Test vampirism by date of birth. Black and white magician. Indoor Flowers on Feng Shui: how to attract good luck, money and love

A person cannot exist without society; However, unfortunately, in the close environment there are not only friendly and friendly people, but also very unpleasant and even dangerous individuals. Those who like to make discord and quarrels in a working or related team are often called energy vampires. People of this type are greatly pleasure when someone suffers from or is experiencing. How to recognize the energy vampire and protect yourself and their loved ones from his negative impact?

Often, a person notices that there is a sudden weakness in the society of certain people, there is a decline of strength, the desire to do business and solve some questions. It is possible that this is the result of communication with the energy vampire, which absorbs the bioenergy of weaker and sensitive natures.

In order for the process of absorption of moral forces to be launched, special conditions are required, first of all, the "victim" should be removed from equilibrium, something is upset, grieved or offended. This is achieving the aggressor. Signs of his "work":

  • Empty, meaningless, monotonous conversations, take away the desire to communicate with the interlocutor
  • Endless Questions and Captures
  • Unwillingness to listen to answers and constant interrupting
  • Ignore the arguments, and so on.

Talk with such a person - real torment! He does not listen to anyone, besides himself and enjoys when he sees that the interlocutor gets tired and tires from such communication. At this moment and "Charging" takes place: the donor biofield is destroyed, and nothing prevents the outflow of energy.

The manner of behavior is the main "symptom"

To determine if there are people with vampire making in the nearest environment, it is necessary to pay attention to the behavior of friends, relatives, colleagues.

A person who is accustomed to eating someone else's energy, loves to talk on the phone; Moreover, his calls always take place. It often calls during rest, sleep, food intake, bathing or soul. A telephone conversation with him is never short: it is important for him for a long time to distract the "sacrifice" and fill it with a stream of meaningless phrases.

If the energy predator is next to his "donor", he will try to get away from important things in every way without giving focus on solving issues. If someone is preparing for an exam or an important interview, the vampire will include loud music, will walk from the room into the room, flapping the doors, infinitely plow or produce other monotonous, irritating sounds. Even after several comments, he will not calm down, but will only strengthen his actions, feeling that it seeks the goal.

Some people love to make all sorts of tragedies and misfortunes occurring with others. They gladly retell seen chronicles of incidents, news about catastrophes or scene of horror films. The bad dreams associated with the theme of death are their favorite subject to conversation! When the surrounding sincerely worries and upset about this or that matter, the vampires receive real pleasure, because at this point their energy "piggy bank" is replenished with new resources.

I wonder: how to protect yourself from the energy vampire? ()

Pay attention to tastes and addiction

Interestingly, the energy vampire can be determined by its habits, the manner of communication and even culinary preferences! It is believed that such people are indifferent to sweets and hot, warming drinks (tea, coffee, cocoa), while cold drinks and sharp dishes are their favorite delicacies.

Surrounded by such people, pets and indoor plants do not get along. Household appliances and various devices often break and fail.

Another important feature - such people simply need police contact with their victim. Condescendingly stroking on hand or head, step on the leg, push in the back, pour into public transport - these are characteristic of vampires.

They love to take into debt and not give money, even well knowing about the complex financial situation of their "sponsor". They often promise to do something important, which is of great importance for who asks. Naturally, there can be no question of any fulfillment of obligations. A person is waiting and hoping to help, spends his emotions and thus "feeds" the energy hunter, who only needs it!

How to determine the threat by date of birth

Experts argue that the energy vampire can be determined by the date of its birth, with the use of special equipment - numerology. Make accurate calculations will help the test, for which the following will be required:

  • Accurate human birth date
  • Paper
  • Pencil

For example, the birthday of the "suspect" falls on July 6, 1985. The date is written in the form of numbers: 06 07 1985. The next step is the summation of all numbers: 0 + 6 + 0 + 7 + 1 + 9 + 8 + 5 \u003d 36.

36 - the base number, the components of which again need to be folded: 3 + 6 \u003d 9. If the sum of the components of the base number exceeds 11, the result indicators are re-produced before receiving one digit, which is the desired one.

The figure 9 in a specific example is the main number, an indicator of the level of energy, which is a man from birth. Now the result must be analyzed in accordance with the following rules:

  • If the main number is less than five, this means that a person has a tendency to the energy vampirism, since his own biofield is rather weak and needs a constant feeding.
  • The main number equal to five, six or seven characterizes its owner as a person with a normal level of bioenergy. Such people rarely become vampires, and then, exclusively, at their own desire, and not by natural necessity.
  • Those whose main number is 8 or 9, are considered voluntary donors: they have excessive energy, sharing it with others.

Knowing the date of birth of his loved ones and friends, you can calculate who from the environment represents a potential danger and think over to the line of behavior with such people.

When close relative is a vampire ...

Unfortunately, people who feed on other people's emotions can meet among the closest relatives. How do energy vampires behave in the house, in the family and how to recognize them?

First, you can take advantage of the above methodology and calculate the energy vampire by date of birth. Those who need more good "evidence" will use the following techniques:

  1. The easiest way is to ask the "suspect" to fold the hands into the castle, crosant fingers. If there is a thumb with the right hand, it is possible to remove all the "charges" with a person, it does not have vampirism making. But in the case when a large finger of the left hand is located on top, on a relative or friend, you need to pay more close attention and appreciate whether it does not eat its loved ones.
  2. Another simple method is to pay attention to the eye color. Of course, the eyes of the energy bloodsuckers will not be bright red, as in films, in those who are used to eat blood. However, it has been proven that people with warm shades of eyes - brown, green, yellow-green or black, have all the deposits to "drink" from the energy surrounding. At the same time, people with the eyes of blue, blue, gray, rather will act as "donors".
  3. Of course, you can recognize the aggressor not only by external signs, but also on behavior: if there are often scandals and large quarrels in the house; Spouses torment each other with jealousy and groundless suspicions, demand attention to themselves and do nothing in return - energy vampirism can occur in all these situations.

If the predator is "calculated", it is not necessary to despair that a close and beloved person needs a "dose" of energy daily. No rare cases when harmony and understanding reigns in such families, since the required amount of feeding comes to a vampire from the outside - at work, on the street, in public transport.

Additional differences

Numerous observations of the behavior of people make it possible to recognize the signs of energy vampires not only by date of birth or color of the eyes. In addition to all the listed methods, there are additional features with which you can calculate a potentially dangerous person. Interestingly, the vampires sometimes "give out" himself without even suspecting it.

The favorite "hobby" of such people is to take part in some mass events (demonstrations, political rallies, major meetings). They can often be found in a long queue to the doctor or in the shopping center - where the probability of the scandal is highest.

Lovers feed on other people's emotions most often in the morning wake up with a bad mood, but in the evening, having received a portion of someone else's energy, become cheerful, cheerful and active.

Trying to bring someone from those around the surrounding water, the main thing is not to hurry and do not have hasty conclusions. The fact that for some is a characteristic sign of vampirism, for others can be a simple feature of behavior. And in general, experts recommend to behave calmly and not succumb to provocations, and then no vampire will be no danger.

There is a special category of people who are called energy vampires. Skeptics are inclined to question the existence of "scapions". However, serious scientific studies have shown that people who try to consciously or unconsciously get someone else's energy really exist. Mediums are confident that the energy vampire can be determined using simple manipulations.

It is necessary to determine your belonging to vampires by adding the digits of the date of your birth. For example, a man, born 08.05.1999, conducts the following calculation: 8 + 5 + 1 + 9 + 9 + 9 \u003d 41. The numbers of the received two-digit number should be added to each other: 4 + 1 \u003d 5. Then you need to check the result:

Unsuccessful unions

People who are often loving each other, starting to live together, quarrel without any occasion. Energy incompatibility becomes wines. Two vampire will not be able to stay nearby. Both have a low energy level, which means that it will be impossible to receive energy from the partner. The only way to stay together is to find a source on the side.

Unsuccessful is the Union of "Grying" with a black magician. Despite the fact that the black magician has its own high potential, he is used to eat and someone else's energy. In this union, the vampire will not be able to connect to the victim: the partner of nature is well protected. A good pair of "girder" can be a donor. The "power source" will always be near. It was noted that the donors themselves are not always affected by choosing a vampire as the "second half". If a person who gives energy wants to preserve the Union, he needs to constantly replenish the stocks of vitality. This can be done with the help of sports, frequent contacts with nature and domestic animals.

If you are the energy vampire by date of birth, you should not despair. From vampirism you can not get rid of all. However, it can be controlled. To get, it is not necessary to torment someone scandals or undivided love. Enjoy your help to other people. Your vital energy reserves will be constantly replenished.

To know yourself very important. With the help of tests in the picture you can look into your soul in just a few seconds. This test will help you determine your type of energy.

One of the well-known and common topics - energy vampirism. Some people suffer a lack of energy and vitality, and they need a kind of feeding, which will help to act further. In turn, according to the laws of nature, there are those who are able to give this energy.

With the help of our test test, you can define your type and take appropriate measures. Choose one of the pictures suggested below and find out who you are: Energy vampire or donor? Do not follow the elements of the sign of the zodiac or other reasoning, try to choose that natural strength that is close in spirit.

the fire

This element has a huge destroying force that absorbs everything in its path. Flame requires something to burn, it actually exists at the expense of another material. A person who chooses this particular picture can be engaged in energy vampirism quite consciously, because it constantly notices such a feature: if he is not long among people, then faster gets tired and cannot raise his mood faster.

To restore life energy, someone who will give it is needed energy vampires. Ideal when there is a donor in the circle. But one he may not cope and as a result, even suffer. Therefore, the energy vampire is best to have a large circle of communication and collect energy from the world by thread.


You are the most likely a full donor. As plants feed on the forces of the Earth and grow on it, and you give your energy to others. It is only necessary to understand that energy has an end, it is an exhaustive resource of your body. If you feel that it is often strongly tired and by the end of the day, it is quite without strength by the end of the day, it is quite possible, there is a power vampire near you next to you. Or you are completely uneconomically squanding energy. To avoid diseases and have energy after the working day, try to protect yourself from the energy vampire.

On the other hand, if donors do not give their energy, then they have an unpleasant oversupply of forces, which as a result does not lead to anything. It will deteriorate and spoils his carrier himself, which is why nervous breakdowns or a person begins to experience an evil.


In fact, you are not either an energy vampire nor a donor. You have just the necessary combination that allows you to exist normally. It is especially necessary to meet with energy vampires, because then the balance will be broken, and you yourself will have to think, how and where to get the necessary energy.

On the other hand, communication with the donor is also not always well affected, although, of course, it is better than with the energy industry. But then the resulting energy must be spent. Show more activity and act: Then your balance will be in perfect condition.


This picture is also associated with the absorption of energy. Choosing it, you most likely show the energy vampirism. In this case, it is either almost unconscious, or a little recognized. Often, it is precisely this element that the introverted people choose in nature or those who tend to dive into their reflections. To feel fully, you need a person who will take you to interesting events and make a variety in your life. Active in their manifestations personality will help reduce your need for someone else's energy.

If you are active enough and not too introvert, then you will simply need a person who will become a donor for you. You will not harm each other, especially if you are allocated separate for both times. It turns out to be the most profitable for you both interaction.

Picture tests are good and convenient because they do not occupy a lot of time and are not difficult. With their help, you can find out what start in you prevails: Creative or destructive. Good luck, and do not forget to click on the buttons and

19.07.2016 07:11

Each of us has a unique handwriting, so the log manner can tell a lot about the individual features ...

Psychologists are confident in the existence of energy vampires. "Blooders" blood do not drink, garlic are not afraid, silver and sunlight do not act on them. These people usually complain about others on their fate, scandals, threaten. All those who are sent to send them, notice the deterioration of the health status, the shortage of forces, the poor mood and the feeling of depression. But if you know the signs of energy vampires, it should help avoid deprivation of energy.

General signs

The main feature during and after contact is an internal state. The feeling of fatigue, dislike, discomfort, the desire of the immediate cessation of the conversation - all this is talking about communication with the vampire.

General signs of the energy vampire among people in our time:

Signs of people-energy vampires in appearance - the corners of the mouth among vampires are usually always lowered slightly.

This confirms capricious character I. frequent discontent. The person in such people in itself expresses sadness, longing and disappointment.

The skin is pale, the gait is sluggish, without any confidence, as if the subject is hung in the clouds. Most often, such people themselves are thin, although they do not sit on a diet and every day almost overeat.

Types of vampirism

There are types of energy vampirism.

In order not to get into the ambush to the "bloodstand", care must be taken.

Types of vampirism may be such:

Ways to recognize

Few people know how to recognize by the date of birth of energy vampires.

And also, in addition to vampires, there are other types of people: victims (donors), neutrals, white and black magicians. You can identify the energy vampire by date of birth as follows: First you need to write a full birth date on a sheet.

For example, man's date is: 04/19/1992. After that, you need to fold the numbers: 1 + 9 + 0 + 4 + 1 + 9 + 9 + 2. It turned out the number 35. But the result should be represented by a unique number. Therefore, the resulting figures will have to be folded: 3 + 5 \u003d 8.

As a result, it turned out one number, and on it, you can find out what kind of person is the type:

Energy Drinking Protection

For life to be filled with positive energy, you need to know the techniques and methods of protection against energy "bloodsuckers".

It is important to know that a strong person will not give his energy, but weaker people will help to understand how to defend:

  1. The best defense is to apply his weapon against the vampire. If the vampire provokes, you need to go non-standard moves: it is joking everything and abstract from threats.
  2. Not lucky if the "blood flower" is a boss at work. Here the joke will not help. But you can mentally imagine a mirror barrier so that all the negative go back through this mirror. Well at that moment crossed your arms and legs.
  3. Not a problem if the vampire is trying to take time with complaints. You need to tell him a heartbreaking story from the life of friends. The story will be very long and energy eater will lose interest in conversation.

You can and you need to calculate and take care of energy vampires.

For this, first of all, it is necessary to develop and do not succumb to the poor influence of other people.

We are all different. We have a different worldview, personal qualities and lifestyle. In addition, we have a different energy. It is from her that the nature of human relations and contacts depends. Did you think about why you are friends with this person, and the other you are completely unpleasant, even though he is not bad in character and very nice to appearance ... The thing is that people communicate with each other thanks to the compatible energy background.

All people can be divided into five energy types: vampires, donors, neutrals, white magicians and black magicians. It is possible to determine your type using numerology. For this you need to fold all the numbers of your date of birth. Suppose your birth date: 02/17/1990 \u003d 1 + 7 + 0 + 2 + 1 + 9 + 9 + 0 \u003d 29; 2 + 9 \u003d 11; 1 + 1 \u003d 2. Number 2 is the number of energy type. Now it is necessary to find it decrypt and find out your energy type.

Energy vampires. Numbers: 1 and 2. Vampires can take the energy of surrounding people. They need a constant feeding of other people's vitality. Energy vampires can take energy as consciously and unconsciously. The process of energy absorption, as a rule, occurs as a result of quarrels, conflicts, sincere conversations and in the case of other emotional contacts.

Donors. Numbers: 5 and 7. Donor people are those who give the energy vampires. They themselves are not capable of absorbing it, so if they are often in contact with energy vampires, their life forces leave each time.

Neutral. Numbers: 3, 6 and 8. People of this type are not taken, but also do not give energy. Their energy field is quite protected and strong, which allows them to always be in a tone.

White magicians. Number: 9. White magicians have an amazing opportunity to control their energy. They can give it when necessary, but they themselves never seek to pick up energy.

Black magicians. Number: 4. Representatives of this type may be neutrals, and can turn into energy vampires. They are just like white magicians, can control their energy charge.

Based on these types and lines the relationship between people. Oddly enough, but the union of the donor and the vampire can be very successful for both, if, of course, the energy of the donor will be enough for two. And if the donor himself will suffer from energy emptying and lack of emotions, then any contact with the vampire will only bring him a negative. Neutrals and white magicians are a very successful union. Between them will always be calm and stable relationships. Black and white magicians are a balance. People of these types are usually very friendly. They are easy to establish contact with each other and find common points of contact.

Vampires and black magicians - the union is unsuccessful. Each of them will try to pull out of each other energy, which will lead to the empty of both. Neutrals who will not be able to charge the magician at the right time with black magicians. The remaining combinations of energy types of people are neutral.

We are wondering if you managed to calculate your energy number, tell us in the comments Who are you, a vampire or donor? If this information was useful for you, press and