The child presses on the handle. How to make your child have beautiful handwriting. Preparing your child for writing assignments

Mothers know how difficult it is to teach a child to hold a pen correctly. You should think about this before you start collecting your baby for school. From early childhood, there is a risk of teaching him to do it wrong, and then the habit can remain for life. And the problem is not only in handwriting, and not even in which hand he learns to write - left or right. This process can look very strange when an adult holds a pen somehow awkwardly, like a pincer. There are several effective ways to teach a child to write in a playful way, you can choose any that you like and will interest the baby.

How to hold a pen correctly while writing

A pen or pencil should be placed on the upper phalanx of the middle finger, fixed on top with the thumb and on the side with the index finger. The ring and pinky fingers should be curled inward of the palm or towards the base of the thumb. Grab the handle in such a way that its lower end is one and a half centimeters free, and the handle itself is tilted towards the shoulder. The index finger should be relaxed, lie free and at ease, otherwise the hand will quickly get tired.

The very means for writing you need to choose the simplest: about 15 cm long, not thick, without many edges that complicate the writing process. Long souvenir or promotional pens are very inconvenient for learning to write.

8 Ways to Teach Your Child to Hold the Pen Correctly

1. Tweezers method

To do this, you need to take a pencil or pen by the very tip with three fingers (thumb, forefinger and middle) and put it on the table, resting it on the surface of the paper. Smoothly move the fingers down, sliding them along the pencil. They will take the correct position themselves by gently squeezing the pencil (pen).

2. Put the handle "to sleep"

Show by your own example how you can put the pen to sleep. Let's say the middle finger is a crib. Put the handle on the "crib". Under the "head" (end of the handle) you need to put the pad of the index finger - "pillow". Cover the top of the handle with a "blanket" - the pad of the thumb. Now we boldly begin to write. When writing, the hand rests on the little finger bent inward.

3. With a napkin

We need a regular napkin. It needs to be divided in half, otherwise it will be too big for a child's hand. Clamp the half of the napkin between your ring finger, little finger and palm. We ask the kid to take the pencil with the remaining three fingers so as not to let the napkin out of his palm. Miraculously, your baby will hold the pencil correctly while the napkin is pinched in his fingers.

4. Teaching nozzle

5. Stabilo LeftRight exercise handle with finger tip

Learning pens have also been developed for children. They have a triangular shape, special indentations for the fingers and greatly facilitate the writing process. These pens are slightly lighter than conventional pens. Manufacturers have not forgotten about bright colors and colorful designs so that the learner will not be bored to write with such a pen.

6. With crayons

Teaching a child to draw usually starts with crayons. If you take pastel crayons and break them into pieces about 3 cm long, and then invite your child to draw with them, this will just give the desired effect. Short pieces cannot be taken into a fist, so the baby will gradually learn to grasp the crayon with three fingers, as we need, and in the future he will have no problems getting to know the handle.

7. Playing darts

When your child plays dart-throwing, it also helps to develop writing skills. The position of the fingers on the dart is exactly the same as it should be on a pen or pencil. You just need to invite him to imagine that the pen is a dart, then smoothly lower it to the "target" - the paper.

Note to moms!

Hello girls) I didn't think that the problem of stretch marks would touch me, but I will also write about it))) But there is nowhere to go, so I am writing here: How did I get rid of stretch marks after childbirth? I will be very glad if my method will help you too ...

8. Point on the finger

The easiest way is to put a bright dot on the upper phalanx of the middle finger. Explain to your child that you have marked where the pen should be. The same mark, but in the form of a line, can be left on the lower end of the pen or pencil. Tell your toddler that the finger should not go below this line.

How to properly sit at the table

When writing, it is important to observe the following rules:

  • sit at the table with a straight back;
  • put your feet together on the floor or stand;
  • both elbows should be on the table;
  • the distance between the edge of the table and the chest is about 2 cm;
  • the sheet of paper should be positioned at an angle of 30 degrees so that the lower left corner is oriented towards the middle of the chest.

How to develop writing and fine motor skills

Teaching a child to hold a pen correctly is not enough. To develop handwriting and coordinate writing, you need to do some simple exercises that will become a kind of fun for him:

  • cut figures out of paper with scissors;
  • string beads on a string;
  • sculpt from plasticine, dough;
  • tie knots on threads and ropes of various thicknesses;
  • paint drawings with a brush, pencils, felt-tip pens;
  • draw in cells;
  • outline shapes along the contour;
  • do finger gymnastics (repeat the movements of adults while reading rhymes).

Chapter from the book by M. Bezrukikh "How to teach a child to write beautifully"

We all write, almost without thinking about how we hold it. I will show this with the help of pictures using the example of a fountain pen. In Russian schools, children are now taught to write with ballpoint pens. You can use the same method for a fountain pen.

1. Imagine that there is a "pad" on the middle finger of the right hand:

2. Place the handle on this "pad":

3. Index and thumb grip the handle from above:

The distance from the very tip of the pen to the tip of the index finger (distance X in the illustration) should be approximately 15 mm. If the distance is too short or too long, the hand will be tense when writing.

When we write, we observe the following rules:

We sit straight.
Legs together.
The distance between the chest and the table is 1.5 - 2 cm.
The notebook is positioned at a 30-degree angle. If the notebook is positioned differently, the child will have to turn the torso and tilt the head strongly.
The lower left corner of the sheet on which the child writes should correspond to the middle of the chest.
Both elbows are on the table.

In my class, we memorized a little rhyme that was repeated every time before starting to write. Perhaps it is a little unprepossessing by ear, but it helps to remember the rules of landing and protects against curvature of the spine:

“Sit up straight, feet together,
Take a notebook under the slope.
Left hand in place
Right hand in place
You can start writing. "

Parents need to spend only 20 minutes a day on these simple exercises so that in the future their children write beautifully and quickly and do more in school (

A very common problem. The child riuset either paints or writes t- and presses on the pencil, as said. As a result, the line is very bold and clear, but the hand gets tired instantly. The pencil breaks, the felt-tip pen "fizzles out". Sometimes the paper breaks: (The child usually does not understand the advice "not to press so hard", even when it comes to a student. What is the problem here?

In Hebrew it is called shortly "ויסות כוח" which can be roughly translated as "distribution of power".

Problems in this area usually lie in the field of kinesthetic perception. The child simply does not feel how much force is "right" to apply to a given object. As a result, objects in his hands often break, he can, for example, spill water on the floor due to the fact that he squeezed a thin plastic cup too much, he cannot do it, deciding to help you when cooking - he does not feel how to break it correctly an egg or cannot peel a potato at all (especially when it comes to a special semicircular knife we ​​acquired in Israel for cleaning), and deciding to throw a ball to you, he may hurt you in the nose or break something, because he will throw it with incredible strength and, in general, he does everything "too hard."

If the problem is in the distribution of power in general, it is better to start with games in space. Let's say two or three balls of different weights should be thrown into one basket. Each time it is worth paying the child's attention to why, say, he did not get into the basket - he threw it by force weakly / too hard. It is possible and necessary to explain that a heavier object is thrown harder and vice versa. Then put the same basket close and ask how you need to throw in order to get into it - hard or weak? Usually the child already understands the difference by this moment and will diligently throw barely ... diligently, because it is quite difficult for him.

There are board games for the distribution of strength, for example, there are jumping frogs that jump when you press them with your finger and you have to throw them on the lined cardboard ... in the middle - 50 points, on the sides - 30 points each, etc. It is necessary to distribute the pressing force in accordance with how far from you the coveted 50 points are.

There are many board games that simply require very careful handling, careful, gentle and precise movements. Various kinds of towers made of discs and small "columns", from which one must carefully pull out without destroying the tower, a tower made of cubes on the same principle, clowns, of which the tower is built, by clinging to one and the other, various "dukim" (thin and long multi-colored sticks are folded in a heap and must be removed one at a time, without disturbing others), etc. The principle of these games is one - one careless movement and everything will collapse. This teaches children to act carefully, thoughtfully, to regulate their strength. These games also develop concentration and are very difficult for impulsive children with hypermobility to play.

Now my favorite is carbon paper. After playing games and starting to learn the principle of "strong-weak", you need to go directly to graphomotorics. Simple shapes are drawn on carbon paper. Then we look at what happened on the bottom sheet. And then you need to play - draw "strong", "very strong", "weak", "medium", so that the line turns out to be black and so that it is almost invisible .... first, just play with different options. Then gradually direct the child to "medium" pressure. When the line under the carbon copy is gray, clear, but not black.

The second option - the child draws - paints normally, but pressure appears when special accuracy is required, for example, if he draws clearly along the line and you cannot leave the line (you know, all these dotted lines along which you need to circle), and when writing, especially if he recently started writing. This happens again from the immaturity of the kinesthetic system, because the child needs an additional, enhanced kinesthetic input (pressure) to complete a complex task requiring precision. He seems to "feel" the form better.

In addition to the above exercises, it is worth adding in this case sensory letters, for example, you can draw letters with plasticine, draw them on the sand with a stick, on a wet wall with your finger or on a foggy car window. anything else, and then it is useful to slide your finger over them in the direction of their writing. It is very important to "draw" letters with your finger in the air. This, by the way, is sometimes not so easy.

The third option - the child presses on the paper with a pencil normally, but the pencil is held in his fingers - and his fingers turn white with effort. This is a slightly different problem. About this next time, I'm tired.)) Thank you for your attention))

It is necessary to show the child how to hold the writing instruments correctly when he first begins to show interest in them. Teachers never tire of repeating that it is always much easier to teach new things than to correct the established skill and retrain later. To do this, parents need to have not only patience, but also a basic knowledge of those ways and methods with which you can easily, quickly and cheerfully instill in your baby the skill of owning a pen.

Why is it important to hold the writing instrument correctly?

The rules for using writing utensils have been developed by specialists in various fields (teachers, doctors, psychologists). They take into account several factors at once:

  • convenience - the process itself should not cause discomfort, since we have to write a lot in life;
  • calligraphy - it is important that the handwritten text is easy to read;
  • productivity - the ability to write quickly and not feel tired;
  • maintaining health - posture, visual acuity.

Therefore, it is not enough to put a pen in the child's hands and show how to hold it correctly. You need to teach him to sit straight at the desk while writing, train the muscles of the arm so that they can control the writing instrument, and also develop fine motor skills to develop accuracy and confidence in movements. But this must be done gradually, playing. Then the kid will learn to write quickly and easily, and his handwriting will be neat and legible.

When you need to teach your child to grip the handle correctly

As a rule, parents make the mistake of thinking that the child is still small, and at his first artistic experiments, one should not interfere with the process. But this should be done already starting from 3-4 years. For any adjustments and the acquisition of persistent reflexes, this is the most suitable age..

When a baby creates his masterpieces, you need to unobtrusively and gently show and direct, put a writing instrument in his hand as the rules require. It is clear that you will not succeed right away. Start by giving the child a pen, grabbing his hand in yours, fixing the writing accessory, and drawing together.

Children like this pastime very much. And at the same time you are slowly moving towards your goal: you work out and automate the skill.

Please note that a child's incorrect grip of a pencil is a problem that covers the features of his physiological and psychological development.

To successfully learn writing, certain conditions must be met:

  • First, the baby's readiness to master a new skill is important. Basically, his fingers should be strong enough to hold the handle in the right position;
  • secondly, the child must want to learn to draw first and then write. This requires motivation and personal example;
  • thirdly, success can be achieved only through regular training and complicating the tasks set. The ability to hold a pen (pencil) correctly is the same skill as the ability to walk, talk, sew, knit, etc. The kid needs to be shown, told and given the opportunity to constantly improve.

Only if these three conditions are met, you can actually get the desired result.

There are three main stages in the formation of a skill: Stage 1 - analytical, the main component of which is the isolation and mastery of individual elements of the action, understanding the content. At the same time, not only the level of development of the child, the presence of certain knowledge and skills, but also the way of explaining what and how the child should do, the degree of awareness of the performed action are of great importance ...

The second stage is conventionally called synthetic. This is the stage of combining individual elements into a holistic action.

The third stage - automation - is the stage of the formation of a skill as an action, which is characterized by a high degree of assimilation and the absence of element-wise conscious regulation and control. A characteristic feature of skill automation is speed, fluency, lightness.

The choice of a pen, pencil

The first means for writing babies have their own requirements. Writing accessories chosen for a child should be colorful and bright, of medium length (no more than 15 cm) and thickness, without many edges, corrugations, notches, matte, non-slip rather than glossy.

As for the pens, they can be ballpoint or capillary, but they should not have too thin a pen and write softly on the paper. You can purchase special self-taught pens. They have rubberized finger grooves or reminders designed for both right and left-handers. Pencils for a child who is just learning to hold them in his hand, it is better to buy triangular, high-quality, soft.

On sale there are silicone tips for pens and pencils specially designed for babies, made in such a way as to attract the closest attention - in the form of fairy-tale characters and animals. They show you how to properly position the writing medium in your hand.

Writing accessories, tips for those who are learning to write - photo gallery

Self-taught pen shows how to position the writing medium correctly in the hand
There are many models of grips that have rubber grips with finger recesses Handle attachments come in different sizes and are made from different materials. When choosing, take into account the individual characteristics of the structure of the child's hand On sale you can find triangular crayons, which, like triangular pencils, help to form the correct grip of writing utensils in a child. Triangular pencils are thicker than regular pencils. It is convenient to hold them exactly right. If the child holds the handle too low, you can equip it with a special stopper.

How a child should hold a writing instrument

From the very beginning of teaching the kid artistic skills and writing, pay attention to whether he takes the pen (pencil) correctly and how much he presses it against the paper while drawing (writing letters). Children often grip the writing utensils too tightly or put too much pressure on them, causing their fingers to tire very quickly.

The child should hold a pen (pencil) in his hand firmly, but not pinch, write confidently, but not press on the paper.

What is the correct way to hold a pen (pencil, felt-tip pen) in your hand?

  1. Two fingers are bent to the palm: the ring and little fingers.
  2. The hand is resting on the desk (table) with the third phalanx of the little finger and the outer edge of the palm so that the bent fingers are almost perpendicular to the edge of the table top.
  3. The pen is clamped between the thumb (placing it slightly higher) and the index finger, at a distance of about 1.5–2 cm from the end that slides over the paper.
  4. The middle finger is placed under the handle from below (so that the second phalanx serves as a support for it) - it does not participate in the grip, but plays the role of a support.
  5. The writing tool is not positioned vertically relative to the paper, but at an angle.

    Previously, when writing with fountain pens, it was imperative that their upper end point towards the shoulder (if held incorrectly, the tip of the pen will not split, ink will not flow to it, and the pen will not write). Today, using modern writing instruments, it is not necessary to comply with this condition. But the end of the pen should still "look" towards the writer.

  6. During writing, the fingers are not tense, the hand is mobile, the elbow does not come off the table, the pen in the hand moves freely.

One more nuance. While writing, the pencil must be held in one way, but for drawing and shading, it can be positioned in the hand in a different way.

With constant training, a child's skill can become reflexive already a year later.

How to recognize a wrong skill

Every child is different. Some immediately take the writing utensils in their hand as they should. Someone needs to be directed, shown, given to practice.

Teachers advise to test the baby and determine whether he has the correct grip on the handle, no later than 4 years of age. Then, if the baby needs adjustment, the parents will have time to work with him, and by the time he goes to school he will already hold the writing instruments as expected.

At 1–1.5 years old, the kid clamps a pencil in his palm, which greatly restricts his movements, he tries to depict something definite, getting joy from the process itself, and is able to “draw” with great enthusiasm.

At 2-3 years old, a child holds a pencil on top, squeezing it in the palm of his hand. This allows children to perform fairly complex movements, but the movements are spontaneous and almost not limited to landmarks.

From the age of 3, the lines when drawing are more definite, less scattered and do not repeat meaninglessly. Coordination improves when performing vertical movements, but imitation movements are still poorly performed. At this age, the child's ovals are uneven, but there are already a lot of them in the drawings.

At 3-4.5 years old, the child knows how to hold a pencil correctly and freely manipulate it. Coordination of movements and visual-spatial perception are improved, which allows children to copy well. They know how to convey the proportions of shapes, limit the length of lines and draw them relatively parallel. Drawings are varied in plots. Children not only draw, but also try to sign their drawings.

At 5 years old, horizontal and vertical strokes are good. The child is able to limit the length of the strokes, which become more even and clear. This is due to a change in the way you hold the pencil and pen. Children are trying more and more to write letters.

At the age of 6, children are good at copying the simplest geometric shapes, observing their size and proportions. The strokes become clearer, more even, the ovals are completed.

At the age of 6, children have access to any graphic movements, strokes and lines, and regular drawing classes improve movements, train visual memory and spatial perception, creating the basis for successful learning to write.

M. Bezrukikh, Director of the Institute of Developmental Physiology of the Russian Academy of Education

Initial writing training. Methodological guide to prescriptions

The child holds the pen incorrectly if:

  • it is located in the fist;
  • his grip is like a pinch or a handful;
  • the thumb of his hand is located on the handle below, and the index finger is above (or perpendicular to it);
  • the handle is supported by any other finger, not the middle;
  • the kid holds the pen (pencil) either further from the writing end or closer than recommended;
  • the upper end of the handle is directed away from you or to the side, and not towards yourself, as expected;
  • the child squeezes the pen too tightly in his fingers;
  • his hand is clamped, tense;
  • he writes with strong pressure on the paper;
  • the pressure when writing or drawing is too weak for the baby.

Pay attention to the details:

  • the child, while drawing, constantly turns the sheet in different directions - he does not know how to change the position of a pencil (pen) with the participation of his fingers;
  • the predominance of small objects in the drawing indicates that the kid writes, holding the brush, fixes it on the plane of the sheet.
  • If the child is left-handed

When placing a hand and teaching a left-handed child to write, some distinctive features should be taken into account:

  • the light source at the left-handed workplace is located on the right;
  • a notebook or sheet of paper is tilted to the right (or straight), and as the page fills up, move up;
  • the distance from the writing end of the pen to the fingers is 3-4 cm;
  • the handle in the hand is placed as follows: it is clamped between the thumb and forefinger and rests on the middle pad;
  • the left-handed index finger must be straightened so that the child can see the line.

Left-handed children generally find it easier to write straight ahead rather than tilting to the right. They also often have a problem with where they have their right and where their left hand is. You can simplify the task here by marking the dominant limb with a bracelet.

As for the ambidextrous guys (who have the same left and right hand), experts advise to adapt them to the maximum for life in a right-handed society.

My school was taught to hold a pen incorrectly, very close to the rod, plus he did not see what he was writing, the scribbles were obtained, retrained, now he writes much more beautifully.


With the right position, the hand gets tired less - now I teach some of my students who are 16-17 years old.


The first-grader daughter wrote awful while holding it incorrectly. Now he is holding it correctly, and the handwriting has become calligraphic.


Pencils are exactly triangular, thick, and taught with them: to hold a spoon, and a pen. Well, it is clear that even without them she explained how to hold it correctly.

Nata jamp

We tried everything. Only these fish (attachments) helped. My child also writes with both hands. They bought their own fish for each hand and a different color.


I have beautiful handwriting. I don't hold the handle correctly. In the process, the hand only gets tired. It's good that computers came up with it. I bought 3-sided pencils for my son.

We did not like such pens (self-taught). First, they are heavy. Secondly, the grooves are high. It is more convenient for both me and the child to hold it lower to the rod. But the fish suited us perfectly.


My son kept between the middle and unnamed. He painted very carefully, did not go beyond the edges, if he corrected, he would swear and abandon all his “studies”. Gradually, after 4 years, I will say, then in the kindergarten, he began to pore secretly from me, trying to hold it correctly, he did not succeed, as if we began to draw with our left hand. But they achieved tact and praise (me and the teachers) - now he is holding it correctly.

From the very beginning I bought triangular pencils and crayons, the child simply did not have a chance to hold them incorrectly. As a result, he holds a spoon, pencils, and a pen normally.


Video: how to teach a child to hold a pen correctly

Correct writing skills are very important for the harmonious development of a child as a person, his health and professional growth in the future, therefore, you need to practice raising your hand from early childhood. There are many ways to teach your toddler to hold the writing instrument correctly. Take just 20 minutes a day to exercise, turn it into a fun game, and success awaits you.

Why is writing easy for some children, while for others it is torment to master the skills of writing?

Before school, you bought your child beautiful notebooks with bright covers, a pencil case with multi-colored pens - and from the first days of school, your first grader suddenly discovered that these new "toys" have turned into a real instrument of torture for him. Why is writing easy for some children, while for others it is torment to master the skills of writing? And where does bad handwriting come from?

Pursuit of beauty
The writing lessons in the first grade of school I remember as a complete nightmare. The monstrously gnarled letters were difficult to tie into crooked lines. After a three in a quarter, I had to go back to hooks and sticks. I overcame the handwriting with grief in half. But my handwriting is still bad. My oldest child went to school - and the nightmare repeated itself on a tripled scale. Heredity? But people involved in graphology (the science of handwriting) argue that handwriting itself (bad or good) is not inherited - some features of temperament that are reflected in the manner of writing can be inherited. So what is the reason for the difficulty with writing?

There may be several of them. I will try to tell you about the most common ones. But first you need to understand what, in fact, bothers you - just an ugly handwriting or numerous blots, mistakes, confused letters?

If you are worried solely about beauty, then the trouble is not so great. In the end, the most important thing is that the words are readable and there are no grammatical errors in the text. Aesthetics is the tenth thing. For example, in most English-speaking countries, they have long abandoned the concept of "beautiful handwriting" - there, everything is scribbled, as necessary, in semi-printed letters - if only it could be read. Only short notes are written by hand - most of the writing work is done on a computer. But in our schools, beautiful handwriting is still valuable - therefore, we still have to take care of beauty. What can cause poor handwriting in primary school students?

Oddly enough, the excessive zeal of parents trying to teach a child to write as early as possible - at three or four years. Mothers and fathers are very happy that the baby is doing well, they hope to make his first school year easier. And they do not know that they hopelessly spoil the handwriting of their child.

"Earlier" does not mean "better"
This is the conclusion made by Lena Danilova, a well-known teacher, author of many books and articles on the early development of children. She warns: “Children, having learned to write at an early age, quickly spoil their handwriting due to the fact that the hand has not yet settled down. Even if the letters turn out beautiful from the very beginning, it is impossible to consolidate good handwriting as a skill due to the unreality of daily intensive classes with a baby ... Handwriting, even if it was quite bearable at the time of learning, quickly deteriorates and is fixed in this form as a skill ... In two or three years the child will come to school, and he will be painfully retrained during all primary grades. "

And they are unlikely to be retrained, I note from myself. What conclusions can be drawn from this? If you want your child to have no problems with penmanship at school, then, of course, you need to prepare him for writing in advance. But not with words. For the development of fine motor skills, modeling from plasticine, drawing and playing with a constructor are perfect. To study spelling - reading and classes with Zaitsev's cubes. Well, if you really want a preschooler to be able to write down his thoughts and impressions, to compose fairy tales (in general, to join literary work), then you should teach him ... to print. True, Danilova notes, a small child should not sit at a computer screen for more than 10-15 minutes a day. But a preschooler is unlikely to have the patience to poke his fingers into the keys for more than ten minutes.

When I told my colleague about Danilova's findings, she confirmed that this was absolutely true. Her daughter, a very intelligent and developed girl, learned to write "in writing" at the age of four. Now the daughter of my employee is ten. She is a wonderful student, takes prizes at the Olympiads and ... scares her parents with her notebooks, written in sloppy, clumsy handwriting. A smart kid with bad handwriting? Oh, God forbid, that for all parents of schoolchildren this is the biggest problem.

Taming the naughty handle
(5 tips for parents of preschoolers and younger students)
1. The main thing in writing is well-developed fine motor skills. If you want your child to handle the pen well, you need to develop hand coordination first. Drawing (especially shading figures in coloring books), modeling, appliqué, playing with a constructor (like Lego sets containing many small details) are not only interesting, but also extremely useful activities.

2. When practicing writing, pay attention to the rules of "work hygiene". Is your child sitting at the table correctly? A twisted posture can later cause spinal problems. Pay attention to how hard your child presses on the pen when writing. If the tip of the pen barely touches the paper, then it is worth doing restorative gymnastics with the baby. The old rock-paper-scissors game is very useful for strengthening the hands. If the baby, on the contrary, presses too hard on the handle (so that the handle breaks and the paper breaks), then a relaxing massage of the hands and shoulder girdle will help him.

3. Does your child have problems with a ballpoint pen? Invite him to write alternately with a pencil, gel pen, and felt-tip pen. It is very useful to practice writing with a good old fountain pen. In the end, splurge on a pretty fountain pen with a soft gilded nib. Such a luxurious gift can spur a child's interest in writing. In addition to the fountain pen, you can buy some beautiful notebooks. (Not notebooks! Notebooks are something reminiscent of school duties, and notebooks are just a nice gift.) Have your child write at least a couple of lines a day in the new notebook with a new pen — for example, describing their best experiences of the day.

4. If the child prescribes and connects the elements of the letters incorrectly, try to return to the basics - again practice with him to write sticks and hooks, and then connect them into letters. (As a child, this technique helped me a lot in taming the mean "N" and "U".)

5. Pay attention to how well your student is following the line. Letters should not get out of the line, "jump". If the kid has problems with adherence to the line, it is not a sin to mark the lines in the notebook with a black pencil. You can mark the beginning and end of the line right in the notebook. Finally, use a thin pencil to trace the outlines of the letters.

A fountain pen ... good for your health
When I was preparing to defend my university degree, I had a chance to spend several weeks in the reading room of the Historical Library. It was 1991, and laptop computers were a curiosity then, so we had to work the old fashioned way: rewrite the quotes necessary for work by hand into a notebook. After two or three hours, the work turned into torture - the hand was literally shackled from pain, I had to make forced pauses. And time was running out. Suddenly, I found a way out - on the fifth or sixth day of work, I took with me to the library not a ballpoint pen, but an automatic one with replaceable ink sprays, presented to me by someone I knew. It turned out that you can write with a pen even all day long - the hand did not get tired at all. And, what is funny, even my, to put it mildly, not perfect handwriting in "feather" execution looked ... nobler, or what? And it read better.

Why does writing hurt your hands? This nuisance has its own name - writing spasm (writing spasm or graphospasm) and arises from the uneven load on the muscles of the arm and body as a whole. Writing spasm can manifest itself as pain in the hand, and aching pain in the muscles of the back, shoulder or neck. If writing spasm occurs in quite adults who have long learned to write, then what can we say about kids who are just mastering this skill? Sometimes it happens that in a child suffering from a writer's spasm, pain begins with the mere thought of sitting down at a notebook. In this case, of course, it is worth making sure that the child is sitting at the table correctly, writing.

Correct posture when writing
To make it easy and comfortable for your student to write, you need to make sure that he observes the rules of "writing hygiene". The child should sit straight at the table, head tilted slightly, legs bent at right angles, soles completely touching the floor.
The left hand (if, of course, your student is right-handed) lies on the table parallel to its edge. With it, the child pushes the notebook aside as the lines are filled, but at the same time the middle of the notebook is always directed to the middle of the chest, and the notebook itself is tilted to the left. The handle should rest on the upper phalanx of the middle finger, held by the thumb and forefinger. The thumb is slightly higher than the index finger. The hand rests on the little finger and the edge of the palm. Middle and ring fingers - perpendicular to the edge of the table. The distance from the tip of the pen to the index finger is 1.5–2.5 centimeters. The right hand moves freely, but the elbow does not come off the table.

But there is still a very important point - how the child writes. In today's schools, they have already forgotten about such exotic as a feather. But if you want to develop clear handwriting in your child, then an ink pen can be indispensable.

Interesting conclusions about the dangers of ballpoint pens and the benefits of fountain pens are made by the Russian Vladimir Bazarny, in the past - a children's surgeon, now dealing with issues of protecting the health of schoolchildren and hygiene of studies.
He believes that forty years ago the Ministry of Education of the then USSR made a serious mistake. It was then that the practice of calligraphic writing, based on the rhythm of plastic efforts and relaxation, was abolished. Instead, a new style of writing "under a ballpoint pen" was developed - tearless and pressureless.
The most obvious consequence of this step was a dramatic deterioration in children's handwriting. If the problem was only in the beauty of notebooks, then there would be nothing special to discuss.

But it's not just aesthetics. It turns out that in the process of writing, not even the muscles of the hand are most likely to get tired, but the entire muscular system of the body - the back, oblique muscles of the abdomen, and the shoulder girdle. The conclusion made by the Russian doctor is that writing with a ballpoint pen, which involves constant muscle tension, rather than alternating tension and relaxation, harms the physical health of younger students. And not only physical. According to school teachers with many years of experience, after the calligraphy classes were abolished, the mental characteristics of schoolchildren have changed - inattentive, unbalanced children with an unstable psyche have become more common.

So we got to the connection between the features of handwriting and the work of the brain.

The main organ is the head!
Many believe that disgusting handwriting is just a consequence of the child's carelessness, lack of assembly and laziness. But this is not the case. The most important body responsible for writing is not the hand, but ... the head. In order to learn to write, you need not only the relationship between thinking and fine motor skills of the hand, but also the ability to translate the information contained in the brain into a certain system of signs. Therefore, problems associated with mastering written speech can signal a violation of the brain. Just don't be scared. Most often, we are not talking about serious pathologies, but about certain features of the brain organization.

You probably know that each hemisphere of the brain does its own "kind of work."
To put it simply, left hemisphere- abstract-logical (it is it that is responsible for teaching reading and writing), right- figurative.

Left is logic, right is intuition. The left one commands the right half of the body, and vice versa. In this case, the left hemisphere usually dominates, which is why in most people the leading hand is the right. And some of the features of interhemispheric interactions can affect learning to write.

For example, lefties (especially retrained ones) and the so-called ambidextra - people who are equally good at using both hands, can experience difficulties. Moreover, it turns out that not only the dominant hand can influence how well the writing skills are formed. In some psychological studies, right-handed people with a dominant left ear, eye, or leg are also classified as ambidextrous. And such children, by the way, also face difficulties in learning to write. (It was then that I realized the reason for my first school failures - I was just left-handed on my leg!)

However, the difficulties encountered by left-handers and ambidextrous people are usually easily overcome. There is a much more serious problem. It is called "Dysgraphia" and, it happens, is accompanied by dyslexia - difficulties in the perception of printed text. Dysgraphia and dyslexia are caused by disturbances in neural connections that transmit information between the hemispheres of the brain.

Dysgraphic handwriting is not just horror, but horror-horror! Crooked lines and gnarled letters are not so bad. Words can be written in a mirror image, letters are confused or missing, the distances between words are uneven, an enormous number of errors, blots and corrections.

The most unpleasant thing is that teachers often write down a dysgraphic child as a hopeless fool, considering him incapable of learning. Indeed, it is much more difficult to study it. But at the same time, dyslexics and dysgraphics often turn out to be not only stupid, but even much smarter than other children. Many experts believe that if people who successfully combine the work of both hemispheres of the brain have two-dimensional vision, then the perception of dyslexics and dysgraphics is three-dimensional. But, possessing this unique quality, they often do not know how to use it. So either geniuses grow out of them (for example, Albert Einstein, Winston Churchill, Hans Christian Andersen and Thomas Edison were dysgraphics) or ... people who were drowned in school, not confident in their own abilities. By the way, the same Einstein at school was considered an impassable dumbass. And the dysgraphics of Lyndon Johnson, the President of the United States, modern English owes the expression "ok": he put an "OK" visa on the documents - "everything is correct." But the words "all correct" do not begin with "oh" and "kei", but with "hey" and "si" ...

But dysgraphia is still a serious problem that interferes with normal learning and is directly related to the peculiarities of the brain. Therefore, to get rid of this "written disability", you will most likely need to show your child to specialists - a speech therapist, psychologist or neurologist.

By the way, many modern authorities recommend that dysgraphic children master computer skills as soon as possible. First, writing with both hands develops fine motor skills and interhemispheric brain interactions. Secondly, text editors are usually equipped with automatic literacy checking systems - paying attention to the words underlined with a red line, the child will memorize the correct spelling. Thirdly, having learned how to use the keyboard, the student will be able to overcome the inferiority complex due to the inability to write quickly and beautifully (if, of course, this complex exists).

If a century ago, when the first typewriters appeared, psychologists shouted that the brain of people drumming on keys with both hands is irreversibly changing. Perhaps there was a rationale in this. In general, people tend to change - and not necessarily for the worse.

To be honest, I'm happy that today we don't have to write much by hand. And for our children this skill will be tertiary. Right now I am looking at the computer screen, and my fingers are automatically typing these lines. And it doesn't matter that I don't know how to draw letters beautifully - the main thing is that these letters have meaning.

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Your young student is about to move on to the next grade, and the scribbles in his notebooks are still difficult to make out? Perhaps you also had difficulties with the beautiful writing of letters in childhood, because many of us pored over writing books, rewriting the exercises so that it was beautiful.

Of course, now we rarely write something "by hand", except perhaps a list of products that need to be bought in a store, or a note to a child reminding him that he needs to take with him to school - the bulk of epistolary communication has moved into the field of computer typing text. But this is for adults, but what should a child do if the teacher, checking his notebooks, does not understand what is written there and lowers his marks for handwriting?

What is the reason for poor handwriting in a child and how you can deal with it, let's try to understand in our today's material.

We designate the goal and means

Open the notebooks of your favorite student. What is it about what you write that worries you the most? It can be "dirt" in the form of numerous blots, hovering and strikethroughs, sloping letters "out of order", confused or missing letters. Highlight the "goal" and get started!

Let's make a reservation right away that if words are read normally and there are no serious grammatical errors in the text written by the child , then it is hardly worth worrying, perhaps the child's handwriting simply does not hold up to certain canons of perfectionist parents. Of course, it's nice to hold a notebook in our hands, the pages of which are filled with even and beautiful letters, however, do we love our children because they write beautifully?

Psychologist Natalya Karabuta tells: “If a child puts a lot of pressure on the pen while writing, gets distracted, wants to quickly write just how to do his own thing - all this is a sign of increased anxiety, which certainly does not make children's handwriting better. However, school scribbles are unlikely to become a role model if a formidable parent stands over the child, like a "sword of Damocles", scolding for every wrong connection. And this is quite understandable, under the influence of such pressure, the child's anxiety will only increase, but faith in his own strength will seriously suffer. Remember yourself, sometimes an important task doesn’t work out, and a prepared presentation tends to fail, because you are hiding under the formidable assessing gaze of a leader, even being absolutely confident in your knowledge and skills. What can we say about a child in whom adults with such "Cerberus" behavior form a tightness, an inferiority complex and an absolute dislike for writing as such. Remember, parental patience and understanding is a necessary factor in order for a child to develop beautiful handwriting. "

So, arm yourself with patience and understanding and begin training sessions.

There are a lot of means and methods that will help to improve a child's handwriting, let's dwell on some of them in more detail.

Strengthening the hand

Beautiful handwriting largely depends on the hardness of a child's hand ... The problem of poor handwriting, for example, in a first grader is precisely that the child does not have sufficient practice in working with his hands and fingers.

To make your hand firm, fingers more skillful and enduring, as well as to develop good and correct pressure will help:

  • various techniques,
  • hatching,
  • drawing a figure by points,
  • game with small details (constructor, mosaic).

At preparing for school we advise you to pay more attention to drawing with crayons, sculpting and shading, and not mastering calligraphy on your own. These activities will help to strengthen children's pen and learn beautiful writing faster.

Relax your hand

Baby presses too hard on the handle ? Relaxing is needed. And sometimes not only the arms or the shoulder girdle, but the whole body. The complex of therapy can include relaxing baths, aromatherapy, more "hugs" during the day.

And also try to instill in the child as much confidence as possible in unconditional parental love, strong pressure speaks of internal anxiety. To relax the anxious kid, try to train at home not in standard workbooks, but in beautiful, convenient large notebooks with the characters of your favorite cartoons. In such a company, it will be easier for the child to relax and problems with pressure will gradually disappear.

We teach beauty

Another trick - instilling in the student the perception of the beauty of letters ... Indeed, in our computer world, it is quite difficult for a small person with a logical mindset to understand why do you need to write beautifully , the epistolary genre is not in vogue these days.

To do this, take an A4 sheet and let the child draw in full breadth letters, letter combinations that are difficult for him and color them in different ways. Try to collect some kind of phrase from such beautifully written letters, for example, "Happy Birthday" or "Good morning." Several such stories will help the child to establish themselves in the idea that it is worth trying for the sake of a beautiful handwriting.

Time and quantity

Time that you dedicate to work to improve your handwriting and number of training exercises should be dosed. You should not expect positive results from your child if every evening, instead of walking and communicating, you force him to rewrite various texts over and over again for hours.

15-20 minutes of lessons per day quite enough, besides, a student of grades 1-3 is unlikely to be able to concentrate his attention on the lesson for a longer time in order to qualitatively complete the task.

Write texts of no more than 4-6 lines and pay attention to the essence of what the child is rewriting. If the content will be interesting , the emotional component of the process will help the child write such a text beautifully.

You should not get carried away with the amount of rewritten text, because of the uneven load on the muscles of the arm, the child may experience pain in the hand, shoulder and neck. Remember how during lectures at the institute, despite your fatigue, you had to write for more than an hour after the teacher, so at the end of the lecture you felt fatigue all over your body, and your middle finger was adorned with a dent from a pen. Awful feeling, right? You should not expose your student to such sufferings, you do not want cramps in his hand to begin with just one glance at the notebook.

Pose and workplace

Of course, it is important to keep track of in what position the child sits while writing ... And if you see how this process takes place at school is quite difficult, it is possible to follow how correctly he sits at home. Pay attention to the child that when writing, you cannot bend one leg under you, the back should also be flat, the head is slightly tilted, the elbows do not come off the table, the correct tilt of the notebook is necessary, while its middle should be directed to the middle of the chest all the time.

Also, do not forget to make sure that the child I held the pen correctly with my fingers ... Talk to the teacher, if you cannot persuade the little stubborn to take your school instrument as it will be easier, it is possible to reconsider your attitude to the comments and to take the pen correctly, the teacher's authoritative advice will help the child.

Many parents buy a swivel chair for their child for a home workplace, which, due to its mobility, can also create difficulties with handwriting. If the child is alive and mobile enough, it is difficult for him to sit on a chair without moving. Each movement of the little priests or twitching of the legs sets in motion a twisting chair, the whole body vibrates, as a result of which the hand trembles and twitches. It is quite difficult to write beautifully in such a situation of constant movement, so it is better to purchase an ordinary chair with legs, without wheels and the ability to spin. Do not forget that the table should also be wide and long enough for the child to place a notebook and textbook on it.

Experiment with the pen

You may have never thought about it, but then, how easy the pen is to write , especially in the still not very skillful children's fingers, seriously affects the quality of handwriting.

It is difficult for an adult to understand the essence of the process, because our hand has already been placed, the pressure has been developed, and there is more strength, but for a child this nuance sometimes becomes a very important factor. After all, writing with a ballpoint pen assumes constant muscle tension.

Therefore, take it as a rule: you should definitely buy school pens with a small schoolboy ... In the stationery department, do not hesitate, let the child try to write with all the pens that he liked, let him choose the one with which, as he thinks, the letters are easier to write.

Make sure that the pen does not scratch, cling, or scrape the paper, if the teacher does not mind, buy a gel pen if it is more convenient for the child to write. A student in grades 4-5 can already be introduced to such a representative of the retro style as a fountain pen. A stylish attribute will give the child a sense of his own uniqueness, status, because if you write with such a pen, you no longer want to rush, the very attitude to the process of writing letters changes, making the handwriting more beautiful and smoother.

Working on the elements

If the child connects and writes incorrectly certain elements , it is worth paying attention to their development.

Choose words and texts using "indomitable" letters and combinations so that the development process is as precise as possible.

Get a copybook and start writing hooks and sticks, and then practice fusing them into letters. In the copybooks, oblique lines are drawn, and it is also possible to trace letters along dotted contours.

Pay the child's attention to the observance of the line, practice so that the letters do not crawl out of its limits, are more or less the same in size.

Let's think about the solution

Of course not always - the problem of inattention, most often, a little schoolboy still has insufficiently developed relationship between thinking and fine motor skills , it is still very difficult for him to translate the information contained in the brain into a certain system of signs. This problem can disappear with growing up and making neural connections.

The left hemisphere of the brain is responsible for learning to read and write - abstract-logical, the task of the right one is to develop intuition and figurative thinking. Interactions between the hemispheres can affect learning to write.

Difficulties with beautiful handwriting can be observed in, especially retrained, as well as people who are equally good at using both the right and left hand. However, with some corrective work, even such problems can be overcome. When working with such children, the main thing is to try to pay attention not to what did not work out, but on the contrary, how the child wrote certain words or even combinations of letters correctly and beautifully.

Our mom- Natalie tells : “When my son went to first grade and was learning to write, what he did was difficult to call handwriting. Some scribbles ... We trained, we signed out on the sly, and I also liked that the teacher at their school did not emphasize in red what did not work out, but marked in green those combinations that were, so to speak, closest to the ideal ... We continued to work in the same style at home. My son wrote, and I outlined those combinations that I liked. And even if initially there were 1-2 for the entire line, but he saw that there was something to strive for and was very happy when every time he did better and better. "

Problems with handwriting can be a signal of various disorders, both neurological and psychological, and, of course, it is worth paying attention to, especially if the child's academic performance suffers, there are difficulties with learning and development.

But if your student's handwriting is not very beautiful, however, he remembers well, thinks correctly logically, writes without mistakes and brings good grades, perhaps this state of affairs should be taken more calmly.

After all, you see, it is not always important how beautifully written letters or numbers are, the main thing is that they have meaning and logic.