerals that are used to decorate jewelry. Some of them have a higher price, because they are less common, they are more difficult to cut and are used in the manufacture of only elite and luxurious jewelry (diamonds, sapphires, rubies, and others). Some are suitable for creating other decorative items - caskets, ashtrays, cigarette cases (for example, quartz, opal, malachite). They also look attractive as decorative elements on rings, bracelets or beads. In other words, natural minerals can be divided into precious and ornamental stones. There are a great many types of them, the choice of a suitable one depends on the tastes and preferences of the jewelry lover. However, this article will focus on ornamental stones. A list of the most popular is attached below.

Rose quartz

It is no coincidence that rose quartz ranks first in the ranking of the most popular and demanded ornamental stones. Initially, quartz is a basic mineral that forms other ornamental stones (see photo below). Natural quartz has a transparent or milky white color, while admixtures of various metals give it different shades. So, purple quartz is called amethyst, colorless quartz is the so-called rock crystal, citrine is yellow-lemon quartz, and the unusual minerals "cat", "tiger" and "falcon" eye are the same quartz of pearlescent texture.

However, rose quartz stands out the most. With its transparent texture and delicate pink tone, this stone looks like a real treasure. Blondes are very fond of jewelry with rose quartz, as its color helps to emphasize a touching image and romantic nature. Again, thanks to the pastel tone, even little fashionistas can wear such products. Earrings with rose quartz could easily become the first piece of jewelry for a girl.

In addition to jewelry, rose quartz is also used in lithotherapy - treatment with stones. Experts say that rose quartz has a positive effect on the nervous system, suppresses diabetes, and improves immunity. According to Feng Shui, the stone helps to strengthen love relationships, increases the likelihood of a happy marriage. Rose quartz is recommended for Aries, Taurus and Libra.


The people call this ornamental stone "bloodstone", or "red glass head". Its appearance is quite unusual: the metal cover is connected to the brick-red stone surface. If you delve into the etymology of the word, the name "hematite" comes from the Greek "haima" and means "blood" in translation. Indeed, both the bright scarlet color shade of the mineral and the large presence of iron in it unambiguously remind of blood. That is why the stone is popularly called "bloodstone".

Hematite is an ornamental stone, but is mostly not used in jewelry making. It finds its application in glyptics - the art of creating carved paintings on minerals. When processed, hematite resembles morion, obsidian or jet, but still significantly differs from them in its strong metallic luster. Hematite is the most popular ornamental stone in antiquity. Since ancient times, it has been used as an amulet, a talisman for men and children. Hematite was used to treat diseases of the spleen, liver, as well as problems associated with the circulatory system. It is believed that hematite has a positive effect on sex life and awakens sexual energy. As a talisman, hematite is suitable for Scorpions and Cancers.


One of the most beautiful and demanded ornamental stones can rightfully be called amber, "sun stone", "resin tears" or "mineral gold", as it is also called. Amber is the most beautiful ornamental stone; in ancient times it was valued not only as a precious mineral, but also as a medicine for the treatment of various diseases. Decoctions and infusions of amber were used to treat the genitourinary system, eye diseases, rheumatism, heart and headaches. Today, thanks to innovations in medicine, its healing properties have faded into the background, but the aesthetic value has not dropped in the least.

Amber jewelry is almost universal, the variety of shades allows you to choose them for any image and color type of appearance. The palette of amber colors has a huge number of colors, thanks to natural impurities in the mineral, as well as modern processing technologies. It is not by chance that the color of amber is called honey, and the shades of honey are called amber. The honey palette also includes a wide variety of colors, from milky and lemon yellow to maroon and brown. The amber amulet protects pregnant women and children, it is believed that it scares away evil spirits and protects houses from fires. Amber is a stone symbol for Lions.


A bright green beautiful ornamental stone is the pride of the collection of Ural gems. Perhaps it is not as popular and in demand in the manufacture of jewelry as, for example, amber, but every child in Russia has heard about it since childhood, thanks to the famous fairy tale by P.P. Bazhov about the Mistress of the Copper Mountain and the malachite box he mentioned. The color palette of malachite includes all shades of green, from the color of fresh grass to dark green and turquoise. Malachite could be called an ornamental alternative to emerald due to its luxurious noble shades.

On the cut of the stone and on its surface, there are unusual and very beautiful streaks and stains that cannot be artificially repeated. Jewelry designers often use this property to decorate their crafts and accessories. Not only rings, bracelets, earrings and beads are made from malachite - malachite vases, boxes and even table lamps look no less expensive and luxurious. Malachite works well with gold plating and plating.

Malachite as an ornamental stone in ancient times was considered the strongest amulet against evil spirits and a symbol of wisdom. The green mineral has been used to fight diseases of the heart, respiratory tract, various poisonings and toothaches. Malachite is considered a talisman for Taurus and Libra.


Turquoise is another ornamental stone no less popular all over the world. Its name has an oriental origin, it was there, in the countries of Islam, that turquoise was considered a symbol of purity and innocence and was an obligatory attribute of the bride's attire. Today turquoise is great for decorating any product: earrings, rings, bracelets and necklaces. Turquoise has a beautiful greenish-blue hue, which in nature belongs only to this stone. Therefore, the rest of the objects painted in a similar color are called turquoise. The beautiful tone and opaque texture make it possible to wear turquoise jewelry both during the daytime and for evening events.

Since ancient times, turquoise has been known for its healing properties. Wearing this stone on the chest ensured the prevention of heart and stomach diseases. Turquoise also has a positive effect on the nervous system, it is considered a stone of reconciliation, calmness and well-being. The brighter the color of turquoise, the stronger its energy, the dull and pale stone loses its properties. As a talisman, turquoise is intended for Taurus, Sagittarius and Scorpio.

Opal (common)

There are a lot of varieties of this ornamental stone. And depending on the origin of the mineral, it is classified as both precious and semi-precious stones. The opal pattern can have beautiful streaks or resemble a mosaic; the iridescent overflow of colors on the opal is called opalescence. According to the main color, these stones can be black, purple and blue, bright red or yellow. The milky white color and translucent texture provide opal with a higher value, equating it to gemstones.

According to Indian legends, opal reveals the gift of clairvoyance, enlightens the mind, and protects against diseases. In ancient times, opal was used to treat heart diseases, nervous system, eye diseases and problems with potency. Opal is considered a protective stone for Pisces.


Jasper is a semi-precious ornamental stone that has been used since ancient times to make jewelry and other decorative items. Due to the variety of its shades and textures, jasper is in great demand in jewelry. Among its colors are spotted, sprayed, banded and speckled. According to color combinations, jasper is black, red, turquoise, yellow, gray-brown. Monochromatic jasper is very rare. In ancient times, personalized amulets were made from it, which were supposed to protect the owners from the evil eye, remove negative energy. The therapeutic properties of jasper have been used in the treatment of fever, epilepsy, cardiovascular and gastric ailments, as well as insomnia and various types of pain.

Taoists were sure that the jasper amulet prolongs life, and if you put it at the head of the bed, it will contribute to the enlightenment of the mind. Jasper is suitable as a talisman for Virgos.


Agate is the most beautiful ornamental stone. In ancient times, it was endowed with various magical properties, thanks to its unusual design. Natural patterns on agate resemble the eye of a bird of prey. According to legend, the bird of prey lost its eye in a fight with one of the heavenly gods. The eye fell to the ground and turned to stone. Ancient craftsmen used this property to create totem statues, inserting agates in place of empty eye sockets so that they served as protection from evil spirits.

In fact, agate is a type of fine crystalline quartz. However, agate, like quartz, has varieties of rocks that are perceived as independent stones. For example, onyx or chalcedony. The color palette includes shades of white, gray, red and yellow. The pattern is very diverse: banded, "mossy", "star", "bastion", "eye" and others. Agate is abundantly used in jewelry making, as well as in artistic stone carving. The stone is popular in various oriental cultures: in Ayurveda it removes water imbalance in the body, Buddhists believe that agate expels demons from the home and human body, among the Mongols it promotes the development of internal energy. Its medicinal properties are used for chronic diseases of the musculoskeletal system, circulatory system, gastrointestinal tract, and various infections. Agate is a charm stone for Taurus.


Due to its glossy and transparent texture, the semi-precious ornamental stone tourmaline during processing is practically indistinguishable from natural jewelry: rubies, sapphires, emeralds and others. Depending on the origin, tourmaline itself can be both precious and semi-precious stones.

Tourmaline is not synthetic, fakes of this stone are made from plain glass. Tourmaline color range is varied: pink, red, yellow, orange, blue, purple and black shades. Polychrome colors are popular, combining several colors (for example, red, yellow, green), smoothly merging into each other according to the principle of a gradient. The healing properties of tourmaline include a positive effect on the nervous system and sleep, prevention of oncological diseases, diseases of the kidneys, liver, endocrine and immune systems. Tourmaline improves the condition of the skin, contributing to its rejuvenation. In India, tourmaline is used to establish a connection with space, it is believed that the energy of this stone purifies the aura. Tourmaline is most suitable for Leo, Capricorn, Sagittarius and Scorpio.