Types of manicure gel polish ideas. Types of decorative manicure, their description and technique. Using gel polish, video

Manicure is a set of measures, as a result of which the appearance of nails and hands improves, has a therapeutic and decorative focus. We will analyze all types of manicure.

Manicure is a set of measures, as a result of which the appearance of nails and hands improves, has a therapeutic and decorative focus. We will analyze all types of manicure and describe the main features, advantages, disadvantages and contraindications.

Cosmetic and Medical

Manicure is medical and cosmetic.

Medical manicure is part of the measures necessary in the treatment of a number of diseases, such as nail fungus. It is prescribed for various deformities of the hands, most often the nails and phalanges of the fingers. Medical manicure necessarily involves:

  1. Sessions are conducted by a person with a special education;
  2. Treatment takes place in a medical institution;
  3. Conditions of sterility in the behavior of manicure;
  4. Medicines are applied to the nails.

Cosmetic manicure has an aesthetic function, improves the appearance, decorates. Contraindicated in fungal diseases of the nails.

Children's manicure

Children's manicure, in addition to the cosmetic effect, can help get rid of the habit of biting nails, which are treated with special products, most often bitter in taste.

This type of manicure has its own differences:

  1. Sparing methods of processing nails are used, it is always an unedged look. The nail plate of children under 14 years of age has a soft structure, with improper processing, deformation of the nail plate can be caused. The cuticle is gently pushed back after softening.
  2. Only certified children's products are used that will not cause an allergic reaction.
  3. To work with children's nails, only fine-grained glass nail files are needed.

Manicure for men

Men's manicure is different from others. The skin of the hands of men is denser, rougher, they do not have thin, exfoliating nails, on the contrary, their nails are stronger, thicker, this must be taken into account.

Features of male manicure:

  • Coarse-grained files are used;
  • In order to remove the cuticle, nippers are needed;
  • The protective coating is matte.

Classic manicure

Classic manicure is also called edged. In Russia, this is one of the frequently performed manicures today. The technology is very simple, it comes down to the following mandatory procedures:

  1. The nails are given the correct shape;
  2. Apply a hand bath with herbal preparations, sea salt. Duration 10 minutes.
  3. The softened cuticle is trimmed with wire cutters or special scissors.

Pros of classic manicure:

  • Intensive care for the treatment of nail problems;
  • Suitable for unkempt hands, gives a quick effect;
  • Doesn't take long, about 30 minutes.

Cons of classic manicure:

  • Burrs may appear;
  • There is a possibility of skin damage, you can bring an infection;
  • If the cuticle is damaged, increased growth, keratinization may occur;

hot manicure

Hot manicure goes well with classic, European. It gives an excellent result with brittle nails, increased dryness, with damage to the cuticle. The principle of hot manicure is based on the use of a device that heats and maintains the temperature up to 40°C. Oil, warm lotion soften the skin, increase blood circulation, useful elements penetrate deeper, the effect of the procedure is greater.

Pros of hot manicure:

  • Makes the cuticle softer;
  • Moisturizing and skin of the hands.
  • European manicure

European manicure

The method was invented in Europe, the second name is unedged manicure. The method does not use cuticle scissors. Such a manicure is safer than the classic one.

Pros of European manicure:

  • Bloodless, painless procedure;
  • Eliminates the possibility of infection with infectious diseases;
  • Tweezers and scissors are not used.

Cons of European manicure:

  • Does not give the desired effect with rough skin;
  • Suitable for well-groomed hands, accustomed to constant visits to nail salons.

Hardware manicure

Hardware manicure is considered a type of European. Its main difference: during the procedure, a special apparatus with many devices is used. They work on the cuticle. Polished, shaped.

  1. With an uneven surface, delamination of nails;
  2. With a wet nail plate;

Cons of hardware manicure:

  • If the master is not professional enough, it is possible to harm the nail plate, thin it unnecessarily, and increase sensitivity.

SPA manicure

Spa manicure is used as an anti-aging procedure, for which products are used, which include ceramides. They restore elasticity, improve water balance, rejuvenate, work like a light peel. The manicure session ends with a relaxing hand massage.

The positive impact of SPA - manicure:

  • Moisturizing;
  • Relaxation effect on the body;
  • Saturation with vitamins, skin ceramides;
  • Effective peeling.

Paraffin therapy

Paraffin therapy is useful during the off-season. The method consists in phased disinfection, cream nutrition, immersion in warm paraffin. After that, the hands are placed in bags, then in special terry cloth mittens. After the end of the procedure, the paraffin residues are removed, a hand protection cream is rubbed into the skin.

The positive effect of paraffin therapy:

  • Improvement of tissue regeneration, healing of cracks in the skin;
  • Removal of toxins;
  • Moisturizing, normalizing water balance;
  • Skin whitening;
  • Mood improvement.


  • Cuts, open wounds on the hands;
  • Hypertension;
  • Varicose veins.

The following types of manicure differ, mainly in decorative elements.

French manicure

Another variant of the name of such a manicure is a jacket. The features of the jacket are the most natural shades of beige. White is applied to the upper protruding part of the nail. Such a manicure is universal and suitable for different styles of clothing.

American manicure

American manicure is of two types:

  1. Classical where varnishes are used in bright colors, a combination with shades of lipstick is required. The nails are long and oval in shape.
  2. Beverly Hills, with a distinctive feature when staining, preference is given to natural shades.

Spanish manicure

Spanish manicure dictates the use of varnish in bright colors, applied in strips, slightly overlapping one another. Most often, two varnishes are used. Stripes are drawn vertically, horizontally, diagonally.

Japanese manicure

Japanese manicure is different from other types. Its main goal, using medicinal preparations made from natural products, is to make the nail plate healthy, well-groomed, stronger. It is not customary to hide nail problems by applying varnish layer by layer. Specialists process them with wooden nail files. This type of manicure prohibits the use of metal, coarse files when processing nails.

Brazilian manicure

Brazilian manicure is an excellent wellness procedure, during which comprehensive care is provided. Hands are placed in a container of warm water. Then, with the help of scissors and nail files, the nails acquire the necessary shape, then the nutrient composition is rubbed in, and disposable gloves are offered. The cuticle is processed, everything ends with a relaxing massage of the hands.

What type of manicure do you prefer? Share in the comments!

Manicure is a procedure for caring for hands and nails, giving them an aesthetic appearance. What types of manicure exist and how do they differ?

Beautiful well-groomed hands are part of the image of a successful person, which is almost always noticed, so manicure is an indispensable procedure for modern women and men. To maintain the beauty of the hands, it is recommended to do it about once every 2 weeks at home or in the salon with a qualified specialist.

Typically, a manicure includes not only the treatment of skin and nails, but also other more pleasant procedures - hand baths, massage, peeling, masks. What types of manicure exist today and what are their features?

Do trimming manicure yourself should be very
be careful, as during the procedure there is a possibility
skin damage and infection

Classic cut manicure

This is the most common type of manicure, often referred to as "wet". It is done manually - by the master or independently. Its main feature is the use of water and special manicure accessories: scissors, nail files and tweezers to remove rough skin.

After removing the old varnish, the nails are processed: giving them the correct shape and polishing. The next step is a hand bath, softening and removing cuticles and burrs with tweezers. After that, a hand massage is performed using a moisturizing or nourishing cream. Before applying varnish, the nails are degreased with disinfectants, and then covered with a layer of colorless or colored varnish.

Advantages and disadvantages of classic manicure
This type of manicure is great even for neglected hands, as it allows you to eliminate all imperfections in 1-2 procedures. However, during its implementation, there is a possibility of damage to the cuticle and infection. To prevent this from happening, all tools must be well cleaned and disinfected, even if the manicure is not performed in the salon, but at home.

European unedged manicure

The main feature of the European manicure is that it is performed without the use of water and cutting objects. The cuticle is removed with the help of special cosmetics.

First, the nails are processed with a nail file, polished, and then a softening and dissolving composition is applied to the cuticle, which slows down its growth. After that, the skin is easily removed with a wooden stick from the surface of the nail plate.

Advantages and disadvantages of European manicure
European manicure is suitable for well-groomed hands, however, if the hands require intensive care, it is better to do a classic cut manicure. In addition, unedged manicure eliminates possible damage to the cuticle and the formation of burrs.

Hardware manicure

Hardware manicure is performed using special equipment. Instead of steaming with water, emollient cosmetics are used, and for the treatment of skin and nails, an apparatus with nozzles of various purposes, shapes and sizes is used.
During such a manicure, the skin of the hands remains dry, and the cuticle is removed by an uncut method using a special nozzle, which eliminates skin damage. Hardware manicure is especially convenient for processing the nail plate: it helps to quickly give it a beautiful shape and smooth the surface.

Advantages and disadvantages of hardware manicure
The main advantage of hardware manicure is that it is absolutely safe: the risk of skin damage and infection is excluded. However, not all masters own this technique, so it is necessary to take a responsible approach to choosing a salon. In case of improper use of the device, the nail may be injured.

SPA manicure

This is one of the most pleasant hand procedures, bringing benefit and pleasure at the same time. There are no specific rules for its implementation, however, in addition to nail treatment, this type of manicure, as a rule, includes oil and paraffin hand baths, peeling, massage, and various masks.

When performing a SPA manicure, cosmetics are used, which include natural ingredients: essential oils, plant extracts, mud, algae, thermal waters, salts, chocolate, honey, milk and others.

Advantages and disadvantages of a spa manicure
A spa manicure is a rather lengthy procedure that takes about 2 hours, so it should be done exactly when there is time and a desire to relax. She will not only give beauty to her hands, but also charge her with a great mood.

It is worth remembering that some of the products used for a spa manicure are not suitable for everyone and can cause an allergic reaction, and paraffin hand baths have a number of contraindications: skin damage, diabetes, varicose veins and others.

Japanese manicure

Japanese manicure is not just hand care, but a real philosophy. It is based on a combination of unedged skin and nail treatment and spa treatments. During the procedure, only natural gentle products and materials are used that help to treat and eliminate various problems with nails: brittleness, delamination, cracks, and also improve skin condition.

An integral part of the Japanese manicure is a special hand bath with the addition of oils and massage with silk bags with warm salt.

Advantages and disadvantages of Japanese manicure
Japanese manicure is great for nails that need intensive restoration. The procedure is gentle and has no contraindications.

hot manicure

A hot manicure is used as a treatment for the hands or a preparatory stage for other types of manicure. Oil-based cosmetic formulations are heated in a special apparatus to a temperature of 45-50 degrees, and then hands are immersed there for 20-30 minutes.
Thanks to the temperature and the active ingredients that make up these cosmetics, the skin is saturated with nutrients and restored. Such warm baths for hands also help to solve many problems with nails: make up for the lack of vitamins, eliminate delamination and brittleness.

Advantages and disadvantages of hot manicure
A hot manicure is especially recommended in winter, when the skin of the hands suffers from exposure to cold. This procedure is also useful for people who have problems with hand joints. However, it has a number of contraindications: infectious diseases, high blood pressure, skin damage, diabetes, varicose veins and others.

People with rough and problematic hand skin should choose a classic
cut manicure. Those with thin and sensitive skin should try
hardware and Japanese manicure. And for relaxation, recovery and treatment
hot and spa manicures are perfect.

Elena Kobozeva, dermatovenereologist, cosmetologist:“Manicure gives the hands a beautiful and well-groomed look. It should be remembered that excessively careful removal of the cuticle can accelerate its growth. Damage to the growth zone of the nail is also possible, which will make its surface uneven. During the manicure, it is necessary to monitor the quality of the processing of the master's tools. All manicure accessories must first be treated with a disinfectant solution and then sterilized at high temperatures. Only in this case is there a guarantee of protection against infection with hepatitis viruses, HIV, fungal infection.

Expert: Elena Kobozeva, dermatovenereologist, cosmetologist
Katerina Kapustina

The material uses photographs owned by shutterstock.com

A beautiful, bright, and most importantly, durable manicure is what many women dream of. But often the coating peels off the nails within two or three days. But it was like that before. Now everyone has the opportunity to perform a manicure with gel polish, which will allow you to create a bright, beautiful and very resistant nail art of nails to your taste.


Coating Features

Nail manicure using gel polish is becoming more and more popular every day. It allows you to make a beautiful, lasting manicure even on your own at home. In addition, unlike nail extensions or acrylic coatings, gel polish is safer for the nail structure. The variety of shades, the possibility of drawing a picture or rhinestones on top of this coating make it possible to create a manicure for every taste and occasion.

The main feature of gel polish is its durability and the absence of such a defect as cracking on the surface of the nail. Therefore, you can not be afraid for the safety of your manicure and feel free to do household chores such as washing, washing dishes and wet cleaning.


Being the opposite of standard varnishes and acrylic coatings, this tool not only does not injure nails, but also helps to strengthen them and enhance growth. Therefore, this type of nail art is ideal for women with thin and brittle nails.

Also, such a coating will be the best choice for those who love a bright and beautiful manicure, but cannot or do not want to do it on their own every day. The unique formula of this tool allows it to keep the brightness of colors, their shine and safety on the nails for more than 14 days. Therefore, this nail design is perfect for those who go on vacation or on a long business trip.

But perhaps the most important feature of gel polish is the need to use specific equipment when applying it.

The process of covering the nails with it is not difficult, but it can become completely impossible due to the lack of necessary tools. Therefore, before proceeding directly to the manicure, you should purchase all the necessary attributes in advance.

Those who decide to try to do a manicure with gel polish on their own need to stock up on the necessary equipment, and first of all, this applies to special ultraviolet lamps. There are two types of such lamps on sale - UV and LED. For beginners, it is best to give preference to the first option, as it has a lower cost and is easier to operate.

You will also need special files of various sizes and a special file for grinding the nail plate - buff. In addition to the gel polish itself of various shades, you will also need a special base and fixer. Particular attention must be paid to ensure that these two products are designed specifically for gel coating, those used for nail extensions are not suitable. After using them, the gel polish begins to crack after a few hours. In extreme cases, you can cover the gel with an ordinary colorless varnish, but in this case you should not count on the long-term durability of the manicure.

And you will also need such accessories as special lint-free cotton pads or napkins, degreasers, orange tree sticks and emollient cream or cuticle oil. But it is not enough to acquire all the necessary tools, you need to learn how to use them correctly.

First of all, you need to undergo special training. It is the preparation for further work that plays an important role. Not only its appearance and durability, but also the opinion of you as a specialist depends on how well the manicure will be performed.

This can be done both at specialized courses and by asking a good specialist to show you a master class. It is even better to periodically take private lessons, so you can avoid many problems in your work and, if necessary, immediately get competent help. By itself, the instruction for working with gel polish is very simple, all the steps are accessible, understandable and detailed, but it’s better to see once than read or hear several times.

An important role in the work is played by the neatness of both the master himself and his working area. Therefore, it is very important that your desktop is always in perfect order. The first impression is the most important thing, even if you plan to do a manicure only for yourself and your friends.

A simple coating of gel polish nails of one color quickly gets boring. Therefore, it is recommended to constantly improve your professionalism. The easiest way is to purchase special stickers, rhinestones and stencils to create drawings and patterns.

Experienced manicurists strongly recommend that all beginners, even those who plan to do gel polish exclusively for themselves, create a portfolio of their work. This will allow you to visually see the progress of your activities or see some errors.

In addition, in the future, this will provide the client with a clear choice of possible nail design.

How to apply at home

But you can learn how to qualitatively, beautifully, correctly and accurately cover your nails with gel polish only by practicing regularly. Therefore, first of all, it is necessary to understand in detail how to properly paint nails with gel polish at home on your own.

There are two ways to do a manicure with your own hands, without leaving the walls of the house. They differ in the materials used and the type of lamp. In the first case, to perform a manicure, you will need a file, a buff, a base and a top coat, a UV lama, a gel polish of the desired shade, a degreaser and a disinfectant. In the second case, similar tools are used, but a primer is also added to them, and the UV lamp is replaced with an LED lamp.

The instruction of the first method contains the following steps:

  1. Sawing the edge of the nail to give it the necessary even shape and removing the keratin layer from its surface using a regular file and a buff file. It is necessary to use the buff with caution, it is enough to make only a few movements with this tool to remove shine from the surface of the nails. This is necessary for better bonding of the coating with the nail.
  2. Then you need to trim the cuticle, using special tweezers.
  3. Degreasing of the nail bed is a mandatory step in a manicure with gel polish.
  4. After that, the surface of the nail bed is covered with a special helium base. It is best to apply it on each finger and dry it in a lamp. In UV, the drying time is two minutes.
  5. After that, a thin layer of the selected shade of gel polish is applied to the dried nails. Pay special attention that the first layer should be translucent. We also recommend applying it to each finger in turn, and each next one needs to be painted after the previous one has dried.
  6. We apply a second layer of gel polish, which should be much thicker than the first. We also dry the tips of the fingers in a UV lamp.
  7. In conclusion, a top coat must be applied to all nails, which should also cover the end of the nails. It should also dry completely under ultraviolet rays. After the time has elapsed, the sticky layer from the nail is removed with a disinfectant.

If we talk about the second way to perform a manicure at home, then the sequence of actions is similar to the above method. The difference lies in two things:

  • After degreasing the nail bed, a primer is first applied to it, which is dried in a lamp, and only after that the base for gel polish is applied. Further manicure technique is also performed step by step, as in the first method.
  • Unlike an ultraviolet lamp, the LED lamp allows you to dry the coating not in two minutes, but in just 15-20 seconds, which can significantly reduce the procedure time.

Although in the first version of the manicure, an LED lamp can also be used. It all depends on financial capabilities and personal preferences. The technology for performing a manicure with gel polish does not imply the mandatory use of a primer. But experienced craftsmen say that it is this tool that allows you to extend the life of a manicure and has a positive effect on nails.

Performing a manicure in stages, you can add some of your changes. So, for example, before applying the top coat, you can decorate your nails with colored threads, rhinestones or any pattern. At the same time, it must be remembered that additional decorations can be applied only after the gel polish has dried in the lamp.

After decorating the nails, they must be especially carefully covered with a fixative in order to fix the elements on the nails and dry them in the lamp for about three minutes or 30 seconds, it all depends on its variety.

When making a manicure with gel polish, you need to pay special attention to the accuracy of applying all types of coatings to the nails. It is worthwhile to carefully monitor that the gel polish or fixative does not get on the skin rollers around the nails and cuticles. Firstly, they can provoke the appearance of irritation or an allergic reaction, and secondly, such a manicure will look untidy and careless.

How to make a gel polish manicure at home, see the video below.

But making nail art using this tool is only half the battle. Sooner or later it will need to be removed from the nail plate.

Withdrawal rules

This type of nail polish cannot be removed in the same way as regular nail polish. Some masters remove it from the nails with a file, that is, they cut it off, like an acrylic coating or extended nails. But this is absolutely wrong. Firstly, it is a waste of time, and secondly, such a procedure can significantly damage the nails.

To remove gel polish from the surface of the nails, you can use a special cleaning solution, which can be purchased immediately with the gel. And you can use ordinary nail polish remover, but on condition that it contains acetone in its composition.

In addition to the liquid itself, you will also need cotton pads or balls, orange tree sticks, as well as ordinary kitchen foil.

The discs are abundantly moistened in the selected solution and tightly applied to the fingertips, and wrapped with foil on top. In this position, the hands are on average 20 minutes. If a special agent was used, then the time of its exposure to gel polish is 15 minutes. If you used ordinary nail polish remover, then it must be left on the nails for half an hour.

Then the foil with cotton wool is removed from the fingertips. The nail covering under them should swell and rise above the surface of the nail itself. Using an orange stick, gently lift it to the end and move it to the edge of the nail, then completely remove it. Under the influence of the liquid, the varnish turns into a thin film, which is easily and simply removed from the surface of the nail without injuring it.

Of course, it should be understood that the longer this tool was on the surface of the nails, the more difficult it will be to remove, and the procedure can take much longer. Therefore, the optimal time interval between the application of this coating and its removal is 14 days.

After removing the gel polish, you need to let your nails rest for at least a couple of days. It is best to make special herbal baths or baths with sea salt, this will help them recover faster after the procedure.

Master classes

Using gel polish, you can create a manicure in any style and color. And in order not to have to rack your brains and look for the most suitable options, we have prepared 3 gel polish nail design master classes for you. Among them, you will definitely be able to choose the most suitable option for yourself.

The first master class will help you create the most elegant and popular French manicure of all time. You can choose not only the classic colors for this design, but also any other to your taste.

  1. Prepare a lamp, a buff, a nail file, a primer, a primer, a base, a gel polish of two selected shades, a fixer, a disinfectant, cotton pads and special strips for a French manicure.
  2. We file the edges of the nails and treat their surface with a buff.
  3. We apply a primer in one layer and send the nails to the lamp for 2 minutes or 10 seconds, it all depends on its type.
  4. We cover the entire surface of the nails, including the end, with a base for gel polish, and apply a primer on the tips of the nails with a thin layer. We send the nails in turn into the lamp for a similar period of time.
  5. We apply gel polish of the base shade in two layers over the entire length of the nails. Do not forget that the second layer can be applied only after the first has dried.
  6. We glue special stripes to the nails, with which we limit the painting area with the second shade. We paint over the tips of the nails with a second, darker color, again in two layers, each time sending our hands into the lamp.
  7. In conclusion, we cover all the nails with a fixative, dry them in a lamp and remove the sticky layer with a disinfectant.

Your French manicure, done with your own hands at home and in your favorite colors, is ready.

3 ways to apply French manicure with gel polish, see the video below.

Lovers of rhinestones and sequins should definitely like quilted manicure . And how to do it yourself, the following master class will tell you:

  • Prepare rhinestones, special super glue, light-colored gel polish, degreaser, foundation, fixative, lamp, nail floss, file and buff.
  • Prepare your nails for coating with the same tools, as in the previous master class.
  • Apply a layer of base on the nails and send it to the lamp for 30 seconds or one minute.
  • We remove the sticky layer and spread the manicure thread over the entire surface of the nails in the desired order.
  • Apply two layers of the selected gel polish in succession to the entire surface of the nail. Drying each of them for two minutes or 30 seconds in the lamp.
  • We remove the threads from the nail and apply small drops of glue to its surface where it is planned to apply rhinestones.
  • We put decorations on super glue, pressing them lightly.
  • In conclusion, we apply a fixer and send the nails to dry for another two minutes.

A beautiful iridescent quilted manicure is ready. You can apply glitter not on each nail, but only on a few. The same applies to applying a pattern with threads.

How to make a quilted manicure with gel polish, see the video below.

The so-called partial manicure is also very popular. It lies in the fact that 3-4 nails on the hand are painted with gel polish of one tone, and the rest are decorated at will - you can use stickers, you can create any pattern or borrow elements of a quilted manicure. This nail art is very easy to make.

  1. Prepare a lamp, a file, a buff, a degreaser, a fixer, a base, a primer, a gel polish, stickers with patterns, a disinfector.
  2. Prepare your nails for the procedure, as in the previous two cases.
  3. After degreasing the nails, apply a primer on them and send them to the lamp for 2 minutes. When performing this manicure, each layer of the product should be dried for two minutes or 30 seconds in a lamp.
  4. Apply the base under the gel polish on all nails and dry.
  5. Next, apply gel polish to all nails, except for the ring finger on one hand, as well as the little finger and middle finger on the other hand. Dry in a lamp.
  6. Glue prepared stickers to unpainted nails. They can be color, black and white, with the image of flowers and so on. It all depends on your taste. We cover all the nails with a fixative and send it to the lamp.
  7. Remove the sticky layer with a disinfectant.

Everyone knows that beautiful hands are the calling card of a woman. It is important to provide your nails with proper care, especially since the existing types of manicure are striking in variety. What is the difference between the techniques for their implementation, and is it possible to implement them at home?

Hygienic manicure

This term is commonly understood as a procedure that consists in giving the nails a well-groomed appearance. Its systematic implementation helps prevent the appearance of cracks, burrs, brittleness of the plates. Thanks to hygienic manicure, hands look neat and attractive.

Bath for nails
Nail file for manicure
Applying clear varnish

There are several varieties of hygienic manicure, but they all include the following actions:

  • giving the nails an optimal shape;
  • roller processing;
  • cuticle removal;
  • polishing.

Video lesson of hygienic manicure

Classic manicure

This procedure is also called trimmed manicure. It is quite popular and is performed as follows:

  1. First you need to get rid of the old varnish.
  2. File to give the nails an optimal shape. Hands must be absolutely dry, otherwise there is a threat of delamination of the nails.
  3. Soak your hands in a bath that will help soften cuticles. For this purpose, it is quite possible to use an ordinary solution of sea salt.
  4. After the procedure, the cuticle can be easily removed with nail clippers.
  5. Performing gentle massage movements, rub the oil into the skin.
  6. Give your nails a beautiful shine with a polishing tool.

Finally, a strengthening composition can be applied to the nails. It is also acceptable to use colored varnish.

The undoubted advantage of this type of manicure is the simplicity of its implementation. This method is also suitable when the nails are in poor condition.

Its disadvantage is that there is a high risk of damage to the cuticle and infection of the wound. If the procedure is done incorrectly, there is a risk of burrs.

With this type of manicure, it is permissible to seal the nails. When polishing, a cream containing vitamins and minerals is rubbed in. After that, oil is applied, which makes the nails more beautiful and shiny.

Classic manicure video

This therapeutic and prophylactic procedure is great for people who have problems with nails, as it protects against delamination of nails and increased dryness of the skin. Thanks to the sealing process, nails can be strengthened and their growth activated.

This procedure is perfect for those girls who want to bring their nails into perfect condition in a short time. For regular hand care, it is better to choose more delicate types of manicure.

European manicure

It is also called unedged, because it involves getting rid of the cuticle without the use of cutting tools. The technique for performing this procedure includes the following steps:

  1. First you need to remove the remnants of varnish and give the nails the desired shape.
  2. Treat the cuticle with a composition that contains fruit acids. Thanks to its use, the skin in the nail area can be made softer.
  3. After this procedure, you can get rid of the cuticle with an orange stick.
  4. Wipe off the rest of the product with a napkin.
  5. Gently rub the nourishing cream, performing massage movements.
  6. Make your nails more shiny with a special polishing tool.

Since such a manicure has a delicate effect, lasting results can be achieved only after the 5th - 6th procedure. At first, you can get rid of the cuticle with forceps.

The advantages of such a manicure are obvious, because the likelihood of infection is practically excluded, since cutting devices are not used. The procedure is absolutely painless.

Video lesson of European manicure

The disadvantages include the fact that European manicure is not suitable for owners of rough skin. In addition, it will be possible to obtain tangible results only after a few procedures.

This manicure is considered one of the European subspecies. Before starting the procedure, the varnish is removed with a special liquid without acetone. In this case, the cuticle does not have to be covered with a special tool. It is removed by means of a device having a replaceable diamond nozzle.

Such a manicure is perfect for people who have problems with nails - delamination or damage. The procedure is performed exclusively on dry skin, and special grinding nozzles are a device for work.

Hardware manicure, video

It is not recommended to carry out a hardware manicure on your own, since any careless movement can cause serious injury to the nail plate.

hot manicure

This procedure is ideal for owners of brittle and dry nails. It can also be chosen by girls with damaged cuticles. A hot manicure may well be an addition to a classic or European procedure. For its implementation, a special device is used that has two modes - heating and maintaining the desired temperature.

To perform a manicure, you should do the following:

  1. Get rid of the remnants of varnish and provide nails with a beautiful shape.
  2. Pour a special lotion into the bath, and then place the device there.
  3. Soak your fingers in the lotion for 10 minutes.
  4. With gentle movements, rub the product into the cuticle, and treat the skin of the hands with the remaining composition.
  5. To increase the effectiveness of the procedure, it is recommended to carry out paraffin therapy.
  6. Get rid of cuticles with nail clippers or an orange stick.
  7. Give your nails a beautiful shine with a polisher.

Video lesson of hot manicure

Performing such a manicure allows you to saturate the skin of the hands with nutrients, as well as moisturize it. In addition, this procedure has a softening effect on the cuticle.

SPA manicure

To prolong the youthfulness of the skin of the hands, it is recommended to use preparations with ceramides. They allow you to soften and moisturize the skin, make it more elastic and get rid of dead cells. After the end of the SPA manicure, a relaxing massage is performed, which helps to get rid of fatigue and tension.

The procedure involves the following steps:

  1. Give your nails the desired shape.
  2. Soften the cuticle and lubricate it with a special tool.
  3. Remove the cuticle using the traditional or European technique.
  4. Carry out superficial peeling. For this purpose, the hands are treated with an agent that helps exfoliate dead cells.
  5. Perform a deep peel. For this purpose, the skin is treated with a preparation for chemical peeling and rubbed for a couple of minutes with massage movements. This process has a moisturizing effect on the skin, helps to cope with cracks and saturate it with nutrients.
  6. To make the exfoliation process more intense, you can spend a session of paraffin therapy lasting 20 minutes.
  7. Perform a relaxing massage and moisturize the skin. For this purpose, a special tool is used that helps to glue the skin flakes and make it smoother.
  8. Treat nails with a polishing device to give them a beautiful shine.

Performing this type of manicure helps to ensure deep hydration of the skin of the hands, filling it with useful substances and getting rid of dead cells.

This type of manicure has several advantages. Shellac looks natural, allowing for a long time to maintain shine and rich color of nails. In addition, it is very easy to apply and remove quickly.

Shellac manicure is quite possible to do on your own. Of course, at the initial stage, you will have to spend a lot of money in order to acquire all the necessary tools for its implementation. But subsequently you will not have to pay for this service in beauty salons.

Shellac is applied in three stages: base, base coat and final stage. To make the manicure as neat and durable as possible, you need to take into account certain features.

Using gel polish, video

Before performing shellac, they do an ordinary dry manicure, after which each nail must be treated with an antibacterial agent. Then its surface is covered with a bonder and a transparent gel is applied. Within 25 seconds, the nails should be dried in a special UV lamp.

Applying colored gel polish is no different from a regular manicure. When performing the shellac procedure, it is necessary to start with the little finger and dry each nail with a lamp. When all the nail plates are processed, they should be dried in a UV or LED lamp.

The shellac manicure is completed by applying a fixing gel. Thanks to this, it is possible to seal the edges of the nails. This tool is also dried in a lamp. The sticky layer should be removed with a sponge. Then the cuticle should be treated with oil and massaged a little.

If all the stages of shellac manicure were carried out correctly, the color should turn out to be bright and saturated. To remove the varnish, you will need a special solvent, a sanding file and emollient oil.

French manicure video lesson

Varieties of manicure for applying varnish

Depending on the characteristics of applying varnish, there are such types of manicure:

  1. French. Emphasis is placed on the end of the nail. Today, girls use not only the classic combination of flesh color with white, but also other shades. French has a classic design and gives the nails a well-groomed look. When it is performed, the tip of the nail plate is usually covered with white varnish, and beige or pink is used for the rest.
  2. American. To perform such a manicure, natural pastel colors are used, which are applied to the entire length of the nails. This type of nail art is called Beverly Hills. At the same time, the classic American manicure requires the use of bright shades that are combined in color with lipstick.
  3. Spanish. The color is made more saturated through the use of an unusual base. Colorless varnish is replaced with milky or matte, after which a brighter agent is applied.

Blue spanish manicure
Rainbow manicure
Black and white spanish style

Modern types of manicure and execution techniques are somewhat different from each other, so each girl should choose the most convenient option for herself. In any case, it is very important to strictly adhere to a certain sequence of actions, then the final result will be as accurate as possible.

Every woman wants to be attractive, so her appearance must be impeccable: make-up, hairstyle, clothes and, of course, manicure. The best option for a beautiful nail design 2019 is a trendy gel polish manicure.

Benefits of gel polish manicure

In addition to being a very attractive manicure, it can serve as a decoration for your nails for a long time, up to a month. There is no allergic reaction with gel polish manicure. He is able to hide imperfections on the nails without annoying you with a pungent smell. In any way of lighting it is able to shine brightly. Manicure gel polish will create a variety of flawless looks with different styles and will delight you with its original design.

Thanks to a variety of techniques, you can add charm to short nails, diversify medium nails with a beautiful design, embody exquisite fantasies on long nails. Gel polish manicure will look great on square, oval, almond-shaped and sharp nails.

Popular techniques of trendy manicure with gel polish

In a fashionable gel polish manicure, there is not only a bright color palette, but also a variety of manicure techniques.

Classic in beautiful manicure

For lovers of laconic restraint, the fashionable design of a monochromatic gel polish manicure, gentle versions of the moon, and the beauty of a French weekend and daily manicure are suitable.

In the classics of 2019, trendy pastel, nude shades are close to natural tones with gentle options for all occasions. In a festive manicure, you can combine the French technique with a moon or plain one. Solid manicure gel polish can be glossy and matte, both for short and long nails.

Beautiful patterns and drawings on manicure gel polish

A stylish manicure gel polish with patterns and all kinds of patterns for short and long nails will always remain fashionable and will not lose popularity. 2019 offers a wide selection of original patterns and all kinds of designs that will decorate the nails of any fashionista. Monogram patterns, artistic painting, stickers in the trend of the season. Sophistication of manicure with gel polish will be given by the technique of applying patterns with the help of special stamps - stamping.

A novelty of manicure with patterns of incredible beauty and lightness is drawing on wet gel polish. A blurry pattern will highlight your manicure with originality and stylish design.

Popular matte manicure

The matte effect is quite popular in manicure, it can be done in different shades, combined with different types of techniques. Matte manicure looks great not only in dark and nude shades, but also in bright light even white tones.

Spectacular ombre in manicure gel polish

In addition to the standard manicure with ombre, this season presents fashionable novelties of gel polish manicure with a diagonal and graphic gradient, which will decorate the nails in an attractive and original way.

The beauty of glitter in manicure gel polish

The cat-eye manicure, which is very popular among women, looks especially chic in black, green and blue shades.

An unforgettable effect will be produced by the novelty of the season manicure chameleon, which reacts with overflows to changes in temperature and light.

It is impossible not to recall another fashionable manicure gel polish with craquelure. The peculiarity of the textured effect of craquelure manicure will give the nails a unique originality.

Original gel polish nail design ideas

You are bored with a monophonic manicure, the manicure design with decor will give your nails an extravagant originality.

Manicure gel polish with rhinestones

Any manicure gel polish will be a beautiful decoration of inlays, pebbles, beads. Nail design with rhinestones is possible both on one nail, and on several, or on all, it depends on the size of the rhinestones and the intended composition. For everyday manicure, a few small pebbles or beads are enough; for evening manicure, you can not limit yourself in the number of rhinestones and the originality of the composition.

Manicure gel polish with kamifubuki

A novelty in the design of manicure with gel polish is kamifubuki, the same sparkles, but larger. It looks like multi-colored confetti, but may not be round. With the help of kamifubuki, an original beauty gel manicure is created. You can make a beautiful composition out of them, laying them out on your nails in any order, you can simply decorate the tips of your nails or one nail and then cover them with a gel top.

Velvet in manicure gel polish

Acrylic powder will help to give the manicure the effect of a velvet coating. Creating original velvety patterns on the nails, you can decorate one nail, or all fingers, it all depends on your taste and imagination. Such novelties in gel polish manicure look especially good in the cool season.