Happy anniversary. Anniversary congratulations. Beautiful wishes for the anniversary

Congratulations on your big anniversary
I wish to live long, easy, carefree,
So that joy always fills your house,
To be warm, wonderful in it.

Kids so that in it, like chicks chirped,
So that the inhabitants of the house do not get tired of loving.
In business, so that everything is wonderful,
And so that there are always forces for accomplishments!

Happy Anniversary Wishes

We wish you joy, goodness,
Health, happiness and warmth,
Flower, smiles and friends
On a happy anniversary holiday.
A beautiful woman is always.
And age is not a hindrance.
Don't forget to keep in your soul
Stocks of kindness and laughter.
And let not only on this day
The nightingale sings in the heart.

birthday greetings happy anniversary

You today...!
I want to wish so much
Burning eyes, fun days,
More sincere friends.

Work not to get tired
And get a lot of money.
Love without quarrels, insults, betrayals,
Do not know hardships and problems.

In all your affairs, success,
And beginnings without interference.
Good luck, joy, warmth
May life be kind to you.

The latest congratulations on the anniversary

We wish you not to get sick, not to lose heart,
Get more rest, sleep better.
Little by little, to argue things.
And fate to keep you
And I would be generous to you.
Please accept thank you very much
For your rigor and kindness.
May joy and happiness in your life
They walk side by side on the same road.

Happy Anniversary Birthday Wishes Newest

I wish you from the bottom of my heart
On this anniversary day
Live sweetly, do not count pennies,
Never sick.

Do not know sadness and worries,
Be cheerful and happy
Try to eat all year round
Prune salad.

Grow fruits in the garden
Michurin marvelously,
Keep your heart young
Hot and true.

Don't cry if you're upset
Don't accumulate resentment.
Wait for the grandchildren
And children to see them.

Best congratulations on the anniversary

(name and patronymic)! On your anniversary
We wish you energy and optimism,
To become brighter day by day
The path you take in life.

Let, despite the number of dates,
Shoulders stay strong for a long time -
After all, the brave bearing of former soldiers
More reliable than any doctor heals.

Continue to be everyone's favorite
Assistant faithful and devoted friend.
Let every business be crowned with success,
And your life serves as an example for grandchildren.

The best congratulations on the anniversary

Today is your anniversary
Beautiful round date.
What an endless once
The road seemed to you to her.

Time flies fast
But no matter how much has passed,
And you look old today
Still surprisingly little.

Always stay like this:
Beautiful, feminine, sweet,
Knowing no dull boredom,
Inspiring goodness.

So that in ten years again
We were able to say as before:
You look like you're only 25
Or maybe a little and a half.

Best birthday wishes happy anniversary

I wish you joy and happiness
To be higher than the mountain steeps,
And so that there is no bad weather:
Rains, winds and menacing clouds,

Let nothing interfere with happiness
Does not overshadow bright days!
Well, today I congratulate
Let it be a bright anniversary!

I want to congratulate you on your anniversary!
I wish you become wiser
I also wish you success in love,
Live a happy and joyful life!

Give preference to different sciences,
So that later, what to tell the grandchildren.
I wish you good luck, good luck!
May the angel always be with you!

Wonderful birthday wishes

Anniversaries will rush like whirlwinds
Marking the milestones of your destiny
But with a smile we suddenly notice
That in your soul you are still the same seventeen!

We wish you success and happiness,
All the same responsive to be.
After all, any bad weather will pass,
If the heart knows how to love!

Interesting congratulations on the anniversary

What …?
It's like going back years.
I want to wonder again
And how to love in youth.

Congratulations on this date!
Your life is always rich,
Lots of joy and laughter
And in all matters of success.

Let there be no grief
And in money restrictions.
Only good things will happen
Happiness will knock on your house.

Interesting congratulations on your birthday happy anniversary

They don't ask how old a woman is.
She is always beautiful, young,
Although gray hair with wrinkles marked
The years have flown by so imperceptibly.

Everything was in them - stagnation and change,
And you live - the character is bright,
Survived adversity, change,
Raised two children.

What else to wish?
With all my heart, from us:
Live, work, don't get sick
To celebrate the hundredth anniversary.

Cool congratulations on the anniversary

Clink of glasses, noise of speeches...
Everything is quieter on weekdays, more modest,
But lives among people
Big soul man
All deeds are good:
He brings so much good
And care, and warmth!
And we are only on the anniversary
We say "thank you" to her.
So let's be generous
And appreciate these people.
Congratulations with all our heart!
Be forever young!
Be happy forever
Our favorite person!

Sincere congratulations on the anniversary

On the day of the celebration, on the year of the anniversary
We thank you for everything
And we want to wish you
Health, vigor and strength,
To be calm every day
We wish for you from now on
Slow down the countdown
To not be subject to him
Health, appearance and dreams,
So that you do not lose over the years
Your spiritual beauty
To be the same as before
In life there would always be:
Healthy, kind and cheerful
You stayed forever!

Gentle congratulations on the anniversary

The sun laughs happily
And it shines so beautifully
Let your joy rush to your house
And stays there longer

Now, fortunately,
Your anniversary has come
Meet him with guests with participation,
To make it more fun!

Creative congratulations on the anniversary

Let life be like a rainbow
And there will be only bright colors in it,
May your loved ones love you and make you happy
May the cherished dream come true
Let the dawns be all beautiful
Sunsets also give a wonderful light,
May all your efforts not be in vain!
I wish you only victories on your anniversary!

A simple birthday greeting

May luck love you
And may you be lucky in everything
And there won't be any trouble.
From now on break the souls flight,

Like a shooting star - beautiful, clear
Let your dreams fly into your life
What is bright, bold and beautiful,
And everything will be fulfilled in a row!

Great congratulations on the anniversary

I wish you great happiness
And health, stronger than metal,
And also - next to such a friend,
To support you always and in everything!

Colorful congratulations on the anniversary

It's not time to dot it yet
And life with sadness to sum up.
It is possible to fulfill all dreams,
Let already and maturity on the threshold.

Success and well-being in the family,
Health and always fine days.
In short, best wishes
To you in ..., on a wonderful anniversary!

Cool congratulations on the anniversary

Happy anniversary, dear!
Hardly another woman
Can be just as cute!
We wish there was
You are happy forever
Stay young forever
May your anniversary year
Only joy will bring!

Wise congratulations on the anniversary

You left a trail of warmth and kindness
In the hearts of the people with whom I communicated,
Everything happened along the way,
Both pain and joy met side by side.

And we are now on the day of the anniversary,
Thank you very much
Live longer without getting old
We want to see you cheerful.

Warm congratulations on the anniversary

I am on this glorious and beautiful anniversary,
I hasten to congratulate you first,
And wish you a thousand beautiful words:
Incredibly sweet and beautiful dreams,
Live a lot of fun, laugh, sing songs,
And do not go to work, but fly straight,
Friends, so that they could lend a hand in trouble,
Good luck various, so that in everything, always, everywhere!

Big congratulations on the anniversary

We will shout hurray to you now three times,
Happy Anniversary, it's so nice!
... - a wonderful age, accept congratulations,
Meet your birthday with a great mood!

In life, a lot has been done and many plans ahead,
The main thing is to easily and directly follow your fate!
An ocean of health to you, a sea of ​​happiness and love,
May all your hopes and wishes come true!

Unusual congratulations on the anniversary

Let the magic music
Sound on the day of the anniversary
Spiritual chords,
Congratulations motives!

May happiness and luck
Always sing a duet!
Success brings joy
And colorful bouquets!

Unusual birthday greetings happy anniversary

Not! The woman is not to blame
When this date comes
The calendar is to blame here.
And you, contrary to all dates,
Still young at heart
Slim, graceful and light.
We won't wish you much
Your advantages cannot be counted.
So stay, for God's sake,
Always the way it is!
And age is not a problem
We will live through all the anniversaries!
After all, the main thing in life is always
So that the soul does not grow old.

Good congratulations on the anniversary

Rushed through life in succession
Many years and days
And then he came by himself
Another anniversary of yours
We wish you all very much
Health, happiness and love,
Do not know resentment, suffering, grief,
Live another two hundred years!

There are many happy events in a person's life. Some dates, such as a birthday or a wedding day, are celebrated annually. A holiday is always a pleasant event. But anniversaries are especially solemnly celebrated.

What is an anniversary

So, anniversary. How old is this? The 50th anniversary is considered the classic, “golden” anniversary. However, both 33 years and 25 years are considered anniversaries.

Today it is customary in the world to celebrate as an anniversary every date that is a multiple of five. For a modern person, an anniversary means 15 years of marriage, 35 years of life, and so on. And the very first mention of such an anniversary (a date that is a multiple of five) is found in the great Russian poet - Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin, who wrote about how the Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum celebrated its 25th anniversary.

It is impossible to unequivocally answer the question of whether an anniversary is how many years. There are no rules that spell out specific dates that are considered anniversaries. For example, some Russians consider it significant the day on which a 14-year-old receives a passport. But Americans celebrate the 21st anniversary as the first round date, since on this day a person becomes an adult. Teenagers in other countries also celebrate their coming of age, where a “ticket to adulthood” is issued at 18.

However, it is still too early to be proud of such an anniversary. Anniversaries are still a date to be proud of. For example, 30 years of work experience, 40 years of marriage, crossing a life line of 70 years, etc. Such a hero of the day will proudly wear his status absolutely deservedly. At this age, a significant date is treated with special trepidation, because a significant part of the life path is left behind.

How to celebrate the anniversary

Russians always celebrate anniversaries on a grand scale. residents of Russia. They will never miss a single significant date. They always start preparing for the holiday in advance, think about congratulations on the anniversary and choose gifts. The hero of the day, of course, wants to please. Therefore, his relatives and friends carefully choose the venue for the celebration, come up with a scenario for the celebration, etc.

Most often, an anniversary is a huge number of posters, colorful balloons, toasts, beautiful songs, dances (both ordinary and folk dances) and stories about how interesting and fun the life of the hero of the occasion was.

How to diversify the holiday

The most important thing is that the holiday is remembered not only by the hero of the day, but also by his guests. Therefore, you can include several interesting scenes in the holiday script.

Scene at the men's anniversary

This scene will require the participation of four women. The roles of mother, wife, mistress and girlfriend are distributed between them. It is also necessary that there be both a leader and a presenter.

Leader starts:

Here is a scene for the hero of the day!

What will be her rating?

And what does a man dream about? Of course, about mom, loving and caring!

Mom (you can think of a typical housewife costume for her in advance):

And about the best friend!

Girlfriend (you can dress her up in a T-shirt with the logo of a famous football club and hand her a glass of beer):

And about a passionate mistress!

A mistress comes out (she can be dressed up in something pink and seductive) and all the women say in unison:

We figured out how to put it all together! Here's a present for you - the best in the world!

Nearby is a box with a bow, which they point to. To the music, a wife appears from a gift box, dressed in a peignoir. She is holding a bottle of cognac and a plate of pies.

Happy anniversary, love!

This is followed by congratulations on the anniversary from the rest of the guests.

Scene at Women's Anniversary

In this scene, a man should act, who will play the role of a stripper. But first of all, the main artist must wear several pairs of socks, shorts and T-shirts. The main thing is to choose the right song that fits the role of a "sex bomb".

The host says:

Anniversary striptease for you now!

You can repeat for an encore!

A man comes out and undresses in a dance. By the end of the dance, only his shorts should remain on him, and congratulations on his anniversary should be written on his chest in advance. A woman turned 50, 20 or 65 - she will appreciate it anyway. After the dance, the "stripper" hands the hero of the occasion a beautiful bouquet of flowers.

Anniversary joke scene

There are three men in the show. Each of them must have a fishing rod. They are put on shorts in advance, the elastic in which is weakened. Under them, men will wear ordinary underpants, on which one phrase is written. These are “congratulations”, “on” and “anniversary”.

Well, now for our hero of the day (our hero of the day) exclusively

Three fishermen will try their luck and try to catch a golden fish!

Men line up in a row, turning their backs to the audience. Then the fishing begins.

Cast the first fisherman!

After these words, the underpants of the first man with a fishing rod fall off.

And didn't catch anything!

The second fisherman decided to try his luck and also threw a bait!

The second man's underpants are falling.

It's empty!

The third rod threw! He even pecked!

The panties of the third "fisherman" are falling.

So we caught a goldfish!

"Fishermen" continue to stand with their backs to the guests. They have congratulations on their main shorts. After that, the hero of the occasion is awarded. You can make it yourself in advance or purchase a suitable figurine in a gift shop.

If your imagination is well developed, and there are many who want to participate in the skit, then it can be expanded. For example, invite not three, but seven men. Write these words: happy, anniversary, years, congratulations, 30, accept, ours. Then you can compose the phrase: "Happy Anniversary of 30 years! Accept our congratulations!" In order for the scene not to look monotonous, you can come up with additional replicas or actions of the “fishermen”.

Anniversary attitude

Each person perceives the anniversary date in their own way. Women are nostalgic about round dates. After all, an anniversary is how many years? It’s good if it’s 20 or 30. But when it’s already 50, the fair sex is covered in light sadness. Like, the best young years are behind us. Men often refer to a significant event with some irony. And guests are pleased with any anniversary - after all, this is another holiday where you can have a good rest and have fun. Especially when you consider that usually each next anniversary is celebrated on a larger scale than the previous one.

Anniversary gifts

There is no need to be sad about the past years. After all, an anniversary is a holiday, these are gifts, these are sincere congratulations.

And the hero of the day can be varied. You can add poems or an interesting scene to a postcard of a suitable theme (this gift has become traditional for us for a long time). A popular gift is a souvenir, which in many years will remind the hero of the day of this particular date. Everything else depends only on your imagination, financial capabilities and social status of the hero of the occasion.

Another beautiful gem
Among other wonderful bright days
Let this one become sunny and clear,
Beautiful, bright holiday - Anniversary!

Smiles, words, exciting and tender,
From those with whom it is more joyful to celebrate the holiday!
May all hopes come true
And life can become even happier!

Bold decisions, new ideas,
Bright success in all endeavors!
May it now fulfill the Anniversary
Best wishes.

Happiness, health, success in everything
And the pleasures of bright moments!
Let fate surprise day after day
Only wealth, luck, luck!

The whole world is for you! We are at this hour
We want to be happy.
Let there be a course in your life
To victories only beautiful!

Good luck to you! Friends, relatives,
Favorite people are nearby.
After all, kindness, their care -
Like the best reward.

Minutes of wonderful, warm meetings,
Interesting discoveries!
Save in memories
Your anniversary is amazing!

There is something in life that warms the heart,
What is good to remember.
May the beautiful surround them on the Jubilee
All those with whom you can share the joy!

May luck always be near
And on any day, and in this bright hour
Native every word, every look
We support you in everything you do!

May your wonderful anniversary
Give vivacity, inspiration!
We wish you happy days
Good health, good luck!

Give new ideas a countdown
May today's milestone
And optimism leads forward -
Good luck, joy, success!

On a wonderful holiday, Anniversary,
All heartily congratulate you!
Smiles of good friends
May you be surrounded today
And the years will be bright
And all wishes will come true!
Health, joy always,
Happy life, prosperity!

Today is your wonderful Anniversary!
From warm words and kind congratulations
Let it become lighter in the soul,
May there be many joyful moments.
Let them give you smiles every hour,
Caring will surround relatives,
And all your dreams will come true
And every day will be wonderful, bright!

Bright bouquets, congratulations
Dear and beloved people -
Every moment is precious
Such a beautiful wonderful Anniversary!

Let joy warm with gentle light,
Surrounded by sensitivity, kindness,
So that all hopes come true easily
And there was always a happy life!

10 years

At the age of 10, the child celebrates its first round date, the first anniversary. A carefree time when you don’t think about problems and worries, when the whole world seems so bright and serene, and loving parents are always there, ready to help at any moment. Many children at this age try to appear older, but continue to play "war" and "daughter-mothers".

15 years

When you are 15 years old, the sea seems to be knee-deep, and the mountains are up to your shoulder! The age of youthful maximalism, which sometimes leads to absolutely reckless, frivolous actions. At the age of 15, the first love arises, which often develops into serious feelings, the first real friendships are established, which you value throughout your life.

18 years

The most romantic and the first significant event is coming of age. At the age of 18, completely new horizons open up before a person, and prohibitions that were a strict taboo yesterday are losing their relevance. At this age, boys and girls become applicants, entering higher educational institutions, and someone starts a family.

20 years

What a wonderful date - 20 years! This is the age that symbolizes the start on the path to achieving career heights and goals. At this time, people begin to seriously think about marriage, but many prefer to first build a career or get an education, and only then tie the knot.

25 years

Another significant date in a person's life, of course, is the 25th anniversary. This is an age that is equal to a quarter of a century! Now the word "family" does not sound so unattainable, but, on the contrary, is considered the generally accepted norm. Many already know firsthand what it means to be parents, having one child, and sometimes several children.

30 years

At the age of 30, many can already boast of achievements in their careers. As a rule, at this time a person can already easily answer what he has achieved and what to strive for, putting all life priorities in their places. Life takes on a more measured character, enters the usual course.

35 years

At the age of 35, there comes a period when life reaches its equator. This statement may not be very accurate, however, the average human life expectancy is 70 years. At this age, both men and women begin to think that old age is not so far away. The first wrinkles appear on the face, and a pair of gray hairs treacherously shines on the head.

40 years

It is not customary to celebrate 40 years, as many bad signs are associated with this number. It is believed that this date is associated with the feast of 40 days, which is held on the fortieth day after the death of a person. In addition, this is not an anniversary, and therefore it is not worth paying much attention to the celebration of the 40th anniversary.

45 years

No wonder they say that at 45 - a woman is a berry again! At this age, a woman blossoms anew, gaining a more mature beauty. In addition, this is the period when children are already adults, and grandchildren are not always there. Therefore, there is again time that you can devote to yourself. In men, this age is associated with another, less optimistic saying: "Gray hair in a beard - a demon in a rib!"

50 years

Celebrating the 50th anniversary, the realization that half a century has passed evokes completely different emotions. Someone is proud that he lived his life not in vain, and someone realizes with horror that most of it has passed. An era has begun when you think more about grandchildren than about children, when the days seem short and the nights endlessly long. Old age creeps up unnoticed.

55 years

The anniversary of two fives indicates that maturity has come. At the age of 55, a person often overestimates the life he has lived. Views on the outside world are changing, the family comes to the fore, rather than a career, since by this time people already have more than one entry in the work book, and women retire.

60 years

The age of golden autumn is 60 years! Having lived to the age of 60, older people go on a well-deserved rest - retirement. At this age, a lot of free time falls on your head, which at first is confusing. People who obediently worked out their working days yesterday have become pensioners today.

65 years old

70 years old

Celebrating the 70th anniversary, many welcome guests not only in the company of grandchildren, but also great-grandchildren. The time has come when four generations gathered at the festive table at once: parents, children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren. Pride because life is not lived in vain, causes tears of joy and tenderness. This is the time when you especially feel the care of loved ones, their love and respect.

75 years old

Meeting the 75th anniversary, all the “heavy artillery” is called to the rescue in the person of relatives and friends living far from the hero of the day. Still, after all, such a date as the 75th anniversary is not celebrated every day! Meeting at the table with such dear guests, the birthday boy forgets about his age, indulging in the memories of his youth and bygone days.

80 years old

The date of 80 years resembles an hourglass, which inexorably counts down the sand-days of life, approaching its logical conclusion. Old age becomes more pronounced, making itself felt by insomnia and shortness of breath, forgetfulness and slowness. Of course, this upsets many, but the very fact that a person has lived to such an age should please the centenarian.

85 years old

Not everyone can boast of having celebrated their 85th birthday! To live to such an age is a feat, especially if you arrive in a cheerful mood! Relatives and friends understand that at the age of 85, health is far from heroic, but they continue to support the birthday man with optimistic wishes like “We will dance with you at the wedding of our great-granddaughter!”.

90 years old

People who have lived to the age of 90 are called centenarians. These are unique cases that speak of good health or impeccable heredity. On the day of the celebration of the 90th anniversary of the birthday, all relatives and friends congratulate him, and instead of congratulations, words of gratitude are heard, since wishes for long life look more than ridiculous.

95 years old

According to statistics, less than one percent of the world's population lives to the age of 95. But, if you managed to get into this percentage, you are a phenomenon! At this age, great-great-grandchildren appear, and this is a clear sign that the centennial anniversary is not far off.

100 years

You start believing that miracles exist when you hear about someone celebrating their 100th birthday! Such an event can be called the most grandiose in the life of not only this person, but also all his relatives.


Women do not like to advertise their age, but when the anniversary date comes, they proudly pronounce the secret figure. Young girls are proud of their years, and mature ladies rejoice in the decades they have lived and what fate has managed to give them during this time. On the anniversary of a woman, it is customary to address special congratulations, emphasizing the importance and joy of the event.


Birthdays are celebrated every year, and anniversaries happen only a few times in a lifetime. A round date for a man is a new significant threshold on his life path. Anniversaries are celebrated even by those who do not like magnificent holidays and feasts. Friends and colleagues congratulate the birthday man and sincerely wish him further success and happiness.


Most often, only with age do people realize that the most important person in their life is their mother. Mom's anniversary is a special holiday, on this day it is very important to find the right congratulatory words that will not allow a woman to doubt the sincere love and gratitude of children. Congratulating mom on her anniversary is a sincere declaration of love and public admiration for her wisdom and kindness.


Once upon a time, it was he who seemed to be the strongest and kindest person in the world, and on his anniversary, he still remains the most beloved. For women, a father is the man who never stops loving and never betrays. And for sons - this is a devoted faithful friend. Father's birthday is a special holiday.


It often happens that a close friend becomes closer to a sister. You can rush to her with good news and ask for help in difficult times. A real girlfriend will never gossip behind her back and gloat about failures. The anniversary of a friend is a joyful holiday, on which one cannot skimp on kind words and generous wishes.


A close friend is always the first to help. He can be trusted with everything: teenage secrets, money, the woman he loves. A true friend will never betray, and will not use a trusting relationship for personal gain. Congratulating a friend on an anniversary is a sacred thing, and one should not skimp on words, male friendship should not be dry.


The work environment brings together those people who might never meet in everyday life. Having a good colleague nearby is a great success, this one will always help you cope with business and brighten up your working days with funny jokes. On the anniversary of a colleague, you must definitely congratulate and wish him something original.

Head, director

The bosses need to be valued and respected, when a company is run by a professional and a good person in one person, then you want to go to work on Saturday. But, even if the boss is strict and not always fair, you still have to congratulate him on his anniversary in accordance with all the rules and say words to him that will help the congratulator achieve success in his career.


It is good to have a sister, you can always turn to her with joy and with grief. Relationships are given by fate and in no case should they be overshadowed by omissions. Even if there were some minor quarrels, on the anniversary, the sister must be congratulated and the warmest and most cordial wishes should be selected for her.


A brother always remains a reliable protector for both a woman and a man. The older brother protects his younger relatives from offenders, and the younger one comes to the rescue in adulthood. The brother's anniversary is the case when men should not be stingy with words, heartfelt wishes to the brother will further strengthen family ties.


For every woman, her husband becomes the closest person in life. To experience the joy of the fact that day and night there is a beloved and loving man nearby is the highest happiness. Every day you need to say pleasant words to your husband, and on the anniversary he should be simply strewn with well-deserved compliments and wishes.


What could be more beautiful than a beloved woman who is called a wife? No matter how many years you have lived together, a year or fifty, the woman you love will never get bored! Unfortunately, men are often stingy with words of love, but on the day of the anniversary, every man should publicly congratulate his wife and prove his love to her.


How happy are those who have grandmothers! After all, these are gifts, delicious pies and sweets. Grandmothers adore their grandchildren and give them all the best. Grandmothers should be valued and respected while they are alive and well. And in order for this to last as long as possible, on the anniversary of the grandmother, such words must be said so that she does not even doubt that she is loved.

May your anniversary not be the last
And the head does not paint gray hair.
Health, happiness and success
We wish you many more years!

We wish on this date
Health and love
Success and prosperity
caring family,
Good, prosperity
And loyal friends
Confidence in the future
Happy, long days!

Let life become more fun!
May smiles always shine!
Let them decorate on the day of the anniversary
Wonderful life of the year!
Anniversary high title -
This is an incentive to move forward!
May all plans, dreams and desires
In the anniversary year will be fulfilled!

Restless years fly by
And here comes your Anniversary.
His glasses with a friendly ringing
Proclaims the circle of guests!
May wishes come true:
Good luck new and victories,
Good health and vigor,
Good luck, happiness, long years!

Anniversary like a medal
And how the order is deserved,
Our life is adorned
And everyone needs it!
On this day you are a vessel,
Let love pour into you
Let her, like wine,
Overflowing over the edge!
Be still the one
Who we all know you
Anniversary - and always -
We wish you only happiness!
Let everything come true
What do you wish for yourself
In great shape
You are celebrating your anniversary!

Congratulating you on your anniversary,
Strive for lofty words,
We will say as simply as we can:
“Thank you from the bottom of my heart!”
For the nobility of your thoughts!
For your bright and big world!
For being a little older
You are young at heart!
Because in life matters
You are our conscience, mind and honor!
And if just in terms of toast:
For the fact that you are in the world!

Today each of us
You want to shake hands.
And Happy Anniversary
More kind words to say.
You gave your work in full
Your bygone years
And we wish you for this:
More sun, happiness, light,
Health, joy, kindness -
For you for years to come!

So much has already been done that it's hard to count.
Already calling another generation by patronymic,
And the heart is so young that I want to fly.
Distant expanses beckon, great deeds beckon,
And the stars from the clear sky, as in youth, look.
And the sun in the soul asks for caressing highlights,
And the distance attracts with riddles, like forty years ago.
So let it be easy to dream, let the song spill,
So fun and joyful in a large circle of friends.
And may all your cherished dreams come true
On the day of a joyful holiday, on a wonderful Jubilee!

May this anniversary
Unforgettable of the days -
Full of smiles and flowers
And grateful warm words!
Let the years go by in joy
To be forever in life
Health, happiness and success,
Good luck in your endeavors everyone!

May this wonderful date
Will give joy and smiles light.
We wish everything that life is rich in -
Good, health, happiness, long years!
And let there be a lot of happiness ahead,
And life will be a joyful road!

Other congratulations in verses on the anniversary