Rating of the best top cellulite creams. Good cellulite cream: list, reviews


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What remedy do women use when they find themselves with cellulite? Of course, . But before going to the pharmacy or store for it, they first turn to the Internet for help to find out which cellulite cream is the most effective. But, as a rule, they fail to find the exact answer. Therefore, today we decided to tell you which cosmetic product is suitable for combating "orange peel" and what you need to pay attention to when buying an anti-cellulite cream.

Are anti-cellulite creams really effective?

To date, in pharmacies and cosmetic stores there is a very large selection of anti-cellulite creams. Their manufacturers give a 100% guarantee that there will be no trace of the use of his particular product from cellulite. But is it?

Yes, anti-cellulite cream really helps, but, unfortunately, only in the initial stages of its development. Therefore, one should not hope for a miracle. It is worth noting that even the manufacturers themselves say that their product is effective only in combination with and.

So, judge for yourself whether to use a cream for stretch marks and cellulite, or not. But in their favor it is still worth saying a few words. The composition of such creams and gels contains substances that contribute to the normalization of metabolism and microcirculation at the cellular level. And this, in turn, makes the skin smoother and more toned. Therefore, you should not refuse to use anti-cellulite creams. Another question remains: how to choose the best cream? We will now answer it.

An effective cellulite cream must necessarily contain caffeine. It promotes the breakdown of fat cells, improves blood circulation and improves skin tone. For this reason, they are often used. Various wraps and cosmetic masks are made with it.

In the event that you could not find a cream that contains caffeine, do not be discouraged. In the fight against cellulite, creams containing green tea extract are also good. It works in much the same way as caffeine, but it is also an excellent tool for the prevention of varicose veins. Creams based on white tea work a little worse.

In cosmetic stores, you can find anti-cellulite creams, which contain aminophylline. It is a drug that is used in medical practice to normalize metabolism. It should also be noted that aminophylline is an excellent tool that provides a rush of blood to problem areas and promotes the breakdown of fat cells. But it is believed that without additional physical training, aminophylline in terms of weight loss is not effective.

The best anti-cellulite cream is the one that contains red pepper. It has a powerful warming property, as a result of which body fat begins to simply “melt”. However, it is worth noting that creams that contain red pepper are not suitable for everyone. If you have hypersensitive skin, it is better to avoid them, as they can lead to minor burns.

Modern creams may also contain extracts of herbs such as horse chestnut, St. John's wort or horsetail. They contribute to the normalization of metabolic processes and improve the condition of the skin. No less effective in this regard are cosmetic products containing seaweed. However, it should be noted right away that they do not contribute to the breakdown of body fat, but they do an excellent job of removing toxins and restoring lymph flow.

Do not forget that a good cream must contain essential oils. They not only perform their function (increase blood flow, tighten the skin), but also enhance the performance of other components that are also part of the cosmetic product.

If we talk about which of them are the most effective in the fight against cellulite, then only a few oils should be distinguished - the essential oil of lemon, tangerine, grapefruit, cypress and juniper.

Many women believe that an effective cellulite cream should only have the best reviews. But it is worth noting that you should not believe everything that is written on the Internet. First, every body is different. And if one cream came up to some woman, this does not mean that it will help another. Secondly, there is not a single cream that would have only positive reviews. If you stumble upon one, remember that this is most likely the work of the manufacturers themselves, and not real users.

Since we have nothing in common with manufacturers, we will base on real things, that is, on the composition of the product. And if we talk about which cellulite creams really deserve attention, we can distinguish the following:

  1. Celluli Laser by Biotherm. This cream contains components that contribute to the "drying" of fat cells by removing fluid from them. It has a nice texture and absorbs quickly.
  2. Guam "Cold formula". If many cellulite creams have a warming effect, then this remedy, on the contrary, works by “freezing” cells. As a result, after a week of its use, positive results are noticed. The skin becomes toned and elastic, all irregularities disappear.
  3. Goodbye cellulite” by Nivea. This cosmetic product perfectly evens out the skin, but does not reduce the volume. Therefore, it is suitable only for those women who do not need to lose weight, but suffer from the manifestation of cellulite.
  4. . Powered by an effective formula with Coenzyme Q10, Lotus Extract and L-Carnitine, this serum improves skin elasticity and firmness, eliminating the first signs of cellulite in just 10 days. The effectiveness of the product is proven as a result of dermatological studies.

  5. Liporeducer Galenic. This anti-cellulite remedy does its job perfectly. Its advantage is that you can apply the cream not only on the buttocks and thighs, but also on the stomach.
  6. Lipozene from Vichy. This cream is very expensive compared to others. But it is great for those women with hypersensitive skin. Eliminates the first signs of cellulite, corrects the figure.
  7. Anti-cellulite cream from Garnier. This product contains a huge amount of caffeine. And as we have already said, it is this tool that is the most effective in the fight against body fat. It is also worth noting that the anti-cellulite massager is also included with the cream, which is very convenient to apply the product to problem areas.
  8. The composition of this anti-cellulite remedy includes exclusively natural ingredients, including young birch leaves, rosemary, apricot kernel oil, wheat germ oil. These components help restore and further maintain a healthy balance of the skin, restore its elasticity and smoothness. It is enough to rub the oil twice a day for the first four weeks, then once to maintain the result.

  9. This tool is distinguished by a unique composition, which includes kelp and algae, collected by hand. All components are natural. Algae helps cleanse the skin of toxins, while hyaluronic acid helps to restore the skin, providing a rejuvenating effect and getting rid of cellulite. The skin becomes elastic and smooth.
  10. . The action of this cosmetic product is aimed at smoothing and moisturizing the skin. Thanks to hyaluronic acid and caffeine, which are part of the cream, the skin is in constant tone, which helps prevent the formation of cellulite.
  11. The unique formula with peptides smoothes the skin, restores elasticity, moisturizes and protects against aging. This tool restores microcirculation in various layers, which helps to normalize the nutrition of the skin and prevent the appearance of cellulite in the future. To get rid of cellulite with this cream, it is enough to apply it no more than three times a day on problem areas.

It is difficult to say which of the above anti-cellulite creams is the best. After all, we have already said that each organism is individual and how it will react to the use of this or that remedy can only be guessed at.

And besides, how effective the cream will be depends on the woman herself. If she uses the product strictly according to the instructions for several months, while regularly exercising and watching her diet, she will certainly achieve results no matter which cellulite cream she chooses.

Cellulite is a special change in the subcutaneous tissue that occurs under the influence of female sex hormones. It consists in changes in the structure of fat cells under the skin of the buttocks, thighs, abdomen, hands, because of which blood and lymph circulation is disturbed in these areas. As a result, not only an “orange peel” appears, but conditions are created for varicose veins and the appearance of intractable lymphatic edema.

To eliminate cellulite changes, professional cosmetics from cellulite have been developed. It is produced by different manufacturers who choose various components to improve microcirculation and lymph flow - both of natural origin and synthesized in the laboratory. Consider which anti-cellulite products are now considered the most effective, and why.

The main components of anti-cellulite cosmetics and their action

Cosmetics against cellulite should perform 6 main tasks:

  • Improve blood circulation and, accordingly, oxygen supply in the treated area.

Components with such properties: red pepper, camphor, menthol, rosemary.

  • To promote the breakdown of fat cells so that the molecules of refractory fats can turn into those substances that will later enter the lymphatic flow and be utilized naturally through the liver.

Components with such properties: caffeine (coffee, green and white tea), algae extracts, mate leaves, guarana, cocoa, pineapple, phosphatidylcholine, theobromine, papaya extract, theophylline, essential oils of lavender, rosemary, lemon, cypress.

  • Deliver substances to adipose tissue that accelerate metabolic processes in it and increase oxygen consumption by adipocytes.

Components with such properties: carnitine, coenzyme Q10, various vitamins, amino acids.

  • Activate the outflow of lymph through the lymphatic capillaries. If the applied preparations do not have a lymphatic drainage effect, they will be practically useless, since in this case the decay products of fat cells will accumulate under the skin, and this will not improve the appearance.

Components with such properties: horse chestnut, butcher's broom, horsetail, avocado, artichoke leaves, blackcurrant, cola, tea, mint oil, rutin extracts.

  • Start the formation of collagen and elastin proteins in the skin, which are responsible for its elasticity and ability to return to its previous shape after stretching.

Components with such properties: grape seed oil, ascorbic acid, retinol, high molecular weight collagen and elastin, wheat proteins.

  • Perform blood thinning. To do this, professional anti-cellulite cosmetics are injected with: nicotinic acid, ginkgo biloba extract.

Not always one tool contains components that solve all problems at once. Therefore, the program to combat the manifestations of cellulite includes 2-3 cosmetic products. It is desirable that at the same time they not only contain components of different directions, but also have a different form of release (for example, scrub and cream).

By themselves, the described components slowly improve the condition of the area affected by cellulite. It enhances the anti-cellulite effect and the effect of the massage carried out during their application. The massage effect improves blood circulation, stimulates the receptors of fat cells to open up with the release of the contents into the lymphatic system.

What to choose: cream, scrub or..?

If you have already begun to be interested in anti-cellulite products, you may have noticed that each company produces several different types of it. How to choose?

Bath salt

The task of sea salt is to saturate the skin with useful minerals and trace elements. Active ingredients against cellulite are also introduced there, for example, extracts of angelica and burnt root - in TianDe products, mint and lemon oil - in the line of cosmetics against cellulite Guam.

With such salt, you need to start the process of treating cellulite: take a bath with it 2-3 times a week, and then proceed to massage problem areas with massage oils, gels or creams.

Scrubs, peels and salt-gels for the body

Anti-cellulite scrubs, salts and body peels contain not just abrasive particles, but a hypertonic composition (in Belarusian cosmetics for cellulite - honey, in TianDe - salt). The task of such a composition is to pull on itself and remove excess fluid from the skin tissues, that is, to put it simply, to eliminate the swelling characteristic of cellulite.

Other ingredients have anti-cellulite effects:

  • Grapefruit salt by TianDe has grapefruit extract, which activates blood circulation and at the same time has a trophic effect;
  • body salt gel from Guam has Laminaria powder and red clay;
  • The Belarusian company "Viteks" has introduced the largest amount of useful ingredients into its "Anti-cellulite body scrub" series "Healing bath". It is coffee powder, cinnamon and orange oils, caffeine.

It should be noted that scrubs and body salts are useful in the fight against orange peel, but are not the main ones in its treatment. They are best used while taking a bath.

Result after using anti-cellulite peeling
Photo taken from Recommend.ru

Patch for problem areas

Not all companies specializing in the production of good quality cosmetics produce such a product. Nevertheless, the patch is quite effective, although it is limited in terms of the area of ​​​​impact. Therefore, if you want to correct a small area and do not want to put in the effort of rubbing, wrapping with a film, this is your choice.

The basis of anti-cellulite patches are components that stimulate blood circulation. For example, at TianDe, this is chili pepper, to which, to reduce the burning sensation, peppermint is introduced. Lusero patch contains caffeine, carnitine, fucus.

Creams, gels, body wraps and lotions with anti-cellulite effect

These tools are by far the largest selection. They are produced by many firms: Italian manufacturers such as Guam; Belarusian companies (“Viteks”, “Belgates”, “Belkosmeks”), and such “giants” as Vichy, L’Oreal, Yves Rocher, Biotherm, Lierac.

Later, we will look at which cellulite cosmetics are more popular with beauty bloggers and women themselves. Here we just say that the choice should be based not only on reviews, but also on the type of your own skin:

  • better suited for the dry type: it contains an oil base, when applied it additionally moisturizes;
  • gels can be used for any type, but they are best perceived by oily skin. This is due to the fact that the product contains alcohol, which helps the main active ingredients to penetrate the skin layers, but it also dries it;
  • wrap mixes are suitable for all types. The preparations are applied to previously cleaned and steamed problem areas, after which these areas are wrapped with cling film. An additional thermal effect is created using a blanket. If you do not follow the sequence of actions, then the chance that the lipid layer of the skin will let the active ingredients of the agent into the subcutaneous tissue is minimal.

Read recipes and methods for anti-cellulite body wraps at home in ours.

Result after using anti-cellulite cream

Result after using a cellulite mask
Photos taken from Recommend.ru

Rating of professional anti-cellulite products

Women who communicate on various forums and leave reviews on websites and online stores believe that effective “orange skin” cosmetics are one of the following:

Body-Slim Concentrate by Lierac

It contains a complex called Morpho 4D, aimed at improving microcirculation, removing edematous fluid. The texture resembles a cream, has a pleasant smell and is quickly absorbed. The tool itself is effective, especially if you combine it with anti-cellulite massage and exercise on areas affected by cellulite. You can enhance the effect if you use Phytophyline Ampoules ampoule cosmetics from the same company in parallel.

Celluli Lazer by Biotherm

It contains caffeine (lipolytic), lotus extract and pomegranate seed oil (lymphatic drainage effect), yeast extract (stimulates collagen production). The cream is effective, easy to apply, but remains sticky for a long time; has a pleasant smell.

Serum "Anti-Fat" from the Estederm Institute

Contains organic silica, papyrus saccharides, Svelt System, cell water & vector galenica. The use of the drug 2 times a day for 14 days led to a decrease in the manifestations of cellulite. To improve the effect, it is recommended to apply it after a 40-minute Dead Sea mud wrap.

Anti-cellulite mask from Guam "Dren plus"

It is good to use it in the first stage of cellulite, when the hips and buttocks seem to be enlarged due to swelling, but there is no visible "orange peel" yet. In this case, a mask applied under a special film helps well. The effect is provided by seaweed extract, which has been processed using a technology developed by the Italian company Guam.

Anti-cellulite lipolytic gel from TianDe

As part of the extract of coffee beans, which have a splitting effect on fat cells, as well as components that cool the skin. It can be used both as a massage gel (for this it is best to use a roller massager) and for cold wraps. The gel is quickly absorbed, has a pleasant smell.

Cream "SPA-anti-cellulite" from the Belarusian pharmaceutical company "B&V"

Its composition almost perfectly meets all anti-cellulite requirements: red pepper extract that enhances blood circulation, lipolytics guarana and caffeine, a blood-thinning natural remedy ginkgo biloba, as well as iodized zein, arnica and sunflower oils, lemon. The cream is activated after contact with moist skin, which can be understood by the appearance of warmth at the site of application. You can buy this cream at a pharmacy or on the manufacturer's website. Buying in markets or supermarkets is not recommended.

Cream "Bath & SPA" from Exclusivecosmetics

This drug produced in Belarus has a rich composition:

  • lipolytic green tea;
  • lymphatic drainage essential oils of citrus fruits: lime, orange and grapefruit;
  • horse chestnut extract, which strengthens the veins;
  • nutmeg oil, which activates skin tightening processes;
  • silk proteins that improve skin regeneration.

The cream has a citrus smell, it is not absorbed immediately. It can be effectively used with other products of the Bath & SPA series.

Cora brand products

Russian cosmetics Kora, in the anti-cellulite series of which there are such products as the Anti-cellulite Forte cream and the mud cream mask. The first contains many herbal extracts and actisculpt complex, acting on different parts of the cellulite process. There is caffeine, niacinamide, medical bile. Mud cream mask consists of 2 extracts - kelp and fucus, as well as blue clay and tambukan mud. The funds are recommended to be used in combination.

Holy Land Mythologic Gel

Main composition: extracts of algae, ginger root, Paullinia Cupana seeds and Nymphaea Alba flower, citrus essential oils. The gel warms up, eliminates the accumulation of excess fluid in the tissues, tightens and simultaneously moisturizes the skin. It is recommended to apply after the preparatory lotion of the same series - "Mythologic". This lotion simultaneously contains acids that will remove the layering of dead cells from the skin surface, as well as camphor, which will increase blood flow to the treated area.

Cream "Coffee" from Shemen Amour

It contains guarana extract, which, together with grapefruit oil, removes edematous fluid and stagnation products from skin tissues. It also contains caffeine, algae extract, camphor oil.

Cream "Corps Lipoaminocel" from Anesi

It contains caffeine, guarana and L-carnitine, which activate metabolism, thermoactive methyl nicotinate strengthens blood vessels, as well as retinol, which prolongs and enhances the effect of other ingredients.

As you can see, there are a lot of products of professional cosmetics against cellulite. After analyzing the reviews of women in various forums, we can conclude that there is no answer to the question of which cosmetics for cellulite is the best. You can choose any tool that contains any of the active ingredients listed at the beginning of the article, and apply it. The effect will be, if this is done regularly, rubbed with vigorous massage movements, while doing sports and not overeating. It is best if the massage is performed by a professional.

What foods can be used by pregnant women

There is also anti-cellulite cosmetics for pregnant women, but it can be used only after a medical consultation. The fact is that for the manifestations of the edematous stage of cellulite, one can take a formidable complication of pregnancy - preeclampsia, which, in addition to fluid retention in the tissues, may not manifest itself in anything. In this case, kneading the subcutaneous tubercles and “squeezing out” excess fluid from the tissues, you can only lose time and aggravate the situation.

When buying a cellulite remedy during the period of bearing a child, it is important to carefully read its composition. There should be no iodine, guarana, retinol (or vitamin A), which can be absorbed into the blood and harm the development of the fetus. Pay attention to the presence of alfalfa, caffeine and hops in it: they can cause premature uterine contractions.

The best option during pregnancy is to refrain from using any drugs for the treatment of cellulite. But if it seems to you that the hated tubercles have become quite noticeable, then you can - and only from the second trimester - use the following products:

  • Guam without iodine ("Trattamento Anticellulite No Iodio");
  • Guam with 10% glycolic acid ("Crema Smagliature");
  • Guam Cream Intenso ("Smagliature Intenso");
  • Guam tightening with a moisturizing effect ("Crema Rassodante Elasticizzante e Idratante");
  • some Weleda products are marked “recommended during pregnancy and breastfeeding”.

Cellulite is a skin condition that many people have experienced. The problem has a pronounced aesthetic disadvantage and is associated with a violation of the circulation of the lymph, metabolism in tissues, deterioration in the structure of fat cells under the skin. To solve this problem, a diverse approach is required, consisting of adjusting nutrition, lifestyle, and physical activity. When choosing a cream, we recommend paying attention to the rating of the best anti-cellulite creams.

What you need to know about cellulite

What is an anti-cellulite cream?

Anti-cellulite cream is a cosmetic product, its purpose is to fight cellulite crust on the thighs, buttocks, abdomen, arms. Cream ingredients accelerate metabolic processes, blood circulation and lymph flow. The cream is rubbed into the skin, and also used for auxiliary procedures: massage, wrapping, physical exercises.

The cream performs the following functions:

  • stimulates blood flow and lymph circulation;
  • removes toxins, fat and water deposits in tissues;
  • activates metabolism;
  • restores skin turgor;
  • improves tissue nutrition by activating blood flow.

What is included in the anti-cellulite cream?

High quality cream is the key to a good result. In this case, it is important to know which components are effective:

How does cellulite cream work directly?

Action of cellulite cream

It is important to understand that the fight against cellulite is not limited to the use of a cream that interacts with the skin. Only complex work on your body will lead to a positive result, namely:

  • proper nutrition (exclude high-calorie foods, large amounts of salt, add natural fiber - vegetables and fruits);
  • active lifestyle, walking, exercise;
  • visiting a sauna or bath;
  • additional procedures (wraps, massage).

The main purpose of the cream is to recreate the effect of physical activity, as a result of which there is an active blood flow and lymph flow, muscles are activated, toxins are removed from the body, and the fat layer “burns out”. Therefore, when choosing a cream, it is important to pay attention not only to the presence of fat-burning ingredients, but also vitamins A, C, E, which will replenish the supply of vitamins in skin cells, help produce collagen, as well as B vitamins that help cells renew themselves.

How to use anti-cellulite cream correctly?

To obtain a positive effect from the use of the cream, you should take the time to prepare the skin. We recommend following these procedures:

Stages of cellulite in women

  • cleaning the skin with a scrub, peeling, preferably containing coffee, sea salt, algae, while you can use a medium-hard brush with natural bristles, sisal or horsehair mittens;
  • warming up the body (hot shower, exercise, massage of problem areas): this will bring the skin into an active state, open the pores, expand the vessels for better absorption of the cream;
  • applying anti-cellulite cream with massage movements for 10 minutes until completely absorbed, you can use a massager.

It is important to remember the regularity of such a procedure: it is recommended to apply the cream in the morning and evening after a shower. Subject to the regimen, the first improvements will be noticeable after 7 days. The minimum period of application of the cream is 4-5 weeks.

Varieties of cellulite cream

When choosing a remedy, one should proceed from the problems that need to be solved (degree of cellulite development), as well as from the method of application (for massage, body wraps).

Massage cream

The cream contains active ingredients such as: sea salt, apricot kernels, ground coffee and other crushed ingredients.

Action of anti-cellulite cream

Cream action:

  • has an irritating effect on the skin;
  • removes excess fluid;
  • warms up the skin tissue;
  • improves blood circulation;
  • dilates peripheral capillaries.

Thermal creams and thermal gels, which are the most effective means, are also actively used for massage. During the massage, after a few minutes, the skin quickly warms up thanks to the active ingredients, the pores open, and the fat-burning and nutritional components quickly penetrate. However, the use of such a cream is recommended once every 5-7 days.

To enhance the action of the cream after the massage, apply a wrap (from seaweed or mud).

Wrap Cream

The action of the wrapping cream is aimed at working with fatty deposits, as well as excess fluid in problem areas. The use of the cream contributes to:

Anti-cellulite wrap cream

  • breakdown of fats;
  • elimination of puffiness in problem areas;
  • increase skin elasticity;
  • disappearance of stretch marks.

The purpose of wrapping: creating a "greenhouse" under the film to remove excess fluid. Already after the first procedure, a small effect is visible.. The wrapping cycle consists of 15 procedures, which are carried out every two days in the first month. Next, you should take a break for 20 days and repeat the cycle of 7-8 procedures.

Rating of anti-cellulite creams

When choosing a cream, we are looking for the main components in the composition:

  • caffeine extract;
  • green or white tea extract.

The best cellulite creams that really help:

Which cellulite cream is better to choose?

The cosmetics market offers a wide range of products. Let's list just a few of them.

The best anti-cellulite cream, according to reviews, can be safely called Guam ("Guam") "Cold formula" from the Italian brand. A professional line of creams based on seaweed "Guam" with the addition of essential oils and plant extracts, presented by the company, will help every woman find the right remedy and solve her problem.

Guam Anti-cellulite cream with a warming effect based on mud FANGOCREMA

Cream Senspa from the company "Secret Sens" (Thailand) is also in great demand. After studying the composition of the cream, you will leave all doubts about its effectiveness - 3 types of algae, essential oils, herbal extracts and green tea - only 16 effective ingredients of natural origin. The absence of caffeine is important for people with intolerance to this component, as well as excitable ones.

Among the effective cost-effective products, it should be noted the cream "Belita-Vitex" from the series "Bath, massage, sauna", which has also been in the ranking of the best anti-cellulite creams for many years. The cream contains caffeine, algae and several anti-cellulite oils (grapefruit, bitter orange, rhodiola, rosemary, cayenne pepper). The cream actively burns fatty deposits, and also nourishes and moisturizes the skin.

Contraindications and possible side effects.

Like any remedy, anti-cellulite cream has contraindications for use:

  • allergy to some components of the cream;
  • pregnancy;
  • the presence of damage to the skin (wounds, abrasions).

Adverse reactions

You should also pay attention to possible side reactions of the body when using the cream:

Side effects of cellulite cream

  • excessive loss of moisture can lead to dehydration, which is dangerous if you do not keep the situation under control;
  • sweating will lead to clogged pores, which can provoke a rash, irritation, which means that additional cleaning of the skin will be required.

How to make your own anti-cellulite cream?

You can use a homemade cream against cellulite, it is enough to have the simplest ingredients on hand.


Cream with pepper:

  • mix 3-4 tbsp. l. olive oil with honey until gruel;
  • add a pinch of red pepper to the resulting mixture.

Apply the mixture to problem areas after the bath, rub for 10-15 minutes, then rinse.

Red pepper is very hot, but gives a quick result. Repeat the procedure every 2 days to save the skin from burns.

Cellulite cream with red pepper

Cream with olive oil:

  • olive oil (15 ml);
  • any fat body cream (70 ml);
  • horse chestnut extract (1 tsp).

Mix thoroughly until a homogeneous mixture is obtained. Rub into problem areas morning and evening.

Cream with essential oils:

  • any body cream (without paraffins) - 30 ml;
  • juniper oil - 2 drops;
  • cayenne pepper ether - 2 drops;
  • guarana or coffee extract - 1 tsp.

Put the cream in a ceramic or glass dish. Gradually add oils. Mix ingredients thoroughly. The resulting composition can be used both for the prevention and for the fight against cellulite.

Cream with spices for wrapping:

  • cinnamon powder - 1 tsp;
  • red ground pepper - 1 tsp;
  • olive oil - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • grapefruit oil - 7 drops.

Stir the components of the cream, apply the resulting mixture to problem areas, wrap with a film. The duration of the procedure is about 90 minutes. Carry out 1 time in 5-7 days.

So, in order to determine which cream is best for cellulite, you will have to test several options, choosing a product for your skin type, as well as the problem. However, information about important ingredients and a clear understanding of the mechanism of action of the cream will help you make the right choice. Good luck with cellulite!

This care from Vichy will be useful for those girls who rely not only on cosmetics in the fight against cellulite. Brand experts believe that 67% of success depends on diet, this figure will rise to 80% if CelluDestock joins proper nutrition. Moreover, it will work most effectively in those places that are difficult to adjust - the hips, abdomen and buttocks. Pure caffeine and a lipolytic activator are taken for fat burning. If you don’t skimp and use the product daily, rubbing it with massage movements into the skin, the orange peel effect will disappear in a week (proven by clinical studies), and after a month, the problem areas will have every right to no longer be called as such.

Anti-cellulite body mask "Citrus cocktail", Organic Shop (about 400 rubles)

The very case when there is no point in going to a professional wrapping master: everything can be done at home. Apply the product on the skin and leave for 20 minutes. If you want to do some things along the way, you can wrap the body with a film. As the name implies, the mask contains a complex of citrus oils - it is he who is responsible for the direct fight against cellulite. Bonus points bring the product green tea extract (normalizes metabolic processes) and organic apricot oil (it is responsible for moisturizing and nourishing the skin).

Anti-cellulite body cryogel Spa Verde, Irisk (632 rubles)

The product will be appreciated by those who like the product to be felt on the body. Cryogel has a prolonged cooling effect due to its menthol content. He and his associates - caffeine, urea, soybean and kelp oil, extract of fucus, horse chestnut and gotu-kola (used in Ayurveda) - stimulate blood circulation, reduce congestion in blood vessels and improve drainage. The manufacturer (by the way, the brand Irisk - professional cosmetics used by beauty salons) recommends using cryogel after body wraps and scrub - so the effect will be more noticeable.

Slimming patches with caffeine, Cettua (450 rubles)

Cettua patches are a great alternative to creams and gels that need to be rubbed into the skin. There is less trouble with them (glued to problem areas and go), but in terms of efficiency, the patches are not inferior to their traditional counterparts. They contain caffeine, known for its fat-burning effect, which also activates blood microcirculation in the deep layers of the skin. The second ingredient is extracts of green tea leaves and ivy, which tone the skin and increase its elasticity. Do not be surprised if after 10-15 minutes after you have pasted the patch, the skin in this place will burn a little. This is nothing but the action of red pepper, which is designed to break down body fat.

Body Profile Emulsion, Environ (7,900 rubles)

Cosmetics of the South African brand Environ were originally intended for the rehabilitation of patients after plastic surgery in order to increase the regenerative properties of the skin and reduce the risk of postoperative complications. The creator of the brand is the world famous plastic surgeon Dr. Fernandez, who (according to Insignia magazine) is ranked sixth in the list of the best plastic surgeons in the world. One of the brand's bestsellers is a body shaping emulsion that not only evens out the surface of the skin and gives it elasticity, but also provides antioxidant protection. It contains such a chemical element as mireceline, which contributes to the destruction of accumulated fat, pronalen, which models and smoothes the skin, as well as guarana seed extract, known for its tonic effect.

Body gel "Delightful Silhouette", L "Occitane (2850 rubles)

Body gel "Delightful Silhouette" from L "Occitane not only smells good, but also has an anti-cellulite effect. It contains almond bud extract, almond proteins, silicon, natural caffeine and essential oils that stimulate the breakdown of fats in the most problematic areas. Quinoa , Peruvian liana and carrot essential oil block the processes leading to the re-formation and accumulation of fatty deposits.And the micro-exfoliating active ingredient - lemon extract - evens and smoothes the surface of the skin, erasing orange peel from its surface.The gel has a light texture and is well absorbed, leaving a light minty aroma.

Smoothing anti-cellulite serum Berry Refresh, Lumene (397 rubles)

Despite the rather affordable price, the product is really worthy. Let's start with the fact that whey is produced in Finland - one of the most environmentally friendly countries in the world. Lumene uses up to 90 percent natural ingredients in its products. This rule has not bypassed the anti-cellulite serum. The main "actors" are carnitine and caffeine. They even out the relief of the skin, reducing fat deposits. But arctic cranberry seed oil is responsible not only for nourishing and moisturizing the skin, but also for the subtle, slightly sweet aroma of the serum. No perfume needed!

Anti-cellulite cream Cellulite XT-M Biological, Cellcosmet (13,100 rubles)

The uniqueness of the anti-cellulite cream from the Swiss brand Cellcosmet lies in the fact that it eliminates the causes that cause cellulite. The effectiveness of the new patented biocomplex used in the product has been proven by medical scientists. According to experts, it inhibits the activity of the aromatase enzyme by almost 90%, thereby reducing the formation of fatty deposits in the subcutaneous adipose tissue. The cream contains a complex of soybeans, wheat germ oil and vitamin E. These active ingredients slow down the accumulation of fats and prevent their new formation. By the way, the product is convenient to take with you, the cream is presented in two packaging options: 125 ml and 50 ml.

Concentrate for weight loss, Caudelie (1,420 rubles)

Concentrate for weight loss from the French brand Caudelie will help reduce skin roughness, and with regular use - completely eliminate it. In texture, it resembles dry oil and, as in all brand products, you will find only natural ingredients in its composition, these are essential oils of grape seed, cypress, rosemary, geranium, juniper and lemon zest. This formula provides a powerful lymphatic drainage effect, strengthens blood vessels, makes body contours clearer. By the way, the concentrate can be applied directly under the shower: to do this, massage the problem areas with it a little and then blot the skin with a towel.

Course for problem areas "Vegetable Code of Slimness", Yves Rocher (1,079 rubles)

For those who need to get rid of cellulite in a super short time, Yves Rocher brand specialists have developed a concentrate for problem areas, designed for just a week. For 7 days of using the product, its creators promise to smooth the skin where it is needed and make it more elastic. Whether it is or not is up to you. However, having studied the composition of the concentrate, we think that this express course can be trusted! One of the main ingredients is the active molecule γ-Mangosteen found in the mangosteen fruit. The uniqueness of this molecule lies in its ability to act as a natural code that can block the accumulation of fat in cells. The tube of the product looks like a large syringe, when you press on the pump, the concentrated active ingredient mixes with the base and forms a pleasant non-greasy texture.

Birch anti-cellulite oil Birken Cellulite-Oel, Weleda (1,322 rubles)

This anti-cellulite oil will appeal to those who prefer to use only natural products. In 2005, it was recognized as the best product in the cosmetics category at the BioFach environmental fair in Nuremberg. It contains a storehouse of useful ingredients: in addition to the oil extract from young birch leaves stated in the name, there is apricot seed oil, jojoba, wheat germ, an extract of the Pontian needle root and rosemary leaves. These components are a real thunderstorm for cellulite, as they activate blood microcirculation and the lymphatic drainage system, which means that metabolic processes will go faster. An important rule: use the oil twice a day, applying it to the skin with massage movements. The visible effect will be noticeable in a month. Time has gone!

Anti-cellulite concentrate Cellu Slim Nuit, Elancyl (1700 rubles)

Elancyl brand experts offer to fight against pronounced cellulite not only during the day in the gym, but also at night with the innovative Cellu Slim Nuit. The main ingredients of the product are plant extracts of cicropia and caffeine, young shoots of apple trees and Sichuan pepper, as well as safflower oil.

Perfectly smooth and elastic skin is one of the canons of female beauty. According to numerous reviews, anti-cellulite cream is an effective tool that helps bring the body into perfect order. It is difficult to eliminate unaesthetic manifestations on the hips, but numerous proposals from cosmetics manufacturers are designed to help solve this problem.

What is anti-cellulite cream

Fighting the manifestations of cellulite is a difficult task that has to be solved in a complex way. This includes dietary adjustments, massages, sports and beauty treatments. Anti-cellulite cosmetics are designed to speed up metabolism, remove toxins, remove excess fluid from the skin layers, and accelerate cell growth. As a result of its action, the skin tone increases, it is smoothed, and cellulite manifestations become less noticeable.

For massage

A massage cream with anti-cellulite action is designed to enhance the effect and result of the massage. During the procedure, the active components of the cosmetic accelerate the process of splitting and removing subcutaneous fat, increase blood circulation, and improve metabolism. The body gets rid of excess fluid, toxins, toxins, and the skin becomes elastic and toned.

Warming up

According to the reviews of ladies who are fighting the problem of orange peel, the most effective cellulite cream is warming. The thermal effect of the product is due to special components, for example, red pepper extract. Under the action of the components, the skin is heated, the vessels expand. Improves blood circulation, metabolic process. Fat deposits are broken down and excreted faster.


Massage and application of a warming cream are effective remedies for cellulite, but not everyone can use them. Varicose veins, weak capillaries and the presence of spider veins put a ban on effective cosmetics. With such problems, it is better to choose a cooling cream against cellulite. The packages contain components that intensively moisturize, tone and increase the elasticity of the skin.

Do anti-cellulite creams help?

Health, beauty and a slim figure require time, effort and perseverance. In the photo and in life, the fair half wants to look perfect, so she struggles with the manifestations of the orange peel. It is unreasonable to expect an instant result from an anti-cellulite cream. Anti-cellulite products are widely used, although their effectiveness remains a controversial issue. Experts say that a special remedy can help only at the initial stage, when the manifestations of the "orange peel" are not too noticeable. In other cases, additional measures will be required.

The best anti-cellulite cream

In online stores in Moscow, St. Petersburg and other Russian cities, there are many creams to combat cellulite. Manufacturers attract buyers with affordable prices, promotions, discounts, and sales. Stores offer to order products with delivery by mail. Attractive purchase conditions are an important criterion when choosing a cream, but the main thing is the quality of the product and its effectiveness. A good cellulite cream eliminates cosmetic imperfections and smoothes the skin.


Under the well-known brand Garnier, you can buy only a few anti-cellulite products, but their use gives a good result. The following cosmetics have earned the trust of consumers due to their effectiveness:

  • name: oil ultra elasticity;
  • price: 363 rubles;
  • composition: essential oils of lemon, mandarin, grapefruit;
  • characteristics: massage, volume - 150 ml;
  • pluses: non-sticky texture, convenient dispenser;
  • cons: can cause dry skin.

For daily use under TM Garnier, milk is produced that actively resists unaesthetic manifestations on the skin:

  • name: intensive body care firmness anti-cellulite;
  • price: 374 rubles;
  • composition: phyto-caffeine, algae extract;
  • characteristics: volume - 250 ml;
  • pluses: quickly absorbed;
  • cons: in the composition of mineral oils and alcohol.

Black Pearl

Some women prefer not a cream, but a gel texture of a care product, for example:

  • name: Gel-corrector Anti-cellulite 2 in 1;
  • price: 202 rubles;
  • composition: extract of Atlantic algae fucus, chestnut extract, bio-creatine;
  • characteristics: volume - 200 ml, cooling;
  • pluses: it is well absorbed;
  • cons: not effective enough.

Another product from Black Pearl, which is designed to smooth the skin and give it elasticity - body milk with a pleasant aroma:

  • name: silk body milk Energy and Elasticity;
  • price: 201 rubles;
  • composition: red grape leaves, natural silk proteins, Bio-elastin;
  • characteristics: volume - 200 ml, weight - 230 grams;
  • pluses: quickly absorbed, well moisturizes;
  • cons: Propylene Glicol, Ammonium Lactate, Disodium EDTA, Phenoxyethanol, Benzyl Benzonate are components that are banned in some countries as hazardous to health.


Not only excess weight provokes the appearance of an orange peel on the body. Sometimes even slender girls have to deal with cellulite manifestations. To smooth the skin, make the relief even, Vitex offers the following tool:

  • name: Bath-Sauna-Massage;
  • price: 146 rubles;
  • composition: caffeine, red pepper extract, seaweed;
  • characteristics: warming, massage.
  • pluses: affordable cost;
  • cons: can burn the skin.

Another noteworthy remedy from the Belarusian company from the "Ideal Figure" series. The manufacturer promises a noticeable result even at advanced stages of cellulite:

  • name: cream-concentrate anti-cellulite multiactive Vitex;
  • price: 197 rubles;
  • composition: caffeine, extracts of ficus and wakame;
  • characteristics: volume - 200 ml;
  • pluses: noticeable improvement even on visible cellulite;
  • cons: bad smell.


For smooth and toned skin without the effect of orange peel, TM Guam produces a product based on Fangocrema mud. The cream has a warming property and has an effective effect on the orange peel:

  • name: Fangocrema;
  • price: 2709 rubles;
  • composition: volcanic dust, methyl nicotinate, algae and phytocomplex;
  • characteristics: volume - 500 ml;
  • pluses: replaces wrapping, does not require rinsing;
  • cons: has contraindications, expensive.

In case of problems with blood vessels, a cream with a warming effect cannot be used. For these cases, TM Guam produces algae-based cosmetics. The cream activates metabolic processes, improves skin elasticity:

  • name: SNELL;
  • price: 1942 rubles;
  • composition: GUAM algae extract, carnitine, caffeine, menthol;
  • characteristics: cooling, massage;
  • pluses: pronounced effect;
  • cons: high cost.


From the manufacturer Floresan, a series of anti-cellulite products called Fitness Body goes on sale. The following cream has many positive reviews:

  • name: Fitness Body Cream active;
  • price: 128 rubles;
  • composition: a complex of polysaccharides and algae minerals, centella extract, camphor;
  • characteristics: cooling, volume - 125 ml;
  • pros: affordable price,
  • cons: there are contraindications.

Another tool from the Fitness series is designed for massage. The procedure can be carried out independently or entrusted to a professional who, with the help of this cream and his actions, will bring your body closer to the ideal:

  • name: anti-cellulite drainage massage cream;
  • price: 189 rubles;
  • composition: extract of mustard seeds, red pepper, nicotinic acid;
  • characteristics: volume - 500 ml, packaging - jar;
  • pluses: economical consumption, pleasant aroma;
  • cons: can burn, there are contraindications.

Clean line

Under TM Pure Line, several types of cosmetics are produced, designed to reduce the appearance of orange peel and increase skin tone. The manufacturer promises noticeable results 2 weeks after using the following cream:

  • name: anti-cellulite gel;
  • price: 139 rubles;
  • composition: essential oils of orange, cedar, wormwood, decoctions of chamomile, nettle, St. John's wort;
  • characteristics: volume - 200 ml,
  • pluses: quickly absorbed;
  • cons: can cause a burning sensation.

At the heart of the anti-cellulite cream from TM Pure Line is Rhodiola rosea and ginseng. Active ingredients prevent the formation of fat cells, reduce cellulite manifestations:

  • name: Active body cream Anti-cellulite;
  • price: 128 rubles;
  • composition: rhodiola rosea, ginseng;
  • characteristics: cooling effect, volume - 250 ml;
  • pluses: affordable cost, quickly absorbed, pleasant smell;
  • cons: the consistency is liquid, so the cream is not economical.

How to choose an anti-cellulite cream

Before buying anti-cellulite cosmetics, carefully study its composition. The right ingredients are the key to your effective fight against cosmetic imperfections. Experts recommend paying attention to the following components:

  • caffeine or green tea - for the effective breakdown of fat cells;
  • red grape extract or grape seed oil - against puffiness;
  • red pepper (cocoa butter, citrus oils) - to improve blood circulation, warming effect;
  • marine collagen, chitosan, fucus or kelp extract - to strengthen the skin.
