Strong whether pain in the fights. What sensations occur during battles. How to facilitate pain and help yourself in childbirth

Exactly the third trimester is the most exciting. The future mother is disturbing many questions related to the advent of the baby. Undoubtedly, the first place in this rating occupies how the fights begin, how to distinguish them from training and what to do.

It is especially difficult for those women who are preparing to become a mother for the first time in life. You do not need to be afraid of this natural process, But to study the question worth it, besides there are special techniques, allowing to alleviate the condition during the battle.

What is the fight and why they appear before childbirth

Fight is involuntary rhythmic cuts of the uterus, The task of which is to expulsion of the fetus. Throughout the entire pregnancy period, the neck is tightly closed. Before childbirth, when the kid is ready for the appearance of the light, it begins to open. It happens just due to the fights.

This process has 3 phases:

  • Initial (latent). Lasts up to 8 hours. Fights last about 30-40 seconds, and the interval between them is 4-5 minutes. Cervion opening up to 3 cm.
  • Active. The duration of the fight is about 1 minute, and the interval is reduced to 2-3 minutes. The neck is revealed by another 3-4 cm.
  • Transitional. The gap between the battles is reduced to 1 minute, the battle period lasts an average of 1.5 minutes, and the cervix disclosure is 8-10 cm.

If the birth is not the first, the duration of each phase is significantly reduced.

What sensations when starting kits

According to the first sensations of contractions can remind menstrual pain. However, pain here are short-term, and a few minutes later appear again. Over time the pain is enhanced. It develops into a sharp, and a feeling of grapping, which begins with the loin and proceeds to the bottom of the abdomen.

How to recognize the fights before childbirth and not confuse them with the fights of Bracston Higz

Already in the second trimester, many women may appear or fights brackets higs. They prepare the body to the upcoming birth. You can feel after a long walk or physical effort. Here For what signs they differ:

  • false contractions are not regular;
  • they practically do not deliver discomfort and painless;
  • do not become more intense;
  • the intervals between them can reach up to 30 minutes.

The generic contractions begin their appearance from light pain, accompanied by stomach stress. Their main feature is cyclicality: The pain is growing, then weakens and stops at all, and after a few minutes everything is repeated. At the same time, the intervals are shorter each time.

True fights may be accompanied by mucous drugs with blood admixture: So begins to move the cork, which defended the entrance to the uterus from infections. but strong bleeding is not allowed And in this case, it is necessary to urgently seek medical help.

In order not to get confused in sensations and distinguish real contractions from false, focus on the following signs:

  • enhancing pain with each fight;
  • regularity of appearance;
  • reducing the time between the fights.

What to do if the fights started

First thing it is necessary to calm down and take a comfortable position. You also need to try to discard the alarming thoughts, take the handle and sheet and fix the time intervals between the fights and their duration.

If the gap between the fights is more than 20 minutes, the time before the birth of the child is still there. You can have time to take a warm shower, collect a bag. At intervals between fights For less than 5 minutes you need to urgently go to the maternity hospital.

How strong is the pain in the fights

It is difficult to say how hurting it will be before childbirth. Each woman has their own pain threshold. A significant role is played by a psychological attitude: if you are positively configured and thinking not about the next fight, but about the ambulance with the crumb, then the pain will be less sharp.

How to alleviate fights

Fight is a natural process and affect it can not be affected. However, simple actions will help

reduce pain:

  • Relax. When muscles are tense, it interferes with the natural process, and this pain is enhanced. Try to get rid of alarming status and immediately feel a little relief. If it does not work, you can try to fall asleep.
  • Proper breathing. The child is now needed by oxygen. In addition, contributes to the relaxation of abdominal muscles.
  • Take a convenient position. Find a position in which pain will be less pronounced. As a rule, it is the pose on all fours or knees. Also, you can jump on the gymnastic ball.
  • Massage lowerback - Another way to facilitate the state.
  • Take a warm bath or shower.
There are I. secure ways to provoke contractions, If the baby sat down:
  • move more and stand in a vertical position;
  • sex (men's cum contributes to the softening of the neck, and the orgasm causes cuts to the uterus);
  • massage of the nipples of the chest (a hormone of oxytocin causing uterine abbreviations is distinguished);


A small video will help even better understand and present the process of contractions. The specialist will tell how to recognize and what to do immediately after their appearance.

In the last weeks of pregnancy, future mothers are increasingly beginning to think about childbirth. Naturally, many are interested in the question: what pain in childbirth, how strong it is, is it possible to compare it with something.

Already giving birth to women describe pain in childbirth in different ways, some of it resembles pain during menstruation, other moms have a very spin hurt and so on. There are women who, during the birth of a child, experience only light discomfort (see "").

What pain during childbirth and what are the mechanisms of its occurrence? Let's start with the fact that childbirth consist of three periods (contractions, swelling and the birth of the last), and the sensations are distinguished during each of them.

What pains during battles.

The longest period and the most difficult in the opinion of many moms are fights or regular cuts in the uterus. During them smoothed and reveals the neck of the uterus to skip the child.

Muscles and bundles in the area of \u200b\u200bthe pelvis have many nervous endings. During intensive cuts in the uterus, its ligaments are tensioned, the cervix is \u200b\u200bstretched, the nerve endings are passed, which causes quite strong sensations, especially if the muscles surrounding are tense.

During this period, a woman usually experiences painful sensations in his stomach, back and groin. At the beginning of the clans, the fights are not strong, over time they grow and the time between them is reduced.

The beginning of the fights can be felt like pain at the bottom of the abdomen or lower back. During active bruises, pains can spread to the entire stomach, the lower back, crotch, buttocks and hodges. Localization of pain depends on the position of the child, for example, with a face presence, severe pain is possible in the lower back.

The sensations and perception of pain in different women are very different. Many describe the fight as pain during periods or sensations in diarrhea, like convulsions, other women talk about pulling or graceful pain. Some contractions are presented in the form of a belt, a tight of the abdomen.

The intensity of pain in the fights depends on many factors: what kind of childbirth, the weight and position of the child, the psychological state of the woman. When the cervix is \u200b\u200brevealed to 10 centimeters, the next birth period begins - swelling.

Pain during fence.

Pulls are a contraction of the muscles of the uterus, aperture and abdominal press, which lead to the birth of a child. At this time, the baby's head presses on the bladder, intestines.

During feeness, the pain in the backside, crotch, vagina, is most often felt. Feelings can be similar to the desire to go to the toilet in a large, but much stronger.

During the birth of the head, a woman may experience strong burning, so stretch the muscles of the vagina. Also, pain is accompanied by damage to the cervix, vagina, crotch (breaks, cracks).

Some women consider sweat and the direct birth of a child the most painful point of birth, others describe the fight as the most difficult period, and the sweeps are considered to be tolerable. Sometimes a woman does not feel half at all and then the doctor suggests when you need to sleep.

Basically, the femoirs are better tolerant, because they know that childbirth will end soon. Moreover, the second phase of labor is much shorter than the first and lasts usually 20-40 minutes, and in repeatedly less.

Excellence perceived more positively due to the fact that mommy can actively participate in the process, unlike the bouts that occur involuntarily and the woman in labor remains only to tolerate.

The third period of birth is the most calm in terms of pain, usually feeling not intense, sometimes mom does not notice them, which is engaged in their child, which is laid on the belly. Basically, the pilot is published within 5-15 minutes after the birth of a child, sometimes the doctor may ask mom to surprise.

Women are waiting for the appearance of a baby on the light not only with trepidation, but also anxious. Many scares the pain, which will have to experience, others fear for their health and child health. There are those who are afraid to skip the beginning of childbirth. This is especially true of primary who do not know how the fights begin. A number of signs will help a woman not to confuse the training cuts of the uterus with the generic.

  1. Latent, or hidden period.
  2. Active period.
  3. Delay period.

Most importantly, for originarian women, it is necessary to discern the feelings for generic contractions from sensations with false, the signs of which are largely similar to the latent battle.

They are also called training. It is mostly from the first-night women about 20 weeks of pregnancy and help the body to prepare for childbirth, they "train" the uterus: make it more elastic and soft. It is an average of up to 2 minutes, the interval between them is a non-permanent, reaches from 30 minutes to an hour.

There are a number of features that are distinguished by training bouts:

  • irregular nature;
  • fights do not grow, do not increase;
  • the gap between them is always different;
  • there is no disclosure of the uterine zoom (this will determine the gynecologist).

The training cuts of the uterus sometimes seem strong enough, but they are not captured, but they carry more than a sharper character. You can easily cope with them if you take another position, just lie down, take a warm bath, relax.

Real fights

A more common name is generic. They are difficult to confuse with other states, and women going to give birth is not the first time, they are easily recognized. Signs for which you can determine how the bouts of the primary beginners begin:

  1. Generic cuts of the uterus begin, as a rule, with the new pain in the bottom of the abdomen, the lower back, hips, which in time increases, has a wave-like character: it subsides, it resumes. Often, these pains are compared with menstrual, however, during the fights, they carry regular and growing character, and the gaps between them are reduced with each hour. Such abbreviations do not stop, do not calm down, but only enhanced.
  2. The uterus is strained, the so-called tone occurs, which is easy to feel, putting his hand on the belly. The uterus is stone, becomes solid, the feeling appears that it shrinks, strains. After a while, when the fight loses its intensity, the uterus is relaxed again. Each time pain and tone increase. With training fights, the uterus tone is touched to a lesser extent.
  3. The duration of uterine contractions increases, and the gaps between them each time becomes less. The cervix opens.

The first generic contractions in the latent period of the latent period, lasts from 20 to 30 seconds, the gap between them is 20-30 minutes. Gradually, they are felt not as simple abdomen, the pain is growing, the fight itself lasts up to 40-45 seconds, the gap between them decreases to 5-6 minutes. This is the time to go to the maternity hospital.

Important: If water is departed at the initial stage of childbirth, it is necessary to call "ambulance" immediately, since in an angent period, the risk of initiation of the fetus is high.

If the fights last an average of 1 minute, and the break between them has decreased to 1-2 minutes, it is a sign that the cervix is \u200b\u200brevealed and there will soon begin at night, that is, the child will immediately appear. At this time, the woman must already be in the generic hall, as only the doctor should control the sweat. Due to incorrectly organized births at this stage, the cervical breaks are often occurring, injuring the fetus and other unpleasant consequences.

Video: How to distinguish sweats from bouts

General differences in the training cuts of the uterus from generic

At first-night women, the fights begin in most of them as well as in repeatedly. Thus, generic reductions in the preparatory period are distinguished by their regularity and at the initial stage will not last more than 40 seconds. The interval between them cannot increase, but always only decreases.

Preparing pregnant to childbirth, doctors advise with the feeling of the cuts of the uterus to record them: the time when they began and when they ended, after what time did they appear and how much they launched, whether the pain is growing every time or, on the contrary, pokes. Entries It is advisable to do up to a second. According to them, the doctor testifies, false is a bout or generic. Refine it is possible even by phone, if there was an agreement in advance.

Fight in the latent phase can be sketchically represented as follows:

It is worth remembering: In training fights, the active phase does not occur, that is, the pain does not increase, their duration does not change, the interval between them fluctuates (more often - towards the increase).

The training cuts of the uterus rarely last for more than 2-3 hours.

Video: Feelings in battles. Differences of training cuts from generic

What to pay attention to

Many not only repeatedly, but the primordinists do not feel the preparatory period. A trained uterus of repeated women does not need "preparation", moving directly to active bouts. That is why many women who give birth to the second and subsequent kids pass the so-called rapid births lasting for only 4-6 hours.

The primordinaries, accustomed to training fights, often do not pay attention to the first "calls", pass the latent phase and understand that the childbirth began only when the pain is enhanced, "brown" belly, and the interval between abbreviations is significantly reduced. You should not panic, because it is exactly the period when doctors advise to go to the hospital. The second phase of kits lasts up to 5 hours, so time will be enough.

Strong pain in the fights, as many obstecred-gynecologists claim, the woman itself provokes, panic, clinging, thereby mixing the normal generic process. It is necessary to relax as much as possible by applying the correct breathing and other techniques that are spoken by courses of future mothers.

If there are no contractions

Sometimes a primary woman does not wait for generic cuts of the uterus. Normal is considered the absence of kits up to a period of 40-42 weeks, if at the same time hypoxia does not record, the placenta is in normal condition and the pregnancy in general does not threaten. As a rule, from 40 weeks of pregnancy, a woman is placed in the hospital and already under the supervision of doctors, she waits for the beginning of childbirth.

In the absence of contractions on a period of 42 weeks, it is stimulated by generation activities. For states that threaten the health of a woman or a future child, a decision is made about the operational delivery.

Why does the fight - it hurts?

The uterus consists of three layers of muscles (external, medium and internal layers), which during childbirth begin to work harmoniously, harmoniously, but at the same time polar (some muscles are strained, others relax). So that the expulsion of the fetus goes out normally, the internal muscles should be relaxed, and the external must decline. However, it often happens that women with their experiences, fear and poor preparation for childbirth force the muscles who are prescribed during the battles to relax. Because of this, severe pain arises. In the case when the future mother does not resist childbirth, does not try to control the process from the inside, the sensations become more tolerant, reminiscent of spasm.

What depends the soreness of the fights?

In many ways, sensations depend on the situation of the child in the womb, the period of childbirth, the presence or absence of the previous experience of natural childbirth, the level of physical and emotional training. For example, it is known that the waiting pain, fear of childbirth is able to turn the experience of childbearing into the most terrible hours in the life of a woman. This vicious circle of sensations, when a woman is afraid of pain and therefore feels sharper, was described by Dr. Gantli Dick Reed and received the name of the hard-intense painful syndrome.

What types of fights exist?

  1. Training fights, or Brekston Hicks fights appear in about the middle of pregnancy. It is believed that they are preparing organs of a small pelvis for the birth of a child. Such contractions are usually painless and do not lead to the beginning of the generic activity.
  2. False generic contractions may appear a few weeks before delivery. They differ from the true chaoticness and what they pass if the woman occupies another position or starts moving.
  3. Real generic battles can begin a day before childbirth (for primary Women) and differ from all other things that:

- become more intense with time;
- do not weaken and do not pass from the change of body position;
- aligned with rhythm (you can track equal intervals between the fights);
- lasts from 30 to 70 seconds;
- may be accompanied by pain in the stomach, diarrhea or nausea.

What happens during battles?

Fight is a big and important work preceding the emergence of a child to light. During the battle, the muscles of the uterus are reduced, which push the child down the birthway, as well as the opening of the cervix, so that the baby can get out of it. Both processes are interconnected: some muscles wark the uterus in a circle, and some are vertically located. When a reduction occurs, the first pushing the child, and the second are responsible for the disclosure, as if tightening the neck.

The first period of childbirth, when the disclosure is just beginning, for many it can pass almost unnoticed. Fights are not yet intense and felt more like discomfort than as pain. However, these sensations seem very bright and even painful. Cover with this pain helps a warm shower and a slight walk around the apartment or a hospital corridor. Strengthen the fights on purpose, for example, the walking on the stairs or other physical exertion to speed up the process of childbirth, it is not necessary, otherwise to the active phase of childbirth, you risk approaching without strength.

The active phase of labor will begin when the disclosure will reach six centimeters. It was previously believed that for the start of the active phase of four centimeters, but recent studies show that it is not. These two centimeters between four and six are considered an important period of childbirth, the intermediate stage between the initial stage and the start of the "real" genera.

How much is the fight?

The duration and frequency of bouts depends on the stage of the birth on which the woman is located.

  • The first fights accompanying the opening of the cervix from zero to six centimeters, lasts from 30 to 90 seconds and may be irregular - the interval is completely normal in half an hour. But when the disclosure is at least a few centimeters, the contractions will become more regular and the interval will be reduced to five minutes. The period of disclosure up to six centimeters can last from six to 12 hours.
  • When the disclosure is six centimeters, the contractions will become more intense and painful. They will last more than a minute, and the interval will be three minutes. The closer the moment of complete disclosure, the less the gap between the fights, and they themselves are longer. So, on nine centimeters, the fights will last two minutes, and the rest will be only a half. The path from the disclosure of six centimeters to the full ten will be from five to six hours.
  • With complete disclosure of the cervix, the fights can last up to two minutes, and the gap between them is reduced to 60 seconds.
  • During the potion it will be easier (many women feel this period as relief): the fights will become intense, but almost painless. They will last from 45 seconds to three minutes, and the gap between them will be three to five minutes. Fews will take off 15 minutes to two hours.
  • The extension of the latch Many women do not even notice. This is the fights that last an average of half an hour. During this time, the uterus cavity gets rid of the placenta and the residues of the fetal bubble. After the child was born, these fights can hardly be called tangible. Doctors may ask the woman to surprise to facilitate the exit of the placenta.

What are the fights like?

Some say that sensations in the first period of birth are reminded by menstrual pain. You can feel drawn pain in the back and below the abdomen. Feelings can also resemble a call for defecation and discomfort that you can not explain. Some women are in childbirth, without even suspecting it.

The second period of labor is most of women seem painful, while in addition to pain in the front of the abdomen (if at the peak of contractions, you put your hand on it, you will feel how strong the muscles are reduced) often the feminine is still bothering back, which does not pass when changing the situation . With full disclosure, many evaluate the pain on 75-80 points on a 100-point scale.

Fews are felt by many as almost painless experience. During this period, a woman, as a rule, feels an unbearable desire to be stirred (if this desire is not, the midwife will tell you when you need to start to sleep). When the child's head disperses, the future mother feels tingling, and then burning in the area of \u200b\u200bthe crotch and entrance to the vagina. But the pain that was before, no longer: the child's head presses on the nerves in the crotch area, therefore there is actually natural desensitization, that is, the drop in sensitivity.

  • Pain as during an intestinal disorder
  • Pain in the lower back
  • Pain in unexpected places
  • Fights without pain
  • How to recognize the fights?
  • Kana: In the pregnancy pathology department, such rigid beds, that I thought every morning that I had a fight (back pain as during menstruation was accurately observed), but when real contractions began, I realized that they were not confused with anything.

    mama_levika: For weeks, two to childbirth begins a little bit to prick in the bottom of the abdomen, it seems that fights, but girls! Fights do not confuse anything, do not hurry to call an ambulance ...

    What is fights

    So, the moment comes when your child is ready to be born. Births begin, which many future mothers identify in painful fights. But what is a "fight" and what happens at this moment?

    The fight is an involuntary reduction in the smooth muscles of the uterine of a wave-like character. It is they who allow you to reveal the cervix - the only "output" for the child.

    To imagine how the muscles of the uterus move, remember the crawling snail: the wave passes with its sole from the tail to the head, and the strained muscles push it forward. It also happens with the uterus: not all it strains at the same time.

    The upper part of the uterus is more "muscular." It is her who squeezes the fret bubble. As you remember from the school course of physics, the liquid easily changes the form, but practically does not change the volume. So the fruit egg begins to put on the bottom of the uterus from all the might - here there is less muscle fibers, so it does not fit, but, on the contrary, stretched. The main pressure falls on the cervix - "weak link" of a muscular bag. There is a fret bubble literally inclusions: the front waters (the oily waters, which are in front of the child) pressed the fruit bubble into the generic canal and spread it.

    It is believed that in the uterus there is a dominant excitation focus, localizing more often in its right corner ("Rhythm driver"), from here a wave of abbreviations applies to the whole muscles and is in the descending direction.

    A woman can not control the fights, unlike the pots, in which the muscles, crotch, and the abdominal wall muscles, and the diaphragm are involved. That is why in the last period of childbirth, the midwife asks for a woman to rebuild or, on the contrary, to restrain a few seconds. Indeed, we can all strain the muscles of the press, but will strain the effort of the will, for example, the muscles of the stomach is absolutely impossible.

    During the voltage and stretching, the uterus overlaps the influx of blood to her muscles (if you are squeezing the fist, you will see how individual skin sections beat), and the nerve endings leading to the uterus are squeezed. This is exactly what causes the emerging sensations: the pain stupid, periodic ("it will grab, will release"), and most importantly - perceived by all women in different ways (depending on the location of the child, the uterus, as well as from where the nerve endings are presented ). But the pain at bills, which causes the progress of a child by the generic channel, all the fences perceive the same: unpleasant sensations are concentrated into the vagina, the rectum, perineum, and the pain is rather sharp.

    That is why the sensations during the battles cause so many questions - is it true or, for example, osteochondrosis? Let's consider the most typical examples of pain!

    Pain "like during menstruation"

    The unpleasant sensations are localized at the bottom of the abdomen and resemble pain during the start of menstruation.

    Lyalechka: Pain as during menstruation, only stronger.

    SV1980: The contractions were similar to menstruation at the beginning.

    As a rule, women in labor that perceive contractions like "pain during menstruation", feel and occurrence - "petition" of the abdomen.

    Pain as during an intestinal disorder

    Pain in the abdomen During the fights, many future mothers resembles an unpleasant sensation with intestinal disorder, grapple-shaped attacks accompanying diarrhea.

    Anelli: At the beginning, it was not hurt, just the feeling that you want to go to the toilet in great need, and when it's too morning with an interval of 20-30 minutes you go to the toilet, but no result - you understand that the intestine here is nothing!

    Zuleyka: I thought I was poisoned on the day before, so the stomach twisted ...

    By the way, immediately before childbirth, the intestinal operation is really activated, the chair may be repeated.

    Pain in the lower back

    Quite often, the source of pain becomes the area of \u200b\u200bthe belt: "pulls", "grabs".

    vedetta: I had such pains - grabbed the lower back and the pain rose from the bottom up back and stomach. And then it went down and went down. To be honest, it looks like a monthly one ...

    Tanya_Budu Mom: Suddenly began to break the lower back every 15 minutes and then decrease on a little bit ... I immediately did not wait and went to the maternity hospital.

    The phenomenon of pain in the back has two explanations: the pain can be irradized in the lower back, or felt below, in the crystal zone - most likely it is caused by the discrepancy between the pelvic bones.

    Pain in unexpected places

    Sometimes the pain can irradiate in the most unexpected places, so the woman in labor complains that they hurt, for example, hips or ribs.

    Alma:the fights began - and in the side hurts and in the kidney gives to the leg!

    Most often, women identify irradizing pain as pain in the kidney, especially if they were experiencing them before. Pain in the hips, knees, numbness of the legs - may be a consequence of the relief of large blood vessels at the bottom of the abdomen.

    Fights without pain

    So also happens, especially at the very beginning of childbirth. Feelings, however, rather unpleasant. Future mothers usually feel how the uterus comes into a tone for a few seconds - the stomach "Kamenets", then relaxes again. Similar sensations, if during battles to do .

    Ksyusha_SD: I walked and thought, but how can I understand that here it started? I felt good, with the appetite, too, there was no change. I realized realially, only when the fight began - the tone of the tummy began periodically periodically.

    So lucky, of course, not everyone, but it happens that a woman is not very susceptible to pain. So at the beginning of childbirth, while the pressure on the cervix is \u200b\u200bsmall (or, for example, she has a flat fetal bubble in which ), sensations can be unpleasant, but not painful.

    As you can see, the descriptions are very different. How to recognize them?

      Periodicity.Fights, no matter how felt, occur at equal intervals. This generic fights differ from "training" - .

      Ready. During childbirth, the fights occur more and more often.

      Gain. The intensity of pain is growing.

      No reaction to your actions. Unpleasant feelings do not disappear if you change the position of the body, go, lie, take a shower.

      Displacement of painful sensations. Gradually, the pain shifts into the crotch area, which begins to press the head of the child.

    All coincided? You're right in the hospital!