Preservation and strengthening of the health of the pupils of the preschool educational institution, the use of health-preserving technologies. Website for the head of a kindergarten, Preschool education in a preschool educational institution

Municipal budgetary preschool institution "Solnyshko"

Project in the preschool educational institution "Azbuka zdorovya".


(from 06.02-10.02.2017)

Prepared by the senior educator: Leshukova A.N.


The project in the preschool educational institution "Azbuka zdorovya" is the practical implementation of innovative health-saving technologies in educational activities.

Using the recommendations of scientists: I.V. Nikitina, T.N. Doronova, Yu.F. Zmanovsky, working in the field of health preservation, as well as the technology of developing education, we try to create in each age group such a developing environment that will facilitate the implementation of the program.

Problem: Lack of parental awareness of the importance of physical education. Negative statistics on the lifestyle in the family (decreased activity, unbalanced nutrition, non-compliance with the daily regimen, growing risk factors).

Currently, the problem of the health status and physical development of preschool children is of particular relevance. The preservation and strengthening of the psychophysical health of the younger generation is now turning into a priority social problem. Over the past decades, the health status of preschoolers has deteriorated sharply. Children's health problems need new approaches, trusting partnerships between preschool educational institutions and parents.

Objective of the project: introducing children to a healthy lifestyle through an organized model of health preservation in preschool educational institutions, by introducing



  • Expand and consolidate children's knowledge about healthy lifestyles.
  • To improve physical abilities in joint motor activity of children.
  • To improve the professional skills of preschool teachers on the topic "Healthy lifestyle".
  • Create a unified educational and educational space based on trusting partnerships between preschool educational institutions and parents.

Ways of project implementation:

  • thematic integrated classes, including physical education;
  • monitoring procedures (questionnaires of parents, tests for educators);
  • sport competitions;
  • conversations;
  • games, relay races;
  • counseling for parents; "Sports workshop"; exhibition of children's creativity.

Expected Result:

  • increasing children's interest in physical exercise and sports;
  • increasing parental interest in a healthy lifestyle;
  • improving the professional skills of preschool teachers in health preservation;
  • creation of a unified educational and educational space based on trusting partnerships between preschool educational institutions and parents;
  • decoration of the exhibition "Sports equipment";
  • Creation of a card index: "Outdoor games for preschoolers".

Project type:

By duration: short-term;

On the dominant line in the project: practice-oriented;

By the nature of contacts: within the framework of the preschool educational institution.

By the number of participants: frontal.

Our project is the result of the creative activity of children, parents, kindergarten teachers.

A feature of the project is a unified educational and educational space created on the basis of trusting partnerships between the preschool educational institution employees and their parents. This is the key to successful work with children.

Our work is not aimed at achieving high results in a short period of time. The main thing in it is to help children show their own potential, so that, growing up, they are ready to lead a healthy lifestyle, value their health and the health of those around them.

Target: Involvement of children in a healthy lifestyle through an organized model of health preservation in a preschool educational institution.

Implementation period: 06.02.-17.02.2017

Project Manager: - Leshukova A.N.

Creative team members:.

  1. Educator - Myakaeva A.A.
  2. Educator -Tantseva E.M.
  3. Educator -Turbovskaya I.S.
  4. Educator - Rukhlyadko A.A.

5. Educator - Bogdan I.Yu.

  1. Educator-Voronina N.V.
  2. Educator - N.V. Shipilova

8. Educator - Tikhonyuk A.M.

9. Educator - Kaiser A.V.

Project participants:

Pupils of MBDU "Solnyshko" at the age from 2 to 7 years; Educators;

Parents of pupils.

Name of the event

Duration of the


Preparatory stage

Collection and analysis of information

Senior educator


Determination of the goal and objectives of the project;

Creation of a creative group.

Senior educator


Project development.

Senior educator

creative Group

Informing and engaging

Parents to participate in the project.


The main stage.



MONDAY - Healthy food

Parents' meeting: "Interaction between teachers and parents in preserving the mental and physical health of children"

Senior educator


Rukhlyadko A.A.

Music director S.V. Golubenko

Opening: "Travel to the Land of Healthy Eating"

music worker


"I love vitamins - I want to be healthy",

"Correct and healthy food", "Vitamins and health",

"How to behave at the table."


Book corner "About healthy eating"


Didactic games: "Harmfully useful",



Modeling: "Basket of useful products".


Reading fictional literature: "Vitamin Tale"

I. A. Krupnova.

S. Kapitukyan "Masha is having lunch."


Application: "Vegetables and fruits"


Role-playing game "Dining room".


Excursion to the kindergarten catering unit.


An outdoor game "Bring an object".


TUESDAY "Valeology and preschooler"

"Personal hygiene. The ear is the organ of hearing. "

"To be healthy you have to be clean"

"Cleanliness is the key to health."

"How body parts move, who gives the command."


Medical worker


Outdoor games: "Allowed - forbidden" "Body parts".

"Merry and sad";


THURSDAY "A healthy mind in a healthy body!"


Outdoor games: "Run to the flag" "Airplanes".

"At the Bear's Forest" Skiing


"Don't crawl the line." Find the flag. Fun game "To meet the sun".

Drawing "My favorite sport".


"Man and his health". "Get on the charge." "Dental care". "Sports games in winter".



Examination of pictures "Entertainment in winter".


Quiz "Sports Attributes".


Learning sports phrases about sports, folk sayings about healthy lifestyles


Reading the nursery rhyme "Our ducks in the morning ...".


Relaxation course. Charger

music worker


Sports activities with parents:

"Merry starts"

"Dad, mom, I am a sports family"

music worker



"Games with toddlers"

FRIDAY "If you want to be healthy!"

Closing: "If you want to be healthy ...".

WEEK (from 06.02-10.02.2017) « The ABC of Health "-HOZ

MONDAY "Healthy Eating"

"I love vitamins - I want to be healthy",

"Correct and healthy food", "Vitamins and health", "How to behave at the table." Country "Vitaminia". Production of the newspaper "Healthy Nutrition1"

Book corner "On healthy eating" Didactic games: "Harmfully useful",

Games: "Useful products", "Find and name".

Outdoor game "Bring an item

TUESDAY "Valeology and preschooler"

"What parts does my body have?"

Personal hygiene quiz.

"Merry and sad";

K. Chukovsky "Fedorino grief" Playing with the nursery rhyme "Water, water ..."

Game situation "Everyone has their own towel."

Exhibition of drawings and crafts: "Fairy of Purity".

ENVIRONMENT Safety Lessons. First aid"

"On fire safety" "Lessons of caution".

Role-playing game "Ambulance".

Reading works: "If you are alone at home." K. Chukovsky "Aibolit".

Marshak "Little Red Riding Hood" Song "Tili-Bom! Tilibom! "

Nursery "Don-don-don".

An outdoor game "Along the path". Game situation "I'm lost".

Quiz "ABC of Security".

Entertainment: "How to Deal with the Dangers of Children"

THURSDAY "A healthy mind in a healthy body!"

Ball game "What sports do you know?"

"Man and his health". "Get on the charge." "Dental care". "Sports games in winter". Quiz "Sports Attributes". Learning sports phrases about sports, folk sayings about healthy lifestyles. Reading the nursery rhyme "Our ducks in the morning ...".

"Games with toddlers" (continuity between the groups of the MBDU "Solnyshko"

FRIDAY "If you want to be healthy!"

In the methodical office there is a booklet on valeology "Home Alone";

Sex-role education of children of school age (senior, preparatory)

Demo folders:

  • "Food" (32 cards)
  • "Vegetables. Fruits" (32 cards)
  • "Vegetables. Fruits" (18 cards)
  • "School. Sports" (32 cards)
  • "Daily routine" (8 cards)
  • "Human" (age, gender, body structure, body parts, feelings)
  • Synopsis "Be healthy!" (in Ukrainian)

When giving their baby to kindergarten for the first time, almost all parents face the same problem: the child begins to get sick more often. How can you provide strong health of children in kindergarten and avoid frequent colds or infectious diseases? You can find useful tips in the Land of Advice.

The poor health of children in kindergarten has always been a big problem. A child, entering kindergarten for the first time, finds itself in a rather aggressive viral-microbial environment, because in the team there may be children with colds, runny nose, etc. Therefore, in kindergarten, a child is often at risk of diseases.

To improve the health of children in kindergarten, you need to follow a few fairly simple rules. To begin with, if the child is just about to enter kindergarten, you need to start strengthening his immunity. So, you need to give the child a walk in the fresh air, ensure that the child's daily diet contains all the necessary vitamins and minerals.

The child does not need to create "greenhouse conditions", trying in every possible way to protect it from the slightest influence of the environment. This means that there is no need to wrap up the child excessively during walks, there is no need to create "sterile cleanliness" in the house. It is better to give the child more contact with other children (this is useful in terms of social development), and regularly carry out hardening procedures.

The health of children in kindergarten depends not only on the state of immunity, but, it turns out, also on how psychologically comfortable the kids are within the walls of a preschool institution. If a child goes to the garden with tears, if he cannot get used to the team, then this will not affect his health in the best way.

therefore adaptation of the child in kindergarten should be given special attention... You need to try to choose a garden in which the child would like. It is also necessary to prepare the kid for the first trip to kindergarten: tell how much fun he can spend time there, how he can play with other children.

To be completely sure that the health of children in kindergarten will not deteriorate, it is best to have a medical examination with the child before entering the garden... During the examination, the doctor will determine whether the child is healthy, whether he has signs of any incipient disease. If the child's immunity is weakened after an illness, then it is better to wait until the immunity gets stronger, and only then take the baby to kindergarten.

Often the health of children in kindergarten suffers from the fact that parents bring a knowingly sick child to the group... Such behavior of parents is fraught with infection of other children in the team and complication of the course of the disease of their own child. If possible, the sick child should be left at home.

True, it is also not worth being reinsured by keeping the child at home for 3-4 weeks at the slightest suspicion of a cold. The fact is that during this time, new viruses and microbes will appear in the children's team, and therefore the child runs the risk of getting sick again immediately after the first visit to the kindergarten.

This is the responsibility of both the garden staff and the parents. Together, you need to try to create all the conditions for children to develop correctly and healthy.

Organization of health days in a preschool educational institution

Raising children healthy, strong, cheerful is the task of every preschool institution. Being on the move means improving your health.

In the system of public events, an important role belongs to days of health.

Let's see what tasks we solve when organizing a Health Day in kindergarten? What do you think? (teachers' answers).

Development of basic movements and physical qualities.

Form an idea of ​​health;

Strengthening the health of children;

Formation of a healthy lifestyle, a conscious attitude to one's health;

Creates conditions for emotional and psychological well-being;

- in the days of health, children gain the experience of outdoor activities;

Teaching the skills of cooperation with children and adults;

They create conditions for improving the methods of pedagogical promotion of a healthy lifestyle, help to involve parents in an active upbringing and educational process.

You and I must make sure that these days are distinguished by a varied and interesting motor activity, a rich variability of stimulating and activating forms and techniques that contribute to the formation of the motor experience of children, strengthen health, and temper the body.

I think that everyone was faced with such a problem that when choosing material for holding a health day in kindergarten, you only find holiday scenarios. How to organize a kindergarten health day? The day of health, can be very diverse, should include different types of activities. In our garden, Health Days are held once a quarter.

You need to start preparing your health day with preliminary work. Necessary:

  • decide which topic, based on the age group, will be interesting and understandable to children, the venue (participation of specialists, premises, weather, etc.);
  • collect the material necessary for this: cartoons, attributes, costumes;
  • make a plan for the whole day. For example, a menu where the names of the dishes reflect the theme of the day (for example, Bogatyr porridge, Vitamin compote, Ruddy Cheeks salad);
  • select outdoor games, relay games in accordance with the chosen topic, prepare, if necessary, schemes for walks or games in the stations;
  • organize preliminary work not only with educators and specialists, but also with parents.

Health day structurerepresented by the variability of the content implemented at different times of the day with children and parents.

On health days the daily routine is saturated with the vigorous activity of children, taking into account the peculiarities of climatic conditions. So, in cold weather, exposure to the air, if possible, should be increased, and in warm weather, all motor-play activities of preschoolers should be taken out into the open air. Educational work on this day is aimed at creating conditions for active recreation for children. This work includes all teachers working in a group:

In planning, organizing and conducting day of health not only educators take an active part, but also a medical worker, a physical education instructor and other specialists of the preschool educational institution. All specialists working with children on this day build their work in accordance with the theme of the day, use health-saving technologies.

Health days should have a theme that is specified in each age group.

  • "The sun, air and water are our best friends";
  • “We want to be healthy - the regime helps us”;
  • "Hygiene, cleanliness - health and beauty for us";
  • "Healthy food";
  • "Sport - health", "Movement - health";
  • "No" - bad habits ";
  • "Folk games - freedom and fun for daring people";
  • "Fun and laughter - for us health and success";
  • "Nature and Health";
  • "Russian porridge is our strength";
  • "Signor Tomato's Day"
  • Nebolika Tips;

Health Day can be dedicated to any holiday:

  • “February 7 - Winter Sports Day”;
  • “April 7 - World Health Day”;
  • “October 10 - Mental Health Day”;
  • "Defender of the Fatherland Day";
  • "Mothers Day";
  • seasonal holidays ("Summer, health and sports", "Autumn marathons", "Winter fun", etc.)
  • "February 11 - World Day of the Sick"
  • "May 15 - International Family Day"

The day of health begins with a morning reception for children, which can be spent in a playful way or introduce a game character in the process of an interesting and entertaining interaction. In the first and second half of the day, you can offer children and parents various tasks in a serious and humorous form: conversations, dialogues, problem situations, games, obstacle courses, riddles, health-improving minutes, allowing you to create a positive emotional mood and increase the activity of children and adults.

Morning exercises should be related to the theme of the day and carried out in an unconventional manner. This could be:

  • vigor charging,
  • emotionally stimulating gymnastics,
  • aerobics,
  • gymnastics of the "Little Wizards" with elements of massage, self-massage of biologically active points of the skin and psycho-gymnastics.

You can invite fairy-tale characters, parents, kindergarten workers to such gymnastics.

The further program of the Day includes various forms of work, taking into account the age and individual characteristics of preschoolers

Role-playing games;

Outdoor games and exercises in the air;

Hiking trips;

Simplest hiking trips;

Health lessons;

Dynamic and wellness breaks;

Sports holidays;

Hiking tours;

Sports contests and quizzes;

Fun and entertainment;

Physical culture leisure;

Solving problem situations on health issues;

Folk and sports games;

Exercises on health and hardening paths;

Sun and air baths;

Introduction of new attributes and didactic games;

Games with motion toys;

Relays, etc.

The motor load is regulated by teachers in accordance with the age, physical fitness and state of health of the children.

Health day in the younger group

For the youngest children, educators select a simple scenario that will be understandable and interesting at this age. The lesson consolidates knowledge about the benefits of vegetables and fruits for human health, about what is important on time andHealthy food, go to bed on timeto be healthy. Mikhalkov's poem "About a girl who ate poorly" will be instructive and interesting.

As a visual aid, you can use layouts of vegetables and fruits or natural fresh (if the season allows). There are short funny quatrains about each of the objects that children remember without difficulty and the obtained useful information is stored in the memory of the kids.

Also, the educator can touch on the topic of cleanliness based on the work "Moidodyr", thereby laying the foundation for the children of such a concept as hygiene, and its role in the life of the child.

Health day in the middle group

Children in this group can already be familiarized with the basics of ecology and a healthy lifestyle in such classes. In the warm season, Health Day is held outdoors. During it, the surrounding nature, its living inhabitants, and the connection of the animal and plant world with society are studied. Also, kids take part in various relay races, designed to fall in love with physical education.

Health Day in the preparatory and senior groups

The older the children become, the more serious information they are able to assimilate and communicate on an equal footing with the teacher on a given topic. At this age, it is easy for children to be carried away by sports, especially if their parents are also actively involved. That is why Health Day in kindergarten for older children is held with the participation of adults and often in nature.

It can be a small trip to a nearby park, but with all the equipment - backpacks, dry rations and other equipment necessary for relay races. Children sing themed songs about health, learned in advance, participate in competitions on the topic of health together with adults.

In order to avoid overwork of preschoolers, intensive forms must be alternated with sedentary games and situations, relaxation pauses, giving the participation of children a relaxed character and contributing to their recovery.

The most effective for preschoolers are physical events and leisure activities with the performance of competitive exercises (for older preschoolers), all kinds of thematic entertainment, game stories (for younger children).

Second half Day of health provides for the active participation of parents in joint activities with children: sports events, contests and quizzes, shows, wellness hours, outdoor events, evenings - entertainment, KVN, etc.

In long-term planning in the block "Interaction with parents", various forms of work within the framework of the designated theme of the day of health should be reflected:

  • original information in parent corners,
  • memo,
  • booklets;
  • consultations;
  • hometasks;
  • making joint albums with children, publishing a home newspaper about health;
  • round tables, where parents had the opportunity to share their experience of organizing a healthy lifestyle in the family;
  • conversations.

All this helps preschool educational institutions to activate parents to participate in health days, to increase their potential in the family and the level of pedagogical culture on the problems of improving their children.

Successful health days are the result of well-coordinated and organized work of the entire preschool educational institution and family, uniting adults and children with common goals.

Thus, methodologically correctly organized work on physical education is designed to satisfy the natural need of children for movement and to promote their timely mastery of motor skills and abilities, to form a positive self-esteem for oneself and the activities of comrades.

Such work with preschool children is also valuable in that it creates conditions for emotional and psychological well-being, since it has a great influence on the development of the mind, education of character, will, morality, creates a certain spiritual mood, awakens interest in self-expression, contributes not only to better learning knowledge and consolidation of skills, but also has a beneficial effect on the child's psyche.

List of sources used

1. Lysova V.Ya., Yakovleva T.S. Sports events and entertainment. - M .: ARKTI, 2000.S. 3 -4

2. Kopukhova N.N., Ryzhkova L.A., Samodurova M.M. Physical education teacher in preschool institutions. M .: Publishing Center "Academy", 2002. S. 198 - 199

3. Runova M.A. Physical activity of a child in kindergarten. - M .: Publishing Center "Academy", 2000.12 p.

4. Mashchenko M.V., Shishkina V.A. Physical culture of preschoolers. - Minsk: Urajay, 2000.275 p.

5. Shebeko V.N., Ovsyankin V.A., Karmanova L.V. Physical training! - Minsk: "Education", 1997.125 s

6. Aksenova Z.F. Sports holidays in kindergarten. - M .: ARKTI, 2000, 90 p.

7. Shumilova V.A. Sports and entertainment events in kindergarten. - Mozyr, LLC Publishing House "White Wind", 2002.70 p.

Introduction ……………………………………………………………… ... 2

1. Health-saving technologies: concept, purpose and objectives …….… 4

2. Types of health-saving technologies used in preschool educational institutions .... 6

3. Forms of recreational work in a preschool institution …… ..11

Conclusion ………………………………………………………… ..… .22

References …………………………………………………… ..… 23

“I am not afraid to repeat again and again:

health care is the most important

the work of the educator. From cheerfulness,

the cheerfulness of children depends on their spiritual life,

worldview, mental development,

strength of knowledge, self-confidence ”.

V.A. Sukhomlinsky


Preschool age is reasonably considered the most important period in the formation of a person's personality. At this age, various abilities develop more intensively, moral qualities are formed, character traits are developed. It is in this age period that the foundation of health and the development of physical qualities necessary for the effective participation of a child in various forms of physical activity is laid and strengthened, which, in turn, creates conditions for the active and directed formation and development of mental functions and intellectual abilities of a preschooler.

What is health? Let us turn to the "Dictionary of the Russian language" by S.I. Ozhegova: "Correct, normal activity of the body." The Charter of the World Health Organization (WHO) states that health is not only the absence of disease or physical defects, but also complete physical, mental and social well-being. That is why the problem of health should be considered in a broad social aspect.

Analysis of the health status of preschool children shows that over the past decade the number of absolutely healthy children has decreased from 23 to 15% and the number of children with chronic diseases has increased from 16 to 17.3%. On average in Russia, every preschooler has at least two diseases a year. Approximately 20-27% of children are often and long-term ill. Almost 90% of preschool children have standard deviations in the structure of the musculoskeletal system - poor posture, flat feet, unbalanced muscle tone, weakness of the abdominal muscles, non-optimal ratio of static and dynamic movements. In 20-30% of older preschool children, neurotic manifestations are observed. According to forecasts, 85% of these children are potential patients with cardiovascular diseases. About 50% of children need psychocorrection and are characterized by serious psychological distress. The overwhelming majority of children, starting from preschool age, suffer from movement deficit and reduced immunity. Their muscle load decreases due to objective reasons: children practically do not have the opportunity to play outdoor games during a walk, and some parents are overly keen on the intellectual development of their children (computer games, visiting various circles).

The above results clearly indicate the social and pedagogical level of problems that arise before the workers of preschool institutions, called upon to raise a healthy child with optimal physical and mental development, which corresponds to the social demand of society.

It is undeniable that the main task of a kindergarten is to prepare a child for an independent life, giving him the necessary skills for this, having brought up certain habits. But can every professionally trained teacher, just an adult responsible person, dispassionately treat the unfavorable state of health of his pupils, its progressive deterioration? One of the answers to this question was the demand for health-saving educational technologies by teachers of an educational institution.

1. Health-saving technologies: concept, purpose and objectives

Before we start talking about health-saving technologies, let's define the concept of “technology”. Technology is an instrument of the teacher's professional activity, which is accordingly characterized by a qualitative adjective - pedagogical. The essence of pedagogical technology lies in the fact that it has a pronounced phasing (step by step), includes a set of certain professional actions at each stage, allowing the teacher to foresee the intermediate and final results of his own professional pedagogical activity during the design process. Pedagogical technology is distinguished by: concreteness and clarity of goals and objectives, the presence of stages: primary diagnosis; selection of content, forms, methods and techniques for its implementation; the use of a set of tools in a certain logic with the organization of intermediate diagnostics to achieve the designated goal; final diagnostics of goal achievement, criteria-based assessment of results. (This definition is proposed by V.A. Derkunskaya - Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences)

What are health-saving technologies?

Health-saving technologies in preschool education are technologies aimed at solving the priority task of modern preschool education - the task of preserving, maintaining and enriching the health of subjects of the pedagogical process in kindergarten: children, teachers and parents.

The goal of health-saving technologies in preschool education in relation to the child is to ensure a high level of real health for a kindergarten pupil and the upbringing of valeological culture as a combination of a child's conscious attitude to human health and life, knowledge about health and the ability to protect, maintain and preserve it, value-logical competence that allows a preschooler independently and effectively solve the problems of a healthy lifestyle and safe behavior, problems associated with the provision of elementary medical, psychological self-help and assistance. With regard to adults - promoting the development of a culture of health, including the culture of professional health of preschool educational institutions and valeological education of parents.

Our preschool educational institution has developed a "health preservation technology", the tasks of which are:

1. Preservation and strengthening of children's health on the basis of complex and systemic use of physical education means available for kindergarten, optimization of physical activity in the fresh air.

2. Ensuring an active position of children in the process of acquiring knowledge about a healthy lifestyle.

3. Constructive partnership of the family, the teaching staff and the children themselves in strengthening their health, developing their creative potential.

2. Types of health-preserving technologies used in preschool educational institutions

Types of health-preserving technologies in preschool education - classification of health-preserving technologies according to the dominance of goals and tasks to be solved, as well as the leading means of health preservation and health enrichment of subjects of the pedagogical process in kindergarten.

Health-preserving activities in our kindergarten are carried out in the following forms:

Medical and preventive technologies

Medical and preventive activities ensure the preservation and enhancement of the health of children under the guidance of the medical staff of the preschool educational institution in accordance with medical requirements and standards with the use of medical devices.

The objectives of this activity:

Organization of monitoring of children's health and development of recommendations for optimizing children's health;

Organization and control of children's nutrition, physical development, hardening;

Organization of preventive measures that contribute to the resistance of the child's body (for example, immunization, gargling with anti-inflammatory herbs, gentle regimen during the adaptation period, etc.).

Organization of control and assistance in ensuring the requirements of sanitary and epidemiological standards - San PiN

Organization of a health-preserving environment in a preschool educational institution.

Monitoring of the state of health and physical development of children is carried out by medical workers of the kindergarten. All work on the physical education of children in a preschool educational institution is based on their physical fitness and existing deviations in health. To do this, on the basis of individual medical records, the preschool doctor draws up a consolidated scheme for each age group, which helps educators and medical workers to have a clear picture of the health status of the children of the entire group and each child individually. This analysis scheme and specific recommendations are entered into the group "Health Journal" - "Child's Individual Route" - so that each educator plans physical education and health work in accordance with the characteristics of children's health.

Physical culture and health technology

Physical culture and recreation activities are aimed at the physical development and health improvement of the child.

The objectives of this activity:

Development of physical qualities;

Control of physical activity and the formation of physical culture of preschoolers,

Formation of correct posture, prevention of disorders of the musculoskeletal system;

Nurturing the habit of daily physical activity;

Improvement by means of hardening. Physical culture and recreation activities are carried out by a physical education instructor in physical education classes, as well as by teachers - in the form of various gymnastics, physical education minutes, dynamic pauses, etc.;

The protection of children's health and its strengthening is one of the main tasks of every preschool institution. At the same time, they take care not only of the physical, but also of the mental and social well-being of the kids.

Basic concepts

Health-preserving technologies in kindergarten are a complex of medical, psychological and pedagogical measures aimed not only at protecting children, but also at forming a value-based and conscious attitude towards their health.

The increased attention to them is due to the fact that the incidence of babies is increasing from year to year. This happens despite all the advances in modern medicine. At the same time, many kindergarten children suffer from chronic diseases, disorders of the musculoskeletal system, and they have problems with posture.

Health-saving technologies in the educational process are divided into those aimed at:

  • stimulation and maintenance of health;
  • teaching a healthy and correct lifestyle;
  • correction of the condition of babies.

The effectiveness of all technologies primarily depends on how the learning process is organized in the preschool educational institution, whether it does harm to the kids.

The purposes of their use are very clear. They are necessary in order for the pupils of the gardens to become more viable, they have formed the correct attitude to their health, they could independently preserve, protect and maintain it. Even preschoolers should receive knowledge about the rules for providing basic medical care and, if necessary, self-help.

It is necessary to involve the parents of kindergarten children in the process.

Description of technologies

It is important that in every preschool educational institution health-preserving educational technologies are applied on a regular basis. For example, as children become fatigued, use dynamic pauses.

Technologies aimed at maintaining health and stimulating it include various outdoor games, including sports, gymnastics, warm-up for fingers, eyes, breathing, and the use of health paths.

To instill in kids a love for a correct lifestyle, daily morning exercises, organized sports events, educational activities aimed at developing physical culture are important.

Correctional technologies include music therapy, fairy tale therapy, isotherapy, logo rhythmics, art therapy.

Finger gymnastics

For the development of fine motor skills and the entertainment of children, it is important to carry out regular warm-ups with them. Scientists have proven that it is the stimulation of the fingers of the crumbs that contributes to the development of speech. In addition, it is necessary so that the kid can better cope with drawing and writing and less tired during classes.

Children 4-5 years old can do many exercises on their own. From your fingers, you can offer to fold glasses, make a bunny, a dog or a mask. These are fairly simple health-preserving pedagogical technologies, but their benefits can hardly be overestimated. Regular use of them in the garden and at home will help the child develop fine motor skills and, accordingly, stimulate speech.

Gymnastics for the eyes

Such exercises are necessary in order to preserve the vision of babies. After all, 90% of the information comes just through the eyes. They work throughout the entire waking time of the child, sometimes experiencing tremendous stress. Eye exercises you can do with babies are pretty simple. It is necessary to blink with them, ask them to close their eyes, open their eyes wide and look into the distance. It is also interesting for children to follow a finger that either approaches the nose or moves away from it. Such health-preserving technologies should be used constantly in kindergarten.

Breathing exercises

It is very important to pay attention to correct breathing. During inhalation, the chest should expand, while the air entering the lungs enters the alveoli, where the blood is saturated with oxygen. It is important that babies do not breathe superficially, but deeply.

Stimulating exercises are necessary not only for children suffering from frequent colds, bronchitis, pneumonia, asthma, but also for relatively healthy babies. Gymnastics for breathing is especially effective in treating diseases, it can perfectly complement medication, physiotherapy and even homeopathic treatment.

The "train" exercise is well suited for these purposes. When walking, it is necessary to make movements with your hands, depicting a train ride and say "chug-chukh". It is also good to do bends - first inhale, then the body bends to the side and exhale. The exercise "watch" is also popular in the preschool educational institution: children stand up straight and begin to wave their arms back and forth, while pronouncing "tick-tock".

Physical activity

The set of activities, which in official documents are called "health-preserving technologies in kindergarten", must include active games. It can be running in pairs, overcoming simple obstacles. There are popular games in which children, divided into 2 teams, have to collect certain objects for speed. Any other types of active games are also welcome.

Children over 4 years old may well learn simple rules and follow them. From this age, competitions and relay races can be held. Of course, in most kindergartens, the program contains only elements of outdoor games, but they are mandatory. Moderate mobility activities should be done daily for walks or in groups.


But not only gymnastics, games and other active ways of spending time are important. Rest and relaxation play a special role. For these purposes, babies can be turned on sounds of nature or calm classical music. Responsible for this part of health-preserving technologies are educators, psychologists and physical education instructors.

Relaxation breaks help relieve mental, nervous and emotional stress. Timely relaxation can help replenish strength, rest the muscles and prevent emotions from being overwhelmed. These are very important health-preserving technologies according to the Federal State Educational Standard (Federal State Educational Standard).

Relaxation is necessary both with excessive activity of babies, and with their obvious lethargy, which can even be called apathy. A range of relaxation exercises can release tension, improve well-being, increase focus, and help you concentrate better.

The entire complex should take about 5-7 minutes to complete. Usually children willingly repeat the movements after adults. This can be a "lock" exercise: the lips are compressed so that they are practically invisible and hide for about 5 seconds. You can also stretch your lips to expose all your teeth and growl hard. After that, you should take a deep breath, smile, stretch, yawn.

The Curious Barbarian exercise is suitable for relaxing the neck muscles. To do this, the kids turn their head as far as possible to the left and then to the right and return to their original position.

You can knead the handles by squeezing an imaginary lemon. To do this, the muscles are strained strongly, strongly, and the palm is compressed into a fist. Then the lemon rushes sharply, and the fingers and hand relax.

For complete relaxation, you can do the "birdie" exercise. Children "fly" through the meadow, flowers, drink water, clean feathers, splash in the stream. The teacher shows what movements this should all be accompanied by.

The "snow woman" exercise is popular among children. At first, the kids stand up straight like snowmen, their hands look in different directions. But gradually they begin to melt, the arms go down, the neck relaxes, and they slowly turn into a puddle on the floor.

Dynamic pauses

Particular attention should be paid to the recreation of children during the educational process. As babies get tired, it is necessary to make special pauses. They should be about 2-5 minutes long. But even such a short rest is quite enough for health-preserving technologies in the younger group to start working. In older groups, children are already more resilient, they can withstand about 15 minutes of continuous classes, but they also need rest.

Dynamic pauses are carried out as needed. The caregiver who looks after the children can decide for themselves when their charges need a break. With dynamic pauses, you can perform elements of breathing exercises, do exercises for fingers and eyes. They are carried out on the initiative and under the supervision of educators.

They are usually performed under poetic material with a specific storyline. This helps children to grasp the connection between the action and the movement they are performing. When choosing poems, the age of the kids, their motor and speech abilities, must be taken into account.

Pauses are very important for the development of children. Joint exercises with adults help to get rid of stiffness, insecurity, relieve tension after learning new material, develop attention and memory.

Invigorating gymnastics

Another element related to the complex of measures aimed at maintaining and promoting health is exercises that are performed after a nap. They may vary depending on the conditions of the preschool educational institution. Often they do exercises on cribs, self-massage, extensive washing, walks on ribbed boards, jogging from the bedroom to the playroom, in which a slight temperature difference is maintained.

The complex of invigorating gymnastics can include exercises for the prevention of posture disorders, prevention of flat feet, elements of finger and breathing exercises and other types. Health-saving technologies to keep babies healthy and active also include walking in circles on toes, heels, and slow jogging.

After such exercises, hardening is considered effective. This can be stomping in a basin of water, walking barefoot, dousing your feet, or wiping your body with a damp cloth or towel. Such invigorating procedures allow the baby's body to quickly engage in a working rhythm and strengthen his health.

Physical education

To maintain the well-being of kids, every kindergarten should have its own project “Health-saving technologies”. In addition to measures aimed at stimulating the immune system, it also includes elements of teaching babies how to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

Particular attention is paid to physical education. In each preschool educational institution, they should be at least 2-3 times a week and be held not in a group, but in a special sports or music hall. Physical culture and health technologies consist of an established program, according to which children should be engaged with a special instructor under the supervision of educators. Exceptions are made only for the smallest - nursery groups may not have physical education, or it may be carried out directly in the group.

Health-preserving technologies of physical culture are more in demand among older children. For the smallest, 10 minutes of physical education is enough. For younger children, the lesson should last up to 20 minutes, the middle one - up to 25, the older one - for 25-30 minutes. Before physical education, the room is ventilated, only after that it is possible to have children in it.

The main task of these lessons is the formation of the necessary motor skills and abilities in babies, the development of physical qualities. It is also important to create conditions for children to realize their need for physical activity. All of this is the foundation for their physical and mental well-being.

Communication and problem-playing lessons

In addition to physical education, it is important to pay attention to how life safety should be carried out. But this direction is relevant only for older children of kindergarten. Special thematic classes are held with the children.

Communication games allow the child to be involved in the process of social adaptation, help to develop facial expressions, gestures, and pantomime. Children learn to control their bodies, create a positive attitude towards it. In addition, such games contribute to the fact that kids begin to better understand each other, delve into the essence of the information received. They try to show their emotional state with the help of speech and expressive movements. This develops their imaginative thinking, stimulates non-verbal imagination.

Many children love to play ghosts. An adult shows them how to scare (raises his hands and spreads his fingers) and pronounces the sound "oo-oo-oo". At the same time, the rules are voiced, children should do this with a clap: if it is quiet, then “u” should be said quietly, if loud, then you can shout a little.

A simple game "sun" can unite the team. An adult stretches out his hand, and the children should lower their palm on it, saying "hello." This ritual can be used to tune children into play and gather them in a circle.

Life safety games can be played at any free time. Such activities may even be organized unnoticed by the children themselves. The teacher simply joins the game, introducing the elements he needs into it.


Being active, developing communication skills and the ability to relax are not all health-preserving technologies in kindergarten. In many preschool educational institutions, an important role is assigned to the development of self-massage skills. It helps not only relax muscles, relieve tension, but also improve coordination. Specially designed exercises can help you learn how to switch movements - slow down unnecessary ones and activate the necessary ones.

Children are taught to massage palms, forearms, hands. For this, movements such as stroking, pressing, rubbing, patting, pinching, extension / flexion of the fingers are used. For such a massage, improvised items can also be used: pencils, balls, balls. In this case, it is important that the movements are performed in the direction of the lymph nodes: from the fingers to the wrists, from the hands to the elbows. Self-massage of the face is very useful. It increases the intellectual activity of children by 75%.

Correctional work

It is important to include in the work of each preschool educational institution not only physical culture and health technologies, but also methods aimed at increasing the emotional mood. Music can be used for these purposes. Such corrective therapy can be combined with physical education, or it can be carried out separately up to 4 times a month in each group. Musical impact allows you to relieve stress, improve the mood of children, and give them a boost of vivacity.

Fairy tale therapy also has a positive effect. True, it is advisable to conduct it in older groups, several times a month for 30 minutes. Fairy tales are used for therapeutic, psychological and developmental purposes. They can be told by an adult or by a group of children taking turns. The positive impact of such methods is obvious, therefore, many recommend actively using corrective health-saving technologies in preschool educational institutions.

Classes can also include isotherapy. Drawing with fingers or palms can distract a child, make him happy, relieve tension, overcome fear and insecurity. Art technologies used in kindergartens have a beneficial effect on kids. They are based on the perception of different colors and their effect on the state of the psyche of children.

If all the described methods of preserving the health of babies are used at the preschool educational institution, then you can be sure that the children will become healthier, more self-confident, and calmer.