Break the emotional bond. How to get rid of energy bindings? You are domineering

Many of you have more than once felt an incomprehensible exhaustion after communicating with some person. This is an energy vampire that steals energy from you. Let's see how to break the energy connection and live a full life?

Energy connections

Did you know that it is enough for people to shake hands or touch each other so that thin threads of energy appear between them? If people begin to communicate more with each other, then this connection is strengthened and turns into a thick rope along which energy flows from person to person.

Energy Vampirism

When everything is harmonious in a couple or in a family, then close people feed on each other. On the physical plane, this is expressed by support, understanding, intuitive feeling. But what if the relationship becomes unbearable? Constant quarrels, scandals, tantrums and showdowns provoke an outflow of energy. A sick relationship is a swing, when people either quarrel or ardently reconcile - this is exactly the case. And if you find the courage to break it, then you will reach a different stage of your development.

This is quite difficult to do, because many at such moments are attacked by strange emotions. It's easier for them to push their ego's throat again than to start solving the problem. And why? And because they are afraid that they will be left without their favorite "tormentor". The torturer ... But such a dear one! That is why this method is suitable only for the strongest, who are ready to abruptly tear off the plaster from the aching wound and begin to sew up the hole with magic threads.

Even if you ended the relationship and stopped communicating with the person, this does not mean at all that you have broken the connection on an energetic level; some of your energy is still flowing into your past relationship or family.

How to break the energy connection with an ex-man, husband, lover, woman, with your partner, relative, mother, father, sister, brother, friend, colleague, and in general with any person? Let's see.

Types of energy connections

There are several energy connections:

  1. Energy connections that accumulate during the day: communication with relatives, going to the store, work, study, people on the street, etc.
  2. Connections that arise during conflicts, quarrels, and if someone offended you.
  3. Love bindings: cordial and long-lasting.


If you don't know how to break the energy connection, then here are some techniques that will help you. You can do them at any time convenient for you: even at home, even on the street or at work.

On every day

If you know how to work with chakras, then here is a simple method to break all attachments:

  1. Get into a comfortable position and relax.
  2. You need to ground yourself. Imagine that a dark brown pillar is leaving your tailbone area down to the center of the Earth.
  3. Walk through each chakra, starting with the first. Imagine that you are removing all the dark spots or any growths on them with your hands, cleaning each one with an imaginary vacuum cleaner.

We remove the resentment

If someone has offended you, then you should try to clean yourself up as soon as possible, without accumulating anything.

How to break the energy connection with a person:

  1. Imagine your abuser standing in front of you.
  2. Run two tubes at chest level that go from you to him. Energy flows from him to you through one tube, and from you to him through the other.
  3. Take imaginary scissors. To heighten the effect, you can take real scissors and do the same with them.
  4. Cut off both tubes.
  5. You close the ends of your tubes to each other on yourself.
  6. You wash the offender's pipes between you on it.

Relationship room

If you have accumulated too many grievances and it is rather problematic to work through this with each person, then this technique can help you.

How to break an energy connection:

  1. Get into a comfortable position and relax. You can turn on your favorite music in the background, or.
  2. Let go of thoughts and try to stop the internal dialogue.
  3. Imagine that your head is a room, and all the furniture in it is your offenders. Let's say a wardrobe is a father, a floor lamp is a mother, a chair is a former partner, a chandelier is a boss, an armchair is a colleague, a table is a saleswoman in a store who is nasty to you, and so on.
  4. Start taking all the items out of the room.
  5. When the space is completely cleared, push yourself out of the room by any means: pull by the ear, take out with a bulldozer, or fly away in a balloon.
  6. Look into your room through a keyhole or window. If it is still empty, come out of your trance. And if there are still some items, take them out again until the room is completely empty.

Love bindings

With love bindings, things are a little more complicated. It will take more effort, energy and time to remove all suckers. But you will definitely succeed if you really want it.

Burn everything that you gave me

How to break the energy connection with a man or woman:

  1. Take a piece of paper and a pen.
  2. Determine the place on the piece of paper where your resentment or irritation wants to settle.
  3. Draw whatever you want with a pen. Don't think about time, just paint.
  4. Take a basin of water and light a piece of paper with matches.
  5. Wait until the entire drawing has burned, and then dip the paper in water for safety.
  6. Drain the water.

Airing the heart

The technique is pretty simple:

  1. Get into a comfortable position and relax.
  2. In the region of your heart, mentally find a black hole.
  3. Breathe in through your mouth, and mentally exhale through the hole.
  4. At first, black smoke will come out of it, and with each breath it will become blacker and blacker.
  5. Then the smoke will become light, and then a draft will form in your heart.
  6. This means you have completely removed the energy connection.
  7. Close the entrance with your hand or a fictional stopper. Or you might want to patch up this wound.

Main words

During the execution of the techniques, you can contact the person with whom you want to break the connection and say to him approximately the following words (you can add on your own):

My dear (name)!

I know how you feel and perceive all my words on a subtle plane. And here and now I renounce you with full responsibility and with all my heart. I suppress all possible grievances against you.

Our relationship was great in the beginning. But today this is not what you and I need from life. From now on and forever I am free from you with a clear conscience and an open soul.

Here and now I make a decision to be the master (mistress) of my life, my thoughts and feelings. I am under the divine protection of the Higher Powers (God, Allah, Guardian Angels, etc.).

I wish you harmony and joy in life, but without me. Everything is good in my beautiful world!

Important note

There are situations in everyone's life when he wants to cut off the energy connection with a person so that he does not vampire you. But you need to keep communicating. These can be parents, relatives, or friends.

When people are in a loving union, they are interdependent because they help meet each other's needs. But there are relationships in which addiction fills the entire space, leaving no room for love.

Such relationships are characterized by an obsessive need for the attention of another person. Relationships are attributed to the highest significance, and if the object of passion becomes inaccessible for any reason, the dependent person experiences anxiety, and his life at this moment becomes meaningless and empty.

The problem is that in this way we make the other person completely responsible for meeting our needs and expect certain behavior from him. If our expectations are not met, then life collapses, we experience discomfort and literally lose ourselves.

It turns out that without another person, an emotionally dependent person does not feel the fullness of life and does not feel full. The object of passion, on the other hand, bears a heavy burden of responsibility for our happiness , and this is very difficult and makes you want to get rid of this burden.

As a result, it is difficult for everyone in these relationships to live, but breaking out of the circle of dependence is even more difficult than being in it.

Let's take a look at the reasons that make us emotionally dependent and find out how we can make a difference.

Emptiness around, emptiness inside

Emptiness around, emptiness inside

Tatiana has divorced her husband for many years and lives with her son. From the outside, their relationship may seem ideal: the two of them go to the theater, cinema, walk around the city and even go on vacation together.

Emotional addiction: how to break the bond /

“Danila is both smart and handsome, knows three languages, earns good money, but he has no luck with girls, they all come across the wrong ones,” Tatiana complains. In fact, her "boy" is already about forty years old, and it is the mother who is the reason for all his failures in his personal life.

Ekaterina Gorshkova,
consultant psychologist

You are an emotional savior if:

You are in a relationship with a partner who has serious emotional, physical, or financial problems.

Your partner often feels confused, overwhelmed, helpless, or persecuted, and you are comforting, reassuring, and reassuring. You feel an emotional connection with a man.

You often take on the role of parenting in your relationship with your partner - giving advice, warning you about potential problems, feeling frustrated when your advice is not followed.

Your partner has been mistreated or in great pain in the past, and you feel obligated to “compensate” him for this.

You feel like you should tiptoe around your partner so that you don't inadvertently upset him - therefore, you avoid asking for what you need, or directly telling your partner about what is bothering you.

You tolerate and forgive your partner such behavior that you would never tolerate from a friend or from a subordinate in the service.

You have the feeling that no one in the whole world, except you, experiences such an emotional connection with a man and will not be able to understand and love your partner, therefore, you cannot leave him.

You find yourself feeling sorry for your partner more often than you would like.

If you can relate to yourself at least some of these statements, then it is time to break the emotional connection with the man. You tend to take on a mission of emotional salvation. You manage to strike up relationships with partners whom you consider yourself obligated to help, and not with those with whom you are compatible. You meet someone who seems offended, fragile, unloved to you, and you feel that you are irresistibly drawn to love this person. He feels so grateful to you, and you feel so noble. It's very easy to get into this kind of connection because of the expected result - you don't know when your partner will get better, and you want to be there when it happens, especially after all your efforts!

How to break an emotional bond with a man?

It is also very difficult to break an emotional connection with a man of this kind - it will seem to you that you are leaving your partner to the mercy of fate and severely injuring him. The same guilt that caused you to start this relationship can keep you from ending it for a long time (even if you know perfectly well that you should have left a long time ago).

Why are you taking on a mission of emotional salvation?

You are completing an unfinished business in childhood.

If, as a child, you saw that one of the parents, or your brother, or sister was ignored, disliked or mistreated, then you will find him (her) in the person of a distressed partner and will do your best to give him that love, support and strength, which, as it seems to you, you once could not give to your loved one.

You need to feel your own worth and superiority.

When you choose an “unfortunate wretch” as a partner, you yourself immediately start looking better, wiser, more collected. Playing the role of a hero in a love relationship, you drown out the feeling of your own inadequacy and powerlessness.

You are domineering

In a relationship where “saving” your partner is on the agenda, you feel a bit of power over him. Sometimes we forget that "help" can become a means of tight control over people.

Solution A: Those who take on a mission of emotional salvation often mistake compassion for love. If you find yourself drawn to someone with big problems, ask yourself if you are confusing compassion with love. You should feel not only love for your partner, but also respect, be proud of him. Understand without haste what your needs are.

Everything suggests that there will be no relationship between you. But ... some part of you or your former love still continues to hope - he / she will change his mind and come back, take steps to restore the relationship, apologize for everything, everything that hurt you and ... everything will work out even better, than when the relationship first began.

Or ... resentment and anger are firmly embedded in you, a desire to take revenge and make him / her very sorry about your breakup. Your thoughts periodically return to what you said or to versions of what you could do / say in that situation. Know that if you carry negative feelings with you - you have not parted! Especially if dreams continue, fists clench and tears come ...

In any case, you do not have peace, aspiration for the future, since in the past you are held by feelings. And this connection makes you mark time, narrows the perception of future possibilities and prevents you from completely surrendering to joy in the here and now. These invisible bonds gradually begin to seem stronger than chains. You yourself fill them with energy and ... gradually the thought creeps in that these relationships were "the most real!"

All this is categorically not worth carrying in yourself for a long time - in addition to the blocked future and energy costs, you risk getting health complications at the level of psychosomatics in a completely unpredictable form. Moreover, there are at least three levels of effective solution to this problem. Therefore, if you have already gone through all the stages of denying the inevitable and have tried, proceed to the next 3 steps.

1 - the return of the energy spent in the relationship

Experts who see the energy bodies of people know that even a frivolous relationship - an accidental disposable intimacy - leaves an energy channel going from a woman's body to a man's body. Yes, if you do not make any efforts over the years this channel will become narrower, but ... the movement of energy will continue.

It would seem that the situation is bad only for a woman who constantly feeds her former sexual partners - the loss of freshness and beauty is forcing over the years to increasingly use cosmetics and surgery. But for a man, a constant flow of energy from a woman who quietly and from afar hates him is far from a gift. And it can affect not only men's health, but also a career and future children.

Of course, specialists with extrasensory abilities can help you with this, but I suggest that you first make a simple practice on your own, which will close all the leaks of your energy bodies.

1 - retire, put a chair in front of you and sit opposite - relax.

2 - visualize as vividly as possible your ex-love sitting in front of you on a chair

3 - speak out, observing the reaction of your imaginary interlocutor - do not lose sight of him, sitting opposite. Express everything that you did not have time or could not say in person: what did you expect from him, how he offended you, how you feel about him now ... What did you lack in your relationship with that person?

Attention? Respect? Care? Love? Apologies? Joy?

4 - see that everything that you gave him in emotions, expectations and feelings hangs on your interlocutor, like jewelry / clothing accessories - take them away from him. And remove from yourself everything that you feel energetically belonging to him - after all, he also gave you expectations, feelings, emotions. "I take everything that is mine for myself, everything that belongs to me - I give it back forever"

5 - now carefully examine the space between you. If you see a thread, rope or chain extending from you to the interlocutor, you need to cut it. You can do it just with a wave of your hand, you can imagine something sharp and heavy in your hand. Do until you see that the connection between you is broken. Return the severed end to your energy - wherever you feel - in the stomach, in the chest, in the head. Do the same with the rest of the connection for your interlocutor

6 - thank your interlocutor for all the good things that happened between you - for that valuable experience for your future life that he gave you.

7 - Feel if you can relate to the object of your former passion or love, as to any person - evenly, calmly, without interest? See if the interlocutor is satisfied with the result of your work? Perhaps he has already got up and left ... Do you feel that you can also get up and go on happily and calmly through life?

2 - the return of particles of your soul.

If the previous exercise gave only a temporary result, and your thoughts still return to the past, then your situation is more complicated than emotional connections.

Very often people leave particles of their soul in someone or something. And this is not a poetic metaphor, or a magical fantasy about the Horcruxes. This is a quite tangible process energetically and emotionally. After that, a person feels a loss, emptiness in himself. Thoughts begin to periodically return to the same person with whom the relationship can no longer be returned. Or to some situation when you were treated very cruelly. Or ... when you So wanted to help someone in great suffering, that they gave him a part of themselves.

Most often, such a loss of a piece of oneself happens in a sincere and strong love relationship, in moments of the most complete openness. At that moment it seems that this is forever ... that this is "the same! The same!" But after a while it happens that the couple diverges as violently as they met before. And ... inexpressible pain remains on the heart.

There are many ways to regain peace of mind after such a break - ancient, folk, magical ... The most important thing in such a situation is not to leave everything as it is, although there is a category of people who make a fetish out of this and toil about it for many years. Most often only because they find sympathy for their pain from friends and girlfriends. However, this mental loss not only lessens the meeting of new true love, but also constantly sends an energy boost to your ex.

Peace of mind isn't the only motivation to end this self-teaching. If you collect all the soul particles that you left in your past, you will feel like a whole and much younger divine being + you will have resources and ideas not only for meeting new love. This force can be directed to a career, health and the realization of all those desires, the fulfillment of which for some reason does not happen.

In order to independently regain even one particle of the soul, one must either have the necessary innate abilities, or undergo special training. Personally, I recommend using theta practice for this, since without much effort on your part and at any distance

Returns all alien soul particles that have lingered with you, their owners

Returns all your soul particles that you once gave to others.

In this case, you only need to retire, completely relax your body and let go for a walk for 5-10 minutes all, all, all your thoughts. It depends on your sensitivity and calmness whether you can observe the changes taking place at the time of the theta practice session. Images and memories will themselves appear on your mental screen - you can watch them without comment, like a movie. What matters is how you will feel the next morning. After all, your subconsciousness and energy need sleep to completely reboot the renewed state of the soul.

3 - complete the karmic tasks of the past relationship

It is unlikely that by this moment there is still something between you in this life. The only thing that can come in dreams and fantasies is ... some kind of historical or even fantastic stories in which you participate with your former love. And the emotions you feel are not triggered by behaviors or events in this life. They are like a memory of something forgotten ...

In this case, you are dealing with a karmic task, which you had to solve with your relationship, but, apparently, could not. If you yourself know how to see past lives and work with karmic debts, then you can cope on your own. If not, then in order to close this past life debt, you definitely need a specialist for a regression session or a karma seer who can teach you a special technique of meditation. Also, this problem can be solved using theta healing.

You can read about that and all other topics in my articles and services. Always at your service, Oleg Gnosis.

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