The most unusual holidays: description, history and interesting facts. The most unusual holidays in the world

Probably there are no people in the world who do not like holidays. After all, every holiday is a wonderful occasion to spend time with friends, to bring to life the most interesting and daring traditions that will forever remain in your memory. In this article, we have collected 13 of the most unusual holidays in which you can create the most extravagant things!

1. Coopershield cheese race

Every year on the last Monday in May, thousands of people from all over England and the world gather at Cooper Hill near Brockworth Village to signal go downstairs for a giant head of Gloucester cheese.

This crazy tradition dates back 200 years, when farmers competed in this way for ownership of a piece of common land.

Such a holiday is a traumatic undertaking for both participants and observers. Runners experience fractures and dislocations of all severity every year, and the participants claim that it is impossible to win without bruising. The authorities once tried to ban the celebration, but the townspeople, contrary to the law, went up the hill on the appointed day at 12 o'clock in the morning to start the race again.

By right, the most unusual and crazy festival in the whole world is held for 8 days in the state of Nevada. It all started when a group of friends once burned a statue of a 2.5-meter wooden man on a San Francisco beach.

Today, the festival is held in the Black Rock Desert, where in a few days an entire city is being built with magnificent architecture, unusual sculptures and exhibits corresponding to a theme that changes every year. The main rule: participants should not leave behind absolutely nothing. During music concerts and dances, all buildings are burned to the ground, and on the last day, the traditional figure of a wooden man is burned.

People from all over the world come to the desert: many spend the night there throughout the entire carnival, someone has time to capture only a few days of this extravaganza. Tickets for the festival cost about $ 450, but impressions from it are priceless!

3. Tie Day

October 18 is celebrated one of the most unusual holidays around the world - the Day of the Tie. The most colorful and interesting celebration takes place in Croatia, where soldiers first began to wear scarves around their necks, tying them in an intricate way.

Croatians value their heritage very much. There is no legend behind the Day of the Tie - it was simply officially adopted in 2003, when Academica Cravatica performed an unusual installation on the square in Pula: volunteers literally tied the amphitheater with a tie.

Since then, the celebration has been repeated from year to year. On this day, a whole parade is held in Piazza San Marco with the participation of border troops, hussars and a guard of honor. All together they form a kind of "tie regiment". After the official event, the holiday is declared open and fun programs and performances begin throughout the city.

Today there are many unusual models of ties, among which there is a bulletproof accessory or, for example, one that changes color at the request of the owner. And Tie Day is celebrated in China, the United States and many other countries.

A truly terrible procession takes place in the cities of Europe on the night of December 5-6. Many adherents of the tradition dress in the costume of the evil devil with horns - Krampus, and take to the streets, frightening tourists and entertaining themselves.

Krampus is considered the helper of St. Nicholas (Santa Claus), punishing naughty children. According to legend, the devil always carries with him the main attributes - a bag and a rod.

The December night turns into a real eerie carnival, where both men and women try on the images of devils, dance, sing and play with the crowd, threatening the audience with birch brooms.

Krampus Night has long been global. This holiday is celebrated not only in Austria, where the legend about the devil originated, but also in Germany and Hungary.

The bright holiday celebrated in India in early spring has several legends.

The first says that the celebration is celebrated in honor of the sister of the evil king - Holiki. Obsessed with power, the tyrant ordered the execution of his own son and his aunt, who opposed the deification of the ruler. The young man received a gift from above - a colored scarf that protected any person from fire. During the execution, the young man threw a handkerchief over Holika, but the wind blew and the stole covered the young man. So his beloved aunt died, but justice prevailed: the king was killed by a lightning strike, and in honor of the surviving prince, a holiday was held annually - as colorful as the legendary stole.

According to another version, the holiday is celebrated in honor of the destruction of the evil demoness Holiki, who was burned at the stake by the will of the god Vishnu. That is why in India there is a tradition to burn a stuffed witch on the first day of the festivities.

In addition to the tradition of burning a doll, it is customary in India to arrange colorful festivities that include dances, songs, and a festival of colors.

A few weeks before the celebration, careful preparation begins: small concerts, massive games are organized, fundraising for the upcoming holiday. One of the main attributes of Holi is the bright orange flags that locals use to decorate their homes. After all, the holiday marks the arrival of spring and the farewell to winter, of which fire becomes an integral part.

In addition to India, Holi is also celebrated in other countries professing Hinduism. And the festival of colors borrowed from here has long become popular in all corners of the world, and has reached Russia and the CIS countries!

6. La Tomatina

In Spain, in the city of Buñol, on August 30, a real tomato war begins! Streets turn into red rivers, and people go from head to toe smeared with tomatoes.

The story of the emergence of Tomatina tells how, during the traditional parade with the mummers of giants in 1945, a scuffle ensued between its participants and young people who accidentally or deliberately pushed one of the giant figures. In the heat of a fight, a tomato counter was knocked over and everything around turned into a real tomato carnage.

Now La Tomatina is an international celebration. Every year, on the same day, at 11 a.m. local time, a firecracker is launched from the city hall, and the battle begins. All nearby shops and cafes are closed for two hours, and special panels are attached to houses. The city authorities sponsor the festival, but in turn require compliance with safety measures - tomatoes before throwing should be crumpled so as not to harm anyone.

The idea of ​​a tomato fight was borrowed by China and Colombia, and a similar holiday has long been held in Italy - the Battle of the Oranges.

7. International Pancake Day

If in Russia the phrase "Day of Pancakes" is invariably associated with Maslenitsa, in the USA and England things are a little different. In fact, there is no similarity in the traditions of the two holidays, except for the link to Great Lent.

International Pancake Day is marked by a kind of "pancake race". Hostesses from all over the city in which the competition is held apply for participation in advance. They go through a tough selection, and only the most fortunate will be able to challenge others in a race that includes not only running, but also tossing pancakes in a pan on the go.

An unusual tradition was set by a woman who, back in the 15th century, could not resist the temptation and baked several pancakes during Lent. When the bell of the local church rang out, the woman was seriously scared and eventually came to the temple with a frying pan with a pancake in her hands.

Now the "pancake race" can be seen in the city of Alby and in Westminster, England, as well as in Kansas, USA. Unfortunately, visitors and tourists can only be spectators of the marathon.

8. World Championship for Carrying Wives

The competition, held in Finland, has long been an annual sporting event in all parts of the world. The legend of the appearance of the championship tells about a gang of robbers who were causing confusion in a certain settlement. Once they were able to track them down right at the scene of the crime. Thieves in a hurry grabbed everything that was on the spot, including women. Of course, the extra burden was pretty heavy, so the gang didn't manage to leave.

Since then, the competition has been held annually between couples from all over the world, in which the one wins, in which the man will run the fastest distance with various obstacles, holding a woman on his shoulders. It is noteworthy that such competitions are held even in Russian cities.

By the way, there are special weight restrictions for the participants so that the conditions are as equal as possible.

The festival dates back to 1996 in the USA. It was originally conceived as a kind of parody of the Olympic Games with its fictitious "sports". The first games to be held were entrusted to the redneck. This was widely discussed in the media - everyone joked about how ridiculous the event would be. Indeed, the competition turned out to be one better than the other: throwing cigarette bulls, diving in a heap of garbage, and the cherry on the cake was bathing in liquid clay, which was the favorite of the local residents. Participants jump into a specially prepared hole and try to hit as many people as possible with a spray. The one who performed the task better than anyone else and did it gracefully, too, becomes the winner.

10. International Cake Day

Despite the initial impression, this holiday is associated not only with eating an appetizing dessert. International Cake Day is celebrated on July 20 and brings love and friendship with it. The main tradition of the holiday is to spread goodness all over the world, to give positive impressions and emotions to each other.

On this day, various master classes, volunteer programs, exhibitions with the most unusual cakes are held. Among them can be both skillful pastries and cakes made of papier-mâché, plaster, paper and any other materials. It is only important to follow the theme that is annually announced by the organizer of the Day of the Cake - Kingdom of Love.

If you don't want to go out, then you can just bake a small cake and visit your friends with it. Just do not forget to say the motto of the holiday before entering: “I cake you”!

11. Birthday of Santa Claus

The most magical and kind holiday from the entire list. No loud celebrations and crazy traditions are expected here, but on this very day, November 18, Veliky Ustyug envelops the enchanting atmosphere. By the way, the date of the holiday was chosen by children in 2005.

A congratulatory mail is opened through which children and adults can send postcards to the birthday person. Colleagues of Father Frost from different countries come to Veliky Ustyug, and mass festivities take place on the central square on this day. It is there that the hero of the occasion, with a wave of his staff, lights up the lights on the first Christmas tree of the city and sets off on a journey through the cities of Russia.

The holiday in the province of Lopburi in Thailand is held on the last Sunday of November. Monkeys settled in the ruins of the Prang Sam Yot temple, located near the town, hundreds of years ago. Since then, they have caused a real headache for the locals. However, the authorities were able to attract the attention of tourists to the Lopburi festival, and now all costs due to monkeys are covered in one day.

According to legend, the province was granted to the monkey god for the fact that he was able to find the missing wife of Rama, thereby showing courage and devotion. Since then, animals have settled in the city and still behave like owners there.

The celebration begins with a traditional parade featuring a show featuring dancers dressed as monkeys. Then the long-awaited one is announced feast: on this day, tables are laid for animals with a huge amount of fruits, vegetables, eggs, nuts and sweets, from which even the audience's eyes run up.

Tourists can freely approach the monkeys, stroke and take pictures of them, but we must not forget about the banal safety rules. Wild animals can do anything, so it is better not to disturb them while eating, and during contact it is recommended not to make sudden movements.

The holiday, named after the famous character in films and cartoons, is celebrated on May 18 around the world. It was proclaimed the Kingdom of Love only in 2015 and is rightfully the youngest on the entire list.

On this day, people dress up in everything pink, artists, cooks, dancers and singers gather in one place and present their work to people, the main idea of ​​which is to think outside the box and take care of everything around us. Many countries host charity events, parades of people dressed as a pink panther, master classes and even fashion shows.

The celebration can drag on for several days, or even weeks, and for all this time, each participant must "put on rose-colored glasses." It is not necessary to do this in the literal sense, the most important thing is to be able to see the world in the best possible light.

The number and traditions of holidays in many countries is amazing. It seems that anyone who wants to do something crazy or see something unusual can easily find a suitable event to make their dreams come true. We wish you to have a holiday every day in your life!

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Most of us love the holidays and are happy to wish our friends, family and colleagues a Happy New Year, Happy Birthday, March 8 and Valentine's Day. But there are holidays in the world about which practically nothing is known in Russia. Meanwhile, they also differ in a special atmosphere, ancient customs and sometimes take on a huge scale. Today we bring to your attention Top 10 most unusual holidays in the world.

10. Festival of chickens in the US state of Nebraska.

The festival takes place every summer in the city of Wayne and is entirely dedicated to honoring the feathered inhabitants of the chicken coop. The men dress up as chickens and perform in a colorful show. An elegant roost is being erected on the square. The only event that grieves the heroes of the occasion is the competition for eating chicken wings.

9. Monkey banquet in Lopburi province, Thailand.

Every year, local residents prepare a treat of vegetables and fruits, which more than 600 primates come running in from the nearby forests. The holiday is dedicated to the god Rama, whom the army of monkeys helped to win a number of brilliant victories.

8. Tomatina in the Spanish village of Buñol.

The Tomato Massacre is one of the most fun and popular holidays in Spain. About 35 thousand people come to Buñol every year to fight using at least 100 tons of ripe tomatoes. To avoid injury, knead the tomato with your hands before throwing it. At the end of the fun, the area is washed with water from hoses.

7. Holi is a holiday of colors in New Delhi.

This ancient Indian holiday is dedicated to the onset of spring, the expulsion of evil and the rebirth to life. The festivities begin on the new moon and last for 2 days. The apotheosis of fun is folk festivities, during which everyone pours tinted water on each other and showered with bright colored powders.

6. Herring Day in Kaliningrad.

The holiday is celebrated annually, although it is almost unknown in the rest of the country. On the second Saturday of April, a festive procession takes place through the streets of the city, local chefs prepare numerous treats, of course, using herring, and in the evening residents and guests of the city attend a gala concert.

5. Japanese Festival of the Nudes.

The tradition of celebrating this holiday dates back to 767. About three thousand men, dressed only in loincloths, undergo a cleansing ceremony in the temple, and then walk through the city, where anyone can touch them. It is believed that touching a naked person wards off troubles and misfortunes.

4. Neapolitan Pizzafest - a celebration of pizza.

Celebrations for traditional Italian food have been held since 1995. Pizza makers (pizza makers) from all over the world come to Naples to demonstrate their skills.

3. Mexican Drunkards Day.

The holiday is celebrated on May 20, but the official authorities have nothing to do with the events, which, however, is not surprising. The tradition began in 2005 in the Mexican Internet blogging community.

2. Day of the redheads in the Dutch city of Breda.

The festival brings together over 5000 red-haired participants from 40 countries of the world. Every year, at the end of the festivities, a book is published - a photo album, in which more than a hundred photographs of exclusively red-haired people are published. The organizers of the event are sure that this holiday is the brightest, most positive and sunny of all.

1. Citron - French Orange Day.

The holiday takes place on the Cote d'Azur in the city of Menton. The city is decorated with sculptural compositions made of oranges, lemons, limes and grapefruits. More than 200 thousand people came to Menton this year.

Each country, each nation has its own unusual, colorful and interesting celebrations of this or that event, often rooted in the distant past. The world is full of amazing celebrations, unusual rituals. Some of them are so strange that they seem to be from a different reality. We have chosen in our opinion the most unusual and crazy holidays in the world (or at least some of the most unusual). So...

Coopershield Cheese Race - an interesting and unusual celebration in Gloucester, England, UK

This massive sports event takes place on the last Monday in May near Gloucester, in Gloucestershire, England. The essence of the entertainment is simple: a head of cheese weighing about four kilograms is allowed to roll down a very steep hill, and the participants must run after it. The first one to cross the finish line and grab the cheese is the winner who gets the prize, the very cheese to chase after.

Race Winner

Holi is a bright holiday of colors and spring, India, Nepal

Holi is an old Hindu holiday also known as the Festival of Colors or Spring Festival. Traditionally, it is held after the full moon in early March in several Hindu countries such as India, Nepal. For several years this colorful original festival has been “exported” to other countries. Holi is now an unusual way to welcome spring in many cities.
Preparation for the holiday begins at full moon night. Bonfires are burning on the streets, which cleanse the air of evil spirits and bad vibrations. This symbolizes the destruction of Holiki, the evil deity after whom the festival is named. And in the morning the streets are filled with people and the fun begins. Everyone throws colored powders, doused themselves with water, sing and dance. Prohibitions are lifted and, most importantly, caste differences are erased.

La Tomatina - a modern unforgettable holiday in the city of Buñol, Spain

La Tomatina is a holiday of unknown origin that is celebrated annually on the last Wednesday of August in the city of Buñol, Spain, and lasts for a week. The main feature of the festival is tomatoes as a "weapon".
The celebration begins in the morning, when someone climbs a pole covered in soap and takes the prize, a dry-cured pork leg hanging from the top. And then the funny madness begins. Approximately 150,000 tomatoes are distributed among 20,000 participants, who throw them at friends, enemies and just strangers who also participate in the battle. After a terrible battle, which lasts exactly one hour, happy "bloody" people disperse along the red streets.

Oktoberfest is a fun beer festival in Munich, Germany

Who has not heard of the famous Oktoberfest? Thousands of liters of German beer, the best Bavarian cuisine, traditional costumes, folk music, many attractions, beautiful women and drunken men. Not a holiday, but a dream for beer lovers.

Oktoberfest takes place every year between mid-September and early October and is celebrated for about 16 days in Theresa's meadow in central Munich. For the first time, the festival was held in honor of the wedding of Crown Prince Ludwig (in the future King Ludwig I) and Princess Teresa of Saxony-Hildburghaus on October 12, 1810. Since then, over 6 million visitors from all over the world have taken part in this traditional German festival every year.
The festival begins with the opening of the first barrel of Oktoberfest beer by the Mayor, Mayor of the city, shouting "O'zapft is!" Which translates as "Open!" And immediately, from that moment on, hundreds of waitresses dressed in traditional costumes are serving beer mugs among the visitors. The challenge is to eat and drink until you drop while saving face.

Burning Man is an unusual holiday in Nevada, USA
Burning Man, which literally translates to "burning man", is difficult to describe in words. This annual event takes place in Black Rock City, Nevada, USA. In reality, such a city does not exist, but it is specially rebuilt every year for this summer holiday. When Burning Man ends, the city disappears completely.
Bird's eye view of the city.

The holiday starts on the last Monday in August and lasts seven days. During the celebration, it is not allowed to buy or sell anything for money, so the participants are fully self-sufficient with water, food, lodging and so on in order to survive during these seven days filled with art, music and fire. Installations, sculptures and works of art of all kinds of art, often of fantastic sizes, stand in the desert for almost a whole week. Participants wear a variety of costumes of animals, objects, characters of art. DJs constantly play music, and artists give unforgettable performances.

This event has a specific purpose: to condemn the modern way of life, which is limited by social norms, rules of behavior, the implementation of which requires society. Therefore, it is not difficult to find people at the holiday who dress as they please, including those who do not wear clothes at all.

The desert even has entertainment for all tastes.
Yoga? Please!


Bowling in the desert? Why not.

San Fermin is the most dangerous and craziest holiday in Pamplona, ​​Spain

The San Fermin Festival is one of the most famous in Europe and in the world, and certainly one of the craziest. It takes place annually from 6 to 14 July in the city of Pamplona and is dedicated to the Holy Martyr Saint Fermin. In the holiday, traditions and customs are closely intertwined with music and alcohol.

The holiday has its roots in the Middle Ages, but the writer Ernest Hemingway popularized San Fermin, immortalizing it in the novel The Sun Also Rises (Fiesta). That is why there are a huge number of travelers from all over the world in Pamplona in July.
"What is the madness?" - you ask. During the festival, there is a Spanish national custom, when from July 7 to July 16, every day at 8 o'clock in the morning, an encierro with wild bulls begins.
The essence of the encierro: 12 angry bulls are released from the corral, from which the participants must run along the narrow streets to the square. The distance of the race is 875 meters. It is strictly forbidden to participate in a state of alcoholic intoxication. And without this, there is a chance to suffer from the horns of the bull or fall to the ground in front of him. By the way, in the second option, the chances of survival are much greater. Moreover, if you clasp your head with your hands, group up and not move. When running bulls see an obstacle in front of them, they try to jump over it. Lying on the ground can only hope that they will succeed, because they weigh about 600 kilograms each!

Monkey Feast, India.

Yes, every year the inhabitants of one of the provinces heap a huge amount of all sorts of goodies on the table. This is done in honor of the god Rama and his monkey army - after all, it was they who helped the god to cope with many enemies. The table, in itself rather big, is covered with fruits, vegetables and other tasty things. Then 600 monkeys are "invited" to this feast. Can you imagine how many animals flock here?

World Cup on Faces.

The festival was invented by the British, and it is held in the city of Egremont. Some data suggest that the competition originated back in 1297, at the crab fair held here. The holiday has survived to this day, becoming international and annual, taking place in September. The legendary champion is a certain Peter Jackson, who for the sake of possessing the title of "the worst face" .... pulled out all his teeth - this gave him the opportunity to build new terrifying grimaces.

Feast of the Nudes.

In Japan, it is customary to celebrate this day since 767. For this, about 3,000 men dressed only in loincloths gather in the Saidaji temple. The purpose of this holiday is to attract good luck to oneself, since the beliefs say that all misfortunes can be given by touching a naked person. That is why naked people, after cleansing in the temple, march through the streets of the city, where anyone can touch them. Usually there are a lot of such people looking for luck. Only now the day is held in February, so it takes a lot of courage to go out naked into the street, it is not surprising that the participants drink a lot of sake.

Olympics among gentlemen.

It is held, naturally, in England.

Every year, representatives of the Chap and Hendrick’s communities hold an annual outdoor competition for gentlemen in one of London's clubs. The purpose of the festival is to preserve the traditions of English gentlemen.

People come to this competition from all over the UK. It is very interesting to look at the participants of the Olympiad. These are those who consider themselves to be true gentlemen. Dodgy, outdated, unsportsmanlike ... It seems that these people have left the pages of Arthur Conan-Doyle or Bernard Shaw. Thousands of spectators come to watch these unusual competitions. And not surprising. Those competitions that are held here could only be thought of by true gentlemen.

Summer Redneck Games Festival.

Held annually in Georgia, USA. The apotheosis of the holidays is the slumping competition in liquid clay. The fans greet each successive loud immersion of the participant in the liquid with loud cheers, without being afraid of the dirty rain

March of the Zombie

A merry "celebration" takes place in downtown Boston, Canada. On the streets of the city, you can see many zombies dressed in a variety of costumes, with terrifying masks.

Aphelio Festival in Scotland

In the city of Lerwick, a 9-meter model of a Viking ship with a traditional dragon on the bow is being built for the celebration. The townspeople dress up as Vikings, make a torchlight procession through the city, blowing the horns, while carrying the ship to the sea. In the squad, there are usually 40 Vikings, but they are accompanied by about 900 participants, respectively, and picturesquely dressed. This is followed by the ceremony of throwing 900 torches into the ship in a designated place, which set fire to a wooden boat, following the ancient rite of burial of fallen soldiers

The Viking Fire Festival was held in Lerwick. About a thousand people in Viking costumes paid tribute to their warlike ancestors. According to tradition, those gathered burned the boat - thus they made a sacrifice to the sun.

For people accustomed to their culture, the holidays of other nations seem amazing, and often strange. To understand the traditions of other people, you just need to try not to limit yourself to just your own culture.

However, in a series of holidays and competitions characteristic of certain peoples, there are truly amazing and unusual ones, which will be described below.

It is worth considering that many competitions are so unusual and fun that they resemble more folk festivities, because victories in them are not so important, it is much more interesting for the participants to have a good rest and just talk.

Holiday "Las Fayas". In the Spanish city of Valencia, this holiday takes place from March 14 to 19, attracting thousands of tourists. During it, "mascletá" starts every day at 14 o'clock, during which pyrotechnics compete on the ground, and fireworks are launched into the sky at night. The culmination of the celebration is the La Cremá ceremony, during which specially prepared huge effigies and figures are burned. This holiday attracts up to 2 million tourists, which is more than 2 times more than the city's population.

World Championship of Mountain Oysters. There's a festival in a town near Texas that doesn't really have anything to do with oysters. The fact is that bull eggs are called "oysters" in cowboy slang. The winner must prepare them in the best possible way, with the judges evaluating the appearance of the dish, its taste, aroma and how it is served. These criteria are indicative for identifying the lucky one.

Running with rolling cheese are held in the English town of Coopers Hill. This scenic site is near Gloucester and hosts rolling cheese races every last Monday in May. The rules of the competition provide for the launch of a round head of a dairy product from the mountain, the participants of the competition begin to run after it. The winner is the one who is the first to catch up with the escaping cheese and grab it. It is common for this festival to have bruises and bruises, so the presence of doctors at the foot of the hill does not surprise anyone.

Summer solstice. Celebrated in Stonehenge, UK. This holiday is familiar to many world cultures, but modern civilization has made it almost forgotten. But in Great Britain, since 2000, the authorities have allowed everyone to spend the night of June 21 among the huge stones of Stonehenge, it is even allowed to touch them, although on other days this is prohibited. The holiday immediately became popular, drums are also connected to the action, which sound until dawn, helping to recreate the atmosphere of ancient-ancient times.

Feast of the bird-people. Celebrated in Great Britain, in the city of Bognor. It is celebrated in July and has a rich history, in addition, many countries have followed an example and now similar competitions exist all over the world. During the competition, participants run over a wide platform set over the sea and jump. The mission of the bird-people is to cover as long a distance as possible using makeshift wings or flight structures.

Demonstration of bare buttocks or Amtrak Mooning. This festival is held in Nigel Lagoon, USA. Every second Saturday in July in this Californian place is devoted to an extraordinary entertainment - showing the bare butt to passengers of passing trains. For several years in a row, there have been riots associated with the drinking of alcoholic beverages and indecent behavior. Now the participants do not urinate in public, but calmly continue to show their buttocks.

World Championship Drag and Drop Lovers. More than 14 such annual competitions have already taken place in the Finnish town of Sonkajärvi. They start on July 4, any man paired with his beloved and wife over 17 years old can take part in them. The roots of the competition go back to the ancient traditions of the Vikings, who, transferring their wives to ships, plunged them onto their shoulders, apparently for convenience. The rules of the current competition determine that if during them a woman steps on the ground, then the couple receives penalty points and her result is not counted.

Holiday "Tomatina". Interestingly, this holiday, held in the city of Buñol, Spain, is not as popular with the locals themselves as with foreigners. They are the main participants in the tomato battle that takes place on the last Wednesday of August near Valencia. More than 100 tons of tomatoes take part in the battles, therefore, deciding to take part in competitions, do not wear expensive clothes, otherwise it will take an extremely long time to wash them. The number of participants reaches 36 thousand, the weapons of the battle are brought up on special trucks. The rules of the battle are extremely simple - throw tomatoes at anyone, just knead them first in order to avoid injury. It is forbidden to use other means and tear clothes on opponents. The end of the battle is marked by a grandiose washing - an area made of special hoses, and the participants - in the river or special showers.

Swamp Diving World Championship. There is no one more skillful at organizing crazy parties than the British. So in Wales, the neighbors decided to keep up. Every last Monday in August in the town of Llanwrtyd Wells, about a dozen brave Welshmen dive into the swamp to cover a serious distance of 55 meters. Only masks and fins are allowed from the equipment. Everybody gets prizes, even the last one to get there.

"Burning Man". No, no, this is not about setting fire to people. In the American Black Rock Desert at the very beginning of September, thousands of people gather to create their own city of sand. In this place in Nevada, no one limits creativity. When the work week ends, all works and works are eliminated, and the place is removed. At the same time, in commemoration of the end of the festival, a scarecrow is burned, which gave the name to the holiday of the "Burning Man".

Unusual holidays are gaining more and more fame - the Day of the Rat, Slowness, Egg Dishes, Turtles, which carry deep meaning. They are designed to draw attention to important little things that become invisible in everyday life.

Each state annually replenishes the planetary register of holidays with new, sometimes extremely curious holidays. Probably, in need of additional reasons for joy, mankind every year invents new eccentric festivities.

Original World Holidays

Unusual holidays can be dedicated to fairy-tale characters, ordinary household things, human feelings. Their list is constantly growing, traditions are becoming more and more interesting.

On February 26, it is customary to celebrate the World Day of Slowness or Slowness. This original holiday takes its origins in Italy, where it began to be celebrated in 2007. Italians are famous for their activeness and hot temperament; they can never sit still. A special day was supposed to remind everyone that they need to take their time to enjoy every minute of life, to spend it for their own pleasure. In the modern world, most of the time people spend in offices, at the computer, forgetting about relatives and friends. The Italian organization "The Art of Living Slowly" tried to remedy this situation at least for a day by establishing such an unusual celebration.

Since 2003, April 4 is the Day of the Rat. The creators of the idea wanted to unite all fans of decorative rats and pay tribute to these dexterous and intelligent animals. The celebration appeared in the USA, and the date was chosen due to the appearance on this day of the oldest Internet resource dedicated to rodents. Pet rat owners consider these creatures loyal and gentle, and the Chinese calendar has honored them by naming a whole year in their honor.

World Turtle Day is celebrated on 23 May every year. This celebration dates back to 2000, when the American Turtle Organization wanted to engage the community in the difficulties of surviving animals that live in the Malibu area. Many turtles die due to human activities, so on a spring day, volunteers make passages for them in different risky areas, for example, under an intense track. Activists are pushing for areas where turtles are debugging their eggs to be protected by law. The celebration is accompanied by costume balls, postcards with pictures of animals. Everyone strives to exclude dishes from turtles from the menu, and little things made from their shells from everyday life.

The second Friday in October of every year is an important event for residents of many countries - on this day, World Egg Day is celebrated. It is dedicated to everyone's favorite dishes from this product: omelets, casseroles, fried eggs. The popularity of eggs cannot be called surprising, since they can be used in different forms, they have taken their place of honor in the cuisines of the peoples of the world. Established a celebration in Vienna at a conference of the International Egg Commission in 1996. The initiative was amicably supported by egg producers from different countries.