Kibby on line types. ABC of style: famous women by Kibby types. I didn't understand what to do

In the early 1970s, New York stylist David Kibbee proposed a system for finding an individual style by comparing the balance of yin and yang in body lines, in other words, the appearance of angular and rounded lines in appearance.

Subsequently, he wrote the book Metamorphoses, which quickly became a style guide in many Western countries. Recently, parts of the book were translated and posted on various Russian-language forums, which allowed women from the CIS countries to find their own style using a unique method.

  • Yin according to Kibby is soft facial features, short bones, short stature, a curvaceous figure with a pronounced waist, a tendency to be overweight.
  • Yang according to Kibby is chiseled cheekbones, narrow lips, tall stature, long thin limbs, slender figure.

The book offers a test that helps evaluate our appearance in terms of such components as body bones and physique, facial bones and facial features, and hair as a frame of our face.

Each question contains 5 answer options, where A is the extreme YANG (dramatic), E is the extreme YIN (romantic). In the key to the test, you need to count the number of each of the letters and determine the type corresponding to the selected combination. For simplicity, collages with photos illustrating each of the answers are attached.

I. Bone structure

1. Vertical line

My vertical line (not your height; looking at how tall you seem)
A. Long (People always think I'm taller than I am);
b. Moderately long (People sometimes think I'm a little taller, but not much);
With. Medium (People usually guess my height correctly or it doesn't surprise them at all)
e. Small (People usually think that I am a little smaller and the curves of my figure are more noticeable than my height);
e. Small (It is obvious to everyone that I am short).

2. The shape of the shoulders

The shape of my shoulders is best described as:
A. Narrow, sharp;
b. Broad, blunt;
With. Symmetrical, even;
d. Sloping but conical;
e. Sloping and rounded.

3. Hands and feet

My arms and legs in general are best described as:
A. Elongated, narrow;
b. Elongated, wide;
With. Moderate length, evenly in proportion to my height and upper body;
e. Small, a little short;
e. Small, very short in proportion to my height and upper torso.

4. The size and shape of the palms

The size and shape of my hands and feet are best described as:
A. Long and narrow;
b. Large and wide;
With. Moderate in size, neither long, broad, narrow nor small;
e. Small, narrow, delicate;
e. Small and a little wide.

II. Physique (soft tissue)

5. Body shape

The overall shape of my entire body is best described as:
A. Long, lean, sinewy;
b. Broad, strong, with a tendency to muscularity;
With. Symmetrical, evenly proportional;
e. Very graceful, thin hourglass;
e. Very soft, with lush curves, expressive hourglass.

6. Bust and torso line

The line of my bust and torso is best described as:
A. Flat, elastic (I never get better here, even when overweight);
b. Large, wide (I'm getting a little overweight here, but not much);
With. Moderate, in proportion to my waist and hips;
e. Graceful, curvy, noticeable against the background of my waist (My torso is short and I get better here when I gain excess weight);
e. Very noticeable, lush curves (Whether I'm thin or full - I always have big breasts).

7. Waistline

My waistline is best described as:
A. Elongated but boyishly tapered (This is true even when I am overweight);
b. Elongated, but usually very straight (if thin) or dense (if overweight);
With. Moderate, slightly pronounced, but not too noticeable;
e. Very thin and short in proportion to my bust and hips;
e. Mildly defined, but generally a little broad.

8. Hip line

The line of my hips is best described as:
A. Tapered, straight, and boyishly tight (However, I tend to get fat here when I gain weight);
b. Straight, slightly tapered, slightly wide (Overweight always gathers on my hips.);
With. Moderate, evenly proportional to my bust and waist;
e. Graceful and rounded, more pronounced than my waist;
e. Extremely soft and rounded, regardless of my weight.

9. Soft fabrics on the shoulders

The soft tissue on my shoulders (shoulder to elbow) and hips (hip to knee) can best be described as:
A. Long, flexible, sinewy;
b. Elongated and prone to muscularity;
With. Moderate, neither excessively soft nor muscular or wiry;
e. Soft, slightly short;
e. Very soft, slightly broad and fleshy.

III. facial bones

10. Jaw line

My jawline is best described as:
A. Sharp (very sharp and very protruding or very square);
b. Broad or blunt, slightly large;
With. Moderate, symmetrical, neither broad, sharp nor round;
e. Delicate, tapered or slightly narrow;
e. Rounded or gently expanding.

11. Nose

My nose shape is best described as:
A. Sharp or prominent
b. Wide or blunt with wide wings, possibly large
With. Moderate, symmetrical, not very large, not very rounded
e. Delicate, tapered, narrow
e. Rounded or gently flaring

12. Cheekbones

My cheekbones are best described as:
A. Tall, protruding;
b. wide;
With. Symmetrical, moderate;
e. Delicate, narrow, slightly rounded;
e. Rounded.

IV. Facial features

13. Eyes

My eye shape is best described as:
A. Small, straight, close-set or almond-shaped;
b. Small, straight, set wide apart;
With. Evenly set, symmetrical, of medium size;
e. Rounded, slightly closely spaced, possibly slightly almond-shaped or with raised corners;
e. Very round and very large.

14. Lips

My lips are best described as:
A. Straight, narrow, sometimes described as thin lips;
b. Straight, strong, slightly broad, but not plump;
With. Moderate, evenly shaped, neither straight nor too plump;
e. Slightly plump and rounded;
e. Very plump, very round and very juicy.

15. Cheeks

My cheeks are best described as:
A. Elastic and flat, even with excess weight;
b. Fairly firm but tends to get a little plump as I put on weight;
With. Moderate, soft but not plump;
e. Soft and fleshy, can become extremely full when gaining weight;
e. Very soft, very fleshy, very round, even when I'm thin.

V. Hair

16. Hair texture

A. Extremely fine texture (silky smooth), either straight or slightly wavy;
b. Strong texture (coarse, heavy, or thick and straight, or wavy / curly);
With. Moderate texture, slightly wavy or curled;
e. Moderately thick, curled, wavy or curly;
e. Extremely thick, with a lot of waves and curls (with a soft surface).


Answers predominate A: Pronounced, sharp Yang - Dramatic.
Answers predominate E: Pronounced, soft Yin - Romantic.
Column C dominated: Balance between extremes — Classic.
Column B dominated: Soft Yang - Straight.
If the answers are an even mixture of extreme opposites A and E: Combination of opposites - Gamine.

If the responses are dominated by A with a few E responses having a strong influence:
Strong Yang with a pronounced admixture of Yin - Soft Dramatic.
Note: For this type, your bone structure must be Yang-dominant while your physique and/or facial features must be Yin-dominant.

If your responses are dominated by E and/or D responses, plus a few responses, A is in second place:
Soft yin with a little yang Theatrical Romantic.
Note: To qualify for this type, your physique and facial features must be Yin-dominant, while your bone structure must be slightly Yang-influenced.

If your answers are dominated by C, plus a few other answers, A and/or B: Balanced, Yang-influenced - Dramatic Classic.
Note: For this type, your physique and facial features should be balanced between the extremes of Yin and Yang, while your bone structure should be more influenced by Yang.

If your answers are dominated by C plus some D and/or E answers:
Balanced, with the influence of Yin - Soft Classic.
Note: For this type, your bone structure must be primarily balanced between the extremes of Yin and Yang, while your physique and facial features must be more influenced by Yin.

If your responses are dominated by B, plus a few A responses:
strong yang with rounded shapes Bright Natural.
Note: For this type, your bone structure should be extremely Yang-dominant, while your physique and facial features will be moderately Yang-dominant.

If your answers are dominated by B plus some D and/or E answers:
soft yang with a touch of yin - Soft Natural.
Note: For this type, your bone structure should be moderately Yang-dominant, while your physique and facial features will be Yin-influenced.

If your answers are a mix of opposite extremes, A and E/D, and you also have multiple B answers:
combination of opposites, super-yang - Bright Gamine.
Note: For this type, your bone structure and physique must be Yang-dominant while your facial features and height are Yin-dominant. The bones of the face will be strongly Yang.

If your answers have an almost equal mix of opposite extremes, A and E, but you also have a few additional D answers:
combination of opposites with additional Yin - Soft Gamine.
Note. for this type, your bone structure must be Yang-dominant while your physique must be Yin-dominant. Facial features should also be extremely Yin-dominant.

Translation and collages: Yana Shums

David Kibby with his wife

American stylist David Kibby is called a beauty guru and a revolutionary in the world of beauty. In the 1980s, Kibby published a book called Metamorphoses. In this work, the stylist outlined the type system he developed, calling them personality images, and outlining the signs of each and recommendations for finding your own style.

Cover of the book "Metamorphoses"

In his studies and conclusions, Kibbi is based on the fundamental concepts of Eastern philosophy "yin" and "yang". "Yin" is a symbol of the feminine, softness, romance, "Yang" is a symbol of the masculine, more rigid and active. Like the ancient philosophers, Kibby believes that in each of us, whether a man or a woman, both of these principles are present, and our characteristics are determined, among other things, by how yin and yang are combined in a person.

Kibby developed five basic types (plus a few additional ones). Each personality image according to Kibby has its own structural features of the figure and type of face, its own “mechanics” and anatomy - and its own recommendations for choosing a style, from makeup and hairstyles to clothes and accessories.

What are the advantages of Kibby's theory and how to use it?

Four types: "dramatic", "straight", "romantic" and "gamine". The fifth type, "classic", Kibby considers very rare

David Kibby's classification helps you get to know yourself better and understand what exactly will help emphasize your inherent charm. Having found your type, you can avoid many mistakes in choosing a hairstyle, choosing clothes and accessories. Kibby teaches not to "break" yourself, trying to achieve a certain ideal, but to see this ideal in yourself. "You were created perfect - just the way you were meant to be, and you don't need to 'change' or 'fix' anything about yourself," he writes, arguing that every woman is capable of looking great by finding something that adorns exactly her.

At the same time, Kibby himself claims that his system does not imply too strict limits. Rather, it is a guide to help you choose the right direction. The Kibby theory is popular to this day, and many stylists who use it in their work recommend relying on examples of stars assigned to a particular personality image for a better understanding.

Five main types according to Kibby

Kibby theory is a theory of lines and silhouettes, the geometry of the body. He associates "male" yang with straight lines, sharp angles, long lines, large triangles. "Female" yin - with small rounded figures, arcs and curls. Straightforwardness and gentleness can exist as pure species or combined in one person, either in sharp contrast and clash, or mingling without conflict, or simply existing side by side without merging. Pay attention to the points "Geometry": Kibby recommends that each type, choosing clothes, stick to its type of lines.

1. Dramatic

pure yang: the overall impression is bright, active.

Geometry: straight lines, long lines, large triangles and sharp corners.

Figure: tall, in ideal weight - a taut figure with well-developed muscles, "narrow bone", rather long arms and legs, as a rule - narrow hips and straight, "square" shoulders.

Face: facial features rather straight, narrow, without pronounced softness or puffiness, "graphic", expressive face and appearance in general.

Examples: Katharine Hepburn, Cate Blanchett, Tilda Swinton, Marlene Dietrich, Mila Jovovich, Keira Knightley.

What it looks like:

Loft / Mango / Zara

Recommendations: strict images, pure bright colors, a minimum of expressive jewelry, bright accents. Asymmetry, semi-adjacent cut, dense, well-kept fabrics. Black and white contrasting looks, clothes with a metallic sheen. The advantage of a dramatic type is the ability to look natural in outrageous, bright, unusual outfits.

Hair and makeup: Contrasting makeup that accentuates chiseled features. Hair should not be carelessly disheveled, ideally always - well-groomed and styled. You can use straight lines in your hair or soften them with waves.

2. Romantic

Pure Yin: overall impression - soft, gentle.

Geometry: roundness, arcs, curls.

Figure: feminine hourglass figure - there is always a big difference between the waist and hips, not very tall (medium and below average), sloping shoulders, small arms and legs.

Face: rounded, sensual, often round cheeks, large eyes. Appearance may be contrasting or not, but often - a very fresh, delicate, luminous complexion.

Examples: Marilyn Monroe, Elizabeth Taylor, Scarlett Johansson, Beyoncé.

What it looks like:

Loft / Chicwish / Rosewe

Recommendations:"Romantics" like no one else can afford the most seductive and romantic outfits, and pastel colors suit them more than others. A soft, feminine cut that emphasizes the figure, flowing fabrics, flowing folds, and an accentuated waist are welcome. Even for a strict outfit (for example, a formal suit), it is worth picking up some rather romantic addition - a delicate blouse, jewelry, and so on.

Hair and makeup:“Romantics” are suitable for soft “watercolor” make-up with radiance, without sharp contrasts. Softness without sharp corners is good in hairstyles, hair color is not too bright, hair is well-groomed.

3. Classic

Full penetration of Yin and Yang into each other: general impression - calm, refined.

Geometry: oval, long smooth waves.

Figure: average height, proportional figure without too pronounced curves, but also without overly developed muscles, legs and arms of medium length or slightly longer, palms and feet of medium size.

Face: facial features are accurate, proportionate and harmoniously located. Appearance is usually non-contrasting.

Examples Cast: Grace Kelly, Catherine Deneuve, Sharon Stone, Kate Bosworth.

What it looks like:

Latada / Anne Weyburn / La Redoute Collections

Recommendations: elegance, grace, nobility are ideal for this type. Pure classic colors (pearl, beige, calm pink, gray, blue) will emphasize the appearance in the best possible way. The classic cut is ideal, but femininity can be emphasized with details or accessories - although it is better to prefer calm and sophisticated ones.

Not recommended: bright shine, too pronounced texture of the fabric, very thin or, conversely, rough materials, deliberately sexy images. With caution, you should use oversized and geometric things with emphasized architecture that draw attention to yourself.

Hair and makeup: perfect medium length haircut with smooth edges. Curly hair is best styled, for example, in structural waves. Negligence, excessive splendor of hair, as well as too bright (black, bright red, platinum blond) hair color is not welcome. Make-up - classic, without excess and theatrical effect, well done.

4. Natural

Combining Yin and Yang without full merging: overall impression - stable, free.

Geometry: square with rounded corners.

Figure: average or slightly above average height, build may be more muscular or thin, more often with broad shoulders, legs and arms slightly above average, the body is close to the shape of a rectangle.

Face: open, friendly face. Features may be slightly broad or somewhat off-classic, eyes medium or small, straight, non-puffy lips, most often non-contrasting appearance.

Examples: Jennifer Aniston, Sarah Jessica Parker, Alexa Chung, Claudia Schiffer, Julia Roberts.

What it looks like:

H&M / Rene Derhy / La Redoute Collections

Recommendations: a combination of different textures, patterns and colors, eclecticism. Natural materials and fabrics are always good. "Naturals" perfectly wear denim and knitwear. Good loose fit, but not too much. This type feels best in a rather relaxed style, for example, casual.

Hair and makeup:“Naturals”, according to the name of the type, are most suitable for natural shades of hair color (even if you dye them) and natural soft makeup (but not a complete absence of cosmetics). Haircut - in layers, thinning, slight negligence in styling.

5. Gamine

Collision of Yin and Yang: general impression - playful, fresh.

Geometry: sharp corners + arcs, for example.

Figure: short stature, as a rule, “delicate” build (not wide bone), shoulders are not sloping, but square. Gamins can be very skinny, but they don't have to be. The shape of the body is straight, there is some angularity, often (but not necessarily) a not very pronounced waist.

Face: the main sign is large open eyes. The face is often rounded or elongated, expressive.

Examples: Twiggy, Audrey Hepburn, Audrey Tautou, Vanessa Paradis.

What it looks like:

Boden / Betina Lou / Boden

Recommendations:“Gamines” are like no one else in the length of the mini - this type knows how to wear such skirts and dresses without looking too defiant. Also, this type is suitable for a variety of clothes that have migrated from the men's wardrobe to the women's, and things with a variety of prints, from checks and stripes to floral and fantasy.

Hair and makeup: a haircut is a kind of “gamin test”: they are short, boyish, disheveled options (graphic, pixie) plus asymmetry. In hair styling, textured "sharp" tips are good. Makeup should not be overloaded, the main focus is on the eyebrows.

To get started, take a full-length photo in your underwear, and also take a “passport-like” photo without makeup. Photographs are best taken in daylight. So the probability of distortion of the figure and face in the photo will be minimal.

So let's start with determination of bone structure.

Vertical line ("how tall do I appear to others?"):

A. People constantly think that I am taller than I am;
b. People sometimes think I'm a little taller than I am;
V. Usually people determine my height correctly or are not surprised when I name it;
d. Usually people think I'm a little shorter than I really am;
e. Others see that I am very small in stature.

Shoulder shape:

A. Sharp, narrow;
b. Dull, slightly wide;
V. Smooth, symmetrical;
g. Sharp, but sloping;
e. Round and sloping.

Legs and hands:

A. Slightly longish, narrow;
b. Slightly longish, wide;
V. Medium length, proportional;
d. Slightly short, small;
e. Very short in relation to the body, small.

Feet and hands:

A. Narrow, long, graceful;
b. Wide and large;
V. Average, proportional;
d. Small, graceful, narrow;
e. Wide and small.

Once you've decided on your bone structure, it's time to move on to the next part, soft tissue assessment.

Determine the type of shape.

Overall figure:

A. Stringy, slightly elongated and lean;
b. Muscular, broad;
V. Symmetrical and proportional;
d. Proportional with a hint of the type of figure "hourglass";
e. Lush shapes, very rounded and soft, real "hourglass".

Upper body and chest:

A. Tight and flat, excess weight is deposited last here;
b. Wide, slightly stout with a general weight gain;
V. Average, proportional;
d. The chest is pronounced against the background of the waist and hips, excess weight is primarily deposited in this part;
e. Very fluffy regardless of weight.


A. Longish, a little "boyish" even when overweight;
b. Longish, straight, with weight gain it becomes visually equal to the hips;
V. Medium, moderately pronounced;
d. Very noticeable and long against the background of the hips and waist;
e. Broad, but well defined.


A. Boyishly straight, but when gaining weight, it is deposited in this area;
b. Straight, but a little wide, the weight is primarily deposited here;
V. Average, proportional;
d. Pronounced and rounded on the background of the waist;
e. Always round and very soft regardless of weight.

Legs from hips to knees and arms from elbows to shoulders:

A. Thin, wiry, long;
b. Slightly muscular, longish;
V. Medium;
d. Slightly shortened, soft;
e. Slightly short, very soft, without a hint of muscularity.

With this, the second stage came to an end. We proceed to the assessment of the face, which consists of two stages: assessment of the bone structure and assessment of the features.

The skeletal structure of the face.


A. Sharp, markedly defined;
b. Slightly large, rounded, wide;
V. Medium, symmetrical;
d. Slightly sharp, narrow, graceful;
e. Slightly wide and rounded.

A. "Aquiline", sharp, noticeably protruding;
b. Broad, slightly blunt;
V. Medium, proportional;
d. Slightly pointed, narrow and graceful;
e. Softly rounded, broad but not large.


A. Speakers, high;
b. Wide;
V. Average, proportional;
d. Slightly rounded, but narrow and graceful;
e. "Apples": rounded, slightly wide.

Immediately after assessing the bone structure, we move on to facial features.

Facial features.


A. Close-set, slightly narrow, straight or almond-shaped;
b. Wide set, narrow, straight shape;
V. Symmetrical, proportional;
d. Possibly close-set, round or slightly almond-shaped;
e. Very large and very round shape.


A. Narrow and straight;
b. Broad, but straight and firm;
V. Medium, neither plump nor narrow;
d. Slightly rounded, puffy;
e. Very plump and rounded.


A. Always taut and slightly sunken;
b. Tightened, but with excess weight become slightly puffy;
V. Medium;
d. Full, with excess weight become very plump;
e. Very plump and remain so even in the absence of excess weight.

The last item is hair.

A. Very thin, soft (curly or straight);
b. Heavy, thick, slightly rough (straight or curly);
V. Slightly wavy, medium texture;
g. Medium density (curly or wavy);
e. Very thick, soft (very curly or curly).

After evaluating all stages, count the number of letters (a-d). Now let's define the type.

Most A : Dramatic.

Most D : Romantic.

Most in : Classic.

Most B : Natural.

Equally A and D : Gamine.

Most A's and few D's : Soft Dramatic.

Most D and/or D and few A's : Theatrical Romantic.

Most C and few A and/or B answers : Dramatic Classic.

Most C and few answers D and/or D : Soft Classic.

Most B and few A answers : Flamboyant Natural

Most B and few D and/or D answers : Soft Natural.

Equally between A and D and several answers B : Flamboyant Gamine.

Equally between A and D and several answers D : Soft Gamine

Helpful Hint: Don't overestimate yourself. For example, many women are not ready to admit that they have narrow eyes, wide waist or short legs. Don't be fooled if this is the case! Honesty and frankness will help you find flaws and hide them through Kibby's recommendations, and, on the contrary, emphasize virtues.

An abundance of clothing options and a colossal amount of information about changing fashion trends becomes a real curse for many women. After all, it is not easy to navigate in this variety, and even more difficult to choose what will fit perfectly. Fortunately, Kibby David solved this problem about thirty years ago. The biography of this person is associated with a great discovery in the field of fashion. We'll talk more about this in this article.

Who is Kibby David?

What is femininity? Is it just ruffles and puffy skirts? Is there another side to elegance? "Eat!" Mr. Kibby once said. David has become a real revolutionary in the field of beauty, freeing millions of beautiful women from the captivity of unusual styles. He was the first to propose a fundamentally new system for creating a unique individual style and called it the theory of lines. Since then, there is no longer a need to forcefully accept someone's views on beauty, now every woman has the right to be beautiful in her own way. Beauty guru Kibby David developed a mechanism for absolute transformation, which many women still enjoy using to this day.

The essence of the Kibby test

The Kibby test consists of analyzing the lines of the body in several ways. These include the following: the bone structure of the body, the type of figure (namely, the features of soft tissues), the bone structure of the face and its individual features. Such an analysis, on which the Kibby test is based, helps to determine which of the thirteen types identified by this specialist a person belongs to. Each of these types has features that should be considered when choosing clothes and shaping an individual style. The ideal mechanism - the amazing system of David Kibby - will not leave indifferent any fashionista.

Types according to the Kibby system

Beauty guru Kibby David identifies thirteen types. The extreme ones are dramatists (with intermediate types of pure dramatic and soft dramatic), as well as theatrical romantic, respectively). However, most people fall into the more mixed genres such as straight (bright, clean, and soft natural), classic (dramatic, clean, and soft classic), and gamin (bright, clean, and soft gamin). Each of these types has its own characteristics of appearance and, accordingly, unique recommendations for creating an image. But how does David Kibby's system work? Let's consider further.

How the trait system works

This information is provided most fully in his book by David Kibby. "Metamorphoses" is an amazing work that describes all the nuances of this system. Kibby bases his theory on the proportion of yin and yang in a girl's appearance. How can this be applied in practice? In essence, master stylist Kibby puts smoothness and softness of lines, volume and roundness of forms into the concept of yin. The concept of yang according to Kibby is sharp angles, dryness of forms, geometry. Therefore, women in whom the manifestations of yang are more pronounced in appearance have a more masculine appearance, which may not spoil them in any way if the recommendations of this specialist are applied. They are distinguished by high stature, large limbs, wide bones, pronounced high cheekbones and fairly large facial features, a somewhat masculine chin, straight, angular shoulders, and pronouncedly structured hair.

At the same time, the extreme manifestation of yin means the concentration of ovals and circles in appearance. Soft lines and curves create the most feminine look possible. For example, this type includes Marilyn Monroe - the very embodiment of femininity. characterized by miniature in height and outlines of the figure, soft lines of the shoulders, chin, thin bones, large pronounced eyes, graceful arms and legs, as well as hair that is softly structured.

However, such pure types are rare. The vast majority of women belong to some of the intermediate types. Each of them has strict restrictions regarding the lines and proportions of the figure and certain recommendations regarding the choice of clothing.

Why is this system needed?

Kibby typing brings invaluable benefits to anyone who wants to look stylish and natural at the same time. This helps to better understand and evaluate your natural data in order to focus on all your virtues when choosing clothes. Also, this kind of knowledge helps to avoid accidental unnecessary purchases of things that, it would seem, are fashionable and fit the color type, but do not emphasize the best nuances of your figure, do not distinguish you from the crowd.

How to pass the test

In order to correctly determine your type, you must strictly adhere to the instructions of the test and honestly answer questions regarding your appearance. It would be ideal if a person who could accurately and objectively determine such nuances helped you in passing the test.

Of course, you can consider all 13 Kibby traits before taking the test, but this can significantly reduce your level of objectivity. Indeed, in this case, there will certainly be a temptation to ascribe to oneself features that are actually unusual in order to classify oneself as one of the type you like.


For a dramatic type, a distinctive feature is a rather tall stature, sharp large facial features, small eyes. Cheekbones always stand out on such a face. Such girls always look impressive, in contrast to others. Their faces seem to be carved from stone.

The advantage of a dramatic type is the ability to look natural in outrageous, bright, sexy outfits. While on a girl of any other type, the same things would look vulgar and out of place.


Girls who belong to this type have a clearly defined oval face, on which cheekbones stand out brightly. The shape of the face of a classic girl, as a rule, is slightly square or oval, easily determined at first glance. Proportional eyes and nose, regular shape and medium in size, distinguish the classic from the romantic and dramatic. Bright feminine lips, not too plump, but not narrow, look unusually beautiful and natural. This type is considered one of the rarest, according to David Kibby. The classic is also unique in that the main facial features of these girls remain unchanged throughout their lives.


Girls belonging to the romantic type are distinguished by noticeable, magnificent forms, petite stature, pleasant soft hair structure, feminine facial features (large eyes, a wide but neat nose, beautiful plump lips). Their figure is often of the apple or hourglass type. It is these distinctive nuances that David Kibby highlights for this type. Romantic - the most feminine Very gentle. This is evident in the example of Marilyn Monroe. However, a woman can become attractive, regardless of belonging to one of the types according to the system in question, if she only follows all the relevant recommendations.

Is it possible to do without a stylist?

The answer is unequivocal: yes! Knowing your type and the basic principles of choosing clothes, you can choose beautiful memorable outfits without resorting to the services of third-party specialists. In order to make this task easier for readers, below in this article we will discuss some basic recommendations for all types, which will help you navigate the modern fashion jungle in the most competent way.

So, for girls of a dramatic type, things made of dense, hard fabrics that perfectly keep their shape for a long time are ideal. The overall silhouette should look geometric, elongated, without blurry soft lines. Prints should be used exclusively large, without small elegant details, as well as sharp geometric shapes.

Soft Dramatic allows the use of soft, shiny or matte fabrics. Such girls are recommended to focus on the shoulders. Prints should harmoniously combine sharp and soft lines and patterns.

Natural girls are advised to pay attention to matte fabrics of medium density with a rough structure, soft, but not airy. The silhouette should be straight, narrow. Clothing prints should be chosen as simple as possible, with blurry lines.

Bright natural looks great in clothes from any fabric, only if it has a large, rough texture. The silhouette inspires a sense of freedom. All lines should be directed vertically, and the main emphasis should be left on the shoulders. An elongated waist will perfectly demonstrate the advantages of such a figure. The combination of contrasting colors, taking into account the personal color type, will be an excellent solution. Bold asymmetrical prints will be a good addition to this look.

Soft natural in light soft fabrics with fluffy elements. Accentuated waist, soft asymmetrical edges of clothes, weightless, translucent prints will complete this look.

Classic - one of the rarest types. It suits fabrics that hold their shape well, not too shiny, but not completely matte. The silhouette should give the impression of smoothness, symmetry, without sharp transitions and interruptions, with clearly defined edges.

The soft classic type requires an emphasis on the waist and does not tolerate a lack of smoothness. High-quality, well-draped fabrics with soft symmetrical patterns will be the best solution.

Dramatic classic - a bright type. Matte fabrics suit him, creating a straight, sharp silhouette with well-defined edges. Sharp symmetrical prints in clothes complete the look.

The smallest girls are of the gamine type. Matte hard fabrics are incredibly suitable for them, as smooth as possible, without looking massive. The silhouette of the gamines should look delicate, somewhat broken, tightly fitting the figure. Rigid sharp edges, as many short, dangling straight lines as possible will add weightless elegance to the image. The abundance of bright small prints makes the look somewhat childish, and therefore extremely cute.

Bright gamine - type-derived from the previous one. Color accents are best done with metallic details on a matte base. The fabric should be selected light, which gently fits the figure. The silhouette as a whole should come out uneven, asymmetrical, somewhat sharp with a low or slouchy waist.

Representatives of the soft gamine type should use hard, matte fabrics. It is important that they look light enough that they can be draped. The fitted silhouette, tapered at the collar and cuffs, with bouffant lines, creates a soft, feminine look.

The romantic type requires the use of light, soft, flowing fabrics that create a smooth, fitted silhouette. Whereas theatrical romance is better off using fluffy details with an abundance of bright, oversized watercolor prints.

Changes throughout life

As you know, a person changes outwardly over time. And it's not just about tastes and preferences in clothing, but rather about physical changes. The shape of the figure and features of facial features change. All these nuances will also affect Kibby typing. So, the type that was characteristic of you earlier may change in years. Therefore, it would be wise to take the test discussed in this article several times throughout life. This will help you to be sure that your style of dressing fully corresponds to your inner style and looks as natural as possible.


Being stylish is not difficult if you approach the issue from a scientific point of view. Explore the lines of your body with David Kibby, learn how to choose outfits based on his recommendations for your type, and you will never look out of place or unnatural again. Make an effort to explore your own natural data, and you will become truly unforgettable!

In the early 1970s, New York stylist David Kibby proposed a system for finding an individual style by matching the balance of yin and yang in the lines of the body, in other words, the manifestation of angular and rounded lines in the appearance.

Subsequently, he wrote the book "Metamorphoses", which quickly became a style guide in many Western countries. Recently, parts of the book were translated and posted on various Russian-language forums, which allowed women from the CIS countries to find their own style using a unique method.

  • YIN according to Kibby is soft facial features, short bones, short stature, a curvaceous figure with a pronounced waist, a tendency to be overweight.
  • Yang according to Kibby is chiseled cheekbones, narrow lips, tall stature, long thin limbs, slender figure.
The book offers a test that helps evaluate our appearance in terms of such components as body bones and physique, facial bones and facial features, and hair as a frame of our face.
Each question contains 5 answer options, where A is the extreme YANG (dramatic), E is the extreme YIN (romantic). In the key to the test, you need to count the number of each of the letters and determine the type corresponding to the selected combination.

1. When answering test questions, try to be self-critical and use logic. For example, if your shoulders are even slightly wider than your hips, then your hips cannot be "E", but your shoulders are "A", most likely either the hips are narrower than you think, or the shoulders are wider.
2. Choose option C (classic) only if the rest are absolutely not suitable. If you choose at least one option "C" regarding your figure, then the rest of the letters in this block must also be "C" with a high probability, because this answer implies the symmetry and proportionality of ALL parts of the figure.
3. If your figure is pear-shaped, if your hips and chest are very lush, if your figure is straight - this is not "C".
4. If you passed the test and your result is "Soft Classic" or "Classic", then you need to take the test again with the help of your husband/mother/girlfriend or experienced members of kibby forums and kibby groups. If the result is confirmed - congratulations, you are a happy owner of a very rare type of appearance.
5. Remember, such types as Dramatic, Soft Dramatic and Natural Flamboyant will never (!!) be below average height, just like the rest of the types - extremely tall. Gamin and Soft Gamin types are the smallest and rarely even reach the limits of average height.

Before you take the test, you can read more detailed instructions.

David Kibby Test
(translation and collages belong to the authors of the blog)

bone structure
Bone structure


My vertical line is (not your height; we "re looking for how tall you appear to be):

a. Long (People always think I "m taller than I really am.)
b. Moderately Long (People sometimes guess I "m slightly taller, but not by very much.)
c. Moderate (People usually guess my height correctly, or aren't at all surprised by it)
d. Smallish (People usually guess I "m slightly smaller, and my curvy figure is more noticeable than my height.)
e. Petite (It's very obvious to everyone that I am small in stature.)

My vertical line (not your height; looking at how tall you seem)
A. Long (People always think I'm taller than I am)
b. Moderately long (People sometimes think I'm a little taller, but not much)
With. Average (People usually guess my height correctly or it doesn't surprise them at all)
d. Small (People usually think that I am a little smaller and the curves of my figure are more noticeable than my height)
e. Small (It is obvious to everyone that I am short)

a. Narrow, sharp
b. Broad, blunt
c. Symmetrical, even
d. Sloped, but tape red
e. Sloped and rounded

The shape of my shoulders is best described as:
A. Narrow, sharp
b. Wide, blunt
With. symmetrical, straight
e. Sloping but conical
e. Sloping and rounded

a. Elongated, narrow
b. Elongated, broad
c. Moderate, in even proportion to my height and upper torso
d. Small, slightly shortish
e. Small, very short in proportion to my height and upper torso

My arms and legs in general are best described as:
A. Elongated, narrow
b. Elongated, wide
With. Moderate length, evenly in proportion to my height and upper torso
e. Small, a bit short
e. Small, very short in proportion to my height and upper torso

a. long and narrow
b. Large and broad
c. Moderate, neither long, broad, delicate nor small
d. Small, narrow, delicate
e. Small and slightly wide

The size and shape of my hands and feet are best described as:
A. Long and narrow
b. Big and wide
With. Moderate in size, neither long, broad, narrow nor small.
e. Small, narrow, delicate
e. Small and a little wide


Body Type (Flash)
Physique (soft tissue)

a. long, lean, sinewy
b. Broad, tending towards muscular
c. Symmetrical, evenly proportioned
d. Very shapely, a delicate hourglass
e. Very soft, lushly curved, a ripe hourglass

The overall shape of my entire body is best described as:
A. Long, lean, wiry
b. Broad, strong, tending to be muscular
With. Symmetrical, evenly proportional
e. Very graceful, thin hourglass
e. Very soft, curvaceous, expressive hourglass

a. Flat, taut (I never seem to add flesh here, even when I "m overweight.)
b. Wide, broad (I tend to add a little flesh here when overweight, but not much
c. Moderate, in even proportion to my waist and hips
d. Shapely, curved, more prominent than my wasitline (My torso is slightly short and I add flesh here, when overweight.)
e. Very prominent, lushly curved (Whether I "m thin or heavy, I" m always "busty.")

The line of my bust and torso is best described as:
A. Flat, elastic (I never gain weight here, even when overweight)
b. Large, wide (I'm getting a little overweight here, but not much)
With. Moderate, in proportion to my waist and hips
e. Graceful, curvaceous, noticeable against the background of my waist (My torso is short and I get better here when I gain excess weight)
e. Very noticeable, lush curves (I'm thin or full - I'm always "busty")

a. Elongated, but boyishly tapered (This is true even when I "m overweight.)
b. Elongated, but tends to be very straight (if thin) or thick (if overweight)
c. Moderate, slightly defined, but not overly cinched
d. Very small, in proportion to my bust and hips
e. Softly defined, but tends to be slightly wide

My waistline is best described as:
A. Elongated but boyishly tapered (This is true even when I am overweight)
b. Long, but usually very straight (if thin) or tight (if overweight)
With. Moderate, slightly pronounced, but not too noticeable
e. Very thin and short in proportion to my bust and hips
e. Softly defined, but usually a little broad.

a. Tapered, straight, and boyishly narrow (However, I do tend to thicken here when I "m overweight.)
b. Straight, slightly tapered, and slightly wide (Excess weight always seems to collect at my hips.)
c. Moderate, in even proportion to my bust and wasitline
d. Shapely and rounded, more pronounced than my waistline
e. Extremely soft and rounded, whatever my weight

The line of my hips is best described as:
A. Tapered, straight, and boyishly tight (However, I tend to get fat here when I gain weight)
b. Straight, slightly tapered, slightly wide (Overweight always gathers on my hips.)
With. Moderate, evenly proportional to my bust and waist
e. Graceful and rounded, more pronounced than my waist
e. Extremely soft and rounded regardless of my weight

a. Long, light, and blue
b. Elongated and tending towards muscular
c. Moderate, neither extremely soft nor extremely muscular or sinewy
d. Soft, slightly short
e. Very soft, slightly wide and fleshy

The soft tissue on my shoulders (shoulder to elbow) and hips (hip to knee) can best be described as:
A. Long, flexible, sinewy
b. Elongated and prone to muscularity
With. Moderate, neither overly soft, nor muscular or sinewy
e. Soft, slightly short
e. Very soft, slightly broad and fleshy


Facial Bones
facial bones

a. Sharp, either very pointed, very prominent, or very square
b. Broad or blunt, slightly wide
c. Moderate, symmetrical, neither wide, sharp, nor rounded
d. Delicate, tapered, or slightly narrow
e. Rounded or softly wide

My jawline is best described as:
A. Sharp (very sharp and very protruding or very square)
b. Broad or blunt, slightly large
With. Moderate, symmetrical, neither broad, sharp nor rounded
e. Delicate, tapered or slightly narrow
e. Rounded or gently flaring

a. Sharp or prominent
b. Broad or blunt, but on the large side, possibly wide
c. Moderate, symmetrical, netiher overly large nor overly rounded
d. Delicate, tapered, narrow
e. Rounded or softly wide

My nose shape is best described as:
A. Sharp or prominent
b. Wide or blunt with wide wings, possibly large
With. Moderate, symmetrical, not very large, not very rounded
e. Delicate, tapered, narrow
e. Rounded or gently flaring

a. high, prominent
b. Wide
c. Symmetrical, moderate
d. Delicate, narrow, slightly rounded
e. rounded

My cheekbones are best described as:
A. tall, protruding
b. Wide
With. symmetrical, moderate
e. Delicate, narrow, slightly rounded
e. Rounded


facial features
Facial features


a. Narrow, straight, closely spaced, or almond-shaped
b. Narrow, straight, widely spaced
c. Evenly spaced, symmetrical, moderate size
d. Rounded, slightly close together, possibly slightly almond-shaped or up-turned
e. Very round and very large

My eye shape is best described as:
A. Small, straight, close-set or almond-shaped
b. Small, straight, wide set
With. Evenly set, symmetrical, medium size
e. Rounded, slightly closely spaced, possibly slightly almond-shaped or with raised corners
e. Very round and very large

a. Straight, narrow, sometimes described as "thin-lipped."
b. Straight, strong, slightly broad, but not full
c. Moderate, evenly shaped, neither straight nor overly full
d. Slightly full and rounded
e. Very full, very rounded, and very luscious

My lips are best described as:
A. Straight, narrow, sometimes described as "thin lips"
b. Straight, "strong", slightly wide, but not plump
With. Moderate, evenly shaped, neither straight nor too plump
e. Slightly plump and rounded
e. Very plump, very round, and very juicy

a. Taut and flat, even when overweight
b. Fairly taut, but I do tend to get a little "puffy" when I put on weight
c. Moderate, soft, but not puffy
d. Soft and fleshy, and may be extremely full with excess weight
e. Very soft, very fleshy, very round, even when I "m at my thinnest

My cheeks are best described as:
A. Elastic and flat, even when overweight
b. Fairly firm but tends to get a little plump as I put on weight
With. Moderate, soft but not plump
e. Soft and fleshy, can become extremely full when gaining weight
e. Very soft, very fleshy, very round, even when I'm thin



a. Extremely finely textured (silky-smooth), either straight or with a slight bend

b. Strongly textured (coarse, heavy, either thick and straight or wavy/curly
c. Moderate texture, slightly wavy or with a bend
d. Moderately thick, with bend, wave, or curl
e. Extremely thick, with lots of wave or curl (with a soft surface)

A. Extremely fine texture (silky smooth), either straight or slightly wavy
b. Strong texture (coarse, heavy, or thick and straight, or wavy/curly)
With. Moderate texture, slightly wavy or curled
e. Moderately thick, curled, wavy or curly
e. Extremely thick, with a lot of waves and curls (with a soft surface)


Answers predominate A: Pronounced, sharp Yang - Dramatic.
E answers predominate: Pronounced, soft Yin - Romantic.
Dominated by answers in column C: Balance between extremes - Classic.
Column B dominated: Soft Yang - Natural.
If the answers are an even mixture of extreme opposites A and E: A combination of opposites - Gamin.

If the responses are dominated by A with a few E responses having a strong impact:
Strong Yang with a pronounced admixture of Yin - Soft Dramatic.
Note: For this type, your bone structure must be Yang-dominant while your physique and/or facial features must be Yin-dominant.

If your responses are dominated by E and/or D responses, plus a few A responses in second place:
Soft Yin with a little Yang - Theatrical Romantic.
Note: To qualify for this type, your physique and facial features must be Yin-dominant, while your bone structure must be slightly Yang-influenced.

If your answers are dominated by C plus a few other A's and/or B's: Balanced with Yang influence - Dramatic Classic.
Note: For this type, your physique and facial features should be balanced between the extremes of Yin and Yang, while your bone structure should be more influenced by Yang.

If your answers are dominated by C plus some D and/or E answers:
Balanced, with the influence of Yin - Soft Classic.
Note: For this type, your bone structure must be primarily balanced between the extremes of Yin and Yang, while your physique and facial features must be more influenced by Yin.

If your responses are dominated by B, plus a few A responses:
strong yang with rounded shapes Bright Natural.
Note: For this type, your bone structure should be extremely Yang-dominant, while your physique and facial features will be moderately Yang-dominant.

If your answers are dominated by B plus some D and/or E answers:
soft Yang with a touch of Yin - Soft Natural.
Note: For this type, your bone structure should be moderately Yang-dominant, while your physique and facial features will be Yin-influenced.

If your answers are a mix of opposite extremes A and E/D, and you also have multiple B answers:
combination of opposites, super-Yang - Bright Gamine.
Note: For this type, your bone structure and physique must be Yang-dominant while your facial features and height are Yin-dominant. The bones of the face will be strongly Yang.

If your answers have an almost equal mix of opposite extremes A and E, but you also have a few additional D answers:
combination of opposites with additional Yin - Soft Gamine.
Note. for this type, your bone structure must be Yang-dominant while your physique must be Yin-dominant. Facial features should also be extremely Yin-dominant.
In determining your Yin/Yang balance and resulting Image Identity theme that balance defines you as, don"t worry if your readings don"t exactly match the profiles given here. The point is one of overall balance on the scale, meaning that there may indeed be slight alterations here or there in your physical makeup. Strive, instead, to define which of the themes you most closely resemble, and use this as your guideline. Don "t, however, define youself as a mixture of themes. The themes don" t mix.

When determining your YIN-YANG balance and obtaining the result as a Personality Image type, don't worry if the description of your appearance doesn't match perfectly with what is written. This is just one point on the scale of overall balance, which means that small deviations in your physical appearance here or there are possible. Strive to determine which type you are closest to and use that as a guide. It is not necessary, however, to define yourself as a mixture of types. Types don't mix.