Remove eyelashes at home with castor oil. Creams and oils. Products used to remove artificial eyelashes

Sometimes doing some kind of cosmetic procedures, after their completion, we understand that this is not at all what we would like. Since it is quite simple to remove eyelash extensions at home, there is absolutely no need to waste your time in a beauty salon.

Safety engineering

Despite the outward simplicity of the procedure, it is not always as easy to remove extended eyelashes as you would like. To a large extent, the result and the time spent on obtaining it depend on the professionalism of the master who made the “beauty” and the quality of the cosmetics used by him, in particular, the glue. To begin with, we will consider what can not be done:

  1. Pull out the hair extensions in bunches. Due to the fact that the glue is applied to the growth line, with this removal you pull out not only the artificial villi, but your natural eyelashes. After the end of the procedure, the eyes will noticeably go out due to a lack of hairs, which will recover at best for a month;
  2. Attempt to wash them with soap or any other detergent. This is fraught with depletion of the delicate skin around the eyes and inflammation of the conjunctiva.

In addition, you should not carry out any manipulations if the eyes are inflamed or you are ill - this can aggravate the condition of the body. It is also not recommended to remove extended eyelashes for several days and during menstruation, at this time pain stronger, it will be very unpleasant.

Video: removal of eyelash extensions

Removal methods without harm

The easiest way is to buy special solution for removal. The remover is simple and pleasant to use, in addition, it is able to dissolve not only professional glue, but also a denser substance - resin. Most often they use Debonder, this solution can very gently remove artificial hair extensions.

It is necessary to apply the product on the sponge and distribute it evenly along the lash line, it is very important to lie with your eyes closed during the session. After a certain time, you need to remove the mixture along with the hairs. Repeat the procedure again if necessary.

But this option is not cheap, the average price of such a remover is $ 10, and sometimes you want to remove your eyelashes, but there is no money at all. Then the simple ones will come to the rescue improvised means... It:

  1. Oil (castor, olive and even sunflower);
  2. Fatty cream;
  3. Medicines (Albucid and others).

If you are interested in how you can remove extended silk eyelashes without harm, then try castor oil. Work castor oil not only convenient, but also beneficial, this solution helps to minimize the negative effects on natural eyelashes. It is necessary to apply liquid to the tampon and spread it over the hairline. Leave it on for at least a few hours, ideally overnight. In the morning, in most cases, you can easily remove excess eyelashes.

Moreover, if the hairs are glued with resin, then an oil mixture of olive and castor oil will be more effective. It will safely dissolve the hard base and provide gentle hair pulling. Solutions are combined in equal proportions, it is recommended to warm them up in a water bath before use.

Photo - Castor oil

If eyelashes were extended with glue, then you can remove them at home cream if everything is done correctly, the procedure will be almost painless. You need to choose the fattest cream available. Its brand is not important, pay attention to the consistency. It should be dense, viscous, the best options are like the winter Nivea (in a metal jar). Spread a thick layer on the eyelids and go to bed, we recommend applying a compress on the eyes in advance, which will protect the cream from abrasion. In the morning, eyelashes will be removed without much difficulty.

If the options described did not fit, then you can use medicinal liquid type Albucid. It is a rather tough drug and is used to treat various diseases of the conjunctiva. Due to the aggressive composition, it will help to remove extended eyelashes very quickly. Remember - this is an emergency measure if there are no other options or if you urgently need to get rid of excess hairs. First, one layer of Albucid is applied to the glue or resin, then the second and third. During the procedure, you may feel a tingling sensation or a slight burning sensation. After half an hour, you can try to remove a few hairs, if they leave freely, continue removing.

Photo - Liquid remover

It is not always possible to pull out the cilia with your fingers - so there is a high probability of damaging natural hairs. Therefore, immediately prepare sterile tweezers with which you can remove the excess. There are also several more gentle, but not the fastest options:

  1. Sleep with your face in the pillow. The masters forbid doing this precisely because the main part of the extended eyelashes can be removed during sleep;
  2. Trim the hairs to their natural length. Then they will stop interfering and will look as natural as possible, this will buy time until they fall out by themselves;
  3. Wash your face. This is the most dangerous hygiene procedure for building up. But if you rinse your face at least twice a day, then the number of hairs will become an order of magnitude less in a week.

So that after that you do not have to treat eyelashes for a long time and accelerate their growth, we still recommend contacting a professional salon for removal. The procedure costs an average of 200 rubles, and if you shoot in the same place where it was increased, then it is even cheaper.

The extended eyelashes must be removed in a timely manner, since after the allotted period (2-4 weeks) has expired, they begin to peel off, fall out, and lose their attractiveness. In addition, artificial eyelashes can get into the eyes and irritate the mucous membranes.

They must be removed carefully, with the help of softening and moisturizing agents - remover (debonder), oils (castor, burdock, sunflower, etc.), creams, emollients. Although the removal procedure is quite simple, we still do not recommend doing it yourself at home.

How not to remove eyelashes at home

Before acquainting fashionistas with the correct technique for removing artificial material, it is worth talking about prohibited methods.

Do not remove eyelash extensions:

  • No special tools;
  • With the help of needles and other very sharp objects, which ladies try to pry off and remove false eyelashes. This method is unsafe, since the process can damage the eyeball or eyelid;
  • Water vapor is a real execution that will definitely not bring the expected results, but it will be able to "reward" the miner with burns.

It must be remembered that the invoice material in the salons is glued, as a rule, conscientiously, so that ladies can go with it for at least 2-4 weeks.

We use a debonder

This is a special liquid that is used to remove eyelashes in beauty salons. The product dissolves the glue on the eyelashes quite effectively, without endangering the eyelids and eyes. One bubble is enough for several sessions, and its cost is quite affordable.

Even if you have purchased a Debonder, it is better to carry out the procedure for removing false eyelashes with outside help, since it is quite difficult to do such work on your own.

The procedure is divided into several stages:

  1. Cut a cotton swab and make a semicircle under the eyes;
  2. Using a special tape, you need to fix the cotton pad on the eyelid;
  3. Moisten a cotton swab in a debonder, then apply the product on the eyelashes with rotary movements;
  4. Detaching cilia are carefully removed with tweezers (this is where help from the outside comes in handy).

Please note that there are several types of debonder on sale - liquid and helium... The first is used to remove the adhesive film, the second is used to remove extended eyelashes, for which a thick consistency was used.

If a master in a beauty salon used a very strong adhesive base, it will be almost impossible to remove extended eyelashes at home without losing native hairs.

Removal with oils

An ordinary herbal remedy is used. Better to choose olive, burdock or castor oil. They should be applied overnight. In the morning, the unsticked material will most likely be on the owner's pillow and cheeks.

Removing false eyelashes using oil should be done in several stages:

  1. Soak a cotton swab in oil;
  2. Close your eyes tightly and apply oil to the edge of the eyelid;
  3. After 30-60 minutes, you can remove the cilia with tweezers (this is the case when a thin product was used for gluing). In some cases, you can leave the oil overnight.

With the help of a cream

You can use a cream for the body or face, the main thing is it should be bold... A good option is a fat cream for children, which is often sold with extracts of calendula, chamomile, rose hips, etc. Such a composition will not only remove artificial material, but also nourish the skin.

The cream should be used like this:

  1. Apply it to a cotton swab;
  2. Lubricate the edge of the eyelid with a swab and leave the composition for 15–20 minutes;
  3. Gently remove loose material with tweezers.

Oils and creams should be used with extreme caution, since they all have a special composition. To exclude unpleasant and side effects, you should:

  • Use hypoallergenic agents, since the formulations must be kept on the eyelids for quite a long time (you can check the agent by applying it to the bend of the elbow for a day, in the absence of redness, the cream can be applied to the eyelids);
  • Use only fresh oil without rancid, chemical or foreign odor;
  • After removing artificial eyelashes, you can lubricate your own eyelashes with almond or castor oils, herbal decoction, or apply a mask to stimulate growth.

Take care of your eyes, eyebrows and eyelashes, treat them with care, and your look will always be mesmerizing and irresistible!

When ordering an eyelash extension service for yourself in the salon, you must remember that they are not glued permanently, but only for a certain period. When it comes to an end, the built-up material must be removed. Otherwise, the cilia will still fall out one by one. As a result, they no longer become so long and fluffy, which does not add to the woman's attractiveness at all.

Attention! After removing the built-up material, it is not advisable to perform a new procedure immediately. You need to give your own eyelashes a short break so that they can recover, and only then go to your master for a new extension.

If eyelash extension is performed only in a salon, then you can remove them in different ways. It is better, of course, to visit your master for this procedure. But sometimes it happens that such an opportunity is simply absent, for example, there is no appointment with the master at the right time. In addition, a woman at a certain period may be too busy to devote even a little time to a visit to the salon. But if it's time to remove the eyelash extensions, then you can do it yourself.

You can do this procedure yourself at home in several ways. There are special products for removing eyelash extensions. If they are available, then everything can be done with their help. But it is quite possible to do without them. Quite easily and without much harm to their own eyelashes, they use such improvised means for these purposes:

  • cream - oily night cream, for hands or for children;
  • oil - common vegetable, olive, castor or burdock.

Advice. When removing the enlarged material on your own, it is better to avoid using needles and other sharp objects that can easily damage the eyelid.

The cilia should not be tugged, trying to remove them without the use of special means, you need to act only with them and very carefully. Any careless movements during this procedure can damage your own cilia, which will then have to be restored for a long time.

Removing eyelash extensions with cream

Any creamy enough cream that is available will do. The main thing is that it does not irritate the skin. Many people take for this procedure a regular baby cream, which is quite oily, but at the same time safe for the skin.

Having chosen a suitable option for a fat cream, then during the procedure, you must act in the following sequence:

  • cleanse the face of makeup, especially paying attention to the area around the eyes;
  • apply the cream chosen for the procedure on a cotton pad and apply it to the eye. To enhance the effect, the cream can also be applied to the eyelashes with a cotton swab, and then apply the disc to the eye;
  • soak the cream on the eyelashes for a few minutes, and then, with gentle movements using tweezers, begin to remove the enlarged material.

If the artificial eyelashes are not very easy to separate, you can also apply additional cream on them and soak it again, and then repeat the procedure.

How to remove false eyelashes with oil

Another available remedy is oil: you can take olive or sunflower oil, burdock, castor or any other is also suitable.

The procedure for removing the built-up material using oil, in contrast to the use of fatty cream, requires more time. It is better to carry it out in the evening, so that the glue that was used for eyelash extension finally dissolves overnight. For this century, the eyelashes themselves, after removing makeup and washing, should be generously lubricated with oil, leaving overnight. During this time, the artificial eyelashes should come off and it will be easy to remove them in the morning with a cotton swab. And the remaining glue can be removed with a brush.

But it is not necessary to apply the oil overnight. If there is no time for such a wait, you can do everything faster:

  • cleanse your face from makeup;
  • slightly heat the oil, apply it on the halves of a cotton pad and place them under the lower eyelashes;
  • closing your eyes, generously lubricate the upper eyelashes with oil with a cotton swab;
  • stand for about half an hour;
  • carefully remove the separated eyelashes with tweezers.

But if you cannot remove all the eyelash extensions at once with this method, it is better to take some time and apply oil overnight so that the glue softens well.

Attention! To avoid eye inflammation, the glue for artificial eyelashes should not be washed off with soap or used hot steam to dissolve it. It is also not recommended to remove cilia during illness and in the presence of an eye infection.

The extended eyelashes add extra attractiveness to the feminine look. But you need to take care of your beauty, timely removing the extended material from the eyelashes. Moreover, for this, a visit to the salon is not necessary, everything is easy to do and independently at home without harm with the help of fatty cream or oil.

How to remove eyelash extensions at home: video

How to remove eyelashes that have been extended to make the eyes more expressive? There are several methods of removal, but it is important to handle it with care at home. This procedure is easier for the master, but it is worth the additional cost, so many girls prefer to remove false eyelashes at home.

How to remove eyelash extensions yourself at home?

The period of use of any type of false eyelashes is no more than 25-30 days. Further, due to the natural renewal of the hairs, they begin to crumble. This gives the girl an unkempt look and encourages many to remove their own eyelash extensions by any means at hand, without thinking about the consequences. With negligence in the procedure, your eyelashes, mucous membranes and the skin around the eyes may suffer.

  • professional means;
  • fat cream;
  • cosmetic oils.

Do not use substances with the addition of acetone, alcohol: this can cause burns to the eyes.

Professional remedies

For effective removal, you can resort to professional products produced by various companies: "Dolce Vita", TNLL. Most often used:

  1. Debonders. They are sold in two forms: gel and liquid. At home, it is easier to remove eyelashes with a gel than with a liquid, since the second option requires professionalism. When used, particles of the product may cause irritation in the eyes. Some debonders contain an acetone compound, so before purchasing, be sure to familiarize yourself with the composition.
  2. Removers. These products remove false eyelashes and take care of your eyelashes at the same time. Very rarely cause allergic reactions and is suitable for sensitive skin. They are available in cream, liquid and gel form. The disadvantage of removers is the high price, but there are much more advantages from using them.

It is easy to remove extended eyelashes by yourself, you just need to buy a professional tool. It should be borne in mind that they are not cheap, but even if you constantly extend your eyelashes, with careful use, one product can be enough for several years.

Using a greasy cream

By removing the eyelashes with an eye cream, you can avoid the development of allergic manifestations. Its use also prevents eye irritation. The only requirement is that the cream must be of a greasy consistency.

It is allowed to use a night cream for dry skin.

Using oils

At home, oils are also used to remove eyelashes:

  • grape;
  • olive;
  • linseed;
  • almond.

The oil should be selected according to the type of skin. Each species is distinguished by its individual composition and cosmetic additives. Of all the oils listed above, olive oil is considered hypoallergenic.

If a person is prone to allergic reactions, then it is necessary to conduct a test by smearing a little oil on the inside of the wrist. If after a while the skin at the site of application has not reacted in any way, then it can be further used for its intended purpose.

Principles of removing eyelash extensions at home

For the planned procedure, you should prepare:

  • cotton swabs and discs;
  • mirror;
  • any of the above means;
  • tweezers.

The sequence of actions for removing artificial eyelashes is as follows:

  1. Remove makeup from the eye area with cosmetic milk or two-phase oil.
  2. Make a compress that will protect your eyes from possible irritation. To carry out it, a cotton pad should be moistened in warm water or strong tea and applied to the eyelids for a quarter of an hour.
  3. Apply the substance to the roots of artificial hairs with a cotton swab and wait until the glue is completely dissolved. It will take a few minutes. Contact with the eyes must be avoided.
  4. Next, lift the hairs with tweezers and carefully remove them. They should come off easily without causing any pain. If the cilia are difficult to remove during removal, then you need to apply the product again and wait until the glue is completely detached.
  5. After removal, it is recommended to wash. The remnants of the glue and the agent used, getting on the mucous membrane, can cause severe irritation and an allergic reaction.

With severe irritation and manifestation allergic reaction it is recommended to contact the nearest medical institution for specialist assistance.

A woman always strives to improve what nature has given her. This is especially true for such noticeable details of the appearance as the eyes or lips. You always want these expressive facial features to be even more effective. There are different ways to emphasize their beauty, but most women follow the path “more is better” and choose procedures for eyelash or nail extension, lip augmentation, etc.

The result, indeed, pleases the owners of new thick eyelashes for several weeks, but then a completely natural question arises: how to remove extended eyelashes without harming your natural ones. As with any procedure, there are nuances and subtleties here. By observing them, you can extend eyelashes as often as you like, without encountering side effects.

Features of renting a house

False eyelashes not only make your face more expressive, but also make your look deeper. They also represent virtually the only way out for women with persistent allergies to mascara, but do not dare to give up cosmetics once and for all. In addition, such a procedure saves time if you need to quickly apply makeup in the morning, but there is simply no makeup. In salons, several methods of eyelash extension are now used - by eyelash or by bundles.

Eyelash extensions have their drawbacks, namely:

  • they must be removed a month after imposition;
  • this procedure can negatively affect the condition of natural eyelashes;
  • allergic reactions to the glue used are possible: irritation and redness of the conjunctiva appear, in the most severe cases, conjunctivitis develops;
  • after this procedure, you cannot visit the bathhouse, sauna, swim in the sea or stay in the open sun for a long time;
  • with a bit of caution, you should wash your face (trying not to rub your eyelids), sleep or apply cosmetics, especially on an oily basis.

You need to remove eyelash extensions for 3 reasons:

  • the time has come, i.e. about a month has passed, and the previously luxurious eye decoration begins to crumble in bunches, which looks, to put it mildly, sloppy;
  • thick false eyelashes make the eyelid heavy, and over time it becomes uncomfortable to wear them;
  • there was severe irritation of the mucous membrane of the eyes.

Precautionary measures

The procedure for removing false eyelashes can be approached from 2 sides: contact the master or try to do it yourself. While this is not overly difficult, it nonetheless takes some time. How long it will take in reality depends on the chosen method of removing extended eyelashes, compliance with all steps and the quality of the materials used.

If you contact the salon with this problem, then its solution will be quite affordable (within 700 rubles), and if you plan to remove artificial eyelashes in order to apply new ones, they will be removed for free. The master will choose the safest and most gentle remedy, and the procedure itself will not take much time. True, you may be warned that frequent application of false eyelashes weakens natural ones.

However, self-removal of eyelashes is quite a feasible procedure. It is only necessary to first clarify in the salon what composition of the glue was used.

In any case, the decision is yours, but if you want to master the technique of removing eyelash extensions, use the following tips on how to remove them correctly:

  • False eyelashes should not be removed "forcefully" by pulling.
  • Do not use sharp objects such as pins, pointed sticks or toothpicks.
  • After removing the false eyelashes, you need to give your family a rest for 1.5-2 months.
  • During rest, lashes should be treated with nourishing oils using a soft brush and gently separating. This procedure is best done during the day, so you don't have to leave the oil on your eyelashes overnight. Long-term exposure to even the most delicate oils can cause swelling and redness of the eyes.

Removal methods

Methods for removing artificial eyelashes are varied, but based on a single principle: in order to remove them painlessly, you need to dissolve the adhesive that secures these eyelashes.

To do this, you will have to use:

  • a glue dissolving agent;
  • cotton wool;
  • brushes or cotton swabs with which the solvent will be applied;
  • tweezers;
  • castor or burdock oils, decoctions of medicinal herbs necessary for compresses.

It is convenient to use the methods described below on your own if you have some experience. For the first time, you can ask someone from the family or a friend to "assist" you in this process. Many steps will have to be done almost by touch while lying down. Of course, all the necessary tools and tools should be at hand, and water for washing should be within reach. If you plan to use herbal infusions or decoctions, they should also be ready.

Before starting the procedure, remove makeup, wash well. If you wear contact lenses, they must of course also be removed.


Although some women try to remove stuck eyelashes with hot steam, this is strongly discouraged. The glue does not dissolve in this way, and it is more than possible to get a serious eye burn.

Steam baths for the face serve a different purpose - to open the pores of the skin in order to clean it efficiently. The water temperature should be around 70-80 ° C. Bend over the container with water carefully, bringing your face closer to the surface of the water no closer than 20 cm. The steam bath should be done within 10 minutes. It's a good idea to use not just hot water, but herbal decoction. This will help improve the condition of the facial skin and even serve as the prevention of chronic respiratory diseases.

It is quite understandable that such a procedure should precede the removal of eyelashes, but not replace it. After the steam bath, you need to apply a remover or oil to the eyelashes, and only then try to remove them.


A familiar remedy for the treatment of inflammatory eye diseases - sulfacetamide, or "Albucid" It can also be used in an unexpected way: as a means for dissolving the adhesive layer with which false eyelashes are attached to the eyelid. It has a rather caustic and aggressive composition, but this is what makes it effective.

Soak a cotton swab well "Albucid" and soak the glue at the roots of the eyelashes with it. We repeat this step 3 times at intervals of several minutes. Do not try to peel off your lashes earlier than 20-25 minutes. "Albucid" causes burning eyes, so this method of removing false eyelashes should be used only as a last resort.


Removing eyelash extensions using vegetable oils is the most common and cheapest way. An additional plus of this procedure is the restorative effect that castor or almond oil has on natural eyelashes. The removal technique is simple: soak a half of a cotton pad abundantly with oil or a combination of oils, attach it under the lower eyelid, and smear the eyelashes at the roots with a brush or cotton swab moistened with the same oil composition. After half an hour with tweezers, carefully begin to remove the lagging eyelashes, trying not to twitch them. If resin was present in the adhesive, the procedure time should be increased several times.

Some women leave the oil-soaked cotton pads on their eyes overnight. This is possible if you sleep well on your back and also use a special elastic sleep band. Otherwise, you will either not get enough sleep, or in the morning you will have to do the whole procedure again.

While castor oil works well for getting rid of false eyelashes, jojoba oil is ideal for caring for your own eyelashes after all procedures. It cares for both eyelashes and easily injured skin around the eyes, restoring its structure and restoring its elasticity.

Fat cream

Another effective way to peel off eyelash extensions is to use an oily cream. To do this, it is wise to use the simplest baby cream that has a safe soft formula. It is enough to grease the eyelashes with such a cream with a brush or cotton swab and wait about a quarter of an hour. Be careful not to let the cream get into your eyes. After removing the eyelashes, rinse your eyes well using a gentle wash gel that does not irritate the mucous membranes. Don't forget about herbal eye compresses, too.

The best remedies

Now there are professional products on sale that are also used in salons. They are completely safe and hypoallergenic, capable of quickly dissolving glue. In addition, they include components that soften the mucous membrane of the eyes.


One of these miraculous remedies is the debonder, which resembles a gel in consistency, although there are also liquid versions of it. It is better to choose a gel that does not drain under the eyelid. Be careful, cheap debonders contain acetone, which is irritating to the eyes. When choosing a product, carefully read its composition and focus on those options that are based on natural ingredients. High-quality debonders are fairly mild and can be used by women with allergies, lactating and pregnant women.

With this special solution applied to the eyelashes at the very roots, you can easily dissolve the glue that holds the false eyelashes. The debonder should be used with caution, not allowing the agent to drip into the eyes. Under the lower eyelid, secure a cotton pad cut into 2 parts. Apply Debonder in several layers along the contour of lash growth from the outer edge to the inner edge. Keep the product for no longer than 3 minutes. After that, with tweezers, pull off the released cilia with a movement from the roots to the tips. Debonder residues must be removed with a cotton pad soaked in lotion. It's a good idea to use a special tonic by rubbing it on the eyelid and the roots of the eyelashes. With a clean mascara brush or a special brush, comb your eyelashes to remove any glue residue.

If there is a burning sensation in the eyes, rinse them well with cool water, and after the procedure, apply compresses with decoctions of medicinal herbs on the eyelids. They will help relieve swelling and get rid of redness and burning.


Another liquid used to remove false eyelashes is called a remover. In general, this solution is similar to the debonder in terms of the method of action, however, it contains components that feed the eyelashes. There are removers that have a gel, liquid, creamy or pasty consistency that allows you to quickly and comfortably get rid of artificial eyelashes. The most convenient consistency for use is gel, however, the paste acts more carefully, which does not have a pungent odor characteristic of synthetic solvents. The technique for using the remover is the same as in the case of the debonder. The exposure time of the composition is approximately 7 minutes.

Perhaps the only drawback of a remover is its price, which is approximately equal to the cost of a salon procedure.

Castor oil

With the help of castor oil, you can not only painlessly remove artificial eyelashes, but also carry out a fairly effective treatment procedure that will benefit your natural eyelashes. Castor oil nourishes the bulbs and improves growth. Its effect is quite long, the oil can be left overnight, and in the morning the artificial eyelashes will easily and painlessly fall off by themselves.


Burdock oil is no less effective for removing false and nourishing natural eyelashes. It improves the structure of the eyelashes, making them look beautiful and thick. The exposure time of this oil is quite long, within 20 minutes, so please be patient. It is not recommended to keep burdock oil for longer on the eyelids, the appearance of edema is possible.

There are several secrets on how to enhance the effect of burdock oil. One of them is to warm up the oil by holding it in your hands for a while. Another way is to add pharmacy vitamins A and E, almond or olive oil, and herbal infusions to the oil.

Forbidden tricks

In order not to harm your eyelashes and eyes, take these precautions:

  • do not pull out eyelashes with tweezers if the glue is not completely dissolved;
  • do not wash off the glue with soap, rubbing the eyelids strongly - this can lead to eye inflammation;
  • do not use sharp objects trying to pry off individual glued eyelashes; this will not have a significant effect, and it is quite possible to injure the eyes in this way;
  • do not use steam to remove eyelashes - you can burn the mucous membrane of the eye.

Subsequent recovery

After removing false eyelashes, it's time to think about the health of natural ones. After all the augmentation procedures, they lack nutrition. Makeup looks bad on them. You can strengthen and restore eyelashes using natural oils - castor, burdock, olive, peach. They can be used alone or in combination, alternating formulations every week.

How long it will take to restore your eyelashes will depend on their original condition. As a rule, the recovery course lasts at least a month. During this time, the bulbs will receive the necessary nutrients, and compresses with chamomile or black tea will relieve swelling and restore microcirculation of blood in the skin around the eyes. The compress should be kept on the eyelids for 15-20 minutes, periodically wetting cotton pads in the infusion. Try not to do such procedures just before bedtime, it is better to do them an hour before going to bed, so as not to provoke swelling of the eyelids.

Since the health of the skin, hair, nails and eyelashes depends largely on the condition of the body as a whole, try to influence the eyelashes not only with external means. A healthy diet including ocean fish, vegetables (in particular avocados), vegetable oils and outdoor exposure all contribute to strengthening and repairing eyelashes and hair.