Simoron to work - examples of effective rituals. Simoron or how to make your dreams come true

Simoron is a very nice and positive technique that allows everyone to become a real magician. At least for myself.

For such an initiation, only two conditions are required:

  • enter vaping state;
  • create your own ritual to solve the problem. However, tuning in to vaping, you can use the techniques other wizards... It does not matter. The main thing is the result. And you will certainly get it.

With the help of Simoron, it is possible to fulfill any of your true desire... The best part about this is that everything will be done by itself, as if playfully. Finding a new job with the help of this wonderful technique it turns into an exciting game.

You do not have to go to dull interviews for months and, freezing, wait for a call from an employer. Everything will work out harmoniously, in the most magical way. You just need to soar and simulate with inspiration.

How to enter hover states?

You can easily enter a magical mood by introducing yourself small child, who decided to have fun in the absence of his parents. To do this, you can do the following:

  • jump on the bed(box-spring), humming some simple tune.
  • Dance, without thinking about the perfection of movements, to music that you would never listen to in front of your loved ones.
  • Inflate a few balloons and start juggling them.
  • Making faces in front of a mirror, etc.

People call it "fooling around." Advanced wizards who successfully practice Simoron techniques recommend the following ways to enter the hover state:

  • saddle a broom and with a wild whoop to start rushing around the apartment. Running past the door, do not forget to shout: “ I fly into a magical reality! " Instead of a broom, you can take a mop.
  • Climb onto a sofa, chair, stool and jump from there with a yell: “ I jump into the magic! " At the same time, do not forget about the time of day, since the neighbors living below you after the tenth jump can nullify all attempts to slip into a magical reality with their valuable comments.
  • Remember the happiest moment in your life and transfer these experiences to the current moment.

As a result, it is desirable to catch a state of some recklessness, lightness and ease. With this attitude, there is a calm confidence that everything will work out. After entering a similar state, you can carry out any Simoron ritual, including for work.

First of all

After deciding to find a new job and entering the state of soaring, you need to increase your attractiveness to others... According to Simoron, honey can help. Women are advised to take darker varieties. Men are light.

You need to smear yourself with honey diluted with water, saying: "I wash myself with honey, I attract work and kind people." It is recommended to repeat it 27 times. This is Simoron's number. Then wash off honey in the shower.

IMPORTANT! If you are allergic to bee products, honey can be replaced with sugar mixed with shower gel.

Now you can start any Simoron techniques to find a new job.

Rituals for the job you like

Before carrying out the ritual for work, you must definitely decide on your wishes for work. For example:

  • position in which I want to work;
  • the amount of wages;
  • availability of benefits, insurances and bonuses, if they are for you matter.
  • Friendly staff... It is imperative to write down what age category you want to work with.
  • Boss. It's always a pleasure to work under the leadership of an adequate person... At least in relation to you.
  • Near the place of residence or it is desirable to get a job away from it.
  • Start time of the working day, etc.

It is desirable to list everything that comes to mind, even what seems like a trifle. For example: beautiful view from window front desk and clean toilets.

All wishes should be written down on a blank sheet of paper, avoiding denials, heading the list: "My interesting work." Then:

  • put it down under the pillow;
  • escape from;
  • drink tea or coffee;
  • return to the room;
  • start searching list asking loudly: "Where is my interesting job?"
  • After a short period of time (do not delay the search), you need to find a sheet of paper under the pillow and be delighted: “ Found an interesting job!».
  • After that, sit on the pillow and sigh with satisfaction: “ I sit at my favorite job!».

After the ritual, a sheet of paper should be torn into small pieces or burned on a candle and washed off in the toilet with the words: "I start materialization, I flush it down the drain." Work after carrying out such a technique is very quick, easy and satisfies all wishes.

Strengthen this ritual as follows:

  • wake up every morning joyfully proclaiming: "To work! To work! To work!" The universe will certainly respond to this call and attract you to an exciting work with a worthy reward.
  • In addition, experienced Simoron people recommend writing your name and surname, the position you want to receive, and even the amount of salary on the badge. For example: Irina Morozova, an awesome accountant with a salary of 100,000 rubles. Or: Oleg Ivanov, the coolest financial analyst with a salary of 2,500,000 rubles. The badge should be pinned under the clothing and wear constantly.
  • Write “Interesting work” on a piece of paper, put it on a chair and sit on it.

It helps a lot when looking for a job talking with pets, if they are in the house. Having expressed your wishes and requests to your pets, you will be surprised how quickly they can be realized in practice.

For husband

Every woman wants her spouse fully implemented their talents and abilities. At the same time, an important role is played not only by the amount of income and career growth, but also recognition of it merit team and bosses. With the help of light and effective Simoron techniques, it is possible to significantly increase the chances of finding a successful job for a beloved husband, as well as push him to move up the career ladder.

Method number 1

  • Making a photocopy work book.
  • We enter into it the desired position and place of work.
  • You can also depict a seal by saying, “ May it be so!»
  • On a separate sheet of paper we compose labor contract, in which we indicate not only the position, but also the amount of wages, benefits, bonuses, etc. You do not have to bother about the correctness of the wording.

IMPORTANT! We write all thought-forms in the present tense and without a particle of non-.

  • We fold a sheet of paper and sew it into the pocket of the clothes that the spouse wears all the time. For example, coats or jackets. We say at the same time: "Work in your pocket

REFERENCE! It is desirable to do multiple copies an employment contract in case of a change of clothes.

  • Put the work book in the desk drawer with the words; “My husband (Name, Surname) has been hired! May it be so!"

Method number 2

Honey in Simoron symbolizes attraction... Walnuts - cash flow... Dried apricots - a superior person, bosses. Therefore, when performing the following rite, you need:

  • take a few shelled walnuts without grinding;
  • Soak dried apricots for two hours, after softening, grind with a blender;
  • mix nuts with dried apricots in the proportion you need;
  • add any light honey to the mixture.
  • Put the mass into a jam socket with the words: “Work for my husband, come on honey! Attach a worthy leadership to her! It is ordered! "

After these words, the sweet mixture must be put on the windowsill and kept there. before the request is implemented... It can then be eaten or used for baking. It is worth noting that you don't have to wait long.

Method number 3

You can also use a spouse to find a job toffee candy putting it on a saucer, sprinkling it with honey and placing it on the windowsill. After that, you should go to the candy several times a day and praise it. For example: “You are my good! You are so wonderful! You give my husband a great job with a good salary. You're just great!»

After the spouse gets a job, it is recommended to eat toffee.

With potato

To perform this ritual, you need to take:

  • potato;
  • ordinary table salt;
  • a tablespoon.

Wash the potatoes, put them in a saucepan, fill them with water and put them on the stove. After boiling water to the left Palm pour out a little salt and say: “I breathe magic into salt, work involving... May it be so!" Then:

  • three times blowing carefully for salt. It is very important that she does not wake up by.

ATTENTION! If, nevertheless, the salt woke up past the palm, then it is worth saying: "Salt is salt, pain is painful, but for me it is not at all." and continue the ritual.

  • Pour the salt into a pot with potatoes left hand.
  • We cook the potato until cooked, from time to time knocking on it with a spoon and saying at the same time: “Potato in uniform, universal general. Give me a job for the good of me and you. "

When the potatoes are cooked, they should be eaten without any additives. You can only drink it with water. It is recommended to throw the skins down the toilet and rinse them off.

For raspberry jam

This is a very nice technique, for which you just need to take a jar of raspberry jam and stick a label on it with the words: “ Work - raspberries. " An hour after sticking the label, the jam can be eaten. It is recommended to eat one spoonful every morning.

In this way you can find a job people with creative inclinations and those who abhor a strict daily routine. As a rule, work is done before the jam in the jar is over.

IMPORTANT! It is not at all necessary to cook the jam yourself, but it must be natural. Jam with a flavor identical to the smell of natural raspberries will not work.


This rite is a lot of fun. for a couple with a friend.On regular stickers, you need to write "work", adding the desired characteristics. For example: "work is raspberry", "high-paying job", "interesting job", etc.

Then, during the day, you need to discreetly glue these pieces of paper on top of each other. When you find them on yourself, you need to take them off with the words: "And why are so many good jobs sticking to me?"

After performing the rituals

After completing the rituals, it is necessary to continue keep within the magical state of soaring. Wherein is strictly prohibited:

  • think about the ways of implementation;
  • doubt;
  • become discouraged;
  • do nothing.


  • create your own Simoron rituals;
  • act in the right direction... For example, go to at least one interview and tell all your friends and family that you are looking for a job.
  • Fooling around regularly, supporting yourself in a magical state.

In any case, stress always creates not only bad mood and well-being, but also blocks on the way to the fulfillment of desire. Therefore, the magic of the Simoron techniques works flawlessly only when entering the magical state of soaring.

Funny Simoron rituals for work will come to the rescue in moments of complete despair, when fruitless attempts to find a profitable and convenient workplace have not been crowned with success.

Do not give up - the Universe helps only those who know how to ask and do not despair. Even the most hopeless situation is a reason to stop fighting for a place in the sun.

Internal suffering, worries, confidence in their uselessness trigger a very harmful mechanism that does not allow you to move on, develop and achieve what you want.

Related articles:

The dream of a new position, a new office and new friends and colleagues will come true. You need to feel and emotionally prepare for the magic that will very soon peep into your life.

No wonder wizards and sorcerers say that, believing in a dream, you are already half way. And you must open the door of Simoron magic - do not miss such an important meeting.

Simoron Ritual "Raspberry"

Each housewife has winter preparations. And raspberry jam has a special place in them. It turns out that this folk remedy helps not only for colds and boredom of winter evenings. With a jar of such jam, you can attract a lucrative job.

Glue a small piece of paper onto a glass jar, on which write in beautiful handwriting:

"Work - raspberries!"

When you complete this action, say the phrase loudly and clearly twenty-seven times to fulfill the dream-fulfillment mindset. The universe must believe that you really want to find a good job.

Leave the jar on the table for a few minutes without covering it. This procedure is needed for better penetration of energy information.


Greetings, dear reader! In previous articles, I wrote about the rituals of simoron. If you managed to try any of them, I will be grateful if you share the results in the comments. And today we have Simoron rituals for work.

How to find your dream job without leaving your couch? The magical rituals of simoron will help with this.

Ritual "Work in my pocket"

Take a piece of paper and write neatly, "The best work I've ever done." Below you can write what kind of work it is - a profession or a position that you want to get. Decorate this entry beautifully, paint with bright felt-tip pens. Now put it in your pocket and carry it with you everywhere.

Ritual "Letter of the Universe"

Write a letter to the Universe and ask her for help. Take a piece of paper, write at the top: "My dream job." Then describe in detail what kind of work you need, where you want to work, with whom, what you will do, how much money you will receive for it. Write in as much detail as possible and always in the present tense, as if all this has already come true.

Now put the letter in an envelope, seal it, address to the Universe and take it to any mailbox.

Ritual with a work book

Copy a blank page from your work record book. Fill in the position you want to get and the date of the hiring - as if you already got the desired job.

Keep the leaflet at home in the Northwest, this Feng Shui sector symbolizes receiving help.

Ritual "Labor contract"

Write your employment contract, you can take a sample contract from the Internet as a sample. Write your name, surname, your position, responsibilities at work and the size of your salary in it.

Sign the contract on both sides. You can even put a "seal" - smear the bottom of the glass with blue paint and press it to the contract. Keep your contract until you get the job you want.

Ritual "Getting a job"

For this ritual, you will need a beautiful box and your photograph. The photo should only show you, no one else, it's good if the face is clearly visible.

Take the box. Decorate, you can tie it with a red ribbon. Outside, write - my favorite job. Place your photo inside as if you were taking a job.

Ritual "Work glue!"

Take a piece of paper, write on it what kind of work you need, for example, "I work as a chief accountant." Then glue this piece of paper with a tape on the inside of the jacket, which you often wear. The job will soon be yours!

Ritual "Not work, but raspberries!"

Many confirm that it was this ritual that helped them find the coveted job with little or no effort.

Take a jar of raspberry jam. Open it and say aloud 27 times "Not work, but raspberries." Take a small piece of paper, write the same phrase on it, let it be a label. Hook it to the bank, close it with a red ribbon, place it where you will often see it ...

Eat only one tablespoon of this jam every day, imagining yourself at the desired job and rejoicing in the fulfillment of your plans.

Pillow ritual

Take a small pillow and attach a piece of paper that says "My Favorite Job" to it.

Now ask someone close to hide the pillow, just not too far away so that you don't have to look for it for a very long time.

Once you've found the pillow, place it on a chair or sofa and make yourself comfortable on top. Imagine taking the job of your dreams.

Take advantage of any of these rituals and be sure that the desired job will find you! And so it will happen!


Simoron: wish fulfillment effortlessly

Friends, I would not be surprised if you have already heard about red shorts on a chandelier to attract money, about recharging your wallet and calling Vovan, who will fulfill your every wish.

After all, all this and more - differently.

If you are one of those who hear this "absurd" for the first time, below I will tell you about these techniques, and more. Stay with me, and you will read a lot of interesting and unthinkable in this article.

Important! If you are skeptical and do not believe in the possibility of getting what you want easily and pleasantly, this is normal. I also doubted until I got an unambiguous

Simoron: fulfillment of wishes with humor

What is it - simoron?

Simoron- this is, first of all, the fulfillment of desires. And this happens with the help of fun and positive thoughts that create your reality.

Simone- means finding a way out of problems playfully, using funny and ridiculous rituals. It means turning everything upside down, going beyond the usual and seeing everything in a new light.

With the help of Simoron techniques, you will achieve the fulfillment of any of your desires.

Our life is a game. And simoron is also a game. This is a funny psychological play technique for joyful people.

Remember the famous phraseBaron Munchausen:

All the greatest nonsense in the world is done with a serious expression. So smile, gentlemen, smile!

I believe this is the same quote that describes the Simoron techniques well.

Make wishes come true

Think about why it is easier for a child to get what they want than an adult?

You answer: "The desires of adults are more difficult to fulfill than children." I disagree. The difference is that when any "want" occurs, an adult immediately begins to think over a mechanism for getting what he wants.

And here his subconscious begins to look for and invent obstacles and obstacles, which, as it seems to him, will have to be overcome before his wish comes true. And only by this does he attract, first of all, not what he wants, but what will interfere with the realization of his desire ...

Those who try to analyze simoron do not do this magic well. So tell yourself, "I'm playing!" and let any inventions happen.

Do you want your desires to be fulfilled effortlessly? And at the same time be in a continuous stream of fun and sparkling humor, not thinking about the obstacles that may arise on the way to getting what you want?

Then welcome tosimoron: wish fulfillmentplayfully!

An attitude to life with a smile will allow you to live happily, almost like heroes, loved ones from childhood, fairy tales, and even better.

The fulfillment of desires using the Simoron technique is possible in any area. , meet love, get money, attract good luck, increase self-esteem, whatever! All in your hands.

Why does simoron work?

Being in a game situation that is not subject to the laws of logic, we abandon the "internal controller" and release what is hidden in the subconscious. And this usually works for the benefit.

Performing Simoron techniques for fulfilling desires, we take responsibility for ourselves, make certain decisions and allow ourselves to receive gifts from the universe.

Getting used to living with the flow of what is happening, we often do not even try to resist it. Each simoron technique is going beyond the usual, which means the manifestation of progress in its development. A person who has stepped out of their comfort zone at least once never returns to their previous position. This is the essence of physical and spiritual growth.

If you believe the fact that everything around us is energy, then

any ritual of Simoron for the fulfillment of desires is a connection to a huge flow of creative, positive, creative energy of the Universe.

The creators of the Simoron teachings offer to look at the world like a child with wide-open eyes.

Who invented to simulate?

By itself, the word "simoron" does not mean anything at all - it isa toy word, an invention that successfully reflects the essence of the practice: a cheerful and childishly open outlook on life.

This technique was born in 1988. It was invented by the director Pyotr Burlan and the actress Petra Burlan, who live in Kiev.

To this day, this couple performs at live trainings, inspiring people to be frivolous and easy to fulfill their desires. They created their own school of play psychotraining, or, as they say, the “school of wizards” Simoron.

And, of course, they released the book “Simoron at First Hand, or How to Achieve What is Impossible” which is freely available on the Internet.

At first, simoron was used as a psychological technique, but, as befits real magic, it quickly went beyond this framework and became something of a practical technique for fulfilling desires.

Some researchers call simoron a modern kind of shamanism.

Others argue that this is the legacy of European ritual magic. Still others compare the Simoron exercises to the "controlled folly" practiced by sorcerers from the Latin American tradition of Carlos Castaneda.

You can read how I used the teachings of Carlos Castaneda in my article

If you ask the Simoronists themselves what they are capable of, you will hear many incredible stories.

According to them, they know how to change the weather, call the necessary transport, establish a personal life, solve any material problems and treat diseases. Dozens of books have already been written about Simoron, and it has branched out into several schools. It is practiced practically all over Europe.

For all its magic and "frivolity," the Simoron practices are indeed capable of changing those who are ready to change.

How to simulate?

There are no ready-made recipes in Simorona, there are only wishes and examples. Exercises can be thought up.

It will be great if you are smart and add or change the content of the technique for yourself. Being creative is another step towards your desire. After all, using the techniquesimoron, wish fulfillmenthappens as easy and carefree as the life of a happy child.

And now, as I promised, Simoron techniques for fulfilling desires.

How to attract money with the help of Simoron?

Simoron jam ritual

For this ancient and reliable ritual to attract money into your life, you need:

Any laminated document with your photo.

It can be a driver's license, an all-Russian or foreign passport (pages with photos are laminated there).

Something sweet and sticky - honey, jam, yogurt, condensed milk, melted chocolate. The options can be very different.

For the best financial success you need:

  1. Take your laminated document in your left hand.
  2. Take a spoon with something sticky and sweet in your right hand.
  3. Spread something sweet and sticky over your photo on your document.
  4. The most important thing! Thoughtfully lick your tongue with a photo that's sweet and sticky. "We pour cash straight from the person"

Everything! Cash guaranteed!

Simoron ritual "We charge money with batteries"

Take a few banknotes (preferably a large denomination), since after the ritual they will attract even more of their kind to you.

In addition, finger-type batteries will be needed. Wrap each battery in a paper bill, hide in a secret place for a couple of days.

After that, get the money - and you can spend it. A powerful charge will attract a lot of such pieces of paper to you !!!

Also use batteries for their intended purpose.

Another very well-known method is to charge your wallet.

Just as you charge your smartphone (phone) from the mains. In the evening, connect the charger to the mains and insert the other end into your wallet. Leave the wallet like this overnight.

Red panties on a chandelier to attract money

You just buy beautiful red underwear, or take the one you already have.
Throw it on your chandelier and that's it!

The important point is that you just need to throw the panties over the chandelier. You may not be able to do this the first time, but by your efforts you will show your intention to receive money.

And have fun at the same time.

And red linen will start attracting money into your home.

How to attract a man with simoron?

Simoron for love using a computer

For this ritual, you will need a photo of some handsome man, on a white horse. With the help of the computer software, we narrow it (make it narrow). Then the options are possible:

  1. Print it out and ask someone to hide it. After that - look for and be sure to find this narrowed one.
  2. Place a photo of your betrothed on the Internet, for example, on a free page in Yandex, and then search. Using search engines Yandex, Google, etc.
  3. Print a lot of such photos, hide them everywhere, so that your narrowed one will come across you everywhere, wherever you stick!

You can still think of it, but the essence is the same: hide your betrothed so that you can always find him! So that you even develop such a habit - to find a narrowed one.

Simoron for weight loss and beauty

We are on a diet. We take a sheet of paper and write on it in large size - Diet. Every time we eat we sit on this sheet. Helps control food intake. Don't like just Diet, write Effective Diet.

At night, a bottle of water on a piece of paper with the inscription - water for building. We drink during the day.

Go to bed and ask the gnomes to vacuum your ass (well, if you want to remove excess cellulite or weight there). And then the work begins. Gnomes take a ladder, vacuum cleaners, various gadgets and start vacuuming, leveling, pulling, etc. So it is possible with any part of the body and any task. They are very responsible in this sense and hardworking. You fall asleep, visualizing this picture, the gnomes then quietly leave themselves. And the most interesting thing, every time they will come running with joy and with new persistence will take on a new task to improve your body.

When you go somewhere, say: “With every step I’m getting slimmer, healthier, and getting richer”.

When you drink water or tea, start talking liquid in a cup: Vodica vodica help liberate from fat. So many kilograms down with this water. Don't think too much at once. It is better to divide your excess weight into portions and gradually lose weight. First, they dropped 5 kg, then 5 more.

The main thing is to believe!

Simoron beauty affirmation

I'm such a Honey! I'm such a Tsatsa!

You can't stop looking at me as a beauty!

I'm so smart! I'm so Kralia!

You have never seen such a beauty!

I love myself and cherish!

Oh, what a hanger! Oh, what a neck!

Wasp waist, velvet leather.

More beautiful every day, every day younger!

Teeth like pearls - stronger every day!

Legs are a feast for the eyes, slimmer every day!

Hair is gorgeous - you never dreamed of!

They cooked for three - I got one!

I don't listen to anyone, Kohl they are ashamed and hayut!


Simple Simoron Health Rituals

1. Make an airplane out of a piece of paper, then write our illness on it and send it out the window.

"My disease is goodbye forever, because I am a healthy person."

  1. We get under the shower, imagining that we wash off our ailment and say:

"The water washes my illness, it cleanses my negativity."

  1. We brew tea, take a lump of sugar and call it our ailment. And then we put sugar in a mug and say: "As tea dissolves sugar, so my illness disappears." Then we drink to the bottom. Something similar happened here:
  2. Turn on the vacuum cleaner at its lowest setting. Move the tube to the area you want to heal and visualize the vacuum cleaner sucking up the disease.

How to solve problems?

Has the white stripe changed to black?

Take finally a flashlight and light your way! Yes, the most common lantern. The brighter the better. Light up everything around, walk along the "moon" path.

Things are not going well?

You will need two folders with a serious inscription "Case". If they are embarrassed by their excessive pomp and severity, draw flowers on them. And what? Let our affairs suddenly smell, become tender and airy!

Take glue, apply it to the back of each folder and glue it so that it becomes completely inseparable. During this important procedure, imagine that your affairs are getting better, problems are being settled, and in general that everything is now going as it should.

Relationships don't go well?

Draw two funny people. One of them is you, the other is the person with whom you are in a quarrel or with whom you cannot find a common language. Glue the little people to each other with the "front side", thinking that now everything is all right between you. And so it will be.

Health, love, money or work are not glued together?

Yes, here it is already globally, because you will have to glue ... yourself. In order to limit myself from pain and other unpleasant surprises, I suggest taking ordinary honey. Its viscous and sticky structure is just perfect for solving the tasks at hand.

You can "glue" everything, you can stop at certain parts of the body, for example, palms. But the meaning is the same: we take honey and pat it with our hands, as if gluing an invisible "substance" with the help of honey. To heighten the effect, say: "I glue-glue, I glue love (health, money) to myself"

Do you have any problems? Flush them down the toilet!

Everything is very simple: in general, when you go on business to a secluded room (toilet), take a pen or some other writing object with you, and write your problem on toilet paper ... you can even write your mental anguish about this problem ... and you don't have to write - it's up to you ... and then, having done the job, flip this piece of paper down the toilet. That's all!

How to attract good luck and success?

Each of us has heard at least once in our life the phrase “in full swing”.

So let us attract good luck and activate each of our "keys".

Take the key in your hands - an ordinary door key. A little clarification - the key should be yours. I don't think there is at least one person who will have problems with this.

And with the key in hand, think about the situation or event in which you want to be successful. And ... be in full swing. Don't be surprised, just hit the key on anything - wall, floor, table, door. And say: "My life is in full swing" or "My affairs are in full swing" or as your heart desires, just be sure to use the phrase "in full swing". You can beat as much as you want. And to increase the power of the ritual, you can open the tap with water, thereby creating the effect that your life is already boiling and boiling.

The ritual can be repeated as many times as you like. Just remember the important rule - success comes at the right time, in the right place and at the right time.

To attract the perfect job

Simoron's Ritual: Toffee

Take a toffee and dip it in something sweet, like honey. Then put it on a beautiful saucer and place it in a place of honor. Talk to her, compliment her, ask her to attract good work for you.

Employment contract for a new position

It is necessary to write an employment contract for a new position in accordance with all the registration rules, sign from both parties, put it in your pocket - that's it, the position is in your pocket!

Honey shower

Before you shower, take some honey and brush a little over your body. Say, "I am so sweet, so attractive, for a good job I am very attractive!" Repeat this ritual every day and you will soon receive a very good deal!

And, finally, I share with you the Simoron oddities that change your vibrations!

- I wasted it, but the money just got bigger ...

- I will make my dreams come true - for change!

- The apartment has eight rooms, where are the slippers?

- I'll drive my hips a little - they bring me money in buckets

- What a strange feeling - here I am a millionaire ...

- I will breathe in .. As I exhale I lose weight ...

- Relax! Everything will happen by itself

- That's how I live: everything for nothing, plus a salary

- I decorate my work. They pay a large salary for this.

- My wallet just swells with money ...

- Again the banker calls, wants to marry ...

- Well, the salary is being raised again!

- The diamond ring was presented again ...

- And here's mine - in a white Mercedes ...

- Beloved is waiting with flowers near the registry office ...

- How good it is for me to live in a large apartment!

- There is so much room in the minibus in the morning ...

- I stroked the cat's paws - so tomorrow there will be "grandmas"!

- I stuck cotton wool in my ears - the salary was increased

- I read "Moidodyr" - there will be a new apartment!

- One chamomile, two chamomile - money is jumping into the pockets!

And this is only a small part of all the techniques of Simoron ...
Well, how do you like these very unusual methods?
In my opinion, it is simple, playful and positive.

This is another portion of frivolity, which is so lacking in our time to all of us.

remember, that simoron is the fulfillment of desiresPlayfully, we connect our inner child and perform the techniques with naive childishness.

Choose any technique that you like or that you need for a problem area of ​​life and get started!

Do you want to know how I fulfilled my desire to attract an apartment and a perfect job? Sign up for my nearest online master class, let's talk about simoron and about the fulfillment of desires.